ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 13:5 TRIBES OF VITI LEVU AND THEIR ORIGIN PLACES BY E. W. GIFFORD UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1952 TRIBES OF VITI LEVU AND THEIR ORIGIN PLACES BY E. W. GIFFORD ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Vol. 13, No. 5 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS EDITORS: E. W. Gifford, R. F. Heizer, J. H. Rowe Volume 13, No. 5, pp. 337- 376, plates 30-31 Submitted by editors May 8, 1951 Issued February 3, 1952 Price, 50 cents UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFATORY NOTE This paper is the fourth by the author based on material obtained during the University of California archaeological expedition to Fiji in 1947. This expedition was generously financed by the Viking Fund, Inc. I am indebted to Dr. Lindsay Verrier, Departmental Statistics and Demography Branch, Southern District Medical Office, Nausori, Fiji, for 1946 census figures on the Fijian population of Viti Levu and near- by smaller islands. On Viti Levu proper the Fijians numbered 64,681, on the small satellite islands 6,004. This paper is little concerned with the latter. 111 CONTENTS Page Prefatory note.. . . . ........ . . . . . .......... iii Introduction . ................................... 337 Tribes without recorded origin places ..... ............. 338 Tribes from Polynesia ......... ................... 339 Tribes from the Kauvandra Mountains ..... ............. 340 Tribes from origin places other than Kauvandra .... ....... 346 Origin places with more than two tribes .... ......... 346 Origin places with two tribes ..... ............... 349 Origin places with single tribe ..... .............. 352 Sources of tribal names ........ ................... 370 Literature cited . ................................ 371 Plates ....................................... 373 MAP Viti Levu Island, Fiji, showing provincial boundaries . .. facing 1 v 'I ilI . I H z -:( A I I TRIBES OF VITI LEVU AND THEIR ORIGIN PLACES BY E. W. GIFFORD ie archaeologist in Viti Levu has an advantage lis colleagues in California and most parts of the World, since nearly all the sites he works on are I and known to the Fijians. Those so named are r places of residence of the "tribes" (yavusa) of land, and are generally referred to as koro makawa, village." Of especial importance are those sites yavutu, a term denoting an original site. How- yavutu is also sometimes applied to an area or L, as, for example, the Kauvandra Mountains, which tribes name as their traditional origin place. the term is of no special service to the archaeolo- locating an ancient site. On the other hand, when vutu is a specific ancient site, as for example, g6liku (at site 17)1 or Vunda (site 26), the arch- ist is directed to cultural deposits of great value understanding of the prehistory of Viti Levu. order to facilitate my examination of Viti Levu eological sites in 1947, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna sup- me with a list of the numerous yavusa of Viti Levu ier with their yavutu, so far as recorded. These extracted from the many volumes of testimony Lbled by the Native Lands Commission since 1905, ablished herewith, and should be useful to the ogist and the physical anthropologist, as well as archaeologist, to say nothing of their intrinsic as a record of Fijian social and political organi- mne tribes are now scattered among different vil- less frequently in different districts, and rarely lerent provinces. Nevertheless, it should be re- ered that districts and provinces are modern ad- trative divisions; thus the fact that a tribe over- oundaries is not too significant. The story of the tents of each tribe would be a record of the in- i and tangled skein of events, especially during the entury and a half, when the growing power of the kingdoms of Mbau and Rewa caused many shifts Ilation. Local hostilities seem also to have been bent, apart from the growth of the two kingdoms. ! events cannot be considered in the present con- ei, but obviously the records of the Native Lands lssion are a mine of information, which it is to be will be adequately studied by anthropologists some Capell and Lester have made excellent but limited this source material in their paper on "Local D0S and Movements in Fiji."2 bether the word "yavusa" is to be translated pre- as "tribe" has been discussed byvariouswriters. Thompson translates it as "phratry,"3 since a W embodies a group of named patrilineal "clans" ggall or, in official Fijian orthographry, mataqali), *se in turn embody named patrilineal subclans ika). Dorothy M. Spencer translates "yavusa" numbered sites are described in Gifford, 1951a. Capell and R. H. Lester, 1941. Thompson, 1940, p. 32. as "tribe".4 Capell and Lester give a full discussion of the yavusa and its subdivisions and point out its local variations, 5 presenting the organization and history of the yavusa Nambukembuke5as an example for Viti Levu. This yavusa embraces nine "clans," which in turn in- clude twenty-seven subclans. Like the clans and sub- clans the yavusa is patrilineal. Mr. G. Kingsley Roth supplied the following inform- ation concerning the recording of information by the Native Lands Commission. Provision was made in the Native Lands Ordinance of 1905 for the establishment of the Native Lands Commission, and the section of the law relating to it runs as follows: The Governor shall appoint a Native Lands Commission consisting of one or more Com- missioners, each of whom shall have the pow- ers of the Commission, who shall be charged with the duty of ascertaining what lands in each province of the Colony are the rightful and hereditary property of native owners, whether of mataqalis or in whatever manner or way or by whatever divisions or subdiv- isions of the people the same may be held. It was as a result of that Commission's work over the years that Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna was able to produce for me the lists printed below. Ratu Sukuna is the only member left of the original Native Lands Commission. In 1947 he delegated the compilation of the lists for me to Setareki M. Koto, M.B.E., the only member of the staff of the original Commission now left. Of the total of more than six hundred yavusa re- corded for the island of Viti Levu and small adjacent islands, such as Mbau, Malake, Serua, Yanutha, etc., there are only about seventy-five which have no re- corded yavutu. In the body of this paper I shall use the word yavusa for "tribe" and yavutu for "origin place," retaining "tribe" and "origin place" in the chapter headings only. One phenomenon, very apparent from the data pre- sented in this paper, is the considerable amount of movement from place to place. Few yavusa now live at their yavutu. Some yavusa have left their yavutu and others have moved in. Tiny, but famous, Mbau Island, twenty-one acres in area, is an excellent example of this. See plate 30 for an air view of the island. The yavusa Vakali is the only one claiming Mbau Island as its yavutu, but this yavusa now lives on the mainland in the villages of Vakali and Vandrai in Nakelo District, Tailevu Province. After leaving Mbau Island and before settling in the present villages, the Vakali lived at Narukura and Kamba, Mbau District, Tailevu Province. There are now on Mbau Island three yavusa, 4Dorothy M. Spencer, 1941, p. 5. Miss Spencer worked in Nama- taku District, Tholo West Province. 5Capell and Lester, pp. 314-323. 6Ibid., pp. 330-335. 337 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Kumbuna (yavutu in Nayavu District, Tailevu Province) ,7 Tunindau (yavutu in the Kauvandra Mountains, Ra Province), and Nambou (yavutu Lasakau, at the foot of the Kauvandra Range, Ra Province). The Tunindau people reside in the part of Mbau Island called Soac the Nambou people in the part called Lasakau. Yet other yavusa, the Vusanamu of Tongan origin, lived a time on Mbau Island before settling in Rewa Prov TRIBES WITHOUT RECORDED ORIGIN PLACES Yavusa without recorded origin places are largely in the southwestern half of Viti Levu. Tholo West Province contains the largest number; Nandronga Province stands second. Other provinces with a scattering few are Nandi, Mba, and Tailevu. In the last there is but a sin- gle yavusa. It is of late origin, being composed of in- crements from two other yavusa. It is an interesting question whether yavusa without yavutu have merely forgotten their origin places and represent an early stratum of population, or whether these yavusa were never interested in such traditional matters. These tribes certainly are in marked contrast8 to the overwhelming majority of Viti Levu tribes which do claim yavutu. Another possibility is that the c14t to a yavutu is a pattern which, developed by one groq of yavusa (for instance, those that claim to be of Kal vandra origin), spread to others in somewhat the manner that fictitious genealogies are developed b for the rulers of Negro tribes in Africa which ha Mohammedanized. That this has probably happen suggested by certain tribes which, though claiming ] vandra origin, are of different speech from most vandra tribes, for example, those in the Kauvandra, (pp. 342-345) with names prefixed by lewei, noi, ari kai, all meaning "people of."9 YAVUSA WITHOUT RECORDED YAVUTU Yavusa Village Emalu .......... Nakoro Nanduta Kavindi ......... Nukuilau Keasuna ........ Yavulo Keasungananggali. .. Mbalenambelo Ketenavunivalu .. .. Emuri Naimbulukau Ketenatukani ...... Koroisangana Keyasi . ......... Tawaleka Wala Keyasungananggali. Volinangerua Koroivangandra .... Nawau Tau Koronikula ....... Yandua Korowaiwai ...... Nasivikoso Kumbunithere ..... Mbalenambelo Namanda Vatukarasa Leweikoromani.. .. Tau Leweilomo ....... Nambila Lewinakurasinga ... Lomawai Leweinasoni ...... Navisambasamba Leweitoko ........ Nausori Leweivaranga . . . . . Yako Leweivunaniu ..... Yako Mataono ......... Ndraimba Nandevo Matatini ......... Nasauthoko Mataviavia ....... Semo Mbolambolal0 ..... Nalembalemba Mota ........... Nukuilau Nakoro Nakaria . ......... Yako Nakumbulevu ...... Nandrala Nalangi ......... Nandrala Nalolo .......... Kumbuna Lomawai Namalo ......... Mbukuya Natambungguto Nambau ......... Naviyango Namboka ........ Korotongo Vatukarasa Nambua . . Oveya TSee Derrick, 1946, p. 54, n. 4, for still earlier details about the Kumbuna people, whom he describes as "the chiefly yavusa of Bau." 8Cf. Capell and Lester, p. 318. District Province Noikoro Tholo West Noikoro Tholo West Noikoro Tholo West Nasingatoka Nandronga Koroinasau Tholo West Tuva Nandronga Mbulu Mba Nanggalimare Tholo West Namataku Tholo West Namataku Tholo West Mbemana Tholo West Momi Nandronga Wai Nandronga Thuvu Nandronga Mangondro Tholo West Koroinasau Tholo West Korolevuiwai Tholo W.est Korolevuiwai Tholo West Wai Nandronga Momi Nandronga Wai Nandronga Malomalo Nandronga Namataku Tholo West Momi Nandronga Momi Nandronga Mangondro Tholo West Mangondro Tholo West Namataku Tholo West Tuva Nandronga Mbemana Tholo West Noikoro Tholo West Noikoro Tholo West Momi Nandronga Thonua Tholo West Thonua Tholo West Wai Nandronga Wai Nandronga Mangondro Tholo West Mangondro Tholo West Namataku Tholo West Thonua Tholo West Thonua Tholo West Mbau Tailevu 9Ibid., p. 320. 10Mentioned, ibid., "1Composed of parts of the yavusa Nalewandina and Tonga Namara District, Tailevu Province, and presumably of late oi 338 k GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUSA WITHOUT RECORDED YAVUTU (cont.) Yavusa Village District Province Nambua12 . Nambure ........ Namuka .. Nandrukumboto .... Nanggeleusa . Nanuku. Naroyasi ....... Nasatongo. . . . . . . Nasau ... Nasikawa .. Natavathake. -Natavaya .... Navakoro . Navuke ........ Navunuma. Nayambe. Ndrusau ......... Ndukusuna. Noi Kuata....... Noi Lau ... Noi Mandundu ..... Noi Nambua ...... Noi Thambe ...... Noi Tonga 13. Noi Toruku ...... Noi Tumbai ...... Noi Wai ......... Noi Werendrunga. Nuku .......... Nukuvura .. Rewasali ...... Ruailevu ....... Ruwailevu ...... Seriuthi . Talatala ........ Tiolovo ... . Tumbeinonggil4 . Tumbeitarewa .... Vasuikoro ...... Vunambaka . Vunandakua ... Yavusatina . Mavua Nandrala Voua Laselase Nandrungu Yavuni Mbukuya Nasivikoso Rukurukulevu Semo Numbutolu Vatunaremba Tonga Matokana Nakoro Natawa Nangusutambu Nandevo Ndraimba Naviyango Rukurukulevu Nakalavo Naindiri Nayawa Koronisangana Tonga Vunanggoru Votua Nawamangi Navutu Tangangge Yavuni Tawaleka Narata Naevuevu Ndraimba Wala Nasauthoko Korovou Wala Tawaleka Nggerenggere Yavuni Natunuku Raiwangga Nambau Nasauthoko Vunatovau Mbukuya Natambungguto Tonge Mavua Thonua Tuva Nasingatoka Naloto Vaturu Magondro Mangondro Thuvu Tuva Nasikawa Vaturu Nanggalimare Noikoro Noikoro Vaturu Koroinasau Mangondro Mangondro Namataku Thuvu Nokonoko Malomalo Nasingatoka Nanggalimare Nanggalimare Nanggalimare Korolevuiwai Thonua Wai Korolevuiwai Vaturu Namataku Thonua Thuvu Namataku Namataku Namataku Nasikawa Nasikawa N,amataku Nokonoko Vaturu Mbulu Mavua Tuva Namataku Nokonoko Mangondro Mangondro Naloto TRIBES FROM POLYNESIA is frequently observed that the tallness of coastal lers in Viti Levu is probably due to Polynesian ad- Lure, but Polynesian origin is claimed by only three Osa, one in Tholo West Province and two in Rewa rince. These three claim Tongan origin; none Ws Samoan or other Polynesian ancestry. However, a "s" is cognate with Samoan "s," and the "h" utestern Viti Levu is cognate with Tongan "h." lmited evidence of only three yavusa of Polynesian For details of organization see Capell and Lester, p. 319. Iee Gifford, 1951a, site 32 (Mbulu), pp. 253-254. origin, and these from Tonga, does not gainsay the pos- sibility that others of Polynesian origin have been for- gotten; nor does it gainsay the absorption of castaways into the population without their being indicated by a yavusa name. This last circumstance would apply par- ticularly to women castaways or immigrants, since the yavusa of Viti Levu are patrilinear. Two yavusa in Rewa Province named places in the kingdom of Tonga as the location of their yavutu. 14See Capell and Lester, pp. 320, 321, for mention of this yavusa and for diagram of Raiwangga village. I 339 Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandi Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Nandronga Tholo West Nandi Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Nandi Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Tholo West Nandi Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga Nandi Mba Tholo West Nandronga Tholo West Nandronga Tholo West Tholo West Nandronga I : F, 7- .r?lll - I 1, C i?. i ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Yavusa Nailarumbe; yavutu Mua, Tongatapu Island, Tonga. Now lives in Nasingatoka Vil- lage, District of Rewa, Province of Rewa. Be- fore settling in Rewa this yavusa lived at Tavuki, Kandavu Island. Yavusa Vusanamu; yavutu Kolomotua, Tonga- tapu Island, Tonga. Now lives in Nambua Vil- lage, District of Rewa, Province of Rewa. Be- fore settling in Rewa this yavusa lived on Mbau Island, Tailevu Province. In addition to the two yavusa in Rewa Province claiming yavutu in Tongatapu Island, a third yavusa, the Noi Tonga of Tholo West Province has already been re- corded under the caption "Tribes without Recorded Origin Places." Noi Tonga is the only one naming a definite individual as ancestor, namely, Finau Maile Latumai, apparently a political refugee of about 1800 In Rewa Province there is a district of Tonga and an island of Tonga, where now live three yavusa (VWa Nakorolevu, and Navokai), whose yavutu are on the si island. Whether these claim ultimate descent from t kingdom of Tonga was not learned. The yavutu of the first two is Nakorolevu; of the third Nanggavoka. In addition, yavusa Tonga from yavutu Tonga lives in. Naroko district, Ra Province, but the location of the yavutu was not learned, except that it may be the plai called Tonga, near site 14 (Namotutu) 6 rather than tl Kingdom of Tonga. Another tribe named Tonga clain the Kauvandra Mountains as yavutu. Capell and Lest assume that other Polynesians besides Tongans settl in Fiji. TRIBES FROM THE KAUVANDRA MOUNTAINS Yavusa claiming Nakauvandra (the Kauvandra Mountains), Ra Province, as their origin place total seventy-nine. (Those in two provinces have been counted twice.) From the standpoint of myth and legend these would be the yavusa dispersed from that mountain range after the war and the rise of dialectic difference mentioned in the origin tale.'8 The yavusa of Kauvandra origin are now living in six of the modern provinces, with the heaviest concen- tration (44 tribes) in Tailevu Province, eastern Viti Levu. Nandi Province in the west has 20, Serua Prov- ince 9, Tholo West Province 3, Rewa Province 2, and Lautoka Province 1. The two Rewa yavusa are the only ones to name definite places in the Kauvandra Mountains as yavutu, namely Matanikoro and Narau- yamba. It is of special interest that none of the modern yavusa of Ra Province claim Kauvandra as their yavu- tu. Instead they name various specific localities as yavutu, certain of them being at archaeological site 17. To the Ra tribes the Kauvandra Range is a holy and fearsome region, residence of the god Ndengei, who lives there in snake form. Part of the pathway of the dead also lies along this mountain range. It is to be doubted that seventy-nine yavusa came from the Kauvandra Mountains, which occupy a rela- tively small portion of the surface of Viti Levu. The precipitous character of the range makes it unlikely that it ever held much of a population. The explanation of the attribution to a Kauvandra origin lies, I believe, in the prestige attaching to such an origin, since the important deified ancestor Ndengei is supposed to re- side in that rangeP9 However, another possible explanation is that not the tribe themselves but only single tribal ancestors came from that region. I know of only one example of this, however: the yavusa Nambukembuke, which claims an origin place of the same name, apparently in Tholo East Province. This happens to be the sample yavusa selected for Viti Levu by Capell and Lester to exem- plify yavusa history. The account they translated from the Native Lands Commission records states that the ancestor (vu) alone came from the Kauvandra Mount- ains2oand, after marrying, founded a village at Nambu- kembuke which became the tribal origin place (yavutu). I have listed Nambukembuke in the section "Origin Places with Single Tribe." When the provincial distribution of the Kauvandra 15Gifford, 1951a, site 32 (Mbulu), pp. 253-254. 16Ibid., p. 248. 17Capell and Lester, p. 48. yavusa is compared with the distribution of those witb out recorded yavutu, the two groups are found to be largely mutually exclusive in distribution, a fact that no doubt of historical significance. (In the following list yavusa living in two provinces have been counted twice.) Number of Yavusa Number of Ya Provinces of Kauvandra Origin without Recor Tailevu. Nandi . Serua . Tholo West. Rewa ....... Lautoka. Nandronga Mba . Ra .............. Naitasiri. Namosi. Tholo East. Tholo North. 