ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS 6:1 CULTURE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTIONS: XV SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO BY A. L. KROEBER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1941 I ' CULTURE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTIONS: XV SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO BY A. L. KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Vol.6, No.1 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS EDITORS: A. L. KROEBER, E. W GIFFORD, R. H. LOWIE, R. L. OLSON VoluIne 6, No. 1, PP. I-20, II maps Transmitted September 6, 1939 Issued February I8, 1941 Price, 25 cents UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND The University of California publications dealing with anthro- pological subjects are now issued in two series. The series in American Archaeology and Ethnology, which was established in 1903, continues unchanged in format, but is restricted to papers in which the interpretative element outweighs the factual or which otherwise are of general interest. The new series, known as Anthropological Records, is issued in photolithography in a larger size. It consists of monographs which are documentary, of record nature, or devoted to the presentation primarily of new data. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CULTURE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTIONS: XV SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO BY A. L. KROEBER field work in the University's Culture cies in the data seemed to illuminate problems t Survey West of the Rocky Mountains was in the technique of list gathering. I have also eted in July, 1938.1 Even tholugh the refrained from making use of the previously pub- g and publishing of data will 2equire time lished literature, except in special cases. plete, it seemed desirable to begin inter- This was deliberate: the paper is designed as a ve studies. Dr. Driver had indeed already test of how much in the way of significant re- ouch a study, and an intensive one, on the sults old-line ethnologists who distrust coef- 'Puberty Rite; but this was begun in 1936, ficients might secure -from our Survey data alone. data were in hand on all areas. I de- In the task of extracting data from the lists, to review the materials on several cir- notes, and universal negatives 'from those of our ribed topics, as samples of what the list list blocks which are as yet in manuscript, I would yield when treated nonstatistically, was greatly aided by Dr. Margaret Lantis, who tablished methods of distributional eth- during 1938-1939 served as Ethnologist and then hy. Salt, tobacco, and dogs were chosen as Supervisor of a Works Progress Administration ing relatively concrete and specific sub- project partly concerned with the Survey. In The following three discussions present fact it would be more accurate to say that she re important points that emerge from a made herself responsible for the proper extrac- ison of the relevant sections of the tion of the data. Their clerical compilation, y blocks of two hundred seventy-nine lists. copying of manuscript, and preparation of maps ttempt has been made to exhaust the materi- have been the contribution of other members of Traits that appeared in only part of the our WPA staff. To all of them my thanks are due. s, whose occurrence proved local or sporadic, The two hundred seventy-nine particular n which the returns were ambiguous, irregu- groups of Indians dealt with are enumerated and nonconcordant, or of little apparent sig- mapped in a preceding issue of this series: my cance, were freely omitted from considera- Culture Element Distributions: XI--Tribes ,except in a few instances where deficien- Surveyed. SALT e outstanding fact regarding salt in native Eastern Achomawi, Paiute of Surprise Valley, lower ern North America is that it was used in half Humboldt River, and lower Carson River. The south- hat area and not used in the other half. It ernmost point of the dividing line passes between the northern half which was saltless. The Walker and Carson lakes. From here it swings back of demarcation is sinuous; but thqre were into southeastern Oregon, the Northern Paiute of ually no exceptions to the rule that salt Winnemucca, Quinn River, and Malheur Lake being eaten everywhere to the south and not eaten nonusers, the Shoshone of Reese River, Smith Creek, here to the north of this line. Battle Mountain, and Snake River, also the Paiute e boundary between the two areas (map 1) of Owyhee River, being users of salt. The line ns on the coast at the mouth of the Columbia. does not follow the Northern Paiute-Shoshone Chinook are without salt, the Tillamook and boundary. Across Snake River the line turns east: r Oregon coast groups use it. Of the Kala- the Lemhi and Fort Hall Shoshone do not eat salt, , the southerly informant affirmed salt, the the Great Salt Lake Shoshone, the Gosiute, and the herly one was doubtful; the Tenino said no. Ute do. The Wind River Shoshone of Wyoming are li'ne evidently follows the Cascades south. not included in the Survey. hen cuts southeasterly across the northeast The exceptions are few: er of California into Nevada, then turns h a distance. Salt-using groups in this re- are the Shasta, Wintu, Western Achomawi, The Northwest Coast north of Vancouver Island u, Washo, and Northern Paiute of Pyramid and eats seaweed, but as "food," not as salt. More ted lakes; nonusers, the Klamath, Modoc, of this later. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~The southerly Carrier on up per Fraser River Assistance in the preparation of this manu- are salt-users, though the othler north Athabascan tpt was supplied by the personnel of Works tribe in the Survey, the Chilcotin, goes with the 4lects Administration Official Project No. adjoining Plateau Salish in not using it. It is -08-3-30, Unit A-15. not known whether the Carrier constitute a local [1] 2 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS exception or the fringe of a northern area of diameter, but is then usually cut into morsels, salt consumption. There is also a questioned and said to be "eaten as food." As in Californ affirmation for the Umatilla. it is also traded to tribes near but off the Within the salt area there are the following coast. The question arises whether the differ- doubtful denials (-, -?, or ? in the lists): ence is in recorders' nomenclature, the norther Shoshone of Ruby Valley and Ely, Gosiute of Deep list collectors (Drucker and Barnett) construi Creek (sic 0. Stewart, but J. Steward +), Uintah as eating of food what the southern ones (Barn Ute. These are separated from one another by Driver Gif ford Harrington) classed with "salt salt-using groups. The upper Yurok, lower Karok, Hupa, and and therefore construed as seasoning. Chilula are technically entered as "-" for salt, There is however this difference between the but all eat seaweed as seasoning. northern and southern data which may justify th distinction. In California and Oregon indubita What do the two contrasting areas mean? The salt is also got from springs or deposits, from following have been or might be suggested as the ocean, or from burned plants. The Indians causes of nonuse of salt: prevalence of sea therefore tend to think of seaweed as a sort of food; of a meat diet; of warmer climate. The salt or surrogate; it is a seasoning, not a sta first will not hold: salt-users extend farther In British Columbia salt as such is universally north on the coast than inland. As to animal denied, and the seaweed is therefore not only as against plant food, there is no very clear spoken of as food but is treated as such. In preponderance of either in either part of the other words, the plant may be the same and its region considered. Temperature fits the distri- use is similar, but the attitudes do seem diffe bution better, but not exactly: the coast of ent. It is for this reason that I have rated t northern California and Oregon is cool and foggy. British Columbia seaweed eaters as nonusers of A climate causing loss of body salt through salt in the foregoing discussion. sweating might be thought of as causing an in- The distribution of the use of this purple creased physiological craving for salt. The seaweed is peculiar in that there are three are strongest attachment to salt, as indicated by of use and three of nonuse along the coast (map the number of deprivation taboos, ritual jour- From southern Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound t neys, and salt ceremonies, evidently exists in Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Bella Coola, and mai southern California and Arizona, an area gener- land Kwakiutl eat the seaweed. The Vancouver ally of long hot summers and heavy evaporation. Island Kwakiutl use it only as medicine. The However, this region constitutes only a small Nootka, Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound Salish, core of the distribution of salt use as shown by the Klallam, Makah, and Chinook, according to the Survey: the peripheral areas are several Drucker, Barnett, Gunther, and Ray, do not use times as large. It must therefore be concluded at all. An exception is formed by the Comox an that whatever underlying urge there may be in Pentlatch of Vancouver Island,3 near the northe physiology as influenced by diet and climate, end of the Gulf of Georgia; this may be an exte the specific determinant of salt use or nonuse sion from the eating habits of the mainland Kwa in most instances is social custom, in other kiutl not far to their north. words culture.2 With the Tillamook, seaweed use recommences, and continues as far as the Coast Yuki, includi Seaweed.--Along the coast, a dark purplish nearer inland tribes like the Karok, Hupa, Nong seaweed, determined as Porphyra perforata for Lassik, and Kato, but not the Chimariko and Yuk the Hupa by Goddard, is dried, matted, or pressed For the Pomo area, there are only negatives, ex into cakes, and eaten. It undoubtedly has some cept for the Makahmo Pomo of Cloverdale, an inl food value; but the taste is also definitely group! I doubt many of these Pomo negatives. salty and somewhat bitter. In northwest Cali- South of San Francisco, Harrington records s fornia, this eating is mainly as seasoning or weed for the San Juan Bautista Costano, both hi relish: a piece of the cake is broken off and Salinan groups, and the Santa Inez and Santa B occasionally nibbled at between spoonfuls of bara Chumash, most of them not immediately on t acorn gruel. (This is my personal observation.) coast. For the Ventureno and Gabrielino he has Presumably the same holds elsewhere in California no entries, which probably means that they did and Oregon. On the Northwest Coast, the same use it, since Drucker records universal negativ purple seaweed, or possibly a related species, for the Luisenio and Diegueno. is dried into the same cakes, about a foot in This intermittent distribution is due to cul ture, not ecology. As the following records sh 2This conclusion differs from that of M. 0. Porphyra perforata occurs along the whole coast de Mendizabal, Influencia de la sal en la d-- two of its subspecies from the 4Mexican border a tribuci6n geografica de los grupos indfgenas de _______ Mexico, ICA 1928 (New York), 93-100, 1930. He posits vegetal diet as the primary impulse to 3ftetoSaau it,oehs+oe- use of salt. His paper is valuable, though his X0 h w limnlit,oehs+ n map suffers from areal variability in quantity 4Essene has a note for Kato and Lassik: eat of data available. as food, replaces salt while available. __ )tN. limit of use +-?Exceptions SEaten -Not eaten Map 1. Salt used. Map 2. Salt: seaweed. Limit of taboos occasions et~~~ ~ By roastin - . core area: several a \ ; Nuclear area: 1all possible occasions Th +-,?Sporadic exceptions 10~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS least to Washington; another species from there a grass is burned for salt in this part of the to British Columbia; four species from Monterey world it is Distichlis; except perhaps in easte to Vancouver Island; and two are Alaskan, in- Nevada. cluding one noted as eaten by Indians. Map 3 shows that this salt roasting has a muo narrower distribution than the plant. Its mainl Botanical distribution of Porphyra.