Cumulative Index Edited by Mary Ellin D'Agostino with Robert V. Kemper (volumes 1-40) Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 78, 1995 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Number 79 C 1995 Kroeber Anthropological Society Mary Ellin D'Agostino, Editor Membership: Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Dues for student members are $18.00, for regular members (including institutions) are $20.00, and all foreign subscribers $24.00 in US currency. Back issues of the Papers are available for $12.00 per issue plus $2.00 shipping and handling in the United States, Mexico, and Canada; foreign orders should add $4.00 shipping and handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Information for authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the style used by the American Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copy of the manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 3Y/2" diskette in formatted for either Mac or DOS, text should be in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or plain (ASCII) text format. Email submissions are acceptable, but should be followed up with regular mail. All inquiries should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-3710 email: Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, No. 78, 1995 Cumulative Index Edited by Mary Ellin D 'Agostino with Robert V Kemper (volumes 1-40) First published in 1950, the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is the oldest student run, student edited anthropology journal in the United States. The first cumulative index, published in volume 43, was prepared by Robert V. Kemper for the first forty volumes of the Papers. This index includes all of the first seventy-seven volumes of the Papers as well as the three volumes in the Special Publications series. Kemper's index is fully incorporated here with minor modifications. Page numbers in all sections refer to the first page of the article. Contents: Contents, 1950-1994 ................ I Author Index, 1950-1994 ................ 16 Subject Index 1950-1994 ................ 33 Contents Volume 1 (1950) Establishment and Aims of the Kroeber Anthropological Society by Clement W Meighan Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America by Chester S. Chard Observations on Early Man in Califomia by Robert F. Heizer The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast by John H. Rowe A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contemporary Sources by Mary W. Herman Black Market in Prerogatives among the Northern Kwakiutl by Ronald L. Olson Nepenthe in Aboriginal America by Franklin Fenenga Volume 2 (1950) Animistic and Rational Thought by Sol Tax Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance by John H. Rowe Southern Dieguenlo Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials by W D. Hohenthal Jr. The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia by John F. Goins Kutsavi, A Great Basin Indian Food by Robert F. Heizer Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship by Charles J. Erasmus The Indian Tribes of North America by David G. Mandelbaum A Journey up the Sambui River to Visit the Choco Indians by Arne Arbin A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi by William J. Samarin Volume 3 (1950) Lost Lake: A Study of an Agricultural Community Established on Reclaimed Land by Alan R. Beals and Thomas McCorkle Volume 4 (1951) Olive Oatman's Return by A. L. Kroeber .i . . A Glance at Statistical Procedure by Thomas W McKern Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization 1 by David G. Nichols Piro Myths by Esther Matteson 28 34 Volume 5 (1951) Suggestions for Field Recording of Infonnation on the Hippocratic 45 Classification of Diseases and Remedies by George M. Foster and John H. Rowe 78 Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1829. 81 Translatedfrom the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comments by Dorothy Menzel New Light on the Racial Composition of I Northeastern Siberia by Chester S. Chard A Tentative Analysis of the Pluralizaiton of 6 Kisi Nouns by William J. Samarin 9 Volume 6 (1952) The Tapaj6 by Curt Nimuendaju', 17 Translated and edited by John H. Rowe A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father 35 Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska Translated by Ivan Petrov The History of the Guayqueri, an Approach 42 to the Anthropology of Northern Venezuela by Thomas McCorkle 51 79 Volume 7 (1952) The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640 by 89 Kenneth S. Lane Shellfish Foods of the California Indians by Robert E. Greengo Volume 8/9 (1953): Walter B. Cline Memorial Issue I Walter Buchanan Cline: A Memoir by Carleton S. Coon 19 27 47 6 26 48 26 60 63 ix Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Walter Buchanan Cline: Personal Reminiscences by Ralph C. Altman Walter Buchanan Cline: Bibliography by Nancy Laubach Freed Population Control and the Family in Feudal and Post-Restoration Japan by Gordon T. Bowles The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch by Chester S. Chard Clans and the Joking-Relationship Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia by E. Colson Acculturation in Californian Awl Forms by Clement W. Meighan The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Renown in a Solomon Islands Culture by Douglas L. Oliver Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult in Japan by Ronald L. Olson Eleven Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual by John H. Rowe Culture Loss and Culture Change among the Mocmac of the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1912-1950 by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth D. Wallis Hot Climates and Hight Civilizations by Frederick R. Wulsin A Dualism in Pomo Cosmology by A. M Halpern Volume 10 (1954) Racial Types in Northeastern Asia by Chester S. Chard The Selection of Recording Equipment for Field Use by Alan P. Merriam Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela by Carroll L. Riley The Piro of the Urubamba by Esther Matteson Volume 11 (1954) The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Myth by William Bright Piro Phonemes and Morphology by Esther Matteson Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska by Francis A. Riddell Volume 12 (1955) AIII Aspects of Andean Native Life by Oscar N.Nuiez del Prado xvii Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar by Esther Matteson I Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiute by Robert F. Heizer 20 Time Perspective in Ethnography by John H. Rowe 45 Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore: A Research Lead by Edward Norbeck 61 Relationships of Prehistoric Cultures of Coastal Monterey County, California by Arnold R. Pilling 69 Volume 13 (1955) 78 Primitive Man as an Ecological Factor by Robert F. Heizer 82 The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland by Pertti J. Polto The Problem of Race in the Mesolithic of 100 Europe by Robert J. Squier Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin 130 Region by Chester S. Chard A. R. Radcliffe-Browne by W E. H. 151 Stanner Volume 14 (1956) Sonoma Mission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle by Adan E. Treganza A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm 10 Buildings by Majda Thurner Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, 25 University of California, 1946-1949 Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Affiliations of the Gila and Colorado River Yumans by Kenneth Stewart Dissertation Abstract: Japanese Buddhism in the United States, 1940-1946: A Study 1 in Acculturation by Robert F. Spencer Dissertation Abstract: Hupa Education: A 17 Study in Primitive Socialization and Personality Development by William J. Wallace 60 1 22 45 55 62 70 32 55 105 116 19 93 93 94 95 2 No. 78 . . . 1950-1994 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative Study of Eskimo Mythology by Frank J. Essene Jr. 96 Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Skin Dressing in Western North America by Arden R. King 97 Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Use of Fisheiy Resources in Northwestern North America by Gordon W. Hewes 98 Dissertation Abstract: Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archeology by Richard K. Beardsley 99 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparison of the Folklore of the Northem, Southern and Pacific Athabaskans: A Study in Stability of Folklore within a Linguistic Stock by Tamie Tsuchiyama lOC Dissertation Abstract: The Structure of Twana Culture by William Elmendorf 101 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Skeletal Remains from the Lower Sacramento Valley by Russell Newman 102 Volume 15 (1956) A Survey of Italian Godparenthood by Gallatin Anderson I Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of M.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted in the United States in the Academic Year 1955- 1956 111 Volume 16 (1957): In Honor of Ronald L. Olson Ronald L. Olson, Retired 1956 by A. L. Kroeber I The Closed Community and its Friends by Julian A. Pitt-Rivers 5 Some Aspects of Peasant Society in Middle America and India by Pedro Carrasco 17 Archaeology in Soviet Asia, 1950-1951 by Chester S. Chard 29 Serbo-Croatian Kinship Terminology by Eugene A. Hammel 45 Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1950-1951 77 Dissertation Abstract: Bloodclot Boy: An Historical and Stylistic Study of a North American Indian Hero Tale by Bert A. Gerow 5 Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Property among Shoshoneans by Stephen C. Cappannari 7 Dissertation Abstract: Culture Change and Native Trade in Southern Yukon Territory by Catharine McClellan B Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Position of Ponape in Oceania by Saul H. Riesenberg Dissertation Abstract: Disease Concepts and Plant Medicines in Native South America by Clarence E. Smith Jr. Dissertation Abstract: The Topanga Culture and Southern California Prehistory by Adan E. Treganza Dissertation Abstract: Mindoro Anthropometry and Racial Origins in Northern Indonesia by Leo A. Estel Dissertation Abstract: Some Aspects of Culture Change in a Mountain Neighborhood of East Tennessee by Marion Pearsall Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Cultural Marginality and Native Agriculture in South America by William I D. Hohenthal Jr. Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Dualism in American Indian Folklore by Burton S. Lowrimore I Dissertation Abstract: The Hazara Mongols of Afghanistan: A Study in Social Organization by Elizabeth E. Bacon Dissertation Abstract: Excavations Near Umatilla, Oregon: The Archaeology of the Columbia Intennontane Province by Homer D. Osborne Dissertation Abstract: A Comparison of the Criteria of Age Determination of Human Skeletons by Cranial and Pelvic 7 Morphology by Sheilagh Thompson Dissertation Abstract: The Ute Mountain 9 Ute-A Study in Differential Borrowing by Harold L. Amoss Jr. 5 Report on the First Annual Anthropological Meetings Sponsored by 7 the Kroeber Anthropological Society by Lucille Steelman 79 81 82 83 84 84 85 86 87 88 93 Contents 3 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Volume 17 (1957) Harvard Middle American Archaeological Seminar, 1955-1956: An Introduction by Gordon R. Willey Pre-Classic Cultures in Mesoamerica: A Comparative Survey by Michael D. Coe The Classic Stage in Mesoamerica by Donald W. Lathrop The Postclassic Stage in Mesoamerica by Jane Holden Volume 18 (1958) An Area Co-tradition for Mesoamerica by Morton H. Levine A Survey of Ethnohistoric Sources by James H. Gunnerson An "Indigenous" New Guinea Cult by Richard F. Salisbury The Romantic Role of Older Women in a Culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast by Melville Jacobs Dissertations in Anthropology Volume 19 (1958) Personality of Anthropology by A. L. Kroeber Aggression Channeling and Conflict Function in a Nudist Camp by James F. Downs The Current Status of the Fluorine Method of Age Determination by H. C. Ezra, S. F. Cook, and H. A. Leon Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Chemistry The Preservation of Bony Substances in the Soil of Prehistoric Sites by Naotsune Watanabe On the Calcium and Phosphorus Content of Human Bone from the Stone Age Shellmound of Homi by Giichi Tanabe Fluorine Content of Human Bones by H. Hamaguchi and M Tatsumoto Tachi Youkuts Music by James Hatch A Study of the Material Aspects of Northeastern Maidu Basketry by B. K Schwartz The Timing Mechanism Culture Lag Reduction, Changing Kinship in a Danish Community by Robert T. Anderson and Gallatin Anderson Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, I University of California, 1952-1953 7 38 Volume 20 (1959) A Shasta Vocabulary by William Bright 75 and D. L. Olmsted Tongan Authority Structure: Concepts for Comparative Analysis by Allan D. Coult Archaeology on the China Mainland Since 1949 by John C. Jamieson I Classification and Treatment of Venereal Diseases by a Brazilian Indian Tribe by 49 William D. Hohenthal 67 Volume 21 (1959) The British Tradition in Social 79 Anthropology by Donald G. MacRae 87 General Considerations on the Phenomenon of Bone Caverns by M Tournal, Translated by A. B. Elsasser Sex, Class, and Status in Racial Relations-Northeast Brazil by W. D. 1 Hohenthal Influence of Agrarian Colonization on the Indigenous Tzeltal Community at Octen, 7 Chiapas by Karena Shields The Role of the Staff Conference in a State Mental Hospital by Pertti Pelto 1 7 Distinctions Between the Skulls of Coyotes and Dogs by Grover S. Krantz 23 The Setting of Gola Society and Culture: Some Theoretical Implications of Variation in Time and Space by Warren L. d'Azevedo 23 Report on the Third Annual Anthropological Meetings Sponsored by the Kroeber Anthropological Society by 35 Richard Randolph 41 A7 Volume 22 (1960) 4 ' Suggestions for the Recording of Data on Spinning and Weaving and the Collecting of Material by Junius B. Bird 67 The Social Factors of Donship in a Mexican-American Community by Octavio I. Romano 87 102 56 71 89 6 17 25 31 40 43 126 10 4 No. 78 1950-1994 Domestication: An Examination of the Changing Social Relationships Between Man and Animals by James F. Downs The Place of Anthropology in the American Public School Curriculum by John H. Chilcott Volume 23 (1960) Nationalism in Africa: An Attempt at Prediction by George M Foster The Phylogenetic Tree: An Analysis of Its Development in Studies of Human Evolution by Kenneth A. R. Kennedy The Individuated Society: A Frisian Model by Henryk Sjaardema A Model of Language Extinction and Formation by Richard Roark Thoughts on Cavalry, Guerrilla Warfare and the Fall of Empires by James F. Downs Evolution of the Human Hand and the Great Hand-Axe Tradition by Grover S. Krantz Volume 24 (1961) Plains Indian Political Structure by Robin F. Wells The Mathematics of American Cousinship by Richard Roark Chresmology: A Comparative Study of Oracles by Ann J. Gibson Archaeological Evidence of Shamanism in California and Nevada by A. B. Elsasser Some Misconceptions of Multilinear Evolution by William C. Smith Deviancy and Social Control I: What Makes Biboi Run by Robert F. Murphy Volume 25 (1961): In Honor of A. L. Kroeber Shropshire Revisited by Theodora Kroeber andA. L. Kroeber On Being Critical by Alex D. Krieger The Innovative Process by H. G. Barnett Inferences on the Nature of Olmec Society Based upon Data from La Venta Site by Robert F. Heizer Contents The La Venta Olmec Support Area by Philip Drucker 18 The Ecumene as a Civilizational Multiplier System by Gordon W. Hewes The Cultural Significance of Peruvian 68 Textiles: Production, Function, Aesthetics by A. H. Gayton Kinship Terminology and Social Structure by Ralph L. Beals Museums and Ethnological Research, 1961 1 by Donald Collier American Indian Films by S. A. Barrett 7 Culture Area: Parallel with Typological Homogeneity and Heterogeneity to North American Language Families by C. F. 54 Voegelin Kroeber and the Indian Claims 86 Commission Cases by Omer C. Stewart 105 Mexican Spiritualism by Isabel Kelly Tlingit Shamanism and Sorcery by Ronald L. Olson 114 Animals, Climate and Paleolithic Man by T. D. McCown Volume 26 (1962) 1 The Rock Engravings at Port Hedland, Northwestem Australia by Frederick D. 1 7 McCarthy A Social Theory of Cultural Change by John H. Rowe 19 On Studying the History of Anthropology 38 by Dell H. Hymes 49 Volume 27 (1962) Ecological Factors in the Rise of 55 Civilization by Bruce Drewitt The External Relations of an Open Corporate Village by Paul Friedrich The Excavation of Cave Rock, Nevada by J. E. Smith and A. B. Elsasser I Deviance and Social Control II: Coleta by 1 9 Robert F. Murphy 19 Mayordomia: Continuity and Change by 25 Norman D. Thomas 43 5 59 73 111 129 149 155 163 181 191 207 221 75 81 27 45 49 55 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Volume 28 (1963) Changing Kinship in Europe by Robert T. Anderson Contact Languages in Africa by Bonnie B. Keller The Jump Dance at Hupa, 1962 by S. A. Barrett Tahitian Bonito Fishing by Eugene Anderson The Main Themes of the "Olmec" Art Tradition by Tillie Smith Malinowski: Epistemology and Oedipus by John Ingham Franz Boas as Political Activist by Harvey A. Levenstein Preliminary Report on the Association Redefinition of Castes in Hyderabad- Secunderabad by Robert T. Anderson Hinduization of a Himalayan Tribe in Nepal by Shigeru ijima The Cowboy and the Lady: Models as a Determinant of the Rate of Acculturation Among the Pifion Navajo by James F. Downs Volume 30 (1964) Ethnography and Ethnology in the Sixteenth Century by John H. Rowe Culture and Civilization: In Man and Out There by Raymond D. Gastil An Appropriate Methodology for the Social Sciences by Milton L. Anderson Evidence for Complex Alliance in Tikopia by David B. Eyde Los Golondrinos by Charlene Miller Folk Concepts of Etiology and Illness in a North Indian Village by Khwaja A. Hasan African Nemesis: An Off Broadway Review by Marshall D. Sahlins Volume 31 (1964) A Review of La Venta, Tabasco and Its Relevance to the Olmec Problem by William R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath, Jr. Some Interim Remarks on the Coe- Stuckenrath Review by Robert F. Heizer Aspects of Ceremonial Life Among the Indian Shakers of Smith River, California by Richard Gould and Theodore P. Furukawa I Blood Proteins and Primate Phylogenesis: Immunochemical and Electrophoretic 49 Techniques Applied to Systematic Sereology by Andrew P. Wilson 73 Culture as an Information System by Eugene A. Hammel 87 Skin Color: An Example of Human Adaptation by Wade C. Pendleton 121 Culture Change Theory Implicit in the Writing of A. L. Kroeber by R. Clyde McCone I Values Relevant to Family and Social Relationships Among the Navahos, with a 15 Special Reference to Marriage by E. Ojo Arewa Civil Rights in California in the 1850's-A 25 Case History by Robert F. Heizer 43 Volume 32 (1965) Some Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Analysis of Technologies by 53 Anthony Leeds Some Aspects of Linguistic Acculturation in Northern Ungava Eskimo by Nelson H. H. Graburn The Market Place as a Social Mechanism 1 in Peasant Society by William G. Lockwood 21 The Yahgan and Alacaluf: An Ecological Description by Peter W. Steager 29 Obituary: John Finley Freeman by Mrs. J. F. Freeman 39 University Anthropology: Early 51 Departments in the United States by John F. Freeman 73 83 Volume 33 (1965): In Honof of Samuel Alfred Barrett Tributes to Samuel Alfred Barrett by David W. Peri and Robert W. Wharton, editors Samuel Alfred Barrett: 1879-1956 by David W. Peri and Robert W. Wharton I The Works of Samuel Alfred Barrett by David W. Peri and Robert W Wharton 45 Commentary on W. R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of Excavations at La 51 69 83 93 105 117 129 11 47 69 77 78 3 29 6 No. 78 Errata: Volume 29 (1963) Malinowski: Epistemology and Oedipus by John Ingham 1 Franz Boas as Political Activist by Harvey A. Levenstein 1 5 Preliminary Report on the Association Redefinition of Castes in Hyderbad- Segunderabad by Robert T. Anderson 25 Hinduization of a Himalayan Tribe in Nepal by Shigeru Iyima 43 The Cowboy and the Lady: Models as a Determinant of the Rate of Acculturation Among the Piflon Navajo by James F. Downs 53 1950-1994 Venta, Tabasco, 1955 by Philip Drucker and Robert F. Heizer A Transformational Analysis of the Kapauku Kinship System by Keith T. Kernan Linguistic Status Markers in Korean by Richard W Howell Genital Superiority in Oakland Negro Folklore: A Theme by Neil A. Eddington Volume 34 (1966) Scientific Method and the Culture of Anthropology by Pertti J. Pelto Toward a Community Development Approach to Urban Poverty in the United States by Neil A. Eddington Mechanical Aspects of the Single-Piece Curved Shell Fishhook by Carleton L. Crain Interrelations of Mesoamerica and Peru- Ecuador Area by Daniel del Solar Trade in the Plains: Affluence and its Effects by Polly Pope A Tripartite Political System among Christian Indians of Early Massachusetts by Susan L. MacCulloch The Presentation of Self Through Surrogates in Latin-American Life by Octavio Romano Towards a New Definition of Folk by Uli Kutter Here I Sit-A Study of American Latrinalia by Alan Dundes Volume 35 (1966) The Season of Birth in Man: The Northern New World by Ursula M. Cowgill Plank Canoes of South and North America by Robert F. Heizer Scattering Flowers: A poem by George Hitchcock Humanity, What Is It?, An Interview with Claude Levi Strauss Edwin Meyer Loeb, 1894-1966, a Memorial and Bibliography by Gertrude Toffelmier The Focus of Indian Shaker Healing by Dale Valory Volume 36 (1967) 37 The Siberian Peoples: Annotated Bibliography of English Language Sources 71 by Sylvia H. Forman The Expression of Male Interest in the Infant in Five Species of Macaque by 91 Diane P. Gifford Notes on Hunting, Butchering, and Sharing 99 of Game among the Ngatatjara and Their Neighbors in the West Australian Desert by Richard A. Gould Conditions in the Development of Silent Trade by John A. Price Communications and the Law of Extended Application by Will Wright 9 Gluckman's The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence reviewed by Paul Bohannan 17 Volume 37 (1967) Ethnological Manuscripts in the Robert H. 31 Lowie Museum of Anthropology by A. L. Kroeber and Dale Valory 53 Sexual Symbolism in Flatware by E. A. Hammel Towards the Interpretation of Occupation 63 Debris: Some Experiments and Observations by Glynn L. Isaac The Mexican Cantina as a Setting for 75 Interaction by Brian Stross Prejudice and Ethnic Stereotypes in Rural 83 Hong Kong by E. N. Anderson Jr. 91 Volume 38 (1968) Ruth Kellett Roberts, 1885-1967 by Dale Valory First and Second Generation American I Jewish Families: Sources of Conflicts and Tensions by Leonard Plotnicov 22 Cuba: Peasants and Revolutionaries by Randy Rappaport 40 Quasi-Agriculture in North-Central California and Its Effect on Aboriginal 41 Social Structure by Alan C. Ziegler Historicity Study of Mexican Corridos about Zapata by Linda J. Hubbell 54 Some Contributions of Phenomenology to Social Science by Ben Blount 67 32 41 67 80 94 23 31 58 90 11 26 52 68 82 Contents 8 ~~~~~Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers N.7 Volume 39 (1968) The Social Anthropological Field Experience by George M Foster 1 Retail Market Associations in Japan by John A. Price 20 Tzintzuntzan Wedding: A Study in Cultural Complexity by Stanley H. Brandes 30 An American Jewish Vacation Pattern: The Accommodation of Conjugal Tensions by Leonard Plotnicov 54 Cooperative Labor and Community Development in Southern Peru by Patricia J1 Lyon 63 Incidence and Nature of Acculturation within the Welsh Colony of Chubut: A Historical Perspective by Glyn Williamns 72 Anthropology and Counterinsurgency: Social Scientific Complicity in the Warfare State by Scott S. Robinson 88 Volume 40 (1969): 20th Anniversary Issue-Papers in Honor of John Howland Rowe. Daniel Maltz, editor Dedicatory Introduction by Sylvia H. Forman Dedicatory Letters i The Kroeber Anthropological Society, 1949-1969 by Clement W. MeighanI Anthropological Activity in the United States, 1865-1879 by Patricia J. Lyon 8 Prehistoric Chronology in the Sabana de Bogot.A by Sylvia M Broadbent 38 A Comparison of South Chilean and Ecuadorian "Fishtail" Projectile Points by Julius B. Bird 52 The Role of Sports in the Penetration of Urban Culture to the Rural Areas of Peru by M Gabriel Escobar 72 Teaching Anthropology at Berkeley by Theodore D. McCown 82 Peck's Archaeologist by E. A. Hammel 93 Some of Rowe's Contributions in the Field of Andean Culture History by Dorothy Menzel 100 John Howland Rowe: Bibliography, 1940- 1967 compiled by Robert E. Pfeiffer 112 Volume 41 (1969): In Honor of Theodore Doney McCown Theodore Doney McCown, June 18, 1908- August 17, 1969 by E. A. Hammel Religion and Law in Korea by Pyong Choon Hahm Prehistoric Trade in the Southwest and the Distribution of Pueblo IV Hopi Jeddito Black on Yellow by Paul D. Schaefer Sweet Potato Notes and Lexical Queries, or, the Problem of All Those Names for Sweet Potatoes in the New Guinea Highlands by Karl G. Heider Anthropology and the Motion Picture: An Introduction to the Art by A. Michael Schreiber Volume 42 (1970) The Anthropological Study of Migration to Latin American Cities by Robert V Kemper Some Thoughts on the Background of Early Man, Hrdlicka, and Folsom by C. William Clewlow Jr. Marriage and Its Progeny in the City of York, 1538-1751 by Ursula M. Cowgill The Adaptability of Traditional Institutions as a Factor in the Formation of Immigrant Voluntary Associations: The Examnple of Landsmanshaften by Mark P. Curchack Japan's New Religions: A Search for Uniformities by Thomas W. Johnson Volume 43 (1970) Racism, the War and the University by Gerald D. Berreman Cultural Anthropology and the Man Environment Relationship: An Historical Discussion by Joan M W. Abbott The Social Meaning of Food Sharing in Mexico by Michael Kearney Concordance of Phonetic Alphabets by Robert C. Hollow Jr. Dr. Allan D. Coult (193 1-1970); A Personal Memoir by Richard Milner Richard Paul Roark (1936-1970) by Dorothy Menzel 8 54 78 87 1 26 47 88 99 10 32 42 51 58 8 No. 78 1950-1994 Index to the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers: 1950-1969, Numbers 1-40 by Robert V. Kemper Volume 44 (1971) Acculturation in Tano Niha (the Island of Nias) by James Danadjaja A Study of the Relocation of Two Marshallese Atoll Communities by Anne Chambers Processual Analysis of American Kinship: Introduction by Daniel N. Maltz Structural Changes in Family Gatherings by Mary Elizabeth Scudder Response to a Family Crisis by Patricia Lovelock Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law Conflict in a Chinese American Family by Richard Lim Disinheritance in an Irish American Family by Carole Page Family in Transition by Susan Jasng Annotated Bibliography for Olmec Art, by Patricia Garbe with Introduction and Addendum by C. William Clewlow Jr. Volume 45/46 (1972) Anthropologists and the Study of Urbanization: An Example from Mexico by Robert V Kemper The Use of Analogy for Interpretation of Maya Prehistory by Ernestene Green Some of the Other Reasons Why People Migrate by Jorge A. Flores Ochoa The Gift of the Bride: A Critical Note on Maurice Freedman's Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Marriage by John McCreery Volume 47/48 (1973) Incremental Growth Zones in Mammals and Their Archaeological Value by Richard W Casteel Immigration and Social Mobility in Peru: The Case of Juan Perez by Jorge P. Osterling The World in a Paper Bag by Niloufer Hirschmann Developing the Chronology of the Northern Maya Lowlands by Thomas H. 61 Wilson Abortion as a Life Crisis by Carole Browner Traditional Chinese Diet and Its Relationship to Health by Linda C. Koo I The Chinese Diet and Pregnancy by Sue Chan The Indo European Hypothesis in 19th 30 Century Physical Anthropology by Paul A. Erickson 48 An Alternative Taxonomic Classification for Ethnic Groups by Thomas W. Johnson 55 and Hal Nelson The Effects of Commercialism on the 59 Telegraph Avenue Artisan by Claudia L. Levin Hierarchy in Innovative Psychology 63 by Louise Bernstein 68 73 Volume 49 (1974): Undergraduate Papers in American Studies. Larry Michalak and Linda Draper, editors 77 Forward by Jack Potter Introduction by Linda Draper and Larry Michalak Nursery School Sex role Play among Four and Five year Olds by Amy Goldfarb Cohabitation in a Student Community by 1 Sue Lyon The Attitudes of Undergraduate Women 18 toward Marriage by Alice Sung Ethnic Groups and Boundary Crossers: A 40 Study of Asian-White Relations in a College Dorm by Candy Reynolds Portrait of One Japanese-American Family 56 by Janelle Sumida The Education of the Deaf: A Sub- Community in the Making by Barbara LeMaster The Re-entry of Ex Offenders: A Study of a Halfway House by Linda Sue Miller I Life in a Hare Krishna Temple by James Nail An Analysis of Life Histories of the 28 Elderly in a Retirement Home by Tracy Williams 44 71 86 116 148 165 180 192 206 3 7 13 23 31 37 45 51 57 65 Contents 9 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers A Study of the Staff of a Convalescent Hospital by Maria Protti Biographical Notes on Contributors Volume 50 (1974): Berkeley Papers in Physical Anthropology. Noel T. Boaz and John E. Cronin, editors Forward by Noel T. Boaz and John E. Cronin Patterns and Functions of Grooming among the Common Indian Langur (Presbytis entellus) by James J. McKenna Metric Description and Analysis of Cranial Contours by Yoel Z. Rak Molar Wear Stages of Theropithecus gelada by W. E. Meikle Langur Social Behavior and Infant Mortality by RichardA. Curtin Paleocology of Early Hominidae in Africa by Noel T. Boaz Hominids from the Lower Pleistocene of South China by Geoffrey G. Pope Anthropoid Evolution: The Molecular Evidence by John E. Cronin Early Hominid Postcrania and Locomotor Adaptations by Randall J. Thompkins Early Research on Pleistocene Races in Europe: Putting Neandertal Man's Head Together by Stephen R. Holtzman Neural Correlates of Primate Social Behavior by Michael J. Raleigh Postscript: Physical Anthropology at Berkeley by Sherwood L. Washburn Volume 51/52 (1974) Bar Dice in the San Francisco Bay Area by Alan Dundes and Carl R. Patger The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada by Colin I. Busby, James C. Bard, Thomas Clark Lee Spencer, and Sean Swezey Ethnoscience vs. Cultural Materialism: A Study in False Oppositions by Katherine Newman Anthropology and Institutionalization: Frederick Starr at the University of Chicago, 1892-1923 byR Berkeley Miller Radcliffe-Brown and Kropotkin: The 75 Heritage of Anarchism in British Social 83 Anthropology by Richard J. Perry Freejack Lore and Anomaly: A Study of the Fifth Ward Settlement of Southeastern Louisiana by Darrell A. Posey The Korean Shoeshine Team: An Organizational Analysis by Gay Elisabeth Kang 1 Continental Anthropologists' Initial Opposition to Darwinism and the Prospect of Human Evolution by Stephen R. 3 Holtzman 13 61 66 72 81 Volume 53/54 (1976) 21 The Apotheosis of Captain Cook by Marshall Sahlins 1 27 Who are "the Folk" in the Folk Taxonomies?: Cognitive Diversity and the 37 State by Roger Sanjek 32 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 1793-1864: His 63 Collection and Analysis of the Oral Narratives of American Indians by 75 Rosemary Zumwalt 44 Disarming the Irish-Reflections on Irish 85 Body Image by Nancy Scheper-Hughes 58 Illness and Interaction: A Case of Paranoia by Atwood D. Gaines 71 105 Music Acculturation in Nepal by Robert Anderson and Edna Mitchel 88 I15 How Mexicans Define Male Homosexuality: Labeling and the Buga [21 View by Clark L. Taylor Jr. 106 Paleolithic Artifacts in Siwalik and Post Siwalik Deposits of Northern Pakistan by Daniel Stiles 129 1 Volume 55/56 (1976): From Tzintzuntzan to the "Image of Limited Good" Essays in Honor of George M. Foster. Margaret Clark, Robert V. Kemper, and Cynthia Nelson, editors 19 Preface ix Dedicatory Letters 1 44 The Household Development Cycle in Tzintzuntzan by Stanley Brandes 13 Compadrazgo in City and Countryside: A 49 Comparison of Tzintzuntzan Migrants and Villagers by Robert V Kemper 25 10 No. 78 I I I 1950-1994 The Mesoamerican Barrio: A Reciprocity Model for Community Organization by Norman D. Thomas Religion, Magic, and Medicine in Huave Society by Charles C. Cheney Three Cases of Folk Disorder among Mexican Americans: Implications for the Study of Culture Changes by Margaret Clark Community Health Aspects of Nubian Resettlement in Egypt by Hussein M Fahim Going After the Dream: Peasants in a Provincial City by Michael B. Whiteford From "Limited Good" to Expanding Opportunity by Laura Zarrugh Achievement Orientation and the Image of Limited Good in the French Alps by Richard Vernon Wagner An Application of the Model, the Image of Limited Good in Industrial Society by Frederick C. Gamst Letters to the Field: Reflections on Two Decades of Correspondence from George Foster by Cynthia Nelson Will the Real George Foster Please Stand Up? A Brief Intellectual Essay by Eugene Hammel and Laura Nader Bibliography of the Publications of George M. Foster by George M Foster List of Patrons Volume 57/58 (1978) Sex Roles and Sex Symbols in Tikopia Society by