44 20 9 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 From the map it will be observed that the Kauvandr yavusa occupy provinces to the southeast, south, and west of that mountain range, which lies in Ra Province The absence of Kauvandra yavusa from several moder provinces is doubtless of historical significance. Now is reported for Ra Province, in which the mountain range lies, nor for other extensive provinces: Naita- siri, Nandronga, Tholo East, Tholo North, and Mba. The scanty number reported in the provinces of Tholo West, Rewa, and Lautoka ranks these provinces as un-, important in the distribution of Kauvandra yavusa. Th relatively large number in Nandi Province in the far west is difficult to understand. My theoretical interpretation of the distribution of these two categories of yavusa is that they are of dif- ferent strata of population. The Kauvandra yavusa are probably a late stratum that stems from the legendary second Ndengei immigration of about 1600. I am con-i vinced that these immigrants were Melanesians, not Polynesians as Brewster surmises.2' Yavusa without yavutu are, I think, mostl.y early Melanesians and in small part late-arriving Polynes- ians, probably specifically Tongans. The Melanesians 18Gifford, 1951b, p. 173. Apparently Biblical influence. 19Brewster, 1922, p. 269. 2'Capell and Lester, p. 331. 21Gifford, 1951b, p. 176; Brewster, pp. 255, 258. 340 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU uld represent an early pre-Kauvandra stratum of pulation and the Polynesians a minor post-Kauvandra iatum. The yavusa Noi Tonga, of Tholo West Prov- e, claiming no yavutu, nevertheless traced its an- stry to a Tongan named Finau Maile Latumai, who 3bably arrived about 1800.2 (Two other yavusa, of wa Province, claiming yavutu in the kingdom of bga, have been discussed under the heading "Tribes im Polynesia.") Moreover, in Nandronga and parts Tholo West, Tongan "h" replaces official Mbauan " in local dialects. The name of site 36, Namahara, an example?3 The yavusa claiming Kauvandra as their yavutu illus- i the geographic origin of many Fijian yavusa names. Tor details see Gifford, 1951., p. 254. IIbid., p. 255. Forty are named for the old village or first place of settlement after leaving the legendra yavutu. Many of the settlements made after leaving Kauvandra cannot be located on the 1939 map, since they have been abandoned. It is probably significant of legendary rather than real origin that no yavusa of Kauvandra origin employs that name as its yavusa name. Many yavusa of other origin are named for their yavutu, as will be apparent from the lists given in sections beyond. In the lists which follow I shall employ the designa- tion "old village" for the settlements occupied after leaving the yavutu but before moving to the present vil- lage. In some few cases the move was from the yavutu to the present village. In still rarer instances a yavusa may still reside at its yavutu. 341 : ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUSA FROM THE KAUVANDRA MOUNTAINS Yavusa | Old Village Present Village District Province Kai Loa ..... Kambatia.... Koromba .... Koronikalou Korovau. . . Leweinanggali. Leweivulani . . Matanikoro ... Mathoi..... Mbatiki. Mbau ....... Mbemanu .... Mbolambola Muana ...... Nailavutu .... Naithula ..... Naivakathere. . Nakamakama. . Nakorolevu... Nakukuthoko . . Nganganamoli, Sikituru near Korovuto Kambatia, Sawa Uluitova Koromba Yavuna Thautata Thautata Koroimbure, Tumbeinar near Koromba Nanggara at Namulomu Narararua Vunaniu, Yavusania Yavusania Kumbuna, Nukui Nayavu Dist., Tailevu Prov. Kumbuna to Visinu Navaka, Notho Dist., Rewa Prov. Mathoi Nambureni Namena Dist. Uthunivanu. Mbatiki Id., op- Nakalawat] posite Nanduru- loulou Mbau, Wailotua Nakorovou (the same) Navunisole Nawaka Nawaka Vatukinimai, Yavuna Mbolambola Nataveya, Nuku Natongand] Dist. Emua, between Yavusania Yako and Koro- vuto Naithula Nggelekurc Nailenga near Vatukarasa Nambaitavo Vunimbini, Ndorokavu Rewa Nakukuthoko, Navotua Ridge (the same) Sikitutu Nandi solo 3010 Livalu aa ha ravu a Waithoka Naitutu Verata Nawaka Mbau Nawaka Nawaka Sikituru Rewa Notho Namena Verata Namara Namalata Namalata Nawaka Nawaka Nuku Sikituru Namena Taivungalei Rewa Mbau Namalata Tailevu Nandi Tailevu Nandi Nandi Nandi Rewa Rewa Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Nandi Tailevu Nandi Tailevu Tailevu Rewa Tailevu Tailevu Namalata Tailevu 342 L a L VeinLunLgga GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUSA FROM THE KAUVANDRA MOUNTAINS (cont.) Yavusa [ Old Village Present Village District Province Nakukuthoko Naloto ...... Namboutini. . . Namoa . Nandakua .... Nandruku .... Nanggele .... Naovini ..... Nasau ...... Nasaunivalu . . Nasaunivalu Nasautoka . . . Nasevaravara . Nasoroiwatha Nathulava . ... (the same) Nakalawatha Naloto, Nasau- Nevithovatu toka Dist., Tho- lo East Prov. Namboutini Namoa Nandakua Nandruku, Noikoro Dist., Tholo West Prov. Nanggele Naovini Nasau (the same) Korovutia Ndakuinuku Nasau Malambi Korovisilou Nggelekuro Londoni Matathula Nakalawatha Sikituru Keyasi Nasautoka Vuna Vatukinimai on Yavuna Koromba Hill Nasoroiwatha, Wainimatan Navosa Nathulava, near Namanggu- Mbalenambelo, manggua Koroinasau Dist., Tholo West Prov. nga Natongandravu Wailase, Nau- sori, Naselai Tangangge Natongandravu Korolevuiwai Nuku Nautondua . . . Navalavungga Navitilevi .... Navo ....... Nawaimbuta... (Nasau) Nawaindina ... Nawaka ..... Ndavetalevu . . Navalavungga Koroisuthun- dua, Wailotua Navo Nawaimbuta (the same) Nawaindina Nawaka 343 Namalata Naloto Sawakasa Naloto Wailevu Serua Namena Sawakasa Namalata Namalata Sikituru Namataku Wailevu Nawaka Nuku Serua Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Serua Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Tholo West Tailevu Nandi Serua Serua Tholo West Tailevu Kamba Nasaimbitu Veinungga Vunayasi Nailenga Navunisole Matathula Nawaka Vatoa Mbau Nayavu Namalata Nandi Namalata Namalata Namalata Nawaka Mbau Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Tailevu I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUSA FROM THE KAUVANDRA MOUNTAINS (cont.) Yavusa Old Village Present Village District Province Ndaviko ..... Ndere. Ndeuimba .... Ndravuni .... Nggelema . Noi Korolevu. . Noi Korotongo. Noi Vunatoto. . Noi Yasawa... Raiwangga ... Rara ....... Salatu ...... Sayake ...... Tai ........ Taivungalei ... Tambukasivi. . Tathi .... Tathilevu .... Tholoinasau . . Ndaviko (the same) Ndere (the same) "Separated at Nanggatava" Mbureta, Ova- lau Id., toRewa to Ndeumba Wainivalau., Waindina, Naitasiri (the same) Nggelema Korolevu near Noikoro Nawangganda- mu Nawaka Nambitu Raiwangga (the same) Rara Salatu, Taivun- galei Dist., Tailevu Prov. Sayake near Navatusila, Vatumalimali Tai Korombasuka to Mbua Taivungalei near Nameka Village (the same) Lau Tathilevu, Namalata Tholoinasau Veinungga Navunimono Namburenivalu Lawaki Nggelekuro Savaniviuto Sandro Savaniuto Nasaimbitu Vunimbau Vatutu Nawaka Rararua Uto Nawanggandamu Nanggia Nakalawatha Nuku Luvunavuaka Naseva Taivungalei Natuva Kiuva Silana Matathauthau Mburerua Namalata Verata Namena Namena Namena Ndeumba Ndeumba Ndeumba Nayavu Ndeumba Nawaka Nawaka Rukuruku Rukuruku Rukuruku Nayavu Namalata Nuku Namena Taivungalei Taivungalei Taivungalei Mbau Ndawasamu Namalata Namalata Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Serua Serua Serua Tailevu Serua Nandi Nandi Nandi Nandi Nandi Tailevu Tailevu Serua Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu 344 345 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUSA FROM THE KAUVANDRA MOUNTAINS (cont.) Yavusa Thonua..... Tonga ...... Tova ....... Tuikoro .... . Tuinawainovo Tumbai ..... Tunindau .... Ua......... Vanukula .... Vatuthou .... Voni .... Vunatangga. . . Vusu . Werelevu .... Old Village Present Village District Province Yauyau, Mba Koroiatha Sambeto Nandi Tonga, near Visa Village, Vungalei Dist., Tailevu Prov. Tova Korolevu, Namara Dist., Tailevu Prov. Nawainovo, Ndawasamu Dist., Tailevu Prov. Nasaunoko- noko, Navosa Nambua Vitongo Hill Vatuthou Voni Vunatangga Vusu, Noikoro Dist., Tholo West Prov. (the same) (the same) (the same) (the same) (the same) Matanavatu Kumi, then to Yasa Nakorolevu Nasinu Nananu Namburenivalu Mbengga Soso (Mbau) Saunaka Vitongo Mburelevu Ndriti Vatutu Mbiyausevu Namatakula Komave Vunimaravu Namayava Wainandiro Rararua Namara Ndawasamu Namena Namena Nuku Mbau Nandi Vitongo Namena Ndawasamu Nawaka Komave Komave Komave Komave Komave Nuku Rukuruku Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Serua Tailevu Nandi Lautoka Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Tholo West -Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Serua Nandi Kumi Verata Yasa .. ... .. Tailevu ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS TRIBES FROM ORIGIN PLACES OTHER THAN KAUVANDRA Yavutu from which two or more yavusa were derived may be regarded as more important than those from which only a single one came. The Kauvandra Mountains, already discussed, are the reputed yavutu of numerous tribes, and consequently the most important. Other ya- vutu in Viti Levu have from nine to one yavusa. I have broken these down into three groups, as follows: (1) those with more than two tribes; (2) those with two tribes; (3) those with a single tribe. Five provinces contain no yavusa of Kauvandra ori- gin, none of known Polynesian origin, and none without origin places. These are the provinces of Ra (exclusive of the Kauvandra Mts.), Naitasiri, Namosi, Tholo E and Tholo North. It seems likely that yavutu claimed by two or mc yavusa are indication that such yavusa may be relal in origin. Such relationship, of course, can only be tablished by legends and genealogies. ORIGIN PLACES WITH MORE THAN TWO TRIB] I have arranged these yavutu in descending orde number of yavusa, from nine to three. Each yavutu name is used as a paragraph side head. Waithomba. - The nine yavusa listed below claim Waithomba District, Nandronga Province, as their yavutu. Yavusa Likulolo. Nalimoulevu. Nasawene ........... Noi Narongi ........... Noi Nasesevia .......... Noi Natualeka .......... Noi Yasawa........... Tavarua . Werelevu. Present Village Nasovotava Vangandra Volivoli Narata Nasovatava Narewa Vatutoko Narata Narata Natawatawandi Narata District Waithomba Waithomba