ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 11:1 SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS BY A. L. KROEBER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1948 SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS BY A. L. KROEBER KWATNIALKA OR JACK JONES, INTERPRETER BLEID ARAO FCAESOY J NLO,NRRTRO ASAH TR SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS BY A. L. KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Vol. 11, No. 1 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS EDITORS: A. L. KROEBER, E. W GIFFORD, R. H. LowIE, R. L. OLSON Volume II, No. I, PP. I-70, frontispiece Submitted by editors August I7, 1945 Issued August 6, I948 Price, $1.25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I. Cane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The narrator. 4 The Cane narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Song scheme and narrative outline . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Cane song scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Movement of the narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Apparent inconsistencies .20 Handling of the plot . . . . . . . . . . 21 Supplementary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 II. Vinimulye-pgtge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The tale . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . 24 III. Nyohaiva . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Circumstances and nature of the story . . . . . . . . . . 27 The Nyohaiva tale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 The song scheme .35 IV. Raven .37 Narrator's statements. 37 Outline of song scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 The Raven story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 V. Deer .41 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Variations in song scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Words of songs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 The Deer story. . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 VI. Coyote .46 Circumstances of the recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 The tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A: Dreamed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 B: Dreamed .48 Children's stories: C, D, E .48 More stories for children: F, G, . . . . . . . . . . 48 VII. Mastamho .50 The informant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Content of the myth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Schematic outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Quality of the narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Main narrative: Mastsnho's instituting . . .52 Supplement: Thrasher and Mockingbird institute sex life .64 The lists of manufactured words . . , . . . . . . . . . . 67 Appendix I. Mohaye Directional Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Appendix II. Mohave Names .70 ILLUSTRATION Interpreter and narrators . . . . . . . . frontispiece, facing v [vii] SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS BY A. L. KROEBER INTRODUCTION paper is an endeavor to make a beginning pleasure of singing; as an expansion of the spo- nt on a scholarly debt long in arrears. ken tale; or as a "gift" of lamentation for a 1900 and 1910, I spent considerable time dying or dead relative. IMohave Indians, both in the vicinity of The Mohave validate what happens in their lives and with visitors from there to the Uni- by referring it to their dreams. Success in life, Summaries of the data recorded, and some the fortunes of a person or of a career, are be- -of concrete detail, have been published lieved to be the result of what one has dreamed. place or another, most coherently in two A Mohave dreams among other things--or perhaps of the Handbook of California Indians above other things--of the beginnings of the world . But I kept deferring presentation of in the far distant past. er data, in particular of the mytholog- He dreams of being present at the creation and ratives, many of which run to unusual witnessing its events. Thereby he participates in The tales offered herewith comprise in them and gets certain knowledges: powers for war, ut half of the Mohave narrative material for curing, for success in love or gambling. Such tebooks. This is exclusive of the "Great mystically dreamed powers are what really count in f pseudo-historical moving about and human life, the Mohave firmly believed. Over most of clan-like groups, my unfinished re- of native North America the acquisition of power of which runs to about the length of the by dreams or visions of spirits is the basis of ales presented herewith.i shamanism; and where religion is simple, it is quality the narratives of the Mohave re- largely constituted of sham aism. The Yuman tribes, tnot only those of the other Yuman tribes however, have evolved the special belief that the Colorado River, but also, to a consider- visions are not of the spirits of now, but of the ent, those of the Shoshonean Indians of spirits and great gods of the beginning of the California. The typical story of the world. This group of tribes in their philosophy .is not a relatively rapid narrative of transcend time and project their souls back to the it a detailed elaboration still further origin of things. This act they call dreaming. The by the inclusion of a song series. A basic and most significant dreams are not those of ght be characterized as a web loaded last night or of one's adolescence, but those which heavy embroidery of songs which carry an one had before birth--while still in the mother's 1 stimulus of their own, and at the same belly, they say. It is these prenatal dreams which ow the plot with a peculiar decorative the newly born baby and the child may forget, but yand charge it with-a feeling tone which which come back to the growing boy and to the man of secondary importance the sort of con- when he hears others singing or telling similar y of character, motivation, and action experiences. As they see it, the tribal mythology we expect in a narrative. This is a para- is thus first learned by personal participation in of how I expressed myself in regard to it as an unborn soul. Secondarily, it is strength- o mythology in 1925. It holds probably ened, clarified, and perhaps adjusted by what one t forcibly for the Mohave. Many of their learns from others. Some old Mohave of my acquaint- seem to appeal to them more in the manner ance admitted that they "also heard" or learned ornamental pattern than as a portrayal of their special lore, usually from blood kinsmen, in ed sequence of events. Essentially all addition to dreaming it; but all denied having been my ths are told in an almost ritualized "taught." The distinction may seem verbal to us, IThey are not, strictly, rituals; but their but I am sure that it is not verbal to them. and singing largely take the place of Now and then a person will admit having learned rituals in the culture. The songs which a story from others, apparently without any sense to the great majority of narratives can of inferiority therefor. Mostly, however, the old with equal suitability for a dance at a men claimed to have dreamed what they knew. This l or victory celebration; for the mere was without any very evident sense of pride about it--in fact, dreaming was so common that it would h fragmentary beginning of one of these be only what one had dreamed, not the fact of o r war legends is given in Handbook, pp. dreaming, that could give distinction. I am sure 775. ~~~~~~~~~that my informants believed they had dreamed in F . ~~~~~~~~~~~[1] 2 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS the way they said. A people starting out with each stage varies considerably more. Obviously, i preconceptions such as these would not be likely his recollection is uncertain whether he sings to be able to explain matters in terms of what three or four songs at a particular point, he isj we consider psychological reality. I suspect unlikely to carry precise minor variations of hi that many men, as they grow older and perhaps melody fixed in his memory. begin to sing song series with their kinsmen, For convenient reference, I have followed the begin also to brood about them in periods of in- plan of putting into a single paragraph each sec activity. Their minds presumably run on the im- tion of a story which a narrator told as a unit plications of the words of the songs, until, until he said that here he sang so many songs a under the spell of the tribal theory, they come the episode. Informants fell of themselves into to believe that they have in their own person habit of thus punctuating the narrative by menti seen the events of the far past happen. ing the song numbers. These paragraphs I have t At any rate, informants now and then mention numbered consecutively for convenience in refer in the midst of their mystical narrative, randomly to episodes; and a list of captions correspondi and in the most matter-of-fact way, "Then I saw to the paragraphs has usually been added to ser him doing so and so," or "I was there," or "Then as an outline of the song scheme and guide to t he said to me." story. Those narratives which the Mohave evidently Most of the tales take a night to tell, or a consider historical, and they are the longest night and part of the morning, or up to two nig of all, the Great Tales, come unaccompanied by according to the narrators. If anything, they singing. The story of the actual first beginnings underestimate the time required, in my experien of the world seems also to be without songs; and It seems doubtful that they would keep an audie so is the prolix account of the origins of cul- through periods as long as this; and I have the ture, of which I give a version herewith under impression that many of them had never told the the title of Mastamho, the culture hero. Matters whole myth continuously through from beginning of "history" are in the Mohave mind related to end. They also found it difficult to make clear matters of war, and are therefore clean and hon- what sort of occasions prompted the telling. Th orable. Cosmic origins, however, seem to be felt oretically, when it is not a matter of a dance as allied to shamanism and doctoring. Now the a funeral, a man both narrates and sings, telli doctor can cure, but he can also kill; and there an episode and then singing the songs that refe is consequently some reluctance to sing, or to it, until his audience drops off or falls as even to hear, series of doctoring songs, no doubt It remains to characterize the tales themsel because of their associations with illness. The and their style. songs of a good many non-shamanistic narratives If the narratives are long, they almost inev are danced to when there is a festival or gather- tably show minor inconsistencies. The narrator ing. Each story has its appropriate dance step, say that a thing is done four times, and then p as it has its characteristically recognizable ceed to narrate six variations of it. Contradic songs, and its prescribed rattle, struck basket, tions of plot may occur through lapses of memo palm slap, resonating pot, or other accompanying or shifts of the narrator's interest. Sometimes beat. There are even one or two kinds of singings, is difficult to decide whether this has happen notably Pleiades, for which,-I could never learn or whether the interpreter or recorder misunder that there was a narrative and the two songs of stood. This holds for a number of discrepancies which are simply sung over and over again for the the first tale, that of Cane, which are noted i dancers. The non-shamanistic song series are detail in the discussion and footnotes. Such in "given away" or "destroyed" (t5upilyk) at the death sistencies proved difficult to clear up with in of a relative. If he dies gradually, they are sung ants: explanations had a way of introducing new during his last one or two days and nights. If he discrepancies. On the other hand, most narrator dies suddenly, they are sung from then until his keep pretty successfully to the main thread of cremation. This is considered equivalent to the their plot and proceed in its development in a destruction of property for the dead. But, as the rather prolix, step-by-step, orderly manner. Mohave say, after a time a man forgets his grief Major inconsistencies are due to shifts in p and begins to sing his songs again. ticipation or identification of the narrator The songs accompanying any narrative seem to hearer with the characters. He who seems to hav run from about a hundred to about four hundred. been the hero, turns evil without warning and o All the songs of any one series are variations on sympathies are enlisted for a new personage. a basic theme, which most Mohave can recognize is a quality which is also notable in southern and name on hearing. Most of the variations pre- California Shoshonean myth narratives. I suspec sumably are improvised according to a pattern that the Mohave feel less need than we of parti style. It seems impossible that hundreds of minute pating with their personages, both the story variations should be kept separately fixed in mem- its setting being so formalized and stylized. ory. An informant's listing of the localities or Where fighting is involved, motivation becoi stages of his story at which he sings is usually particularly elusive. The main thing seems to l fairly consistent from one listing to another, that there should be war and the happenings thi But the number of songs that he says he sings at go with war. Hence, in place of a definite sen K ROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 3 tification of the teller or hearer with Most of the tales are given some tie-up with the other of the personages, there is Ha'avulypo in Eldorado Canyon and the first god sense of foreboding or of the inevita- Matavilya and his death there; or with Mastamho of what will happen. This is not confined who succeeded him and his Avikwame which we call *les which professedly deal with war, Dead or Newberry Mountain--both north of Mohave 8 in the Cane myth, and, with reference valley. These tie-ups seem to be for placement instead of war, in that of Deer. In the reference: they indicate that the events occurred the identification is particularly ob- in the beginning of time. Sometimes an incident Jaguar and Mountain Lion create a pair of of the creation serves as the introduction of a order to kill them for the benefit of tale; or it may be only alluded to. The heroes or ure Walapai. But a full three-quarters of personages are preponderantly boys, sometimes even tells about the Deer, their thoughts miraculously precocious babies. Then overnight tings; so that it is difficult not to they may have grown up sufficiently to get married. as what we would call the "heroes" of These irrationalities or surrealisms of time should * If so, they are unquestionably tragic not be disconcerting when one remembers that to the Mohave the whole basis of knowledge of myth is due .tales are given their great length less to a projection from the present into the era of ental complications of plot than by first beginnings--is the result of the utter oblit- of detail. The most common expansion eration of time on the mythological and spiritual phical. There are long travels. If no level. Even the culture hero Mastamho is sometimes ocur on the journey, many places are described as merely a boy; so are the future ess enumerated, and the traveler's tribes whom he is instructing; at times the inform- or thoughts at each point, or what he ant refers to himself as a watching and listening owing or living there, are expatiated on. boy. There is an evident feeling that the eras ye evidently derive a satisfaction from dealt with are those when everything in the world ntal journeys with their visual recalls was fresh and young and formative. ningS. I have put the Cane tale first because it has yen the physical movement of the whole more plot and less of mere prolixity, geographical sts only in the mind. How people will or otherwise, than the others. Next follow three an fight is told and sung of, but in the stories that to the Mohave are concerned with war: elf the entire journey is that from the Vinimulye-p&t6e, Nyohaiva, and Raven. After that the front of the house in which the two comes the story of Deer, with animal actors; and heroes grow. then some fragments on Coyote, without songs and er method of expansion is more stylistic. perhaps unorthodox, secured from a woman. Women are going to happen is discussed first, and not precluded from dreaming, but on the whole the is told over again as a happening. There Mohave seem to have no great interest in women's ents between personages.on whether to dreams. The last is another tale unaccompanied by or that; whether to understand an event songs, the long one of Mastamho, which is essen- y or in another; or as to what is going tially an account of the origin of human and tribal en later. culture. I. CANE THE NARATOR B. Two Brothers Go Off The story of Cane, Ahta, more properly Ahta- lb. Now there were two brothers there. They 'amalyale, Long Cane, was told me on three days stood east of the house and told of it. They did between April 24 and 27, 1904, with one day of not speak, but sang. They sang of its posts, the intermission, by a middle-aged man named T6iydre- rafters, the sand heaped around and over it, and k-avasak, or "Bluebird," who said he had dreamed the other parts. (4 songs.) the tale, beginning at Avikwame. I neglected to 2. Their names were Pukehane, the older, and write down personal or biographical details about Tsitsuvare, the younger.4 They went north a sho him, and dare not trust my memory at this interval. distance, where there was a little gravelly plao This story has more plot interest than the and thorny cactus. The ground-squirrel, hum'ire, majority of those which the Mohave profess to lived there. When the two brothers came, it ran dream and sing to. It might be described as a away, crying like a boy. It had never seen them tale of adventures on an almost epic scale, and before. They stood there and sang about it. (3 it does not systematically account for the origin songs.) or institution of anything, although a bit of 3. Then they went north again a very little cosmogony drifts in toward the end. distance.5 There they saw a rat, hamalyk. They d The version recorded was told carefully and not kill it, but looked at it and sang about it. accurately. There are a number of internal dis- (2 songs.) crepancies, especially as regards relationship 4. Now it was sundown. They struck their fire of the characters and topography, which are con- flints,6 made a fire, and sat by it. They did no sidered in a section following the story itself; eat anything all night. In the morning they were but the plot is well constructed and maintained. hungry. One thought that they should kill the ra The song scheme is also given after the tale. and eat it. His brother said: "That is good." So The songs are accompanied with a double beat of they killed the rat and ate it. They stayed the a stick struck against the bottom of a Chemehuevi that day, thinking. The next day, in the morning bowl-shaped basket. Cane is not danced to. Pukehane, the older brother, said: "We have no The Cane type of plot recurs in another kind place to live." TKit6uvare said: "Yes, that is t of Mohave singing called Satukh6ta, of which Where can we get wood to build a house?" Now P only a brief outline was obtained. The singer of hane was intelligent; he was born thus. Therefo Satukh8ta beats time by striking his palm against he made sticks out of his saliva.7 Thus in one d his chest. they built a round house. At night they went int THE CANE NAiATIVE it. (3 songs.) 5. Now it was three days.8 In the morning the A. Kamaiavtta Killed at Avikwame hunted rats. When they killed a rat, they hung i A. by its head under their belts. Pukehane said: "I la. All the people at Avikwame had gone out of do not think this is good." Then he took9 two ne the house and had sent for (the great snake in the sacks,10 and they put the rats into them and car ocean to the south) Kamaiavtta.1 They thought it rned them on their backs. At sunset they came ba was he who had killed Matavilya and they wanted to to the houise. Now two men lived at Avikwame, Hat kill him. No one knew this to be so but all be- 'aqwao0t6e,11 their father's older brother, and lieved it. Then when he came they killed him, and his bodv lay stretched over the earth. When he was 4Both names refer to cane. Hipkke is the pen boad ltokay stretchedfo i al h ate o the root" or butt. Hipulke-hane is probably th dead, I took a piece from his tail, the rattle full form. Tsitsu-vare is said to refer to the nearest the body. I took it for good luck. Several points of the cane. In the text, a and a have be tribes dream about this killing: the Yuma, the rendered u and a in these two names. Maricopa, the Kamia, the Walapai, the Halchidhoma, 5"About 50 yards," not far enough to necessi and others down to the mouth of the river.3 a new name for the place. _____________ 6Like wheat, cloth, etc., a Spanish absorpti integrated into the culture. 1"Sk-ratlenak-gret."Als Ku aivet or "Hika, his saliva, important element in magi M "Sky-rattlesnake-great." Also Kumaiavete and therapeutics. 8One day since leaving Avikwame they had spe 2The narrator believes that he has seen and in thinking, a second in building the house, thi heard what he is relating. is the third. 3The Kamaiavete incident seems to be mentioned 9Created by magic out of nothing, by reachi only for the purpose of fixing the time and place I of the beginning of the story. The myth properly 10Ayu, carrying-sacks of net-work such as th begins at this point. Most Mohave song-myths be- Paiute and Chemehuevi use. gin with an allusion to the death of Matavilya, 11Hatpa, Pima; aqwa9-, yellow. The second par of which the Kamaiav^ete story is an after-incident, of the name is not certain. [4] 1KOEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTBS 5 a Hatpa-'aqwaoGtge said: "I will live the door, the younger west of it.16 The woman went younger brother's sons (ivitk). I will back into the house, put on a (pretty) dress, and with this man (Nume-peta) who is not my beads around her neck. She took a white peeled And he came and lived with them. So willow stick, qara'asap, to sweep the dress under three. In the morning, the two boys her thighs so as not to crumple it when she sat ting rats again. As the rats were shot, down. 17 Tied to the top of her dress she had two eked. The boys stood and listened and bags of paint (k6mkuvl), one black, one red. When 1,(1 song. ) she came to the two boys standing outside the door n they came back, Pukehane said, "Some she did not go to the older, she went to the after a time will do like this: let me younger: she liked Tsitsuvare. Pukehane said, "She far you can shoot." They bet their arrows, is mine." His younger brother said, "No, if she r shot far. The younger did not shoot far were yours she would come to you." The older said, lost all his arrows. The quiver was "She is mine." The woman said nothing. The older he tied it around his waist. He said, embraced her. The younger said, "Do not embrace t>bet the rats that I killed." Then he lost her. She belongs to me." He embraced her too and [rats. They came home and he had no arrows they both held her and pulled. Pukehane became ?ats, only his bow. Their father's older tired. He stood aside. "You are the better; take saw them. He said, "Why do you not do her," he said. So now they had one woman: Tsit- This is wrong. Do not do it any more. That suvare had her. (1 song.) what I came here for. I came in order that 9. They started to go home from there: Pukehane go hunting you bring them here and I eat." wanted to. They had far to go, too far for one day. So they slept in the desert where no one lived. itpa-'aqwao9t6e said, t"tle are three men Tsitsuvare made a bed. Pukehane said, "My brother, ,.see you two do not sleep but sit and wake. when you marry, both of us sleep with the woman.18 men live in a house everything is ready That is what you said." T6it6uvare had not said when they come home to it. But there is that: Pukehane only wished it; and Tsitsuvare did here and that is why there is no wood not let him. Then in the morning Pukehane said, r, If you get a woman she will cook." "Let us go, my sister-in-law."19 (1 song.) said, "Yes, we will do that." That night 10. They started. At noon, when they came to the stretched his hand to the southeast to- house, the woman was ashamed, because it was the Maricopa and got corn in it. He got much first time she was married. IHatpa-'aqwaogt6e said, d it in the corner of the house. Then he "I want to see my younger brother's daughter-in- his hand out northeast, toward the law." She did not look up: she had long hair-- ja Paiute, and took wheat.13 Now they had down to her hips--behind which she hid her face. s of food. The old man took her by the hand, led her inside, and took her around the house. He wanted her to C. The Brothers Get Wives grind corn. Now the three men felt glad, when they saw her grinding corn. They looked to see how she It the morning the two boys went west. 14 worked; all of them smiled. "See how beautiful she was a man who had a daughter T6eseIilye; looks," they said. She was clean and wore beads ywanted to get. As they went west they around her neck and on her ears and wrists, and a ,bird hanging in a tree in a cage of red and dress of willow bark, and was painted. (1 song.) woven cloth.13 The bird was hwet6e-hwetse.15 lla. In the morning she was going to make mush that girl has a bird," they said. (1 song.) of the corn she had ground. The two brothers were t and the badger ran off. He paid no atten- keeping on. (1 song.) 1it followed the creek up east. He went on 64. He went on until he came to the sea (the and came to Aha-ly-motate. There were sand Gulf of California). The waves were high. When tains and caves there, and he told about they came up on the land and went back, there were 41 song.) holes and some of the water did not run back, but Us stayed there awhile and played. Then he stayed in the holes and made ponds. A crane (nyaqwe) a trail south and came to Avi-su'ukwilye, was there. He said, "That is an eagle (aspa): it 11. There he stood on a mesa. Ohflt6ye, surely looks just like an eagle." (3 songs.) Bgrass, grew there. He saw a jack rabbit 65. The bird flew off eastward. He said, "That .that. He thought, ??Its body does not look bird is afraid of me: it flew away.?? He walked Wan's, but it feels when it gets hungry, along the sea to the east. As the waves came and eats. I thought it knew nothing, but it went they left shells there: hanye, aht6ilye, aha- son9thing: it knows that that is good nye-amokye, tamaGe, ahaspane, and two other kinds 2 (1 song.) used by doctors.50 He knew that these shells were Tn he followed along the sand ridge, good to wear. No one had told him, but he knew. on it, going south. Far away he saw high He took them in his hand and played with them. they looked as, if they were near, but (2 songs.) ire far. They were called Avi-melyehwdke: 66. Then he threw the shells away and kept go- goiwg there: he arrived when it was nearly ing east. He looked back to the west and saw ducks, K (3 songs.) heard them making a noise. He thought, "What are here he slept. It was (Western) Yavapai those? They have feathers. They are like persons, ., In the morning he did not want to go but they are ducks." There was a large flock of eouth. He turned northward and came to them on the sea, close together. (2 songs.) po. (2 songs.) 67. He went on east. Where a little lagoon 51 Jrom there he went on north to near the came out of the sea, there was a hat6mpa?auve. toSelye aya-Iita.48 There he stood, wanting He lived in that lagoon. The boy saw him fishing the river to the western side, to Kuvukwi- and was afraid. He thought, "I will tell about tsong.) him. Then I will go on.?? (2 songs.) en he did as he had done before. He made 68. He went on, not following the edge of the es of sand and leveled them into one ridge sea any more, but north and northeast. Soon the feet and made the river dry enough so sea was far away. He came to a gravelly place, a could walk across, and came to the west good level place. There he saw a'i-kume5l trees the river. Now he was at Kuvukwllye. He (mountain or desert trees with curved thorns-- can stand here and tell the names of catsclaw acacia?) He told of them. (1 song.) 'tains." (3 songs.) * tumed south again and came to Aha-kumiGe H. Marriage and Contests with Meteor and Sun a spring. He thought no one had seen it iI found this. No one knew of it." People 69. He went on east or northeast. Soon, in a the spring, but he thought not. (1 song.) level place in the desert, he saw women's tracks, went south to Amata-hiya, "earth-mouth." four women's. The tracks had been there a year but re was a hole or crack in the ground, red they looked as if they had been made the same day. od. He saw it and thought, "How did this He said, "I think I kncw these four women. I know 'be?" He walked around it looking in, and who they are. I think they are Sun's wives.?52 ,over it. (1 song.) (5 songs.) 'Be went and came to T8ske. There he stood 70. Going on to the east, he found a house. No the name of that place.49 (1 song.) one was there. He said, "Sometimes people go away ing south again he came to a low mesa, and their house is empty." He went in and stayed. ce called Yelak-Imi, "goosefoot." (1 song.) He had in mind the four women. He said, "I think Going on he came near the Yuma country. the oldest of those four sisters knows me." He d on tIh mesa, looked down on the ground did not say this aloud: he thought it. He did not ing, and saw much cane. He thought, "How want anyone to know that he had come: he did not cane cow to be here? I did not think it want anyone to see him. "But the oldest one will *re. I will go down to see it." (2 songs.) know me, I think," he said. He slept there. He pulled He went down to where the cane grew, broke out one of the sticks from the east side of the iece as long as a flute, and played with came (abreast of) Enpego'auve, the Cocopa ns, south of Yuma. He kept along the edge 50For which reason the narrator did not like to name them. Perhaps they are used in poisoning. Hanye are small clamshells cut into shape of a r ~~~~~~~~~~~frog (hanye) and worn as a gorget. Thre are two Selye'aya-'ita. This is the 5iThe hat8mpa'auve is described as looking like *rone, well south of Mohave territory. "a large horse with feet like a duck's and a tail." r ~~~~~~~~~~~~52They are called Sun's daughters later, and 0Heis near Yuma land now. then his wives again. See notes 54, 58. 12 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS house and made a little fire of it and slept. In don't want my basket spoiled." 'lhen Tasekyl the morning he made a wind to blow away the brought her own basket. She said, "Come, help ashes so no one would see he had been there, and Take him up with your hands and put him in the smoothed the sand inside the house to c6lemfhis basket." But her three sisters turned away. T tracks. He thought, "I will tum to cane. I stood and would not look at him: they vomited:- want the wind to blow me away into the bushes. none of them helped her. Then she herself gat The oldest sister will find me." Then he went the flesh and bones and put them into the bas out and lay there in the brush, a piece of cane. Sbe said, "Help me put it on my head: I want He left his shadow inside the house. (2 songs.) carry him to the house." Her three sisters did 71. The four women came near. The boy was want to help her: he was too old and maggotty singing loudly. They could hear him from far. stinking: they would not come near, but stood He was telling the names of the four women. The around. "Do it yourself," they said; "take the oldest was called Taseky8lkye, the next Ahta- basket up with your own hands and set it on y t6a6re, the next Ahta-kwasase, and the youngest head." So she took it up and carried it to the Ahta-nye-masape. Then the youngest said, "My house The others folloMwed her. Then Thseky oldest sister, do you hear him say that? He calls said, "Make a fire." She wanted hot sand. Whe you first. He names you too, and you; and me: was hot, she poured water on it and leveled i He calls all four of us. Do you know that?" The Then she piled the mggots and flesh and bones oldest sister said, "Yes, I know it. There were there together and covered them with the bask two men in the north. They were married. I think Then she went and bathed. Her three sisters 1 this is their boy. He knows us. No one knows us, at the thing. They did not know what she would but this is their son. When we enter the house with the rotten boy. She came back, took off you will see no one there, and no tracks. He baslet, and.a boy was sitting there, as big as will have ti'rned to a stick or perhaps to a that boy (pointing to a ten-year old). The t piece of charcoal. Perhaps when you (are about women looked at him. Tasekyalke sat by him co to) break a coal it will say, 'You are hurtirg her hair with her fingers; the boy had no hai me: look out!' If it says that do not break it. yet.53 (2 songs.) Perhaps when you break a stick it will speak 74. The man whose house this was had four and say, 'Look out: you hurt me!' Then do not He was Kwayfi, meteor, shooting-star: he hunte break it. Perhaps he will be lying in a crack people and ate them. The four women were Sun' of a house post. Perhaps he will turn into a daughters54 and KwayIl's wives. Then Tasekyl piece of cane and lie outdoors in the brush." said, "That boy does not eat. He does not bec So Tasekytlkye, the oldest sister, said to Ahta- hungry. I know what he likes: he likes tobacc nye-masape, her youngest sister. Then they went That is all he uses for food. Ahta-nye-masape, into the house. She said, "There is no one here, bring a dish55 with tobacco in it." The youlnge There are no tracks. He slept here last night sister went and got the tobacco and gave it t but there is no one. Put your foot on the fire boy. He took the dish and poured the tobacco place: There is warmth there." They drew the his mouth: he did not take it up with his han sand away with a stick and there they found fire. "Do you see? I know what he likes," said the "See, I knew there was fire here," said Taseky8l- est sister. The boy had not enough. He looked kye. (2 songs.) around and picke3d up the tobacco stalks lying' 72. The four women stood in the house. Tasek- the house and ate them. The three sisters la yElkye, the oldest, said, "Look around. When Taseky8lkye said, "I think he wants more: he you find a crack in the house post, push some- not had enough." Then the youngest sister gav thing into it. If it says, 'Ana (ouch, look out), a cane as long as a hand, filled with tobacco you are hurting me,~ then stop. Or pick up a The boy smoked it. He did not smoke it long: lump of earth and start to break it: If it says, sucked once and swallowed the smoke: he did n 'Look out, you hurt me,' then do not break it." blow it out. The whole cane was burned up exc They took up a coal and broke it. It did not the end. He chewed that up and spat it out. T speak and they knew it was not he. TasekyElkye women laughed. They liked to see that: theyh said again, "When you find him, do not say, 'He never seen a man doing it.56 (1 song.) is rotten, he stinks.8 And look in the brush; 75. TassekyElkye said, "When our husband coo perhaps you will find him there." So Ahta-nye- back he is tired from gambling with hoop-and-. masape, the youngest, went west ,and the others all about, to look for him in the brush. Then the youingest found him: he was long dead, stink- 530r: she combed what little hair he had? ing, rotten, full of mggots. With a stick they 54Not to be confused with the Sun's daught scraped off the maggots. But there was no flesh who was the second wife of Tsitsuvare and the on him: he was all bones: he had been dead too boy's mother's co-wife.--See notes 14, 38, 52, long and was dry: they could not bring him to 68, 78, 83. life. The four of them stood there. (2 songs.) 55There is no record of tobacco being stor 73. TasekyElkye said, "Bring a karri'i baa- in pottery vessels. Evidently it is here serv ket; I want to put him in." But her three sis- in a dish because it is consumed like food. ters saidA "What for? do not like that. I 56Oharacteristic Mohave lack of reserve. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 13 Then he is angry. We had better (at) me there I will go to another." Kwayf came: something to eat: we have nothing in he had a spear (otata). He said, 'Who came into *" Every morning Kwayf went early to my house? I smell him but I do not see him. Tell rrying his poles: one day he would win me, has some one come? I know it.?? The boy heard y lose. Now the women all took their him but did not say a word, lying on top of a (karri?i). Tasekydlkye said, "We are rafter. Kwayri struck at him. The boy jumped to gather kwinyo or what we can find. We another rafter. KwayQ stabbed at him there. He off, but will come back. The man who penetrated the rafter too far: his spear stuck: this house, KwayQ, hunts persons. The he could not pull it out: he became tired. The live near he does not kill: he kills boy jumped to another rafter. Again Kwayu struck live far away.57 Sometimes he kills at him and his spear stuck in the rafter. He ee men and carries them home. He cuts could not pull it out and left it hanging in the but does not cook them: he eats them raw. rafter; he went and sat at the door. The boy came a not eat them all, he slices the meat down and sat in the middle of the house between it on a tree. And he does not throw the posts. "Give me tobacco, I want to smoke,?? wr bones: he puts them away. When they he said. Kwayu said, "You are too young to smoke, i- says, 'Grind the bones: I want to but I will give you tobacco. You do not know how I'We grind and he eats it. He does not to smoke cane, for the Mohave smoke a pipe of bwe do. I am afraid that when he comes clay." The boy said, "I know how to do that, for mallow you and keep you in his stomach that is my name (I am cane).?? Kwaya said, "My ). I am thinking of that and afraid of younger brother's son, is that you??? 60 The boy >is why we will not go off the whole said, "?Yes, I know you: that is why I came here. 11 come back. If you were not here we If I had not known you I should not have come." gone all day." So they went, carrying Kwayu thought, "I thought that the boy born from Bits. The boy thought, "How will he the two brothers in the north was wise. I was m? I do not think he can swallow me. afraid of him. I was thinking he would kill me.?? 