150 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 82 Appendix A: Mollusk Data-Recording Protocol A. Catalog No. (P. A. Hearst Museum) B. Site No. C. Square (grid unit) D. Level: 1, 0-6"; 2,6-12"; 3,12-18"; 4,24- 30"; 5, 24-30"; 6, 30-36"; 7, 36-42"; 8, 42- 48". E. Genus and species F. Metric attributes: 1, length (mm); 2, width (mm); 3, weight (g). G. Age determination: 0, unknown; 1, adult; 2, juvenile. H. Lip thickness (mm); taken on gastropods only. 0, impossible to determine. I. Number of whorls (g) or growth rings (b). J. Habitat: 0, unknown; 1, beach sand slop- ing to reef platform; 2, muddy sand or reef; 3, sand patches on reef; 4, intertidal (rock, coral, trees); 5, intertidal sandy area or coral reef; 6, intertidal area of seaweed or weed- covered rocks; 7; terrestrial; 8, freshwater; 9, muddy shores; 10, mangrove swamp mud; 11, algal symbiotic bivalves on reef. K. Meat extraction patterns: 1, condition of shell (complete, broken); 2, percentage of shell remaining; 3, area of breakage (bi- valves: umbo, hinge, rim; gastropods: lip, apex, columella, spire, body whorl). L. Other shell modifications: 0, none; 1, burning; 2, grinding; 3, drilled holes; 4, flaked edge; 5, waterwom. APPENDIX B 151 APPENDIX B: Protocol for New Caledonian Diagnostic Sherd Analysis CASE NUMBER (1-7) The assigned five shell-rocker impressed; 08 - punctate; 09 - digit catalog number with the addition of a notching; 10 - end-tool impressed; 11 - sus- two place alphabetical notation to account for pension holes; 12 - crenate; 13 - cord im- grouped sherds with one catalog number. E.g. pressed; 14 - textile impressed; 15 - painted; 19481aa, 19481ab, 19481ac, etc. 16 - combed; 17 - carved paddle impressed; SITE NUMBER (8-10) Numerical site num- 18 - shell impressed ber. E.g. 013, 13a, 014, 026. SECONDARY FORM OF DECORATION GRID UNIT (11-14) The alphanumeric grid (24-25) Coding is the same as above. designation assigned by Gifford in his report. TEMPER TYPE (26-29) This is taken from This is shortened to exclude the hyphen. E.g. Hunt (1989) and is a multi-coded system.; 0 - Al/B 1, A2/B2. not determined; 1 - Calcareous sand; 2 - Dark EXCAVATION LEVEL (15-16) Surface = minerals; 3 - Light minerals (quartz) ; 4 - 00;0-6 in. = 01; 6-12 in. = 02; 12-18 in. = 03; Shell fragments; 5 - Olivine sand; 6 - Lithic, 18-24 in. = 04; 24-30 in. = 05; 30-36 in. = 06; i.e. rock fragments; 7 - Mica; 8 - grog; 9 - not 6-42 in. = 07; 42-48 in. = 08; 48-54 in. = 09; visible. The first space represents the most 54-60 in. = 10; 60-66 in. = 11; 6-72 in. = 12; frequently found temper, the second space, 72-78 in. = 13 the second most frequent and so on. SURFACE CONDITION (17) 1 - waterworn, BASIC RIM FORM (30) 0 - indeterminate; 1 otherwise heavily eroded; 2 - concretions - vertical; 2 - inverted; 3 - everted; 4 - up- present, waterwom; 3 - not waterwom or turned everted; 5 - upturned inverted eroded RIM THICKENING (31) 0 - indeterminate; 1 CARBONACEOUS RESIDUE (18) 1 - resi- - exterior only; 2 - interior only; 3 - divergent; due present; 2 - residue not present 4 - parallel; 5 - reduced SHERD FORM (19) 