Nasingatoka Waithomba Waithomba Waithomba Waithomba Waithomba Waithomba Nanggalimare Waithomba Province Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Tholo West Nandronga Verata. - Eight yavusa claim Verata as their yavutu. The ancient village site of Verata (archaeological site 2)224 is famous, according to Sir Lala Sukuna, as the yavutu of yavusa forming parts of the nineteenth-century rival kingdoms of Mbau and Rewa. Ancient Verata is in Verata District, Tailevu Province. Yavusa Mburetu . Naikasakasa . Nokonoko. Tathilevu. Verata ...... Vunivalu . Vuniyavu ... Wainasuwe ... Old Village Naikasakasa Namata, Namata Dist., Tailevu Prov. Lokia, Rewa Prov. Motonoko, Viria Dist., Naitasiri Prov. Landed at Vunda, Lautoka Prov., then to Verata Namako Namako Present Village Naloto Kumi Navatuyamba Veiyanuyanu Viria Uthunivanua Nanduria Nakorovou District Province Verata Verata Tonga Tonga Viria Tailevu Tailevu Rewa Rewa Naitasiri Verata Tailevu Ndreketi Rewa Ndreketi Rewa Saivou. - Saivou District, Ra Province, is the origin place of the seven yavusa listed below. There is another Nakoro yavusa from yavutu Natakali, which see in this section. Yavusa Nakoro . Naroko . Navitini. Nawanggavesi ...... Tauvau . Tokaimalo. Vatundamu ...... Present Village Lutu Rewasa Navuanga Nanokonoko Mbuka Mbureloa Naiserelangi Endronu. - One of the most interesting yavutu for more than two yavusa is Endronu, on the Tualeita Range, which is near Vunda, Lautoka Province. The five yavusa listed below claim Fndronu as their yavutu. All now live in the Sambeto District, Nandi Province, close to 24Gifford, 1951a, p. 243. the Tualeita Range which lies between Sambeto D and our site Vunda (site 26). In the list supplied Setariki M. Koto, M.B.E., from the records of thi tive Lands Commission, is the following commen cerning the Tualeita Range: "[The god]Ndengei District Muaira Naroko Naroko Naroko Naroko Nakuailava Naroko Province Tholo East Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra 346 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU ere also before Kauvandra." This, I assume, refers the "second" Ndengei, who, according to legend 25, wveled from the Vunda region to Nakauvandra. The inda people give primacy to Lutunasombasomba, com- Oder of the ship Kaunitoni, and make Ndengei his ~istant. The Tualeita Range is that which Lutunasom- Fomba and his followers ascended, when they set out Vunda for the Kauvandra Mountains. As they as- lded Tualeita, they bent the trees over with their bds, thus giving rise to the name Viti (to bend or to pak) for the island Viti Levu, according to my Vunda rormants. Lutunasombasomba died while en route to Kauvandra. The Tualeita Range is the western part of the pathway of the dead, the Kauvandra Range the east- ern part. Yavusa Leweikoro. Leweindrasa . Leweiwavuwavu .... Ne . Waruta ..... Present Village Namboutini Nandele Nakorokoroyawa Nandele Natalau Mburembasanga. - Five yavusa claim Mburembasanga, in the district of that name in Rewa Province, as ir yavutu. (Ratu Rambithi Vuikandavu Longavatu, who served as my aide in archaeological work, is a mem- of the matanggali Valelevu of the yavusa Mburembasanga, listed below.) kvusa Old Village urembasanga ..... Lomanikoro Ourenivalu ....... Naivindamu Iimbatisuli ....... Nameremere Ltheruku .... . . virourou ....... . Present Village Lomanikoro Ndraumbuta Ndraumbuta Nambitu Vuthi Namboutini. - The yavutu Namboutini, in Sawakasa District, Tailevu Province, is the source of five yavusa, living in Tailevu Province today. Old Village u ........ .. m. a . t. . . . m ..b .o.. -imaro . . . . Liniivesi Vatulawalawa Nambati Nambuto Taunovo, Naloto Dist., Tailevu Prov. (the same) Veikau Present Village Sawakasa Nananu Vorovoro Mburerua Sawakasa Sawakasa Natakali. - Claiming their yavutu named Natakali, at Taivungalei, Taivungalei District, Tailevu Province, * the following four yavusa. Another Nakoro yavusa, with yavutu at Saivou, lives in Tholo East Province. J yavusa listed under Saivou in this section. ~vusa Old Village Present Village District Province koro .. . . . . . . . . . Lvunivungalei . . . . ngalei . . . nisanggiwa . * . . Matanikoroiwalu Mbotia Mbotia From Verata to Natakali From Verata to Natakali From Verata to Natakali Natalatu Natoaika Nanggelendamu Kasavu Natoaika Visa Savu Tombuninggio Naisaumua Sote Kavuwa. - The location of the yavutu Kavuwa was not recorded, although it is the source of four yavusa, Biding principally in Mba Province. Old Villlage mathuku. fusarau ........ p. ifford, 1951b, p. 170. Nakusarau Nakusarau Present Village Sasa Nailanga Nasolo Tambalei Tongalevu Nailanga Sorokomba Nailanga District Rewa Tokatoka Tokatoka Tokatoka Tokatoka Province Rewa Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu District Sawakasa Namena Ndawasamu Sawakasa Sawakasa Sawakasa Naitasiri Namata Naitasiri Naitasiri Vungalei Vungalei Vungalei Tai Vungalei Naitasiri Tailevu Naitasiri Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu I District Mbulu Nailanga Nailanga Mangondro Mbulu Nailanga Mbulu Nailanga Province Mba Mba Mba Tholo West Mba Mba Mba Mba 4i., It 1? 347 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Tukani . .. Bank of Navisa Creek (the same) (the same) Sorokomba Nailanga Natutu Mbulu Nailanga Nailanga Mba Mba Mba Nasautoka. - Nasautoka District, Tholo East Province, is the yavutu of four yavusa, one with the name Nasautoka. The four yavusa with Nasautoka yavutu are the following: Yavusa Naivuthini . Nasautoka . Rara Wailevu Old Village Naivuthini Nakorolevu, Namara Dist., Tailevu Prov.; Ndelai (the same) (the same) Rara, Naitasiri Prov. Wailevu, Tailevu Prov. Present Village Vuna Mburenitu Naloto Vuna Wailotua Wailotua Vunda. - Four yavusa claim ancient Vunda (arch- aeological site 26)26 as their yavutu. Vunda is in Vunda District, Lautoka Province. These four yavusa still live in villages in Vunda District, though no one lives any longer at the ancient site. The yavusa Sambutoyatoya named Yavuna as well as Vunda as its yavutu. The location of Yavuna is not known. Furthermore this yavusa, or a part of it, trav- elled to Ra Province. The statement concerning this, in the Land Office data supplied to me, reads as follows: "To Nakauvandra, Ra; some landed at Malake Island." They perhaps returned to Vunda, as there is no record of them in Ra in modern times. Yavusa Kai Vunda..... Old Village Present Village . Yandro, according to author's Vunda informants. Lauwaki In Ra Province the yavusa claiming Mburenitu as their yavutu are as follows: Yavusa Present Village Mburenitu ........ Mburenitu Navolau Navuniivi Nailawa Ndama ......... Sowa Mbureimbau Namolimbale .... . Sowa District Nalawa Navolau Navitilev u Tokaimalo MbureivarA Mburelwai Mbureivanu I A II I I tI., 1, ; .I,,' 10, 4--I ?-4 Nailango. - Three yavusa, one named Mburenitu, claim as their yavutu Nailango, the location of which not recorded, but it might well be in Nambaitavo Dis-' trict, Naitasiri Province, where the three yavusa now live. Sambutoyatoya Thawanisa ..... Nathokoti Viyangoisaukova . Nasorovakatini Viseisei Lomolomo Nanganga Korolevu. - Four yavusa name Korolevu as their yavutu but there is no assurance that it is always the same Korolevu, since Korolevu is a common name and the locations of these four are not given. However, three of these yavusa are also named Korolevu. With- out further inquiry it is impossible to be sure that these three are all one yavusa, although the two in Ra Prov- ince likely are. Present Yavusa Village District Province Korolevu. . . Vatutu Mbarotu Nawairuki Tambariki. . Waimbasanga Nawaka Saivou Lawaki Muaira Nandi Ra Ra Tholo East Mburenitu. - There are several Mburenitu yavutu, one in Ra Province (probably the village of Mburenitu in Nalawa District), another in Namataku District, Tholo West Province, listed under "Origin Places with Two Tribes." There are also two other Mburenitu yavutu listed under "Origin Places with Single Tribe." '6Gifford, 1951a, pp. 199-202. Yavusa Present Village Mburenitu .......... Nambaitavo Mburewatu .......... Nambaitavo Navakatalewai ........ Navoka Namasia. - The yavutu Namasia is probably in Ri Province, since the three yavusa claiming it as yavuti all live at present in Ra Province. They are the folloa ing: Yavusa Present Village Nalaumbu ...... Matawailevu Namasia ...... Soweri Tikoivatu ...... Matawailevu District Nalawa Lawaki Nalawa Nanggali. - Nanggali, perhaps in Naitasiri Provin is the yavutu of three yavusa living in the province. Present Yavusa Village District Nanggali ....... Nandakuni Nawaindina ...... Kalambu Rokotuitai ...... Navuso Nawaindina Naitasiri Naitasiri I District Wailevu Nasautoka Nasautoka Nasautoka Wailevu Wailevu Province Tailevu . Tholo East Tholo Fast Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu ;! J I I I 348 .A . . GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU ORIGIN PLACES WITH TWO TRIBES Only two yavusa in this section, Nasaumatua and swa, are not attributed to Viti Levu or one of its satel- bs but to another Fijian Island, Ovalau Island, their kvutu being Nasaumatua at Lovoni. Under the heading Drigin Places with Single Tribe" is listed the yavusa %vatulevu from the yavutu Nandi, Mbua Province, mualevu Island. Of special interest are two yavusa claiming as ya- du the modern village of Lomolomo in Vunda District, nutoka Province. These are the yavusa Lomolomo and bumbere, both now residing in the Vunda District. yavusa Tumbumbere lives in Viseisei Village. The molomo reside at Lomolomo Village which is also their yavutu. This is the site of the rock, now carefully fenced and covered, where the legendary immigrant leader Lutanasombasomba bade farewell to those follow- ers who elected to remain behind at Vunda, while he and others set out for the Kauvandra Mountains.27 In the following list, yavutu with two tribes are listed alphabetically (Lomolomo excepted) as the best means of bringing together the pairs of yavusa claiming the same yavutu. Some others, as in the list of those from the Kauvandra Mountains, are named for old villages oc- cupied by the tribes after leaving their yavutu, but be- fore settling in their present villages. The word dis- trict when enclosed in quotation marks, does not signify a modern governmental division. 