'I have dreamed; I am a shaman, too. He did not say that but he thought it. He said, tdo that. Sun is my father's elder "You do not know the small cane?" The boy said, (navlk). Now I have come to his house.58 ?"Yes, I know it. It belongs to me. I dreamed good me he will not let Kwayu swallow me." luck from it." Kwayu said, "I have meat here. I id to the house, "In the north I saw a have people's bones ground and made into mush. I this, a good house. A man who lives ate of it but I did not eat it all and there is like this does not eat people."59 some left. But I think you do not like that." The boy said, "I do not know that kind: I do not he stayed there alone. About noon Kwayu like it. I know cane; but wait, do not give it to boy saw him coming and went into the me. I will tell you about it first: then give it hide. He drew his breath into his belly to me." Then he told of joints of cane.Si (2 it tight and projecting. He wanted to songs.)62 fter. He thought, "If I lie on it he 77. Kwayui said, "Have you told all?" ??Yes,?? he be able to pierce me. If he stabs (at) said. Then Kwayui handed him two pieces of cane jump to another rafter. If he stabs filled with tobacco. The boy smoked one. It was gone, but he still had the other. Kwayu said, cal stylistic expression. "Stay here. I always go hunting. I eat whatever I find. If I find a little boy on my way I swallow ne, who had killed his father, whose him; if an old man or an old woman, I eat them fe was Sun's daughter. About the "two" too." Then Kwayfu went. Then after he had gone, their daughters, see above and below, Sun came. The four women had not yet returned. 52, 54, 64, 78, 79, 83. When the inform- Sun said, "You are a young boy, too young to travel. appealed to at this point, he repeated Where are you from??" The boy said, "I came this ad said first, that the four women were ?I yes, but contradicting the statement in morning. Sun said, "There is a bad man here: he tive two paragraphs above, that they 3 daughters and Kwayfu's wives. Perhaps ip is specifically conceiyed at any 60Still another relationship. This would make ent in the story, but the concepts waver Kway1U the same person as Pukehane. Of course, kin tdict one another as the long narrative terms may be being used loosely in address to ses. A kind of decorative pattern is fol- non-relatives. her than logical or factual consistency GiHis father's name refers to cane joints. d. At the same time the inconsistency isely of the sort that is familiar in 62Here the narrator interjected the following: dreams. This seems significant in view of When Kwayth came home, he thought: "No one comes to ye assertion that they dream their tales. ouh this cannot )e literally true, they my house; I want no one to come. I am stingy. I nd t regess nto drem-mod inwant no one to see my wives' faces. I am bad and te nd t regressingh toadries.modi want to kill any man who has been among my wives. of anMeaigtesois y brother (sic~) is good, he goes to play with ?is self-reassurance by addressing the people and wants to be friendly; but that is not also suggests infantile or dream phantasy. my way." 14 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS eats everybody. But he did not eat you: I think bees (GampO): I will bet those. So they played you must have dreamed well." The boy said, "Yes, four times, to the south and the north and the he did not eat me." "Where are you from?" asked south and the north, as before, and the boy won Sun. The boy said, "I came from Avikwame. I was again. When he had won all those things he said, born there, I lived there." He meant that his "I will bet what I have won against your body. father had died there and his mother had gone Will you play?" Sun said, "Yes, I will bet it." away and his (father's) uncle was still living The boy said, "If you lose your body, lie down there. "I left my uncle63 (Hatpa-'aqwao9t6e) in where we have played. When I take my knife, do the north and came here. He knows everything, not move: I will cut you to pieces because you but I do not. He told me, 'Your relatives live have lost." Sun said, "It is well: if I lose I far south.' You are my uncle:64 that is why I will not move. Say what you like: name whatever have come here." Sun said, "I knew you when you part you like to cut first." Then they played were at Avikwame. I know what you wore: you wore for four points. Now Sun was lying: the four cut raven-feathers." He had not (really) seen it, women belonged to Kwayur; and the house belonged the boy did not tell him, nevertheless Sun knew to Kwayu, and what was in the house, but Sun it. "You wore a woven belt and beads. I know what said it was all his own. So they played. Three else you wore: a white feather rope." The raven times the boy won. Now Sun had nearly lost: onc feathers, aqaqa soverevere, he called kwasolig more and he would lose. Then he did not go on soGOre. The woven belt, sorape, he called sorape.65 playing: he stepped back, and stood, and did no The beads, nyapfke,66 he called hapany6ra. The throw his pole, and talked, for he was about to feather rope,67 so6ilyk nyitMve, he called kwin- lose his body. The boy thought, "If Sun loses yekalak. He said, "Will you gamble?" The boy body I think he will do something to me: he wil said, "I am poor. I have nothing to bet. My fa- try to kill me, and I know how. He has sky-heat ther died and my mother went away and I have noth- (ammay ipilyta) in his body: I know he has it ing." Sun said, "You have something at the back of he will try to kill me with that. I have not se your head" (in his hair). "No," said the boy. it but I know he will do that. He will make his After a time he said, "Yes, I have it: I have a castirg pole stand up, climb up it, and drop it bead necklace. But I do not want to play." He on me and the house to kill me." So the boy tho had hidden that, but Sun knew it. (2 songs.) but then, "I will prevent it: I will make ice. 78. He said, "Well, I will put up what I have." he throws his fire on the brush of the house t Sun asked, "Will you bet your body?" The boy said, ice will prevent it." Soon Sun climbed up his "Yes. What will you bet against my body? Put up and threw the fire on the house. The boy caused your four women."68 Then they played (hoop-and- ice to be there and it put out the fire. Sun be pole). They played running to the south. The boy to climb to the sky. The boy climbed after and won and counted one. They ran and threw to the tried to strike him but could not reach him. north and the ring fell on his pole and he had he slid back and stood on the ground. Sun went two points. Then they threw to the south and he up, jumping like a ghost. The boy said, "You won and had three. Then they threw north and he thought I was a little boy and did not know an made that point and had four. So the boy won. He thing; but I am wise. I will turn you into some won Sun's apparel and the four women. Then Sun thing. I will make you be what you are now (the said, "I want to bet my house, my dishes, and sun)." The fire was still running all around t the sack I have in the 'house. I have made heaven house. The four women came back and saw the fi and earth into a sack."169 They bet, played again Tasekydlkye said, "Did I not know that that boy as before, four times, and the boy won: now he was wise, that he would do something we have ne had won the house too. Sun said, "I will bet you seen?" The boy stood outdoors and put the thi the lake (slough) where I bathe. I will bet you he had won into the little sky-sack. He thought my looking-glass water (haliyoi). And I have a (about Sun), "I will make you be something: I beaver who lives in the water: that is why you turn you into something: I will make you be tw cannot see him; but he belongs to me and I will Some days there will be two suns (the sun and bet him. I have a scorpion (metIse), too, and sun dog)." That is what he did. (1 song.) 79. As he stood he thought, "Well, I will se 63Navik denotes not only f's o br but f's f's what I have won. I will take a bath. And the y br; but the boy's father Tsit5uvare was said to looking-glass70 and the beaver I have won! I wi be Hatpa-'aqwaogtse's hivetk, man's y br's ch, which go see those " Then the beaver did not know the would make him the boy's f's f's o br. Again, the go ."Tnt be rdd not know th kinships cannot be reconciled. boy and cried with much noise. The boy said, " 64Ct. note 58. do not know me? I am the one that feeds you." 65Span. zarape, "serape" .he went to see his scorpion. He thought, "I wou 65Span. zarape, "serape." like to see it." The scorpion was lying still, 660btained from the Cahuilla and Serrano, the Shoshonean tribes toward the PaciLic. 67Made b,y twisting the skin oL a large white 70A pottery dish blackened with charcoal an bird around a cord; worn as a scarL or boa. Lilled with,water, used in Lace painting; a mi ethnographic detail, interesting because oL th 68The four women oL the house, Sun's "daughters." prehistoric Hohokam mirrors oL pyrites in the 69The beginning oL an episode oL cosmic mythology. Gila valley. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 15 ,-the boy came, it moved about, afraid. he was not embracing the two girls; they were lot know me? I am the one who feeds you,t holding him, and saying, ??I want him." "No, I "Well, I will go to see the bee that I want him.?? Then she also dropped her jar, for she my bee." The bee did not know him and wanted him too. Now the three were gone and did sting him. It flew to him, under his not come back. Then the oldest sister thought, where his neck and shoulder came together. "Well, there were three of them, but they have not $id, "Do you not know me? Know me now: I brought water. I will go myself and drink and then who feeds you.?? (2 songs.) return here to cry." She took her jar, went there, e boy stood there: he left these things and saw the three women surrounding the boy, em- the playing field (matare). He wanted to bracing him; but the boy was not moving, not saying y. He wanted to look in his mirror. a word. When she saw it she ran up: "Did I not know it, "I want to see what sort of a looking it? You like that boy: all of you want him: I knew ' When he looked; he said, t"I have no it:"73 She too wanted him, but could not take him I ai a bad-looking boy.?? (2 songs.) away from the others. Now they had all come there X-bad no long hair, only short hair like to get water and there was no one at the house. saw that. He went to the bathing place Then the four women said, "We will take you to the in northward. He came out again and house. We do not want you to walk: we will stand, tward. Then he dived to the south. Then you lie down, and we will carry you." So the boy jo the east.71 He came out and now his lay down and they carried him in their hands. Four below his hips. Then he wanted to make times they became tired and laid him down. When wind to dry his hair. He did not sit they came to the house they spread a woven blanket, .did not lie down, he stood. Then the hats-h&rke, and laid him with his head against a his hair. He came back and looked in post in the middle of the house. (4 songs.) H. He said, "I think I will wear eagle- 82a. The boy said, "I want the sky-sack in the )." He put his hand out to the north house. I have many things in it." The youngest went le-down. Then he put that on and out and got the sack. Then the three youngest 'himself. "That is good, he said. Then ground corn, for they thought, "I think he is hun- t his hand to the east and got a woven gry.?? The boy thought, "You three did not like me shirt, tolyek8-pa, and a woven strip before: you thought I was rotten. Now when you loth (tolyek8-hare-hare) for a breech- grind corn and make bread or mush and give it to me I have all that,?? he said. He put his I will not eat it.?? They made bread (m65ilya) and io the west72 and got beads (nyapfka). gave it to him but he would not eat. Then Tasekyvl- "t, "When I was a boy I did not know what kye, the oldest, ground aksamta74 seeds and made I did not wear anything. Now I know bread of them and gave them to him and he ate: he ood and am wearing what I have never did not eat the other bread that the three younger re. I am ready now and it is good.?" He sisters made. At sunset they went to bed: two of ig where he had bathed. The four women them lay on each side of him. From each side they (at the house); he heard them. Tase- tried to embrace him. He paid no attention to them th oldest, was thinking about the three except to the oldest who lay next to him on the the boy, KwayUf, Sun), wondering which of right side. That night she said, "Will you stay been turned into something and killed, here and live in this house, or go away? The man Uof them had come back yet. t"Perhaps the who lived here eats people. We are afraid of that. one that," she thought. Then she said to When he goes hunting without luck, he is hungry, st sister, ttGet water' You have a jar and then I am afraid he will eat me; I fear that >yourself." "tYes, I have one,?? she said, every day.?? Then the boy said, ?When I was north I to get water. When she saw the boy all told my mother, 'I am going far to the south, but hp, se dropped her jap and went and em- I am coming back. ? My mother is thinking of me, kissed him. She was away for some time. thinking I am coming to see her. I must go north to st sister said, tV?hat is the matter with where she lives and stay there. I will start in the she does not come back? What did she see morning." went to get water?" And she sent another. other woman came and saw Ahta-nye-masape I. Return to Mother, Half-Brother, and and kissing the boy, she too threw away Fatherts Ghost ad hugged him. ??He is a good-looking boy: 82b. In the morning he said, tI think that man o mrry him," she said. Then TasekyOlkye (Kwayn) will come back today." They said, ?He has other sister. She came and saw the boy: enough to eat: plenty of peoplets dried meat and people's bones ground up.?? The boy said, t"I do not think he will follow me. Now I am ready to start. i-sunwise circuit, contrasting with the Are you ready??? All the women said, "Yes. t He said, pairing of TMitguvare's and Pukehane's t;oa ceremonial circuit in this case, but 7NoaetlsdntwarofIodyu-os ig out to where the articles came from, 740nae ofthles wido seed planyofIteld-byo-' the ohave: cloth from the Hopi to the east, 70eo h wl"sespatdb h beads from the Shoshoneans to the west. Mohave.--.Handbook of California Indians, p. 736. 16 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS "Take your baskets." Then they each took a bas- braced him and cried. The four women stood off, ket. He said, "I did not come here to gamble, I looking at them. (2 songs.) came to see my relatives. When I came he wanted 88. The boy said, "You left me and I stayed to play with me. He wanted to bet everything,75 the house. When you left me, I hid. The people his house, his prope.rty, and you, and I won you playing shinny did not see me. I lay there and too. It was not I who wanted to gamble, it was took their ball. When I got it I went back to he." Then they went east on the desert along a house and struck it to the west with my shinny valley. After a while he stood still with the stick. The ball fell in the mountains and broke four women. He thought, "?When I am traveling, them, killing many people. Then I said to the o women make too much trouble. They do not travel man, 'My uncle, I am going to leave you. I am fast. If I kill them, I can go fast. I think I ing to follow my mother. I am going to go to he will make it rain on them and they may die. It house. If I am not sick I will come back to see will become cold and they will freeze and die you. ? That is what I told the old man. Then I from that." (2 songs, about clouds.) and saw many dangerous things, rattlesnakes and 83. They went on and soon it rained. It rained other dangers, but I was not afraid. I saw ani heavily and continued to rain. They went farther and people but I overcame them all. I came to and the water was deep. The four women were wet. house. When I came there this woman knew what I Their clothes were wet and they could not go would be like. She saved me. No one knew me, b fast. The boy thought, "Some men do wrong. I was she knew me. I killed Sun and turned him into thinking something bad. It is not right: I do sun, to be two suns. I did that; then I came h not like it. I said of Kwaya that his was a bad I myself killed my uncle (the sun): no one els way. I do not want to do anything bad. That is it." (1 song. )78 what I said, but now I am doing a bad thing. I 89. When she heard what her son had done, h brought a heavy rain and made the four women wet. mother said, "You have come far and are tired. I will stop the rain. If the rain stops and the have stood long and your legs are tired. Sit d sun shines, the. women will sit for awhile and I have corn and wheat. Grind it and.make mush their dresses will become dry; then we will start eat it whatever way you like. Take as much as again and go on." He thought like this and the want." Then the oldest of his wives went into rain stopped, and they sat and rested. (1 song.) house and took corn and parched it. The three 84. They sat in the shade with their clothes sisters were ashamed and stood with their head off hanging in a tree to dry. When their clothes hanging. His mother put her hands on them, say were dry they went on again. There was much mud "My daughters-in-law." (1 song.) from the rain. Their sandals (haminyo)76 were 90. When Sun79 came home, his daughter (the full of mud. The boy ran around the women. "Your boy's mother) told him what her son had told h feet are full of mud," he said, and laughed. She said, "He says he has killed Sun and turne (1 song.) into the sun. He has made him be two suns." Th 85. They did not rest but weht on. The four the old man, the boy's grandfather, said, "?If women wore frog shell-gorgets (hanye),77 with has killed him, it is well. Even though it was strings of shell beads at the back of their necks. kinsman, it is well. If a relative is bad and Then the boy told of what they wore. (1 song.) killed it is right." Then the boy asked him, " 86. They went on east and came to a valley there any dangerous things to the east?" He sa and saw a basket-like cage hanging; there was a "Yes: thunder and lightning. One cannot do an masohwat bird in it; the cage was red and white to them. Look out!" The boy wanted them to ki] striped.. The bird saw the boy and came flying somebody with. He wanted to make them be some- toward him. He said, "This bird is my mother's. thing to take with him when he went to war. So That is why it came to me. It belongs to her.?? they talked that night. In the morning he roll Then the bird flew back to its cage? (2 songs.) 87. He went on east and came to his mother's house at sunset. He took the bird, put it down 78n being asked the mother?s name, the na at the door, and stood to one side. The bird said it was Kuvahg; that the dead father's fi walked around at the door, and made a noise. The wife's name was Tsesetilye, and that the two woman came out and saw the boy. "My son, it is half-sisters, daughters of Sun by different m you,?? she said. "Yes, it is I,"? he told her. She ers. Apparently either I or my experienced in pre ter misunderstood on T""esetilyets first me said, "I thought you had died long ago. I thought a recorded "Tsesetilye's daughter" instead somebody had killed you. You have dreamed well: "Tsese'ilye, Sun's daughter" (note 14). Howev I did not think I would see you again.?? She em- it is also possible that names and relationsh changed in the narrator's mind. His story was corded for three days, with an empty day's in val. In any event, it is clear that names mea 7this must be Sun, whereas just before, in little to the Mohave in these narratives: the this paragraph and the preceding, it is clearly talk chiefly in terms of boy, old man, woman, Kwayui the cannibal that is being referred to. brother, etc. Cf. note 87. 761n recent generations sandals were made of 79"Another Sun, brother of the one" that tl horse rawhide, but not very often worn, boy had chased to the sky and turned into the 77Standard woman's ornament. Cf. note 50. luminary. KRt OEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTI!HS 17 anket and carried it on his back, going brother." That one continued to run; at last he did not say where he was going. When he stood and waited; he saw it was his brother, and his mother asked his wife, "Did you they talked. He went back with him to where the say anything? Did he tell you?" His women were. (The one from the south) said; "You i, "I heard him say, 'When I come to my are my brother. I did not think I should see you. house, Sun's house, I will not stay be- You did not expect to see me, did you? I met you o not know the old man there. ' That is on the desert. How do you live?" (1 song.) Lrd him say." Meanwhile the boy went on 94. "Who are you? Whose boy are you?" he said. songs.) Ahta-kwasume did not say, but asked him the same. in he came to Thunder's place, he went He also would not tell. Then Ahta-kwasume sang. ,le made by lightning when it struck the In the song he mentioned his father's (sic) name. n the hole he found a (piece of) cane. Then the one who had come from the south said, plit it with his fingernail into four "I stand on Hatpa-'aqwao9t6e" (circumlocution for: (2 songs.)80 he is kin of my father).88 (1 song by each of ii he had that cane, he brought it back them.) ther's house, at noon. He carried it in 95. Then Ahta-hane 87 who had come from the nd hung it outdoors. His wife gave him south, said, '"We met here. We will cry together t night he said nothing. In the morn- for a little while." Then they took hotua paint;88 n wanted to see what he had got. He with that they painted. Then they cried. They I show it to you you will all die burned their clothes and their baskets and all So I will not show it to you: I will put they had;89 but Ahta-hane did not burn the cane lNext day he said, "You know what they he had got from the lightning hole. (1 song.) long ago.81 I am going to have war with 96. He sprinkled water on the ashes and walked ii alone, but I am going, going north." on the ashes and made the ground open wide in '5aid, "If you go, we will go." Sun said, four places. Their father was deep down and they tay." The boy was going to war with Puke- wanted him to come up. They heard him come. He -peta, Tinya-kwaGpi, and Kwat6a-kwat6a.82 continued to come and they heard him nearer. Soon ing they started. (1 song.) he emerged. He had no bones, only flesh.90 The ywent north. T6ese'ilye had also had two boys embraced him and cried. Ahta-kwasume sat That boy said, "I am wise too. I have to the west of him, Ahta-hane to the east. (2 11: I know everything." He called him- songs.) .kwasume.84 He gave himself that name: J. Revenge on Father's Foes e gave it to him. Around his neck he and he wore it on his belt and in his 97. Ahta-hane said, "You cannot walk. You can- b e walked, the cane in front and be- not come with me. I wanted to see you, to see 'ttled. Now he went east: He came to your face and .your body. That is all. I am going kwe. There he burned the grass85 and north." Their father said, "It is well. I have Wting to see his half-brother from the seen you both." Soon he went back (down), he who en that one from the south came. Ahta- had been T6it6uvare. Then the two brothers and a little fire over which he was the women went north. They went north until they and did not see him. Then when he saw came to Selye'aya-kumitte.91 They stood there. d not know him: he thought he was of Then Ahta-hane saw dust in the north, and his r tribe and not his brother. He was father's scalp tied on a pole, and the wind rais- ran off east, and the other chased him, ing the dust. 2 (1 song.) "You do not know who I am: I am your 86 Names of the dead are not mentioned. Hatpa- 'aqwaogtse was his father's older kinsman and still alive. only words in the two songs are: lTauk, 87Here at last we have the name of our boy kwatka, a chief in the north (note 82); hero. The narrator gave it when he was asked it ter hole; o6ik, I bring. These words at this point. When asked previously, in the iderably twisted and added to by meaning- part of the story where the boy is coming near ables like -ngau. Yuma tribal territory in his southward travels, they killed his father. Perhaps the in- the narrator said that as yet he had no name. lusion to the dead is preferred. 88Not ordinary black paint, but micaceous, two last are mentioned here for the first and glittering when ground. Perhaps a mourning Mohave like groups of four. Tinya-m is paint. 'watsa-kwatsa's name, unreduplicated, 89In mourning. The reunion, recognition of the songs about getting the lightning- kinship, and reference to their dead father e 80). finally brings on this expression of emotion. the woman, not her father, is again 90A curious expression of unsubstantiality. Kese'ilye. This boy would of course be This whole Witch of Endor episode seems strange "3' half-brother. in Mohave culture. tais cane. 91Near Fort Mohave, to the east of it. erhaps as a signal? 92Presumably from people dancing about it. 18 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 98. Then word was brought to Pukehane and had lost everything. But they did not give up Nume-peta and Kwat6a-kwat6a and Tinya-kwagpi, everything that they had lost; they gave up o who were living at Avikwame with many people, part. They gave up their clothes and dishes Then Pukehane and Nume-peta sent Kwatsa-kwatsa property but they did not give up their bodi to the two 'boys to say that they wanted to meet (1 songi them: he came southward and met them- at Qara'- 102. Then they said they wanted to bet aga 8rve.93 They said, "Tell them that we shall be They wanted to bet their bodies. They too had there. We will see them: we are going there." lightning. Ahta-hane's lightning (horrave) wa (2 songs.) not like theirs. They said to him, "Show your 99. Kwat6a-kwvat6a said, "All have heard that He said, "No, show yours." Then they showed i you are coming. All know it: the news was brought It was only light and did no harm. Then he s to them. When you arrive they want to try some- his: it was brighter than theirs, and quick, thing with you. There is a large rock with roots struck the ground, and entered it. So he won far down in the ground. Takse94 has dug under everything that they had bet. Then he started the rock and broken the roots. He is to roll it, go away. But before that he had sent the five pick it up in his hand, and put it back where it women back, his four wives and his mother; belongs. There is another: Halye?anekIt5e:95 he Hatpa-'aqwao9t6e and Axta-hane (sic, for Aht will obey you. Your father's scalp is on the kwasume); seven people in all. Now, when he pole: he will climb up to get it. If he can bring he took one of his four pieces of cane and t it down, we shall lose, but if he cannot bring it it west over Avi-mota.98 It burned up everythi we shall win.?? The two boys said, ?The people who and killed every one: Pukehane, liume-peta, live in the north do not think as we do. They Kwatsa-kwatsa, Tinya-kwagpi, and their people ridicule me because they have killed my father. Then he ran to the south. The fire had nearly We shall arrive about noon." Then Kwatsa-kwatsa overtaken his seven people. Only a plant like went back. (2 songs.) rushes, nyave5i-ny-ipa, ghost arrow, did not 100. That day they went up the river and came It stopped the fire at I o-kuvatire and saved near the others. Halye'anekit6e went to meet those seven people. (2 songs.) them. He said, "I will climb up to get the scalp. If you win you will get everything, their clothes, K. Transformation the men and womn, the boys and the girls. But if I climb and cannot bring down the scalp, you will 103. Ahta-hane had made this plant grow. lose your bodies and everything you have. Then his brother stood by him, and Hatpa-?aqwaogt again, if Takse can dig under the large rock and and the five women in a row. They wanted to cut its roots and carry it and throw it, you will what he would do. He took off the covering of lose, but if he cannot move the rock, you will cane, showed it to them, put the pieces of c win. You will win the houses, the dishes, and all together between his hands, and it thundered. the property of those people." Now Hatpa-'aqwaoGtse wanted to turn them into something. Then the wanted to see the two boys. He said, "I want to womn flew up to the sky. They stayed there see my two nephews." He met them, embraced them, were the Pleiades, hatsa. Then he wanted to and felt them over. (1 song.) something for his brother. "I think it will 101. Now the two boys, came tlxere.97 Then they best if I take him to a little lake full of argued what they should do first. The two boys and throw him in to be a bird and he will s wanted Halye?anekIt6e to make his trial first. his head, and we shall call him teristeris." The people who lived there wanted Takse to be Then he did that, and now Ahta-kwasume was t first. Then Takse tried first. He took the rock, sort of a bird. Then he wanted to do somethi but could not throw it and it fell down just with the old man, Hatpa-'aqwaogt6e. He thoug where he stood. So the people who lived there "I will throw him into the same place. I want lost. NCw Halye?anekit6e was ready to climb: they to be called sogOrqe.??l10 Then he did that w told him to try. He climbed and brought down the the old man. (10 songs.) scalp. So the two boys won again. The people there 104. Now he alone was left. No one was th He thought, ??What am I going to be? I think 93A mile or so northeast of Fort Mohave. fly up and go through the air. I will be a 93A mile or so northeast of Fort Mohave. teor, kwayQ,101 and fly into the sea."? Then 94A ground-squirrel or large rat. changed his mind. He thought, "No, I will no 95The blue-tailed lizard. Cf. note 40. 96Tactifying his emotion, as it were. He did not cry, the narrator said. 98it was on Avi-mota, not on Avikwame, t 97Where the others lived "at Avikwame" or these people lived, the narrator said later, Wherethe ohers ived"at Aikwam" orexplanation. Cf. note 97. Avi-mota ( note 98 ). Sub sequently, the narrator exlnain Cf ot 7 said that when he threw his fire, the hero stood 9With a banded neck, in flocks. Elsewhe at Tsohatave and FokupTta-tubiumpe, two spots at recorded as m!n-turis-turis. Perhaps a snipe the east end of Avi-mota. Presulmably this is' 100Probably the snowy owl; with "gray" 1' where the contest took place. It iS not clear ers. why the localization of this important scene was not given spontaneously. 101A checked start toward another doublet. vL KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 19 sea. When I fly up I will go south." Para- ,went south. Just below Mukiampeve is graph Songs u,102 where Kwayu's father's mother 5 1 Uncle "Yellow-Pima" joins the broth- d to rock. He went by there southward ers je, umped into the water, and sank to 6 1 Betting arrows tm, to stay there. But, "I do not think 7a .. Corn and wheat from east here," he said, came out, and went C. They Get Wives -east side of the river. There he sat down. 7b 1 Girl in west has hwet'e-hwet'e bird icking up there now. He has been there 8 1 Quarrel over the girl r, turned to rock. We call it MNkoata. 9 1 Tsitsuvare gets her 10 1 Bring her to uncle lla .. He sends them to Sun in east SONG SCEEBE AND NARRATIVE OUTLINE llb 2 Cock sings in cage 12a .. Thit6uvare gets Sun's daughter ual for Mohave myths, a list of song 12b 2 About her house elso provides a sort of skeleton or frame- 13 2 About the stars the story, and, although somewhat imper- 14 1 She grinds corn ^ itseres onvnietly s a oulin of 15 2 Uncle sends them north for a third it serves conveniently as an outline of wf;ylohme ncg kwife; yellowhammer in cage st that follows is in a sense the inf or- 17a 1 Puncle sends them south WVherever he said: "one song," or "four 17b 1 Hotokoro in cae re, a paragraph has been terminated. 18a ., Bring fourth wife ions thus indicated by him normally deal D. Quarrel over Cane: Elder Kills lingle episode or thought, and are pre- Yov er +e8 consecutively numbered paragraphs. The rture I have made from this procedure 18b 1 Go for cane to break a paragraph into "a" and "b" 19 1 Find cane first part consists of the conclusion 21 2 Elder makes knife to cut cane cident without songs, ard its secbnd 22 2 They fight over it als with a new incident to which there 23 1 Return home s; as, la, lb, 7a, 7b, etc. This minor 24 1 Elder makes younger ill device in the interest of clarity in the 25 1 Elder spoils younger's birds .of the tale makes it that there are 111 26 1 Nume-peta arrives for the death pragraphs of narrative as against 104 27 1 Younger tells of his bones one s. 28 1 Killed by elder and Nume-peta informant listed 182 songs as due to be E. Birth of the Hero Ahta-hane the 104 stations or stages of incident: of less than wo p7 statio . Ti 29 1 Younger brother's son sings inside we of less than twvo pr station. This his mother efor Mohave song-narratives. There was 30 1 The unborn child makes rain single song for 54 stations, or more than 31 1 He emerges t,them. He sang two songs at 38 stations, 32 1 Spared because disguised as girl t five, four and five at three each, and 33 1 Suckled as if a girl only once, at the next to final inci- F. Shinny Came with Father's Foes 34 2 Shinny played with his father's knee- narrative breaks naturally into sections cap ters of uneqal length Tothese I havecap ers of unequal length. To these I have 35 2 Boy grieves, sends his mother away itles, and have entered these captions, 36 1 Steals the shinny ball enience of orientation, both in the text 37 2 Knocks it west as meteor into moun- narrative and in the song scheme outline. tains ter follows. G. Journey South to Sea The Cane Song Scheme 38 i Crosses river on four sand piles 39 Sleeping at Qara'erve, wakened by birds Songs . 40 1 South to Selye'aya-kumit6e - A. Placement in the Cosmogony 41 2 Frightened by rattlesnake at Hanyo- Kamaiav6ta killed kumasgeve 42 5 Wears snake as belt, sees wildcats B. Two Brothers Go Off at Kamhnrilye 4 At Avikwame: parts of the house 43 1 Met by horsefly at Aha-kuminye 3 To North: Ground-squirrel 44 1 Hulmmingbird nest at Hotflrveve 2 A little north. Rat 45 1 On southward to Sampulya-kwuvare 3 Rat eaten; house built 46 1 Wants cooling clouds as he goes east. up SacranEnto Wash t ~~~ ~~~~~~~47 1 Cloudy as he goes south to Gourd P'The name means meteor's paternal grandmother. Mountain 20 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Para- Para- graph Songs graph Songs 48 1 Proceeding south 89 1 She calls the wives daughters-in- 49 5 To Screw-mesquite spring at Akoke- law humi mountain 90 2 Boy questions his mother's father 50 2 To petrified dancers at Ahwata- (another Sun) kwimAtse 91 2 Goes east to get lightning cane 51 2 Finds wild grapes at Kuhultotve 92 1 Travels east to war on father's 52 1 Eastward up Bill Williams Fork, relatives meets badger 93 1 Meets his half-brother 53 1 South again to Avi-su'ukwilye, 94 2 They identify their relationship watches jack rabbit 95 1 Mourn together 54 3 South along sand ridge to Avi- 96 2 Call up their dead father melyehwdke 55 2 After sleeping, north to Avi-hupo J. Revenge on Father's Foes 56 1 Northerly to river at Selye'aya- 97 1 Traveling north again to father's 'ita killers 57 3 Crosses on sand piles to Kuvuk- 98 2 Foe sends messenger to meet at wilye Qara'Orve 58 1 South to Aha-kumiGe spring 99 2 Conditions of contest arranged 59 1 On south to Earth-Mouth gap 100 1 Old man Yellow-Pima embraces both 60 1 On to T8ske boys 61 1 On to Goosefoot mesa 101 1 Hero boy wins the contest 62 2 Near Yuma land, sees cane in bot- 102 2 Destroys foes with his cane light- toms ning 63 1 Breaks off cane, travels on down K. Transformation past Cocopa Mountains 64 3 To Gulf of California, sees surf 103 10 Transforms wives and mother into and crane Pleiades brother and old man 65 2 Plays with sea shells into birds 66 2 East along shore, sees ducks 104 2 Flies south as meteor, turns into 67 2 Sees Hat8mpa'auve monster in lagoon rock M6koata by river 68 1 Turns inland northeast to catsclaw acacias MOVEMENT OF THE NARRATIVE H. Marriage, and Contests with Meteor and Sun Bluebird was a competent narrator in making 69 5 Tracks of four women in desert his story move while retaining concrete and viv 70 2 Reaches their empty house, hides as detail. There is not the actionlessness of Rave piece of cane the bald outline manner of Vinimulye-p&t6e, the 71 2 Returning the sisters are warned constant self-communing of Deer, or the delibe of him fy the eldest repetitive prolixity of Mastamho. The tale aiw 72 2 Youngest sister finds him, rotten progresses. Either there are incidents crowding 73 2 Eldest revives him into a situation of emotional interest; or, whe 74 1 Feeds him tobacco 75 4 Women go gathering warn him of this flags, as in a long journey, the stages of their husband Meteor travel are passed through with conciseness. The 76 2 Meteor comes, fails to kill him, direct story appeal of Cane seems to me greater gives tobacco than that of the other Mohave narratives here 77 2 Meteor leaves, Sun comes, wants to presented. gamble 78 1 Sun loses belongirgs, then body, APPARENT INCONSISTENCIES escapes to sky 79 2 Boy inspects his winnings There are a number of internal inconsistenci 80 2 His mirror shows him he is ugly or contradictions. Some of these are almost ce 81 4 Beautiful from diving, he is found tainly due to misunderstandings by either the and wanted by the four women interpreter or myself; for others I strongly s 82a .. Selects the eldest pect the narrator to be responsible; but in any I. Return to Mother, Half-therher, given case it is almost impossible to be sure. and Father's Ghost After all, the story is so long that it took 82b 2 Going homeward, he wishes rain to three days to tell and English it, and these get rid of wives three days were interrupted by a fourth. There 83 1 Repents, brings out sun was thus much provocation for the narrator to 84 1 Laughs at mud in wives' sandals change his plot in spots through forgetting wha 85 1 The wives wear frog-shaped shell- he had said before 86 2 M~orget's maowtbr le oOne of these doubts concerns whether Tsese'ig 86 2 ~moter's hmaohabidfest is the name of TSitbuvare's first wife from the 87 2 Reunion with his mother west or of her father (cf. n. 14); also that 88 1 He tells her what happened Thitbuvare also married Sun's daughter in the KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYThS 21 this woman went home after T6it6uvare construct and specimEi of literary endeavor. The These'ilye gave birth to the hero discussion will be more easily followed by refer- 29-31), who in 35 sends her off to ence to an ultra-suimmary of the principal parts bt in 82b following, he travels east- or sections of the stcry, as follows: having gone south and east!) to meet .whose father is Sun (90): which Para- Number lher the second wife. See footnotes 14 graph of 58,63, 68D5 8 7,8,8esign- Para- 549 589 -6 68. 