UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS VOLUME VIII 1942-1945 EDITORS A. L. KROEBER E. W. GIFFORD R. H. LOWIE R. L. OLSON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1945 UNIVERSITY OIF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKEIEY AND Los ANGELES CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS PAGES 1. Culture Element Distributions: XXI-Round Valley, by Frank Essene. . 1- 98 2. Culture Element Distributions: XXII-Plateau, by Verne F. Ray ...... 99-262 3. Culture Element Distributions: XXIIII-Northern and Gosiute Shoshoni, by Julian H. Steward .......................................... 263-392 4. Culture Element Distributions: XXIV-Central Sierra, by B. W. Aginsky 393-468 5. Culture Element Distributions: XXV-Reliability of Statistical Proced- ures and Results, by C. Douglas Chretien ......................... 469-490