Raymond Firth Religion and its Effect on Social Cohesion in an Emerging Community by Deirdre Parker Arntz Humor in a Group of Hawaiian Adolescents by Louise Bernstein Color Categorization in Nanumea, A Polynesian Atoll Society by Keith S. Chambers Courtship Among the Kurafi of Malaita: An Ethnography of Speaking Approach by David Welchman Gegeo and Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo Bigman or Chief? Knowledge and Political Process on Tanna by Lamont Lindstrom The Institutional Context of the Arts of Oceania: With Special Reference to 45 Micronesia by Karen L. Nero and Nelson H. H. Graburn 59 Development or Dependency: American Policy in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands by Larry W. Mayo Demand and Incentives to Produce in a 75 Traditional Society by James G. Peoples 81 Volume 59/60 (1979) Culture as Metaphor: A New Look at 91 Language and Culture in the Pleistocene by Mary LeCron Foster 99 Theoretical Explanations of the Change from Matriarchy to Patriarchy by Anne Merrill 119 La Socidtd: The Ethnological Society of Paris, 1839 by Lydie Brissonnet People's Temple: A Revitalization 131 Movement in Despair by David Arenson The Effects of the Suicide Prevention Center of Alameda County's Telephone 153 Service on Client and Counselor Role Performance by Suzanne Bowler So You Think You Want to do Fieldwork: 159 The Changing Face of Anthropological Research by Sandra J. Wood and Terry L. 165 Haynes 181 Alligators in the Swamp: Field Problems and Training Issues in Contemporary Anthropology by Terry L. Haynes Hard Contract: Issues and Problems in Contract Social Anthropological Research I byAtwoodD. Gaines Research Problems in the Medical Setting: Science Versus Politics by Carole E. Hill 20 Fieldwork in Medical Anthropology: The Clinical Setting by Nora K Croughan 40 Urban Field Research in the United States: the Long Journey from the Exotic to the Mundane by Joan Ablon 65 Creative Thinking in Archaeological Fieldwork by Kathleen Henry Fieldwork or Ethnography: A Case Study in Qualitative Research by Mary Ann 98 Pitman Crisis in Training and Employment: 122 Reflections on a Fieldwork Experience by David E. Vandevert 147 160 171 13 19 36 59 68 76 82 92 103 108 121 126 133 Contents I1I Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers The Schooling Rituals of Anthropologists by John Singleton 238 Anthropology for Whose Public Interest? by Sandra J. Wood 145 Volume 61/62 (1982) Contributions of Karl Hermann Berendt to Central American Archaeology by Elizabeth F. Wolfe 1 Michel de Montaigne's "Of Cannibals" as Cultural Relativism, Critique and Counterproposal: An Issue in the History of Anthropology by Norris Brock Johnson 20 The Problem of Reconstructing a Prototype for H?IK'AL by Jeffrey P. Williams 41 The Outpatient Department as a Social System: Structure, Ideology and Behavior by Carole Browner 52 The Bounds of Intimacy: Interactions Among Women in Madras, India by Kelsey Clark Underwood 69 Caste and Class in Germany: A Study of the Power Politics of Labor Migration from 1955-1980 by Uli H. Linke 78 "Making It in America"-A Participant Observation Study of Cuban Refugees by Pedro Noguera 88 Student Fieldwork and Student Activities: Applying Anthropology on the College Campus by James C. Pierson 110 Freud Encounters Fin de Siecle Anthropology: The Case of Totem and Taboo by Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco 129 Babel-Babble in Baghdad-by-the-Bay: Towards a social Dialectology of the San Francisco Bay Area by Urs Durmuller 148 Volume 63/64 (1984): Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson. Jack Glazier, Michael Lowy, Kathryn T. Molohon, John U. Ogbu, and Anya Peterson Royce, editors Dedicatory Letters 1 An Appreciation of Elizabeth Colson: Her Early Intellectual Development by Penelope Hartland-Thunberg 21 Scholars and Controversy: Elizabeth Colson's Work Against Sex Discrimination in Academia by June Starr 27 Men, Women and Work in a Lombok Village by Mary Judd The Zambezi Goba in the Twentieth Century: New Male-Dominant Institutions and the Declining Status of Rural Women by Chet S. Lancaster Islam, Power and Change: Variation in North African Independence Movements by M. Elaine Combs-Schilling Economic Inequality and Land Tenure Change in Mbeere, Kenya by Jack Glazier Treating the Japanese Elderly: The Masking of a Social Problem by Margaret Lock Responses to Television in Two Swampy Creek Cree Communities on the West Coast of James Bay by Kathryn T. Molohon Investment in Human Capital: Education and Development in Stockton, California, and Gwembe, Zambia by John U Ogbu Democracy at Work in the Swedish Bureaucracy by Morris A. Fred Exchange, Power, and Compliance: A Scottish and American Comparison in Two Institutions for the Aged by Jeanie Schmit Kayser-Jones Art, the Mundane, and the Art of the Mundane by Anya Peterson Royce Bibliography of Elizabeth Florence Colson by Dorothy A. Koenig & Lenore D. Ralston Volume 65/66 (1986): Migration and Resettlement & General Issue Migration and Resettlement: Introduction by James N. Anderson Some Issues in Research Approaches to Global Migration in the United States by Lydio F. Tomasi Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation in the United States by Dennis Gallagher Immigrants in Belgium: The Sociocultural Structure by Eugeen Roosens The Immigration of Caribbean People to the United States: Some Comments by R. S. Bryce-Laporte Styles of Activism Within Refugee Communities: The Case of Soviet Jews and Vietnamese by Steven J. Gold 33 46 59 76 84 95 104 117 126 135 153 4 11 15 25 35 12 No. 78 1950-1994 Policy Influences on Refugee Resettlement Patters by Jacqueline Desbarats Image and Identity: Tamil Migration to the United States by Kelsey Clark Underwood Outposts of Trade: Migration Patterns of the Nisyang Traders of Nepal by M. T. Cooke Five Villages: Culture and Resources Among Lao Iu Mien by Jonathan Habarad Comments: The Uprooted by Elizabeth Colson The Anthropology of Josiah Clark Nott by Paul A. Erickson Natchez Sans Paradoxe by David F. Lonergan Lila Morris O'Neale by Margot Blum Schevill Ecology, Delocalization, and Relocaization in a Canadian Maritime Community by Paul M. Gahlinger Excavations at the Dune Site, Santa Rosa Island California by Michael Wendorf Volume 67/68 (1988): Anthropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley. Nelson H. H. Graburn, editor Anthropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley. Introduction by Nelson H. H. Graburn Symbolic Estates as Determining Factors in the Leisure Preferences of Minorities in the East Bay Area of Northern California (Or Why Blacks Do Not Use Regional Parks) by Brook Assefa Busman's Holiday-Or the Best Surprise is No Surprise by Robert Campbell The Show Must Go On Tourism at Universal Studios by Lisa Ritter Like a Rolling Stone: Notions of Youth Travel and Tourism in Pop Music of the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties by Alison Powell "I'm Studying Monkeys; What Do You Do?"-Youth Travelers in Nepal by Jane Teas Time Out of Time: Life Crises and Schooner Sailing in the Pacific by Julie Hastings A Case Study of Tourism in Chinese 49 Peasant Society by Maggie Mosher The Senbetsu-Omiyage Relationship: 65 Traditional Reciprocity among Japanese Tourists by Mariko Ikkai Tourism and Development in Nepal by 73 Stan Stevens 83 101 Volume 69/70 (1989): Medical and Psychological Anthropology Castications of a Selfish Housewife: 103 National Identity and Menopausal Rhetoric in Japan by Margaret Lock 121 The Sources of Pain, Distress and Misery: A Medical Anthropological Perspective on 129 the Symbolic Bridge between Social Structure and Physiology by Arthur Kleinman 139 Indigenous Pharmaceuticals, the Capitalist World System and Civilization by Charles Leslie 148 The Nervous System Part 1: Homesickness & Dada by Michael Taussig Three Propositions for a Critically Applied Medical Anthropology by Nancy Scheper- Hughes Preliminary Notes on the Glossing of Emotions by Vincent Crapanzano "Self-Sacrifice": An Example from the I Anglo-Zulu War by Robert B. Edgerton Ghost Busters in Anthropology by Richard A. Shweder The Self and Instrumental Model in the Study of Culture Change and 7 Modernization by George Spindler and Louise Spindler 12 Volume 71/72 (1990): Physical 20 Anthropology at Berkeley A Case Study of the "erectus"-"sapiens" Transition in Asia: Hominid Remains from 28 Hexian and Chaoxian Counties, Anhui Province, China by Dennis A. Etler Colobine Socioecology and Female- 35 bonded Models of Primate Social Structure by Craig B. Stanford Towards a More Critical Biomedical 42 Anthropology by John S. Allen 55 62 67 14 23 32 62 78 86 100 109 1 21 29 Contents 13 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Morphology and Metrics of the Upper Third Molars ofAustralopithecus afarensis by Pelaji S. Kyauka Humeral Morphology of Achondroplasia by Rina Malonzo and Jeannine Ross Is Sociobiology Methodologically Flawed? by P. Thomas Schoenemann Comparative Dental metrics and the Radiation of New World Monkeys: A Preliminary Analysis by Walter Carl Hartwig Neandertals and the Anterior Dental Loading Hypothesis: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Bite Force Production by Susan C. Anton Diet, Species Diversity and Distribution of African Fossil Baboons by Brenda R. Benefit and Monte L. McCrossin Volume 73/74 (1992): Material Culture Studies Material Culture Studies: Preface by Margaret W Conkey Re-Presentations of Palaeolithic Visual Imagery: Simulacra and their Alternatives by Marcia-Anne Dobres Power and Negotiation through Material Culture: The Case of the Chaco Regional System by James M Potter The Transformation of British Culture in the Eastern Cape, 1820-1860 by Margot Winer and James Deetz Structured Consumption and Manipulated Meaning: Two Aspects of Style in Industrial Artifacts by John Blanford The New California Mission System: Museums, Gift Shops, and Historical Archaeologists by Mark Pedelty Archaeological Meditations on the Conquest and Constructions of Mexican National Identity by Justin R. Hyland I What is Archaeology, Really? by Robert H. Gargett Volume 75/76 (1992): Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas Preface by Rebecca Dobkins & Matthew C. Gutmann A Lost Latin American Legacy of the First Americans: The Garifuna of Belize by C. 34 L. Macklin "Caballeritos" and Maiz Cabanita: Colonial 41 Categories and Andean Ethnicity in the Quincentennial Year by Paul H. Gelles 49 Dimensions of Nationalism in a Venezuelan Possession Cult: The Crystallization of an Oral Tradition by Francisco Ferrandiz 57 Primordial Cultures and Creativity in the Origins of "Lo Mexicano" by Matthew C. Gutmann 500 Years of Invasion: Eco-Colonialism in 67 Indigenous Venezuela by Manuel Lizarralde Representing Repatriation: Exhibiting the 77 Omaha Collection at the Hearst Museum by Rebecca Dobkins Volume 77 (1994): Essays in Controlling Processes. Laura Nader, editor iii Controlling Processes by Laura Nader The Social Practice of AIDS Education by Jessica Jerome I 1 The Privatization of Justice: An Ethnography of Control by Bjorn Skorpen