75 789 79 3 7 ation graphs Songs two Suns (lla, 90; 77, 78). Ahal- a la g he fact that the hero strikes his A. Placement in Cosmogony la 1 away as a meteor (37), overcomes B. Teo BroGtiers Go Off lb-7a 7 i4 amibal Meteor (75, 76), and flies C. They Get Wives 7b-18a 15 16 teor himself on his way to his final g Quarreling over Cane, on 104. ~~~~~~~Older Kills Younger' 18b-28 11 12 tion, 104. E. Birth of the Hero hip terms are not always used consis- Ahta-hane 29-33 5 5 especially 75-77, footnotes 58, 60, F. Shinny Game with *ver, we do not know how strict and Father's Foes 34-37 4 7 t Mohave usage in daily life is. In llb, G. Journey South to Sea 38-68 31 54 ter, T6it6uvare's second wife, has a H. Marriage, and Contests kwaluyauve, as her pet, but in 86 it with Meteor and Sun 69-82a 14 31 Mtbird, or, if in 86 the woman is I. Return to Mother, Half- BTitUuvare's first wife, the change Brother, and Father's hwet6e-hwetse bird in 7b to a masohwat. J. Revenge on Father's a3, the two brothers are said to have Foes 97-102 6 9 only a short distance from their K. Transfotion 103-104 2 12 Avikwamne. They must hovever have pro- Ki ther, and then have turned to the south, il 182 -inferred from what follows. Thus, in 37 inferbredhfrom what follows. Thus, inm 3 The main defect in the Cane plot, from our rwas killed and he was born, to Avi- point of view, is the long preliminary, A to D. crosses the Colorado river there, and A full quarter of the tale--to be exact, three- altl onhestitenths of its length, 28 out of 104 song groups or wtire and Qaraltrve all three places stages, and 42 of 182 songs--precedes the hero's a'ireand Mharrve v alley thee places birth. This makes a narrative long enough for in- ter Mvilohver vallthey ne ar Foilgrtm, Mo- terest to get well established in the hero's father, 4, evil older b wher his ateAvikwahero ac and it has then to be rebuilt around the son. How- but is killed by him at Avi-mota in 102 ever, the story can also be viewed as a sort of otes 97, 98.--The hero sends his mother epic covering two lifetimes, with the second gen- he west in 35, though his father got eration recuperating the losses of the first and east; he starts on a long journey revenging it. In a definitely sophisticated art, 38, then east along the seacoast, and the reverses of the first life would presumably rtheast in 68 to find his wives and his be only sketched, or suggested by implication, and es. When he returns to his mother in the action could then be developed around the chief ought accordingly to be going north or hero's career or its climax. The Cane situation tard, but is said to be traveling east is somewhat like that in the Nibelungenlied, where ase of a slip of the narrator's mind the story of Siegfried's exploits about balances terpreter's tongue, or of my pencil? Or that of the revenge for his death: as an introduc- didrthe hero follow an indirect course tion, the first half is too long and autonomous; caped mention? An emendation might sim- as an epilogue to a life, the second half is much situation--such as assuming an intended too long and heavily charged. The imbalance in the r recorded "west" when the mother was mediaeval German epic is obvious as a defect and in 35; but there would be no control has led to discussion of whether in its present sses. And it may well be that as much form it is not a secondary joining of two poems ticion as this is expectable in so long originally distinct. Similarly, the history of the ve acquired supposedly by dreaming, re- accretion of the Cane story might conceivably have thout mnemonic device,, and probably told been partly traceable from comparison of a series very few times in a life, of versions. But these have not been recorded and y event, none of these discrepancies of fac- are presumably no longer remembered, at least ement, if they are discrepancies, seriously hardly in unmutilated form. te plot interest, the feeling tone, or the The very brief first section, A, with the ' ability to participate in the story, reference to Kamaiav8ta, is the nor4mal Mohave way *ts ~~~~~~~~~~~of giving the story its placement in the scheiue ^ ~~HANDLING OF THE PLOT of things by tying it into the cosmogony. Kamaia- section will examine the organization and vEta or Sky-rattlesnake was killed for being Fent of the plot of the Cane narrative as a thought to have caused the death by witchcraft of 22 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Matavilya, the child of Heaven and Earth and Then he goes on a long journey which consti- first great god. This dates the Cane story as tutes part G. This travel is motivated by Moha happening right after the beginnings, ties it to song-myth custom rather than by anything in the the sacred spots Ha'avulypo and Avikwame, and boy hero's situation. At the same time, it se endows it with weight and authenticity. That to give a sense of his growing up, and of havi this is pure preliminary is shown by the fact his life filled with experiences as a hero sho that there. are no songs. The Mohave narrator is in intent the teller of In our next section B, the brothers drift near-epic, or of a novelistic romance, not of a off, discover things, build a house, find a short story which aims to cut to the essence of living, and are joined by their uncle. In short, an action. From this point of view, the journey they grope and become partially established. rounds, or properly fills out, the plot, though This is good Mohave story pattern. The pairing, it contributes nothing vital. The incidents of in place of a single hero, occurs again in Raven, journey--down the Colorado from northern Mohave in Coyote, in Deer; and in other myths. But so land to the mouth of the great river, including far there is nothing very eventful in the plot: detours, and southeast along the Gulf shore--a it is only slowly getting started. characteristic. The traveler is awakened by bi Part C has the brothers get themselves wives, frightened by a rattlesnake, sees a horsefly, at their uncle's instigation. The plot is begin- hummingbird, wild grapes, badger, jack rabbit, ning to have "human interest." And yet it remains springs, cane, the surf, a crane, ducks, sea quite "decorative": there are four girls in four shells, and various other sights such as might directions, each living alone with a pet bird in make a boy watch or wonder. There is certainly a cage, the approach is through the bird, then sense of unending interest in nature, of rappor the brothers struggle for the girl, and bring with it, in these Mohave itineraries--a pre-_ her home. Still, the repetition is not formally Wordsworthian attitude, one might almost call i exact, as it would be in a ritual, or as in the The narration is concise in this journey. myths of some other tribes; no two of the four are 31 stages or paragraphs--between a fourth episodes are told quite alike, and each contains a third of the whole story--and 54 songs out of certain unique incidents. The brothers' quarrel- 182, or the same proportion; but only about one- ing for the girls foreshadows what is to come; seventh or one-eighth of the length of the tale. just as it is faintly pre-anticipated by their Thus the tempo of narration is doubled during t childish arrow betting in paragraph 6 of the pre- part; which fact contributes to the fact that i ceding part. The younger is the stronger and wins interruption of the main action does not wear d the two first girls; and though the elder gets plot-suspense unduly. Also, it is easier to de the next two on sufferance, a grievance is thereby long strings of simple songs of five or six wo set up. This is not dwelled on, but helps to mo- about horseflies darting or hummingbirds on the' tivate what follows. nests or cranes in the surf, than about dangers, Part D. They go for cane, apparently as a feats, and dramatic tensions such as make up t source of power, and quarrel over it. The older preceding and succeeding sections. almost kills the younger, but relents, concedes As soon as Ahta-hane leaves the sea to turn him what he wants, but then bewitches him. Omens inland--part H--the character of the telling of doom pile up effectively. The victim's state changes. It becomes pure hero-story again, now of mind may be an example of what a Mohave feels fairy-tale quality. The roster of place names i who believes himself bewitched. The magic operat- over with. We are somewhere in the desert--pres ing too slowly, the younger brother is finally ably in the Papagueria--but places and distance dispatched with the humiliation of having bones are undesignated. This is perhaps the most inte cut out of his body for use and play. The elder esting part of the tale, in incidents and affec goes off with the non-kinsmen whom the uncle had as well as in glimpses of unsuspected ethnograp left when he joined his blood nephews. This marks The events comprise: him as a traitor and Chemehuevi foreigner, as well The hero hides himself from the four women. as establishing two inimical groups or parties. Lets himself be found rotten but is restored. With part E, dealing with the posthumous birth Wins encounter with Meteor. of the hero, the main narrative begins. The hero Wins gambling with Sun. evidences prenatal magic power, but this is a Through his winning makes himself attractive faculty often attributed by the Mohave to shamans, to his wives. so that the manifestation is mythically expectable, Complex as the action is here, it is thus never- rather than miraculous in our sense. theless well tied together. In the next section, F, the baby, grown to boy- This is the longest section of Cane: about a hood, steals his father's bone with which his foes quarter of the total narration, and this crowded are playing--compare the incident in Nyohaiva, with stirring events. But the songs of the secti 15--and sends it flying to break the western moun- constitute only about a sixth, and the song stat tains and kill their inhabitants. It does not ap- or paragraphs about an eighth, of the total. The pear that these people are his foes: rather is he is much happening, but little of the discrete in trying out his growing powers; and his real foes dent that best lends itself to singing about. begin to foresee their end. Section I is moderately long and describes th UR KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 23 home, but now with his wives, in order 70. Turns into cane sliver to hide from four his mother, a half-brother ulnmentioned women. -..and finally his dead father's shadow. 71. Oldest woman thinks he may be cane. Jrelations are thus in the forefront, 74. Hero smokes caneful of. tobacco, chews up the cane. of the topography is still indefinite. 76. Told that the Mohave do not smoke in as so often in Mohave story, pre- cane, he says he is Cane. . The hero's successive reunions, cul- 77. Smokes two filled canes. in the unique interview with his 88. His name, Ahta-hane, first mentioned s spirit, build up affect toward a cli- (fn. 87). l can end only in a contest with his 90. Told by mother's father of lightning and foes, thunder. tco1test constitutes part J, and is 91. Takes cane from hole made by lightning stically brief: the Mohave seem not bolt, splits into four. 92. Refuses to show it to his wife: it would ,ovto dilate on a f ight, even one con- kill. mgic. The hero first beats his ene- 93. Half-brother called Ahta-kwasume; wears ?aompetitions, then destroys them with cane that rattles. from his magic cane. The narrator's 95. The two brothers mourn their father and ;together of items, and suspending them burn all their belongings except the ervals, is evidenced by the lightning lightning cane oh has been acquired in paragraph 90, 102. Contest with canes that flash lightning: 3d only in 102. hero's is stronger. donly, thina trnsomaio2f h 103. Shows them his canes and makes it thunder. so E the final transformation of the his folk into stars, birds, and rocks, References to Meteor, Kwayu se a conventional coda--somewhat like 37. Hero knocks father's kneecap shinny ball icle used in some languages, or the west as meteor to explode in mountains. de in others, to indicate end of sentence. 75-77. Meteor, husband of four women, tries to nothing specific in relation to the par- kill hero, gives him tobacco. 'events preceding, but without it the 82b. Metecr referred to again as cannibal. not be felt as having been brought to 104. Hero flies as meteor past rock "Meteor's father's mother" to turn into rock analysis perhaps helps to establish the Mekoata. skill of the narrator in joining, devel- References to Sun, Anya nd sustaining a plot which has something 7b-10. Hero's father's first wife is T6ese'ilye ,quality and which in a less simple cul- (fn. 78) daughter of Sun in west. th a more specific medium than natural lla-14. Hero's fatfer's second wife is Kuvaha ilable, might have had epic potential- daughter of Sun in east by different mother. SUPPLEMENTARY 29-31. One wife returns, other gives birth to F ~~SUPPIZMENTA.RY he ro. 35. He sends his mother away. brences to Cane, Ahta (by paragraphs) 77-78. Sun, father (or husband? see fn. 58) of four women, gambles with hero, loses oNaTs of the brothers refer to cane body, escapes, is turned into double (fn. 4). (sun dog). 'Uncle sends them for cane. 87-99. Hero retums to mother. On the journey lightning and thunder, 90. Hero learns from mother's father's son omen of deatf. about deadly lightning. Cane described, argument about division, References to Blue-tailed Lizard, knife made, cane cut, quarrel over it, e return. 'anekte Not to eat salt while unwashed--indi- 36. Hero turns into halye'anekit6e lizard to cates power in cane, steal father's kneecap shinny ball Older brother paints his cane; younger, (fn. 40). bewitched, sees his unpainted. 99-101. Halye'anekit6e wins contest for hero by Cane seen on journey, near Yuma. taking father's scalp from pole. II. VINIMULYE-PATSE Vinimulye-patse, more fully "Vinimulya- they do not ordinarily invent new plots in the hapatsa," is a song series prominent in Mohave dreams, they do quite probably dream over or consciousness, perhaps because it deals with war. brood about or perhaps actually redream, each I have never secured an etymology for the name. man, the plot or plots, which he calls his. The The present version was narrated April 23, 1904, one theme which runs through this tale as a uni upstream from Fort Mohave, by an old man called fying thread is the doom of war. Hiweik-kwini'Ilye, "her anus is black." He told TBE TAIE his tale with unusual compactness: part of a day sufficed for his outline and the Englishing. He 1. Umas-kwitsit-patse lived at Aha-kwa'il wi mentioned the place in the story of 196 songs; his people. At that time the river was near tha besides an indefinite group near the beginning: place. He was the only one of them to talk to t "4, 5, 6, 10, 12 while they are on the way," or rest. Then he and his people crossed the river "a night long, 50 songs.?? The whole cycle, when the western side to Amat-kusayi.2 (4 songs.)3 sung complete in sequence as tsupilyk, a "gift" 2. Then they went up on the mesa, and from to a dying relative, takes two nights to sing, there into the mountains at IGave-kukyave. (2 he said. Jack Jones, was, as usual, my guide, songs.)3 sponsor, and interpreter. 3. Then they went on to the large mountains, The tale is simple. The Mobave hero, Umas- Avi-kwe-havasu,4 the Providence mountains. (2 kwit6it-pat6e, with his people, leaves his hone SongS.) in the northern part of Mohave valley, for the 4. They had found that land and kept it for Providence mountains, off to the northwest in their own. They lived there a year. Now Uins- Chemehuevi territory, and lives there a year. kwitsit-patse was a Mobave, and his relatives There is no farming possible in this desert range, Mohave in this country. He said: "I want to go but the story is silent on subsistence. The chief back to my relatives.?? Then he returned by the wants to return to make war, and, after a brief way he had come, going back to Aha-kwa?i with visit home, leads his people to the river at the people. When he had returned, all the Mohave s south end of Mohave valley, and then makes a "I think he has come to make war." They taLked long detour downstream to below Ehrenberg, in war. They were afraid of him, for he was very Halchidhoma land; from there they turn back until large. Then he went back to the Providence mo they once more reach the foot of Mohave valley. tains with his people. Now he was a man who Nothing happens on this excursion; it is perhaps dreamed well.5 He knew what the people were sa introduced from sheer love of mental travel, or about him: he dreamed it. They were saying: "1 to suggest the progress of a war party. The Mo- wish Umas-kwit6it-pat6e would come again. We w have in the southern half of the valley flee be- cook wheat' for him, and put meat into it, and fore the invaders, who appropriate a set of make good food for him." No one sent for himt houses near where they had lived originally. come but he knew what they wished. Then he was Here they stay a year, as is shown by his daugh- ready to come to make war. So he started with ter, when her teelings of modesty are hurt, run- -people, but he did not go straight. He went pas ning away to the Walapai for that period. Then Hatalompe7 far down to Aha-kwatpave.8 (An indef they suddenly resume the march northward for a few miles, and finally join battle with Savil- lAha-kwati is at the "Old Gus" ranch, below yuyave, Umas-kwitsit-patse's own younger brother Milltown, on an overflow pond or slough (an old and leader of the refugees, at "Hawk-nose" near river arm), at the foot of the mesa on the east Fort Mohave. The account of this climax is quite edge of Mohave valley, upstream from Needles an meager. The residents run away across the river, downstream from Fort Mohave. At the time of the Savilyuyave is killed and scalped, his daughter story, the river lay close to Aha-kwa?i. is made a "slave." After -the despoiling of another 2Downstream from Hatsioq-vatveve. group, the "Quail people," and some calling of 3The narrator stated that he usually omitted names across the stream, the hero and his band the songs credited to pars. 1 and 2 and began return to the Providence mountains, where one of with those referring to the Providence mountain them dies of a wound received in the battiLe. Why IGava is arrowweed. the two halves of the Owits clan should peacefully 4Mh Blue mountains," as they appear from the separate under the leadersliip of two brothers, and ohave country. then the returning one insist on war t. a finish, 5Sumats-ahotk. but abandon the conquered territory, iS wholl- un- 8Frequently considered native by the Mohave. accounted for. Either there is moti-v-tion which 7six miles south of Beal, the point at which the narrator knows but considers it unneceS3ary . ,anta Fe railroad leaves California on its to discuss; or the motivation is as lacking as in way east. a dream. After all, these tales are all dreams, 80n the Colorado on the east side,below Ehrej the Nohave insist. And while it is clear that He had to cross the river to reach it, of cours [241 KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTES 25 songs.)9 14. Tlat night they slept at Amat-kyerekyere- ii there he turned back and started kwitni.16 (4 songs.) the river. (10 songs.) 15. In the morning they came to Kwaparvete17 to HMore.10 (1 song.) and stood there. The people on the west side of m there he started again with his peo- the river saw them and were afraid and ran off. t upstream to Kapotake-hiv'auve.1 (10 songs.) there and went on up the river to 16. UImas-kwitsit-patse and his people saw them t6e. (2 songs.) going. He said: "Let us-pursue but not kill them." rng slept there, they went on to-Avi- Then they followed them.18 Now women shout in war. 11 song.) But this time the women said: "We will not shout. next day they came to Avi-kwa-hapama. You say you will not kill them, but only chase them; therefore there is no need for us to shout. there they went on, the next morning, When you are ready to kill, we will shout."1 Uns- reached Aqwaqa-have.12 There they kwit'it-pat6e said: "We shall have war. We are not L-n. (5 songs.) killing these pebple. We do not even wish to attack ting in the morning, they went on up them. But there will be war." Those who fled canme -anve. They did not sleep there.13 to above where Needles nvow is. Umas-kwitsit-patse it6it-pat6e talked of war. He said: and his people followed their dust until they came re is war, people are beaten and run to Avi-hilykwampe.i9 There the pursued crossed the xi are captured as slaves and pushed river, and Umas-kwitsit-patse crossed after them. river." So they talked of what they (20 songs.) (2 songs.) 14 17. The fleeing people came to Amat-tasilyke and n they came to Hakut6yepe. There to AQ'i-kupome. But Umas-kwitsit-patse and his peo- camp. Then they saw a beaver's track, ple went another way, eastward to Aha-kukwinve.20 tle boy's foot. They had never seen Now they were nearly at the place where they had and thought it was a little boy. Umas- formerly lived.21 All the people in the vicinity tSe showed it to his people and they were afraid and ran northward, upriver, abandoning id. In the morning they started. (10 their food and dishes and property. UImas-kwitsit- patse's people gathered up these effects, ate the Y-came to Selye'aya-ita, where they food, and lived there. s-kwit6it-patse told his people how 18. Umas-kwitsit-patse had a daughter, Ilya- was, and how ,ood his luck was, and owits-maikohwere. He said: "Now that you are big ddreamed. (4 songs.) enough, do not sleep near me. Sleep at a distance. y started up the river next day, came Sleep in the corner of the house."22 Then the girl and slept there. (4 songs.) was angry at his saying that and ran off. (4 songs.) ywent on up again. (3 songs.) 19. She went east until she came to Hawi, where she slept. Then she went on to Avi-hoalye, the Walapai mountains.23 There were many girls among arrator first said he sang "14, 5, 6, the (Walapai) people living there, and she played songs" about the journey to Aha-kwatpave. stated that he sang of this portion of t.a whole night, 50 songs." The last 16 "a whle nght, 0 sogs." he lst 1South of Mellen on the railroad. They are tioned by name on the way south, however, now at the foot of nohave valley. yve or Hatalompe. ,, The Hataompe. nowisbacknorthward17Kwaparvete is the name of a little mesa which erg. The route now is back northward the railroad ascends and traverses after it at bank of the river, crosses the river and before it enters the mouth onga were mentioned for this place, per- of the Sacramento wash, by which it climbs to the oersight. Arizona plateau. qa means deer. 18Crossing the river to the west bank, as the ibly meaning that they went past the context shows. out stopping, but more probably that About five miles north of Needles, where the camp and spent the night there, and mesa from the west runs down to the river. lkwitsit-patse talked to his people in- 20At the foot of the mesa. Both parties are letting them sleep. now east of the river. mouth of Bill Williams Fork of the Colo- 21Namely, Aha-kwa'i, where the story starts. e place being known as Aubrey. 22 the narrative. In subsequently indicat- 22He wanted her to have a lover and marry, and number of songs relating to each part of feared that no man would steal to her while she the narrator made no mention of Hakut- lay close to her parents. There is nothing dis- the incident there, but proceeded as graceful in this suggestion, to the Mohave, who On the way nrth, 4songs.At 1' scarcely make a distinction between lover and "Ons Athwa norteh,evi songs.,Ateyegye" husband. The old people frequently exhort the no disorepancy, but different events and young to enjoy themselves while they can. o f the same part of the journey are speci- 2Hoalye means yellow pine. The name Walapai, t he two accounts. It must be remembered hawaly-ipai in Mohave, seems to be derived from o arrative is unusually condensed, this word. 26 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS with them and stayed with them a year. She liked 23. There they stayed and rested.29 Umas- it there. (30 songs.) kwitsit-patse stood up and named all the place 20. After a year she went back. When she re- along the river, up to the source. (5 songs.) turned, she was ashamed and sat outside the 24. Then they started again and went north house. She did not go indoors to her parents. Amat-nyamasave-kwohave.30 Those who lived the She was painted red. The people she had been were called the Quail-people, Ipa-'ahna.Zi Th with, the Walapai, had given her the paint. The saw Umas-kwitsit-patse coming and fled across Mohave do not paint like that. So they did not the west bank of the river. He took their lan know who she was. She sat with her head bowed. all their food. Now Savilyuyave's people were Then Umas-kwitsit-patse came out. "That is my Avi-kutaparve.32 The Quail-people, being afrai daughter," he said. (10 songs.) wanted to join Savilyuyave's people, and went 21. H6 said to her: "I thought you had died. Avi-kutaparve. (3 songs.) When a woman visits her friends among another 25. Uhas-kwit6it-pat6e went up the east sid tribe, she stays two months or three months. the river. He saw (his brother's and the Quail You stayed a year and I thought you were dead." people on the other side and stood and talked Then, after four days, Umas-kwit6it-pat6e said: across the river to them.33 He said: "I have "Now it is four days. I am ready to fight. The fought you. Now I will spare you. You did not people I am going to attack do not live very stand up against me: I will let you go." Then far away. But I think my daughter is tired. Have talked badly34 to each other, telling of each you become tired?" But Ilya-owits-maikohwere other's dead parents and ancestors. (4 songs.) said: "No, I am not tired. I will go with you." 26. Soon Umas-kwit6it-pat6e crossed the ri When they came to Amat-tasilyke and AG'i-kupome, not at Avi-kwutaparva, but below. "When a man the people whom they had pursued before and who fighting, he does not stay in one place, he t had fled there and were still living there, saw els," he said. He wanted to go back to the Pr them, and took their property and fled north dence mountains. Then they came to Aha'kuhul once more, ran ~ ~ 2436 once more. They ran to Sokwilye-ihu.24 There they But they found the spring full of vermin an lay down for the night. Umas-kwitsit-patse and on without drinking. One of them, Umas-elyiGe, his people slept at Selye'aye-'it6-patse,25 down- had been shot in the thigh, was in great pain river from them. Then Umas-kwit6it-pat6e named a they traveled through the desert here. (1 song mesa near by: Havateitse-'isnave. (40 songs.) 27. They came to Avi-'itsierqe37 and stood 22. Then he started again. Now he wanted to and saw their mountains, their own place, the kill the people at Sokwilye-'ihu. Savilyuyave,26 idence mountains. (1 song.) his younger brother, was the head man among those 28. From there it did not take them long t who had fled. When Umas-kwitsit-patse and his reach their home. (2 songs.) people came to Sokwilye-'ihu, they fought. Soon 29.. When they arrived, Umas-elyiGe died. (i Savilyuyave's people ran away and jumped into songs.)38 the river. Savilyuyave himself was killed in the river. He sank to the bottom and they seized him, dragged him on the bank, and scalped him. His daughter27 Ithey took as a slave. Umas-kwit6it- 29Probably for the night, while their lead pat6e's people went back downriver to Selye'aye' - addressed them. kumit?e.28 (5 songs.) 30Two or three miles north of Fort Mohave: "earth-whit e-kwohave." 24"Hawk-nose.." Not far from Fort Mohave. 3i"When these people were killed, they bec 25Near the river, on the irrigation canal in quail.?? use at Fort Mohave in 1904. Selye'aye is sand. 32Three or four miles north of Fort Mohave 26 lsoth nae o aMohave who died not many on the west bank of the river, where the mesa- 26~~so the name of a ~~cliff is whitish. years before 1903. 27Her name was said also to be Ilya-owits- 33Literally, "talking" is hardly possible. maikohwere. Owits is one of the women's clan- The Colorado is so wide that a conversation c names. As Umas-kwitsit-patse and Savilyuyave not be carried on across it except by shoutin were brothers, and of the 0wit8 group, their 34Amatyesumak, "cursed." daughters would both be named Owits. In reply to 35 a question, the informant stated decisively that "Stinking-water," a spring on a slope, f all the people accompanying Umas-kwitsit-pat6e miles or more from the river. called their daughters Owit6, showing that he 6 regarded them as a clan. The totemic reference 3EHurmkuyove. of the clan is to clouds. or "mountain." 28A mesa approaching the river about two 38These ten songs mention the roof, posts, miles south of Fort Mohave. other parts of their houses--a favorite subje III. NYOHAIVA 0UNSTANCES AND NATURE OF TH'E STORY a characteristic Mohave nondifferentiation of spontaneous development from within and acquisi- vember, 1905, my friend and interpreter tion from without. Aspa-sakam added that the way es came to San Francisco and the Univer- he came to know Goose was different: none of his nging with him an informant called kinsfolk knew this. In our words, he really which means Eagle-sell. Aspa-sakam dreamed this; Nyohaiva he both learned and dreamed. ungish middle-aged man, heavy-set and When he was a boy, sometimes he would sing parts to be fat, who worked pretty steadily of Goose. An old man, hearing him sing, would say: Sata Fe railroad at Needles. He was, "Yes that is right. Yes, that is Goose.?? So he a good Mohave inwardly, and had dreamt acquired more of it, dreaming it, and came to sing sing two cycles, Yellaka or Goose, and more and more of it. (Ny8'haiva), which is a story of war It is doubtful whether he had ever sung either after an insect. He narrated both of Goose or Nyohaiva through consecutively at any one ving himself an excellent informant as time or occasion. I had seen him about two years cision, orderliness of mind, and earlier at a death and cremation, where he was s to explain. His Goose story has been singing, probably Nyohaiva. He had sung Goose for on pages 766-768 of the Handbook of amusement at night at his home, he said. Neither. Indians. It is a very long tale with he nor the interpreter seemingly could be made to of action. The Nyohaiva story, which understand clearly my questions whether he had Sre, is much shorter. The songs, as ever sung Goose a whole night through, or whether nm was outlined and as they were re- he had ever sung it or Nyohaiva continuously from the phonograph in part, aggregate only beginning to end. Such a statement of factual dred, as against four hundred or events seems to have little meaning to the Mohave. the Goose series. Aspa-sakam said that Nyohaiva is sung standing, at any rate when one night to sing the Nyohaiva women dance in a ring around the singer. He leans Frough. on a stick, which he sometimes thrusts forward and vra, the narrator said, was known also waves to the rhythm of his song, sometimes drops ohe called Mehulye, who was his moth- through his hand to strike the ground. There is no r and who now lived with him. This rattle or musical instrument. lyzed man who knew the Great Tale, Nyohaiva is classed by the Mohave as one of of migrations and battles of Moha-ve their song-myths dealing with war, and its plot is wS. simple. Nyohaiva is an insect. She comes into ex- rds Goose, Aspa-sakam said that this istence as a woman in the north end of Mohave also to his brother and to an old man, valley, a.t Miakwalorve, above Fort Mohave, at the owas his father-in-law and therefore time of the beginnings: "The world was still wet." od relation. The narrator added that There is however no reference in the tale to Mata- ometime he would teach the singing to vilya's death, Ha'avulypo, Avikwame, or the ac- -The old man, Hakwe, was subs6quently tually originating events. Nyohaiva travels south .d at Needles. I shrank from obtaining along the river, naming places and encountering the whole of the story, having already named personages, but without notable happenings, the ordeal of securing it from as far as Aqwaqa-have, in Halchidhoma territory, but did record some of the songs and below Parker. Eere four-brothers, including Ots8uta, synopsis of the story, which is believe that she comes for war and plan to kill pages 768-769 of the Handbook. This her first. She on her part finds bones which she ows Hakwe's version of Goose to be recognizes as her relatives'--a characteristic ferent in detail from Aspa-sakam's. The Mohave motivation and inconsistency--and bets her o have a different melodic theme. It body against her freedom in a game to be played seem, therefore, that either of these with one of the same bones. She wins, threatens nts, son-in-law and father-in-law, them with war, and runs off southward, announcing learned from, or been very much in- impending war to those whom she meets, as far as by, the other. Ava-tsohai, somewhere between Parker and Yuma. Nyohaiva, Aspa-sakam subsequently There she incites the people, under the leader- t his kin on the father's side knew ship of men whose names denote blackbirds, to join As a boy he heard them sing it and her in returning and attacking Ots8uta's people. it. "They -did not teach me, for such There is no reason given why they should do so; nnot be taught. They can only be rather, war is treated as something which, now .But my relatives knew Nyohaiva, and I given its roots, grows and will be--a sort of it." These are his own words, and, semi- gathering fate, though a stirring and pleasurable otory as they may seem to us, they per- one. The prolix M4ohave narrative manner of adding asclose as is possible to expressing incident to incident makes for an effect of slow t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~[2711 28 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS accumulation of feeling on this theme. However, Mohave culture. I say inversion because its s the war itself resolves into .the killing by magic tioned institutionalization largely removes i of a single leader: Homeric battles are not a from the realm of the perverse, at least soci usual part of the story pattern of the Mohave, and in part psychologically. in spite of their preoccupation with war. With a Besides fighting and love'-making, a third magic ball Nyohaiva puts the enemy settlement ment active in Mohave life is left out of Nyo to sleep, enters Otsuta's house, cuts off his as out of certain other stories in Mohave my head. This she carries upriver to Samo'okuss or ology. This is their tribal consciousness and Amat-ya'ama near Parker, where people are living ethnographic or international interest. All t under the leadership of four transvestites! She people encountered in the story are treated institutes the scalp dance for them; throws they were Mohaves, or at least members of a Ot'suta's skull far south to become a rock at undifferentiated human race leading a specifi Picacho in Yuma land; then turns herself to Mohave-type life; even though they dwell as stone as Hawk-rock, east of Parker. away as the Yuma habitat. (There is a partial The objective towards which the events of the ception in the incident when Nyohaiva detours tale trend seems to be the institution of the into the mountains, finds a man whose name re victory scalp dance; at which, in actual YNohave to buckskin shirts, and gives him hunting a practice, Nyohaiva was one of several singings to live by: thus she institutes the Walapai that were sung and danced to. In this dance, too, than she encounters them.) The attitude of c transvestites--the word means coward as well-- rather than of tribal differentiation recurs participated along with women; and there was the unpublished "Great Tale" and, in the present expectable heterosexual indulgence. Hence prob- graph, in Cane (I), and explicitly in Vinimf ably the astounding berdache chiefs of the tale: pat6e (II), where the victorious attackers o they are imagined in order to provide the fitting Mohave, coming from the desert Providence mo dance setting. The scalp celebration seems to tains, are not the Chemehuevi who historical have been the principal Mohave occasion for habited this range, but a separatist band of dancing. who are represented as having settled there, Nyohaiva, as a woman, herself reflects this trary to economic possibility for a farming peculiar relation between women and war: her Nevertheless, the Nyohaiva geography refl hair, her skirt, her bashfulness are specified. historic international relations. The distri But there is also the opposite attitude: she the Mohave-like settlements which plot again incites, she wants revenge, she kills. Here she Nyohaiva and are vanquished by her are where is almost the emrbodiment of the hwami, the oc- Halchidhoma lived as recurrent objects of Mo casional female active homosexual whom the Yuman and Yuma attack. However, the war party agai river tribes recognize as the counterpart of the them comes from the south, that is, from the more frequent male passive invert or alyha. But direction; and the victim's head is petrifie she is never explicitly desigrnated as a hwami, Yuma territory. It is possible therefore tha nor does the tale itself allow us to interpret haiva is a variant derivative of the Av'al her as having had defined hwami status in the myth and singing which the Mohave recognize Mohave mind. Normal sex impulse or relation, Yuma equivalent of their Nyohaiva, as per th what we should call love interest, does not paragraph of the tale. That Nyohaiva herself enter into this story at all. It is normally made to have her origin in northern Mohave treated meagerly in Mohave mythology, in spite and turns to stone not far from the scene of of the endless sex talk and obscene humor of victory, means less, because almost all stor Mohave daily life. When it does appear in nar- move from north to south, through the vicini rative, it is episodically. The plots as a whole Avikwrame being the typical point of mythic d show the love incidents to be subsidiary. Thus ture with the Mohave, and at times also in Y the Cane hero wishes a storm to rid himself of Walapai, and even Diegueho narratives. his wives, who are delaying the revenge for which he is traveling; and when his conscience makes THE1 NYOHAIVA TALE him relent, it is because his wish strikes him as inhumane and bad in general, not because of 1. Nyohaiva came to life at Miakwalorve.1 tender sentiments toward the wives as love- place was the first one to be dry. All about objects. And there is rarely much sex feeling, world was still wet. She thought: "I do not and never a touch of ribaldry. For instance, which is the best way to go. I wonder in wha the Tumanpa story is based on an incest motive, rection is the best place for me, so that e but the theme is treated with such restraint will know me and I can tell what I know. I as scarcely to obtrude beyond the skeleton of dreamed well. I wish to tell what I know so the plot, and never with a trace of passion. The everyone will understand it." Now the day an brother and sister are old people at the begin- sun and everything else already existed. The ning' of the tale! The fact that such sex element ________ as enters into Nyohaiva is tinged with the quality of inversion, suggests a definite func- 1Oppcsite Fort Mehave and. upstream from i tional relation between inversion and war in therefore in Nevada. