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Occurrence of constituents in fifty Lovelock Cave coprolites Entrance Interior Specimens Specimens Plant (n=20) (n=30) Pinus monophylla, seeds 1 3 Equisetum sp., spores - 1 Typha latifolia, seeds, fiber 19 16 Distichlis stricta, seeds, fiber 5 6 Elymus triticoides, seeds, fiber 5 10 Sporobolus asperifolius seeds - 1 Panicum capillare, seeds 1 - Phragmites communis fiber - 2 Eleocharis cf. palustris, seeds - 2 Scirpus robustus, achenes, fiber 19 30 Scirpus sp., achenes, tuber 0 1 Juncus sp., seeds, fiber 0 1 Rumex cf. utahensis, seeds 0 2 Atriplex sp., seeds 5 8 Salsola cf. kali, pollen 1 0 Suaeda sp., seeds, fiber 6 2 Amaranthus sp., seeds, pollen 0 2 Stellaria sp., seeds 1 2 Chaenactus sp., seeds 0 1 Mentzelia gracilis, seeds 0 1 Unidentified plant remains: Charcoal 9 13 Twigs 2 1 Pollen 1 3 Roots 0 1 Tubers 5 1 Stem, leaves 18 27 84 Table 1 (Continued) Entrance Interior Specimens Specimens Animal (n=20) (n=30) Molluscs Gyraulus sp., shell 3 6 Stagnicola sp., shell 1 2 Insects Anthrenus sp., body parts 7 11 Ptinus sp., body parts 2 6 Fish Catostomus tahoe scales, bones 1 1 Gila (=Siphateles) bicolor, scales, bones 13 15 Rhinichthys osculus robustus, scales, bones 4 0 Birds Colymbus sp., feathers 2 0 Pelecanus cf. erythrorhynchos, feathers 1 0 Nycticorax sp., feathers 1 0 Chen hyperborea, feathers 1 0 Anas sp., feathers, bones 1 0 Nyroca cf. valisineria, feathers 1 0 Fulica americana, feathers, bones 7 0 Mammals Ursus americanus, hair 0 1 Bassaricus astutus nevadensis, hair 0 3 Canis latrans, hair 1 4 Citellus sp., hair 0 1 Eutamias sp., hair 0 1 Peromyscus cf. maniculatus, hair 1 0 Lepus cf. americanus, hair, bone 1 0 Sylvilagus sp., hair 1 0 Odocoileus hemionus, hair 1 2 Antilocapra americana, hair 1 0 Ovis canadensis, hair 1 0 Human Homo sapiens, hair 6 7 85 Table 2 Approximate seasonal availability of sample constituents of the Lovelock Cave Entrance and Interior coprolites Constituent Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avifauna. ^ * I. * Anas spp. flock nest t.nigrate Fulica americana nesting matVre Chen hyperborea nest hatch mature Fauna - Bassariscus astutus Canis latrans prime fur. Antilocapra americana... young z.. migrate Ovis canadensis Fish Siphateles bicolor spawn peak .' - R. osculus robustus spawn C. tahoensis . spawn mature,.:.- Gastropods . ,, Gyraulus sp. * Stagnicola sp. Insect Odonata . . mature Siphonaptera Diptera . maximum Coleoptera . .. Flora Typha latifolia pollen seed Distichlis stricta seed ;., . Elymus triticoides Panicum capillare Phragmites communis *. :: Scirpus robustus .;. . tubers seed ..:: Atriplex spp. seed.. Suaeda spp. . seed ..-. Scirpus nevadensis tuber. (?) * Note: The density of the shading indicates the months of maximum avail- ability of the coprolite constituents listed in column one. 86 C4 JJ O *,4 O r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*e- N- a)~~~~~ U ~~~~CO) 4Ja 4JQ W 4 _- O PO a r . CO) CO Id O 44 CU M# Ha) 0 CO ' : 4) C O r4 0- 4 4.J *CO)4-J MCO), 0~ CO *U) CO r4 * H CO U 4 Q 0 Q) ) 0 1CO4 4-) 0 ,d 4i 4-' Q) Od ) 3 Q) c: CO) CO 'i M4-JPO P- I0 . -4 0 CO) t-l'--1 *M - 4 ,44J CO 0 O 0 O --- CO PO 4 r X* QX4 O 04 a) )p. .>ci LWO a4 Q O r C H CUH 0 CO c) 0 0 0) " 0-4 * W I44 4-4U 0 -I- *o) * . ) 0t44-J 4J ) , o tU . * U4 0 a 0 U) a c) COU4-i cUd 4 .0 A d Pd 0 b 0 "_ 0 M 4 ~ 0 IiO011 4-4 4C *H4CU 4iO -4 0 O HS4 4 - S.' U ) ) 0 3CU 04 W a) O i *-I .s:: X 4 n < o o 9 < O-4 SJ a W ) 4 c U4 PO 0 00 0 U -44 $4 0 CU 0 ZC CAaa H 4 HCU4 CO CU *. 4J O 4$. a) 4-iC adC1), i CO 44-J4*d 4-4 Q) o '-4 C0 0 O 0 4.Ja)C) 0 a) 0aW W a) -H -4 4-J M -4 4-4 $4 a) h cU$4-a Oa4- ct a)..