27Gifford, 1951b, p. 169. See also Capell and Lester, p. 326. 349 I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH TWO YAVUSA Yavutu I Location Yavusa Old Village P Present Village District Provln( Korosenga- senga ...... Korosenga- senga ...... Kumbuna .... Kumbuna .... Kumbuna .... Lombau . Lombau . Lutu . Lutu. Lutu. Matai Matai Mburelevu Mburelevu ... Mburelevu ... Mburenitu ... Mburenitu ... Naikasakasa. Naikasakasa. Nalewandina Nayavu Dist., Tailevu Prov. (the same) (the same) Near Nanduru Village, Nausori Dist., Tailevu Prov. Lutu Village, Lutu Dist., Tholo East Prov. (the same) (the same) Mburembasanga, Rewa Prov. Raviravi Dist. Namataku Dist., Navosa, Tholo West Prov. (the same) Naisausau Naveisere Kumbuna28 Naisausau Mbau Nggalivakambau Lombau Vunivivi Lutu Lutu Navunikavika Matai Navakasombuoka Mburelevu Sau Mburenitu Namoli Nakoroivau Namuka Mokani Nausori Lutu Nanukaloa Lutu Naila Mburemba- sanga Vitawa Nambukandra Nayavuira Nambukelevu Vusaratu Korolevu, Vunanui Noikoro Dist., Tholo West Prov. Naivakalau Naivakalau, a Naisaumua hill at Ndelaitai Nautu Nautu, then to Ndravuni Naivisoma near Naitutu Village, Namalata Dist., Tailevu Prov. Namara Namara Mbau Mbau Mbau Ndravo Nausori Lutu Lutu Lutu Ndravo Mburemba- sanga Raviravi Kavula Navitilevu Komave Serua Tai Tai Naisongoliku. Naisongoliku, site 17), Ravi- ravi Dist., Ra Prov. Naisongoliku 28The chiefly yavusa of Mbau Island. See Derrick, p. 54, n. 4. 350 Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevut Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tailevu Rewa Ra Ra Ra Tholo West Serua Tailevu Tailevu Vitawa Raviravi Ra 351 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH TWO YAVUSA (cont.) ; Yavutu | Location Yavusa Old Village Present Village District Province 1isongoliku. iltasiri . . . . itasiri .... aitasiri . . . ~ivakathau aivakathau laivakathau 6.kauraki . kauraki . . . korolevu . . . korolevu . . . orolevu . . . mbila . . . . . ~mbila . mbila . . .. bulu .. . . bulu . . .. numbu .... %umbu . . . . numbu . aumbu ... a. au ...... au. au ...... au ...... umatua aumatua okea U (the same) Naitasiri Ndaunavatu Matanikutu Naitasiri Near Taivunga- lei, Tailevu Prov. (the same) Nasaunokonoko, Namosi Prov. Tonga Id., Rewa Prov. (the same) (the same) Vaturu Vaturu Vaturu Naivakathau Naivakathau Namara Nakauraki Nukutambua Nakorolevu Vuthi Nasau Yalatina Nambulu Taumbere Ketenamasi Mouth of Nan- di River (the same) Nasau "Dist.," Tholo North Prov. (the same) Lovoni, Ovalau Id. (the same) Leweitangga- lulu Noi Nainggoro Tukani Nasau Nasau Nasau Nasaumatua Sawa Natokea Mburekonotho Mbole Nandongoloa Nanggarani Tamavua Wailevu Naisausau Nanggelendamu Naivakathau Totonakavu Muanaira Yanutha Id. Yanutha Id. Muana Navatuyamba Savatha Natawa Yavuni Vatunaremba Tukuraki Wala Tukuraki Sanasana Nasingatoka Lomawai Sanasana Nainggoro Navothi Namotomoto Nasau Ovalau Naivotho Ndaku Ndaku Namuaimanda Mbureiwai Notho Naitasiri Nailenga Namata Namata Mburetu Vutia Serua Tonga Tonga Tonga Vaturu Vaturu Vaturu Nalotawa Nalotawa Malomalo Nasingatoka Wai Malomalo Nandi Nandi Nandrau Nandrau Mbureiwai Mburetu Mburetu Navolau Ra Rewa Naitasiri Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Rewa Serua Rewa Rewa Rewa Nandi Nandi Nandi Mba Mba Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandi Nandi Tholo North Tholo North Ra Tailevu Tailevu Ra I rl- ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH TWO YAVUSA (cont.) Yavutu J Location Yavusa Old Village Present Village DistrictI Province Natokea . Ndravo ..... Ndravo ..... Uluithalia .... Uluithalia ... Rara Nangarorua Naisongovau Navitomi Thalia Vuniniumatarua Navolau Naisongovau Ndravo Vuniniundrovu Vuniniundrovu Vanuasanga- sanga ...... Vanuasanga- sanga ...... Vanuasanga- sanga ...... Vanuasanga- sanga ...... Va,nuasanga- sanga ...... Vaturua .... Vaturua . . . Vaturua ..... Viria ....... Viria ....... Vitongo Hill Vitongo Hill Viwa ....... Viwa ....... Vunimoli .... Vunimoli Vutuvo . Vutuvo . Vindilo Viyangonivalu Vitongo Vitongo Vitongo Vitongo Vitongo Nasausauwai Vaturua Naitasiri Prov. Nathowaliva Nanduanuku Nambakai Tunuloa Nayaumunu Viwa Muaisolia Vunimoli Naluna Vutuvo Naluna Namoli Nalotawa Nanuku Navilawa Tukuraki Namarai Lau Vaturua Viria Tholoisuva Naviyango Vitongo Viwa Id. Ndelandamanu Waindrathia Waindrathia Vunivaivai Vunivaival Vitongo Nalotawa Nalotawa Nalotawa Nalotawa Nakorotumbu Nambamba Nakelo Viria Vuna Vitongo Vitongo Mbau Naitasiri Rara Rara Nakelo Nakelo ORIGIN PLACES WITH SINGLE TRIBE In the following pages are listed the yavutu with only a single yavusa each. The two tribes claiming origin places in the kingdom of Tonga are not included here since they are already covered in the section on "Tribes from Polynesia." The arrangement is alpha- betically by yavusa. Some yavusa are scattered through several villages, as, for example, yavusa Louvatu which has its yavutu at archaeological site 19 in the Singatoka Valley.29 All thirteen provinces contain single yavusa derivei from a single yavutu. There is a considerable variati in the number per province, but this is in part a functiq of the size of the province. In descending order the nl ber per province are as follows; those living in two p vinces are counted twice: Ra 89, Tholo East 59, TaileW vu 57, Naitasiri 39, Rewa 25, Tholo North 23, Nandi 2* Nandronga 18, Namosi 10, Mba 9, Tholo West 6, Lau- toka 3, Serua 1. 29Gifford, 1951.a, p. 250. 352 Navolau Ndravo Ndravo Naitasiri Naitasiri Ra Tailevu Tailevu Naitasiri Naitasiri Lautoka Mba Mba Mba Mba Ra Ra Tailevu Naitasiri Naitasiri Lautoka Lautoka Tailevu Naitasiri Naitasiri Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu I i I - j r j I'i I - ij GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA Yavusa Yavutu Location Old Village esent Village District Province imbu .... elia ....... tenavuni- ~oo. I. onggele osovau- ltai ... eiesinga . elnavi- engre. inuku . . . kisav.... Peivutinia.. I Nasei Naloto Dist. Nandronga Prov. Naivua Levukaitai Veimbalambala Nggere Nuku, Nasama Savu, Nalele Valivali Verata to Veimbalambala Nalele, Malo- malo Dist., Nandronga Prov. NasingatokaDist Nandronga Prov. Malomalo Dist. Nandronga Prov. Lawai, Nokonoko Nakorowaru, Dist., Nandronga Nasingatoka, Prov. Nandronga Pro Prov. Vunayasi Volivoli Naluwai Navisamba- samba Nakoromboya Nakoromboya Narambulu Nakorovatu Nariri Naivutu Nararavou Mburelevu Mbalevuto Tonge Nandrungu Yaloku Tumavia Tumbalevu Sanasana Nalele Naindiri Navisamba- samba Malomalo Nalele Navisamba- samba Malomalo Momi Nalele Nandi Nasingatoka Rara Malomalo Nggaliyalatina Tavua Tavua Waima Nailuva Tokaimalo Nailuva Nalamba Naloto Naloto Naloto Nalotawa Nakelo Namara Malomalo Malomnalo Malomalo Malomalo Malomalo Malomalo Malomalo Malomalo Momi Malomalo 353 Nandi Nandronga Naitasiri Nandronga Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tholo East Ra Ra Ra Ra Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Mba Tailevu Tailevu Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga I Ekumbu Kelia Wavu Korovou Koronggele Korosovau- levu Laitoa Langi Navuniyasi Esinga Naweitha I a ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa r Yavutu Location Old Village Present Village District Province Loma. Loma. Lomaiua ... Lomolilevu .. Louvatu . ... Waimothi Loma Lomaivuna Vungala Lomolomo (site 19) near Lawai, Nokonoko Dist. Nandronga Prov. Nakorosule Navatukia Waikalou Motonoko, Viria Viria Dist., Naitasiri Prov. Nandrauniivi Nakambuta Nangonenitholo Soloira Soloira Viria RavLiravi Nokonoko Nasama Nakoroyandro, near Nandrou- Thuvu mai (the same) Yandua Voua Nasinu, Rewa Prov., to Mbengga Id., to Vunavutu Koroniviatai Malake . Mali .... Maraki. Mataikara ... Matailombau .. Mantanikoro- vatu ....... Matanimbulu . Matanivanua . . Mataniwai .... Mataravua . . . Matarua ..... Mataso ..... Mati ....... Maumi .... Mavua ...... Mawa ...... Mbatimbuku- tua ....... Mbau .... Malake Mali Maraki Mataikara Matailombau Ndrevekai Vunimbulu Waikete Mataniwai Mataravua Matarua Mataso Mati Maumilevu Mavua Mawa Mbatimbukutua Mbau Malake Id. Matailombau Viria, Naitasiri Prov. Mataso Dist. near Raralevu, Maumi Id. Namata Dist., Tailevu Prov. onTholata R. Nambuke Naseyani Naselai Nawairuku Matailombau Kalambu Oveya Waikete Ndelaitonga Nawairuku Navitilevu Nakorovou Vunindumba Maumi Tumbeirata Nambalambala Namelimeli Ndrekeniwai Rakiraki Tavua Nuku Lawaki Matailombau Naitasiri Mbau Nakelo Matailombau Lawaki Nambamba Mataso Matailombau Ndravo Mavua Nalamba Veivatuloa Nayavu 30lnformation obtained by Gifford from Ratu Joni, Mbuli of Nasingatoka District. 354 Tholo East 1 Tholo East Tholo East ! Naitasiri Ra Nandronga Nasingatoka Thuvu Thuvu Tuva Nasingatoka Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga Ra Tholo North Tailevu Ra Tholo East Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu Tholo East Ra Ra Ra Tholo East Tailevu Tholo West Ra Namosi Tailevu .4 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa 1 Yavutu j Location Old Village Present Village District Province _Mba.l.v.i- Mbaulevui- rara .... Nbelanga .... )biavala .... Mbila ...... Mua . bukuya .... ukuya .... urekalou... urekonotho Mbaulevu Mbelanga Tumulevu Mbila Mbua Mbukuya Navulala Naletha Mburekonotho buremathi. .. I Mburemathi Singatoka R. Mbila, near Tavua Village Teindamu Verata Notho Namatanivesi at Kuku Natholawe, Na- loto, Nasautoka Dist., Tholo East Prov. (the same) Tovutovu Nandelei Nakambuta Tavua Korovou Vatutavui Vitawa Mbukuya Teindamu Molituva Navaka Nakuriwai Matanimoli Naloto Naitasiri Tavua Nokonoko Tavua Tavua T-avua Raviravi Mangondro Vitongo Nausori Notho Notho Notho Nawautoka Mburenitu Nasautoka 355 Naitasiri Tholo North Nandronga Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Ra Tholo West Lautoka Tailevu Rewa Rewa Rewa Tholo East Tholo East )bureningan- lro ........ kburenitu zburenitu burenivalu .. urenivalu . ureniwau . . Nakoro Wainalumu Onila Nandoi Nandoi Mbureniwau Naselai Namosi Prov. Namosi Prov. Vutia, Tholo East Prov. Somosomo Tavuya Ngusuinalanga to Rama to Lo- kia, Rewa Prov. Naiteni Nakuru to Ndrekena Ngusuinalanga Naitasiri to Mburembasan- ga, Rewa Prov. urerua .... uretu .... . I I Naselai Kasavu Naevuevu Nambotini Levuka Nandoi Narothivo Ndrekena Vunuku Waisalulu Nuku Naitasiri Thuvu Komave Rewa Rewa Rewa Rewa Rewa Vutia Tailevu Naitasiri Nandronga Tholo East Rewa Rewa Rewa Rewa Rewa Rewa Mburerua Mburetu Mburetu Motonoko Mburetu Nambitu Viria Mburetu Tokatoka Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu I P. di II I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa I Yavutu Location Old Village Present Village District Provincw Mburevuli ... Molimekete ... Naikawanga... Nailangolamba. Nailenga .... Naimalavau. . . Naimbili.... Naingani .... Naiova ...... Mburevuli Molimekete Naikawanga Kuku Nailenga Naimalavau Naimbili Naloto Naiova Verata to Naikawanga Nailenga Waimaro, Namalata Dist. Tailevu Prov. Naloto, Verata Naingani Id. Dist. Nasau "Dist." Tholo North Prov. Nairai .... Nairara ..... Naisongombuli -Naisongovasa Naitavuni .... Naivirivosa ... Nairai Nairara Naisongombuli Naisongoma- taka Naitavuni Nasau "Dist." Tholo North Prov. Mburembasanga Naivirivosa Nawanggambena, Viria Dist., Naitasiri Prov. Nasukamai Vunindumba Namuaimanda Nukulau Nandrau Matailombau Navolau Nandrau Mburembasanga Mburemba- sanga Naseuvou Nawaindina Ndelalasakau Nawaindina Vuthi Tokatoka Tholo North Tholo East Ra Tholo North Rewa Naitasiri Naitasiri Tailevu Naivisere ... Naiwau . .... Nakaindrau ... Nakakasara... Nakarukuruku . Nakase .... I Naivisere Vanuandina Nambilia Nakakasara Nakarukuruku Nakase Naitasiri near Waivou Village, Mbur- embasanga Dist., Rewa Prov. Navuso Vanuandina Nasalia Lutu Vanualevu Navutu Sowa Naitasiri Tokatoka Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Tokatoka Navuakethe Mbureivanua 356 Manu Waikalou Al Nailenga Soloira Namara Nausori Nausori Nausori Nailenga Nakelo Namata Verata Nailuva Nakalawatha Nanduru Molituva Vunimono Nailenga Naimalavau Raralevu Vitilevu, Naingani Id. Nailuva Tholo East Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Ra Naitasiri Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East Tailevu Naitasiri Ra I. I . t r e ;v ;~ GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa I Yavutu j Location Old Village j Present Village District j Province 1N kl ;. v :I jakasenga ... [akasimai gakatumbai- ialu ....... "Nakelo...... Nakoroingeti. Nakoromatua. $akorondu- nandua .. Nakoronggele Nakorosango. Nakorotambu. akorovia .... akorovou .. . akorowaiwai . akorowangga. Wuailava akumbuti ... akurukuru akurukuru- kktimii... Nakasenga Nakasimai Nambiyau Nakelo Nakelo Dist. Nayaulevu Lamba Mbureloa Tokaimalo Nakuailava Nakuailava Nawanggambena Navuakethe Nanduruloulou Nauluvatu Muana Ndausinga Naraviravi Nakorosule Nakoroingeti Nakoromatua W aimaro Nakoroira Nakorosango Nakorotambu Nakorovia Nakelinggere Nakorowaiwai Nakorowangga Nakualiava NakuailavaDist. Vatukaloko Nakurukuru Nakurukuru- vakatini Tomuna, Vatu- kumbu Lau Nananu Waituruturu Nakorovou Veindavutu Nambau Sowa Mataiwailevu Korovou Waimbasanga Matawailevu Wainiyavu Nairukuruku Tai Mbalekinanga Nandrauniivi Naluwau Nasauvere Navuakethe Nakelo Nakelo Nakualiava Tokaimalo Nangonenitholo Nambamba Tavua Mataso Mataso Mataso Mataso Mbureivanua Lawaki Lawaki Noimalo Noimalo Veinungga Matailombau Nakuailava Nakuailava Raviravi Rara Noimalo alethava. . . aleya .. . . Korovou Naraiyawa Ndraumbuta Nasava Matawailevu 357 Ra Ra Ra Naitasiri Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu Ra Ra Tholo East Ra Tholo North Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Tholo East Tholo East Namosi Tholo East Ra Ra Ra Naitasiri Tholo East Nalethava Naleya I Naitasiri Naisombu- sombu Mburelevu Noimalo Noimalo Tokatoka Noimalo Noimalo Tholo East Tholo East Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East I I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa I Yavutu 'Location |OldVillage |PresentVillage District |Provinc Naliwa . Naliwani . Nalotawa. Nalovia. Namataku .. Namatangai. Namathuku. Nambai. Nambaa .... Nambavatu Nambena .... Nambili. Namboro .... Nambotini .... Nambou .. . . JTaliwa Naliwani Nalotawa Nalovia Namataku Namataku Namatangai Namathuku Naivikoli Narrbama Nambavatu Nambena Louvatu31 Namboro Nambotini Lasakau Nawamangi foot of the Kau- vandra Range Vuisinga Mburelevu Navuniyaumumu Sanasana Ndelaitonga Nasauthoke Nausori Tawaleka Raranivuli Tongovere Naila Vunindawa Nanggeleng- ganogga Namoto Vatukarasa Sawanikula Lawaki Mataiwailevu Lasakau (Mbau) Waima Nalamba Tokaimalo Malomalo Matailombau Namataku Namataku Namataku Nakuailava Raviravi Ndravo Soloira Mbureivanua Nasautoka Thonua Muaira Lawaki Lawaki Mbau Namboutini ... Nambukani ... Nambukelevu . Nambukem- buke 32. Vunikoka Nambukani Nambukelevu Nambukembuke Ngusunikalou Wailase Creek Tholo- East Nakavu Naililili Lamba Visama Lutu Veivatuloa Lombau Nakavu Namosi Navunimbau Namuamua Laselase Navunikambi Saliandrau Nasingatoka Nakuailava Nakelo Muaira Veivatuloa Veivatuloa Veivatuloa Namosi Namosi Wainikoro!Luva WainikoroiLuva WainikoroiLuva WainikorolLuva Namosi 31Name of yavutu and its location obtained by Gifford from infor- mant at Vatukarasa. 32For the detailed record of the Native Lands Commission, see Capell and Lester, pp. 330 ff. 358 Tholo East Ra Ra Nandrong Tholo East Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Ra Ra Tailevu Tholo East Ra Tholo East Tholo West Tholo East Ra Ra Tailevu i ._ .i I. :, o Ra Tailevu Tholo East Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi Namosi bI . Al I' i ?4 GIFFORD: TRBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa f Yavutu Location Old Village j Present Village District Province rambulembu- Nanbulembulewa ewa ....... or Nggoma Id. lambuli ..... I Nambuli Nggoma Id. Viria, Naita- siri Prov. Navunisotho Nambukavesi Tumbanasavu to Ndawasamu Nambuli ambumbutho . I Nambumbutho Nambumbutho 4amoto ..... Namoto Namotutu Nandakuni Namoto, Na- sautoka Dist., Tholo East Prov. Rakiraki, Ra Nandakuni, Nawaindina Nairukuruku Nanggelewai Rewasau Laselevu Nasiriti Nukulau Namoto Navuavua Narewa Ndevoira Matailombau Nambumbutho Nambumbutho Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Nasautoka Rakiraki Raviravi Nawaindina landanuya ... I Pandarava- Fawalu ...... [andaro ..... Iandenaivalu. . caiderei- .i ... . .. . F dokana ... b%doloi . . . . Nandanuya Nasirotu Waitha Nandarava- kawalu Ndelaiwini Nandenaivalu Nanderei- valu Nakautonga Nandoloi Nandarava- kawalu Lawaki Dist., Wailotua, Ra Wailevu Dist., Tailevu Prov. Natumulomulo to Ndraundra- una Naluwai Rara Nasirotu Nawaindina Navurevure Nawaindina Vunindawa Soloira Naivuthini Nandarava- kawalu Naitauvoli Nandarava- kawalu Vunindumba Nandarava- kawalu Namara Lawaki Navitilevu Nambamba Matathauthau Namalata Sawakasa Narambulu Nandakuni Waikalou Sawakasa Tavua Nawaindina Soloira 359 Navunisotho Nggilai Waivaka Nggoma Ndriti Nambuli Veivatuloa Veivatuloa Namosi Ndawasamu Ndawasamu Ndreketi Namosi Namosi Namosi Tailevu Tailevu Rewa amotutu . .. . landakuni .. . Tholo East Tholo North Tholo North Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Ra Ra Naitasiri Naitasiri Naitasiri Naitasiri Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Ra Ra Tailevu Tailevu Tholo North Naitasiri Tholo East I 11 61 1, I r 0 R ?i i?, N v Fi, I 'o i: I i I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECOR;DS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa Yavutu | Location Old Village Present Village District Province; Nandomia . . . . Nandomia Nandrakuma ... . Nandrakuma Nandua .... Nanduandua. . .. Nanduku . Nangilongilo . . Nanduambasanga NandVandua Nanduku Nangilongilo near Namoka Navitilevu, Ra Prov. Tamunggali Mbole, Ndela- vatulevu; Vatuvale Tamanivuaka, Tova Nangole ...... Nangole Nanggalitala ... Nangganikai ... Nanggau ...... Nanggelamba... Nanggelen - damu ....... Nanggelevu .... Nanggeningani- vatu ..... Nanuku. Naothondongo NaraL. Narairaiwanga. Narothake. Moseni Nangganikai Mburekonanggau Nanggelamba Nanggelendamu mouth of Nang- galitala Creek Nambitu Nandelei Nakoromboya Vita Naimbita Nakaile Nasinu Wainitambua Nakorovatu Navithila Tore Navutu Motainotho Namoto Nambukandra Navutoka Lau Nanggelevu Navono Nanuku Naothondongo Narai Rarawangga Narothake Nasalia ...... Namuakivei Nasausauwai ... Nasautambu ... Nasekaseka .... Naseuvou . Nasilima. Nasausauwai Nakuruwale Nasekaseka Naseuvou Nasilima Nayaulevu Nandakuni Vutia, Tholo East Prov. Vaturu Verata, Tailevu Prov. Nataveyaitholo Naseuvou, Tokatoka Dist. Naitasiri to Mburembasan- ga, Rewa Prov. Muanaira Nawanggarua Yavuni Narothake Narothake Laselevu Nambuyalevu Rewasau Verevere Naseuvou Naivotho Nambitu Naivuthini wnibluvoli Tokatoka Tavua Tavua Nailanga Nailenga Tokatoka Ndawasamu Nailenga Waima Naitasiri Rukuruku Navuakethe Mburetu Nasautoka Kavula Kavula Nambamba Tokaimalo Nawaindina Vutia Nailanga Vaturu Notho Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Nakorotumbu Tokatoka Mbureiwai Tokatoka Nandaravakawalu WT,% IA vln t rnler 1- ul I- Tailevu Tholo North Tholo Northi Mba Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu Tholo East Tholo. East Naitasiri Nandi Naitasiri Tailevu Tholo East Ra Ra Ra Ra Naitasiri Rewa