--These area is the Central Valley of California. Thus, records on the occurrence of the genus are due of 12 Yokuts tribes, 11 burned grass, together to the courtesy of Dr. H. L. Mason: the list with 5 out of 7 Mono and both Tuibatulabal divi- represents localities of specimens in the Uni- sions; 5 of 8 Miwok groups, 3 of 6 Maidu-Nisenan l versity Herbarium. there is no reported case from the north end of the valley. Beyond, there are scattering cases Porphyra perforata appears to have a continu- only: 2 in Russian River drainage, 3 in Eel, 1 o ous distribution from Alaska to Mexico. Of more the lower Klanmath. South of the Great Valley, t than thirty specimens in the Herbarium, five are practice is universally denied. East of the from Alaska: Glacier Bay, Sitka, Seldina, Bara- Sierra Nevada, J. Steward secured 5 affirmations noff and Shumagin islands. British Columbia is of "brush burned" for salt; 1 from Owens Valley represented by Victoria and "Vancouver Island"; . . . . l Washington by six localities, including Puget (burning from grass denied by Driver's informant Sound; Oregon by two. Fort Ross and three and 4 from scattered Shoshone bands in eastern points in Marin County show that the alga is not Nevada. lacking where the Indians appear not to have It is reasonably clear that what we have here used it in the stretch of coast north of San is a practice substituted for the gathering of Francisco. For southern California, there are mineral salt, or sometimes added to it, accordi specimens from San Simeon, Santa Rosa Island, to opportunities of local environment. Grass and San Diego. In all regions of nonuse, custom burning never displaces mineral salt gathering rather than nonoccurrence of the plant is ac- . cordingly the cause; though there may well have over any considerable area: the two habits occur been local stretches of shore where it was not interdigitated, not infrequently among the same available, group. Thus while most of the Yokuts--prevail- P. perforata f. lanceolata specimens range ingly a people of the valley plains and lower from San Diego to Chehalis Bay; f. segregata foothills--burned grass, the Choinimni division from Mexican California to Puget Sound. used a mineral supply, and the Nutunutu, Chuk- The known range of other species of Porphyra chansi, and San Joaquin Yokuts used both. For is as follows: 7 Mono groups, the figures are: grass only, 3; P. abyssicola, mineral only, 2; both, 2; for 6 Maidu: dry miner British Columbia. a,6 atsrn rmrh ;gasbre,3 P. miniata, variegata, naiadum, from Monterey al, 6; slthspring or marsh, 3; grass burned, 3. to Vancouver Island. In southern California, where salt from burne P. nereocystis, from Monterey to Uyak Bay and grass is universally denied, 5 informants--Serr Kodiak, Alaska. Cahuilla, Luiseno, Cupeno--spoke of salt being P. tenuissima, from Alaska only: Yakutat, "collected from grass," presumably rubbed or Sitka, Baranoff. stripped off. This suggests the Yaudanchi Yokut P. laciniata is represented by eight Alaskan practice of beating the salty juice out of Alit localities including the Pribylov Islands, and grass (Handbook, 530). from Chile (!). The Yakutat specimen is accom- panied by the legend: "The kind of seaweed Inorganic sources of sp .--These of course Indians cook [sic] and eat." nracsoreofupl.-heofore vary endlessly in character according to local Salt burned out of grass.--In parts of Cali- topography and geology. We have some rather tan- fornia and Nevada, a certain grass was roasted talizing entries, as: "from the ocean," "from or burned in a pit, in the bottom of which "salt" beach rocks," "from kelp," "ocean water as seaso would then collect. The first fuller descrip- ing," "alkali." Other descriptions are: from tion is from the Valley Patwin of Colusa;5 E. mineral, dry mineral, from springs, from salt Voegelin's notes contain a similar account from marsh, from salt lake, from playa, mineral on the Valley Maidu of Chico. Voegelin is the only surface, mineral dug from stalactites, from cave one to identify the plant: Distichlis spicata, or rocks, ashes in bread, mush, or herbs; also, salt grass according to Jepson,' who gives as not infrequently, got by trade. There are excel- the habitat "salt marshes and alkaline soil, lent local notes from a number of tribes, especi low altitudes, common along the coast, and in ally in the lists for Northwest California, Pomo, the interior valleys and deserts; extends from Yana, Northeast California, Miwok, the Basin Sho southern British America to Mexico." Pending shoneans, and the Pueblo-Apache area. The main further verification we can assume that wherever value of these is for topographic ecology, and ____________ ~~~~~~~they will not be considered further in the pres- ent comparative survey. tUC-PAA.E 29:280, 1932. 6Manual of' the Flowering Plants of' California, Preservation of food by salt.--It has been 94, 1925. generally assumed that the Indians merely dried CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 5 -meat and fish, without salting it. Prob- tion are emphasized, the salt taboo extends to his point should have been inquired into, them. Similarly for Initiation in southern Cali- than being assumed and left out of most fornia and among the Maidu. On the other hand, lists. In two blocks of lists preserva- the Pomo also initiate, but having no salt taboo by salting appears, apparently through for crisis rites, do without it on initiation. been volunteered by informants. For 16 Of course the weight of the occasion also counts. ast California lists Voegelin has these If there are frequent but not universal Birth e. "Fish salted": +, Trinity Wintu, Val- taboos in an area, they are likely to be put more du; (+), Foothill Maidu, Atsugewi; -, all frequently on the nursing mother than on the fa- "Dried meat, salted or plain": all +, ther. Thus of 23 southern Sierra groups, 16 for- t - for Eastern and Western Achomawi and bid salt to the mother, only 7 to the father, and ud Wintu. For the Central Sierra, in 13 these 7 are geographically scattered. The Cali- , Aginsky gives "Fish" (and again sepa- fornia "semicouvade" is not a "classical" couvade y "Meat") "stored in baskets with salt": specializing on the father, but has previously Northern Miwok groups; all others, no entry. been recognized as a joint parental affair, with be that this was a native habit in some all or part of the mother's restrictions extended The matter should cei'tainly be rein- to the father. d into. However, it is more than eighty Incidentally, this last example illustrates since the white man overran the locali- the manner in which a wealth of comparative data in question; and until there are further on specific items can illuminate problems of cul- which have been cross-checked for the point, tural process and cultural direction or emphasis. line to believe that an occasional inform- Driver's data relate to 10 Yokuts tribes. All confused post-Caucasian and pre-Caucasian these taboo salt for the mother, except 2 adja- tice. If the habit were old, more of the cent southerly ones, the Yaudanchi and Paleuyami. nformants in the salt-using area would pre- For the father, the southern exception grows ly have forced it on the recorders' atten- areally by the addition of the Yauelmani and Wuk- Phamni; but 2 northern tribes, the Chukaimina and Nutunutu, also except him. When it comes to girls' lt in ritual.--The most general appearance puberty, the Chukaimina and Nutunutu are back at in religion in western North America is among the salt-tabooing tribes, but another north- something tabooed on ritual occasions, es- ern tribe, the Kocheyali, does not salt-taboo the ,ally those connected with rites of passage. adolescent girl. For menstruation, only the distribution of such taboos is, as might be Chukaimina and lake tribes (Nutunutu, Tachi, Chu- cted, more restricted than that of the use nut) impose the restriction. At death, the kin salt. A thing must be both fairly obtainable mourners abstain from salt among the same 4 tribes fairly desirable before there would ordin- and the Choinimni. In summary, we have 2 tribes, lybe much motivation toward forbidding it. the Yaudanchi and Paleuyami, who profess to use map 4 shows, certain peripheral regions of no salt taboo in any crisis situation, not even t use do not impose salt taboos. These re- for the mother at birth. We have a larger group-- s are: the coast (including tracts inland to Chukaimina, Nutunutu, Tachi, Chunut--who impose Sacramento River) from San Francisco Bay to it not only on the mother but also at puberty, Columbia River; the Shoshone and Ute terri- menstruation, and death; half of them do and half es; those inhabited by the Athabascans of do not extend it to the father at birth. The re- Southwest except to a minor extent the more maining 4 tribes--Yauelmani, Wukchamni, Choinimni, herly and westerly groups; and perhaps the Kocheyali--adhere once with one group and then bos also, although nc list inquiries on with the other. Apart from the groupings, the 1 were made among them. This leaves as the relative "strength" of the several occasions, as rt of the salt-taboo area western Arizona, shown by the number of tribal participations, is: hern California, and the Central Valley of strongest, mother at birth; next, girl's puberty ifornia, with some extension of the latter on and death; weakest, menstruation and father at hsides to the central coast region and the birth. It is evident that the preoccupation of er of the Northern Paiute groups. Yokuts culture is greater with birth than with :The taboos, endlessly variable, group into maturity or death, greater with the mother than ses according to occasion: Birth; Girls' with the father of a child, greater with the erty; Menstruation; Death and Mourning; Initi- adolescent than with the grown woman. There is on, Boys' Puberty, or Vision Quest. Birth indication here of what is primary and more stable os may refer to pregnancy or to postbirth in the pattern, and what is secondary and more trictions on the mother, the father, or both. changeable. other classes tend to subdivide analogously. If we consider the scattering cases of salt general, if the salt taboo is rigorous for taboo outside the core area (Maidu to Pima), occasion, it tends to extend to others which their reference is as follows: Birth (mother, ritualized. Thus, in the Yuman-Piman area, father, both, or pregnancy), 29; Girls' Puberty, re War-preparation and Enemy-slayer purifica- 12; Menstruation, 12; Death, 1; Initiation 6 ANITROPOLOGICAL RECORDS (really boy's vision quest), 2. Nearly all the In the Yuman-Piman area, in western Arizona,' lists consider the topics in this order, and it we find the following salt taboos: is conceivable that occasional informants or Pre-war-party fast: Cocopa. recorders tired under repetition and skimped Purification of enemy slayer: Papago, Pima later cases. But even with some allowance for Maricopa, Cocopa, Mohave, Shivwits Paiute. this possibility, it is evident that in the Girl's tattooing: Pima, Maricopa, Yavapai, marginal areas of salt taboo, birth is felt as Mohave. a definitely important and death as a relatively Boys' puberty: Maricopa, Walapai, Cocopa, unimportant occasion for its application. It is Akwa'ala, Mexican Diegueflo. also evident that in these marginal areas there Husband of menstruant woman: Maricopa, Yava- is so little difference of emphasis between pai, Walapai, Mohave, Akwa'ala. first menstruation and recurrent menstruation, Mourners, or the ritual runners in the death commemoration: Maricopa, Yuma, Mohave, Cheme- that, contrary to the Yokuts attitude, adoles- huevi, Akwa'ala, Mexican Diegueno. cence in the girl is scarcely singled out as A Salt cycle of songs and myth is sung by the crucial but rather is considered as already part Chemehuevi, Shivwits, Mohave, Walapai, Maricopa.l of her mature functioning. I have designated the strip from the Maidu to Finally, the Papago practice an elaborate the Pima as the core of the area in which salt ritualized journey to the sea to get salt. Both taboos are imposed (map 4). Within this core, Gifford and Drucker obtained accounts of this in however, a nucleus is evident where taboos are their lists, and it appears to be as sacred an imposed on additional occasions and where there affair as the Zuni expeditions to their salt are some positive ritual associations. This lake. It may be as old as the Zuni rite or nucleus consists of the southernmost part of the older. The Zuni salt lake was visited by other core area: southern California, Yuman tribes, tribes. Gifford mentions the Hopi, Eastern Pima and Papago, and a few Southern Paiute bands Navaho, and Warm Springs and Huachuca Chiricahua under Yuman influence. as taking salt from it with a certain amount of All southern California groups taboo salt for ritual. Apparently the Zu-ni invested their salt the boy who is undergoing his puberty initiation. journey with the heaviest elaboration of cere- Most of them, especially the Shoshonean ones, mony, possibly adopting the idea from the Papago extend the menstruant woman's taboo to her hus- journey to the ocean. So far as the other Pueb- band. Some of the Yuman groups, but not the los and Apache-Navaho ritualized salt expedition Shoshonean ones, impose the taboo either on the it seems to have been with reference to the Zuni burier or on the widow of a dead man. holy lake. DOGS Several of the twenty blocks of lists are de- phenomenon, or its absence, instead of specifi- fective on dogs, in that they did not specifi- cally inquiring into its occurrence. cally inquire whether the animal was kept at all, Fortunately there are in all lists some refer- whether it was bred or obtained from outside, ences to the use of dogs, as for hunting, and me whether it was housed or otherwise cared for. tions in the notes, which allow at least approxi. This is true of the original Yana and Pomo lists; mate conclusions on most matters of interest. also for the four Great Basin ones which derive from Julian Steward's Nevada Shoshone one. In Domestication.--Although it is generally the former instance the responsibility is mine. assumed that the dog is man's universal companio Gifford's list was built up from my presurvey and dependent, this is of course not quite accu- one, and I passed upon his additions. Moreover, rate. There are dogless tribes in South America; I was present at the filling of the list from and an area half encircling San Francisco Bay on one tribe, the Lake Miwok, and should have ob- the north and east has now to be added. served the gap. This gap is the more unfortu- Dogs were not entirely lacking in this region. nate because the Pomo-Miwok region is an area in All the local languages have a word for the ani- which dogs were generally not raised or kept. mal. But dogs were not kept regulhrly; they were All I can say is that this is a point at which secured as scattered individuals from outside; we slipped into the fault that almost every they would be bought and would be taken care of ethnographer sooner or later commits, but which as prized pets, somewhat as we keep parrots or the lists were designed to prevent: to assume a monkeys; and-they were not used ordinarily for hunting or other useful purpose. The crucial Sung by Maricopa old men and women when an point seems to be that they remained rare enough enemy was killed or captured. Spier, Yuman for a local breed not to develop. The dog there- Tribes of the Gila River, 268, 1933. fore was known to these cultures, entered into | CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 7 an occasional luxury element, but not as Of the two, the scarcity may be assumed as prior. feature or with a standardized function. It is indeed conceivable that an interest and are the data: concern in dogs might spring up of itself: Linton has given such a case for the Comanche.8 But it tole: not bred; a few obtained from the is hardly conceivable that a people having such an interest should then proceed to get rid of all one: two informants in conflicLt. or nearly all their dogs. We must rather conclude a: dogs kept and used in deer hunting; but that the tribes of this area first lost the habit rarely bred; usually secured from of keeping dogs,9 and then sporadically began to sik: same as Kato; mostly got from Nongatl reimport individual animals as something curious and interesting. What caused the loss is obscure. i: not remembered whether bred; secured The archaeological evidence corroborates the S;intun. list survey findings. Heizer and Hewes,-l in three last-mentioned tribes got most of collecting instances of prehistoric ceremonial dogs in trade, regarded them as valuable, burial of bears, coyotes, deer, eagles, and other ied them like persons, sometimes with animals in central California, especially in the money.reino st Yuki: no dogs. region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, point kteen Pomo tribelets: only two admitted out that there is no record of the discovery of dogs for hunting (Shanel North and Makahmo). dog bones, either in deposits which appear archae- two informants probably were thinking in ologically late or those which seem early. This Caucasian terms. It is a full century would argue that at least in the region occupied the Mexicans began to colonize Pomo habi- by the historic Plains and Northern Miwok, Nisenan, Only four tribelets (Kabedile, Kacha, and Patwin, the absence of regular keeping or e, and Makahmo) admitted dogs being named; breeding of dogs is an old matter. is is no evidence of their being common Heizer and Hewes's data further suggest that se the Kato, Lassik, and Yuki named their while certain of the animals may have been caught e dogs. Kabedile: three informants inde- for use in ritual, at least some were taken young, tly denied dogs were kept. Yokaia: "No reared as pets, and then formally buried when anciently." reared or perhand in formally bed when e Miwok: not used in hunting. they died, or perhaps, in the case of bears, after iver and Hill Patwin: not for hunt, not having to be killed when they became large and not eaten. dangerous. These ancient indications of pet keep- lWintun: no dogs before whites came (but ing, nat very frequently but with much fuss when ruki above). it did happen, fit in exactly with the attitudes rthern Yana: dogs rare. of the historic tribes of the region in regard to idu and Nisenan: Valley Maidu and Mountain dogs. : no dogs. Foothill Maidu and Nisenan Suthern Nisenan: bought or obtained from where; belief in stealing pups from a hole Dogs as food.--In general, dogs were not eaten o the bitch chases a stone rolled downhill; west of the Rockies. The principal area in which outhern Nisenan localize this legend on they were regularly used as food centers around t Diablo. Valley Maidu and three Nisenan the Yokuts of the San Joaquin Valley, with some s: dogs not bred. scattering outliers (map 6). ains Miwok: no dogs kept in prewhite days. Dog-eaters were: the Central and Southern rthern Miwok (of Pine Grove and Indian Miwok (probably); all the (Western) Mono; all the Lngs): same. e Central and Southern Miwok (and the hen Miwok of West Point) kept dogs. 8Linton, The Study of Man, 428-429, 1936. The historic Comanche however had another domes- is makes a well-defined area, as shown by tic animal: the horse; and Linton's point is 5, in which dogs were either not kept at all that the useful horse was treated as a utilitari- re occasionally imported, kept as pets an instrument, the useless dog as an object of or than as hunting aids, and remained so affect, much as by our Californian tribes. se that normally they did not perpetuate 9Theoretically, they might never have had elves by breeding. The groups in this area them. This however is extremely improbable be- teSouthern Athabascans, Yuki, Pomo, Patwin, cause Athabascans, Hokans, and Penutians else- where--the overwhelming majority of tribes in , Yana, Maidu, Nisenan, Lake, Plains, and these stocks--all kept dogs. It is possible horn Miwok. (The Northern Athabascans, that the linguistically isolated Yuki never had x, Mountain Maidu and Central Miwok had dogs dogs and that from them the other tribes of the th most Indians. region learned to do without. I refrain from t mus beempasiedhatnonofthetries developing this hypothesis because it leads into t must be emphasized that none of the tribes the realm of contingency where evidence fails to lestion were entirely ignorant of dogs. equal opinion, at least in the present state of teringly they even imported them, paid for knowledge. , named, pampered, and buried them like per- ?0Animal Ceremonialism in Central California ; but always in small numbers. This affect in the Light of Archaeology, American Anthro- tude is evidently the correlate of scarcity. pologist 42:5g7-603, 1940. 0Lacking or rare * Used as food more or less normally /1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Map 5. Dogs absent or scarce. Map 6. Dogs eaten. * 0 * Packed _ A Travois X Sled or toboggan * * ~~Dog hair * ~~~~textiles * A CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 9 TUbatulabal, Kawaiisu, and Kitane- Dogs believed poisonous.--The Yurok believe dog ly the Owens Valley Paiute (one each flesh to be virulently poisonous. Unfortunately two and Steward's two informants this item did not get incorporated in the list somewhat doubtfully the Gabrielino; for the area, so its extent in northwest California probably the Salinans (no data, but remains unknown. Barnett encountered the belief from position); and the Costano. only among the Tolowa; the Oregon coast tribes Imeparated from this area was one to denied it or knew nothing of it. Both Kalapuya at, in which dogs were eaten by the informants, the Skokomish, and the Makah are re- rt, and perhaps Mountain Cahuilla ported +; which however may be an error since the l the Mohave; and, with some contra- entries for the Chinook, Klallam, and all Northern the record, by the Walapai, Yavapai, interior tribes are -. I suspect a confusion be- The Southern Paiute of Ash Meadows, tween aversion to dog flesh and fear of it. Inas- e Kawaiisu and Mohave, perhaps pre- much as to the south the Lassik and Yuki deny tinuity. (The list for the other poisonousness, and from the Shasta east the item Ute divisions appears to have lost does not appear, the Trinity Wintun upstream from through an oversight.) the Hupa and Chimariko even eating dogs, it seems east the Shoshone;of Great Smoky Val- that the belief is confined to a few of the most probably of Reese River are credited specialized Northwest California tribes. It is g-eating. J. Steward says of the Sho- in accord with their puritanical temperament and nerally that they ate dogs only in fam- love of precise fears. he north, Voegelin has the Mountain Maidu Use in transport.