Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 0 Number 83, 1998 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 83, 1998 General Issue Table of Contents Cities in Turmoil and Transition: The Continuity of Trier and Regensburg between the LaLte': Roman Empire and the Early Middle Ages .......................... - -5 Milena Benees, University of Chicago' The Califomia Archaeological Survey of 1948 - 1949: An Institutional History -of its Founding 22........................ -....;.;.22.... Pauil H. Fagette, Jr., Ark-anisas State University Jose Gregorio Hemandez: A Chameleonic Presence in the Eye of-the Medical Huricane ..................... . ; 37 \ \ Francisco Ferra6ndiz, UniversidadAutonorna del Estado de Morelos Gendered Narratives: Batswana Women's Perspectives on Marriage, Law and Property ................57.. . .......... ... 57 - Anne.Griffiths, Faculty of Law, Edinburgh University Prayers for Women, Dominoes for Men:; Gender and Power in San Francisco de Macanao, Venezuela .......................................... 73 ....-.> Patricia C. Mdrqutez, IESA POBA International Postmodemism and Anthropology: Conflict or Cooperation9 .87 Michael Oldanii, Uniiversity of Wisconxsin, Milwau1kee A Note on Chiricahua Apache War-Path Language................................ .... 06. Tony Webster, New Mexico State University The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. Number 83 ?-- 1998 Kroeber Anthropological Societ - Editorial Committee: Erik Lind-Harms. Marshelle Jones. David Kojan, Rachael Stp' ker. Caitlin Zaloom Prinntd-.b CopY World. San Francisco. CA -Membership:, Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological-Societv. Dues for student -members .are S18.00. for regular members (including instititions) are S20 00. and all foreign subscribers S27.00 in US currency. Back issues fthe Papers ae available for $10.00 per issue0plus S9.O0 Fhipping and handling in the United States. Mexico and Canada foreign orders should add S4.00 shipping and - handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Ihformation for authors: The-Kroeber-Anthropological Society publishes articles in the-general teld' of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical mterest, the Papers welcome decopptive studies putting factual _ inforfiation on record and historical documents of anthropological i-nterest. The societv welcomes student research papers of high quality. Submitted papers should not gNceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the-stvle used by the AmerieanAnthropologi al Association. Two paper - copies and one computer copy of the manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies-should'be on 3.5"' Floppy disk. text should-be in WordPerfect. MicrsoftW ord.dor plain (ASCIItIext format. Email submissions are acceptable, buit.should be followed up with regui'ar mail. All'inquiries should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological' Society Department of Anthropology Universit of California Berkeley. CA 94720--3710 email: k-asaqat - On the World Wide Web- (http:' Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 83, 1998 The Kroeber Anthropological Societv Papers. Number 83 6Cc 1998 Kroeber Anthropological Societv Editorial Committee: Erik Lind-Harms. Mfarshelle Jones. David Kojan, Rachael Strvk-er, Caitliz Zaloom Printed by Copy World. San Francisco. CA Mfembership: Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Dues for student members are SI 8.00. for regular members (including institutions) are $20.00. and all foreign subscribers S27.00 in US currency. Back issues of the Papers are available for $10.00 per issue plus $2.00 shipping and handling in the United States. Mexico, and Canada; foreign orders should add S4.00 shipping and handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Information for authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the style used by the Amedican Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copv of the manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 3.5" Floppy disk. text should be in WordPerfect. Microsoft Word, or plain (ASCII) text forrnat. Email submissions are acceptable. but should be followed up with regular mail. All inquiries should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley. CA 94720-3710 email: On the World Wide Web- (http:/'w\ Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 83, 1998 General Issue Table of Contents Cities in Turmoil and Transition: The Continuity of Trier and Regensburg between the Late Roman Empire and the Early Middle Ages ..................................................... 5 Milena Benes, University of Chicago The California Archaeological Survey of 1948 - 1949: An Institutional History of its Founding ..................................................... 22 Paul H. Fagette, Jr., Arkansas State University Jose Gregorio Hernandez: A Chameleonic Presence in the Eye of the Medical Hunicane ..................................................... 37 Francisco Ferracndiz, UniversidadAutonomna del Estado de Morelos Gendered Narratives: Batswana Women's Perspectives on Marriage, Law and Property ..................................................... 57 Anne Griffiths, Faculty of Law, Edinburgh University Prayers for Women, Dominoes for Men: Gender and Power in San Francisco de Macanao, Venezuela ..................................................... 73 Patricia C. Marquez, IESA POBA International Postmodernism and Anthropology: Conflict or Cooperation? .................................................... 87 Michael Oldani, University of Wisconsin, Milwautkee A Note on Chiricahua Apache War-Path Language ..................................................... 106 Tony Webster, New Mexico State University