0 - indeterminate; 1 - RIM THICKENING POSITION (32) 0 - in- rim with lip; 2 - rim without lip; 3 - lip only; determinate; 1 - high; 2 - low; 3 - medial 4 - carination; 5 - body sherd; 6 - handle; 7 - LIP FORM ( 33-34) 00 - indeterminate; 01 - base; 8 - rim plus body; 9 - rim with lip and pointed; 02 - rounded; 03 - flat; 04 - body flat-rounded; 05 - outward beveled; 06 - in- VESSEL FORM (20-21) These vessel forms ward beveled; 07 - double-beveled; 08 - are also given vernacular names. 00 - indeter- grooved; 09 - stepped; 10 - aberrant minate form; 01 - Small Bowls, Cups (diam- RIM DIAMETER (35-36) 00 - indetermi- eter < 20 cm); 02 - Large Bowls (diameter > nate; n - rim diameter in centimeters 20 cm); 03 - Collared Bowls; 04 - Flat Bot- LIP THICKNESS (37-38) 00 - indeterminate; tomed Dishes; 05 - Bowls with Restricted n - lip thickness in millimeters Opening; 06 - Carinated Bowl; 07 - Open MAXIMUM RIM THICKNESS (39-40) 00 - Mouthed Jar/Pot; 08 - Open Mouthed Jar/Pot indeterminate; n - maximum rim thickness in w/Carination; 09 - Open Mouthed Jar/Pot w/ millimeters out Carination; 10 - Constricted Jar; 11 - Con- SURFACE TREATMENT (41) 0 - indeter- stricted Jar w/Carination; 12 - Constricted Jar inate; 1 - slp; 2- paddled; 3 - wiped; 4- w/out Carnation; 13 - Lid PRIMARY METHOD OF DECORATIONburnished; 5 - resin; 6 - scraped PRIMARY METHOD OF DECORATION DECORATION POSITION (42) 0 - absent; 1 (22-23) 00 - absent; 01 - incised; 02 - den- - lip; 2- rim; 3 - rim plus body; 4- exterior; 5 tate-stamped; 03 - parallel paddle-impressed; - interior; 6 - both interior and exterior; 7- in- 04 - applique; 05 - non-appliqu6 nubbmns (i.e. terior/exterior lip; 8 - rim-lip-body; 0- rim reversed punctate); 06 - gouging (to be distin- and lip guished by pronounced ridges by lines); 07 - 152 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 82 Appendix C: Protocol for Technological Analysis of New Caledonian Ceramics CATALOG NUMBER The P. A Hearst termined; 1, anvil impressions present; 2, Museum catalog number. evidence of coils present SITE LOCATION Localities A, B, C. INCLUSION TYPE (4-digit system after EXCAVATION LEVEL 0, surface; 1, 0- Hunt [1989]). Codes: 1, calcareous sand; 2, 6"; 2, 6-12"; 3, 12-18"; 4, 18-24"; 5,24-30"; black/dark minerals; 3, light minerals 6, 30-36"; 7, 36-42"; 8, 42-48" (quartz); 4, shell fragments; 5, olivine sand; SHERD TYPE 1, body; 2, base 6, lithic fragments; 7, mica; 8, grog; 9, inclu- sions absent SHERD THICKNESS Measured in milli- meters. INCLUSION SIZE 0, undetermined; 1, fine particles (< 0.5 mm); 2, medium particles EXTERIOR COLOR: HUE 0, undeter- (05-. mm;3 ag atils(.- m mined; 1, 5R; 2, 7.5R; 3, 1OR; 4, 2.5YR; 5 (0.5-1.5 mm); 3, large partcles (1.5-2 mm) 5YR; 6, 7.5YR; 7, 1OYR; 8, 2.5Y INCLUSION DENSITY Determined after EXTERIOR COLOR: VALUE Numeric Bennett (1974) code from Munsell Soil Color Charts. FRACTURE PROFILE 0, undetermined; 1, EXTERIOR COLOR: CHROMA Numeric jagged edge; 2, smooth break code from Munsell Soil Color Charts. PITTING 0, undetermined; 1, present; 2, INTERIOR COLORS (HUE, VALUE, absent CHROMA) As above for exterior color. WEATHERING 0, undetermined; 1, sharp HARDNESS Coded using Moh's scale. 