--This is rare and peripheral ,.Trinity Wintun, who are not adjacent to (map 7) in the area covered by the element survey. her, eating dogs habitually. In addition, Dogs packed: Chilkat Tlingit; Carrier, Chil- tern Achomawi, the Atsugewi, and the cotin; Shuswap, Thompson; Umatilla (!); Moanunts ate them during famine or epidemic; the Ute. The Uintah Ute say that their shamans used -two tribes saying that they had found wolves as dogs to pack their medicine bundles. sh a cure for epidemics. These occur- Dog travois: Umatilla; Bannock; Promontory in northeastern California are spotty, Point Shoshone. Denied by all Southwestern tribes, neating tribes interspersed, as if custom including Lipan and both Jicarilla divisions. bivalent. These distributions suggest that the travois is farther north, among the Fraser Salish, not old in the Columbia region, coming in only cords the Lillooet and probably Shuswap as with the horse and then being occasionally ap- dogs; also the Thompson and Chilcotin in plied to the dog by poor people; and that on the ? famine. The Kutenay and Flathead do not other hand if the Plains Apache originally used gs, in spite of Plains contacts. the dog travois, as is generally assumed, they have had horses so long and in such numbers that the dog travois has become forgotten. emonial eating of live do s.--The spirit- Dog sledge or toboggan: Chilkat Tlingit re- sed dancer who devours dogs is known to cently; Carrier, Chilcotin; Shuswap. ida; Tsimshian; mainland Kwakiutl; Bella Wikeno Kwakiutl; the Squamish, Nanaimo, Dog wool for textiles.--This is a Coast Salish , and Sanetch and Klallam Salish. The trait: Klahuse, Homalco, Slaiamun, Sechelt, is negative for the Tlingit, Vancouver Squamish, Comox, Pentlatch, Nanaimo, Sanetch; Kwakiutl other than Wikeno, Nutka, Makah, denied by the Cowichan; present among the Klallam e Sechelt, Pentlatch, Comox, Skokomish, according to Gunther. She also adds the Wakashan y inference, for all interior tribes. The Makah; but has a denial for the Skokomish. From ore of the occurrence is evidently Haida- the Nutka and Kwakiutl north, Drucker has a uni- ian-mainland Kwakiutl; to the south it is versal negative; and Ray does not mention the ing, and rather on the inner coast than item either for the interior tribes, Salish or .g the ocean. other, or for the Chinook (map 7). the Northwest again, Barnett records, Mountain-goat wool is used more widely. Dog Guardian Spirit, "dog-eating power spe- wool is therefore probably a substitute or sup- ly malignant" among Squamish, Nanaimo, plement. tlatch (negatives from Sechelt and Comox). y be another aspect of the foregoing. Hunting.--As might be expected, the use of dogs are occasionally eaten alive by the for hunting was widespread; but it varied in in- ewekwe clowns, but as an incident rather tensity according to the nature of the game and standard performance. There may be other of the country. In general, free-running animals estern occurrences; our list contains no in open country, like the antelope, were not often items for the Pueblos, hunted with dogs. In the Great Plains, whole Kutenay and Flathead have a Crazy-dog herds of buffalo might have been stampeded and y of Plains type. lost through dogs being turned on them. On the 10 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS whole, the deer is the animal most often hunted nose cut, concoction put in; head painted; sung with dogs, especially where it can be driven to to; heated deer hoofs rubbed on nose; rolled in water; but in parts of the Basin and Southwest fresh bear or beaver skin; mountain goat's fore it is denied that dogs were used for deer. foot warmed and pressed against pup's feet on Mountain sheep and mountain goat can often be four successive days. Obviously the training i successfully distracted, held, or driven past sometimes practical, often merely magical. No an ambush with dogs. For small game the prac- single practice has a wide distribution, but on tice varies. or more of them occur among most tribes in the It will perhaps be most illuminating to cite north. South of the Columbia they are scarcely the tribes which specifically denied all use of mentioned. I do not think this is due to lack dogs for hunting. Question marks express my of interest on the part of the southern list co doubts. lectors. Rather did the northern informants volunteer items on training because their cul- Nutka and Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island, tures were interested in the training of dogs. though the list entries are not wholly conclu- sive. Breeds of native dogs.--This is a matter on Klallam (?), Tualatin Kalapuya (?). which reliable information is obviously diffic Three of 5 Mono groups, 5 of 8 Yokuts, 2 to get at this date. Several collectors have Kern River. This is the heart of the dog-eating made the attempt. area. Barnett, Gunther, and Ray inquired as to Santa Inez Chumash. .unther, Raytow Pass and Desert Cahuilla, Mohave, Walapai, shaggy and short-halred dogs. The following Yavapai, Yuma, Cocopa, Akwa'ala, Maricopa, tribes claim only long-haired dogs: Klahuse, Papago, Yaqui. This is desert country. Un- Homalco, Slaiamun, Sechelt, Squamish, Klallam, fortunately there is no explicit general nega- Thompson, Kalispel, Wenatchi; also Kittitas. tion. One list merely inquires into communal This is a Salish array. Short-haired dogs, be- driving with dogs, the other into their use with sides shaggy ones, were affirmed by Comox, Sane deer, mountain sheep, and peccary. Shuswap, Flathead; also Umatilla and Tualatin Lipan and Llanero Jicarilla (Great Plains Kalapuya. habitat); Huachuca Chiricahua (no dogs). The Santiam Kalapuya specified short erect e All the Ute and Southern Paiute groups ques- "Large" dogs were described by the Kutenay, tioned (0. Stewart). This is confirmed by . K Gifford for the Southern Ute, Drucker for the Carrier, Kalispel, Wenatchi, Kittitas, and Mak Shivwits Paiute and Chemehuevi (?), contradicted All but the last are more or less in the area of only by J. Steward for the Ash Meadows Paiute dog transport. as regards deer alone. For Northeastern California, Voegelin obtaia Fort Hall Shoshone and Bannock (Plains in- several descriptions, given in her notes. These fluence). Also a few scattered groups of Sho- summarize thus: shone: Snake River, Elko, Reese River, Beatty Death Valley (the last contradicted by Driver3. One breed only: Kiamath, Modoc, Eastern Acho- The specific inquiry was as to deer, antelope, mawi. mountain sheep; dogs may have been used in Height 12-18 inches, size of fox (or coyote) these same bands for ground squirrels, ground Klamath, Modoc, Eastern Achomawi, Western Acho- hogs, and other small game. KlmawiW Seven of 12 Northern Paiute bands; but again Prick ears: Klamath, Modoc, Atsugewi, Eastern there was no general question and none about Achomawi, Western Achomawi, McCloud Wintu. small game. Short hair: Klamath, Modoc, Eastern Achomawi To the foregoing must of course be added the McCloud Wintu. near-dogless region of California, although Various colors: Klamath, Modoc, Atsugewi. border tribes within this, like the Lassik and Long hair also: Atsugewi. Kato, did sometimes hunt with their occasional Large dog also: Western Achomawi. dogs. In general, the two most consistently nega- For the Northern Paiute generally, Stewart tive areas for hunting with dogs are the the note: "No dogs; only Indian dogs with erect Papago-Yuman-Cahuilla tract of low-lying creo- ears." sote-bush desert, and the Ute-Southern Paiute From the Eastern Navaho Gifford records: region of high semidesert. Between were the "Short-haired type height of fox terrier; long- Apache, Navaho, and Pueblos, who allege that haired type larger." they hunted with dogs. Is it possible that It is clear that size as well as coat varied, their habit is due to the early introduction of that some tribes had two or more varieties wher Spanish dogs and Spanish methods? as others had only one, but that all mentions oi Training of hunting dogs is mentioned rather ears are to the erect form. regularly north of the Columbia. The specific practices cited include: wild onion in eyes; Naming.--The giving of names to individual trained on deer viscera and urine; nose rubbed dogs was fairly general, with the possible excep on meat which is (then) set out for the crows; tion of certain areas to be discussed. Whether CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 11 l or only some were named, is less clear. only 4 building a dog-hut. To the south, the the north-central Californian region Kato, Lassik, Yuki also took their few dogs in at l gs were not bred, the few that were im- night: they were too valuable to stray away or be l were likely to be given names. Harrington stolen. The distribution thus radiates out from .Especial dog names different from human a Northwest California center. | or Costano, Salinan, three Chumash divi- | Kitanemuk, and perhaps Gabrielino. Dead dogs.--As among ourselves in the country, three areas, there are no data on naming. the carcasses of Indian dogs were variously got of these, the northerly Northwest Coast rid of without formality or channeled procedure. Southern California-Yuman-Piman region, Only among the Lassik, Kato, and Yuki, who had so sts were in the hands of Drucker, who few dogs that they bought, sheltered, and pampered ly omitted the item as unimportant. To them, do we hear of "burial like persons," some- by the positive returns of Barnett, Ray, times with shell money."1 The Yurok however were ther in adjoining districts, the coastal likely to throw them into the Klamath, dog flesh from the Nutka to the Tlingit probably being poisonous enough to contaminate springs, [their dogs. For the California-Arizona air, and land, and the river too polluted anyway area, the probability does not seem quite to be fit to drink. ingent; though Harrington's and Gifford's On the death of his owner, a dog might be ic positive data from both sides of the killed or kept. The lists that inquire into the uggest it. All four of the lists from the point show much local variation, which no doubt nean Great Basin, both Steward's and also represents individual variation in many in- t's, also contain no reference to naming. stances. Driver first turned up a specialty: a Steward's Nevada Shoshone list is itemized dog is hanged by the neck from a tree on his ail, and served as a basis for the three owner's death. This he reports for Yurok, Karok, a, it can be inferred that dog naming is Hupa, Nongatl, and Sinkyone; the other tribes in aracteristic of the Basin, else several of the area denied the practice.12 To the south, ifty informants would have been likely to the Lassik and Kato knew the custom, and to the de it into the lists by volunteered state- east. the Western and Eastern Shasta, the Trinity This conclusion is in line both with the Wintu ("because the dog liked it"), and, at a al meagerness of Basin culture, and with greater distance, the Mountain Maidu. Twelve of act that dogs were of little importance Voegelin's groups answered no to the point. The for hunting, food, transport, wool, ritual, method is specific, but the distribution shows thing else. that the practice is only a "half folkway."t13 Ssin .