Claeson 3 26 Re-articulating the Moral Economy of Gambling by Mike Panasitti and Natasha Schull 6 41 Silicone Breast Implants in America: A Choice of the "Official Breast?" by Linda Coco I C 80 Skeletons in the Closet: The Staging of Female Adolescent Identity by Marianne McCune 1 3 92 Special Publication 1 (1967): Essays in 115 Balkan Ethnology. William G. Lockwood, editor Fish Poisoning in the Carpathian Area and in the Balkan Peninsula by Bela Gunda Economic Adaptation and Development of Family Types in a Bosnian Town by Leon M Bresloff 3 The Jewish Mother in Serbia or les iii Structures Alimentaires de la Parente by E. A. Hammel 5 14 14 28 628 52 2 12 32 5 5 14 No. 78 1950-1994 The Joint Family and its Dwelling in Western Bulgaria by V Frolec 6: The Blood Feud in Montenegro by Andrei Simic 8: What's in a Name? Aspects of the Social Organization of a Greek Farming Community Related to Naming Customs by Perry A. Bialor 9' The Process of Modernization as Reflected in Yugoslav Peasant Biographies by Joel M Halpern IO' Special Publication 2 (1969): Archaeological and Paleobiological Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. Lewis K. Napton, editor Introduction by L. K. Napton and R. F. Heizer Analysis of Hairs in Lovelock Cave Coprolites by Charles L. Douglas Paleo-ornithology of Lovelock Cave Coprolites by L. K. Napton and 0. A. Brunetti Preliminary Palynological Analysis of Lovelock Cave Coprolites by L. K., Napton and Gerald Kelso 1 The Lacustrine Subsistence Pattern in the Desert West by L. K. Napton 21 The Transition from "Salvage" to 3 "Research" Archaeology on the National Forests in California by Donald S. Miller 3 Current Archaeopolitics in California by Thomas F. King Politica Y Arquelogia: La perspectiva Mexicana Proteccion y Conservacion de 5 Sitios y Obletos Arquel6gicos La Practica Filosofica y La Politica en Mexico by Eduardo Contreras Ixo 9 Site Destruction in Latin America: Some Descriptions and Proposals by Karen 0. Bruhuns The Legal Protection of Antiquities in the British Isles: An Historical Survey by Judith Rodden An Annotated Bibliography of Native American Autobiographies and Life i Histories by Allen G. Pastron 3 Special Publication 3 (1973): The Crisis in American Archaeology. Allen G. Pastron, Patrick S. Hallinan, and C. William Clewlow Jr., editors The Crisis in American Archaeology: An Introduction by C. William Clewlow Jr., Allen G Pastron and Patrick S. Hallinan Archaeology and the Law by Patrick S. Hallinan The Native American and Archaeology by Allen G. Pastron Private Enterprise and the Crisis in American Archaeology by C. William Clewlow Jr. Response to Crisis: The Bay Area Archaeological Cooperative by Michael J. Moratto The Crisis in American Archaeology and the State of California by Francis A. Riddell 5 25 35 53 59 66 72 82 123 144 Contents 15 Author Index Abbott, Joan M. W. 1970 Cultural Anthropology and the Man Environment Relationship: An Historical Discussion, 43:10 Ablon, Joan 1979 Urban Field Research in the United States: the Long Journey from the Exotic to the Mundane, 59/60:108 Allen, John S. 1990 Towards a More Critical Biomedical Anthropology, 71/72:29 Altman, Ralph C. 1953 Walter Buchanan Cline: Personal Reminiscences, 8/9:xiii Amoss, Harold L., Jr. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Ute Mountain Ute-A Study in Differential Borrowing, 16:90 Anderson, E. N., Jr. 1967 Prejudice and Ethnic Stereotypes in Rural Hong Kong, 37:90 Anderson, Eugene 1963 Tahitian Bonito Fishing, 28:87 Anderson, Gallatin 1956 A Survey of Italian Godparenthood, 15:1 Anderson, Gallatin and Robert T. Anderson 1958 The Timing Mechanism Culture Lag Reduction, Changing Kinship in a Danish Community, 19:87 Anderson, James N. 1986 Migration and Resettlement: Introduction, 65/66:1 Anderson, Milton L. 1964 An Appropriate Methodology for the Social Sciences, 30:29 Anderson, Robert and Edna Mitchel 1976 Music Acculturation in Nepal, 53/54:88 Anderson, Robert T. 1963 Changing Kinship in Europe, 28:1 1963 Preliminary Report on the Association Redefinition of Castes in Hyderabad- Secunderabad, 29:25 Anderson, Robert T. and Gallatin Anderson 1958 The Timing Mechanism Culture Lag Reduction, Changing Kinship in a Danish Community, 19:87 Anton, Susan C. 1990 Neandertals and the Anterior Dental Loading Hypothesis: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Bite Force Production, 71/72:67 Arbin, Arne 1950 A Journey up the Sambu River to Visit the Choc6 Indians, 2:79 Arenson, David 1979 People's Temple: A Revitalization Movement in Despair, 59/60:36 Arewa, E. Ojo 1964 Values Relevant to Family and Social Relationships Among the Navahos, with a Special Reference to Marriage, 31:117 Arntz, Deirdre Parker 1978 Religion and its Effect on Social Cohesion in an Emerging Community, 57/58:20 Assefa, Brook 1988 Symbolic Estates as Determining Factors in the Leisure Preferences of Minorities in the East Bay Area of Northern California (Or Why Blacks Do Not Use Regional Parks), 67/68:7 Bacon, Elizabeth E. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Hazara Mongols of Afghanistan: A Study in Social Organization, 16:87 Bard, James C., with Colin I. Busby, et. al. 1974 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada, 51/52:19 Bamett, H. G. 1961 The Innovative Process, 25:25 Barrett, S. A. 1961 American Indian Films, 25:155 1963 The Jump Dance at Hupa, 1962, 28:73 Beals, Alan R. and Thomas McCorkle 1950 Lost Lake: A Study of an Agricultural Community Established on Reclaimed Land, 3:1 Beals, Ralph L. 1961 Kinship Terminology and Social Structure, 25:129 Beardsley, Richard K. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archeology, 14:99 Benefit, Brenda R. and Monte L. McCrossin 1990 Diet, Species Diversity and Distribution of African Fossil Baboons, 71/72:77 Bernstein Louise 1978 Hierarchy in Innovative Psychology, 47/48:206 1978 Humor in a Group of Hawaiian Adolescents, 57/58:40 Author Index Berreman, Gerald D. 1970 Racism, the War and the University, 43:1 Bialor, Perry A. 1967 What's in a Name? Aspects of the Social Organization of a Greek Farming Community Related to Naming Customs, SPI:95 Bird, Julius B. 1960 Suggestions for the Recording of Data on Spinning and Weaving and the Collecting of Material, 22:1 1969 A Comparison of South Chilean and Ecuadorian "Fishtail" Projectile Points, 40:52 Blanford, John 1992 Structured Consumption and Manipulated Meaning: Two Aspects of Style in Industrial Artifacts, 73/74:80 Blount, Ben 1968 Some Contributions of Phenomenology to Social Science, 38:82 Boaz, Noel T. 1974 Paleocology of Early Hominidae in Africa, 50:37 Boaz, Noel T. and John E. Cronin 1974 Forward, 50:1 Boaz, Noel T. and John E. Cronin, editors 1977 Berkeley Papers in Physical Anthropology, 50 Bohannan, Paul 1967 Gluckman's The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence reviewed, 36:94 Bowler, Suzanne 1979 The Effects of the Suicide Prevention Center of Alameda County's Telephone Service on Client and Counselor Role Performance, 59/60:59 Bowles, Gordon T. 1953 Population Control and the Family in Feudal and Post-Restoration Japan, 8/9:1 Brandes, Stanley 1968 Tzintzuntzan Wedding: A Study in Cultural Complexity, 39:30 1977 The Household Development Cycle in Tzintzuntzan, 55/56:13 Bresloff, Leon M. 1967 Economic Adaptation and Development of Family Types in a Bosnian Town, SP1:35 Bright, William 1954 The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Myth, 11:1 Bright, William and D. L. Olmsted 1959 A Shasta Vocabulary, 20:1 Brissonnet, Lydie 1979 La Societe: The Ethnological Society of Paris, 1839, 59/60:19 Broadbent, Sylvia M. 1969 Prehistoric Chronology in the Sabana de Bogota, 40:38 Browner, Carole 1973 Abortion as a Life Crisis, 47/48:86 1982 The Outpatient Department as a Social System: Structure, Ideology and Behavior, 61/62:52 Bruhuns, Karen 0. 1973 Site Destruction in Latin America: Some Descriptions and Proposals, SP3:113 Brunetti, 0. A., with L. K. Napton 1969 Paleo-ornithology of Lovelock Cave Coprolites, SP2:9 Biyce-Laporte, R. S. 1986 The Immigration of Caribbean People to the United States: Some Comments, 65/66:25 Busby, Colin I., James C. Bard, Thomas Clark, Lee Spencer, and Sean Swezey 1974 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada, 5 1/52:19 Campbell, Robert 1988 Busman's Holiday-Or the Best Surprise is No Surprise, 67/68:12 Cappannari, Stephen C. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Property among Shoshoneans, 16:79 Carrasco, Pedro 1957 Some Aspects of Peasant Society in Middle America and India, 16:17 Casteel, Richard W. 1973 Incremental Growth Zones in Mammals and Their Archaeological Value, 47/48:1 Chambers, Anne 1971 A Study of the Relocation of Two Marshallese Atoll Communities, 44:30 Chambers, Keith S. 1978 Color Categorization in Nanumea, A Polynesian Atoll Society, 57/58:65 Chan, Sue 1978 The Chinese Diet and Pregnancy, 47/48:148 Chard, Chester S. 1950 Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America, 1:1 1951 New Light on the Racial Composition of Northeastern Siberia, 5:26 1953 The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch, 8/9:20 1950-1994 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 1954 Racial Types in Northeastern Asia, 10:1 1955 Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin Region, 13:105 1957 Archaeology in Soviet Asia, 1950- 1951, 16:29 Cheney, Charles C. 1977 Religion, Magic, and Medicine in Huave Society, 55/56:59 Chilcott, John H. 1960 The Place of Anthropology in the American Public School Curriculum, 22:68 Claeson, Bjorn Skorpen 1994 The Privatization of Justice: An Ethnography of Control, 77:32 Clark, Margaret 1977 Three Cases of Folk Disorder among Mexican Americans: Implications for the Study of Culture Changes, 55/56:75 Clark, Margaret, Robert V. Kemper, and Cynthia Nelson 1977 Preface, 55/56:vii Clark, Margaret, Robert V. Kemper, and Cynthia Nelson, editors 1977 From Tzintzuntzan to the "Image of Limited Good" Essays in Honor of George M. Foster, 55/56 Clark, Thomas, with Colin I. Busby, et. al. 1974 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada, 5 1/52:19 Clewlow, C. William, Jr. 1970 Some Thoughts on the Background of Early Man, Hrdlicka, and Folsom, 42:26 1973 Private Enterprise and the Crisis in American Archaeology, SP3:35 Clewlow, C. William, Jr., Allen G. Pastron, and Patrick S. Hallinan 1973 The Crisis in American Archaeology: An Introduction, SP3: 1 Coco, Linda 1994 Silicone Breast Implants in America: A Choice of the "Official Breast?", 77:103 Coe, Michael D. 1957 Pre-Classic Cultures in Mesoamerica: A Comparative Survey, 17:7 Coe, William R. and Robert Stuckenrath, Jr. 1964 A Review of La Venta, Tabasco and Its Relevance to the Olmec Problem, 31:1 Collier, Donald 1961 Museums and Ethnological Research, 1961, 25:149 Colson, E. 1953 Clans and the Joking-Relationship among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, 8/9:45 Colson, Elizabeth 1986 Comments: The Uprooted, 65/66: 101 Combs-Schilling, M. Elaine 1984 Islam, Power and Change: Variation in North African Independence Movements, 63/64:59 Conkey, Margaret W. 1992 Material Culture Studies: Preface, 73/74:iii