< a - bO C UU S~WJ 4i I4ad C ) -4 , r 4 ) Ca:0 .H0 a) ~ 0 0 ~ -4 4 uz < r U) (a bo H> - c Q) CO . 0 a4J 0 0U) O O CO W U) 4-4 4i0O CU 0 4 Q)H 4 .) L 4C ) o a) ct O *d4 a)4H, 4) 04 o J 0 4- A a Qo -4 i U) 40 4 P W 0-H Ca CUO a) C bO O '- 0 Ca4 a)Q 4O 0 4, 0 0 ) X - ~~cU~~ ~~40() CU 0) . 0) r-4 4 -H U) WJ a - C 4 0-4 4 * Ca t 4-i W W 0 Ca r* a)J 9: CO 0 Qj) r-4 C CU 0 CO 4 W Q) $-4) ( Ca t cn U4 E] ff X. C A .~ 0 S O Hr-4 I 4 .M 4 - CU * ) 0 a) Ca ) u- 4-O U0)Ca 0(-- bOCa 0) a) Ca4 ..It Q)O ) 0 4 ) C) 0 n - Qa) Ca 1 Go C. GQ) C O C :: H cU X 0 :: * H 0 I i C H ) 4 U) 4 Q)aU) X4 0 C Q) b4 Q)H C) 4- Q CI) Q _ U4 i El o - CO cr 0 Q) -z 4 W 4 - O H bOUCar4 O 4 0 _ C-) c OaQ 4I 0 C. P4 UM Ql) CO - ZEX 87 ci 14. 0)A z .9~~~~ It. zZ44 0(0 W U) cr r c. )C/ W U) o LL it (0 w~~~:X 0 0 0 ~~~~~~W 4 > U)~~~~~( CLL~ :X 0~~~~~~~~~~0 0 0 lr~~~~~~~~ 4~~~ W~ 0~~~~~ > U)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D\~~~ FigureW 88~~~~~ PLATE 1: Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18); as seen from the Humboldt Lake bed level near NV-Ch-18 and NV-PE-5. View looking south toward West Humboldt Range. Lovelock Cave is located right of center. Lake Lahontan beach lines traverse slopes above the cave formation. Note Atriplex association in foreground. June 1968. PLATE 2: Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18): Exterior rockshelter, view toward the west. September 1968. Length of scale is three feet. Location of "Entrance" coprolites lower left center. PLATE 3: Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18): Interior of cave, view toward the west. Note smoke-stained ceiling. Cave entrance to right side of picture. PLATE 4: Stillwater Marsh, Nevada, October 1968. Bulrush (Scirpus americanus) and rushes (Juncus sp.) are visible in foreground. View toward the south. 89 Plate 1 Plate 2 90 Plate 3 Plate 4 91 PLATE 5: Human coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18). Weight of upper specimen: 59.8 grams. Weight of lower specimen: 54.8 grams. PLATE 6: Components of human coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18): Upper row: seed (Elymus triticoides); feathers (Fulica americana); bulrush seed (Scirpus robustus). Middle row: cattail seed (Typha latifolia)'; fishbone (Gla [Siphateles] bicolor); inkweed seed (Suaeda cf. depressa). Lower row: plant fiber; spheroids; charcoal. PLATE 7a: Side view of modern (circa 1924) canvasback duck decoy, skin mounted over tule form, length 14 1/2 inches. Northern Paiute, Stillwater, Nevada (Heye Foundation 13-4189). (Loud and Harrington 1929:181; Pl.59:a). PLATE 7b: Bottom view 'of specimen shown above'(13-4189). 92 Plate 5 m + :~~ ~~~. @** CU 1 12 13 lX S 16 Ir 18 19 1l Plate 6 93 Plate 7a Plate 7btXt 94 . .... PLATE 8a: Side view of tule body of duck decoy from Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18), 12 1/4 inches long. Found in Pit No. 12 (Loud and Harrington 1929: 114; 176, Pl.33:a; see also P1.7). (Heye Foundation 13-4153). PLATE 8b: Bottom view-of specimen shown above (13-4513). PLATE 9a: Side view of decoy of canvasback duck made of tule and rush, covered with feathers and paint, 11 inches long (Heye Foundation 13-4512). (Loud and Harrington 1929:176, P1. 34:b). PLATE 9b: Bottom view of duck decoy from Humboldt Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-35) covered with skin and feathers. (Top view of specimen is shown in Heizer and Krieger 1956:177,Pl.28:a). Note the similarity between details of this specimen and the modern Northern Paiute decoy shown in the same aspect in Plate 7a. 95 Plate 8a .. __ - =_ .S ./.f ?.kA.: 2 57,, ,: 2sto rm.Vis23 >i:\.bi'; ^F 'E' Eiov ;.:st.'e; .......... :.'.v. ^ z >.' .