--Some of the lists omit dog shelters Dog-beating at eclipses.--A more or less world- vial. Others specify kenneling in a hole wide custom is to beat pots and pans and make dogs le bank, brush shelters, little domes of howl in order to scare away eclipses which are w brush or lean-tos of bark, and the like. under way. This item was not in our original istribution of these several types of list; but it soon obtruded in field work, with ier usually varies locally within any one thunder or lightning sometimes being added to and it is likely that nowhere was any one eclipses, or replacing them. On the other hand, of dog-hut standard or constructed for all the trait did not get into certain lists, or was in the tribe, only proved hunting dogs or dropped out by some inquirers. Here is a summary al pets being favored. The situation no- of the available data, ear-pinching or twisting was like that of the Eskimo, to many of being included with beating: the preservation of their dogs is a matter reme importance, sometimes even of sur- Kato and Lassik: + (for thunder instead of eclipse); Yuki, -. ether dogs were allowed to sleep in the NW California: 8, +; 6, - or doubtful, for house no doubt also varied tribally and lly. There is however an area in which Coast Yuki, and Huchnom also, per Handbook, a more or less customary. Driver reports 216. iversally for Northwest California. Here 12However, so did one of his two Yurok and rame houses were built with an anteroom one of his two Karok informants. Whenever adja- firewood was kept dry and the dogs allowed cent tribes repeatedly vary in this region of rnd shelter. Also, no Northwest California small and sessile groups, we may be reasonably admitted knowing anything about a dog-hut. sure that the custom was not too rigorously north, in Oregon and Washington, Barnett, standardized intratribally, and that it varied Are , , nh . ., individually or according to occasion. er, and Ray report dogs sleeping in the only here and there. The tribal scatter- azThe Northwest Californians are not known to ggests nonstandardized practice. In haVngi u themslvs o0neanother, or anything else east California, however, E. Voegelin re- nooses from bent trees, and the Yurok speak of a 8 groups allowing their dogs in the house, poacher having been strangled in one of these. 12 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS eclipse. For thunder: 3, + (2 of these denying I have gone into this trivial case because it the practice for eclipses). seems worth demonstrating that judgments as to NE California: 2, + (Eastern Shasta, Atsugewi); cultural weight, value, function, and affect, 14, -. For thunder, Klamath and Eastern Shasta; which are sometimes thought to be obtainable on to make rain stop, Modoc. All these tribes ex- by intensive studies on many individuals in sti cept the Atsugewi specify that bitches should be living cultures, can sometimes also be obtained made to howl. by a ultres,rcal studeo also existing NE Shoshone: Lemhi, Promontory Point, Fort by a more superficial study of cultures existing Hall Shoshone, Bannock, + (for thunder); 2 Go- chiefly in memory, provided the study iS suffi- siute bands, -. ciently extensive--and the investigator of courm Southern California, universally denied. open-minded to problems. Other California, Great Basin, and Northern areas, no data. The portent of dogs speaking.--I have saved t the last an item which illustrates some of the Data that appear and disappear locally like tactical pitfalls of a questionnaire method. these obviously cannot bear the usual distribu- Many years ago, Goddard and I were told by t tional meaning. They are again "semifolkways." Hupa and Yurok that they discouraged unnecessary They can carry little compulsive force, except speech to dogs, say of the nature of a conversa- for excitable or suggestible individuals. They tion, because the dog might answer, and this may be known to only part of each population. would be an omen of death or catastrophe.i4 We If so, it may be argued that a questionnaire would all receive such an event with emotional got from one individual as representative of his shock, I assume; but a fear-laden imagination tribe is inappropriate. I agree. Only, it does seems required to think up the possibility; whic make very little difference whether the Chilula, thereby attains a certain interest. For this whom most ethnologists cannot even place on the reason, and because of the specificity of the be map and nearly all nonethnologists have never lief, I included it in the first element list; heard of, do or do not pinch their dogs' ears and for brevity's sake gave it a caption or catc when the face of the moon begins to be covered title: "dogs (not) spoken to." This title was up. Any real significance is evidently in a intended to be used like "magic flight" in folk- wider distribution. And if in a larger area lore studies. One would not ask a native if his fifty informants affirm and fifty deny the prac- people told a story called magic flight, but wo tice, the distribution of the two answers being tell him the episode and then ask if he had ever randomly scattered, it seems a fair inference heard anything like it, and from whom. I neg- that this conflict of opinion means that tribal lected however to explain to our field workers custom in the area is also conflicting, dubious, what the catch-title stood for, or assumed that ambivalent, or half-hearted. In other words they knew; instead, most of them took it at face the culture trait is widely spread but not value. Some conscientiously asked their inform- crystallized culturally; it is perhaps only half ants, and reported a consistent series of posi- believed in, or not taken very seriously. At tive answers. (Even a Yurok will not hesitate t any rate, it is in a state of flux, potentially call to his dog to come or to leave the house: ready either to acquire significant value or to the precaution is only against inviting him to go entirely out of usage; but perhaps neverthe- become human by chatting humanly to him.) Other less remaining for a long time in indecisive inquirers dropped the question when they got status. It is thus that I would interpret dis- answers like "Why not?" or "Who would want to tributional data of this order. talk with a dog?" Still others evidently con- I admit that there are many errors in our sidered the question meaningless or trivial, and lists, and on an item of this sort they are left it out of their lists from the beginning. likely to be particularly heavy. Informants are Meanwhile however Dr. Erminie Voegelin info mainly reporting hearsay, and some of it may re- me that the Absentee Shawnee have a somewhat sim fer to other groups. However, I doubt whether lar belief. It is that "eventually you can teac the most painstaking questioning of ten inform- a dog to speak; they sometimes do; but the momen ants per tribe, with indefinite rechecking, a dog speaks, it dies.?? While here it is the do would yield materially different results on this that is in jeopardy, the belief is evidently re- point for the area as a whole. What our ques- lated. It contains elements of an animal utter- tionnaire data do show, and show rapidly, on ing human speech and the fatality of such an ev specific items not easily subject to verbal mis- Therewith we are evidently face to face eith understanding, is which traits are firmly es- with a widespread and ancient trait, which, like tablished in the cultures of a region and are of an old geological formation, crops out only her value to them, and which are not and therefore and there in a continent; or with something com- fluctuate in their appearance. Dog-beating at parable to repeatedly intrusive rocks, that is eclipses and thunder is evidently of the latter i4~~dr ieadClueo h ua character, in northern California: it is cul- UC-PAAE 1:6, 1903: "They think it hazardous to 3 turally unimportant; and this seems the most talk much to dogs for fear they might reply. 3 important fact about it. This would cause the death of those who hear." CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 13 a feature which independently origi- ever hear that a dog talked?"--thereupon: "'What ate cultures because it expresses happened then?"--finally the question as to a -seated impulses. All such traits conversation-taboo being put only if the previ- of interest, either historically ous answers were affirmative. Nevertheless, lcally. It is accordingly plain that Gifford received one reply which rings wholly t in including this minor element in spontaneous. A Papago said: "Yes, we do not l but in failing to make it intelli- talk with dogs, because if the dog were to 1 of my collaborators. If the Shawnee answer we would turn to stone." The petrifac- a similar element, it might be ex- tion is an original feature which validates the crop up a few times somewhere between answer, and we can therefore add at least the he Yurok. Papago to the Shawnee and Yurok-Hupa as possess- indeed several times reports on the ing the core of the belief. s caption runs "dogs talked to" (or Technically the fault with my caption was the d to"); and in his notes on the Cen- common one that it tried to combine two traits: the Icheche Pomo, and on the South- the omen if a dog spoke, and the means of avoid- *zally, he adds: "if the dog replies, ing such a possibility. The fault was made worse 1will die." There is a possibility, how- by the first being the cardinal feature, but the t some of these supplements may repre- short-hand caption referring to the contingent p*rs suggested by an explanation to preventive. It is no wonder that the field work- informants. The element ought of course ers misunderstood. I trust that we made not too sented in some such form as: "Did you many such misfires on theoretically valid points. TOBACCO al features emerge from the lists as of smoking of "true tobacco" only from the Kutenay, t about tobacco. These are: the use and Flathead, Lillooet, Sanpoil, and Kittitas; his of the plant and substitutes for it; its positive entries from the Shuswap, Thompson, and ion; its consumption other than by smok- Wenatchi are queried or modified by parentheses. t is, by chewing or eating; and its All 17 tribes, except the Chinook, however, smoked functions, especially in connection with kinnikinnick; that is, bearberry, Arctostaphylos a and shamanistic practices. uva-ursi; though the term may include other plants also.16 All those that used tobacco mixed it coo substitutes.