:Kroeber Anthr:opolzogica-l Soci:ety Papers Number-88, 2002 Kroeber Anthropological SocietyPapers No. 88, 2002:.: T ~~--o ;-- ti okc mcSAt Reflections on Citical Work as, an Acamic Anthropologist Hans Baer r ' --- 0 0 'T~ ~C as 1 ' '00 on, '',,' ' '' ', ,' " Rethinking Emic Pottery Classficat'ion -Scott R. Hutson and Robert Markens- - 8 From Immigrant to Citizen thirough State-Run Education: ':The Symbolic Structure of Public Education In Argentina During -theWave of MassItaian 'Immigrafion-(1880-'1920,s)- '' Marisa L. Wilson ' 28 The GwembeValley_-201 The Localiand teGlobal Elizabeth C61son' Hom~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~{;-e in -I--n-.; ;ti' - T;s Xongodory and Homeland Manipulating Identity in a Mul-ti-Ethnicl Region -Katerine R.-Metz 61 WesternmUniversalsmandthe Suburbsof Humanity A 'Commntary on 9/1 1 Mondher Kilan' (Susan -Ervin-Tripp,trans) -7 A Descripton of Two VNersions of Domestic Space by Three South Asian Women - Anoma Pieris 9 The "'Africa-Rest of 'the World" Hypothesis :in Evolutioary. Anthropology: ATheeoretical Analysis ' ' 109 '-Lansna Keita 1W Book Reviews " ' ' ' ' 120 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Number 88 C 2002 Kroeber Anthropological Society: Production and Layout: Ivan Arenas John Ertl Angela Jenks Cheryl Smith Editorial Committee: Ivan Arenas Angela Jenks Linda Coco Saul Mercado John Ertl Peter Rawitscher Liza Grandia Cheryl Smith Fouzieyha Towghi Special thanks to Sabrina Soracco for editorial advising KAS Officers: President: Liza Grandia Vice President: Angela Jenks Treasurer: Analiese Richard Secretary/Circulation Manager: Saul Mercado Production Coordinator: Ivan Arenas Subscription: Starting with number 86, subscription to the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers will be based on an annual fee which includes three volumes per academic year (fall, winter, spring). Subscription rates for students are $30 and for all other individuals and institutions are $60 per year. All foreign subscribers should add $10 to those rates for shipping and handling. Back issues are available at $10 per volume, plus $2 shipping and handling for U.S. addresses and $4 for international addresses. Checks should be made to the Kroeber Anthropological Society and sent to the address at the bottom. Please contact the KAS for questions about reprints and copyright fees. Information for authors: Founded in 1949, the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is the oldest graduate student-run Anthropology publication in the United States. We publish articles in the general field of anthropology (and all its subdisciplines) which are of theoretical, descriptive, or practical interest. We welcome submissions by anthropology students, faculty, and professionals. All submissions for our general volumes are evaluated through a blind peer review process. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the style guide used by the American Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copy of the manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 31/2" diskette formatted for either Mac or DOS, text should be in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or plain (ASCII) text format. Email submissions are acceptable, but should be followed up with two hard copies sent by regular mail. All inquiries, submissions, and subscriptions should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-3710 E-mail: kas@sscl.berkeley.edu Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 88, 2002 Contents: Reflections on Critical Work as an Academic Anthropologist Hans Baer ....................................................................1 Rethinking Emic Pottery Classification Scott R. Hutson and Robert Markens ................................................................... 8 From Immigrant to Citizen through State-Run Education: The Symbolic Structure of Public Education in Argentina during the Wave of Mass Italian Immigration (1880- 1920s) Marisa L. Wilson ................................................................... 28 The Gwembe Valley-2001: The Local and the Global Elizabeth Colson ................................................................... 50 Xongodory and Homeland: Manipulating Identity in a Multi-Ethnic Region Katherine R. Metzo ................................................................... 61 Western Universalism and the Suburbs of Humanity: A Commentary on 9/11 Mondher Kilani (Susan Ervin-Tripp, trans.) ............................................................. 77 A Description of Two Versions of Domestic Space by Three South Asian Women Anoma Pieris ................................................................... 92 The "Africa-Rest of the World" Hypothesis in Evolutionary Anthropology: A Theoretical Analysis Lansana Keita ........................................................... 109 Book Reviews ........................................................... 120