Mba Nandi Rewa Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Ra Tailevu Ra Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East 360 I I I '4CLLA%.AGL.L C4VG&-ZL4;0. VW G&JLL4 151 aluaradevaiadwadf U I 1- i I K GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yav sa Yavutu Location Old Village Present Village District Province silimai ... ssingaimata. asolo. Rasomosomo lasonggo.. iatakala .... Iatambuivalu. Fatauya ..... ataveya .... ataveya .... katerumai .. lathanggaru . Iathanggaru.. athavondo ... lathaemba .... iathokawa .. . Koronimbeka Nasingaimata Nasolo Nasolo Nasomosomo Nasonggo Natakala Natambuivalu Natauya Nataveya Natongandravu Naterumai Vuya Nathanggaru Nathavondo Nathemba Matawalu Nasonggo near Savu Vil- lage, Vungalei Dist., Tailevu Prov. Nandioka Maraki, Nase- lai, NukuDist. Nanggarani Nathova Id. Nathanggaru Singatoka R. Turnakeli Namara Korovou Nailanga Nanduruloulou Ndraunaleka Ndausinga Nasonggo Verata Waisa Navunindakua Nanukuloa Nataveya Nataveya Nanggarani Navutu Moala Vanuakula Nasonggo Nakorovatu Nanduri Lawai Yavulo Lawaki Lawaki Nailanga Nawaindina Nakuailava Nakuailava Nambumbutho Nausori Waima Waima Saivou Viria Nuku Notho Navuakethe Sikituru Navuakethe Nambumbutho Rara Nokonoko Nokonoko Nokonoko athokoni .... ~atholo .... latholo ..... ithombu. . . .. ~ffombua... athovu .. . thovu . iliva.... Nathokoni Nggelekuku Vaikitu Nathombua Koroinathovu Nathovu Navutulevu Mburembasanga Waimaro, Nama- lata Dist., Nanggelen- Tailevu Prov. dretaki Rakiraki, Ra Mburembasanga Mburembasanga Mbuka Naroko Vatukatheva- Naroko theva Namata Raralevu Naimasimasi Nawairuku Navutulevu Namata Namata Vungalei Lawaki Rakiraki 361 Ra Ra Mba Naitasiri Ra Ra Tholo North Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East Ra Naitasiri Tailevu Rewa Naitasiri Nandi Naitasiri Tholo North Naitasiri Nandronga Nandronga Nandronga I Rewa Ra Ra Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Ra Ra ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa Yavutu J Location j Old Village Present Village District Province Naturuturuku- la ......... Natutale Naulana .... Navatu ... Navatu ...... Navatulevu ... Navatulevu ... Navatusila ... Navatuvoka. Navasia . Navautamba . Navauvau .... Navesi Naviritu .... Navisama .. Navitilevu.... Navitilevu. .... Navokai ..... Naturuturu- kula Tiliva Naulana Navalelawa (site 17) Navatu (site 17) Nandi Nanggali, Viria Dist., Naitasiri Prov. near Moala Village Raviravi Dist. Nandi, Mbua, Vanualevu Id. Nase Navatusila Navatuvoka Natuvu Navautamba Navauvau Navesi Vitongo Naviritu Tarisi Navitilevu Nambaikau Nanggavoka Nasau, mouth of Nandi R. Navatulevu Nambaikau Tonga Id., Rtzw; Prcov- Vuthi Moala Navuniivi Naivuvuni Tokatoka Sikituru Navitilevu Raviravi Namuamua Mbureiwai Nandongoloa Mbureiwai Narewa Nandi Nakavu Nandi Nanganga Vunda Naivuthini Nandarava- kawalu Nuku Nandarava- kawalu Naitauvoli Nandarava- kawalu Numbutautau Nandrau Nambalambala Tokaimalo Navuniivi Navitilevu Nakorowaiwai Mbureivanua Korovou Tavua Ndraunaleka Nakuailava Ndausinga Nakuailava Wairuarua Nangonenitholo Narara Naroko Naitauvoli Nandarava- kawalu Saumakia Nandarava- kawalu Waikalou Nandarava- kawalu Lau Nambamba Navuniivi Navitilevu Navuniyaro Lutu Wainawangga Nawaindina Vunisei Tonga 362 Tailevu -1 Nandi' Ra Ra Ra Ra Nandi Nandi Lautoka Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tholo North Ra Ra Ra Tholo North Ra Ra Tholo East Ra Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Ra Ra Tholo East Naitasiri Rewa ._ ii; eL I . ?l w J GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) C_II Yavusa Yavutu Location | Old Village Present Village District Province 4 lvo1au ..... ivoula .... vuakethe ... gvaanlisang- a ....... Fvuavua .... Fvundrau . . . zvungayango . .zvunindrala.. avuniseya. gvuniuto .... gvusaka .... gvtosara ... wvuthu . gvutu ..... waindina ... wainovo akura .... Nanggumu Nandungutha Navuakethe Nalesia Navuavua Navundrau Navungayango Navunindrala Navuniseya Navunitivi Navuniuto Navusaka Navutosara Nakorovatu Talandrau Navutu Nawaindina Ndelainovo Nawakura Nanggarawai, Naseuvou, Namosi Prov. Soloira Rakiraki, Ra Muaira Nasau "Dist.," Tholo North Prov. Verata to Ndelainovo near Raralevu, Sawandrala Namata Dist., Tailevu Prov. Navolau Vunisinu Navutu Lamba Navuavua Namuaimanda Mau-u Nauluvatu Ndelakando Nataleira Silana Lutu Nambulini Vanuakula Nauria Nasonggo Waimbalavu Nandrau Nambuyalevu Nambuwangga Nggalinasavu Veindavutu Nambau Korondalawe Matameivere Maumi Navolau Ndreketi Navuakethe Nakuailava Rakiraki Naroko Veivatuloa Nawaindina Ndawasamu Ndawasamu Ndawasamu Muaira Nailenga Nandrau Nandrau Nambumbutho Nangonenitholo Nandrau Nandrau Nandrau Nandrau Mataso Mataso Nakuailava Namara Ndravo awandamu . . Fwangga .... Swanggai- Fde ...... Nawandamu Nandioka (the same) Nawangga Nawanggai- vende Navunindakua Waisa Nausori Nandakuni Nawaindina Naitasiri 363 Ra Rewa Naitasiri Ra Ra Ra Namosi Naitasiri Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tholo East Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Ra Ra Ra Tailevu Tailevu I Waima Waima Nalawa Tholo East Tholo East Ra k I !?m 6-- ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa J Yavutu Location Old Village Present Village District ProvIng Nawanggesara. Rokoroko Waithomba Dist., Nandron- ga Prov. Nawarai. Nawayanga ... Nayavumata . . Niwau ...... Noi Koro .... Noi Korolevu. . Noimalo ..... Noi Marou ... Noi Mboro . . . Noi Natualeka . Noi Takuthi Noi Vatuma Noi Yaro .... Nokonoko .... Notho. Nuku . Nukunitambua . Nawarai Nangandi Nawaua Niwau Noikoro Korolevuiwai Noimalo Marou Ndranikamba Natualeka Navulai Nggelelevu Yaro Nandiritale Notho Nuku, Naselai Nasaunokonoko Numbu ...... I Namoriti Numbu ...... Numbutolu . . . Ndakuinamba- ramai ...... Navosa Noimalo Nasesevia Navo Verata, Tailevu Prov. Naselai, Nuku Dist. Nanggarawai, Namosi Prov. near Nandrau Village, Nan- drau Dist., Tholo North Prov.33 Vuisinga Navitilevu Nathokaika Ndelaiyandua Korolevu Vunatoto Ndeumba, Serua Naitata Narokoroko- yawa Nasauvakarua Mbatiri Vunamoli Vunamoli Navo Vunayasi Nawanggan- damu Vatutu Vunayasi Namata Mburekonotho Nambundrau Natongandravu Totonakavu, Koromuri- muri, Lokia, Rewa Prov. Numbutolu Ndakuinamba- ramai Lomanikoro Nggalinasavu Nangatangata Koro Waikumbu- kumbu Vatuthere Yavulo Nandakuni Nandakuni Waima Nambamba Naitasiri Mbureiwai Noikoro Noikoro Serua Noimalo Noimalo Malomalo Rukuruku Rukuruku Nandi Rukuruku Rukuruku Nandi Namata Notho Nuku Rewa Savatu Savatu Savatu Savatu Savatu Nasingatoka Nawaindina Nawaindina 33See sites 6, 9. 364 Nawanggan - damu Rukuruku Nandi Tholo East Ra A Naitasiri Ra Tholo West Tholo West Serua Tholo East Tholo East Nandrong Nandi Nandi Nandi Nandi Nandi Nandi Tailevu Rewa Tailevu Rewa Tholo North: Tholo North"' Tholo Nortb Tholo North Tholo North. Nandronga Naitasiri Naitasiri - I GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa [ Yavutu j Location Old Village Present Village District Province akunda .... Idakunimbure. Odanundanu... danuwa .... aviko ..... lavtukia ... dawasamu ... relai ...... ewala ..... ilo ..... Ionumaim- Irano.... anu ..... avuni .... ekeniwai .. eketi..... Iuuya. . . alimbure . ga ... Ndakunda Ndelaimbukelevu Waivou Ndanuwa Ndaviko Ndavutukia Ndawasamu Sawakasa, Tailevu Prov. Nayavu,, Tailevu Prov. Namata, Tailevu Prov., to Vunisoni (the same) Lutu, Tholo East Prov. to Naitasiri Koroinasau Tholo East Ndawasamu Wainimbuka R. Ndewala Ndingilo Ndonumaim- bulu Ndrano Ndranu Ndravuni Ndrekeniwai Naloto Lau Waivaka Nambundrau Waivou Nambulini Nanggarani Thambe Saru Tonuve Volinangerua Votua Tangangge Namanda Nakorovatu Ndriti Ndelakando Mokani Nataveyaira Waituruturu Nakorovou Vunayasi Rokovuaka Wainiyavu Mbureloa Visama Nakorosule Waimbalavu Navuniyasi Numbukaluka Naloto Namuriwai 365 Nambamba Ra Namosi Notho Mburembasanga Nailenga Notho Koroinasau Koroinasau Mbemana Mbemana Korolevuiwai Korolevuiwai Korolevuiwai Waima Ndawasamu Ndawasamu Ndravo Viria Mataso Mataso Nandi Nambamba Veinungga Nakuailava Nakelo Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Matailombau Nawaindina Verata Navitilevu Namosi Rewa Rewa Tholo East Rewa Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo West Tholo East Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Naitasiri Ra Ra Nandi Ra Namosi Ra Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Naitasiri Tailevu Ra I Ndelai Ndreketi Ndrukuya Yasa Nggangga I Verata p I .I ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa I Yavutu j Location Old Village Present Village District Provl Nggilanggila . Ovalau . Rara. Rara ...... Rewaisavu ... . Rokisi . Rukuruku ..... Rukuruku ... Nggilanggila Ravirai Ovalau Namaranivuka- Naloto vuka Mbalauma Navotua Nambothiwa Rukuruku Navuak Vunamoli ,vi Dist. Uluitinairai- langi (the same) ;ethe Navesi to Dist., Naitasiri Taunaimbosa Prov. Vunamoli, Ruku- ruku Dist. Vunitongoloa Nanggali Vanuakula Naveithovatu Vuisinga Matainananu Nambothiwa Longani Uto Sala ....... Salandina. Salandina . Sanasana ..... Sanggele ... Sangunu .... Sarava ...... Saumata .. Sauturanga... Sauvana . Savu ....... Savula ....... Sawatini ... Senimbua . Sese ..... Sese ....... Siko. Makondranga Nandia Salandina Sanasana Sanggele Sangunu Nanggonggosa Saumata Nakoronimbeka Vusama Savu Savula Sawatini Ne Sese Yavulevu Navunindakua Sambeto Dist., Nandi Prov. Navunindakua, Waima Dist., Tholo East Proa. Nausori Nakorowaiwai Nanggeleng- gangga Wainilotulevu Vakambuli Nailanga Yavuni Nausori Namulomulo Namara Moala Nambalesere Nasavu Nananu Nawaka Naluwai Nawamangi- mangi Vunindumba Nairukuruku Nakorovatu Navunindakua Nalawa Mbureivanua Mbureivanua Veinungga Vitongo Nailanga Vaturu Nawaka Nawaka Lawaki Sikituru Nailuva Rara Namena Nawaka Rara Naroko Matailombau Matailombau Waima Waima Raviravi Viria Nawaindina Naloto Waima Mbureiwai Mburetu Namata Rukuruku Ra Naitasiri Naitasiri Tailevu Tholo East. Ra Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Ra Ra Ra Namosi Lautoka Mba Nandi Nandi Nandi Ra Nandi Ra Naitasiri Tailevu Nandi Naitasiri Ra Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East 366 367 GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa f Yavutu j Location Old Village Present Village District Province 01ia . . . . . . 