--Dixon"5 has recently regularly with kinnikinnick. the likelihood that the "tobacco" grown On the face of the returns this makes a large wed with lime by the Haida and Tlingit northwestern area extending south to and beyond t a Nicotiana at all but some entirely the Columbia and east to the Rockies, in most of ent plant. He also doubts that true to- which smoking was affirmed but tobacco was denied. was used anywhere on the coast as far Technically, the British Columbia coast proper is lisas Puget Sound. not included in this area; but the Tlingit, Haida, lists show the following. Drucker: no and Tsimshian had a tobacco substitute, though or pipes in pre-European native culture they chewed it; and as for the Kwakiutl and Nutka, coast from Tlingit to Nutka. On the Drucker's list inquired only whether tobacco was of Georgia, Barnett reports no tobacco smoked, not as to the presence of an equivalent anywhere; yew or arbutus leaves were for smoking. In the southeast corner of the area in pipes by the Comox, Pentlatch, Cowi- 16 and Sechelt; the remaining tribes denied and The following supplements are from V. Ray anr gavecnohanswer.tFor the Skokoriesh R and E. Gunther, of the University of Washington. dr gave no answer. For the Skokomish, Ray: In the Northwest interior bearberry is the , and Makah, Gunther says that yew, ar- usual tobacco substitute or admixture. The col- or salal was smoked in pipes. The Klal- loquial "kinnikinnick" may not always refer to d Makah affirmed that tobacco was intro- bearberry, but certainly does so in most in- the white people; for the Klallam, stances. Willow bark is unquestionably rarely by~~~ used, if at all. The statement (UW-PA 7:122, r doubts this. The Kalapuya affirmed the 1938) that the Lower Chinook used bearberry of tobacco, of kinnikinnick, and of yew, leaves "as tobacco or mixed with tobacco" is oak, and other leaves. In the interior, based on Lewis and Clark, and on Swan.--Gunther: ceived unqualified affirmations of the Yew (Taxus) needles smoked by Swinomish and Samish. Dogwood (Cornus) leaves smoked by QAuileute (Reagan, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 37, Tobacco Chewing on the Northwest Coast, 1934). Salal (Gaultheria) leaves smoked mixed 1.46-150, 1933. But Heizer, The Botani- with bearberry by Makah; in lieu of bearberry by iantification of N W Coast Tobacco, in Quileute (Reagan). Madrona (Arbutus) leaves ~704-706, 1940, cites Eastwood, Leaf- smoked by Quileute (Reagan). Kinnikinnick, viz. of w Botany, 2:No. 6, to the contrary: bearberry (Arctostaphylos) leaves, smoked by td plant was a tobacco. Quileute and Hoh (Reagan); by Makah; by Squaxsin. 14 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS the Flathead and Kutenay were buffalo hunters like pine nuts,23 or angelica-root incense.24 with tepees and would easily derive tobacco As regards admixture in general, the original habits from the Plains tribes. purpose may have been to weaken rank and heady The lists however make nontobacco smoking more tobacco or to eke out a scant supply; once the universal than do the scattered references in latter practice became a habit, the toned-down the older literature. The type specimen of Nico- taste may also have become preferred. tiana multivalvis (the species grown by the Crow but not by the Mandan-Hidatsa) was collected by Tobacco cultivation.--It has long been knowm D. Douglas17 in 1825 from a Chinook or Kalapuya that tobacco was grown here and there in non- plantation between Vancouver on the Columbia and agricultural regions: in northern California, Oregon City on the Willamette. Teit18 has the among the Thompson, the Crow in the Plains, not Thompson and Shuswap not only using but growing to mention the Haida and Tlingit who certainly a tobacco, seed from which yielded N. attenu- planted something that was used like tobacco. ata.39 It therefore seems that we must modify It is however surprising how many tribes prove the stark limits of our northwestern nontobacco- to have followed the practice. They occupied smoking area by admitting a southern and eastern three or four areas (map 9), which apparently fringe of dry country in which true tobacco, represent as many more or less separate historic locally grown or imported from neighbors, was developments. smoked alongside tobacco equivalents. 1. NORTHWEST COAST. The Haida and Tlingit Nevertheless it remains evident that smoking planted; the product, for chewing, was traded and pipes had an aboriginal range (map 8) ex- also to the Tsimshian. The Salish, Kwakiutl, a tending considerably farther northwest than the Nootka to the south neither chewed nor had tobac range of the tobacco plant. This fact can 2. NORTHERN INTERIOR. Inland, according to hardly be construed other than as meaning that the lists, only the Kutenay planted. Teit adds the idea and habit of smoking spread farther the near-by Thompson and Shuswap,25 though Ray's from the south than tobacco itself. Histori- list-informants from these tribes gave denials, cally the function outtraveled the plant, so to possibly because an additional thirty to forty speak. Another inference is that the occurrence years have elapsed since the practice was dis- of pipes in this area may not be interpreted as continued. evidence of knowledge of tobacco. 3. OREGON-CALIFORNIA. A long irregular area The smoking of vegetal substances in place of of planting stretches southeastward from the Or tobacco is evidently related to the admixture of gon coast to south-central California. Planting bark or leaves with tobacco. The one practice groups are: the Tillamook, Alsea, Siuslaw, and employs a surrogate, the other a dilution. the Sixes River, Tututni, Galice Creek, and Chet Either usage might logically be derived from the Athabascans; the Tolowa, Yurok, Wiyot, Chilula, other. On the whole their ranges also adjoin. Hupa, Nongatl, Sinkyone, Lassik, Chimariko, Karo The Plains and the Great Basin pretty uniformly the Shasta, Trinity and Sacramento Wintu, Acho- mix some kind of bark or leaves with their mawi, Mountain and Foothill Maidu, Mountain, Foo tobacco.20 In the Southwest21 and especially hill, and Southern Nisenan; most the Plains and California the practice is definitely less com- Sierra Miwok (probably);26 the Hodogida and Ent' mon. Some tribes here use their tobacco bich Mono, Choinimni and Paleuyami Yokuts, Banka straight;22 others mix in curious substances, lachi, Kawaiisu, and Koso Panamint or Shoshone. The limits of this area are defined by the 17Journal kept by, publ. 1914; cited by W. A. following tribes who specifically denied any Setchell, Aboriginal Tobaccos, AA 23:409, 1921, planting or sowing: Lower Chinook, Kalapuya, and quoted in full and discussed by J. P. Har- rington, Tobacco Among the Karok, BAE-B 94:19- 21, 1932. 23Some Kern River and Yokuts groups. 18AMNH-M 2:300, 1900, 4:575, 1909. (Also 24NW California. listed respectively as Anthr. Mem., v. 1, and 25 Jesup Exped. Mem., v. 2.) As cited in note 18. iSetchell, work just cited, 411. 26The presentation seems contradictory: ele- 210SetchGreatlBasinlShoshonean l ment 1197, tobacco gathered wild only, followed 2Rjf 50 Great Basin Shoshonean lists, about by + for all groups; 1200, field burned over in 40 affirm admixture. winter, + for all groups; 1200a, seeds scattered 2'Leaves generally replace bark among Pueblos in spring, + for 7 Miwok groups, - for Ahwahnee and Apache. Miwok and for 4 Yokuts and Mono groups; universa 22 negatives: planting, pruning, thinning, weeding. Wintun, Maidu, Nisenan, Southern Athabas- Aginsky evidently understood by "planting" some- cans, Costano, Salinan, Chumash,,Yuma, Cheme- thing like formal agriculture; the sowing of huevi in California. Bark as admixture is seeds in a prepared field he construed as gath- specifically mentioned as denied by all inform- ering because the tobacco was one that grows ants by Voegelin (NE Calif.), Driver (S Sierra), spontaneously, perhaps also because the ground and Harrington (C Calif. Coast); it is not men- was not turned. The "gathered wild only" (sic) tioned by Barnett (Oregon Coast), Driver (NW is taken over from the earlier list of Driver, Calif.), Gifford (Pomo, Yana), Aginsky (Miwok), who however specifically makes this item and Drucker (S Calif.). "1198, planted, sowed" mutually exclusive. e%.o Limit of use of | i * Planted \t * Yew, arbutus, etc., |E|l( r ,%tn O Farmed r4 smoked 1 > ~--> r Substitute planted > it )k - X"Kinnikinnick" i. - u 4 ? alone4 0f F < < O "Kinnikinnick" t < < . Ground burned smoked pure or . over for bet- mixed with to- ter orop of bW; acc' Jo - . \ X ~ / ; ( ; K wild tobacco VUndetermined - X -- -- --\.2 I --- ------- Map 8. Tobacco and substitutes. Map 9 Tobacco planting. @ / / tO - Nicotiana swallowed S S - Tobacco offered l t with lime; also n > , < A (In San Joaquin ^wt ___4 \ -, smoked X~ Valley the prac- t: ~ \/ ~ * \ tice is sporadic. Imitation to- k Outside the line, t sqy, 9C\+ bacco chewed f < C\- it occurs scat- with lime; not teringly.) 04terinqs. NoQerin 2 tH to \R ,f I I 4;~~~No O fei,\; * ) * Mi a s l /- Y N r ~~~~~~~~~~' /~~ t , ) 1 c@7 8 ~~~~~~~~~ nt mrel smoke 16 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Tenino, Klamath, Modoc,27 all the Northern graveyards, and death. None of the lists un- Paiute, Washo, Owens Valley Paiute, Death and fortunately deal with this attitude; it is my Saline Valley Shoshone (Panamint), Serrano, Ca- fault that the specific item was not included. huilla, Kitanemuk, Gabrielino, Fernandeno, Chu- It is inferable that the abstention extends be- mash, Salinan, Costano, Lake Miwok, Hill and yond the three "classic" northwest California Valley Patwin, Valley Maidu, Yana, Atsugewi, tribes to all in that area; because all that so McCloud Wintu, Wintun, all Pomo groups, Coast denied to Driver that they either gathered or i Yuki, Yuki, Kato, Wailaki, Mattole. ported tobacco; these practices appear only with It will be noted that all of the planting the nonplanting Mattole, Kato, and Coast Yuki. tribes of this area are nonagricultural. Also, To the north, in Oregon, Barnett's list did not there is almost no mention of turning or break- inquire as to wild tobacco. In Voegelin's Nort ing the ground,28 though the digging stick was east California lists, the westerly Shasta, ad- used for bulb gathering by all tribes in ques- joining the typically northwestern Karok, plant tion. The seeds are simply scattered in the but do not gather; the easterly do both; which ashes. Locally there may be a bit of makeshift suggests that with them we have passed beyond t fencing, thinning, transplanting, pruning, or range of the poison-ban. The farther northeast "nursing" of plants, or even a little hand- tribes, it is true, all affirmed either plantin irrigating with a basket. In short, besides or wild gathering, never both; but they evident deliberate sowing there is interest and care for each made its choice according to opportunity, the crop, but none of the heavy labor of agri- vincial custom, or mode; and the same farther culture. south. The taboo on wild tobacco thus appears On the whole, the process seems most elabo- localized in northwest California plus possibly rately carried out in northwest California and the Oregon coast. Therewith the focus of the perhaps Oregon. Here too the ranks of the plant- planting habit is further anchored to the same ing tribes are unbroken. Eastward and southward region, since it is evident that a fear-taboo of there are local defections among the Wintu, the the wild plant could hardly arise until domesti- Maidu, and the Miwok; until among the Mono only cation was pretty firmly established. 