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 29 re is the sun. It is already gone "I do not tell you anything else. I teach you only t as that."2 (3 songs.) singing. I do not tell you what you. are to do, but Bihe said: "Now I know what to do. I only how you are to sing." (4 songs.) .,elsewhere than south. I will cross 6. She said: "That is what I teach you. Listen .go to I66-kuva'lre."3 Then, when to me." As yet she did not teach other tribes. She 188-kuvat'Ire, she thought: "I will taught only the Mohave. Then she went on downward -this place and that I am here." (2 to Savdt-t6he.10 (3 songs.) .,she was about to start from there 7. As she stood there she heard someone speak- ~she was about to start from there, ing or shouting in the east. She thought: "I hear .i will tell further what I know, so people to the east. I think I will go there." Thus ne will learn what I say. Let everyone she said and went east. She went up over the mesa ae and take my words." As she said this and far up into the mountains A'T-kumnau-t6uml. handful of sand. "I am a person who There there was a spring, Aha-kuvilye.11 Someone well. When you Mohave sing, you will lived there. She said: "I know you. Your name is 'va. There is another name for singing HamaG6le-viya.12 Well, I will tell of your body. lyunu,4 but it is the Yuma who will I will tell about you." (4 songs.) . It will be the same singing, but I 8. Then she was ready to return. "I am going ther name." (1 song.) back now," she said. She got up. Then she said Said: "Well, I have told everything again: "You can live here by hunting, but you can- re finished. I will go." Then she went not hunt without having the things with which to kmta.5 When she had gone a little hunt." Then she took13 a bow and four arrows and th from there she saw a hill of sand, threw them on the ground, and those living there t6e.6 Then she said: "All will picked them up. "Now you are provided. You can s place. They will come here to play hunt and shoot," she said. She also took a stone d have a good time. That is how I knife with a wooden handle and gave it to them. become married."7 All the people then she started to go back. (She did not sing d at her, but did not know who she about what she did there. She only instructed the person called YanaOa-kwe-'ataye,"5 those people, the Walapai.) As she returned toward To you not know me?" Then all said: the river, everything had been made, both sky and w you. We have heard of that person. earth, and all was quiet and still. She thought of who sings and from whom we learn that as she came, and sang about it. (4 songs.)14 r name is Nyohaiva." .Now they all 9. Now she went downstream along the edge of ewas. (4 songs.) the river. She said: "The way that I have come will iva said: "There are people living be a trail. I am making a trail for people. When t go down. I want to talk to them they want to go, they will travel by this." It was hem to sing. I want to talk to others when she came to Hotarveve15 that she said this. to you." Then she went. She came to (1 song.) 9.~ When she arrived there, she said: 10. She went on. Then she heard someone far down- stream. She thought: "I wonder whether I can jump anya-tonyatim, afternoon. four times and reach that place." Then she tried 'Ire is upstream from Fort Mohawe and to find how she could jump. She thought: "I think mentioned. 168 is the black willow. I am able to jump. I am light now: I can jump far. means in the house. Some Mohave sing Perhaps if I stand and turn around four, five, six but as something learned from the Yuma. times I shall go far." She stood there thinking. o three miles from Fort Mohave, a little thus. Then she turned herself around four times. th. Aksamta is one of the "wild" seeds the Mohave; cf. Mastamho, VII, 36-42, 10Savgt-t6he, a sandy place, is across the river from Needles, due east, at the foot of the mile north of Fort Mohave; a sand mesa. Another place of the same name, but rocky, is said to occur farther down the river. iing and dancing lead to courtship. "Stinking water." She is in Walapai land the "Supplement" of the Mastamho myth. now. 12 insect, of which Nyohaiva is so to speak HamaGole is a Walapai buckskin shirt; viya, sonation, is described as being red- ham-vaya-k,to turn, revolve. "All will see him d'as coming out of the ground when this as he stands in his shirt and turns about to nce no doubt the allusion to Nyohaiva's display it." birth being the first to become dry. call yanaga-kwe-'atiye a "spider," 13Produoed magically, hiwaksoamim. s no web. The element -ataye means 14She evidently returned to Savet-tohe after ai-k; yanaGa-, the narrator suggested, her eastern excursion, for the songs are credited i6anuGa, tears, alluding to the spotted to that place. Note that the songs are about the ce o the animal. completion and stillness of the world on her main ~lye is at the foot of the mesa (valley Journey, not about the episodic side trip of in- Aizona, 4 miles south of Fort Mohave, stituting Walapai customs. Lamp ranch. 15Unidentified. 30 ANTEROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Then she arrived far down below, at IveOlkwe- it: I know you have been away; I know you and 'akyulye. Nyahunim-kwayavel16 lived there. He your name is. You are Hut6at6-matillaye." (3 s said: "The person who has come is not like other 13. So she went on. When she arrived at a pI people. He combs and spreads his hair,17 he does where there was no one, she passed by. She rea not roll it.18 What is the reason you do not Ahmo-kut6eQilye.24 There she stood on a rock. roll your hair? Come among my people and live she heard people singing at Amata-kwit6e. She here and I will give you a name." Nyohaiva said: thought: "When I come to them they will not kn "It is good. Give me a name. I will join you." me. I am afraid they will kill me. How shall I3 He told her: "Stand facing the south." Then she there? I do not know." (2 songs.) faced the south. He sat behind her, looking at 14. She wanted to go to that place. She tho her back. "I give you the name AGlinkume6I," "What shall I be? I will become something." Th he said. When she received that name, Nyohaiva she walked. and jumped about. She put three fea said: "Now I have a new name. Everyone has heard on herself. Then she became an arrow. She jump it. My name is AG'inkumeMl. I have learned some- Up.25 She arrived where she had heard the nois thing new." Then she sang. (4 songs.)19 at Amata-kwit6e, and there she stuck in the gr 11. From there she went on slowly. She came Little boys were playing about and found the a near Amat-eh6'-kwa66ske.20 The man who lived One of them said: "I have often been here but there saw her coming: he was called Hut6at6- have never seen an arrow sticking in the groun mekulypuk.21 He said: "I heard that it was so: He did not take it, but went back and told the I think this is my sister. I think that I look man who lived in that place. The old man's n like her." When she arrived and stood before was Halto amits-kwisama.26 When the boy told him, he said: "You are my sister."22 Nyohaiva this old man said: "Be careful: that is no arr said: "No, you are not my brother."2 Yes, you Perhaps it is a person who has becom an arrow are my sister," he said. Then she told him: Nyohaiva heard that and thought: "I will c "Well, let us measure our feet. See, your feet back. I want to go to that old man's house. are different. Let me see your arms. Yours are she turned human again, and went to the house. different from mine. Mine are short, yours are old. man saw her coming and said: "See, she is long. You are not my brother." Still he insisted: ing. I told you that it was no arrow. It is a "Yes, I am your brother." But she said: "No, you son who is coming." When she reached the house are not like me. You are tall." Then she went the old man said: "Give her to eat: give her p away from that place. (3 songs.) kins and corn." They had food ready and gave i 12. She went to H6'aunye-vat6e. HIutgat6- her. But she did not know that it was food and matillaye23 lived there. Vthn she arrived, he would not eat it. She had never eaten that kir also said to her: "You are my sister." She stood fore. They wanted her to eat and said: 'Vhy do opposite him, saying: "I do not think I am your not eat?" But she said: "No, I do not want to. sister." "Yes, you are my sister,". he said. Then was afraid. She thought: "If I eat it, perhaps she told him: "I have heard of you. You have been will kill me.'t27 She wanted to go on and did away. No one knew it; no one saw you; but I heard even sit down. She only squatted and sang. (3 15a. She wanted to go on to Aqwaqa-have.8 lsNyahunem-kway&ve: hune is the Mohave name started. Now she came to Aqwaqa-have. There of a crook used by the Yavapai for pulling fruit four brothers who lived there, old men: N from the tall sahuaro or giant cactus; it con- sists of a pole with a small stick tied at an vetaye,29 the oldest, Ot66uta,30 the next, angle at the end. Kw-ayave, ayave-k, bent, crooked. tara,31 the next, and Kim-ku-suma,32 the yo 17 Like a woman. There is of course no pro- nominal gender in Mohave, so "his" is ambiguous. 24Ahmo' is a mortar. 18Into pencils or strands, like a man. 25And flew. 19 26HaltoV, given as meaning himake, his bac point in the story that the interpreter first likely is the word for spider; amits, far; kw woman, not ahe man.y tsee.--This is also an insect, a small rough b realized that Nyohaiva was a woman, not a man. gray beetle that feigns death when handled. 20Amat-ehet is white earth paint. 27The Mohave are averse to strange food; i 21 Evidently a myriapod or centipede. Described bring sickness. as a white underground insect or worm, longer 28Aqwdqa is deer. than a finger, with legs along both sides of the 29Nyahamo "from ahmo', mortar" (?); vetaye body, and able to run fast. "Hutsats, white- large, much. Cf. Nyahaim-, wet, moist, in rit haired; pukel-pukim, wriggle, travel like a 30From itsou-k, to make (?). "He was well- snake." good looking." 22They use the term havIkwek, defined by the 31Hi`8, his eyes; kwi-tara, compare so-tar narrator as a man or a woman's older or younger blind. "He always looked down." brother or sister, viz., any sibling. The word 32 f. aky8m, s k has not been secured as kinship term. It is ob- of Kosim-, row an ishot;ructed dropeinam. viously from havIk, two; hence prbby"n f hunting, and told how he could shoot the sky a pair." his arrows stick in it. He shot at ammo, the1 23Apparently also an insect. It Jumps awk- sheep (the three stars of Orion's belt); hen?e wardly, sometimes falling. For matillaye, compare hulnt mountain sheep. Two or three small stars ke-layi-m, fall. in Orion are his arrow. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 31 bmo-vetaye had a daughter. He said will they kill me? I would like to know how they lyohaiva arrived: "When a traveler will do. They will make me bet my body against tist talk to her. You must make her something that they put up and then they will kill house and be her friend. That is the me. They will bet something against me." Id do." When the old man said that, 15f. Then in four days everyone came there. went to Nyohaiva, took her by the Nyohaiva had kept under the belt of her skirt the ught her to the house. Nyohaiva bones that she had found. Now, taking the foot in, but sat outside at the corner bone35 in hpr hand, she said: "If you can take it * The four men did not know her. away from me, you can kill me. If you cannot take o she is," they thought. She was it away from me, you shall not kill me. If I am not did not look up. She kept her face able to keep and hold it, you may kill me. I do not think you will be able to take it away from ae, n Klm-ku-sum&, the youngest of the and if you cannot take it away, I will go off. I " "Do you not know her? Have you not will try to run to Avi-'it66rinyte' and there I r? Her name is Nyohaiva. When she will be free. But if you can take it away from me, place, she changed her name and took and bring it to Kunyavats-yampeve, you can have my 4-l heard that she was coming. Now that bones and blood." Then they prepared to take from I I can tell from the way she sits, her the ball of bone. But she had dug a little '-ithout sitting down, and from her not hole36 and there she buried the ball and stood on Bu, that when she goes below where it. Then she waved her hands and made it appear sny people, she will stir up trouble as if she were hiding the bone as she folded her till be war and you will not sleep arms. She said: "If you do not take it away from was afraid of her and wanted her to me before I come as far south as Avi-'it66rinyene, I shall win; but if you can get the bone to n Hi68-kwitara, the next oldest broth- Kunyavat6-yampeve, then I shall lose." Then they -"Well, if you will kill her, you must all came toward her. She ran south, holding the ito all, so that they will come and all bone between her toes where they did not see it. may know it. Send a man to Haltot- They reached her, seized her arms, looked for the to tell him that we wish him to bone in her hands, but could not find it. Again .everyone should be here in four days. they pursued her, seized her, held her fast, tore roast her alive. I do not want only to off all her clothes. She fell, got up again, and I want her blood, and her bones to ran on, scratched all over, but they did not find xmix with what we eat. We will do that the bone. Then, when she came to Avi-'it66rinydne, th morning." Nyohaiva heard them say she threw the bone up, and they all stopped. So they, though saying it, nevertheless this one woman had beaten those people. "I have o eat; but she would not eat it. She beaten you all. I have dreamed well. In four days them say that they would kill her in we shall have war," she said, and stretched out her arm towards them with four fingers extended Ster two days she went outside and dug (spread in defiance). They stood and looked at her ground. There she found a kneecap. and thought: "Did I not know it? You cannot over- father's bone," she said. She dug come her. She is Nyohaiva. Now we have made trouble d a foot bone. "That is my mother's for ourselves. Everything will be turned over." said. She dug on and found a rib. Then (4 songs.) "Tat is my brother's34 bone. The people 16. From there Nyohaiva went down the river to killed them. I think that they will try Avi-haly'a.37 There she saw Amlv-kapaka38 who had in the same way. They recognize me from come to that place with many people. She said to Tey knew me because my face was like my him: "I can tell about your body and about you. I and my mother's and my brother's. Ho.w can tell about another thing too: I say there will be war in four days." (4 songs.) 17. She went on again. As she traveled she kept fear of night or dawn attacks. saying that there would be war in four days. There ek, of note 22.--Finding and playing was no one there and she was all alone, neverthe- 3 of kinsfolk who have been killed by less she told of the war. Then she came to Ave-ny- at are plotting to kill the hero also, eva. Two men lived there, Ahma-kunuhwilye and e episode in Mohave mythology, and a motive for fighting. Cf. the Cane myth. dbet are also a usual preliminary to e is a seeming contradiction in the Nyohaiva, who grows from the ground 3Perhaps a heel bone, as it is later spoken earth is still new, should have parents of as a ball. g before. Most Mohave myths, however, 36With her toes. the growth or birth of the hero; and 37 118 later occurs, it is motivated in the coredas-hilyka (Yur foor-m?),ain whereas theM- lexilained. Both incidents conform to havdedfo moo -ishly'a.(afr?,whra h o utional pattern according to which hv o oni aya constructed, so the logical inconsist- 38Again an insect. Amaly-kapaka are small n ot jar. flies such as settle on horses. 32 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Tsem-korrave,39 his younger brother. She came to and wore a dress of willow bark.'2 Then she the house in which they were. She stood at the thought: "How shall I approach them?" Then she door and did not say a word. They did not know took some of the strands of her dress from one her, so they said: "Who is it?" Then she told side and the other and tied them across the fr them: "I am AG?inkume5i. I have come to announce like a belt. She did not tie her hair, but gra war: I say it will be in four days. That is why it on both sides and twisted the two masses in I have come here: I have come to tell you in a knot behind.43 "And I want to do something t how many days there will be war." The two men look pretty," she said. She took a handful of said: "I know Ag?inkume6l: she is Nyohaiva. I and rubbed it across her jaw and her forehead. know her." (1 song.) "That will not do: it will not show,?? she said 18. Then she went on and came to a place to Putting her hands down to the ground once more which she gave the name Qapotaq-iv'auve. She she dug. Then she reached into the hole and to stood there and said: "I can tell where I am: out white earth paint. From a handful she made I have dreamed well." Now she was there alone, four horizontal stripes across her face. These" but she said: "I say we shall have war." Then were white and plain. "That is better. Now I 1 she tried what she could do. She trotted. to the well. And I will give a name to this place. I south one step (sic). Then she came back. Then call it Amat-eh8'-ibauve." Now it has a name. she trotted one step to the west and returned (4 songs.) then one to the north, then one to the east.'6 23. Then she started and ran again. She ran. Then she pulled out one hair on her right side twice and rested. Then she arrived where those: and threw it to the west, and it began to rain. people were. She did not go in among them, but She said: "I thought I should do that. I dreamed stood off at a little distance. She saw that t about war: that is my power; I know that." (4 were prepared and ready for war, with feathers songs, one about each direction.) bows and clubs and all weapons. Then Hivilyk- 19. She went on down again until she came to kemohakwe,45 a man who was there, called to he Avi-tuva'auve. There she stood and said: "I "Comw? She came nearer but soon stood still. thought the sky was far off. I thought the "Come!" he called again. Again she came but st earth, too, was far around, and that its end "Come!" he said once more, and again she came could not be told. But now, when I have arrived stood. Again he said, "Come!" This time she ca here, the sky is not far away, and the (end of in among the crowd. She still held white paint the) earth is near." Thus she thought. (2 songs.) her hand. When the people saw this; they all t 20. She went on again and came to Ak.'ulye-tsa- some from her, put it into their own hands, s kapava, a high hill, on which she stood. From on them, rubbed them together to make them whi there she heard and saw many men. She said: then drew their finger-tips over their palms, "They have been away a long time. I heard of with their fingers painted white marks on the' that; I see it now. They are ready to make war. hair. They said: "We will fight. We want to p I see them prepared with feathers, with bows because we will fight." They all did that. The and arrows and war clubs, and with paint, ready Nyohaiva said to them: "tIt is well. But wait: to fight." (2 songs.) will think about it. I will tell you how to gc ' 21. From there she went on, running. When how to arrive, how to fight. Now I want to gi she had gone part of the way to where she had name to this place so that all will know from seen the people, she came to a rock. She stood we started to go to war. The name of this plac on this. This rock had no nama. She said: "I Ava-t6ohai.'6 Now all will know it.?? (4 songs, give it a name. I call it Avi-tsitse." From 24. Then she said: "Who dreamed about war? there she again saw the people all ready for knows how to fight? Who will be leader? The f war. "I am glad,? she said, as she saw them will be Horrave-sakamim.47 The next will be playing and wearing feathers and carrying bows Aqaqa-suverevere-ketukupanye.'8 The next will and clubs. (4 songs.) 22. She went on down along the river again. 42Reaching below the knee. Four times she ran and rested. Then she began to be near the place. Now she had long hair41 43Tsunkwinevek. 44Amat-ehe', white earth paint. 45Evidently a bird, like the other leaders 39Both brothers are green worms or cater- among his people. Hivi-lye, on my shoulder; k pillars that live in cottonwood trees. They have hakwe, "cft. hakehake, many-colored.n--"His ott a bitter taste. The ordinary name of Ahma- name was Itoke-pilyuwake, n (a small, red-bell' kunuhwilye is hamasukwenpa. A similar black worm sharp-billed bird). is called amiGe. Ahma, quail, is also a small s bitter melon, not good to eat; ku-nuhwilye is to 46In Arizona, above Yuma, well below Parke drag. Korrave, or kw-irrave, means pain. Them- This is as far south as she travels. Ava is hl korrave was thinking of his food, hukgara-ny- 47The blackbird with a white spot behind i amely-a'uva, coyote' s-food-tobacco, a strong> eye. Horrave-sakamlm means "lighting-extingui pungent, wild tobacco.x 40Sunwise circuit, beginning with the south. 48A similar bird weitehaneroec cret band fe This is unlusual, but she is traveling south. trimmed raven feathers; ke-tukupanye, tie on 41Halfway down her thigh. head. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 33 e."49 She herself was to be the fourth. brother and took their bones and played with m was to be the leader and go first them. They enslaved me. Now they have let me go. All wanted to go along. (3 songs.) 'He is going to become something, ' they said of they were ready and wanted to cross me." His body was a person's, but he had horns. They gathered, tied driftwood into He wore skin clothing. Then Nyohaiva took his put their weapons on them.50 Then shirt, his leggings, and his moccasins from him. to the west side of the river and She sent him away to the west to eat grass and be- qhwpelyeve.5i "'When we arrive there come a mountain sheep. 54 "Go that way," she said. 1 you more," Nyohaiva said. (4 songs.) "The mountains there will be full of sheep. East iva said: "Men who are at war do not of the river there will be no sheep in the moun- in one place; they do not rest, but go tains. When you find grass, eat that. I call you go at once." Then they went north h8m8.55 Now you are h6m8." (4 songs.) at side of the river. They continued 29. Then they went on again until they came to o Amat-tatolit6e. Then she said: "Let KoGllye. There Ag'inkume5il (Nyohaiva) entered 1l sit in the shade." Now Hivilyk- the river up to her kneed. The water rushing about went off from them up on the mesa to her legs made a noise and frightened her. She said: was anyone to fight. As he looked "I will tell of this water. Then the river will not ee if there were smoke or dust, he run fast. It will flow slowly. I will make it be an atata (Mamillaria) cactus. The like that, not as it is now." So she told56 about tred hiA foot, hurt, and he was unable the river. When she had sung three times, the b returned crawling on his knees. Then river flowed smoothly and they crossed to the east- id: "See, we have bad luck. If we had ern side once more. (3 songs.) the thorn would not have entered you: 30. Now when they had arrived on that side, all tick is bad." Then she drew out all the took up their feathers and paint, and Nyohaiva ow you are well again: you will walk. said: "Put on your feathers and paint. Paint your- you!" He tried to walk but could not selves black, but your hair red. I will tell you she spoke and sang once more, and now what to do. I will sing about you." (4 songs.) pain and could walk again. "Let us go 31. Then, when all were dressed, they went on. aid. (2 songs.) They went without stopping, and as they walked y went northward. When they came to Nyohaiva continued to talk. The four leaders57 . they saw dust and smoke and heard went ahead; the others were behind. Nyohaiva said: haiva said: "That is near the place. "I will reach them first. I will begin the fight." ar my father's and mother's and broth- As she walked she sang about their steps, and as . I came by there. I know they are their arms swung she sang of those. For a little oe whom we go to fight. Now all do as distance she sang thus. (5 songs.) to. I wish all tribes to fight. If I 32. Now they were near, and all of them ready, 'ght, no one in future would fight." painted and wearing feathers and holding their t of what she was about to do, and how clubs. Then Nyohaiva said: "I dreamed well: no one it would be, and that they were all to can surpass me." She wanted to do something. She to make the war dance. (3 songs.) spat on her hand, rubbed her hands together to y started on again. Now they were near, make a ball magically, and threw it towards the te-kwrilyeve,52 and' stopped. There were people at Aqwaqa-have. "That will make them sleep," re and a wash and a little mesa. Someone she said. What she threw entered Nyahamo-vetaye's ing on the mesa. He ran down toward house and hit a post. It was nearly sundown and iva saw him coming and said: "I think Nyaham6-vetaye's people were still outdoors; but sending a message to us. They are send- now they all came in; everyone went in. Nyohaiva e as a spy. Or perhaps he is coming to said: "See, they are all enteriong. We shall over- to tell me that there will be war. I come them. They can do nothing against us. I am he is coming." Now that person came able to make them all go into the house. You will crowd. He was not afraid. Nyohaiva saw see that they all sleep. Now we four will go in: id: "Oh, you are my brother."53 Then the rest of you stay here." Then the four leaders there where you see the smoke and hear went on and entered the house. They were looking they killed my father and mother and for one man. In the dark Nyohaiva put her hand on the legs and faces of the sleepers in order to red-winged blackbird. Ampot-ahwate, 54 He painted each shoulder red before 55Said to be "the Chemehuevi word" for moun- ovised ferriage to keep bowstrings dry. tain sheep. This however is naah. Homo is not the form in any known Yuman dialect. It may rep- e, metate or grinding slab. resent distorted Mohave as it is supposed to be th-, wind, also north. pronounced by the Chemehuevi. NIkek, sibling or twin, as ante, notes 5Sang? >S&e was the older." 57Nyohaiva and the three blackbirds. 34 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS find him. As she touched them she made them weak in the center and waved her hand to the peopl and sleepy. Then she found the man in the middle to come. "Come, all of you, and see this head, of the house. She put her hand on his body and she said. All came and stood about. Then she on his ear and knew him because he lacked one threw the head up so that it fell on the gro ear. His hair was long and he had it coiled in a ahe threw it up four times. Then she said "N large bunch, on which his head was resting.58 you have seen the head: you all know it. Now Nyohaiva said: "This is he for whom I was looking: will sing about it." Then she sang about its this is Ot6buta, who wanted to kill me.59 Now I its eyes, its eyelashes, its tongue, its mout have found him and will kill him." Then the four its teeth, and its nose. (4 songs.) carried him outside. Nyohaiva said to him: "I 34. She said: "Now you have all seen what will take your head from you alive. I will tell That is how I want you to do. After I am dead you about it before I kill you." As Ot0uta sat you will do the same. But there is another th there,60 she seized his hair and pulled it. Four She made four heaps of sand. Then she ran to times she moved him as she pulled it. The fourth south, returned, and with her right foot sti time she said: "Now I will behead you. I have no in one of the beaps. She ran east and returne knife, but I can kill you with my thumbnail." stirred in another heap; then north, and sti Then she felt about his neck. She knew where the in another heap; then west, and stirred in t bones joined: there she cut him with her thumb- fourth.65 As she stirred that one she took nail. She cut entirely around his neck, cut off from it a sandbar-willow (ihoreS stick, a 1 his head, and held it up. The body lay there, wand. On the end of it she tied the hair of t jumped up, walked, fell down, jumped again, fell, bead so t-hat it waved.67 "That is how I do," and died only after a time. Then Nyohaiva said: said... "Tint is how I want you to do." (4 song "Now we will tell about this head."61 (4 songs.) 35. When they had finished that, she said: 33. Then she said to her people: "Let us go "When there is war and a saalp is taken, peop northward on this side of the river. I have will do as I have done. They will dance and heard that people live here; but we will not go themselves. All will be happy and will play near them. They want war with us, but we will sing. I have done tbat. Now I wonder what I s not stay." So they went. They came to Aha- be. I wonder where I shall go." As she though 6ekup16a66` They went on past that place, on up she was holding the skull of the head in hr the river until they came to Sama'bkusa. Many She weat eastward two steps and stood there. people lived there. There were four men63 there, name of this place is Amat-ya'Ema,"68 she sai Alyha'-tuyame, Alyha'-tokwime, Alyhat-t6a6re, Then, standing there, she threw Ot0uta's sku and Alyha'-mit-kusaima.63 Many people wanted to far south, nearly to Yuma. "I want it to beco see the head that she brought, but Nyohaiva said: rock," she said. Then it became the rock call "No, I will not show it to you now. I will let Avi-melyekytte. 69 you see it, but not now. You will see it in time.?? 36. Now the people there stood in a circle, She hid the head under her dress. She would not about her. She was thinking about her own bod show it to them. She said: "When I show it and "I wonder what color I shall be: white or bl you sing, all will know what to do with it." yellow? Well, I will turn black. I shall. be a Then she marked a ring on the ground. She stood but all will know me, that I am Nyohaiva. My will be Avi-soqwllye.70 All will know that ro that it is Nyohaiva." (No songs.) 58Evidently using a coil of his long plas- tered pencils of hair as a pillow, a sleeping 64Have become transformed. habit not specifically reported before. 59The story has mentioned only his two 65Anti-sunwise circuit, beginning at south younger brothers as urging her death. 66By magic. 60He was apparently awake now, but unable w a to move. Now a true scalp. 61Such a head, their usual war trophy, is 68About four miles east of the Mohave Rese commonly called a "scalp" in English by the vation Agency at Parker, in Arizona. Mohave. 69A sharp upright rock at Picacho at the f 62"OWl water." of the Chocolate mountains, above Yuma. Acco to Ford, Ethnography of the Yuma, p. 102, the 63Alyha' is a trans-estite, a man living a was a historic Yuma village here. woman's life. Such people would be likely to -0 lc ok a ag sahue"o be prominent in a dance in which women partici- 70Aly blawk rc,"s nes. rIgi asou a qouarer" on pated. Tuyame, tayAm-k, walk in a circle; owlehksnt.Iisautaqrero -tokwime, stand in one place; t?a8re, said to be mile from Amat-ya'amna. The transformation is connected with kavaorem, to step on, as on the priate for the leading character of a war cyc heel Of one in front; -mSt-kus5ma, perhaps from because dreaming Of soqwilye hawks is what m amlts, far, kw-isam, see. warriors. nROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 35 r:+195 SONG SCBE}IE 27. At Aqw&qa-mtnyO, on the way to battle 3 3 28. At Matha-t6e-kwilyeve, meeting aid, the Nyohaiva singing is mountain sheep 4 3 res only one night to complete, 29. At KoOIlye, crossing the river 3 3 n a certain amount of narration. 