301oira ... . oira . . . . . alaikiuva . baivuna- puu . . ... U . banivono.. bariki ... hi'...... varua ..... ova. wanisa..... laulau eke..... avere .... U Nanggaya Vuna Soloira Nandakuni Raravatu (the same) Soloira Suva Tai Namuaniwangga Tambaivuna- nggumu Tambanivono, Nokonoko Dist., Nanduri Nandronga Prov. Lambasa Tambariki Tathi Navo Nambitu Thakova Thalia Navinoji Nailenga Mburekonotho Rakiraki, Ra Naitasiri Nathuru Nayavuya Tokineke Tonga Tongavere Nasau "Dist.," Tholo North Prov. Nakavu Sawani Nandakuni Numbukaluka Natondre Waikalou Navatukia Namuamua Ndelaitonga Mbalekinanga Kiuvaira Nasuvere Korovou Nalele Naindiri Natalethake Nasonggo Tathi Sanasana Rararua Tore Naila Navutulevu Nathuru Lewa Nangatangata Koro Nailanga Namara Nawamangi- mangi Numbumakita Nandi Vuna Nawaindina Nawaindina Nawaindina Soloira Soloira Mbureiwai Matailombau Mbureivanua Mba Noimalo Noimalo Malomalo Malomalo Mbulu Veinungga Notho Malomalo Rukuruku Rukuruku Ndravo Rakiraki Notho Savatu Savatu Savatu Nailanga Nalamba Naroko Nandrau Nandi Naitasiri Naitasiri Naitasiri Naitasiri Tholo East Tholo East Ra Tholo East Ra Tailevu Tholo East Tholo East Nandronga Nandronga Mba Namosi Rewa Nandronga Nandi Nandi Tailevu Ra Rewa Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Mba Ra Ra Tholo North . i ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa I Yavutu j Location Old Village Present Village District Provln Tongovereiwai . Toranasau .... Tumavia . Vakali .. Matanasau Viti Tumavia Mbau Valelawa .... I .Valelawa Mbau Id. Ndreketi Dist., Rewa Prov. Narukua, Kam- ba, Mbau Dist., Tailevu Prov. (the same) Muailau, Rewa Valuvuka .... Vanuakula .... Vanuatha . Vanuavatu .... Vatu........ Vaturoko . Vora ....... Vuanindilo . .. . Valuvuka Vanuakula Vanuatha Vanuavatu Vatu Vaturoko Vora Rukuniwalai Vutia, Tholo East Prov. Tandrawai. Naitasiri to Mburemba- sanga, Rewa Prov. Vungalei Dist., Tailevu Prov. Nasonggo Vanuakula Matainasau Nasingatoka Nasavu Matawailevu Muanaithake Korondalawe Nandali Vulangi ..... Vunimbua ... Vuninggele.. .. Vuniniumata- rua ......... Vunivatu .... Vusarotora ... Vusovuso. Vuto ........ Wai ........ Wai ........ Vulangi Koroimbithi Vuninggele Vuniniumata- rua Vunivatu Ndelakurukuru Vusovuso Vuto Naveinggali Wai Nasilai Thalia, Naita- siri Prov. Naitasiri Nasau "Dist.," Tholo North Prov. Nakuriwai Nasilai Savatha Vuisinga Nakuriwai Nanggarani Nanggarani Nandaro Navunindakua Navunindakua (the same) Navuniyasi Navuniyasi Navunindakua Mburenithangi Wailevu Rokovuaka Vanuakula Rewa Tonga Waima Notho Notho Vungalei Waima Waima Matailombau Matailombau Nailenga Nambamba Nandrau Raranivuli Nakuallava Ra _______________________________________ I 368 Namara Nakini Tumavia Vakali Vandrai Levuka Lawaki Naitasiri Nakelo Nakelo Nakelo Rewa Ra Naitasi3 Tailevu Tailevu Tailevu Rewa Veinungga Tavua Muaira Namosi Rara Nalawa Vutia Nakuailava Nausori Namosi Tholo NorU Tholo East Namosi Naitasiri Ra Rewa Ra Tailevu Rewa Rewa Tholo East Rewa Rewa Tailevu Tholo Eastt Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Tholo East Ra Tholo North Wailanda Sakasa GIFFORD: TRIBES OF VITI LEVU YAVUTU WITH SINGLE YAVUSA (cont.) Yavusa | Yavutu Location Old Village Present Village District Province levu ..... Ilumu .... imaro .... tlnungga alou .. . u..... mbu .... thakena ... ni ...... lau..... Wailevu Nalase Waimaro Raviravi Dist. Mburembasan- Wailumu ga, Rewa Prov. Nandanuya (the same) Wainungga Nandandara Nakalawatha Wambu Muana, Navuloa Wathakena Nenesa Yakuilau Nasau, mouth of Nandi R. Ndraunaleka Vatusekiyasawa Vunitongoloa Nawaisomo Talu Nakorosule Waimbalavu Naluwai Nambaitavo Nambulini Nandrauniivi Mburetu Tukuraki Nalotawa Nambangga Naraviravi Tavua Nayavuira Narewa Nakuailava Raviravi Raviravi Nangonenitholo Ndreketi Nangonenitholo Nangonenitholo Rara Nambaitavo Nailenga Raviravi Mburetu Nalotawa Nalotawa Nailuva Tokaimalo Tokaimalo Navitilevu Nandi Navala Thuvu Mbatimaoli Tonge Nakomboya Uthunivanua Naivuruvuru Vatutu Nanduivosavosa Verata Nasaunokonoko, Totonakavu, Namosi Prov. Koromurimuri, Lokia, Rewa Prov. Vita (Votua) Lomanikoro Nggaliyalatina Nggaliyalatina Nggaliyalatina Nggaliyalatina Nggaliyalatina Verata Verata Nawaka Nailanga Rewa 369 Ra Ra Ra Tholo East Rewa Tholo East Tholo East Naitasiri Naitasiri Tholo East Ra Tailevu Mba Mba Ra Ra Ra Ra Nandi Yalatina .atna ..... - %tusawa . .. .amall .... usamba- Lusavasu. . . Yaumali Wavuwau Yavusavasu Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tholo North Tailevu Tailevu Nandi Mba Rewa I i i? k L ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS SOURCES OF TRIBAL NAMES Examination of the list of yavusa reveals two sources of tribal names, (1) the yavutu name, of which there are 250, and (2) the name of the old village or first settle- ment, of which there are 58. Apparently the name of the yavusa ancestor (vu) is not used as the name of the yavusa, even when his name is known. However, only a study of the original records will settle this point. The few names of yavusa ancestors given by Capell and Lester34 indicate that these were not used for the yavu- sa. The yavusa Nambukembuke, whose ancestor Vere- drau came from the Kauvandra Mountains and settled at Nambukembuke, is a case in point. More than three hundred yavusa names (practically half those recorded) are derived from, or are identical with, place names, whereas none can be attributed to ancestors. This would seem to indicate that the rest are probably like- wise derived from place names. Two hundred and fifty yavusa bear the names of their yavutu. They are distributed among the thirteen provinces as follows: Ra 70, Tholo East 50, Tailevu35, Naitasiri 31, Rewa 20, Tholo North 17, Namosi 7, Tholo West 6, Nandi 6, Mba 5, Nandronga 2, Lautoka 1, Serua 0. Map 1 shows clearly that this custom is pre- ponderant in the eastern half of the island. Only fifty-eight yavusa are named for old villages in which they had lived after departure from their yavu- tu. Of these fifty-eight, forty yavusa claim the Kauvan- dra Mountains as their yavutu. These forty are distrib- uted among the provinces as follows: Tailevu 30, Nandi 5, Serua 4, Tholo West 1. The distribution of the eighteen non-Kauvandra yavusa is as follows: Tailevu 12, Rewa 3, Lautoka 1, Mba 1, Nandi 1. Today twenty-one yavusa still live at their yavutu, 34Capell and Lester, pp. 329-331. or at least in villages which bear the yavutu name. provinces these twenty-one yavusa are distributed- follows: Tailevu 8, Tholo East 4, Ra 3, Tholo North Naitasiri 1, Tholo West 1, Lautoka 1. There are a number of yavusa which, though idet cally named, have different yavutu and are apparent not related. Of course the fact that their yavutu are different is not incontrovertible proof of their sepa- rateness. The records of the original Native Lands Commission would need to be consulted to determine this point. It is conceivable that single yavusa may split, one part retaining the yavutu name, the other assuming a new yavutu name -- although this explan tion seems to me unlikely. Aside from the legendary great movement of yavu sa -- or, more probably, of the yavusa ancestors -- from the Kauvandra Mountains, no great migration or population drift can be discerned, although there are plenty of minor ones. Whether these movements ante dated the emigration from Kauvandra (assumed to be about 1600) cannot be determined, but I suspect that,t the contrary, most of them took place after the Kauvi dra "migration" and were probably induced by wars. Intermarriage between different yavusa and thel constituent clans (matanggali), or between separate v lages, is an interesting project for further field wori Capell and Lester give examples that indicate the ric ness of this field for community studies.35 The genes ogies recorded for such investigations would also be useful to the physical anthropologist studying the livii population. A quantity of genealogical material has already been accumulated by Dr. Lindsay Verrier in the Departmental Statistics and Demography Branch, Southern District Medical Office, Nausori, Fiji. 35Ibid., pp. 318-323. 370 LITERATURE CITED Brewster, A. B. 1922. The Hill Tribes of Fiji. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Capell, A. and R. H. Lester 1941. Local Divisions and Movements in Fiji, Oceania 11:313-341; 12:21-48. Derrick, R. A. 1946. A History of Fiji, Vol. 1. Printed and published by the Printing and Stationery Department, Suva, Fiji. Gifford, E. W. 1949. Excavations in Viti Levu. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 58: 83-90. 1951a. Archaeological Excavations in Fiji. Univ. Calif. Anthro. Rec., 13: 189-288. 1951b. Fijian Mythology, Legends, and Archaeology. Univ. Calif. Publ. Sem. Philol., 11: 167-177. Spencer, Dorothy M. 1941. Disease, Religion, and Society in the Fiji Islands. Monographs of the American Ethnological Society, No. 2. Thompson, Laura 1940. Southern Lau, Fiji: An Ethnography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull. 162. 371 PLATES EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 30 Mbau Island with mainland of Viti Levu in background. PLATE 31 a. Navatu, site 17, viewed from the west. b. Legendary house mound of Lutunasombasomba on the acropolis (Korovatu) at Vunda, site 26. Dimen- sions of mound edge, 35 ft. by 25 ft.; it is oval in outline. i, a ? CY) H 375 . V \i : ,: & 4t - ., 4<: I 11 "I N. a. PLATE 31. NAVATU, SITE 17; HOUSE MOUND OF LUTUNASOMBASOMBA 376