Edited by Lar Nader' Kreber.~ Ainthropoloica Societ Paers Number 8,19 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Number 80 C 1996 Kroeber Anthropological Society Editorial Committee: Nancy Kim Eduardo Serafin C. Jay Ou Rachael Stryker T.M.P. Plowman William T. Whitehead Printed by Copy World, Berkeley, CA Membership: Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Dues for student members are $18.00, for regular members (including institutions) are $20.00, and a1 foreign subscribers $24.00 in US currency. Back issues of the Paprs are available for $12.00 per 'issue plus $2.00 shipping and handling in the United States, Mexico, and Canada;- foreign orders should add $4.00 shipping and handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Information for authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The society- welcomes student research papers of high quality. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and confonn,to the style used by the American Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copy of the mnanuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 3'/2" diskette in formatted for either Mac o DOS,, text-should be in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or plain (ASCII) text format. Email submissions are acceptable, but should be followed up with regular mail. All inquiries should be sent to:, Kroeber Anthropological Society Departnent of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720X3710 - email: kasjqal.berkeley.edu- Website: http://www.qal.berkeley.edu/-k.as Kroeber Anthropological" Society Papers, No. 80, 1996- Special Edition Essay on Contro ling Processes,1 Edited by Laura Nader Contents: Preface .......... i Coercive Harmony:; the Political Economy of Legal Models Laura Nader . ... Brave New Workplace: Cooperations, Control, and the New Industrial,Relations Roberto J. Gonzalez . . 14 Native Americans and the Monitored Retrievable Storage Plan for Nuclear Wastes: Late Capitalism, Negotiation, and Coontrolling Processes C Jay OuJ32 ..... .. 32 Science and Anti-Science at the Smithsonian Institution Sophia Vackimes . 90 Dormitories at UC Berkeley Clarence Ting . _ 108 "Resisting Resistance": Historicizing Contemporary Models of Agency Robyn Kliger . - 137 Also Available: Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, No. 77, 194 Special Edition: Essays on Controlling, Processes. Edited by Laura Nader. Contents: IntroduQtory paper on, Controlling Processes, by Laura Nader; The Social Practice ofAIDS Education; The Privatization of Justice; Re-articulating 'the Moral Economy of Gambling; Silicdone Breast Implants in America; The Staging of Female Adolescent Identity. See inside front cover for details on how t 'order. Essays ConItrolling Processes, 1996 Edited by Laura Nader Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 80, 1996 on Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 80, 1996 Special Edition: Essays on Controlling Processes, 1996 Edited by Laura Nader Contents: Preface ............................................................ ii Coercive Harmony: the Political Economy of Legal Models Laura Nader ............................................................. I Brave New Workplace: Cooperations, Control, and the New Industrial Relations Roberto J Gonzalez ............................................................. 14 Native Americans and the Monitored Retrievable Storage Plan for Nuclear Wastes: Late Capitalism, Negotiation, and Controlling Processes C. Jay Ou .......................................................... 32 Science and Anti-Science at the Smithsonian Institution Sophia Vackimes ........................................................... 90 Dormitories at UC Berkeley Clarence Ting .......................................................... 108 "Resisting Resistance": Historicizing Contemporary Models of Agency Robyn Kliger ........................................................... 137 i Preface In 1994 the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers published the first set of Essays on Controlling Processes. In the introduction to that first issue I described the concept of controlling processes as dealing with processes of control that emphasize the importance of ideas or beliefs as dynamic components of power, a concept that encompasses knowledge of how central dogmas are made and how they work. The essays in this 1996 volume speak to many of the same issues focusing on power as means-principally the manner in which individuals and groups are influenced, and persuaded to participate in their own domination. As the papers show, the domains of influence and persuasion are often multi-sited. They are found in the law, in the work place, in university dormitories, in museums, on Native American Indian reservations, and are generally ubiquitous. Because of the interpenetrating qualities of hegemonic controlling processes, the concept of resistance has been recognized as important, requiring an ever more careful and critical eye to understand when resistance is resistance and how it matters. There are some pragmatic insights in this collection of papers: culture easily impacts on a fragile or vulnerable mind, and hegemonic influence often limits our imagination. Furthermore, the importance of ideas as dynamic components of power often emanates from their appearance in clusters or interlocking systems. Institutions of entrenched power and privilege are supremely aware of the power of complex cultural codes. The essays in this volume speak to the processes of entrenchment. Laura Nader Berkeley, California January 1996 ii