A C ionference 'ehind Mny itsks' Geral Berremain and Berkeley Anthropology 1959200 Friday, April 6, 2001, 8:30 AMN to 5:15 PMN Si'bley Auditoriumm, Bechtel Hal 2nd Floor Organized by the Kroeber Anthropological Society and the Anthropology Graduate Organization for Research and Action, with support from the Department of Anthropology, the Hearst MNuseum of Anthropology, the Center for South Asia Studies, and the Institute for the Study of Social Change. 362 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 89/90 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 8:30am -9:00am 9:00am -9:05am 9:05am -10:35am 9:05-9:20 9:20-9:35 9:035-9:50 9:50-10:05 10:05-10:20 10:20-10:35 10:35am -10:45am 10:45am -12:00pm 10:45-1 1:00 11:000-11:15 11:15-11:030 11:30-11:045 11:45-12:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST SOCIAL WELCOME BY KATHERINE MACKINNON, PRESIDENT OF KAS FIRST SESSION: SOUTH ASIAN ANTHROPOLOGY Chaired by Triloki Padey Joseph Alter, Historical Magicalism: Leisure Capitalism, Commodity Fetishism and the Transforrnation of Manure into Milk in the Lower Himalayas Pauline Kolenda, Premo:- Innocenlt at Home Isabelle Nabokov, The First Born: An 'Untouchable' Myth of Origin from South India Erin Moore, Competing Ideologies:. Moral Discourse in a Rajasthani Village Kam ala Viswaswaren, Toward a Subaltern History of Class Gautam Ghosh, Thie India That Should Have Been BREAK SECOND SESSION: SOCL4,L INEQUALITY Chaired by Joseph Alter Roberto Gonzalez, Anthropology Departments and Underrepresented Minorities: Graduate Student Enrollment and Faculty Hiring at the 'Top Ten' Robert Fletcher Manlove, Social Inequality in Urban Phillipines John Ogbu, Ascribed Inequality and Public Policy Roziah Omar, Gender and Aging in Malaysia Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Mixed Feelings: Dealing with 'Spoiled Identities' in the New South Africa-Voices from the Cape Coloured and Kagga Kamma San Communities 12:00pm -1:00m LUNCH Appendix A Original Conference Program 363 1:00pm - 2:15pm 1 :00-1: 15 1: 15-1:30 1:30-1:45 1 :45-2:00 2:00-2: 15 2: 15-2:30 2:,30pm - 2:45pm 2:45pm - 4:, 15pm 2:45-3:00 3:00-3: 15 3: 15-3:30 3:030-3:45 3:45-4:00 4:00-4:15 4: 15pm - 4:30pm 4:30pm - 5:15pm 1TEIRD SESSION: 'THEl POLITICS OF TRUTH': ETIHICS, RESPONSIB ITIY AND ACTIVISM Chaired by Conn Hallinan Donna Brasset-Shearer, Go Tell It on the Mountain: Gerry Berreman and the Politics of Truth Kathryn Forbes, Hijacking Free Speech in the CSU Vijaya Nagarajan, Hugging Trees in North India: The Chipko Movement, The Politics of Truth and Berreman Deborah Pruitt, Teaching Introductory Anthropology: Comments on Advocacy and Social Action Mark Pedelty, Optimism of the Will: Applying the Work of Gerry Berreman to Questions of Educational Inequality Charles Underwood and Jelani Mahin', Behind the Mask of Technology: Educational Inequality and the Pedagogy of Hope BREAK FOURT'H SESSION: OTHER REFLECTIONS Chaired by Lucile Newman Chris Kefer, Unmausking Anthropology for Health Professionals Clark Taylor, The Social Construction of HIVISTD Prevention Technology: Are Topical Microbicides (Liquid Condoms) Being Poured Down the Drain? Lisa Handwerker, Social Inequality Pervades: T5he ImplicXi"ons of Huiman Cloning and Germline Therapy for Women and Womens' Health Terry Haynes, Ethical Issues and Subsistence Research in Alaska Keiko Yamnla Transnational Activism for Local Survival:- A Nepalese Visa-Overstayers' Community in Japan John Ratcliffe, Gerry Berreman: Super Mentor BREAK CONCLUDING SESSION: A PARTICIEPATORY CONVERSATION WITH GERALD BERREMAN Mark Pedelty, Interlocutor 5: 15pm - 5:30pm BREAK 364 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 89/90 5:30pm - 8:15pm RECEPTION: In the Courtyard of the Phoebe Hearst (formerly Lowie) Museum of Anthropology, I st Floor Kroeber Hall, If Weather Permits. If Weather Prohibits, then the I1st Floor Atrium of the red brick 'Archeological Research Facility' building behind Boalt Law School. Kent Lightfoot, Master of Ceremonies Music by "Mariachi Oro" (featuring Roberto Gonzalez) !