0 =edges and/or intact surfaces; 2, weathered, undetermnined, rounded edges and/or eroded surfaces RESIDUE 0, undetermined; 1, absent; 2, CoREdtYPE 0, undetermineductn; 1, cmpl carbon residue present; 3, concreted sand; 4, oxidation; 2, complete reduction; 3, partial oxidation; 4, exteral oxidation; 5, interal concreted sand and shell fragments; 5, car- oxidation; 6, core at surface, exterior/interi- bon residue and sand or undeterminable; 7, core at sides, interior oxidation CORE MARGIN 0, undetermined; 1, dis- crete; 2, blended; 3, well-defined; 4, no core present CORE THICKNESS 0, undetermined; 1, no core; 2, core < 1/3 of total cross section; 3, core 1/3 to 2/3 of total cross section; 4, core > 2/3 of cross section FIRE CLOUDING 0, undetermined; 1, present, exterior; 2, present, interior; 3, ab- sent POROSITY 0, undetermined; 1, compact; 2, medium; 3, highly porous SURFACE TEXTURE 0, undertermined; 1, fine-smooth; 2, medium; 3, coarse-rough SURFACE FINISHING 0, undetermined; 1, eroded; 2, wiped, striations; 3, impressed paddle; 4, burnishing, luster METHOD OF MANUFACTURE 0, unde- Appendix D 153 Appendix D: Protocol for Analysis of Lithic Materials CATALOG NUMBER P. A. Hearst Muse- mined; 1, irregular; 2, convergent; 3, diver- um catalog number. gent; 4, parallel; 5, sub-parallel SITE LOCATION Areas A, B, C. DISTAL TERMINATION 0, not deter- GRID Gifford and Shutler field code. mined; 1, feather; 2, hinge; 3, snap (or step); LAYER 0, surface; 1, 0-6"; 2, 6-12"; 3, 12- 4, multiple 18"; 4, 18-24"; 5, 24-30"; 6, 30-36"; 7, 36- FLAKE SCAR DIRECTION (CORES) 0, 42"; 8, 42-48" not determined; 1, uni-directional; 2, bi-di- MATERIAL TYPE 0, not determined; 1, rectional; 3, multi-directional chert; 2, obsidian; 3, quartz; 4, chalcedony; NUMBER OF FLAKES REMOVED 5, basalt; 6, andesite; 7, shale (CORES) MATERIAL COLOR After Munsell Soil METRICAL ATTRIBUTES RECORDED Color Charts (1988). (in mm): Maximum length; axial length; SPECIMEN TYPE 0, not determined; 1, di- maximum width; maximum thickness; agnostic flake; 2, non-diagnostic flake; 3 striking platform width; striking platform shatter; 4, core; 5, waterworn pebble thickness; weight (g) DORSAL CORTEX 0, not determined; 1, 0-25%; 2,25-50%; 3, 50-75%; 4,75-100%; 5, absent LOCATION OF CORTEX 0, not deter- mined; 1, striking platform; 2, dorsal; 3, platform and dorsal EVIDENCE OF BURNING 0, not deter- mined; 1, present; 2, absent IMPURITIES IN THE STONE 0, not de- termined; 1, vesicles; 2, fissure; 3, inclu- sions; 4, absent POT-LID FRACTURE 0, not determined; 1, present; 2, absent EDGE DAMAGE 0, not determined; 1, present, absent KIND OF EDGE DAMAGE 0, not deter- mined; 1, unifacial; 2, bifacial RETOUCH 0, not determined; 1, present; 2, absent LOCATION OF RETOUCH 0, not deter- mined; 1, distal end; 2, side; 3, distal end and side BULB OF PERCUSSION 0, not deter- mined; 1, salient; 2, diffuse; 3, absent STRIKING PLATFORM 0, not deter- mined; 1, present; 2, absent RING FRACTURES 0, not determined; 1, present; 2, absent FLAKE MORPHOLOGY 0, not deter-