30. Across it, painting themselves 4 3 .g a c31. On the way, about her steps and ber of songs at each point, arms 5 3 tor volunteered them in telling > nes as h subsquenty re- The Stupefi-ed Foe Is Beheaded ~ednext as he subsequently re- -______________ X review of the skeleton of the 32. At Aqw&qa-have again, Ot66uta de- the usual discrepancies; some capitated 4 4 taisunderstanding; more, probably, The Victory Dance in mind any really fixed At Sama16ksa about his scalp; hr of songs at each place,.h lya Outline 34. At same place, the scalp on the pole Transformation of Victim and Victor a 8kwvalorve 3 35. At Amat'-ya', Ot66uta's skull I66-kuvallre 32 1 throwvn to Picacho Rock 0 4 alyumu singing like alyn 8ingin like36. Nyohaiva turns into Hawk-Rock 0 0 R yohaiva 1 0 'aya-kumIt6e, about her 110 98+ tlye, the same 4 4 The first list aggregates 110 songs in 34 lt-the, the same 3 4 groups; the second, 98 or 100 in 33. In the first list, groups of four songs are most frequent, oc- Walapai curring 17 times. In the second list groups of kuvilye, about buckskin four occur only 10 times, but groups of three 18 ,wearers 4 1 times. In short, in the second enumeration the g from the Walapai to typical group consists of three instead of four viser 4 3 songs. At what appear to be crucial points-- Nyohaiva's identity, her new name, the contest, rteve on the trail 1 1 Ots8uta's killing, the scalp dance--the two lists Ikweoakle about her agree in naming the full complement of four songs. -yuye, 4 4 Evidently there is some sense that lesser episodes ;-eh8'-kwa5tske, claimed as merit fewer songs. That this sense of relative ehVr kwa66ske claimed as 3 3 weight is fairly constant is shown by the fact aunye-vat6e, claimed again 3 3 that of 31 places or stages to which both lists -kut9e9Ilye, hears singing attribute songs, 19 have the same number; 9 differ 2 (?) by only one song, as three for four or three for on Defiance two; and only 3 differ more widely: see paragraphs as arrow to.Amata-kwit~e; 7, 25, 31. There is thus evident a plan in the dto arrow to Amat,a-kwls 3 3 narrator's mind for relative elaboration of songs a-have to Avi-ts8rinytne, in different parts of the story. This plan is ad- contest, defiance 4 4 hered to with approximate consistency or repeti- tion; but it is no precise ritual scheme fixed in memory. -aly'a, telling of war As usual, the song scheme serves also as a Lg 4 4 synopsis of the narrative. I have therefore organ- ny-eva, same 1 1 ized it by introducing captions. It is evident ptaq-ivauve, the cardinal from this outline that only about three of the tuva'auve, the sky is near 2 3 thirty-odd sections contain vigorous plot such as 1e-tuakapava 2 3 is the usual content of myths and tales in cultures itbae nad 2 3 of the same general level as the Mohave. These are it-ehI-idauve, about white sections 14 and especially 15 and 32. If to these lituve, aboutwhite 4 3 are added the first and last one or two brief sec- UP u tions, to give the heroine an origin and an end, tbohai reaching allies 4 4 we have about the equivalent of what most American ta-tFohai, reaching allies 4 4 tribes would use to make a tale. The remaining ve-sakamlm appointed leader sections, nearly thirty, are Mohave filling, or 7 ~ prolixity, dispensable incidents which make the an, Preparations story run slower but give opportunity to build up Wing the river to Ahipe- the singing into a long series, a real cycle, Slyeve ~~~~4 2 corresponding to a ritual among other tribes. This >-tato'itNe, curing cactus song association is presumably the cause of the gine ~~~ ~~2 2 dilatory narration; though it is also clear that 36 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS the Mohave like the strung-along episodes for The correspondence of these phonograms to t their own sake, and maintain the habit even when sections of the narrative is as follows: the narrative is unaccompanied by songs, as in the Mastamho myth and Great Tale. The difference in manner, according as inter- Sections Phonograms est in plot or in song themes prevails, is shown by the fact that the three paragraphs mentioned 2 231 (14, 15, 32) take up about three-tenths of the 4 7 232-235 length of the narrative, but have only one-tenth 9-12 236-239 of the songs referring to them. That is, Mohave 14-23 240-249 singing is far from really dramatic. Its text 25-32 250-257 tends to be pensive, subjective, reflective on 33 258 264-266 incidents. When the action becomes eventful, 34 259, 267-269 tense, or critical, the songs become few, or 260-263 drop out, until the flow of the narrative quiets again. From one to four of the songs of each of the That is, all the songs pertaining to the groups were phonographically recorded in cylin- section and the three last sections were ders catalogued as 14-228 to 14-269 in the Uni- but only the first of each group of songs versity of California Museum of Anthropology. other sections. IV. RAVEN myth was recorded near Needles on do like this, in the daytime, it is outdoors, and I 3, from Pamits, "Weeping Person," . walk slowly back and forth, and the women dance for- aman of the Sn-fire-deer-eagle clan, ward and backward, following me. When I sing indoors, *rodaughters Nyoailtd a (or Ny8rtea there is no dancing, and I stay seated in one place thave lt a child). Jack Jones inter- near the middle of the house all night, except some- istory has been previously outlined times I rise to my knees." in Handbook of the California Indi- I did not see an actual Raven dance, but it was ;L, and some songs given on page 758. illustrated for me as follows. The women bend their characterized as' "a curious tale knees somewhat so that thei.r skirt hem is lowered if it can be called a story at all. perhaps four or five inches. They then sag and rise es do nothing but move thirty feet, in the knee an inch or two, without moving their t, and disappear [as ravens] at day- feet or even rising on their toes. The body is in- they sing of is what any Mohave would clined slightly forward, the head is erect, the eyes lsing of if he sat up. The story is wide open and looking level (not lowered as by Plains hid reflection of the jonventional Indian women); the arms hang straight down, almost tohave singing." This Judgment iS stiffly, the wrists perhaps being bent back a trifle. the outline of songs given below. When the women move forward and back, they shuffle n is said by the Mohave to be sung their feet forward (or back) an inch or two at each ions and to refer to war, along with step, without raising them from the ground. gmulye, and Nyohaiva, it differs t two of these--which have just been OUTLINE OF SONG SCHEME t these contain actual narratives Growth: as the central theme of the plot.; 1. Birth of the brothers 4 n merely sings of war customs in the 2.. Cane buzzers 4 re is also no travel in Raven, ex- 3-. Darkness and war 4 travel. Tumanpa is like Raven in that 4. Gourd rattles 4 16 story; like Vinimulye and Nyohaiva Night: is journeying; and is peculiar-- 5. Bat flying west 6 'or a war and festival song-cycle--in 6. Stars 12 1 theme is incest. 7. Cane 18 36 NARRATOR'S STAENTN War: 8. Hostile tribes 4 said to me: "I was a baby boy [meaning 9. Wind and dust and war 4? 10. Brave men 4 e below] when I dreamed this singing: 1. Fightin 4 me by the Ravens. Now I am a man, but 11. Fighting 2 gotten it. I dreamed it before I ever 13. Scalped men 4 I had been born when I dreamed it, I 14. Return with the scalps 4 forgotten it. No, I did not learn it 15. Arrival at Bill Williams Fork 4 [ohaves; and I did not hear any of them 16. The start next morning 4 fact, no one else sings like this, for 17. Message of victory 4 t dreamed it myself." Later he added: 18. Dance with the scalps 22 Jo Nelson" (the narrator of the Mastamho 19. Gathering and feast 8 68 elow) "know this Raven, and he learned Birds: .;he did not dream it. Jo is my paternal 20. Masohwat bird 12 ek(a term not recorded otherwise). 4 us two dies, the other will sing Raven 22. Curve-billed thrasher 8 of a day and a night. My older brother, 23. Mockingbird 6 30 also learned it from me. And my Tribal Life ghter learned it, without dreaming: I - G t for her if she dies, or she for me." 24. Grinding food 6 "When a raven is on the ground, he 25. Play at Miakwa'orve 2 8 before rising in flight. That is why Transformation: gourd rattle downward twice before 26. Bodies of the brothers 4 to sing; and why the women who are to 27. Their knowledge 4 'twice before I start my song. Then, 28. Their future shape 4 ke it upward, they just walk past me; 29. New names 4 beats before the end ofthersong 30. Wish to change 4 rs), I make a long downward sweep of 32. Departuret 4l 28 nearly to the ground. This is the 3.Dprue4 2 the women to begin to dance. When we Total 186 t ~~~~~~~~~~[37] 38 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS THE RAVEN STORY and dance, it will be well that they have such things." Now they were about to make a gourd t 1. It was at Ha'avulypo that Matavilya built give to me.9 They said: "We have none yet but the first house.' After he died, two brothers, can make it." Then the older one stood up, tu Aqaqa, the Ravens, were there. When such birds to the west, to the north, to the east, and ta find anything that has died, they eat it; but south.10 Then he had a gourd in his right hand they would not have eaten Matavilya then, even He said: "It will be well, when a man sings, if they had seen him. But they did not see him, use tiat. Everyone will like to hear it." (4 for these, two,' the older and the younger brother, songs.)11 only grew from the ground where the northwest 5. The two Ravens had not yet gone far from corner of the house had been, after this house their corner. They were still near the ?lace had been burned down.2 The name of the older they had grown, and still in the house. The brother was Humar-kwi6e, of the younger, Humar- older said: "My brother, there is another thi hanga.3 They were little boys then--not Ravens. will tell about. The bat has started from the They looked up to the sky, and all about, and in the darkness and is flying westward. I hea saw that the world had been made. Then they It is he.?? The youngest did not know that. The looked toward the south. As they sat, they each sang three songs and the younger three. (6 so sang two. songs; first the older, then the younger. 6. Then the older said: "There is another (4 songs.)4 that I will tell of. I will tell about Orion 2. Then they said to each other: "My brother, the mountain sheep, the three stars of the be *we will leave this place. We grew here. We came Orion), and also about six that are near them out of the corner here, but now we will leave (1Iat6a, the Pleiades). I will sing about those it." So they started from their corner, crawling Then he sang six times and his younger brothe forward on their bent legs a short distance, sang six times. (12 songs.) four times: but they thought they were walking. 7. Now the older said again: "There is ano Then they began to talk of cane-buzzers5 which thing that we will sing about. It is the lar they had. There was no cane there then. Never- that we heard far down in the south and west." theless they had cane, both ahta-hamaka and ahta- each sang nine songs about that. (18 songs.)14 hat6ima, large cane and small cane. They said: 8. Then they said: "Now let us sing of oth "I hear canes swaying in the wind in the west tribes, in the south, the Halchidhoma and the and in the south." They heard it rustling. That We know more than they. We have dreamed well is why large cane grows in the south below Yuna, are brave and can beat them." He meant that n and in the west; but not in this country. They tribe could overcome the Mohave in war. They sang twice each. (4 songs.) sang two songs about this. (4 songs.) 3. Then they said:6 "Listen to what we tell. 9. Then they said: "There is another thing We have dreamed well. We can divide the dark and will sing about. We will tell of wind and dus the stars.7 You do not know it, but you will When we go to fight those people, the wind wi have war. We did not learn that from Matavilya: blow and the dust will fly so that they will we dreamed it. We are telling what is so: You see us. When we sing thus the wind will blow will see. We are brave and tell of things which (4? songs.) we have dreamed." (4 songs.)8 10. Again they said: "There is another thi 4. Now as they sang, they had no gourd (rat- Some men have dreamed well and are brave, but tles). They said: "We have no gourds. That will all men are like that. When there is war, bra not do. When people make war and kill an enemy men will be the first to see where the houses the enemy are. There will be only a few men w 1As told more fully in other accounts. 2As doors are to the south, this would be the right rear corner, from inside. 9Viz., to the narrator. 3Humar is boy; the sound ng does not occur in 10Clockwise circuit beginning with the wes Mohave speech, but is frequent in the distorted 1T forms which words assume when sung. Hang is also 1The words of these four songs are: 1, h the Mohave idea of the reverberating sound pro- htilauk imat-kievek kanavek, gourd hold when- duced by beating or scraping a basket set in tell; 2, ahnalya oalya viv'aum, gourd I-show front of the mouth of a jar--the proper accom- standing; 3, ahnalya hi6auk amaim-it6iak vivt paniment to certain song-series. gourd I-hold upward-raise-it standing; 4, iba 4 - akanavek viv'aum ats6umk atvsikavakek viv'aum,. n The first song of the four is: husit pi'ipaik I-hold-it I-tell-of-it standing look-here loo nakwi5auk, now-both being-alive we-sit-here. there standing. Atvsi6umk and at6ikavakek may A toy, a piece of cane as large as a finger, fer to upstream and downstream (north and soU through which a string is passed on which it is 12The confines of what had been'the house. revolved against the teeth. 1 revolved against the teeth. . 13The first of these six songs runs: tiny "Said to me," in the narrator's words. kalt,ieska himan-kuyamk akanavek sivark, niV 7Rfrrn to wars of the Mohave against the hat rising-flies I-tell-it sing-it. Halohidhoma and Cocopa. 14From here on the repetitious statementsC 8The words of the first of these songs about assignment of half of each song group to each dreaming are: sumak imank akanayek. brother will be omitted. UKROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 39 that power.15 They will not be afraid. It knows where to obtain daylight. It goes east y nor in the night. You will see that." and brings the day. Thus it makes morning." (4 songs.) re is another thing. The Mohave will 22. They said again: "There is another bird, With other tribes. They will not begin Hotokoro. We hear it making a noise." (8 songs.) at niht, but in the day. They will use 23. Then they said: "Different birds sing dif- uarrows. We tell of that. We sing of ferently. There is a bird that we know., SakwaOa'- ( (4 songs.) alya.23 We will tell of him." (6 songs.) n they said: "When there is war, women 24. Then the older brother said: "I want to aptured. Perhaps two or three will be know what we shall be. I want to know what the y will stand with their heads down, people will do. I want to know all that.?? He was * (2 songs.) thinking about it. He said: "We will tell another re is another thing that we will tell thing. We will tell about grinding food." (6 -t is scalping. When they fight, there sos.)24 xi killed with long hair, and these will 25. He said: "When we have finished telling ofn (4 songs.) about everything, we will go outdoors. There is a y said: "When they have taken a scalp place called Miakwalorve.SS All the people will ok to this country,16 they will sing come there to enjoy themselves; they will play (4 songs.) and sing. (2 songs.) y said: '"When they have fought and have 26. Now the Ravens moved, as before, creeping PS and slaves, and have started to -re- on their legs, still not walking. They moved from ywill come to Hakut6yepe.If 7 (4 songs.) the place where they had sat, near the back corner y said: "When they have slept there, in of the house, to near the door. Then the elder one of them will say, 'Get up.??? (4 said: "My younger brother, we will tell of our body: of our legs, our arms, our head, our nose. y said: "After they have started from We will tell of every part of our bodies before y will come to Amat-agove. Then they we go outdoors." (4 songs.) word to the people in this country. 27. Then they both stood up. Now they were able announce: 'We have taken scalps and to walk: they were young men. They said: f"We have repare for the dance.? Who will carry told all we know. It is enough. Anyone who dreams to them? His name is Irra?um-kumabaye. of us and sees us, will know everything, and will word is sent, all will hear it.?? (4 be able to tell all that we have said. We have not seen what we tell of, nevertheless we know all y said: "When they return and bring the these things." (4 songs.) d the slaves, all the people. will gather 28. Now they stood outside the door. Standing will be prepared to dance. We will there, they said: "What shall we be? Now we are ;hat." (22 songs.)8 persons, but what shall we turn into? Shall we y said: "Now when all come to the ap- live in the air, or on the earth, or in the timber? lce and bring food, there will be a Shall our bodies be black, or yellow, or red? How 1ni9 (8 songs.) will it be?" (4 songs.) y said: "There is another thing we are 29. Then the older brother said: "Which will of. We will tell about it. I hear the be the best way to go? I do not yet know. I want to ,a bird, far up in the sky, as it comes change my name. When we were born in the corner of east. That bird has been here, but went the house we were called Humar-kwi6e and Humar- is our bird. We know it, though we have hanga. Now we shall not have those names any longer. n it. Its name is Masohwat."O (12 songs.) My name will be SowOltek.?? And the younge)i said: ysaid: "There is another bird, Orro.21 "My name will be Eteqwesongk.?S2S (4 songs.) 30. They did not stand still, but walked east- ward and back. Then stood and then walked toward the north and back, then west and back then &eaming y the narrator's country, Mohave valley. B are still at Ha'avulypo, many miles 22 The curve-billed thrasher, probably. See Williams Fork of the Colorado River. Mastamho, VII, 85 seq. substance of this paragraph was given 23 The mockingbird. One of the songs about him the narrator. As he first mentioned 4 is: sakwaga'alya me'eptekwoa melerqinye hiolk then 2Z, it is possible that he meant ikavavek, mockingbird you-are-the-one (?) from- twice on this topic. throat loudly tell. See Mastamho, VII, 85 seq. tsk, festival.- 24The first of these six songs runs: ahpe > enly entonedandproablyxrtic l . hamut fye ( for hamiukye ) tawam tabi (t sa )-tawam, scribed as bright red and larger than a 2Na FotMoae [ It does not live in the Mohave country.NerFtMoa. -lO called Sakat6re, it is said. 2These two names are said to refer respec- night hawk. tively to flapping and flying. 40 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS southward and back.27 Now they did not want to I have another name. My nane is Aq6qa-hatsya be persons any longer. They sang four songs, two I will go to the Kamia.29 I will never return each, one for each direction. (4 songs.) I will be Crow and will not come to this coun 31. Then they said: "We have finished. We Then he followed the darkness to the southwes have told about our entire bodies. Now we wish That is why he is black. to have feathers." Then they had feathers over Then the younger said: "My name will be their bodies. They tried to fly up but could Tinyamhat-mowaipha."30 He did not leave this not yet go far. They rose only as high as a country but stayed here. He is Raven. house. Four times they tried, but said: "No, Now they had turned into birds. No one c we cannot yet fly." (4 songs.) them, but they became thus. They went with t 32. Now the older stood on the east, the darkness and therefore are black. As they fl younger on the west, both facing the south. It. they said: "We fly with the help of the wind. had been night but now it was becoming morning. the wind blows hard, we fly high: it helps us Then the older said; "The darkness comes from whirls us around." (4 songs.)3 the east and goes west and I will follow it. Now 28Crow. Counterclockwise, starting in the east: cf. 29The Diegueffo, or perhaps more properly t note 10; also Appendix I. The Mohave frequently Diegueno offshoot in the desert and along the mention cardinal circuits and sometimes associate river whom we call Kamia. The Mohave say that colors with the points, but without any fixed Kamia, the Yuma, and they themselves sing Rav direction of the circuit or fixed color associa- songs, but the Kamia series is different. tion. As ritual symbolism} their material has not 30"Dark-dusk," or dusky night. set. The fact and content of dreaming are more 31 important to them than precisely formulated ritual The last song of the cycle is: matahaik pattern. mat-haik) ikwerevik, wind whirls. V. DEER DISCUSSION said by the Mohave to refer to a long tail, a feature which many Indian tribes note about Moun- of Aqwaq-sivare or Deer-singing was tain Lion. Etymologically, the word seems to mean Needles, on March 21, 1903, from "long dog"; which would of course be Wolf. In known also as Enter-fire and Three- that event, nume-ta, the "real cat" or "large cat," of one of the Tobacco clans, who would presumably be the commoner Mountain Lion, &Aghters Kata. Yellow-thigh did not and Jaguar would not enter into the present story. ye dreamed this song-myth-cycle: he The wobbliness of identification by the Mohave iBarned it from his older relatives. and other Yumans is increased by the fact that w:knew it. two other large carnivores besides the jaguar, ing and end of the story, comprising the wolf and the bear, are not regular habitants ter of its length, deal with two of their lands. a, Jaguar and Mountain Lion. At least, The amount of discursive detail in this ve.r- ,they are here oonstrued as being: sion is moderate. The number of songs inqde; ts of identification will be discussed series is around 90. No two statements by the "These two create for themselves a narrator, as to how many he sang at each point, who travel eastward for two nights agree altogether; as is customary for the Mohave. ,oond day of their journey are am- But the subjoined table shows that a scheme is cats who have gone ahead to lie in adhered to. The narrator probably intends singing in the Walapai country, in order about 4, or 7, or 1, or 3, or 8 songs on a given pai may learn hunting. Three-fourths episode, and perhaps approximately remembers sets :relate to the wanderings of the of words for each song in a group. The blanks in I the songs of the cycle except the the first column of the table presumably mean t are sung by them. The listener's only that the teller had not yet got started in ntification is thus with the Deer, mentioning songs. If we supply the omissions from with their creators and destroyers; the next column, the addition of these 23 makes name would also indicate. The result the total 90, as compared with totals of 90 and of the tale is pervaded by a flavor 88 in other listings. h as the Mohave manage to inject, iculately, into many of their myth- .ves . phy--after formal respects are paid iant, means wildcat. In Walapai (F. Kniffen et al., ing of things at Ha'avulypo--is Walapai Ethnography, AAA-M 42, 1935) nyimi-ta-was st-to-east journey from Gabrielino given as mountain lion (p. 64), and hat-akwila as country near the sea in California to wolf, described by some, however, as blunt-nosed tory in upland Arizona. This includes like a cat, and perhaps confused with straggling swerve first north and then south jaguars; it also was a rare animal. In Yuma, I was given xat-akUly for mountain lion (laqol-k ,Avikwame and the upper part of Mohave meaning long), to which imtsa xants-ekui was said to be the Cocopa equivalent. I secured no words lly, the Jaguar has his regular north- for jaguar or wolf. In Maricopa my forms ran: in Sinaloa or southern Sonora. Occa- name', wildcat; nam.e-t or xat-ekyulyk, however roamed into Arizona and mountain lion; xat-ekwily(k) or zat-ekuly, wolf. YB ~~~~~~~~~Spier, Comparative Vocabularies (Univ. N. Mex. thern California. He was certainly a Publ. Anthr. no. 2, 1946, pp. 104 seq.) gives animal to most Mohave: very few of these Maricopa forms: name-s, wildcat; name-t, ever have seen one, even in the old cougar (viz., mountain lion); name-t hatagult, he wa notimagnary Thee issons"cougar wolf"; name-t katca-s, jaguar; xatagult, was not imaginary. There is some xatagulya, wolf, ? from xatagwilg, "bigger than s to which name designates which feline, a dog" (xat). In the same place he gives the Om of them may not in fact be Wolf. Havasupai forms as nyim'i, wildcat; nyimita, lated Numeta as Jaguar, and Hatekulye mountain lion; hatagwila, wolf; no form for jag- Lion (Puma), because Nume is Wildcat, uar. The weight of this comparative evidence r is spotted dark on ye llow like would seem to make the heroes of the present ar iS spotted d ark on ye llOW lik Me Mohave tale Mountain Lion and Wolf rather than r stub-tailed animal.i Hatekulye was Jaguar and Mountain Lion. But what is perhaps surest is that two of these three carnivores did not occur regAlarly in Mohave territory, and Moun- tain Lion was probably uncommon, so that a degree are the vocabulary data: In all Yuman of uncertainty prevailed as to the identity of niume', or some obvious dialectic var- all of them. [41] 42 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS VARIATIONS IN SONG SCHEME THE DEER STORY Number of Songs Mentioned by Narrator 1. e a - ~~~~~~~~~~~1. When M1atavilya died and Mastamho tookc hi. In In In place2- he gave supernatural power to Jaguar and Orig. Review ttempt Mountain Lion,3 two brothers. No one saw them Place in Story inal at to they dug a hole into the ground and disappeare Place in Story inal at to They traveled underground toward the wind.4 At Dcta- cluon- Rec- Hatekulye-naka,5 above Avi-kwatulye,6 they eme tion clusion oncile Here they raised themselves out of the ground "Dark-mountain" in far as their breasts, turning their heads to 1 the west . . . . . . .. 4 4 around. Seeing only mountains all about, they Hoalye-kesokyave . . .. 8 10 "This is no place for us," and went underneath Avi-kit6ekilye . . . .. 4 3 2. They continued westward, below the surfa Ava-sa'ore . . . . . . .. 4 4 until they came to Avi-kwin-yehore, Avi-ku-tin "Sandbar-willow- Kwilykikipa, and Kwamalyukikwa. There Jaguar p water" . . ... 3 3 ceeded to make Deer. He put his hand into the New York Mountains . . 3 3 3 but the earth was not good. Then he thrust his Avi-kwinyamaOave . . 3 3 3 farther down until he found good clay. Then, j Avikwame (Dead Mt.). . 3, 13, 1 3 14 little girls have clay dolls, he made a Deer, I68-kuvallre . . . . . 7 7 9 legs and neck and horns and all parts. He made Qaralerva . ... . . 1 1 1 alto. So the two Deer came into existence. SelyeIaya-kumit6e . . 3 3 3 3. Now it was dark where Jaguar and Mountai Kamahnulya . . . . . . 2 2 2 were.8 Then they said: "There are flint arrow- "Raven's house". . . . .. 3 3 Some persons will dream of those. Then they wi "Excrement-sand" . . . 1 4 1 them; they will make bows also." Then they m "White-water'. . 2, 9 9 9 a bow. They measured it a fathom in length. It Avi-kwaganye . . 1 1 1 too long. So they measured it somewbat shorter Walapai Mountains. . . 7 11 7 said: "That is good: it will be right for the Hoalye-ketekururve . . 5 9 7 and Yavapai." They prepared sinews and feather "Land-blood-have," the arrows. When they had finished everything near Hackberry*. . . 6 8 1 they said: "Rattlesnake, scorpion, black-widow Total. . 67 90 88 and tarantula1' are the poisons to use. We wil Total..... 67 90 88 the Walapai and the Yavapai about them. They *Sung by the cats--the rest by deer. take these four poisons, mix them with a plant with red paint. They will paint their arrow-po with that and their bows and arrows too. Then WORDS OF SONGS they pursue game, it will not be able to run f The following are the words of some songs: 1. The very first song of the cycle, where 2At Ha'avulypo. the Deer are made at Dark-mountain far in the 3Numeta and Hatekulye. west (par. 5). Deer sings: inyahavek tinyamk 4orth, mathak. *kanavek, west it-is-night, tell. 2. First song at Hoalye-ketekururve (par. 25), 5"Mountain lion's naka." next to the last step in the journey, and the 8"Lizard-mountain," still at Eldorado Can last at which the Deer sing. Hatekulye kanavek, on or near the Colorado, as is Ha'avulypo also Mountain-Lion tell-(of). 7West of San Bernardino, California; that 3. Same place, second song. Ipa amaimiyak in Serrano or Gabrielino territory. The second kanavek, Arrow from-above tell. name means "dark mountain." 4. Same, third song. Ipui-mote' ipa'-maimiate 8Spoken of as a house, but conceived merel ninyuipakem hirra'a-m (e), I-shall-not-die arrow- as a round space of darkness. from-above fall-on-me it-does-not-pain. 9Avi-rrove soh^na. 5. Same, fourth song, last by the Deer. Ito- 10Haltota, a poisonous spider, probably the nye-kyam ipa'-maimiak, Belly-in-shoot arrow-from- black widow. above. 11Kwatmunyo-'ipe in Mohave, "but they cal 6. Apparently Jaguar sings, at Land-blood- it hanekatsave "n have: Himekeseik kwora'&k-oOve, Track-them old- 12The Mohave say that the Walapai who have' man (=brother). dreamed of Jaguar and Mountain Lion follow th 7. The same: Intomaku-mote itavere(m) practice. If anyone but the owner takes hold viewEme4(a), Do-not-desist chasing continue, the bow, his hand swells. They also tie to thz 8. The same: Hatapui viu8mnhe kwora'ak-o8ve, moccasins a small piece of deerskin containini Kill-them continue brother, this poison. Among the Mohave, on the other hs 9.Te *ia s ng of th cycle stil b aTr certain men, who wish to be lucky in gambling, 9. Te fnalson OItneCyC e, bl l D Jauar tie to their hair a small concealed bag of ral Kwora'ak-o8vitS atSwo6avek himatva hikwlve thaGwilve snake teeth and paint. This is, however, like] kosmave, Brother divide-it flesh horns hide sinew, to render them cripples.e KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 43 Jaguar and Mountain Lion took the two 9. Starting from there, they went east until they had made and said: "They are fin- they came to Aha-kwi-'ihore.20 There they saw nll make wind blow on their bodies much grass, but said nothing about it; they did t to rain over them. The rain will not eat it yet. They only said: "We are at Aha- 11 bad smell and make their flesh kwi-'ihore: from here we will go on again." (3 made it blow and rain on the Deer songs.) Wow that we have made wind and rain, 10. Not far to the north from where they were ad smell has disappeared. Their meat are the New York Mountains. They said: "That is now they will be able to go anywhere the place Jaguar and Mountain Lion told us of: come cold." they called it Avi-waGa; it is not far away." They wo Deer stood looking westward. Then went there and stood and looked. "It is a large south, east, and north.13 They wanted (range of) mountain; everything grows on it, and land, and where the sun and the night is green and looks good. It is the greatest moun- Now they knew that, for the male was tain. It has a great name and is the first of id: "There is the sun. It is going all." (3 songs.) the female said: "No, the wind and the 11. They started again, going eastward. Coming "taking it away. And there is no place to HukOara-tU-huerve,21 they did not stop there, to; perhaps there are only moun- but went on eastward. At Apurui-kutokopa 1 and ps only sea there. Perhaps it will Avi-kwinya'ora they also did not stop, but went be mountains, or descend into the fog on. When they came to Avi-kwi-nyamaGave,22 they T" hen they both looked toward the stopped. (3 songs.) ,he male said: "Here darkness is com- 12. Starting again, they-saw Avikwame.23 They t comes it will bring the stars and went northward to Avi-t6ierqe,24 without resting the sky. Then we will know which way there, and continued to Kwanakwet6eOkyeve.25 There it (4 songs.) they said: "I know this place: it is Kwanakwet- e two deer started eastward. They seGkyeve: now Avikwame is near. Grass and every- ye-ke6sokyave.14 Jaguar and Mountain thing grows about that mountain; it smells good; ten them good eyes: They could see the wind from the north brings the odor." Starting hey said: "Everything is finished, again, when they saw the grass, they jumped about k. Do you herir a noise? When it is as deer do, and ran here and there; but they did always a noise. Every one sleeps not yet eat. They came to Aha-mavara, to Amat- Tinyam-hwarehware15 and Tonagaqwataye26 qatseqatse, and to Kwatulye-ha,26 but went by with- ones that make noise at night." out stopping. They7came to Amat-mehwave-'auve and to Hatom-kwiGike. Then they said: "This is the there they started again, going east- place: this is Avikwame; now we are at Avikwame. hey came to Avi-kit6ekilyke,17 they This is what they gave us, this grass here. Every- is what they have given us: I know thing growing about is what they told us of." (3 fass that they gave us." They did not songs..) :.They were to eat it soon. (4 songs.) 13. Then, standing there at Avikwame, they lhere, starting on again, they said: said: "Now I will tell about my body: of my legs, ght is over. It is nearly daylight." my tail, my ears, my horns, and everything. Some- stward until they came to Ava-sa'(ore.18 times my horns change: they itch, and I rub them stood and rested and looked about. against rocks or trees. Then I grow new horns and L'up at the sky and saw the star called the old ones are seen lying cast off on the ground. k-uv'a, the morning star.19 They said: It is there. All will be able to see is in the middle of the sky, and we 20"Sandbar willow water"; a mountain north of riiddle of the earth." (4 songs.) Blake. Soldiers were once stationed there on account of the Chemehuevi or Paiute. clockwise circuit, starting in the west. 21Hukgara is coyote; apurui, hapurui, a pot- lockisecircit,staringin te wst. tery water jar. ;o be now a railroad station in the 2 2 omountains, perhaps Suimmit. Hoalye "Yellow-mountains," in the middle of a pines. valley, north of Ibex and visible from it. ect living in willows, and with wings 23Dead or Newberry mountain, in the southern -leaves. Its night call is hwar hwar tip of Nevada; with Ha'avulypo, the Mohave myth ercises the Mohave imagination. focus. 24 "Excrement-mountain"; in a valley. or west of Calico, which is not far 25In a valley southwest of Newberry mountain, o. The route is eastward through the probably Piute valley. rt. 26Kwa'tulye is a species of lizard. Ha, aha, tamn east or northeast of Calico. An is water, but "lizard-water," nlizard-spring," trail, from before the coming of the should be Aha-kwatulye or Kwatulye-nye-'aha. d to pass there. The word perhaps means "water-lizard." *day-walk." The sun follows it, and it 27A whitish region south of Avikwame, near in the middle of the sky at midday. the Colorado. 44 kNTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Sometimes I rub myself and my hair comes off." The Deer said: "I know you: you are Wildcats; Now there were bushes there, a huelye bush to hunt. When you kill rats and rabbits, you eat the east and a tanyika bush to the west. The raw; you do not cook them." Then the Wildcats male Deer said: "I will stick my horns into these into the brush without looking at them. (2 so bushes and pry them off. I will leave them here 18. Starting again, the Deer came to Aqaq- at Avikwame and go elsewhere." (14 songs.) va.35 (3 songs.) 14. Then they started southward. They came to 19. Going on, they reached Nyiketate and 6okupita-to&ompove and Ihore-kut6upetpa,28 but Selye'aya-it6ierqe and Muulye-mat'are.36 They did not stop. When they came to Avi-kutaparve,29 "This is the place: this is where Antelope be still farther south, they wanted to cross the That is what I spoke of." (4 songs.) river. It was sundown. They crossed to the east- 20. As they stood there, they saw Avi-ves ern side at I6-kuva'lre, Kwilyegki, and Avi- They said: "We will not go there, but look at tutara.30 As they crossed, the female came out from here." It was midnight now. (1 song.) of the river onto the bank with difficulty. She 21. They went on until they came near I said, "I nearly drowned." But the male said: tsumi, Aha-kwi-nyamasave, and Hatobike.38 The "Of course; I am a man, but I too almost drowned." stood at the foot of the mesa below these pla (7 songs.) Jaguar and Mlountain Lion caused them to stop 15. They said: "Now we know where we will go. The male said: "This night is bad; it is not We know where the darkness conEs from. It comes ordinary night." But the female said: "Yes, i from the east." They went southeastward, past usual; you will see. It is dark, and the sta Yamasave-kwohave and Aqwer-tunyive, to Qara'erva. bright, it is cold, and there is a little bre There they stopped and said: "We call this place Can you not feel it? It is cool. It is just Qara'erva;31 everyone will always call it so." ordinary night." (2 songs.) (1 song.) 22. Then they folded their legs and laid t 16. Starting again, they went southward. At jaws on the gravel. Jaguar saw that; he saw t SelyeIaya-kumiit e32 they met Muulye, Antelopes. lying there, though he was far in the west. They saw ten or twelve of them. There were only the male heard what (Jaguar) said and got up., the two Deer. The Antelope stood at a distance said: "It is a bad night; I have dreamed bad, and then ran off. The Deer said:. "I know you. think I shall not live long." Waking the fe You cannot climb up rough places. You can only he said: "I will tell you what I have dreamed *ascend to the, mesa by following up a wash. You dreamed bad. I know what will happen. There belong to Muulye-mat'are.33 That is the place four mountains which Numeta and Ilatekulye n that has been given you by Jaguar and Mountain They are large mountains, Avi-waGa, Avi-kwam Lion." Now the Antelope went westward to Porepore- Amat-ke-hoalye, and Avi-melyehweke.39 They s kut6eim, while the Deer stood at Selye'aya-kumit6e. 'When you have come to Avi-waga and to Avi- (3 songs.) have crossed the river, you will come to a b 17. They went on southward. When they came' to Now we have arrived here and I have had bad Kamahnulya, they stood,looked east, and saw two We will go on, and on another mountain I sha Wildcats34 coming down the wash at that place. It is night and the stars are flying. They t "Someone is coming," they said. They saw them carrying rats and rabbits in their belts and fas- tened to a string around their shoulders. When 35"Raven's-house?" The place is on a line they came near, they saw that they had their tails tween the town of Needles and the sharp peak drawn between their legs because they were afraid, called Boundary Cone or Avi-veskwi. 36Approximately one place. It is east of Mohave, north of Avi-veskwi, and marked by exposure of whitish sand at the foot of the Selye'aya-itsierqe is "excrement-sand," but 28Lekupi'ta or bokupita, owls; tobompove, different place from that previously so name looking at one another; ihore, sandbar willow. (note 24). Both places are on the Nevada side of the river, 37 above Fort Mohave. The Deer are traveling south Boundary Cone, an unusually sharp peak now. tween the Black Mountain range and Mohave va 290r Avi-kwataparve; on the west bank of the 38All three are visible from the town of river, south of the last mentioned. Ikumnau-tsumi is at the brink of the plateau 30The three names are considered as applying that forms the eastern edge of the valley. 30The three names are considered as applying kwi-nyamnsave ("white water") is a large whi to one place, not far above Fort Mohave across depression--one of the four places at which the river from it. lbS means the black willow, emerged after causing Matavilya's death. Hatc 31A frequently mentioned place. is a blackish ridge below this. 320ne mile inland (east) from Fort Mohave. 