2 out of 5 local groups averred that they sowed, This inference leads to another one: the acc among the Yokuts 2 out of 10, among the Panamint tuation of planting is most marked at that end o 1 out of 3. One cannot be sure, in this marginal the planting area which is farthest removed from and interdigitated area, how far informants' the region of agriculture to the south. There- "yeses" and "nos" represent individual fluctua- with any direct relation of Californian tobacco tions in their recollections or temporary and planting with Southwestern food farming is weak- local variations of usage among small groups, ened. I would not say that all historic connec- connected perhaps with possession or lack of tion is ruled out. There may conceivably have ample patches of wild tobacco. Nor does it much been stimulus or idea diffusion; but beyond that matter, on a wider view: it is clear that the the California tobacco planting development evi- hold of the planting habit was tenuous in the dently followed its own lines independently. N south, consistent and firm in the north. would I guess that the place of origin was nort Another fact points to this. The Hupa, Yurok, west California; it is clear only that there the and Karok29 will smoke only cultivated tobacco; custom had got the heaviest hold on attitudes-- the wild is regarded as poisonous or at least was adhered to incisively and with ramifications dangerous; it is associated with waste places, into other spheres of culture. In fact, there is another practice, spread 27 through the Great Basin to the east, which may A borderline case: there is no sowing, but bear on the origin of California planting. Thi a log is burned to increase next year's volun- . t teer crop of tobacco. The Western Achomawi are iS the custom of burning patches of brush to he one step nearer planting: a brushy place is the springing up of wild tobacco next year. Thi burned over to improve seed gathering. Next is reported, in the lists, by the Washo-, by 12 sunmer, tobacco is likely to have sprung up also. out of 15 Northern Paiute groups; by 15 Nevada The pods are rubbed between the hands, the seeds oto 5Nrhr auegop;b 5Nvd shepri eds into thbed ashesand these are kicked Shoshone, 2 Gosiute, 4 Southern Paiute, without around. Next year, and for one or two more, exceptions; by 2 of 4 Northern Shoshone, and 4 tobacco leaves are picked. While this makes 8 Ute groups; and is denied by the Bannock.30 the whole process incidental to food-seed gath- ering, it is also true planting in that there is 30o deliberate even though rude sowing. Two list affirmations of planting in this 28 Driver mentions cultivation with the dig- eastern Basin region seem to be individual re- ging stick by the Wiyot and Sinkyone, Voegelin flections of Plains practices. A Uintah Ute gingstick by the Wiyotill and Southerninkone, Vwho had lived with the Pine Ridge Dakota gave by the Foothll and Soutern Nisenan such an account. Another Uintah denied plant- 290Goddard, Life and Culture of the Hupa, ing. A Lemhi Shoshone, who had visited many UC-PAAE 1:37, 1903; Kroeber, Handbook, p. 88; tribes, planted tobacco near Yellowstone, but Harrington, Tobacco Among the Karok, BAE-B 94: as a poor crop "brought on his death" the prac- 78-79, 1932. tice did not become tribal. CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 1? denials are chiefly along the eastern edge have a Pima-Papago or Sonoran type which has he Shoshonean area. The bulk of the Basin spread to a few adjacent Yumans: the tobacco is .the part nearer California burns almost fully integrated into agricultural practices; it adly. There is no reference to sowing or is completely farmed. However, all these tribes ing; all the references are specifically to sometimes used wholly wild tobacco also. The tobacco; it is merely recognized that this Papago distinguished the two kinds and preferred more abundantly after a fire, so fires are the domesticated. The practice is obviously part of the espread one, followed also in most of Cali- Origins of cultivation.--What is most interest- ia, of setting fires to promote the yield ing in this Southwestern region of agriculture is food seeds: brush is destroyed, annuals that, except in the vicinity of the Gila, tobacco ive for a year or two.31 Here then we have was treated as a nonagricultural plant, and was ustom which may have played a part in the either left wholly to nature to provide or was nelopment of the California sowing practice. given the makeshift assistance provided by some Ithat was essentially needed to complete the of the California nonfarming groups. As regards elopment was the added deliberate sprinkling tobacco, and tobacco alone, a Zuni had the atti- .seeds, instead of leaving this to the acci- tude that we might expect from a Hupa or Karok, st of nature.32 However, this addition might these the attitude expectable in a Zuni. The in- 1 have represented a long step, a difficult evitable question arises, what, if anything, has ovation--not indeed as we look back upon it tobacco to do with native American agriculture, farming habits that have become taken for either historically or functionally, in its as- ted, but from the point of view of accus- sociations? ed attitudes and established motor habits in To a degree this problem has been recognized arming cultures. Therefore it remains at heretofore, in the tobacco-planting addiction of 8t possible that the impetus to make the in- the buffalo-hunting Crow, and in the Haida- ating addition did come from some knowledge Tlingit planting. But the mass of wider data now food farming elsewhere. available through the element survey poses the 4. SOUTHWEST. Finally we have tobacco grow- question more sharply and insistently. in the area of agriculture. Here we must If we are to think at all of tobacco growing stinguish three types of practice: being historically associated with native food (a). Wild tobacco was smoked by all South- farming, the one patent linkage on United States tern tribes. Some used only the wild. These soil is in the Gila area, among the Pima-Papago. the Yuma, Cocopa, Walapai; westerly Navaho; Now these people are nothing but the northern ricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla, and Lipan frontiersmen, best preserved through recent his- che; Zuni, Santa Ana, and San Ildefonso torical events such as the Mexican War and Gadsden lbos; besides the nonfarming southern Cali- Purchase, of a large group or nationality that nia Yumans and Shoshoneans. extended far into Sonora or beyond it. Here, in (b). Certain tribes "planted" wild tobacco northwest Mexico, if our American Pima and Papago the open country; that is, sprinkled its are fair representatives--and Drucker's Yaqui ds where it volunteered, and nowhere else. data suggest it--the association of tobacco with se were the easterly Navaho ("where the seeds agriculture seems to have been a fact. And from re found"), the Walpi Hopi ("wild seeds scat- here may have radiated two streams of influence: ed .in autumn"), 5 Western Apache groups one to the Pueblos and Apaches, who took over where it grew, not on the farm"). tobacco usage without its farming associations; (c). True farming, like that.of corn, was the other to California, where some idea of sow- ited to a few groups: the Mohave, Maricopa, ing penetrated and was retained. We are here en- theastern Yavapai, Pima, Papago; plus the tering the possibility of a chain of hypotheses qui. The Mohave, Pima, and Yaqui planted in which I prefer explicitly not to develop. It ted-down "basins"; the Papago in "pits" in does appear to be sound to believe that if North d tanks, as for dry-season maize.33 The American tobacco growing is to be derived from ui further transplanted. Here we evidently general agriculture, the association can only be 31For the Northern Paute, 0. Stewart directly worked out with reference to the Gila-Sonora re- sociates burning for food seeds with burning gion, or Mexico beyond it, as the critical area. tobacco, but has burning for seeds affirmed 4 fewer groups. The 50 Basin Shoshonean Chewing and eating.--The chewing or eating of oup all smoked tobacco, by the way. tobacco was practiced, as has long been known, in 32That-in timbered northern California and two separate areas: part of the Northwest Coast, gon the burning usually centered around a log and central California (map 10). In both, tobacco stump instead of extending over a field is or a substitute was mixed for chewing with burnt- 33T Y i h shell lime. The two areas differ in that for the Thenl Yarmaingwh arie the ohnly nonfarming Northwest Coast it appears that the plant used xdoast "in ashes," which suggests type (b) was not tobacco, the mixture was chewed, and smok- thr than true farm-planting. ing was unknown. In California, true tobacco was 18 ANTEROPOLOGICAL RECORDS employed, it was eaten rather than chewed, and tobacco, water added, the mixture dried till hard smoking was in vogue alongside of eating. The and kept. A sickish person might grind and dis- principal facts follow: solve and eat a piece. Usually four or five men According to Drucker's list and notes, the and women gathered in evening, prepared sufficie Northwest Coast plant was probably not tobacco, mixture, and tasted it by licking off a partly is said by the Indians not to grow wild, and is immersed round-ended cylindrical stone. Some vomited from this, others only hiccoughed. Then therefore no longer determinable. It was chewed, host covered whole stone by dipping and smearing by both men and women, among the Haida, Tlingit, with fingers, licked it off, repeating as often and Tsimshian-Gitskyan. The Tsimshian traded as he wished, and went off to vomit; the rest it from the Tlingit and Haida. These two groups followed; then all went home to sleep. A nightl grew it; but the Tlingit imported Haida seed. practice by some.--This accords excellently with The "tobacco" was ground in a mortar and mixed Garc6s's account of 1776 for the Kitanemuk. with burned shell. The Chilkat sometimes sub- Driver, Mono, Yokuts, etc., generally. Lime stituted ashes; the southern Tlingit, crabapple from burned fresh-water mussel; mixed in tobacco leaves; the Gitskyan, dried salmon eggs. Among Among 2 Owens ValleylPaitde ald3 at vision quest all Kwakiutl, Bella Coola, and Nutka divisions shone groups, women chewed without swallowing; the chewing habit did not obtain. The Skidegate men not mentioned. Haida informant affirmed that the cultivated J. Steward, 2 Owens Valley groups and 3 Sho- "tobacco" was also smoked; the China Hat Kwakiutl shone (Death Valley, Beatty, Lida). Practice one, that yew leaves were smoked in wooden tubes. called chewing; eating not mentioned; primarily Drucker doubts both statements; but in view of women chew. Admixture: lime (1 inft.: burned yew being smoked by some of the Gulf of Georgia shell), burned rock (limestone ?), or wood ash. Salish, the Kwakiutl statement may be correct. (Shells are scarce in this desert tract.) In California, eating with lime was practiced by all groups reported on by Harrington and It appears from the preceding two accounts th Driver, namely the Costano, Salinan, Chumash, in the small extension district east of the Sier Fernande-no-Gabrielino on the coast, the Mono, Nevada the practice was usual only among women Yokuts, Thbatulabal, Kawaiisu, Kitanemuk, Owens was weakened from swallowing to chewing; men see Valley Paiute, and Panamint-Shoshone in the in- to have smoked in this subarea, except when they terior. J. Steward confirms for Owens Valley specifically wanted an emetic. and the Shoshone of Death Valley, and adds the Shoshone of near-by Beatty and Lida. Aginsky Historic relations of chewing.