39Respectively, New York Mountains, Dead Selye'aya is sand. berry) Mountain, Walapai Mou-ntains in Arizon and (Avi-melyehweke) a large peak or range iS Arizona. This last is-said to be not far frX 33"Antelope-playground." A place on the mesa. the river, east of Parker; but seweral rangei See note 36 below. converge toward the river here, pointing west 3 4Numne ward and northwestward. KQOEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 45 t too. They said: 'The stars will fly40 they saw no more tracks: Jaguar and Mountain seem; to fall and strike your body.' Lion had made the wind blow so that the footprints it is: I shall die; I shall be a were effaced. The Deer went on nevertheless. When (9 songs.) Jaguar and Mountain Lion came to Hoalye-ketekururve,50 ywent on from there until they came Jaguar, the older brother, sat down on the west and TBamokwilye-kwi6auve, but passed side, Mountain Lion, the younger, on the east. The e to Aha-kuvilye42 and followed up two Deer did' not know they were sitting here, and om there until they reached the mesa. came on until they were between them. Jaguar, in 8aid: "I will give this place a name: taking up his bow and arrow, made a slight noise, Avi-kwaGanye.4 All will know that. the Deer heard it, and he did not shoot. But Moun- tain Lion shot and hit the male. Deer said: "They re they went east. They went down into have failed: they did not shoot me in the right and crossed to the mountains called place: they shot up into the sky, and the arrow ,pa45 and Hanemo-nye-ha.46 There they only dropped on me. I was struck, but I have no went upward, onto the mesa. There pain." Then both Deer ran off eastward. (9 songs.) tks. The male said: "I know these 25. Jaguar and Mountain Lion still sat there. iyare the tracks of Yellow Jaguar and Jaguar said: "Go: follow; kill them." So Mountain *tain Lion.47 It is they. They traveled Lion went, and his older brother followed. They wind and by the clouds. We cannot see did not see the tracks of the Deer, but they fol- hey are above us in the canyon or lowed them. They went up on the mesa. Jaguar said ,the mountain and they can see us." to his younger brother: "Keep on: follow; do not .said: "You see tracks, but they are stop. I want to teach the people here, the Walapai y have been there a long time; they and Yavapai, to hunt. Some among them will dream en the earth was made." The male and then they will be deer hunters. Do not stop. .they have been here two days or three We could kill them here, but I do not want that. will see." The female said again: We will wait until we come to Amat-ahwat-kut6inakwe ye been here a long time, ever since and Amat-ahwat-kw-i5au;51 then we will kill them. 'was still moist and they walked on When we kill them there, there will be blood on the male said: "No, you will find out. rocks: I want to name those places for that." @n us; they are watching us now." 26. Then when they came to Amat-ahwat-kutsinakwe eWalapai (Hualpai) Mountains49 that and Amat-axwat-kw-ibau, the male Deer had fallen tracks and stood and talked like down dead. Now Mountain Lion stood to the east of gbgS.) him, Jaguar on the west. Jaguar said: "You know went on eastward. Jaguar and Mountain why I have pursued him: I want only the skin and eed gone before them; the Deer fol- horns and sinew. You can have the meat: I do not did not see Jaguar and Mountain Lion, want it." But Mountain Lion said: "No, we will what they had done, pulling out divide it. I want the right horn. I too want some roots and breaking large rocks, so of the things you want." Then Jaguar said: "I wanted r could follow them. The male said: to divide it, but you did not want to. Well, you can ye pulled up trees, and broken have it all." And he went off to the side and stood olled them about." Then after a time there. 52 So he had none of it. He went away to the north, to Amat-ke-hoalye, the Walapai Mountains. But I4ountain Lion stood by the Deer and tore his body open with his claws. He put his hand inside and r, Hamuse-'amai-kuvuhwere, is an took out the heart. Then he went north holding that. kdeath of a prominent man. death of a prominent man. He did not take meat or skin or sinew or horns. He left them and he went to Ahta-kwatmenve.53 (8 songs ,io a spring at Aha-kuvilye, "stinking by Jaguar and Mountain Lion.) The female Deer went on to Avi-melyehweke.54 o is a small lizard. Avi-kwaGanye the town of Needles as a blue peak f which is visible over the plateau 50 Hohave valley on the east. East of the Walapai mountains. This would be in or near the Big Sandy Wash, still in Wala- 8 of the song are: iny-amas Avi- pai country, but not far from Yavapai territory. 'ffmk, My-land Lizard-mountain go.' .-mk, Ny-land Lizard-mountain go. 51Amata, land, place; ahwata, blood, red; W> cane.. i6au, have, hold. 'nye-ha is "duck's water." There is 52A older-younger brother quarrel typical Foam here* of the myths, usually with the younger having is -yamagave. These are said to be his way. namaes. 53East of Kingman, below Hackberry, in the only two nights since the deer were heart of Walapai territory. 540ne of the four mountains mentioned above, De-hoalye, "yellow pine country." which Deer said were named to him by Jaguar and Mountain Lion (note 39). VI. COYOTE CIRCIMTANCES OF TBIE RECORDING the old lady ran out of what she had dreamed, cause she then dropped into telling conventi This group of narratives was told chiefly by Coyote tale episodes such as are told child an old woman of the clan which names its daugh- "C, D, E." These in turn stimulated the inte ters Maha. Her more specific name was Ilah- into telling several that he had heard--"F, tsitnyum8ve. She was a doctor for eyes that had been made sore from being struck by mesquite TBE TALES leaves or by a rushlike plant called hatelypo. In curing, she breathed against the palm of her A: Dreamed hand held near her mouth, then laid the hand on the eye. She got this power from Coyote in her Coyote was a person like these Indians. dream, as told in this story. She had a son were two Coyote brothers,' little boys.2 The, called Lahoka, who was also a doctor, for the started going from this country.3 They had be sickness caused by contact with foreign tribes. and arrows, and as they went along they shot He was alleged to have also the power to make mark, betting their arrows. They would throw people sick, and at the time I knew his mother, bundle of arrowweeds to shoot at. The older he had gone from Needles to live at the reser- the younger brother's arrows. Then he took o vation in Parker because of this accusation of wiped it on his anus, shot it up into a cott witchcraft. tree, and said: "Will you go get it for your I secured the Coyote material from lIah- The little boy said: "No," and crted because t6itnyum6ve near Needles on March 22, 1903, as arrow was soiled. So he was going to leave t the result of an endeavor to learn more about place and, crying, went north to gaw6ve, a p the place of Coyote in Mohave mythology. Coyote Cottonwood Island. Now I was following him.' is always mentioned in connection with the death he got to Gaw6ve, I did not see him any lon of Matavilya, as in the beginning of the Mastamho I came back to this country here. Then I dre myth (VII, 1-6), but beyond that there were him again at Avi-hamoka, near Tehachapi. mostly allusions only. This old lady said she had The older Coyote was called Oarra-veyo,5 t dreamed a Coyote story which she was ready to younger Patsa-karrawa. They were not brothers tell. It proved that she told it very badly. She At Avi-kwa'ahaga, a mountain beyond Phoeni did not pursue a consistent thread and she left Arizona, there lived an old man called Patak, contradictions which remained unresolved after This is a name of Coyote. With him at the sa questioning. The fault is undoubtedly hers, not there lived a man called I1ipahipa.7 There we my interpreter's, for Jack Jones was by this time people there at Avi-kwa'ahaGa, among them a well trained. She said nothing of songs belonging called Qwaqaqta.8 to the story, and I failed to enter in my notes whether I asked her. 1She later denied that they were brothers; I do not know how far the narrator's deficien- See footnote 6. cies were the result of her being a woman. She 2The heroes as little boys is a favorite was my only Mohave woman informant on matters of Mohave motif. myth and religion. I suspect she was unaccustomed 3"This country," namely, Mohave valley, we to narrating and therefore inexpert at it. A num- the informant's words. Most informants specif ber of people were listening in, some probably named place. members of the household and others casual visi- 4"This is pattern again: the narrator is p tors. Several of these, including a man older ent at the myth-happening through having dre than the narrator and one younger, protested when i she concluded her main narrative (given as "A" 5A name recorded elsewhere for Coyote. The below). They declared that she had told not a first 'two syllables occur in the most common Coyote narrative, but a (private) dream, and that name, Huk-@ara. it was not the sort of thing to tell. Their dis- 6Contradicting the former statement. See approval seemed fairly strong. After this contro- footnote 1. versy had subsided, she resumed and told the 7Hipahipa is a personage, or at least a briefer section given as "B," but this again name, that recurs in other tales: see Handboo evokd potes frm anoldman ho as lsteing p. 772. The word definitely refers to Coyote: evoked protest from an old man who was listening, Hipa is the name given to all their daughters who said it was not a genuine Coyote story, but a by members of those lineages whose totemic dream about ki'lling people. All the Mohave lis- reference is Coyote. teners seemed to take for granted that Mah- 8The informant said the name Qwaqaqta refe tNitnyum8ve had dreamed what she alleged. Their to the crow or raven, aqEqa; which sounds lii objection was to her dreaming the wrong sort of an improvised etymology..-.The woman's relatie . ~~~~~~~~~~~~to the people at Avi-lcwa'ah&Qa is not clear., thing. may have been a Mohave who was married among Possibly these protests had their effect, or Easterners. [46] KR OEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE ITHS 47 Ween the Mohave and those Now he went ahead of the others, like a leader, qta bore a boy baby. Then to spy them out and see where the houses were. On all the houses and food the desert he found his mother. She was a slave the dishes. They threw the there. He said to her: "Do not tell them when you the brush, but did not suc- go back home that I met you here. Take these birds n they set fire to the brush, and rabbits with you, but do not tell that I gave it rain and did not burn. them to you. Say that you found them." She had on i.his father's mother, her back her pack basket.15 Into this she put the -made a roof shade and a game he gave her. He entered it too. He said: "Let a him up off the ground so me get into your basket. I will make myself into a 'm while she went out to bird so that they will not know me. Carry me back, s for food. but do not tell who I am. You may tell them to- aay. The baby was intelligent morrow." e he made black balls So she returned and gave the rabbits and birds n breath by magic. Before to the people. They wanted to know where she got to where he was hung up, them, but she would not tell. Then PTtak-sata lliped (harrgmk) the balls said: "Let me look at them. I think Patsa-karrawa them. Then he piled the birds killed these." He knew it right, but she would not ~.back into his cradle."1 admit it. In the morning she said: "I have another her came, she said: "Who bird in my basket, a dove. Then Patak-sata said: Who did it? I am an old woman "Let me see it." She gave it to him. *That is not o eat meat, but I did not a dove," he said, "I know it. Patsa-karrawa made would bring them under my himself into this. I can tell a dove by its bill. -very angry and began to And when you see a dove, it shakes its head. This 3She said: "Kweva-namaue-napaue."2 does not." Soon after, on that day, the Mohave Then they returned to this arrived and attacked. While the fight was going his grandmother. The Mohave on, Qwaqaqta stood on the roof and sang as follows: nix to fight the people at he went along. Patsa-karrawa ahwe-kanam abroad-tell hago'ilya to the sea "these people," which probably Then she sang: but might refer to the people hunapnap butterfly her is namau-(k). Ha'auk seems mat-utsavek he made himself the reciprocal of father's mat-apui killed n's son's child, usually megkemewO-mote he cannot be This would fit in with my sug- sumat6-ah6tem he dreamed well ion of the grandmother being an eboy being born among the Then the Mohave killed all the people at Avi- though his mother was a Mohave. kwa'ahaOa, and took Pat6a-karrawa's mother as a question who the boy's father was, slave and brought her back to this country. Then she di she did not know, except that said: "Where there is war, notify other tribes and then gather: my son is wise and cannot be beaten." turally precocious hero, who * .- -his cradle and then climbs back Now he and his mother were poor and had nothlng of in other tales of Yuman tribes. to eat. There was much food here amonf the people, but no one gave them anything to eat. 6 Then he Indian women say son-of-a- took his mother and went westwith her to Avi- erpreter explained. The cursing 17 zinging together the names of hamoka. There they lived. s, who are presumably dead, and is therefore the height of 'se. The three terms are: (na)- 15The kuipo is the peculiar pack basket of r's father; namau-(k), father's the Mohave, which consists of two crossed sticKs (k), father's father. bent into U-shape and wound around with string try" can nly mean Mohave valley, spaced an inch or so apart. why they should be "returning" 16The withholding of food is entirely unmoti- belonged to a tribe on the Gila vated by the narrator. Perhaps it is because they boy was born there, as suggested were Easterners and foreigners. whole story is involved in minor 17This is the place near Tehachapi mentioned t elling. at the end of the first paragraph, where the in- is now supposed to be grown up. formant dreamed of him. Subsequently, wNhen she tifies him with the younger of the was asked to give more information about this Lt. whom the first paragraph deals. dreaming, she said that Coyote had a man's shape; that the bulk of the story ought but she now stated that it was at Ha'avulypo, time, the first paragraph really at the rear of the house there, that she dreamed of the story; but the two sections of him. Her dream was of the time before "Mata- the order in which the informant vilya was born." (Perhaps a slip of my pencil t?, ! ~~~~~~~~for Nastainho?) 48 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS B: Dreamed pick them up and eat them." Then they set fi the patch, but one Coyote went inside first This country was full of coyotes. Then we be- stood in the middle. When the fire came near came Mohaves, human beings: the coyotes turned he had a song which would make him sink into into people. There is a place called Hukgara-ny- ground to his ankle. His second song would enyOve, a small mountain south of Mukiampeve, him sink in to the middle of his calf (or th Needles Peak.18 There is where Kwayiu19 lived, at dle of his body); the third, to his knee (or' HukGara-ny-eny6ve: he belonged to this country. And with the fourth song he would be comple Whenever he saw a child, he seized it, stuck it under the ground so the fire could not touch under his belt, and took it home. There he would Now when the flames began to come near him, put them into a hole in the rock, pound them up, sang his song: hilyhavek kerropsim, enter de and eat them. Sometimes he ate them raw, some- But he did not begin to sink into the ground. times he roasted them in the fire. All the people sang again and still did not penetrate. By t were afraid of him. time he had sung his fourth song, the fire re Now the Crayfish, Hal(y)kuta4a,20 killed Kwayu. him and he burned up. He was little, but when he became angry, he made himself into a big man. So all the people were saved. If Crayfish had not killed him, Kwayu would have eaten everyone up. After killing him, Cray- Nore Stories for Childre4 fish took him far south to the ocean where he F lived and ate. him up. So there was no more Kwayiu in this land here. Kwayfa was Coyote.21 [The following three episodes are not fro formant Mah-tsitnyumOve, but are from the in preter, whose recollection of them she stimu He had heard them told by a young man called C Mekupuru-'uky6ve. They are recognized as stor for children.] Coyote went out and met Quail. Quail said Coyote was hunting, but killed nothing. Then him: "Pluck my feathers and then send me to he took deer excrement, planted them like seeds, wife to cook me." Coyote plucked him and Quai and built a brush fence around. In four days the to Coyote's old woman and said: "He says you deer had grown as big as dogs: then he ate them, to Coyour sandwalsa * to cook your sandals." D "He is crazy." D "That's what he said. 'Cook your sandals.' chilren, her that, he said." When Coyote was hungry, he ate his children. hat "My daughter, climb this tree," he said. When hav a r e n she had climbed up, he piled brush around the You have a pair, have you not?" tree and set fire to it. The girl fell down and "Yes." into the fire and he ate her. "Then you are to cook them." Stories like this are not dreamed, but are So she started to cook her sandals. Meanw heard from other people and are told to children. Quail lay down outside under the shade roof. a while Coyote came home. E "What are you cooking?" he asked her "What you sent me word to." One Coyote said to another, "Let us set fire "Wlhat did I tell you?9" all around to this patch of thick brush. I think "To cook my sandals." there must be deer, rats, and rabbits in it which "Who was it said so?" we cannot get at. But if we set fire to the brush "Quai. " all around, they will burn up and we can just "Outside in the shade." Quail was lying there laughing. When Coyot ukmpeve is the standard form of the name came running up, he fled till he came to a s Okiampeve is what the informant was understood There he sat quietly on a tree. When Coyote a as saying. he saw his reflection in the water, thought i 19Kwayt means a meteor or fireball, usually Quail, jumped in to seize him, and drowned. conceived of as a monster or man-eater. He recurs his old woman came too, tried to pull him out in the Cane story. fell in and drowned also. 20Hal(y)kutdta was described as a "bug" as long as a finger, with long legs, a back like a G scorpion, living in the water in sloughs, but not in the river: it must be a crayfish. Coot wa viiigBae,hsfin.B 21This statement is in line with the name of had nothing to eat, but he had four or five ci the place where he lived, as given two paragraphs drn soh ildte,cokdte,adg before. rnsoh lldte,coethm edga U KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTH2 49 to eat. But he warned him: "Do not H of the bones. Lay them aside." #ten, Beaver took the bones, threw When Coyote visited Beaver, he had no food. r, and they turned into living Beaver took his bow, shot up in the air, the arrow fell down and entered his rectum. Beaver while Beaver came to visit Coyote. turned it around and then pulled it out with fat ood, so he killed his young ones on the end. This he cooked and fed to Coyote. "Do not throw away the bones, This he did for foLr days- then Coyote went home. fully aside," he warned him. Beaver came to see Coyote. Being without food, meal, he threw the bones into Coyote took his bow, shot up in the air, the oung coyotes came out, and the arrow came down, hit him in the rectum--but he fell down dead. VII. MASTAMHO TBE INFORMANT playing fields. The relation of sections like to the remainder will be clearer by reference This story of the institution of culture dif- the outline of the whole narrative given a few fers from most of the preceding in that it is a paragraphs below. The tota-l story is so proli pure myth unaccompanied by songs. It was told to that this summary will be useful as a conspeot me at the University's Museum of Anthropology, for orientation. then in San Francisco, between November 16 and Another section (D:36-42) is devoted to the 24, 1903, by Jo Nelson, also called Baby's Head making of the wild plants which spring up eit in Mohave; with Jack Jones the interpreter as of themselves, or through being planted, in t usual. bottoms of the Mohave valley immediately upon Jo Nelson, aged about sixty, is pictured in recession of the annual overflow.'The Mohave d Handbook of California Indians, plate 64, top tinguish between wild food plants which grow o right, and in our frontispiece. Like many themselves but are harvested, wild food plants Ilohave, he was interested in travel and in new which are sown, and domesticated food plants a lands and peoples. He had visited widely among as maize and beans. The second group, in other Indian tribes both east and west of the Mohave words, are cultivated plants which also grow a and had asked questions both abroad and at home. taneously in the Colorado bottoms, but probab He gave me, on the whole, the best information grow in denser stands if sown. They were appa which I secured from the Mohave about other seed-bearing plants which were particularly a tribes, and which has been published in part in to rapid growth in the summer heat following t the Handbook, though considerable detail remains June inundation; and this fact may have contri unpublished. Jo Nelson was in many ways an ideal to their not having been diffused to other en informant for matters of fact. His memory was ments. At any rate, it is to be noted that the excellent both for what he had seen and heard. rator gave considerably more space to the inst His mind was orderly, his procedure methodical. of these wild and "tame-wild" plants than to s He distinguished between hearsay and actual ob- agricultural ones. servation; and he would exhaust one topic before By the time he comes to the latter, it is proceeding to the next. These same qualities the end of Mastamho's career and the episode show in his myth as presented here. hurried (H:76-78). Pottery is mentioned first agriculture second; which may be an accident, CONTENT OF TIE MYTH svspect that it reflects a Mohave attitude. At rate, it is clear that they strongly associate The narrative may be described as dealing tery and agriculture, which is not surprising essentially with the institution of culture by view of the absence or underdevelopment of bot Mastamho, the second of the two great myth heroes among many of the tribes to the west, north, of the Mohave. The story assumes the cosmogony as east. That the telling of the story in this se such as already known. I obtained one such Mohave was hurried, or perhaps shortened by fatigue, account of the origin of the world. This has been indicated by the fact that, strictly speaking abstracted in the Handbook, pages 770-771, and instituting of neither art is described, but t also in the American Journal of Folklore, 19:314- are taken for granted and then Mastamho teache 316, 1906. That was one of the first narratives people the names of vessels and plants. This c which I recorded from this tribe, and its quality by naming may pass as a shorthand explanation, and my rendition are not of the best; but it is is not in the narrator's usual methodical ma confirmed by innumerable allusions to world or- There is a section, as might be expected, a igins in other Mohave myths and in their discus- hawks and warfare (F:59-69), this being a subjh sions of their culture. the Mohave never tire of. It is men who dream The present Mastamho narrative begins after hawks that become successful fighters and ren Matavilya is dead, and its first chapter, so to war leaders. speak (A:1-6) deals with the disposal of his body. A rather unusual section deals with Mastamh Thereafter the tale is concerned with the planning, trial-and-error attempts to teach the names fo' trials, and execution of his plans by Mastamho, tribes, objects, and the numeral count (E:43- especially with reference to the way of living of Here the device is to begin with distortions o the Mohave, but first for the desert tribes near- Mohave words which, however, the taught fail a est them (B:7-19). Essentially Mastamho thinks of refuse to learn. The distortions are something what will be good for one or more of these tribes, the order of Pig Latin or the languages which causes it to come into existence, and then ex- of children sometimes concoct. This sort of at plains it to the people or has them practice it. is not commonly found among North American Id One long section (C:20-35) is devoted to the insti- and the techniques of distortion have therefor tution of night and sleep, to the building of analyzed in a separate discussion appended to1 houses and shade roofs, and the setting aside of tale itself. On account of its fixed sequence, [5011 OR0EBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTBS 51 3haps lends itself best to word 18. Foods and water made for the Yavapai In not a few languages, in- 19. Languages given to Chemehuevi, Wa apai, ceedi neurmedraels partlny trh3me. C. House, Shade, Sleep, and Playground: 20-35 "been further developed in the 20. Planning a shade roof . The whole process is somewhat 21. Ant makes dry ground ional instances of the count 22. Two insects dig postholes age being parodied by substi- 23. Shade built t like-sounding names in the 24. House planned a device with which obscene 25. House built effects can easily be attained. 26. Door made n would be how much of Mohave 27. Insect helpers given names ted for in all this narrative 28. Sunset named 29. 'House entered fair answer would seem to be: 30-32. Night; Thture nights; Sleep conspicuous, concrete features 33. Day coming houses and their parts, weapons, 34. Playground made at Miakwalorve plants. This omits certain items 35. More in time wont to call material culture, D. Wild Seeds Planted: 36-42 oradles, and the like. But the 36. Planning to plant -d economic deficiencies of the 37. Scaup Duck plants four wild seeds in over- flow ,ianculture are so definite fo ancultur are perpso dhefminorite 38. You will understand later ae perhaps in the minority. 39. Planning for more planting his work, Mastamho goes off and 40. Frog tol tore plant b agle (J:8284). This is 40. Frog told to be ready to plant ying" or "leaving his body." He 42. Return to Avikwanme become "crazy," which probably E. Counting, Directions, Tribal Names: 43-58 sense, knowing nothing, without 43. Preparation for the next night 44-46. First, second, third counts taught s a long supplement, making about 47. Final count taught 3 total story (K-N:85-102), which 48. Fingers made on hand stitution of sex, courtship, and 49. First direction names taught the leadership of a man and a woman 51. Mispronounced tribal names has delegated this task and who 52. Walapai and Yavapai tribes named ion turn the people with them into 53. Chemehuevi named elves become, respectively, the 54. Yuma and Kamia named hrasher and the mockingbird. The 55. Mohave named zarded that Mastamho is to the Mo- 56. Told to stay a while c a figure to be credited with 57. Doctors will dream of this institution of these practices 58. Mastamho takes new name istit the treatment is restrained F. Hawks and War: 59-69 t the temnt o i rthraine 59-62. Four hawks given names and war power native point of view, thoroughly 63. Practice trial the emphasis is on festivals, 64. Weapons to be made courtship. 65. Cremation of warriors 66. Dreamers of journey will be runners SCHEMATIC OUTiLINE 67. Eagle unintelligent; to dream of him unlucky ?ative: Mastamlio's Institutin 68. Crane ugly; to dream of him unlucky tive: Mastam-ho's Institutin, 69. Hawks will wear morning star in fight sposes of Dead Matavilya: 1-6 G. Thrasher, Mockingbird, and Mastamho's Dream 'lyas death and pyre at Ha'avulypo Names: 70-75 seeks fire 70. Gnatcatcher to be rich: women will dream of the cremation 71. Tsoaikwatakwe in cottonwoods: women also Is theft of the heart dream of g of the ashes 72. Thrasher and Mockingbird-to-be named abandoned, homeless 73-75. Three new names of Mastamho 'River; Desert Land and Foods Made: H. Pottery and Farmed Food Instituted- 76-78 76. Pottery vessels each given two names promises to teach 77. Planted foods named at Avikwame 78. Chutaha singing with basket -spring made for the Chemehuevi I. Thrasher and Mockingbird Delegated to Teach: o River, fish, and ducks made at 79-81 ata for the Mohave 79. Thrasher and Mockingbird appointed to teach Ilya's ashes washed away play and sex iti ted to widen valley80Avkamnme Waemountain made from mud 81. What Thrasher anld Mockingbird are to do and be mountains made J. Mastamho's Transformation into Bald Eagle: 82-84 seed foods made for the Chemehuevi 82. Turns into Bald E3agle at Avikutaparve plant foods made for the Walapai 83. Floats downriver to Hokusave ing for the Yavapai 84. Flies south to sea, is crazy (unknowing) 52 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Supplement: Thrasher and Mockihgbird rudimentary though the devices may be from a Institute bex MATe erary point of view. K. Courtship Instituted at Miakwalorve: 85-92 - The Mastamho account contains certain mino 85. Thrasher and Mockingbird face people on inconsistencies, but they are not inconsisten playground at Miakwalorve of identity or kinship of person, or of top 86. Tortoise chosen to be approached as in the Cane narrative; nor are they due to 87-90. Sparrowhawk, Quail, Ah'akwasilye, sloppiness of telling, as in the Coyote stori Oriole rejected The chief inconsistencies noted are the fac 91. Blue Heron accepted by Tortoise chief is note are teacth 92. Dove arrives: loose women dream of her Mastarho keeps saying that he will teach the L. Transformation of Water and Valley Birds: 93_97 everything in four nights before his transfo 93. All go downriver to Hokusave into the bald eagle, but then actually is siX 94. Noses of racers pierced there nights doing it; and similarly he at first s 95. Yahalyetaka's nose pierced with difficulty rates the people into four future tribes--t 96. Racers become water birds the desert and the Mohave--but then later the 97. Some others become valley birds are six, the River Kamia and Yuma suddenly ap M. Mountain Birds Transformed at Rattlesnakes ing with the Mohave. These ciscrepancies sho 98. Rest led back to 1 iakwa'orve not be charged too seriously against the nar 99., Thrasher and Mockingbird at Rattlesnake's care and precision. The story is an exceedin Playground teach venereal cure long one. He told it at intervals during nine 100. More songs for this Part of my time was tied to University duties' 101. At Three-Mountains, Thrasher Mockingbird, that there would be whole days of interrupti and rest turn to mountain birds While I made no detailed record, I assume tha N. Leftover Straggler Reaches the Sea: 102 spent at least four working days in the telli 102. Hakutatkole left for posoik sickness and Englishing. This would mean a minimum of goes south to sea and becomes a bird days, or say twelve to fifteen hours, of Moha narration by the informant, distributed over QUALITY OF THE NARRATIVE than a week. Few people could follow one thre telling so long as this with so few discrepan So much for the content of the narrative: now as to its form. First of all, although the story MAIN NARRATIVE: MASTAMHO'S INSTITUTING is not accompanied by songs, it is developed ac- cording to the same pattern as the song-cycle A. Yastamho Disposes of Dead Matavilva: 1- myths. Moreover, the informant was just as in- sistent as the majority of narrators that he got 1. Matavilya's death and pyre at Ha'avulyp his knowledge through dreaming. Matavilya died at Ha'avulypo.1 I did not see However, the approach in the telling is less when he was sick, but dreamed of him and saw formally decorative and more rational than in only when he died; others know of his sicknes other narratives. There is actually less story, When he died in the house,2 they carried him in the sense of there being a minimum of events, of the door. Now Mastamho was a boy about so a maximul of explanation. The account is there- (about ten-year size). They asked: "What shal fore bald and didactic. One sees the narrator do with him?" Then Mastamho told them: "Burn throughout aiming to be clear even at the cost of When people die I want you to burn them. That repetition or prolixity. what I wish. Now I want you, Badger, 3 to dig In fact, repetition is deliberately indulged hole; and I want this man, Raccoon,4 to bring in as part of the didactic style. Mastamho talks Then after a time these two .men came back int to himself of what he will do, then perhaps tells house and said: "We have dug a hole and the the people that he will do it, then goes and does is ready." Now there were many people there i it; after which, he may explain to them what he house when they said that, but not one of the has done. Or he will have them try the innovation, spoke a word. Then Mastamho asked them: "FBave in which case it may be four times before they fire?" But Badger and Raccoon said: "No." learn, or before he finds the correct manner. 2. Coyote seeks fire.--Now Coyote--Gara-ve Accordingly, the pace throughout is tantaliz- Mastamho called him, but the Mohave call him ingly slow. The story could have been condensed gara--said: "I am sorry because Matavilya die by me, but its characteristic manner and style I want fire and will bring it. I will go to would thereby have been completely discarded. Mountain:5 I know there is fire there and wil There are constant references to "This will be, it." So he started westward. He was gone a lo but it is not yet." Such antitheses seem to serve both emphasis and clarity. For instance, Near Mathakeva, Cottonwood Island, on the paragraph 62, "If people dream of you, they will Arizona side of the Colorado. kill enemies; if people dream of being in dark- 2The door of which of course faced south. ness, they will not kill them." Or again, para- 3~ha graph 70, "I will not let you go to a distance: 4Awa I want you to stay in this country." Balances of NammaGa. this sort constitute a distinct stylistic manner, 5Avi-'a'auva l K OEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTBS 53 wo aited and all the others waited. dropped it, turned around, and held his mouth open said: "I do not want it to become towards the north to let the wind cool it.6 Then ilya to be lying here in the light. as the heart lay on the ground and cooled, Coyote night." Now they were all still ate it. yote, but he did not return: he was 5. Covering of the ashes.--Nolw Coyote thought: west. "I will go to Aksam-kusaveve and tell Hame'ulye- the cremation.--Then Gilyahmo, Fly, kwitse-i6ulye." So he went to Aksam-kusaveve and 1there were only people then, and no told H6me'ulye-kwit6e-i5ulye: "NIatavilya has died: [d been sitting west of the door, go to see him: I am announcing it everywhere." tpulled up dead arrowweeds, came Then Hame'ulye-kwit6e-ibulye went to'Ha'avulypo. broke the sticks up, and dropped When he found where Matavilya had been burned, he car three small piles; for she thought: "What shall I do with these?" So he rolled to make fire. Then she plucked off himself over the ashes. No one had covered Mata- rwillow-bark dress and rubbed it vilya's ashes and it was that which Hame'ulye- r. Then she twirled a stick in kwitse-i5ulye did not like to see exposed; that is with this and the shredded bark why he covered them with sand by rolling over them. ,as she sat in the corner of the Then he returned to Aksam-kusaveve. west side of the door. Then she 6. Coyote abandoned, howless.--Now Coyote too to the mid dle of the house, saying: came back towHa avulypo. No one was there now, " Now that they had fire, Badger for Mastamho had taken the people away to Kwapar- i'ried Matavilya outdoors and laid vete, a short distance southward. He had seen Coy- ir pile of wood. All who had been ote coming and had thought: "I do not want to tell tent out with them. Then Badger and him what I know: I want him to be foolish and know d into the house and brought out nothing: I do not want him to hear what I say. I ting the pile of wood at the north will let him go. He will be the only one like that, t one along each side of it, setting the one I call Coyote. He will not know his own til they met at the south end. hom: he will want to run about the desert and do ood. Then everyone cried, Badger and what is bad. If someone is not at home, Coyote will :'9thlB rest. go there; but if a person is in his house, he will ;s theft of the heart.--Now when Coy- not come; and if anyone sees him, he will run off." t Fire-Mountain, he looked back and at"Ha'avulypo. Then he did not B. Avikwame, River, Desert Land take the fire, but ran back at once. and Foods Hade: 7-19 d he found the people all standing He said: "NIatavilya is dead and 7. Mastamho promises to teach.--Now Mastamho .anything. How am I to? He told me said: "There is no house here, and no shade roof.7 ,ran around and around the circle of I have not made everything as yet; it will take re standing and crying for Matavilya. time to do that. I know you are hot or cold, and - Now Mastamho was standing on a hungry, and without h6uses; but I will provide to the north, looking at Coyote. everything. The sun and the night have not yet been .only a boy, he was thinking about made, but I will make them; and I will tell you t: "I know what he wants: he is not what to eat. Then you will know how to live." ." What Coyote wanted was to jump 8. Arrival at Avikwame.--Now they went downriver ,of people, to seize Matavilya's to Avikwame. There was no mountain there then; the away with it: that is why he was land was level. Mastamho said: "Now we have come near the fire. But the people, to this place and I will do something for you. I together, would not let him. Now want you to learn how to make. pottery, and then to tall; but Badger and Raccoon were know what food is good to eat. You will learn how n Coyote jumped: he succeeded-in to know day and night. And you will not be hungry their two heads, and he got to the nor thirsty. When you are cold, you will know it8 stamlho said: "Did I not know it? That and will make a fire, and will have a house to way: he has no sense. When a person live in. And so when you are hungry you will eat, he does not take away the heart of and when you are thirsty you will drink. I will make t now Coyote will go away: I do not mortars, metates, cooking pots, drinking cups, and And I do not want him ever to know water jars. I will tell you all about those things. wnt you who are standing here to When Matavilya died, you were ignorant, but I and I will do many things for thought and knew. Therefore I will do these things him go off and be Coyote. He will thout a home in the mountains. If you will kill him, because he knows 6Mta,nrh en idad ter Coyote had seized Matavilya's Mahk7ot,men idad southwestward, beyond Avikwame to 7Ramada, arbor. ,. There he stopped and looked south. 8 "At that time they' felt neither cold nor ,' was still too hot to hold; so he hunger, but walked on and on." 54 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS that I say; only I cannot do them now, at once. for the Mohave?" Four times he allowed water It will take a long time yet to do them." Now come and stopped it again. The first time At klastanho had no one to help him, no one to join mikulye12 emerged. The next time Atsi-yonyen with him in talking. He was alone: while there swam out, and the third time, At6i-hane.14 were many people there, they did not speak. Then fourth time Atsi-tsehnap, also called Atsi- he thought: "After I have done other things for tsehegilye,15 came out. Mastamho thought: "I them, I will give them names." Now the people give these to the Mohave." Next Av?akwagpine did not sleep, but constantly stood, or sometimes came out, and then Puk-havasu."7 Then there sat, and when the sun went down Mastanho talked Hanemo.18 Then Hanyewilye, the mudhen, emr to them. For four nights he spoke to them. As each came out, fish and ducks, he did not 9. White-spring made for the Chemehuevi.--On them go, but kept them there. He made only a the fourth morning he said: "Now I am old enough. water, enough to hold them. Whenever he left I will go west. I will not go far, I will take stick plunged into the ground, the water did only four steps, but I will do something for issue; but when he drew it out, the water you." He was intending to make a spring. So as fish and the birds came out. When he had fin soon as the sun had risen, he walked four steps making the fish and the ducks, he said: "The west to Aha-kwi-nyamasave.9 He put his weight on for the Mohave, but they do not yet know how the ground, think'ing: "Let me see if it is hard." catch them. I will teach them." As he stepped on it, he found that it was soft, 11. Matavilya's ashes washed away.--Then like mud. So he went toward the north four steps. drew out his stick entirely, and the water There he stood, stretched out his hand backward, unrestrained, with the fish and ducks in it, and had in it a stick of sandbar willow, a fore- flowed southwardl9 Mastamho ran ahead of it arm long.10 This stick he set into the ground. west bank, to Ha'avulypo where Matavilya had When he pulled it out, water came with it. Then burned. There he set his stick into the cent he put his foot against the water as it flowed the ashes, for he did not like to see them out, and pushed earth over it, until there was wanted the water to wash them out. He called only a small stream. Then he returned. When he the water, and it ran where he held his stic was again at Avikwame, he said: t'If I had been and the ashes were washed away. So they were so sorry for my father1l that I had immediately and the river flowed through the place where turned myself into a bird, you would now know had been. nothing. But I want to do everything for you: 12. Boat tilted to widen valley.--But Mas I want to make things for you. I call you Hamak- went back up to Hatasata. Putting his stick hava, Mohave. Now I have made a spring in the the same place as before, from which the wa west: I will give that to the Chemehuevi. Those issued, he stirred it around. Then a boat, sitting here on the west side will be the Cheme- came out. Mastamho called it kanugkye,20 but huevi. Now I will stay here four days and then I Nohave name is kulho. As the boat emerged, will go north to Hatasata.?? put his foot on it, held it, entered it, and 10. Colorado River, fish, and ducks made at floated down. Where the river was not broad Hatasata for the Mohave.--After four days he' to suit him, he stood on the edge of the boa went to Hatasata. From there he went west a short it lay far on its side. Then the river bec distance to HivOikevutat6e. He said: "They are there. Thus he went down to Avikwame, where not named, but I will give these names to these people were. As they saw him coming down the two places. I will not go farther but return." and then going by, they thought that he woul He had with him the stick he had got at Aha-kwi- them. At Aqwaq-iove21 he waved his hands to nyamasave, was using it as an old man uses a meanirg: "Stay where you are: I will retum. cane. So he came back to Hatasata, and there he he approached the lower end of Mohave valley set the stick into the ground. When he drew it out, water came with it. With his foot, he pushed 12A small edible fish with few bones. Atg earth over it, thinking: "What beings shall I let fish. issue with the water, animals that will be useful 13A similar but larger fish, Colorado sa 14A large fish. 9 15A small, yellow, humped fish. "White-water (spring).?? 16The scaup (?) duck. 10Magically obtaining things by reaching out 17Beads-blue n that is, blue or green ne for them is a frequent incident in Mohave and lace. Probably the mallard duck. other Yuman tradition. 18 11 18 Hanemo is the name commonly used for du Nakutk, my father. Other accounts, perhaps generically. It is also the specific name of less influenced by Christianity, make Mastamho pintail or wood duck. The four ducks mention the younger brother of Matavilya. The narrator p o duk.Th f d m subsequently added: Mastamho said: "Matavilya is reappear with other water birds in par. 96. my father. I was born at night. Then he said to 19As the Colorado River. me: 'I give you a name. I call you Tinyam-humnare, 2Cmpr th0oddsotin eo,i night-child.'*n After Matavilya died, Mastaniho no Cmaetewr itrin eo,i longer liked to hear this name and called himself 44seq., and p. 67. Mastamho. 21Near Fort Mohave.; KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 55 4?ome one else has taken the planted these four kinds for the Chemehuevi, he I that it will not be suitable said: "That is all that I can do. You have seen .I cannot let them have it: I me: it is all that I can make. No one will be d when he came near where able to sow these and make them grow: they will jumped off the boat, shoving grow by themselves every year." Then he returned root: sothat it floated doWn- to Avikwame and told the Chemehuevi and the Paiute: tood at Mepuk-tsivauve23 anad "I have planted food for you. I have planted own. When it came to Ahwe-nye- kwaGapilye and ma-selye'aya and malysa and tsilypeve drifted tilted, but floated for you. But wait: do not hurry." lley land there became wide, 16. Four plant foods made for the Walapai.-- but wherever the boat Then he said: "Next I am going east, to make moun- he river and the valley were tains there; I want people to live in them. I will o returned to Avikvvame. start in four days." After four days he started, tain made from mud.--Now crossed the river, and went downstream to Avi- tain at Avikwame at that timen. veskwi. Therehe stood and looked back down to- flat and the river. The people ward the river, and thought: "It is not very far. But the water was not near Let me go farther east, to Kit6ehayare."33 So he receded, it left mud. Mas- went on till he came to Kitsehayare. There he did of this mud and let it drop. as he had done before. He put gravel in his mouth : "Goloto," as little boys and spat it over the earth. He said: "This is what olh mud in play. He did that I plant: I plant vannata." 34 Again he took a hand- id: "Let it be higher, and let ful of sand and blew it out. "This that I am plant- it. After this mountain which ing is vabilye,34 mescal." From there he went north I will make a house for you: and said: "I call this place Coyote's water; 35 it bt.n will be good for Coyote. He has no hom: when he tains made.--Thus Mastamho made finds this water he will drink of it. I do not make had finished it, he made the it for him, but he will find it." Now he stood the river, Satulyku,25 Ohmo,26 there. Then he stripped the leaves from the tops yove,28 Avimota,29 and Avi-kwi- of the brush called kamomka and put them into his these he made and named. mouth. He blew them out and thus made i&itsa, the foods made for the Chemehuevi.-- wild grape. "I want it to grow in this spot," he rd to Hukgara-ts-huerve. He said. Then as he stood there he scraped his foot to of fine gravel, put it in his one side, and grass came up. He said: "I thought it out, wishing to make something when I did that it would grow." Then, covering it ople who would live in these up again with his foot, he took of the sand with had made. He thought: "I will which he covered it, put it in his mouth, blew it eeds: they will be good for the out, and kum6ur31 grew. Now he had made four things he took more gravel and spat it for the people who were to be here. He had made otion, but also westward, say- each of these kinds of plants in only one place, smake ma-selye'aya seeds. They too but from that they came to grow in many places. ,Chemehuevi; they will grind and Then he returned to Avikwame. als and have them for food." Then 17. Planning for the Yavapai.--Now he said to to Avi-nyilyk-kwas-ekunyive, put the people: "When I tell you: 'Be Walapai!' you *uth and spat it out over the will be Walapai and will live in that country. When I plant is malysa,''3l he said. I tell you: 'Be Chemehuevi!' and 'Be Mohave!' you gravel and blew it out, saying: will be Chermehuevi and Mohave. But that is not yet. t is t6ilypeve." When he had First I want to make something for the Yavapai. So I will go to their place next." He still had his stick of sandbar willow with which he had made the aning that Hiko or Haiko, white river. He said: "I do not want to put this away for when I arrive there, I will thrust it down and make miles below Needles City. r, Arizna.--Here it is the boat's 32 Boundary Cone, a pinnacle near the east edge hot wldens the vallet, whereas, of Mohave valley, part of the Black Range. amho tilts the boat to widen the 33A small hill in a large valley, west of King- man, Arizona. ,speaks, south of Needles City. ma,3rzoa el peaks, south of Needles City. 34Vannata is a root which is peeled and dried, dies City. roasted in the fire like vabilye, mescal (Agave), ATes. and tastes sweet. It grows in the valleys, while the mescal grows in the mountains. The habitat * ~~~~~~~and name suggest Yucca, Walapai menat, but the - ontain range farther north. Walapai speak of cooking the fruit, not the root. inost end of the range. 35 Huk0ara-ny-aha. s resembling those of cane. 38The tall stalks are eaten by the Walapai. 56 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS water: not much, but a little, enough for every- language to the Walapai. "And I want you to one to drink. If they have no water at all, they like this," he said to the Yavapai. But he will not be able to live. So I will go and pre- nothing to the Mohave as yet. Then he said: pare for them what they will eat and drink. I it is all made. I have prepared it. You can will make a small country, enough only for a few. you Walapai, and scatter in the mountainsCa In four days I will make the land for the Yava- You need not go into one place. You can go pai. I will go to Amat-ko-'omeome and to Amat- about, for I have made springs everywhere. kat6ivekove and plant seeds there." live in one spot, and when you want to live 18. Foods and water made for the Yavapai.-- another you can do so. You Chemehuevi can d Now in four days he went there. When he arrived, same, and you Yavapai too. But I will do di he looked about: "It is not a good place to for the Mobave. They will have everything a plant; it is not level enough; too many moun- river: whatever grows there will be theirs. tains. I will go to Avi-ke-hasalye." So he went well." to Avi-ke-hasalye. He said: "This is where I want people to live. It is a good place: there C. House Shade Slee and Playround: is a long plain on each side." Again he took gravel, put it in his mouth, and blew it out, . of4buld ng a shade, avoa-mtay He "I plant kalya'apaO for the Yavapai: I give it "I have spoken to the ohave. Laater on some them for food. I give them also a good small wI havestold the m, a n will stream of water. Again he put gravel in his wll dream what I have told them, and wll strem ofwate." Aain e pu grael i h1Scordingly. To each of you, to all four trib mouth and blew it out over the valley eastward, have y. * d "This that I plant will be a'a, "38 he said. Then have given something, and you will know it. he started and went to Ah'a-'ikiyareyare think- not die like Matavilya, but will become a ing, .I wl aAnd there is something more that I will do ing- "I will go and make cottonwood trees (ah a) yoLoae twl edfiutfrm n grow." When he came to Ah'a-likiyareyare, he you Mohav e. Itwwil be miffcuto me an stood and pointed his stick to the west, to make take a long time. I want someone to build a water flow from there. Then water came towards T house wher we are no When I him: it washed white sand. Taking a handful of a house made, I want you all to enter. Then this sand in his mouth, he faced east and blew tell all of you what I shall be. This will out. Then kam'ipoi39 grew up. "That will be for soon, but in the future." the Yavapai," he said; "they will eat the seeds." 21. Ant makes dry ground.--Now the gro Then he said: "I want this little water to be still wet at that time. Then Hanapuka, the here always. I do not want it ever to become ant, came up out of the ground, piling up dry." Then, taking up sand, he blew it north: heaps of dry sand; as Mastamho walked about akwava40 grew up in that direction. He thought: them. He said: "I wish it were all like thi "I will thrust my stick far down into the ground. wonder who it is that has made this come ou When I draw it up, a cottonwood will grow. That ground? I think I will call him Hanapuka." is why I will call the place Ah'a-'ikiyareyare. the ant who had done it; it is he who mde I will make.only one cottonwood, but later there ear ry. will be many." He did this and thought: "Now I 22. Two insects dig postholes.--He said have finished everything here: I will go back." "Ant has made a dry place: now mark it out Soahe finished everytovine Her returned early in I want the house to be built there. I want So he returned to Avikwame. He have to enter it; and only they. You Amat- the morning, after sunrise. I w y . I w 19. Languages given to Chemehuevi, Walapai, I want you to begtn butldsng it. I wynt you Yavapai.--Then Mastamho said: "I have made some- the holes to set the posts in. And you, thing for youYavapai. I have fi d i, but carry, and throw the sand farther away when thin foyouYavpai I hav fiise itT, digs." Now these two men dug holes and brou I have still to tell you how to use it. If I do for Nhe hese not tell you, you will not know how to cook and for the house. eat what I have made; after I tell you, you will 23. Shade built.--Then Mastamho said: "W' know and it will be well. But I will not tell you Listen to meI I call the posts av'ulypo. S yet." As he was speaking, they all listened: no you Mohave! Say av'ulypo!" Then all said: "Av'ulvpo." When the posts were set and the one said a word. He said again: "1 have given you r e all these things, but I have not finished. Now I ready to lay the girders across them Mast will show you how to speak. I want you to taLk "Call them iqumnau." Then all said: "Iqumna like this," he said to the Chemehuevi. "I want Mastamho said: "When you lay on the roof po liketo speak like this," he said, and gave their them av'a-t6utara! Now say that! Say av'a-t you to speak like this," he said, and gave their and they all said: "Av'a-t6utara." He said. 37A cactus. "When you place the thatching of arrowweed 3 8 poles, call it av'a-t6usive." Then they sai 38Sahuaro or giant cactus. 39A plant about two feet high, with seeds "like 4A brush roof on posts, ramada or arbor wheat, but much smaller." n 2Namitsa is a large reddish insect, per 40The young stalks that spring up after a flood wasp, that throws earth as it burrows; or pi are eaten. The seeds, which are black, are roasted the ant lion? Amat-kapisara is evidently alx and ground for food. burrowing insect: amaV is earth. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 57 ive." He said again: "When you lay will give these two men names for their work. When any other brush over the thatching, they dug, they worked quickly. When they built the anyut6." So they said: "Av'anyuts." house, they finished it quickly. So I will give d: "Now you have a shade. It will be them names: listen well, so that you can all say u. When the sun shines and it is hot, them. This man's name (Amat-kapisara) is Ikinye- under the shade. That is what it is mastsam-kwamitse.44 Thus I give him a name, and t it is finished, I want all you when you dream you will see him. Do not forget me under it." Then the Nohave sat what I tell you. In future some man will dream and adez The Chemehuevi sat to the west see him. No one will see me then, but they will h east the Walapai sat to the north dream of me, and in that way they will know all pai to the south. None of these that I have said. They will have heard everything. a word, and none of them entered Now I have given this man a name. Now I will give ade. the other one a new name too. I call him Umas- planned.--Then Mastamho went to the amtse.45 People wil1 dream and see him too." shade and stood leaning against the 28. Sunset named.--Mastamho said: "The house southeast corner. He said: "Now I is finished; but I will not yet take vou into it. 'a house. I will make you understand: I said that I would give you food; I will not tell thing now. You do not know when a man you about it yet: nevertheless I will give it to thirsty or cold. You only know that you. After you enter the house, I will tell you shade and stands in the sun, he be- what you will plant and what you will eat. When I ou know now that it is good under enter, I will tell you about what my body will be. Then he entered the shade again, went You know the sun, and sunset, and night. When the st corner, and stood there. Then he sun goes down, we will enter the house. Now, when kapisara and Namitsa, build another it is nearly down, the time is anya-havek-tsiemk. 'av'a-hatsore. It will not be well to Call it: anya-havek-tsiemk!" shade always. When it is winter the 29. House entered.--When the sun went down, Mas- : perhaps it will rain and be cold. tamho entered and said: "Come in, all of you." Then ild a house, you can make a fire in- all the Mohave entered the house. The Chemehuevi n the rain and cold come. That is stayed outside on the west. On the east were the a a house for you Mohave. I will Walapai and Yavapai, the latter to the south. Mas- here at the back of the shade." tanho sat down, leaning back against the southwest- built.--Again he told Amat-kapisara ern one of the four middle posts. He was thinking to dig holes- in the ground and to about the people inside and those outside. He said: Then as he still stood, he said to "There is a fire just within the door. Charcoal is 49ien you are about to build a house, piled up there. That is what makes the house warm. ales, call them amat-ahuelkye." He Now you understand: that is how it is done; you o learn that word. Then, as they have learned that." As he. spoke he was leaning them to call the different parts against the post thinking. He put his hand behind u, av'a-tsutara, av'a-tsusive, him. as before, and they repeated each 30-32. Night; Future nights; Sleep.--30. He said: -said: "We have done all that. We "The mountains will always be here; but I cannot eit with brush. Now put sand on the live forever. Darkness is here forever and day is t the rain will not come throu-h. here forever, but I cannot live like the sun and 'a-talive! Say: 'av'a-talive!"' He like the mountains: I must die. I could tell you t to say and they said it. He said about that, but I will not tell you tonight, because there is wind, build a house of tim- you must sleep. You know now that it is night. You h and sand. When you make a house know how to sleep. After you get up in the morning, land thatch, call it av'a-tsoamkuk. -I will. speak to you again and will tell you those over it with sand also, call it things. I will not tell everything as yet." 31. Novi he no longer addressed them as Pautsyetse- e.--Then he said again: "Now that vukwibauve as he had done at first; he called them tfinished, I will tell you how to tatsumi-'itsit?-vumNi6auve46 now. But he did not iYou will see dead cottonwoods: strip tell them riuch. He spoke only a short time. He told Withem,43 weave it together, and make them two or three or four or five words and stopped. than it is wide. Fasten it at the He said: "This is not the only night: tomorrow will ,.to a stick. Then call it av'a-pete." be another. When one day is gone, another comes. helpers given names.--Now the house It will always be so. This is the first night: but he did not yet let the people there will be three more." id: "I want you, Amat-kapisara and took them to the people and said: "I 44"Boy-throw-far." 45iPerhaps from amtske, to travel,? move about. bark is called hanuGkwilye. "The The insect is described as noisy and restless. black willow bark, i5o, but they Umas- occurs in other names and may be a form of ^,themselves; Mastamiho taught them to humar, child. ? ~~~~PatFumi, food; kw-i5au, have, hold. 58 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 32. That same night he said: "Say: 'Tiniamk'47 there. Av'akwaGpine, 56 who came out when I Say: 'Osmamktt48 Say that when you want to sleep. made water in the north, and who has float When you want to enter the house, say: 'Av'alye on the river, knows about that. I will ha pok!'49 Now say it." Tben they all said it. NoC plant seeds for you Mohave; I will tell hi' they were still sitting up. Then he said to them: that for you. I think it will be a good p "Lie down. Say: 'Kupam!'50 After you are lying sow. In the morning I will go and have him down, say: 'Upam.???51 Then they all lay down, for you. When I return, I will tell you w said nothing, and slept quietly. has sowed. I will not tell you now, but in 33. Day coming.--When it was nearly day, Mas- evening, after I come back." When he had f tamho said: "Day is coming, but I will not yet talking to them thus, he sat leaning forwa let you go outside: I want you to stay here for bent head, thinking of what seeds he would. four days and nights. Then on the fourth night, He thought, but did not speak aloud. Then, toward morning, when it is still dark, I will morning, he said to them: "Now I am ready let you go to where you belong. It will not be I told you that today I would go to AvtaGe during the day, but in the night." and Amat-kusaye, and Hat6ioq-Vatveve. I t 34. Playground made at Miakwalorve.--When the that when I had been there and had returne sun had risen, Mastamho went and stood outside would tell you what seeds had been sown. Ni the house. He said: "I want to make a level going.?? place." Then he leveled with his feet a place 37. Scaup Duck plants four wild seeds i' that had been rough. He said: "Call it ITiakwa- flow.--Then he went to Av'a-Gemulye and lorve.SS Can you say that? Say: '?iakwalorve!"' and Hat5ioq-vatveve. When he came there, Then all said: "Miakwalorve.? He told them: pine was walking about in the mud like a b "That is right. I will make a hill close to the play. He was entirely covered with mud. river below Miakwalorve: swallows53 will live tamho saw him, he said: "I have been think there: I will call it Avi-kutaparve. Now say about you. I want you to plant four kinds 'Avi-kutaparve!' All of you say it! That is right. akatai, aksamta, ankigi, and aky6se.57 It That is the way I say it." hard if I were to give you all kinds of se 35. More in time.--Now he stayed at Avi- plant: therefore I give you only these fo kutaparve that day, preparing the place for the plant those." Then Av?akwaGpine took the a swallows. At sunset he returned to Avikwame and They were in four gourds, each kind in one entered the house. He said: "I have made two In the gourd to the southwest were akatai places: made them for you. When you come there, Holding the gourd in his left hand, Av?akw to Miakwalorve, those who are footracers will run. took the seeds from it with his right hand Those who can sing will sing. Some will dance, them into his mouth, and blew them out o and some will gamble.54 But that is as much as I mud. Then he took aksarita seeds from the will tell you: I will not tell you everything now; gourd and blew them out to the northwest. in time I will tell you more about those places. ankiGi seeds he took from the gourd on the- And I do not want you to live there: your houses east and blew them out in that way. Then will not be there. When you want to sing or dance the aky8se seeds from the southeast gourd or speak to the people and tell them what you them out to the southeast.58 Now all four know, then go there; but do not live there.?? began to grow in the mud. He said: ??See ha they grow. It will not be long.?? Then lIast D. Wild Seeds Planted: 36-42 said: "That is good. I will go back and te people about it.?? 36. Planning to plant.--That night, in the 38. You will understanld later.--Then Nag middle of the night, he said: "I am going down returned to tell his people about what Av' to Av?a-Oemulye and Amnat-kusaye and HatNioq- had done: ??He has planted for you what wilj vatveve.55 There there are good places to plant food. You will know about it later, for as after the river has receded, and seeds will grow have no dishes, no pots, and no jars, and - ~~~~~~~~~knowr how to cook. I will tell you what to 47 ~~~~~~~~~~~Now you think that it is merely necessary1 "It is night." with your hands what you want to eat: that 48Sleep. cause you do not yet know. But I will make 49In-the-house enter. derstand. In time you will eat, and you wi; 50Lie down. happy then. In time I will also tell you a Lle down! ~~~~~~~turning into a bird. For I shall not die,1 511 lie. live as a bird. Before that happens I will 52Important later: see par. b5 ff. everything.? 5 3Hamkye.6 54With the hoop and dart game. 5 A duck, probably the scaup, mentioned| 55Two of these places are mentioned in Vinimulye- not 1. patEe, II, 1. They seem to be in Mohave Valley, on "Wild" seeds planted in the overflow. the west side of the river, and Amat-kusaye (or aok ap 736. -kusayi) is downstream from Hatsioq-vatveve. 58Clockwise,circuit, beginning with sot KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTBS 59 for more planting.--Then Mastamho having been sown. I will not tell you where to told you what Av'akwagpine has make them grow, for you will know. Plant them Now there is something else. In wherever you like. I want them to grow of them- will go dowariver again, below selves, like cottonwoods and-willows. So cause will go to Avi-halykwa'ampa, Amat- them to spring up wherever you think best. I do t-kaput6or-ilyase, and Amat-Gono- not even know how you will plant them. Perhaps re I will get something else to you will put seeds into your mouth and blow them 11 grow there of itself, without about; perhaps you will blow out water from your by people. I will make Frog60 plant mouth, or perhaps mud, and it will sprout 'and knows the water, for he lives in grow. I do not know how you will do it, but I know ow him. When I made the river, I that you know how, and so you can do as you like." s of beings come out with it; 42. Return to Avikwame.--When he returned to .pee him. He was born after the Avikwame, lastamho said: "Well, it is done. You *ng. And so he knows the places will all scatter along the river on both sides of will grow. Now it is three nights, it. Everything has been arranged. I will not tell ll be the fourth.61 Then you all you more now. I will not speak all night. Tonight the whole night. You will not is three nights; tomorrow will be the fourth.62 11 tell you what I will do for you. Tomorrow I will not let you sleep: you will re- that tomorrow. And this is all I main awake and I will tell you what I shall become; Now all sleep!" that I shall not die, but turn into a bird. That Id to be ready to plant.--Mastamho is what I will tell you about on the fourth night, all night. When it became daylight but not today." Then they slept that night. looked about. Then he stood in the to his people: "Now I am going E. Counting, Directions, Tribal Names: 43-58 lykw'ampa, Amat-kaputsora, Amat- and Amat-gonohi6auve." Then he 43. Preparation for the next night.--In the ,until he came to Avi-halykwa'ampa. morning Nastamho went outside. He wanted a place on the mesa and looked. Near by, to put the people outdoors. He said: "Tonight some i-Gonohi6auve. He thought: "That of you will become N'ohave, some Chemehuevi, some It is level. I think it will be Walapai, some Yavapai, some Yuma, some Kamia;63 r growth whenever the river re- and some of you will become birds. I will tell you went there. He saw Frog sitting about that tonight, but not during the day.-" the north and making a noise. He 44-46. First, second, third counts taught.-- I hear you making a noise. I know 44. When the sun set, all went into the house, and you want the river to flow toward Mastamho stood up. He said: "You are alive now. I t you are saying: 'I want the wa- will tell you what you will eat. I will tell you re."' Frog said: "Yes, that is about corn and beans and melons and other food. 1h9tamho told him: "After the water But first I will teach you how to count. I will when it has become dry once more, show you how to use your fingers. When you want plant something. That is why I came to say: 'Four days,' do like this." And he held up id: "Yes, I will plant it." Then four fingers. "When you want to tell of as many as back to Avikwame. He said to his all these fingers, show them all. Now listen. All .Frog. I told him I wanted him, to be quiet and listen to me counting. Then perhaps ye not told him what to plant. I you will like it. If you do not like it, you can to him tomorrow. Then I will tell listen to another way. Sints, t6ekuvants, tseka- F to plant.' munts, tsekapants, t6ekagara, umota, kutsyeta, ld what wild seeds to plant.--Next koatsa, kwisan, noe.64 Can you say that? How do t to Amat-Gonohibauve once more and you like that counting?" Now those who were to be He told him: "Now I will tell you Mohave did not say a word. They could not count , I want you to plant akwava, kupo, that way. ike, kosqwake, and aksama: those Persons do not plant them: but you 62The narrator has lost his count: it is the m, and when the water recedes they fifth night, not the third. See pars. 31, 36, 39, themselves. No one knows about them: 40, 42, with the events of par. 44 seq. for the them, you who live in the water. sixth night. It should be said in his behalf that ee them after the high water has owing to other duties, I was able to work with him only intermittently, and that it was now se plants grow by themselves without several days since he had begun his narration to me. place these spots, but judge they 63Another inconsistency, and expansion from lohave Valley. four to SiX, by the sudden inclusion of the Yuma and Kamia. In pars. 9-19 and 23, it is Chemehuevi, 4le smal frog. Walapai, and Yavapai as set of f from the Mohave. or of nights is correct in contrast 64The distortions of this and the two follow- statement made by him two nights ing imperfect counts are analyzed in a separate 42; see note 62. discussion following the myth. 60 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 45. So Mastamho said again: "Count like this: 50. Final direction names taught.--Th sinye, mivanye, mimunye, mipanye, miranye, miyu's, tamho said once more: "I have named all mikas, nyavahakum, nyavamokum, nyatsupai, nyavali, tions but you have not answered. Well, nyavalak. Can you say that? Do you like that other names. Listen: I call this (the no counting?" But they were silent. There were too hak. Can you say that?" Then all said, " many words in that: more than ten. stood up, and pointed north, and said, 46. So Mastamho counted for them again: He said again: "This (to the south) I ca "Hatesa, hakiva, hakoma, tsimkapa, Gapara, tinye, Can you say it?" Then all said, "Yes," a sekive, kum, ayave, apare.65 Now I have counted and called the name and clapped their ten. Perhaps you will like that." Again they did laughed. He said again: "I told you that not speak a word. went in that direction. I gave it a name 47. Final count taught.--Then he said: "Well, did not say it. There is another way to I will make it four times: I will count once Inyohavek. All of you say that!" Then th more; that will be all. Then I will teach you said: "Yes, we can say that. Wtle can call other things: for you do not yet know east and havek,? and all pointed as he directed t west and north and south: I will teach you that. said again: "Where the dark comes from, Now I will count. Seto, havika, hamoka, tsimpapa, not call that as I told you to. There is Garapa, sinta, vika, muka, paye, arrapa. Do you way to call it: Anyak." Then all said: " like that? Can you say that?" Then they all said and pointed east and clapped their hands it after him. They could count and liked it; laughed. Then Mastamho said: "That is al they knew how to do it and clapped their hands 51. Mispronounced tribal names.--Mast and laughed. "Some of you are outside, east of the ho 48. Fingers made on hand.--Now their hands want you to be the Hamapaivek. Some of y were not yet as now: their fingers were still to- outdoors west of the house: I call you gether. Then Mastamho tore them apart and made You people in the house, just west of t five fingers. "I want you to call this one isalye call you Hamit6anvek. You just inside th t6ikaveta.66 Call this one isalye itma-kanamk.67 near these last, I call Hamiaivek. You I want you to call this one isalye kuvalenye; the fire here, not against the wall, I c this one isalye tokuv'aunye; and this one isalye Hamahavek." He called them by these names kuvapare.68 Now I have made your hands for you, all the people did not answer. They did too." "Yes, we will be called that." All of t 49. First direction names taught.--He said nothing.71 again: "Now we are here in this house: all will 52. Walapai and Yavapai tribes named. know and bear it. Now when I mean here," and he l4astamho said again: "This time I will c' pointed his hand to the north, "all say: 'Amai- who are on the east Havalyipai.?S72 Then hayame."'t But they did not do so: they kept ple called that name easily, and all tho their hands against their bodies; they wanted said: "Now they are the Walapai."? Then h another name; they did not lile that word. Then again: "Those will be the Yavapai also. he said: "And there is Amai-hakyeme; all say them (the Walapai and the Yavapai) to li that!" Arnd he pointed south. But again all sat each other in the mountains." Those are still: they did not want to call it that. He that at first he had called Hamapaivek. said again: "Well, there is another: there is 53. Chemehuevi named.--Then he said a the way the night goes.69 I do not know where "Those outdoors on the west, whom at fir its end is, but when we follow the darkness that Hamivevek, I now call Tsimuveve. All say is called Amai-hayime."? He said that, but none Then all said: "Chemehuevi.?? of the Mohave said a word: they sat with their 54. Yuma and Kamia named.--He said a hands against the body. Then Mastamho said once just inside the door on the west of it I more: "You see the dark coming. I do not know Hamitsanvek. Now I call you Kwits(i)ana where it comes from: I did not make it. But He said again: "You near them, whom at f where darkness cones from, I call that Amai- called Hamiaivek, I now call Kamia. You hayike.?? Again they sat still and did not point.70 live near each other." 55. Mohave named.--Then he said: "I This third try at a count interchanges the you all to be tribes, Walapai, Yavapai, consonants of the stressed syllable in the normal Yuma, and Kamia: you are all different. I Mohave words. 66 spoke the name Hamahavek. Now I call the The thumb. have. All will call you that, you Mohave 67The index. Kanamk is "point." know you by that name.?? 68Middle, fourth, and little fingers, of course. 69The Mohave, like the far-away Yurok, con- These distorted forms consist of pre stantly speak of night coming from the east and Ham-, a suffix -vek, and the accented syl traveling west. (plus preceding unaccented vowel) of the Mohave name for the tribe. See discussion 70The plan underlying the twisting of the terms of direction is less clear than for the 72rHoay-ya other series of words. See discussion at end. O oay-aa K REBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYTHS 61 by a while.--He said: "I have 61. He called out the third one, 79 and gave want you each to go. You know him the name Ampot-em-kut6u-var-ve.80 know the way. I will not take 62. The fourth8l he called Ampot-em-kut6u- go by yourselves. But it is min-ve.82 He told them all how to fight: "If there may go in the morning." They are four or five men on the other side of where 0 go, and had stood up, even you have made it dusty and dark, you can dash 11 night. He told them: "It is across to the enemy. If people dream of you, they you go during the night, you - will kill enemies in battle; but if they dream that d. Listen to me, and do not they are in the dark and cannot see, they will not ber: stay here." Then he drew be able to kill in battle." ot for the three tribes inside 63. Practice trial.--Now a man was standing ld them to remain within the outdoors, ncrth of the house: his name was Ampot- sutide and drew marks for the kwasanye. Mastamho said: "Let us see who of you ng them: "Stay here,? and the will be lucky, who will kill men." Then Ampot-em- pai and Yavapai on the west. As kutsu-kunuly-ke-va rushed through the darkness and "Stay here," he waved (flapped) caught this man. Thus he learned how to do, and . from his extended arms. all shouted and laughed. Mastamho said: "Now you ill dream of this.--Mastamho said four know how. You will be the ones to do that." , and do the same. Listen! In 64. Weapons to be made.