--Are the North- adds two local groups of Miwok. This makes a west and California customs connected historical solid block of tribes from the Sierra Nevada to The question must be left open. Connection can the sea and from San Francisco and Merced River certainly not be proved at present. The geograp on the northwest to Los Angeles, Tehachapi, and cal gap is great--half the length of California, Death Valley on the southeast. Outside this Oregon, Washington, most of British Columbia. area, the practice is consistently denied: as by practices are really far from alike: tobacco as the Pomo, Maidu-Nisenan, Northern Paiute, Sho- against an unknown plant, swallowing as against shone (except the southern bands mentioned), chewing, smoking also present as against absent. Southern Paiute, Serrano, Cahuilla, and other The common elements are only three: sowing of a southern Californians. plant, mixing with lime, and taking into the mou The only denial within the area is by the In this connection, it must be remembered that Bankalachi Tiibatulabal, probably an error of the California areas of planting and eating over memory; and for the San Joaquin Mono at Auberry. lap but do not coincide. All the northern plant- Aginsky gives the following distribution along ing tribes--in a full half of the area--did not the northern border. Chukchansi Yokuts, tobacco chew. Of the chewing tribes, none of the coasta eaten "with shell" and also unmixed. San Joaquin ones planted. Yokuts now at Friant, eaten inmixed. Northfork If we knew more about the process of cultural Mono, eaten with lime. Southern Miwok of loss, the abandonment of arts and customs--an Ahwahnee, same as Chukchansi. Southern Miwok of event that appears to have occurred thousands of Groveland, tobacco eaten unmixed. Six groups of times in history, and usually silently--we might Central, Northern, and Plains Miwok, all eating formulate an answer to the problem of connection denied, or not reacted to. This would affiliate of Northwest and California. Planting, eating, the Southern Miwok with the eaters, all the other and smoking are associated in the San Joaquin V Miwok with the noneaters. ley. If we are ready to assume these as having To the rule that the eating tribes also smoked, once been an actual, historical, functioning uni there is no significant exception. two of the elements--planting and smoking--carry Some accounts from the notes follow: us to the Columbia, and one--smoking, of yew and arbutus in a tobaccoless region--extends to the Aginsky, Southern Miwok of Ahwabnee. Tobacco northern Salish, leaving only modern Kwakiutl ground in a special mortar. Shells from San territory to be crossed before the planting-chew Joaquin Valley burned until soft, ground with the ing tribes of the north are reached. With a few CULTURE ELEM. DISTRIB.: XV--KROEBER: SALT, DOGS, TOBACCO 19 ibal shifts invoked during a thousand Foothill Maidu and Nisenan. 0. Stewart confirms tve have complete connection established. the Eastern Achomawi and adds the Washo. The ble is that we have made two assump- Wintu, Wintun, Valley Patwin and Maidu, and Yana ^ first, of a one-time unit complex; and did not offer. of a series of varying partial losses. Aginsky reports offerings only from 2 Northern inst this, the explanation of separate Miwok groups, and from the San Joaquin Yokuts; makes only one assumption: that of the Driver positively only from the Tachi, Choinimni, tly documented strength and variety of Kocheyali, Paleuyami, and Bankalachi, with con- tural impulses toward experimentation, tradictory statements (elements 1212, 2297) from ion, and fashion change. In the present 7 other Yokuts and Shoshonean groups. Harrington |as in so many others, we are simply left adds ITezeflo, Barbareffo, and Ventureno Chumash, 8s in the choice between the alternatives. Kitanemuk, and Gabrielino. Drucker does not have the element except as ual use of tobacco.--The ceremonial use of "offering for hunting luck" (no. 1972), with af- o was widespread in North America, and of firmatives limited to Cahuilla (3 groups) and L found expression in many connections. Chemehuevi. His Yuman-Piman lists also do not ur western area, two points only will be contain the abstract element. There are the fol- ed: the use of tobacco as an offering, and lowing: 2008, preserved scalp fed tobacco and istic associations. Offerings and shaman- meal, Papago; 2544, mourning-ceremony ramada has e universal in the area; particular ritu- tobacco offering put in post-holes, Akwa'ala; e likely to be local, so that an associa- 3233, food, tobacco, or arrows put on trailside or nonassociation of tobacco with the offering places, Pima, Papago, Mohave. This is Fr is likely to be more significant than an area of smoke rather than tobacco being offered. v-the latter. The same holds for the Apache and Pueblo for whom Gifford's lists are silent on the point. Through- ering.--There are two principal forms in out the Basin, too, offerings are reported very tobacco can be offered: either the material sporadically: one Southern Ute group; the San Juan Wf or the smoke. Navaho; the Ash Meadows Southern Paiute and Beatty one who has dealt with the northwest Cali- Shoshone, both close to California; and three dans must have been impressed by the fre- Northern Paiute bands, one near Winnemucca, Nevada, y with which they offer tobacco to the and two in Oregon, on Malheur and Owyhee rivers. i, woge, or ikhareya spirits. A pinch To sum up, the ritual offering of tobacco as a ased into the air, or blown off the palm, substance crops up sporadically almost anywhere, .,appropriate words of gift and request. but is definitely rare except in one area which ington has pointed out how with character- stretches from the Oregon coast to Los Angeles c stinginess the Karok generally give the (map 11). This is also the area of tobacco plant- its crumbled tobacco stalks but smoke the ing by nonfarming tribes; or, more exactly, this es themselves. plus most of the additional territory in which Wriverts lists add to the three classic tribes tobacco was eaten. Moreover, the region in which Wiyot and Tolowa as blowing or throwing to- offerings are most abundantly mentioned, and in o; also the Kato; and the Chimariko, Non- which the manipulation of blowing or tossing into and Sinkyone as making offerings other the air is specified, namely northwest California by smoke. Putting of tobacco into the fire and the Oregon coast, is also the region in which ecords for the Tolowa, Yurok, Hupa; and at all local groups plant and sometimes tend their stance the Kato; the other tribes denied crop with definite care. Where the planting the north, on the Oregon coast, Barnett habit has a more tenuous hold as shown by local a bo the north, on the Oregon coast, Barnett practice varying, as along the flank of the Sierra d all tribes making offerings by toSSing into Nevada, the offering habit has an equally variable occurrence and hold. The immediate Sacramento lo the south, Essene did not inquire into the Valley neither plants nor offers. We are there- ent among Lassik and Yuki. Gifford got 9 fore justified in construing the two practices as s of tobacco offering among 16 Pomo groups; linked functionally and historically. The pat- Lake Miwok and Hill Patwin.34 Six Pomo terns for both are either decisive and specific, ps specify burning; a seventh, Yokaia, the or informal and unreinforced by much emotional northerly, threw it about. sanction, or limited and rare in their applica- o the east, offering tribes are: Shasta, tion, or totally absent, in very nearly the same c, Atsugewi, Eastern Achomawi, Mountain and array of societies. It is not difficult to see the common factor 4This is not a scattering distribution: the in attitude where the double pattern is strong. thern and coastal Pomo do not offer, the cen- Tobacco is obtained in a special and formal way, 1, southern, and eastern do, and the Lake*** k and Hill Patwin adjoin these. However, it iS offered in a special and formal way, it is Kato are now left isolated and under a bit prescribed to be smoked in almost every formalized, suspicion. elaborate religious activity. 20 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Tobacco in shamanism.--A strong and wide- smoke on patient"; "curing by exorcising: smok spread association of tobacco-smoking with sha- over patient"; "general doctor amokes to diag- manism is evident in the lists. It is virtually nose"; "blows smoke over patient." Every trib universal south and east of the Columbia.35 in the area admitted one or several of these. North of that stream, in the interior, the prac- They are the Mexican Diegueno, Akwa'ala, Cocop tice extends as far as the upper Fraser. Among Mohave, Walapai, Yavapai, Maricopa, Pima, Pap ' tribes here that had no tobacco, the shamans Yaqui; also the Shivwits Paiute. What varies" smoked kinnikinnick; thus the Klikitat, Tenino, the purpose of the smoke-blowing, or the stage Umatilla, Kalispel, Coeur d'Alene.36 of treatment at which it is introduced. In general, the list entry is simply: "shaman This means that curing by smoke blowing is smokes," the context indicating that he smoked standard practice among the southern Californi while acting as shaman, not merely that shamans Shoshoneans, all Yumans, a few Southern Paiute as well as laymen smoked. As no further items bands adjacent to the Yumans, the Piman-Sonor are added in any northern list, it can be as- peoples. This is also more or less the area i sumed that the doctor smoked during a cure, or which blowing of breath or saliva on the patie in preparation for it, to strengthen his power. has previously been reported. The basis of th In the San Joaquin Valley, Driver and Aginsky pattern evidently is blowing as such; tobacco have the entry "doctor blows tobacco smoke." smoke was presumably included secondarily, The occurrences are: Plains Miwok; 1 of 4 North- smoking being already a part of shamanistic pe ern Miwok groups, 1 of 2 Southern; Auberry and formance.37 Woponuch Mono; Chukchansi, San Joaquin, Nutunutu, With Gifford's Apache-Pueblo list the sham Yaudanchi, Yauelmani, Paleuyami (6 out of 12 smoke-blowing on the patient drops out, not Yokuts bands); Bankalachi; Owens Valley Paiute through oversight, since his note 2907 mention of Independence and Bishop (Steward does not it for the Papago, but evidently because the have the entry in his lists for Owens Valley). Athabascans did not have the practice. Instea This is definitely scattering; but it must be there appears "tobacco in shaman's equipment." admitted that the item is vague: one can hardly This was affirmed by 7 Apache bands, denied by smoke without blowing smoke. (San Carlos and Ollero), not asked of the Tont In southern California, the custom of the and Navaho. Cibecue, White Mountain, Warm Spr doctor's blowing smoke specifically over the Huachuca, Llanero smoked variously before "si patient appears. Two Mountain Dieguefno groups ing," "curing," or "treating"; the Southern Ut denied the practice. All other informants in "before sucking"; blowing was mentioned only b southern California affirmed it. So do the the Papago informant. Chemehuevi and Yuma. In Drucker's Arizona list, In the Great Basin, Steward and Stewart fo the item is multiple: "sucking doctor blows shamans smoking in curing everywhere. In brief, then, wherever tobacco is smoked, 35The Kalapuya doctor smoked; for the Chinook, the shaman smokes it as part of his curing tre the entry is blank. ment; and the practice even extends a little b 36The Kittitas, Sanpoil, Flathead, Kutenay, yond the occurrence of true tobacco, substitut Lillooet, and probably the Wenatchi, Thompson, materials being used. The only notable specif and Shuswap shamans smoked tobacco. variant is the addition of smoke being blown o 37The Pima and Papago also blew smoke to the patient among Southern Californians, Yuman purify the warrior who had slain a foe. Pimans, and Sonorans.