--"Now I will tell you iwill dream: they will be doctors. what to make in order to fight with. Make the bow at night, you will be crazy. of black willow. Make the arrows from dry arrow- doctors who can cure sickness weed. Make the knobbed war club83 from (bean-) their hands. They will not tell mesquite.84 Make the straight war club85 from screw- Bing about me. If you wait here, mesquite.86 That will be four weapons. Sometimes this and know about me." birds' feathers will fall on the ground. You will ,it name.--He walked about. He pick them up and use them on your arrows.87 That h end of the house. He said: is how you will fight." t6at6-yamasam-kwakirve. That is 65. Cremation of warriors.--ttPerhaps later on, t my name was Mastamho. But I when people fight, some will have dreamed badly and now it is Pahut6at6-yamasam- and will be killed. Then, when they are burned, r dreams about me will know me their bows and arrows, their clubs and their feath- ers, will be laid on their breasts.88 Now here you are, you four. I have made you brave. I have given 3awks and War: 59-69 you everything with which to fight. In the morning I want you to become birds. I myself will become hawks given names and war power.-- one.?? addle of the house four men were 66. Dreamers of journey will be runners.--Mas- against the posts. Mastamho said tamho said: "You know what I did: when I went to 11 be birds. You,?? he said to plant seeds, I went a long way, to several places;. is Soqwilye-akataya.73 Stand up! that was what I did. Some will dream of that jour- another name: I call you Ampot- ney of mine, and they will be foot racers."89 . I want you to talk. When you 67. Eagle unintelligent; to dream of him un- Lbe wind and rain and dust. I lucky.--He said: "There is a large man here, with 1 about fighting: I want you to T.Tis man had a blue stone 76 orna- This man had a blue stone76 orna- 79A hawk described as blue-billed. called another one of the same 80 "Dust-stay-on-this-side-of . to him: "I want you to make dust 81 A large yellow-billed hawk. place behind the other. I call 82 "Dust-pierce." All four names contain ampot, ftu-knmuly-ke-va. I want you to dust; -em; kut5u-; a verb stem (respectively kuly, and kIlland fight and take slaves." kunulyke, var, min); and the suffix -ve or -va. 83 Halyahwai, potato-masher shape, for end- thrusting from below into faces. 84Analye, Prosopis glandulosa. -through." .85 Tokyete, for cracking skulls. Idream of him will always be brave o to war. When they narrate what 6Aya, Prosopis pubescens. Id, wind and rain will follow. 87War arrows simply had the end of the shaft ; utV9. sharpened--no head or foreshaft. edsoqwilye-akataya, but a smaller 88This seems to be a hereditary privilege, t he last. being performed also for the relatives of brave so to refer to dashing through dust. men, and not limited only to those killed in tesame except for the "inf ixes"-~nu- battle . 89Because Mastainho traveled far and fast. 62 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS long hair. His name is Ampot-em-makakyene. He is I want you to stay here in this country.97 a good-looking man, but he is not intelligent. you to be near the river. There you will li When I say anything, he does not look at me: he 71. T6oaikwatake in cottonwoods: women a looks away. If he had looked at me when I spoke, dream of.--He said once more: "There is ano he would have been an important man. But since man: you, Ampote-'aqwage. When you have bec he turned away and did not listen, he will not bird your name will be Tsoaikwatake. I want be a chief. He does not talk loudly, and no one to stay below where Gnatcatcher will be. Y listens to what he says. Some will dream of him: be among the cottonwoods and the sandbar wn they will be great men among the people, but Gnatcatcher will take the land where the me they will not live long. This man too will be a grows; you will have the overflow land. Be bird in the morning. He will be Eagle."90 you, you will divide the low valley. You, 68. Crane ugly; to dream of him unlucky.--He catcher, when the mesquite-screws are ripe, said again: "There is another one here who is want to store them, ask T6oailwatake for ar large and good-looking: his name is Ampot- with which to make a granary; he will give hamOarka. He also will not be important. If you you. Not men, but women, will dream of you dream of him, you will be quarrelsome, taciturn, 72. Thrasher and Mockingbird-to-be named poor, and lazy. I call him Umas-akaaka.91 He, Again he said: "There is one to whom I give too, will turn to be a bird, and will be called tell what he knows. He will talk to you. I Crane.92 He will stand on the sand flats at the go south and become a bird and tell you not edge of the water and will eat fish. He will not more: then he will teach you. His name will be good-looking, and men who dream of him will Ikinye-istum-kwamitse.99 With him will be not be good-looking." kunuya,100 a woman: I name those two. They 69. Hawks will wear morning star in fight.--9 the ones who will show you how to be happy. He said to (another one called) Soqwilye-akataya:93 will tell you how to feel good." "I call you Ampot-malye-kyita because you talk 73-75. Three new names of Mastamho.--73. of fighting and stand by the' dust. You will be I have made everything. I have also given y chief over the others. I give that to you, and those who will tell you more. Now I am st you will know what I say, and will teach it to When at first I stood in the north, you kn some people. You will do that before you turn name I had then. It was Pahut6at6-yamsam-a into a bird. I myself shall be a bird befcre Now I stand in the west and have another you are. Before you change, I want you-to say my name is Pahut6at6-yamasam-kuvat6-kye."'0 everything that I have told you. When there is 74. Then he stood at the southwestern co war, put katbetulkwa-'anya-ye on your shoulder. the shade. The Mohave stood north of him. It is bright: that is how you will be able to said: "Now my name is Pahut6at6-yamasam-ku see clearly." He called it kat6etulkwa-'anya-ye inalye.102 Watch me! I shall be a bird: but and no one understood him; but he meant the have told everything before I become a bird. morning star.94 "You will see it in the morning," was a large house, the oldest house.103 I Mastamho said. then, and came here and built the house here G. Thrasher Mockingbird, and Mastamho's all raise your arms." Then all raised their G.Trse Names: 70-75 laughing, and pulled at the posts and made -ream Names: 70-75 shake. Then he said: "The house I built is 70. Gnatcatcher to be rich: women will dream new and young. It still moves and shakes." of him.--He said again: "There is Ampote-ku- 75. He went off a short distance and sto vataye,95 a small man. He is the older brother of from the people. He said: "There is an6ther Eagle's father; but he is smaller than Eagle. I which I will call myself. It is Pahut6at6-y give it to him to be a rich man. He will have much kuvats-ka6utge. 104 That is four names that I food, and all the people will come to him to dance. Now he was standing still farther towards t They will sing and dance and jump and wrestle and south105 from them than before: he had step play. Whoever dreams of Ampote-ku-vataye will be ward. Each time he moved farther away and to such a man. But you, Ampote-ku-vataye, will be name. Gnatcatcher.96 I will not let you go to a distance: 90The golden eagle; Mastamho himself becomes 97Evidently the narrator has in mind the the bald eagle. Both are treated depreciatingly country, though Mastamho is still at Avi compared with the hawks (falcons). 98Such women are diligent and never tir 91UUmas (from humar, child?), common as first 99Boy-istum-cry (?). element in myth names. 100Girl-kunuya. 9gNyaqwe. 93Said to be the largest of the hawks, and 101Food-white-walk-about. distinct from the four mentioned before. 102 Food-white-stand-off-from. 94Hamuse-ku-vataye, "great star."n - 103Ha'avulypo. 95 nGreat dust."n 10 4Food-white-stand-at-a-di stance. 96HanavetEipe. Described as building small- 105 One would expect a circuit, but the d' mouthed nests in mesquite trees. tions are N, W, 9W, S. KREOEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE MYIHS 63 Farmed Food Instituted: 76-78 78. Chutaha singing with basket.--"And if you dream about these things, you will sing Tsutaha. vessels each given two names.-- I will tell you what you will use, for singing "This is the last before I become that. You will beat umas-ekyire: I imean a basket, I have forgotten one thing. I karri'i." Then all said: "Karri?i.fl "And I say: something to bring water in: mas- Umas-ihonga. When you strike the basket with your .,want you to use something to cook hand, it will make a noise: hang. At Miakwalorve ooro and unas-te-hamoka." But no you will have samelyivek and itsiimak. You will him. He said again: "You do not call that arro?oi, play. You will do that at cu all them water jar,106 and cook Miakwatorve: all the people will dance; that is t].rge stew pot.108 I also want you what I mean." yula6 but you do not understand I. Thrasher and Mockingbird Delegated o I want you to have what I to Teach: 79-81 but you do not know what I mean. food platter.110 And I want you to 79. Thrasher and Mockingbird appointed to teach ll yts-kasara. I mean the stir- play and sex.--Then Mastamho said again: "Now -o not get know it, but when you everything is finished. You, Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e, w stir with this. I am tellirg and you, Hat8inye-kunuya, are the man and the woman uigs, though you do not understand I have appointed. Now they do not yet marry each ,,want you to know everything. Some other and do not love. You two will make it that 8tening to me and know what I say: all will marry. You will marry. Then you will have Kdoctors. But some do not understand a child: it will be another person. I give it to lit listen. And there will be what I you to do that. All will do what you do and as you You do not know what that is, say.?? vl. wa There will be another one: 80.--Avikwame named.--He said again: "This weRavkwra-havik. I mean the parching mountain Avikwame that I have made and where I will use that when you toast corn have built my house, I call it avi-nyamaGam- kuvatse. 11i Men who are not doctors will call it foods named.--"I will tell you Avikwamne, but some of you will dream about me and w rill eat without cooking: you will they will call it avi-nyamaOam-kuvat6e. That is I nm an melons.114 But there will what I mean." a-upa which you will cook: I mean 81.--What Thrasher and Mockingbird are to do atnre is stll another tging. Tou and be.--Meanwhile Mastamho had walked backward and wheat and beans to grind. To from where the people were, until now he had will use ums-oapma. I mean the reached Avi-kutaparve. 119 From there, still look- I will show you t6nmat6-ke-hut6at6e: you that. Youldounot know what it is; ing north, he saw Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e and you that. You do not Know what it iS; iHatsinye-kunuya, whom he had appointed to arrange ood (t?amat?). I mean white beans, about marriage, making the people stand in a row , black beans, spotted beans;116 and in order to talk to them. So he said to them: "That blue maRize, red mlaize, white-and- 117 yew is right: that is what I want. You will do that: maize, and yellow maize. 1 ou you will tell them everything about marrying. Then .these: you will call them thus. Now when you have told them all, you also will be birds you these names, and this food: I as I shall be. You, Hatsinye-kunuya, will do that. tba t* When a woman dreams of you, she will be loose. 120 You, Ikinye-istum-kwamitse, will be dreamed of by 3e. some men. Those men will be ugly, but they will set on three supports; hence the be successful with women;121 they will always be sbyMastnmho: hamoka being three. marrying. When you turn into birds, you, Ikinyj2 spoon or ladle, kamnota. istum-kwamitse, will be Curve-billed Thrasher. You, Hat6inye-kunuya, will be called thus while you are a girl, but after you are a woman, you will be -or four sticks tied together in the called Kuvubinye. When you have said everything Bed to stir stews; called solona. that I have told you, and have become a bird, you Ed bowl without lip: kayeGe. will be Mockingbird: Sakwaga?alya is how people of pottery, pointed at two' ends. will call you." Imen 118 -nyamaGam for (?) nyamasam, white; kuvatse, ..the grinding slab or "saddle quern." stand (?). are marika, teparies: the colors are, 119Near Fort Mohave. See ante, par. 34. It is ^,-nyamasave, -akwa@e, aqwaq-itNierqa near Miakwa'orve of note 52 and par. 85 ff. nt), hat~a (Pleiades). 120?Kamaluik. Cf. note 148. j s tabits: the colors, in order, are: 121Gey'k-i@k 4;-havaso, -ahwata, -arrova, -akwaGe-- ey'k-ia. ktwhere four or six would be expectable. 122 Hotok.oro 64 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 5. Miastamho's Transformation into lines for them to stand on facing east, a Bald Eagle: 82-84 but again they said: "No." Then they drew so the people could look toward the west. 82. Turns into Bald Eagle at Avi-kutaparve.-- they said: "Yes, that will be right." No flastamho was standing at Avi-kutaparve. Now he marked four such lines and made the peopi proceeded to leave (change) his body. That is along them in four rows, one behind the o why the little mountain there is now white in facing west. In the middle, between the one place. Mastamho was looking to the north, second lines, they set a stick of sandbar" standing close by the river. He wanted to have 86. Tortoise chosen to be approached.- wings and flap them. He moved his arms four times said: "W4ho is a beautiful woman? I think to make them into wings. Then he said: "See, I yamasam-iarme. Mastamho did not call her shall be a bird. Not everyone will knoow me when name, but he told us to. After a while s I am a bird. My name will be Saksak."123 turn to be Tortoise: then she will be cal 83. Floats downriver to Hokusave.--Then he Now that woman stood there, with long hair'i turned around twice from right to left, facing to the middle of her thighs and white pain south, and then north, then south and north again, it. The two said: "Some of you go to her.; and lay down on his back in the middle of the does not like you, she will not have you;; river. Four times he moved his arms in the water. she likes you, she will marry you. Go and Thus he reached Hokusave.124 Then he had wings take this good-looking woman's hand. If 8 and feathers, and rose from the water. He flew yours, it will be because she likes you; low above the water so that his wings touched it. does not like you, she will refuse to let 84. Flies south to sea, is crazy (unknowing).-- her hand. In future there will be men who He flew southward, looking for a place to sit He that they have taken her hand: such men w' settled on a sandbar. But he thought: "It is not be able to become married as they like. good: I will not sit here"; and he went on again. turns to be a tortoise, those who dream o He sat on a log, but thought again: "No, I do not sing Kapeta. 129 And other men will dream like this," and went on. He sat on a bank, but we are making you do now, making you sta thought: "No, it is not good," and went on. So rows. Those men will sing Yaroyare."130 he went far down to the sea where the river emp- 87-90. Sparrowhawk, Quail, Ah'akwasil tied into it. There he stayed, and lived near the rejected.--87. The people were still stan river eating fish. Now he was crazy and full of four rows, facing west.'31 Before them, a lice and nits.125 Now when he had told everything southern end of the rows, stood Ikinye-is and was a bird, he forgot all that he had known. kwamitge, looking at them all, and Hat6i He did not even know any longer how to catch stood at the stick they had set up. Now t fish. Sometimes other birds kill fish and leave who went to take the hand of the woman wa part of them. Then Saksak eats them, not kmowing hawk.132 As he came up to her, he said: "L any better. He is alone, not with other birds, and sits looking down at the water: he is crazy. 127sunwise circuit beginning in north. SUPPLEM4ENT: TERASHER AND MOCKINGBIR) 128Amat-ehe. INSTITUTE SEX LIFE 129There is a reference to Kapeta or T singing and story in Handbook, p. 763; K. Courtship Instituted at Mliakwalorve: 85-92 . * ~~~~~~~~~~~~130 There is little on record about the yare song-cycle. The narrator, on another- 85. Thrasher and Mockingbird face people on sion, coupled Yaroyare and Ipa-m-imit'se playground at Miakwa'orve.--Now when Mastamho had (person-wail) as dealing with Matavilya's died, 126 the man and woman he had left at Miakwa- ness and death at Ha'avulypo, of the dre 'orve, Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hatsinye-kunuya, laying their hand on him, and the like. T took his place. So wanting to make a field for sing and tell about anwho had dreamed thi play, matare, they drew their feet in a line over name was Kolhonye6u6uk (alive in 1903), the ground for the people to stand on facing north. a doctor, but only for ahwe'-ahnok, "fore "No, it will not do;" they said. Then they drew sickness" due to eating alien tribes' fo Another informant, Atsyora-hunyava, did n tion Yaroyare but coupled Ipa-m-imitse wi Humahnan, a cycle named after a-black, h. 12The bald or white-headed eagle; or possibly stinking beetle. Both singings use no rat theTfish-diving ospr white-heaey d eal;oother instrument and belong to doctors wh the fish-diving osprey. sickness due to eating hawk-wounded birds' 124About eight miles north of Needles City, in birds killed by oneself, or to birds whic California, not far from the Nevada line. young babies to be sick with white stools. 12 this does not sound like having much to dq 125Hatsilye. "louse-excrement." When a bald courtship and play. eagle is killed it is said to be always lousy 131Moaednigi ecie nHn and to smell of fish. People who dream of Mas- Mhv acn sdsrbdi ad tamho after he became the bald eagle know nothing PP. 746, 765.> and are crazy (yamomk) like him. 1 32 Ginyere. 128Left his human body. 133The bird's call. KROEBER: SEVEN MOHAVE 1YTHS 65 id: "That is a bad word to say one other man went also. His name was Ampot-yamaGam- *nd all four rows of people kuvevare. He, too, reached the sea. Now he said: "I thought that everything had. been made and that all man will have great super- had turned into birds: but it is not finished yet. >dreams of Hoatsavameve and Amat- I hear a noise at IiTiakwalorve: I will go there." 1i136 came from those places. Then he started to return. He came to Aksam-kusaveve, ing man, with fine eyes, and and from there he went on to Hanemo'-ara, where -ends below his hips. Now as he there is a lake.144 When he looked into the water * n and tried to seize her hand, there, he saw little fish, atsi-mikulye, and caught where he came from was where four. He put leaves of black willow through the 'was dissatisfied with him and gills of the four fish, and so made a head dress so as to cover her ha-nds. So like the feathers worn on a stick at the back of 'the and Hat6inye-kunuya said: the head: he called it atsi-sukulyk. From there he place to acquire power and went on to Miakwalorve. He did not go among the otor: we are teaching other rows of people, but stood at the side and looked hovwing how to sing and dance. at the woman. He had whitened his face with dust for a doctor to come to." Then which he had rubbed on his hands on the ground. and stood at a distance, and Now he stretched out his arm toward the woman. She Laughed and clapped their hands. put out her hand, and he took it and pulled her 11, Sparrowhawk and Quail, were over to where he stood. Then they said: "That man t it was with them as it is with has her: he is married to her." And all laughed. are good looking but fail to He was Great Blue Heron.145 He is not a handsome r *ant. As Quail came from where bird now and was not a handsome man then, but he e and was not wanted, people now was easily married. So some men are ugly but dream actors.137 of him, and then easily obtain women, even virgins, ewas a man called Ah'a-kwa6ilye,138 and if they leave these, they readily secure others. vi-kunu?ulye.139 He went and stood And so now all the people said: "He has taken holding his privates in his Pahutsats-yamasam-iarme: she is his wife: her hus- woman said: "I do not want him' band is Heron." Now Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and t sort of a man to come here: Hatsinye-kunuya said: "That was what we wanted you he. went back to Avi-kunutulye.140 to see and to learn. Now when you want to marry, was a man called YamaGarie-hwarmae. do that way." a bird, he was called Oriole.141 92. Dove arrives: Loose women dream of her.-- oached the woman. He was a man who Now there was a girl called Hat6inye-kworale. W4hen ud spoke constantly. Ikinye-istum- all went away from Ha'avulypo at night, after the t6inye-kunuya said: "He talks too house there had been burned, she came back next rs2'142 When he came to the woman, morning alone, looking for food that might have and pushed him back. So he been thrown away. From there she did not go with od at the rear of the four rows, the others to Avikwame and Miakwalorve, but trav- eled westward146 until she came to Otahvek-hunuve.147 n accepted by Turtle.--Now when There she made with her hands a round level place ed into a bird and gone south, on top of the mountain. Now, as she stood there facing north, she heard the noise from Nliakvratorve. or have-kwet means clitoris. Then she started for it. When she came to Oyat6- rAvikwame, close to the river in ukyulve and Hokusave, she stood still and heard cond name means "playfield-place." the noise from Iliakwalorve more loudly and saw the dust rising. So she went on and reached Miakwalorve. Then Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hat6inye-kunuya said n" rather rare expla ct "because to her: "We have made every thing: it is finished, thIrednowinexpianatis. Itlivesiand the people here have the knowledge. But we will th red wing pits. It lives in tell you the same that we told them. You are a handsome girl. In future, some women will dream of peak, shavrp and erect, about six you. Then they will be loose.148 And you will turn the Hoat savameve just mentioned d.149 escence. into a bird. You will become Dove, ni dream of this place or this man. 144An overflow lake or slough from the river. fail to obtain wives. They will Hanemo means duck. 'I should like t o have he r, but 145Atv hrry h h Atsqeuqa, the American bittern, or great blue heron, whose cry is qau, qau. a.* 1 46 Through .the valley in which Ibex lies. o le is reputed noisy. 147 South of Ibex. eepreceding suitors did not come 148 Kamaluik, as in note 120. Such women do not e eople standing in rows at stay with one husband, but have no children and Lan are evidently thought to have change from one man to another. ter homes after being re jected. 149Hoskive, the mourning dove. 66 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS L. Transformation of Water and Valley Birds: 93-97 also Hwat-hwata, Tsuyekepuyi, Sahmata, Iliny 'atalyke .155 Movi9pa,158 SakataOere, Wester 93. All go downriver to Hokusave.--Then they Grebe, and Minyesahat6a.155 They said:.' said: "She was one who was away and did not see all have holes iii our noses. Hereafter, peo what we did; but now all have come and have heard. who dream of us will have their noses pierc Now you will all bebooe birds. We will go with will be able to go far without becoming ti you to Oyats-ukyulve and Hokusave150 and there hungry. Som who dream of us will be chiefs: we will turn you into birds." will have ornaments hanging from their nose 94. Noses of racers pierced there.--Then they people will know them and say 'That is a g started to go to those two places. When they ar- man."' Then they ran a short distance and rived, Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e and Hat6inye-kunuya four times; then they jumped into the river. made a large circle on the ground. Then, standing we shall be wvater birds," they said. to the west of it, they said: "Let us see you 97. Some others become valley birds.--Th all run with your mouths shut tight, holding your Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hat6inye-kunuya s breath. Do not breathe until you have gone aiound the others: "You know in what places you wi the ring. If you breathe only then, you will be to live, whether among the willows or the cl footracers."t Then they pierced the septum of the woods or elsewhere. This country will belo nose of those who were about to run, for four at you, and you will stay here'."159 a time; when four had been pierced, they ran. Then Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e and Hat6inye-kunuya M. Mountain Birds Transformed at would pierce another four, and these ran. Now Rattlesnmke's Playfield: 98-101 some of them could not run all the way. Some went part way and breathled out, "Wh!" and everybody 98. Rest led back to Iiiakwatorve.--Now s laughled because such as these could not run well. them had not yet turned into birds. Then Ik Then Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hatsinye-kunuya istum-kwamitse said: "We will go back to Mi pierced the noses of four and with themof Kasunyo- we want to do something more." Then he sta kurrauve,151 so that five of them ran together. Hatsinye-kunuya and with those that were st The other four became exhausted after one circuit, ple. When they came to Avi-kutaparve, they but Kasunyo-kurrauve ran around four times with there. Then Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e and Hat6i his mouth still shut. Only after the fourth cir- kunuya said: "We have done what he wanted u cuit, he said: "'Wh!" Then Ikinye-istum-kwamit6e we have made them birds. We have made it t and Hat6inye-kunuya said to him: "You are the one who will live in this country in the water who can run. Those who will dream of you will be the river will be here. And they know how t racers." they will have children and so they will co' 95. Yahalyetaka's nose pierced with diffi- You know how: you saw Ampot-yamaGam-kuveva culty.--Now all of the runners had had their married. Those who will live here have lea noses pierced, and Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and that. But some will mrry a woman and feel Hat6inye-kunuya said to them: "Now we will throw but later they will become sick. We will te you into the water." But there was one left in- that also. There will be men who dream abou side the ring, who sat crying because no hole had and such men will know how to cure venereal been made in his nose. He wanted his nose pierced We will not tell you that here, but we will too, but it could not be done, for it was too the darkness goes, and when we come to anot flat to perforate; therefore he cried. He said: like Miakwa'orve, we will tell you there. "If you do not pierce me, I shall not be able to snake's Playground160 is that place. We wil go with the others but must stay here." So he you birds there, mountain birds, who wid1 n sat crying with his hands together, and all stood about here. And there will be some who will there about him. Some said: "Well, why can we not about us at that place." pierce his nose?" But others said: "It cannot be 99. Thrasher and Mockingbird at Rattles done. It is too flat, like my hand." "Well, let Playground teach veneral cure.--Then they s us try it anyway," they said. Then Ikinye-istum- and near sunset they arrived at Rattlesnake' kwamitse and Hat6inye-kunuya went to him and, by drawing out his nose, succeeded in piercing it. 155 Probably red-headed, since the name Then he was glad. He is Yahalyetaka. misapplied to a specimen of a pileated wood 96. Racers become water birds.--It was not 156A bird similar to the king rail. all the birds who had had tbeir noses pierced, 157Halyekipa, to be distinguished from but only those that live in the water.152 There pTika, the loon. were Scaup Duck, 153 Mallard, Wood-duck, 154 Mudhen; 158 Said to be a land bird, the varied th 150Where Dove had just come from, and where see minyesa'atalyka just above. Mastamho rose froiml the river (par. 83). 159They became land birds. 151 Kasunyo is the American gold-eye; kurrauve 160Haewr-y-a~e a dr_ak e seems to rese tov runidng. y the railroad crosses between Mojave station, 152ha is dve,~vdenly Kramer. It is described as about fifteen m 5Av'akwaGpine. The identification is not sure. of' Mojave, wide, le'el, entirely without ye 1540r pintail? HIanemo. Cf'. note lSi. and surrounded by mountains. CKROEBLER: SEVENT MOHAVE MYTHS 67 n Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hatsinye- Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hatsinye-kunuya had said: en you have intercourse, you will "We do not want that kind of man with us," and had L`good. But some of you will be sick left him. So he went south, alone, until he reached women will have a baby. When it is Halyuilyve. Now at Konyokuvilyo and Hattana there cause them great pain in the belly. was another man, Himeikwe-halyepoma, who also taught, ,.go back into them and will be a sick- but about other things. Hakutatkole, coming to where es." Then they hooked their middle he lived, approached him with his hand over his middle fingers of the people who mouth; but Himeikwe-halyepona, coming to meet him, h them and swung them to the left. pulled away his hand from his mouth, and said: "Do to all of them, saying: "You will not come here!" and pushed him away. So Hakutatkole ter they had been swung, all sat went south to the sea,164 and there he, too, became ground, and appeared thin and sickly. a bird. alked to them again, and sang four hy ad sung the four songs, the flesh to them and they were healthy once all shouted and laughed. ongs for this.--The two said to them: us do that: you all know it now. aremas about us, let him tell what we they cure sickness, let them say jaid, and the sick person will get well. TBE LISTS OF MANUFACTURED WORDS will like a woman. She will sleep 0011 he will be sick. Or she will like The most concise analysis of the counts in him, their saliva will come on each paragraphs 44-47 of the story is given by a com- 11 become sick, and have pains in the parative tabulation such as follows. With its sub- about us and you will cure them." joined notes, this table probably is as explanatory again for them.161 of the processes followed in the distortions as is e Mountains, Thrasher, N'ockingbird, possible in the present lack of analytic under- to mountain birds.--Now in the morn- standing of the Mohave language. -kwamit6e and Hat6inye-kunuya -try to fly; they wished them to First try Second try Third try Final Klour times they all rose into the air 1. si-nts si-nye ha-TESA seto in, Ikinye-istum-kwamitse and Hatin- 2. tJku-va-nI: mi-va-ne ba-KIVA havika others. Then they flew off, northward 3 -mu-na m.-pa-nv ha-KONA hamoa 4. teka-pa- tmi-pa-nive T3im-KAPA t6impapa ins.162 When they arrived there, they 5, t6eka-gara mi-ra-nye Ga-PARA Garapa no longer knew where they came from. 6 * -kwamitse and Hatsinye-kunuya said: 6ml--1Ta TIN-_ sinta thing. Now we think no more, for we 7. 1 't6ye-ta n-va-hak- 6e-KIVE vilka are Thrasher and Mockingbird. When you 8 koa-t1a nva-va-mok-_U. KUM mfika tell of us and of Three liountains, 9- kwisan nya-t-pai -YAVE peye t is sick, you will cure him. Say: 10. *noe (nya-va- a-PARE arrapa that: I heard them say that! Then the Ua-ng lak ome well. Tell them that we said so Underlined: jingle increments. CAPITALS: metathesized parts. *Asterisks: stems or bases not found in any Yuman ~Stragler Reaches the Sea: 102 language (except possibly 6, .umo-, cf. Yuma xumxuk; tkole, left for Posoik sickness, goes Remaining syllables are those parts of normal becomes a bird.--Now when the otIrs Mohave count words which have survived the playful becomes abid.--owwenteo mutilations. They are of course not the etymologi- off to Three Mountains, one of them, cal bases, except sometimes by accident. vertheless had stayed at Rattlesnake's 2, 3, 4 in actual Mohave appear also as havik, was sick with po6oik"63 in his mouth. hamok, tsimpapk. he total number of songs used by the sickness much greater than the four In addition, the narrator stated, The made-up directional names, paragraph 49, do not bte and Hat6inye-kunuya sang yield to analysis or relate to the standard forms. ter learned by other people, to cure ; of sickness; but of that he himself Trial Standard b-YE-me matha-k k,described as being "near Tehachapi." ha-MYE-me kavei-k '[sin disease, for which the Mohave az-enyk 80trs . They fear it as c ontagious, ~x-Eay- thers do not use the cl othing or the person afflicted. Hakutatkole received this sickness from swallow- 14f i lns en rmsafg he bird is spotted inside the mouth. 14f i lns en rmsafg 68 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS The trial names for tribes, paragraph 51, are The concocted names of objects having to built around the accented syllable of the normal with preparation of food seem not to be made Mohave form of the name. To this is prefixed ham-, jingles or twistings, but to be descriptive followed by the vowel -a- or -i-. This prefix may ualistic circumlocutions somewhat like the 1 possibly be taken from the Mohaves' name for them- compound names of myth personages. I cannot selves, Hamakhava or Hamakhave. There is also a late most of them; but there are a few indio suffix -vek; which may or may not be suggested The large tsuvave cook pot is called uras-te by the final syllable of Hamakhave and Tsimuveve. hamoka because it rests on three (hamoka) Sa These devices yield a list that jingles with ini- in the fire. Katela, a double-pointed parchi tial and final rhymes: but the parts seem unety- bowl, is spoken of as uimas-eyavkwa-havik, t mological. last element meaning two. The frequent prefi Trial name Mohave name umas- occurs in the names of many myth pers Ham-a-PAI-vek Walya-PAI (Hoalya-paya) ages; it seems to be a form of humar, child; Yava-PAI (Yava-paya) it is used here is obscure. Umas-ekyire see Ham-i-VE-vek Tsimu-VE-ve be a distortion of karriIi, the usual word f Ham-i-T?AN-vek Kwi-TSAN-(a) basket. Tsamat6-ke-hut6at6 for tsamats, fo Ham-i-AI-k Kam-i-A(I) (Kamia) gests Pa-hutsats, another name for Mastamho, Ham-a-HA-vek Ham-ak-HA-ve in paragraphs 73-75; also his name in the G" Underlined: jingle increments. myth (Handbook, p. 767). The name may mean a CAPITALS: retained accented syllable of real name. person." APPENDIX I: MOHAVE DIRECTIONAL CIRCUITS These seven stories contain mentions of eight or nine directional circuits, as per the list. Four of these circuits are sunwise; five, if a half-circuit be included, run counter-sunwise. Three begin with north; three with west; one with south; one with east; one with south- west. None of the circuits has color associations; such do occur in other tales, but they seem to be as variable as the directions and ;starting points are variable here. -Nivth v.~rh no e on~ Begin End Reference Cane 81 71 Counter N E Dive to become beautiful (Ct. n. 72) Nyohaiva 34 65 Counter S W Create wand magically Raven 4 10 Sunwise W S Create gourd magically Raven 30 27 Counter E S Walk before transforming Deer 5 13 Counter W N Look about ^ Deer 22 39 Sunwise W S 4 actual mountains cited ?Mastamho 37 58 Sunwise SW SE 4 kinds of seeds planted Mastamho 75 105 Counter N S Half circuit, withdrawal XMastamho 85 127 Sunwise N W Dancers' lines face There are also cases of the directions being named in opposite pairs instead of in a circuit. Thus in Cane, I, 7b, llb, 15, 17b, girls are obtained successively from W, E (as wives for the younger brother), N, S' (for the older). The cages of the girls' birds are twisted, successively, of red and white, red and blue, (unstated), 'and red and blue cloth. In Mastamho, paragraphs 49-50, the direc- tion names are taught in the order: N, S,.W, E. It is evident that the Mohave like the formalism of four times of cardinal directions, and often of a circuit; but that, especially as compared with Hopi, Zuni, and Navaho, they are untrammeled as to ;,turn start, end, color, or other associations. This is evidently because they wholly lack strict rituals such as these other south- western tribes have developed so abundantly with manipulations, al- tars, cult objects, schematized songs, fetishes, and priests. [69] APPENDIX II: MOHAVE NAMES RECURRING IN TWO OR MORE OF THE SEVEN TALES 1. PIACE NAMES Aha-kwi-nyamasave, V:21, VII:9,10. Aht6ye-taks&mta (-'iksamta), I:39, III:4. Amat-kusaye (-yi), II:1, VII:36,37. Aqw&qa-have, II:9, III:15a,32. Avi-hamoka, VI:A, VII:101. Avi-halykwa'ampa, (-hilykwampe), II:16, VII:39,40. Avi-kutaparve (-kwu-), I:37, II:24,26, V:14, VII:34,35,81,82,98. Avi-kwame, I:la,5,24,28,77,98, V:12,13,22, VII:4,8,12-18,35,40,42, 80,92. Avi-kwi-nyamagave, V:ll, VII:14. Avi-melyehwdke, I:54, V:22,26. Avi-mota, I:101,102, VII:14. Avi-('i)t6ierqe, II:26, V:12. Avi-veskwi, V:20, *VII:16. Ha'avulypo, IV:l, V:1, VII:1,4-6,11,74,92. Hakut6yepa, I:51, II:11, IV:15. Hotflrveve, I:44, III:9. Hukgara-t6-huerve, V:ll, VII:15. I6o-kuva'Ire, I:39,102, III:2, V:14. 'Kaahnflya, I:42, III:5, V:17. Kwaparvete, II:15, VII:6 (probably different places). Miakwatorve, III:1, IV:25, VII:34,35,78,85,91,92,98. Mukiampeve, I:104, VI:B. Qaralerve, I:39,98, V:15. Selye'aya-'ita, 1:56, II:11. Selye'aya-kumit6e, I:40,91, II:22, III:4, V:16. 2. PERSONAGES, DEITIES Kwayn, Metecr, I:37,74-83,104,VI:B. Mastamho, V:1, VII:l-91. Matavilya, I:la, IV:1,3, V:1, VII:1-5,8,11,20. Garra-veyo, Gara-veyo-ve, Coyote, VI:A, VII:2. 3. ANIMAIS Hanye, frog, shell-ornament, I:65,85, VII:40,41. Hotokoro, curve-billed thrasher, I:17b, IV:22, VII:81,85-101. HukOara, coyote, V:9, VII:2. Masohwat, mythical (?) bird, I:86, IV:20. Malwa, badger, I:51, VII:1. Nume, wildcat, I:42, V:17; nume-ta, jaguar, V:1,22. Sakwaga'Alya, mockingbird (or magpie?), I:25, IV:23, VII:81, 85-101. Ginyere, sparrowhawk, I:25, VII:87. GonoGakwelatai, I:35, tonoGaqwataye, V: 6, yanaga-kwe-'ataye, III:4; an insect. 4. KINSHIP HavLkwek, younger sibling, III:11,15e, navlkwek, my sibling, twin, III:28, navik, my father's older brother, I:75,77. 5. INANIMATE Aksamta, a plant, I:82a, VII:37. Hapurui, apurui, jar, V:9, VII:76. Karri'i, basket, I:73,75, VII:78. Kupo, -'carrying basket, twine-wound, VI:A, VII:41. [70]