Cook, S. F., with H. C. Ezra and H. A. Leon 1958 The Current Status of the Fluorine Method of Age Determination, 19:17 Cooke, M. T. 1986 Outposts of Trade: Migration Patterns of the Nisyang Traders of Nepal, 65/66:73 Coon, Carleton S. 1953 Walter Buchanan Cline: A Memoir, 8/9:ix Coult, Allan D. 1959 Tongan Authority Structure: Concepts for Comparative Analysis, 20:56 Cowgill, Ursula M. 1966 The Season of Birth in Man: The Northern New World, 35:1 1970 Marriage and Its Progeny in the City of York, 1538-1751, 42:47 Crain, Carleton L. 1966 Mechanical Aspects of the Single-Piece Curved Shell Fishhook, 34:17 Crapanzano, Vincent 1989 Preliminary Notes on the Glossing of Emotions, 69/70:78 Cronin, John E. 1974 Anthropoid Evolution: The Molecular Evidence, 50:75 Cronin, John E. with Noel T. Boaz 1974 Forward, 50:1 Cronin, John E. with Noel T. Boaz, editors 1977 Berkeley Papers in Physical Anthropology, 50 Croughan, Nora K. 1979 Fieldwork in Medical Anthropology: The Clinical Setting, 59/60:103 Curchack, Mark P. 1970 The Adaptability of Traditional Institutions as a Factor in the Formation of Immigrant Voluntary Associations: The Example of Landsmanshaften, 42:88 18 No. 78 Author Index Curtin, Richard A. 1974 Langur Social Behavior and Infant Mortality, 50:27 d'Azevedo, Warren L. 1959 The Setting of Gola Society and Culture: Some Theoretical Implications of Variation in Time and Space, 21:43 Danadjaja, James 1971 Acculturation in Tano Niha (the Island of Nias), 44:1 Deetz, James with Margot Winer 1992 The Transformation of British Culture in the Eastern Cape, 1820-1860, 73/74:62 del Solar, Daniel 1966 Interrelations of Mesoamerica and Peru-Ecuador Area, 34:31 Desbarats, Jacqueline 1986 Policy Influences on Refugee Resettlement Patters, 65/66:49 Dobkins, Rebecca 1992 Representing Repatriation: Exhibiting the Omaha Collection at the Hearst Museum, 75/76:80 Dobkins, Rebecca, and Matthew C. Gutmann 1992 Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas. Preface., 75/76:iii Dobres, Marcia-Anne 1992 Re-Presentations of Palaeolithic Visual Imagery: Simulacra and their Alternatives, 73/74:1 Douglas, Charles L. 1969 Analysis of Hairs in Lovelock Cave Coprolites, SP2:1 Downs, James F. 1958 Aggression Channeling and Conflict Function in a Nudist Camp, 19:7 1960 Domestication: An Examination of the Changing Social Relationships Between Man and Animals, 22:18 1960 Thoughts on Cavalry, Guerrilla Warfare and the Fall of Empires, 23:105 1963 The Cowboy and the Lady: Models as a Determinant of the Rate of Acculturation Among the Pinion Navajo, 29:53 Draper, Linda and Larry Michalak 1977 Introduction, 49:3 Draper, Linda, with Laurence Michalak, editors 1977 Undergraduate Papers in American Studies, 49 Drewitt, Bruce 1962 Ecological Factors in the Rise of Civilization, 27:1 Drucker, Philip 1961 The La Venta Olmec Support Area, 25:59 Drucker, Philip and Robert F. Heizer 1965 Commentary on W. R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955, 33:37 Dundes, Alan 1966 Here I Sit-A Study of American Latrinalia, 34:91 Dundes, Alan and Carl R. Patger 1974 Bar Dice in the San Francisco Bay Area, 5 1/52:1 Diirmiiller, Urs 1982 Babel-Babble in Baghdad-by-the-Bay: Towards a social Dialectology of the San Francisco Bay Area, 61/62:148 Eddington, Neil A. 1965 Genital Superiority in Oakland Negro Folklore: A Theme, 33:99 1966 Toward a Community Development Approach to Urban Poverty in the United States, 34:9 Edgerton, Robert B. 1989 "Self-Sacrifice": An Example from the Anglo-Zulu War, 69/70:86 Elmendorf, William 1956 Dissertation Abstract: The Structure of Twana Culture, 14:101 Elsasser, A. B. 1961 Archaeological Evidence of Shamanism in California and Nevada, 24:38 Elsasser, A. B. with J. E. Smith 1962 The Excavation of Cave Rock, Nevada, 27:45 Erasmus, Charles J. 1950 Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship, 2:42 Erickson, Paul A. 1978 The Indo European Hypothesis in 19th Century Physical Anthropology, 47/48:165 1986 The Anthropology of Josiah Clark Nott, 65/66:103 Escobar, M. Gabriel 1969 The Role of Sports in the Penetration of Urban Culture to the Rural Areas of Peru, 40:72 Essene, Frank J., Jr. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative Study of Eskimo Mythology, 14:96 Estel, Leo A. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: Mindoro Anthropometry and Racial Origins in Northern Indonesia, 16:84 1950-1994 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Etler, Dennis A. 1990 A Case Study of the "erectus"- "sapiens" Transition in Asia: Hominid Remains from Hexian and Chaoxian Counties, Anhui Province, China, 71/72:1 Eyde, David B. 1964 Evidence for Complex Alliance in Tikopia, 30:39 Ezra, H. C., S. F. Cook, and H. A. Leon 1958 The Current Status of the Fluorine Method of Age Determination, 19:17 Fahim, Hussein M. 1977 Community Health Aspects of Nubian Resettlement in Egypt, 55/56:81 Fenenga, Franklin 1950 Nepenthe in Aboriginal America, 1:81 Ferrandiz, Francisco 1992 Dimensions of Nationalism in a Venezuelan Possession Cult: The Crystallization of an Oral Tradition, 75/76:28 Firth, Raymond 1978 Sex Roles and Sex Symbols in Tikopia Society, 57/58:1 Forman, Sylvia H. 1967 The Siberian Peoples: Annotated Bibliography of English Language Sources, 36:1 1969 Dedicatory Introduction, 40:1 Foster, George M. 1960 Nationalism in Africa: An Attempt at Prediction, 23:1 1968 The Social Anthropological Field Experience, 39:1 1977 Bibliography of the Publications of George M. Foster, 55/56:165 Foster, George M. and John H. Rowe 1951 Suggestions for Field Recording of Information on the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Remedies, 5:1 Foster, Mary LeCron 1979 Culture as Metaphor: A New Look at Language and Culture in the Pleistocene, 59/60:1 Fred, Morris A. 1984 Democracy at Work in the Swedish Bureaucracy, 63/64:117 Freed, Nancy Laubach 1953 Walter Buchanan Cline: Bibliography, 8/9:xvii Freeman, John F. 1965 University Anthropology: Early Departments in the United States, 32:78 Freeman, Mrs. J. F. 1965 Obituary: John Finley Freeman, 32:77 Friedrich, Paul 1962 The External Relations of an Open Corporate Village, 27:27 Frolec, V. 1967 The Joint Family and its Dwelling in Western Bulgaria, SPI :63 Furukawa, Theodore P. with Richard Gould 1964 Aspects of Ceremonial Life Among the Indian Shakers of Smith River, California, 31:51 Gahlinger, Paul M. 1986 Ecology, Delocalization, and Relocaization in a Canadian Maritime Community, 65/66:139 Gaines, Atwood D. 1976 Illness and Interaction: A Case of Paranoia, 53/54:71 1979 Hard Contract: Issues and Problems in Contract Social Anthropological Research, 59/60:82 Gallagher, Dennis 1986 Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation in the United States, 65/66:1 1 Gamst, Frederick C. 1977 An Application of the Model, the Image of Limited Good in Industrial Society, 55/56:131 Garbe, Patricia 1971 Annotated Bibliography for Olmec Art, with Introduction and Addendum, 44:77 Gargett, Robert H. 1992 What is Archaeology, Really?, 73/74: Gastil, Raymond D. 1964 Culture and Civilization: In Man and Out There, 30:21 Gayton, A. H. 1961 The Cultural Significance of Peruvian Textiles: Production, Function, Aesthetics, 25:11 1 Gegeo, David Welchman and Karen Ann Watson- Gegeo 1978 Courtship Among the Kurafi of Malaita: An Ethnography of Speaking Approach, 57/58:98 Gelles, Paul H. 1992 "Caballeritos" and Maiz Cabanita: Colonial Categories and Andean Ethnicity in the Quincentennial Year, 75/76:14 20 No. 78 Author Index2 Gerow, Bert A. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: Bloodclot Boy: An Historical and Stylistic Study of a North American Indian Hero Tale, 16:78 Gibson, Ann J. 1961 Chresmology: A Comparative Study of Oracles, 24:19 Gifford, Diane P. 1967 The Expression of Male Interest in the Infant in Five Species of Macaque, 36:32 Glazier, Jack 1984 Economic Inequality and Land Tenure Change in Mbeere, Kenya, 63/64:76 Glazier, Jack, Michael Lowy, Kathryn T. Molohon, John U. Ogbu, and Anya Peterson Royce, editors 1984 Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson, 63/64 Goins, John F. 1950 The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia, 2:17 Gold, Steven J. 1986 Styles of Activism Within Refugee Communities: The Case of Soviet Jews and Vietnamese, 65/66:35 Goldfarb, Amy 1977 Nursery School Sex role Play among Four and Five year Olds, 49:7 Gould, Richard A. 1967 Notes on Hunting, Butchering, and Sharing of Game among the Ngatatjara and Their Neighbors in the West Australian Desert, 36:41 Gould, Richard and Theodore P. Furukawa 1964 Aspects of Ceremonial Life Among the Indian Shakers of Smith River, California, 31:51 Graburn, Nelson H. H. 1965 Some Aspects of Linguistic Acculturation in Northern Ungava Eskimo, 32:11 1988 Anthropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley. Introduction, 67/68:1 Grabum, Nelson H. H., editor 1988 Anthropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley, 67/68 Grabum, Nelson H. H., with Karen L. Nero 1978 The Institutional Context of the Arts of Oceania: With Special Reference to Micronesia, 57/58:147 Green, Ernestene 1972 The Use of Analogy for Interpretation of Maya Prehistory, 45/46:18 Greengo, Robert E. 1952 Shellfish Foods of the California Indians, 7:63 Gunda, Bela 1967 Fish Poisoning in the Carpathian Area and in the Balkan Peninsula, Bela Gunda, SP1:l Gunnerson, James H. 1958 A Survey of Ethnohistoric Sources, 18:49 Gutmann, Matthew C. 1992 Primordial Cultures and Creativity in the Origins of "Lo Mexicano", 75/76:28 Gutmann, Matthew C., with Rebecca Dobkins 1992 Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas. Preface., 75/76:iii Habarad, Jonathan 1986 Five Villages: Culture and Resources Among Lao Iu Mien, 65/66:83 Hahm, Pyong Choon 1969 Religion and Law in Korea, 41:8 Hallinan, Patrick S. 1973 Archaeology and the Law, SP3:5 Hallinan, Patrick S., with C. William Clewlow Jr., and Allen G. Pastron 1973 The Crisis in American Archaeology: An Introduction, SP3: 1 Halpern, A. M. 1953 A Dualism in Pomo Cosmology, 8/9:151 Halpern, Joel M. 1967 The Process of Modernization as Reflected in Yugoslav Peasant Biographies, SP 1:109 Hamaguchi, H. and M. Tatsumoto 1958 Fluorine Content of Human Bones, 19:41 Hammel, Eugene. A. 1957 Serbo-Croatian Kinship Terminology, 16:45 1964 Culture as an Information System, 31:83 1967 Sexual Symbolism in Flatware, 37:23 1967 The Jewish Mother in Serbia or les Structures Alimentaires de la Parente, SP1:55 1969 Peck's Archaeologist, 40:93 1969 Theodore Doney McCown, June 18, 1908-August 17,1969,41:1 Hammel, Eugene and Laura Nader 1977 Will the Real George Foster Please Stand Up? A Brief Intellectual Essay, 55/56:159 1950-1994 21 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Hartland-Thunberg, Penelope 1984 An Appreciation of Elizabeth Colson: Her Early Intellectual Development, 63/64:21 Hartwig, Walter Carl 1990 Comparative Dental metrics and the Radiation of New World Monkeys: A Preliminary Analysis, 71/72:57 Hasan, Khwaja A. 1964 Folk Concepts of Etiology and Illness in a North Indian Village, 30:73 Hastings, Julie 1988 Time Out of Time: Life Crises and Schooner Sailing in the Pacific, 67/68:42 Hatch, James 1958 Tachi Youkuts Music, 19:47 Haynes, Terry L. 1979 Alligators in the Swamp: Field Problems and Training Issues in Contemporary Anthropology, 59/60:76 Haynes, Terry L., with Sandra J. Wood 1979 So You Think You Want to do Fieldwork: The Changing Face of Anthropological Research, 59/60:68 Heider, Karl G. 1969 Sweet Potato Notes and Lexical Queries, or, the Problem of All Those Names for Sweet Potatoes in the New Guinea Highlands, 41:78 Heizer, R. F., with L. K. Napton 1969 Introduction, SP2:i Heizer, Robert F. 1950 Kutsavi, A Great Basin Indian Food, 2:35 1950 Observations on Early Man in Califomia, 1:28 1955 Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiute, 12:45 1955 Primitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, 13:1 1961 Inferences on the Nature of Olmec Society Based upon Data from La Venta Site, 25:43 1964 Civil Rights in California in the 1850's-A Case History, 31:129 1964 Some Interim Remarks on the Coe- Stuckenrath Review, 31:45 1966 Plank Canoes of South and North America, 35:22 Heizer, Robert F. with Philip Drucker 1965 Commentary on W. R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955, 33:37 Henry, Kathleen 1979 Creative Thinking in Archaeological Fieldwork, 59/60:121 Herman, Mary W. 1950 A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contemporary Sources, 1:45 Hewes, Gordon W. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Use of Fishery Resources in Northwestern North America, 14:98 1961 The Ecumene as a Civilizational Multiplier System, 25:73 Hill, Carole E. 1979 Research Problems in the Medical Setting: Science Versus Politics, 59/60:92 Hirschmann, Niloufer 1973 The World in a Paper Bag, 47/48:44 Hitchcock, George 1966 Scattering Flowers: a poem, 35:40 Hohenthal, William D., Jr. 1950 Southern Dieguefno Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials, 2:9 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Cultural Marginality and Native Agriculture in South America, 16:85 1959 Classification and Treatment of Venereal Diseases by a Brazilian Indian Tribe, 20:89 1959 Sex, Class, and Status in Racial Relations-Northeast Brazil, 21:17 Holden, Jane 1957 The Postclassic Stage in Mesoamerica, 17:75 Hollow, Robert C., Jr. 1970 Concordance of Phonetic Alphabets, 43:42 Holtzman, Stephen R. 1974 Early Research on Pleistocene Races in Europe: Putting Neanderthal Man's Head Together, 50:105 1974 Continental Anthropologists' Initial Opposition to Darwinism and the Prospect of Human Evolution, 51/52:81 Howell, Richard W. 1965 Linguistic Status Markers in Korean, 33:91 Hubbell, Linda J. 1968 Historicity Study of Mexican Corridos about Zapata, 38:68 Hyland, Justin R. 1992 Archaeological Meditations on the Conquest and Constructions of Mexican National Identity, 73/74:115 No. 78 22 Author Index Hymes, Dell H. 1962 On Studying the History of Anthropology, 26:81 lijima, Shigeru 1963 Hinduization of a Himalayan Tribe in Nepal, 29:43 Ikkai, Mariko 1988 The Senbetsu-Omiyage Relationship: Traditional Reciprocity among Japanese Tourists, 67/68:62 Ingham, John 1963 Malinowski: Epistemology and Oedipus, 29:1 Isaac, Glynn L. 1967 Towards the Interpretation of Occupation Debris: Some Experiments and Observations, 37:31 Ixo, Eduardo Contreras 1973 Politica Y Arquelogia: La perspectiva Mexicana Proteccion y Conservacion de Sitios y Obletos Arquel6gicos La Practica Filosofica y La Politica en Mexico, SP3:82 Jacobs, Melville 1958 The Romantic Role of Older Women in a Culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast, 18:79 Jamieson, John C. 1959 Archaeology on the China Mainland Since 1949, 20:71 Jasng, Susan 1971 Family in Transition, 44:73 Jerome, Jessica 1994 The Social Practice of AIDS Education, 77:12 Johnson, Norris Brock 1982 Michel de Montaigne's "Of Cannibals" as Cultural Relativism, Critique and Counterproposal: An Issue in the History of Anthropology, 61/62:20 Johnson, Thomas W. 1970 Japan's New Religions: A Search for Uniformities, 42:99 Johnson, Thomas W. and Hal Nelson 1978 An Alternative Taxonomic Classification for Ethnic Groups, 47/48:180 Judd, Mary 1984 Men, Women and Work in a Lombok Village, 63/64:33 Juvenal, Father 1952 A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska. Ivan Petrov, trans., 6:26 Kang, Gay Elisabeth 1974 The Korean Shoeshine Team: An Organizational Analysis, 51/52:72 Kayser-Jones, Jeanie Schmit 1984 Exchange, Power, and Compliance: A Scottish and American Comparison in Two Institutions for the Aged, 63/64:126 Keamey, Michael 1970 The Social Meaning of Food Sharing in Mexico, 43:32 Keller, Bonnie B. 1963 Contact Languages in Africa, 28:49 Kelly, Isabel 1961 Mexican Spiritualism, 25:191 Kelso, Gerald, with L. K. Napton 1969 Preliminary Palynological Analysis of Lovelock Cave Coprolites, SP2: 19 Kemper, Robert V, with Margaret Clark and Cynthia Nelson 1977 Preface, 55/56:vii Kemper, Robert V. 1970 The Anthropological Study of Migration to Latin American Cities, 42:1 1970 Index to the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers: 1950-1969, Numbers 1-40, 43:61 1972 Anthropologists and the Study of Urbanization: An Example from Mexico, 45/46:1 1977 Compadrazgo in City and Countryside: A Comparison of Tzintzuntzan Migrants and Villagers, 55/56:25 Kemper, Robert V. with Margaret Clark and Cynthia Nelson, editors 1977 From Tzintzuntzan to the "Image of Limited Good" Essays in Honor of George M. Foster, 55/56 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. 1960 The Phylogenetic Tree: An Analysis of Its Development in Studies of Human Evolution, 23:7 Kernan, Keith T. 1965 A Transformational Analysis of the Kapauku Kinship System, 33:71 King, Arden R. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Skin Dressing in Western North America, 14:97 King, Thomas F. 1973 Current Archaeopolitics in California, SP3:72 1950-1994 23 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Kleinman, Arthur 1989 The Sources of Pain, Distress and Misery: A Medical Anthropological Perspective on the Symbolic Bridge between Social Structure and Physiology, 69/70:14 Koenig, Dorothy A., and Lenore D. Ralston 1984 Bibliography of Elizabeth Florence Colson, 63/64:153 Koo, Linda C. 1978 Traditional Chinese Diet and Its Relationship to Health, 47/48:116 Krantz, Grover S. 1959 Distinctions Between the Skulls of Coyotes and Dogs, 21:40 1960 Evolution of the Human Hand and the Great Hand-Axe Tradition, 23:114 Krieger, Alex D. 1961 On Being Critical, 25:19 Kroeber Anthropological Society 1956 Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1946-1949, 14:93 1956 Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of M.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted in the United States in the Academic Year 1955-1956, 15:111 1957 Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1950-1951, 16:77 1958 Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1952-1953, 19:102 1958 Dissertations in Anthropology, 18:87 Kroeber, A. L. 1951 Olive Oatman's Return, 4:1 1957 Ronald L. Olson, Retired 1956, 16:1 1958 Personality of Anthropology, 19:1 Kroeber, A. L. and Dale Valory 1967 Ethnological Manuscripts in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, 37:1 Kroeber, A. L. with Theodora Kroeber 1961 Shropshire Revisited, 25:1 Kroeber, Theodora and A. L. Kroeber 1961 Shropshire Revisited, 25:1 Kutter, Uli 1966 Towards a New Definition of Folk, 34:83 Kyauka, Pelaji S. 1990 Morphology and Metrics of the Upper Third Molars ofAustralopithecus afarensis, 71/72:34 L. K. Napton 1969 The Lacustrine Subsistence Pattern in the Desert West, SP2:28 Lancaster, Chet S. 1984 The Zambezi Goba in the Twentieth Century: New Male-Dominant Institutions and the Declining Status of Rural Women, 63/64:46 Lane, Kenneth S. 1952 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640, 7:1 Lathrop, Donald W. 1957 The Classic Stage in Mesoamerica, 17:38 Leeds, Anthony 1965 Some Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Analysis of Technologies, 32:1 LeMaster, Barbara 1977 The Education of the Deaf: A Sub Community in the Making, 49:45 Leon, H. A., with H. C. Ezra, and S. F. Cook 1958 The Current Status of the Fluorine Method of Age Determination, 19:17 Leslie, Charles 1989 Indigenous Pharmaceuticals, the Capitalist World System and Civilization, 69/70:23 Levenstein, Harvey A. 1963 Franz Boas as Political Activist, 29:15 Levin, Claudia L. 1978 The Effects of Commercialism on the Telegraph Avenue Artisan, 47/48:192 Levine, Morton H. 1958 An Area Co-tradition for Mesoamerica, 18:1 Levi Strauss, Claude 1966 Humanity, What Is It?, An Interview with Claude Levi Strauss, 35:41 Lim, Richard 1971 Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law Conflict in a Chinese American Family, 44:63 Lindstrom, Lamnont 1978 Bigman or Chief? Knowledge and Political Process on Tanna, 57/58:122 Linke, Uli H. 1982 Caste and Class in Germany: A Study of the Power Politics of Labor Migration from 1955-1980, 61/62:78 Lizarralde, Manuel 1992 500 Years of Invasion: Eco- Colonialism in Indigenous Venezuela, 75/76:62 Lock, Margaret 1984 Treating the Japanese Elderly: The Masking of a Social Problem, 63/64:84 24 No. 78 Author Index 1989 Castications of a Selfish Housewife: National Identity and Menopausal Rhetoric in Japan, 69/70:1 Lockwood, William G. 1965 The Market Place as a Social Mechanism in Peasant Society, 32:47 Lockwood, William G., editor 1967 Essays in Balkan Ethnology, SPI Lonergan, David F. 1986 Natchez Sans Paradoxe, 65/66:121 Lovelock, Patricia 1971 Response to a Family Crisis, 44:59 Lowrimore, Burton S. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Dualism in American Indian Folklore, 16:86 Lowy, Michael with Jack Glazier, et. al., editors 1984 Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson, 63/64 Lyon, Patricia J. 1968 Cooperative Labor and Community Development in Southern Peru, 39:63 1969 Anthropological Activity in the United States, 1865-1879, 40:8 Lyon, Sue 1977 Cohabitation in a Student Community, 49:13 MacCulloch, Susan L. 1966 A Tripartite Political System among Christian Indians of Early Massachusetts, 34:63 Macklin, C. L. 1992 A Lost Latin American Legacy of the First Americans: The Garifuna of Belize, 75/76:1 MacRae, Donald G. 1959 The British Tradition in Social Anthropology, 21:1 Malonzo, Rina and Jeannine Ross 1990 Humeral Morphology of Achondroplasia, 71/72:41 Maltz, Daniel N. 1971 Processual Analysis of American Kinship: Introduction, 44:48 Maltz, Daniel, editor 1969 20th Anniversary Issue-Papers in Honor of John Howland Rowe, 40 Mandelbaum, David G. 1950 The Indian Tribes of North America, 2:51 Matteson, Esther 1951 Piro Myths, 4:37 1954 The Piro of the Urubama, 10:25 1954 Piro Phonemes and Morphology, 11:17 1955 Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar, 12:22 Mayo, Larry W. 1978 Development or Dependency: American Policy in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 57/58:160 McCarthy, Frederick D. 1962 The Rock Engravings at Port Hedland, Northwestern Australia, 26:1 McClellan, Catharine 1957 Dissertation Abstract: Culture Change and Native Trade in Southern Yukon Territory, 16:80 McCone, R. Clyde 1964 Culture Change Theory Implicit in the Writing of A. L. Kroeber, 31:105 McCorkle, Thomas 1952 The History of the Guayqueri, an Approach to the Anthropology of Northern Venezuela, 6:60 McCorkle, Thomas, with Alan R. Beals 1950 Lost Lake: A Study of an Agricultural Community Established on Reclaimed Land, 3:1 McCown, Theodore D. 1961 Animals, Climate and Paleolithic Man, 25:221 1969 Teaching Anthropology at Berkeley, 40:82 McCreery, John 1972 The Gift of the Bride: A Critical Note on Maurice Freedman's Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Marriage, 45/46:56 McCrossin, Monte L. with Brenda R. Benefit 1990 Diet, Species Diversity and Distribution of African Fossil Baboons, 71/72:77 McCune, Marianne 1994 Skeletons in the Closet: The Staging of Female Adolescent Identity, 77:133 McKenna, James J. 1974 Patterns and Functions of Grooming among the Common Indian Langur (Presbytis entellus), 50:3 McKern, Thomas W. 1951 A Glance at Statistical Procedure, 4:19 Meighan, Clement W. 1950 Establishment and Aims of the Kroeber Anthropological Society, I :iii 1953 Acculturation in Californian Awl Forms, 8/9:61 1969 The Kroeber Anthropological Society, 1949-1969, 40:1 Meikle, W. E. 1974 Molar Wear Stages of Theropithecus gelada, 50:21 1950-1994 25 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Menzel, Dorothy 1951 Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1829. Translated from the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comments, 5:6 1969 Some of Rowe's Contributions in the Field of Andean Culture History, 40:100 1970 Richard Paul Roark (1936-1970), 43:58 Merriam, Alan P. 1954 The Selection of Recording Equipment forField Use, 10:5 Merrill, Anne 1979 Theoretical Explanations of the Change from Matriarchy to Patriarchy, 59/60:13 Michalak, Larry with Linda Draper 1977 Introduction, 49:3 Michalak, Laurence and Linda Draper, editors 1977 Undergraduate Papers in American Studies, 49 Miller, Charlene 1964 Los Golondrinos, 30:51 Miller, Donald S. 1973 The Transition from "Salvage" to "Research" Archaeology on the National Forests in California, SP3:66 Miller, Linda Sue 1977 The Re-entry of Ex-Offenders: A Study of a Halfway House, 49:51 Miller, R. Berkeley 1974 Anthropology and Institutionalization: Frederick Starr at the University of Chicago, 1892-1923, 51/52:49 Milner, Richard 1970 Dr. Allan D. Coult (1931-1970); A Personal Memoir, 43:51 Mitchell, Edna, with Robert Anderson 1976 Music Acculturation in Nepal, 53/54:88 Molohon, Kathryn T. 1984 Responses to Television in Two Swampy Creek Cree Communities on the West Coast of James Bay, 63/64:95 Molohon, Kathryn T. with Jack Glazier, et. al., editors 1984 Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson, 63/64 Moratto, Michael J. 1973 Response to Crisis: The Bay Area Archaeological Cooperative, SP3:53 Mosher, Maggie 1988 A Case Study of Tourism in Chinese Peasant Society, 67/68:55 Murphy, Robert F. 1961 Deviancy and Social Control I: What Makes Biboi Run, 24:55 1962 Deviance and Social Control II: Coleta, 27:49 Nader, Laura 1994 Controlling Processes, 77:1 Nader, Laura, editor 1994 Essays in Controlling Processes, 77 Nader, Laura with Eugene Hammel 1977 Will the Real George Foster Please Stand Up? A Brief Intellectual Essay, 55/56:159 Nail, James 1977 Life in a Hare Krishna Temple, 49:57 Napton, L. K. and 0. A. Brunetti 1969 Paleo-ornithology of Lovelock Cave Coprolites, SP2:9 Napton, L. K. and R. F. Heizer 1969 Introduction, SP2:i Napton, L. K., and Gerald Kelso 1969 Preliminary Palynological Analysis of Lovelock Cave Coprolites, SP2: 19 Napton, Lewis K., editor 1969 Archaeological and Paleobiological Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, SP2 Nelson, Cynthia 1977 Letters to the Field: Reflections on Two Decades of Correspondence from George Foster, 55/56:153 Nelson, Cynthia with Margaret Clark and Robert V. Kemper, editors 1977 From Tzintzuntzan to the "Image of Limited Good" Essays in Honor of George M. Foster, 55/56 Nelson, Cynthia, with Margaret Clark and Robert V. Kemper 1977 Preface, 55/56:vii Nelson, Hal, with Thomas W. Johnson 1978 An Alternative Taxonomic Classification for Ethnic Groups, 47/48:180 Nero, Karen L. and Nelson H. H. Graburn 1978 The Institutional Context of the Arts of Oceania: With Special Reference to Micronesia, 57/58:147 Newman, Katherine 1974 Ethnoscience vs. Cultural Materialism: A Study in False Oppositions, 51/52:44 Newman, Russell 1956 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Skeletal Remains from the Lower Sacramento Valley, 14:102 26 No. 78 Author Index Nichols, David G. 1951 Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization, 4:27 Nimuendajiu, Curt 1952 The Tapajo. John H. Rowe, translator and editor, 6:1 Noguera, Pedro 1982 "Making It in America"-A Participant Observation Study of Cuban Refugees, 61/62:88 Norbeck, Edward 1955 Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore: A Research Lead, 12:62 Nu'fiez del Prado, Oscar 1955 Aspects of Andean Native Life, 12:1 Ochoa, Jorge A. Flores 1972 Some of the Other Reasons Why People Migrate, 45/46:40 Ogbu, John U. 1984 Investment in Human Capital: Education and Development in Stockton, Califomia, and Gwembe, Zambia, 63/64:104 Ogbu, John with Jack Glazier, et. al., editors 1984 Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson, 63/64 Oliver, Douglas L. 1953 The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Renown in a Solomon Islands Culture, 8/9:69 Olmsted, D. L., with William Bright 1959 A Shasta Vocabulary, 20: Olson, Ronald L. 1950 Black Market in Prerogatives among the Northern Kwakiutl, 1:78 1953 Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult in Japan, 8/9:78 1961 Tlingit Shamanism and Sorcery, 25:207 Osborne, Homer D. 1957 Disertation Abstract: Excavations Near Umatilla, Oregon: The Archaeology of the Columbia Intermontane Province, 16:88 Osterling, Jorge P. 1973 Immigration and Social Mobility in Peru: The Case of Juan Perez, 47/48:28 Page, Carole 1971 Disinheritance in an Irish American Family, 44:68 Pagter, Carl R., with Alan Dundes 1974 Bar Dice in the San Francisco Bay Area, 51/52:1 Panasitti, Mike and Natasha Schull 1994 Re-articulating the Moral Economy of Gambling, 77:65 Pastron, Allen G. 1973 The Native American and Archaeology, SP3:25 1973 An Annotated Bibliography of Native American Autobiographies and Life Histories, SP3:144 Pastron, Allen G., with C. William Clewlow Jr. and Patrick S. Hallinan 1973 The Crisis in American Archaeology: An Introduction, SP3:1 Pearsall, Marion 1957 Dissertation Abstract: Some Aspects of Culture Change in a Mountain Neighborhood of East Tennessee, 16:84 Pedelty, Mark 1992 The New California Mission System: Museums, Gift Shops, and Historical Archaeologists, 73/74:92 Pelto, Pertti 1959 The Role of the Staff Conference in a State Mental Hospital, 21:31 1966 Scientific Method and the Culture of Anthropology, 34:1 Pendleton, Wade C. 1964 Skin Color: An Example of Human Adaptation, 31:93 Peoples, James G. 1978 Demand and Incentives to Produce in a Traditional Society, 57/58:171 Peri, David W. and Robert W. Wharton 1965 Samuel Alfred Barrett: 1879-1956, 33:3 1965 The Works of Samuel Alfred Barrett, 33:29 Peri, David W. and Robert W. Wharton, editors 1965 Tributes to Samuel Alfred Barrett, 33:1 Perry, Richard J. 1974 Radcliffe Brown and Kropotkin: The Heritage of Anarchism in British Social Anthropology, 51/52:61 Petrov, Ivan, trans. 1952 A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska, 6:26 Pfeiffer, Robert E. 1969 John Howland Rowe: Bibliography, 1940-1967 compiled, 40:112 Pierson, James C. 1982 Student Fieldwork and Student Activities: Applying Anthropology on the College Campus, 61/62:110 1950-1994 27 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Pilling, Arnold R. 1955 Relationships of Prehistoric Cultures of Coastal Monterey County, California, 12:70 Pitman, Mary Ann 1979 Fieldwork or Ethnography: A Case Study in Qualitative Research, 59/60:126 Pitt-Rivers, Julian A. 1957 The Closed Community and its Friends., 16:5 Plotnicov, Leonard 1968 First and Second Generation American Jewish Families: Sources of Conflicts and Tensions, 38:11 1968 An American Jewish Vacation Pattern: The Accommodation of Conjugal Tensions, 39:54 Polto, Pertti J. 1955 The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland, 13:32 Pope, Geoffrey G. 1974 Hominids from the Lower Pleistocene of South China, 50:63 Pope, Polly 1966 Trade in the Plains: Affluence and its Effects, 34:53 Posey, Darrell A. 1974 Freejack Lore and Anomaly: A Study of the Fifth Ward Settlement of Southeastern Louisiana, 51/52:66 Potter, Jack 1977 Forward, 49:1 Potter, James M. 1992 Power and Negotiation through Material Culture: The Case of the Chaco Regional System, 73/74:26 Powell, Alison 1988 Like a Rolling Stone: Notions of Youth Travel and Tourism in Pop Music of the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties, 67/68:28 Price, John A. 1967 Conditions in the Development of Silent Trade, 36:67 1968 Retail Market Associations in Japan, 39:20 Protti, Maria 1977 A Study of the Staff of a Convalescent Hospital, 49:75 Rak, Yoel Z. 1974 Metric Description and Analysis of Cranial Contours, 50:13 Raleigh, Michael J. 1974 Neural Correlates of Primate Social Behavior, 50:115 Ralston, Leonore D. with Dorothy A. Koenig 1984 Bibliography of Elizabeth Florence Colson, 63/64:153 Randolph, Richard 1959 Report on the Third Annual Anthropological Meetings Sponsored by the Kroeber Anthropological Society, 21:126 Rappaport, Randy 1968 Cuba: Peasants and Revolutionaries, 38:26 Reynolds, Candy 1977 Ethnic Groups and Boundary Crossers: A Study of Asian White Relations in a College Dorm, 49:31 Riddell, Francis A. 1954 Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, 11:60 1973 The Crisis in American Archaeology and the State of California, SP3:59 Riesenberg, Saul H. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Position of Ponape in Oceania, 16:81 Riley, Carroll L. 1954 Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela, 10:10 Ritter, Lisa 1988 The Show Must Go On: Tourism at Universal Studios, 67/68:20 Roark, Richard 1960 A Model of Language Extinction and Formation, 23:86 1961 The Mathematics of American Cousinship, 24:17 Robinson, Scott S. 1968 Anthropology and Counterinsurgency: Social Scientific Complicity in the Warfare State, 39:88 Rodden, Judith 1973 The Legal Protection of Antiquities in the British Isles: An Historical Survey, SP3: 123 Royce, Anya Peterson 1984 Art, the Mundane, and the Art of the Mundane, 63/64:135 Romano, Octavio I. 1960 The Social Factors of Donship in a Mexican-American Community, 22: 10 1966 The Presentation of Self Through Surrogates in Latin-American Life, 34:75 Roosens, Eugeen 1986 Immigrants in Belgium: The Sociocultural Structure, 65/66:15 28 No. 78 Author Index Ross, Jeannine with Rina Malonzo 1990 Humeral Morphology of Achondroplasia, 71/72:41 Rowe, John H. 1950 The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, 1:34 1950 Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance, 2:6 1953 Eleven Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual, 8/9:82 1955 Time Perspective in Ethnography, 12:55 1962 A Social Theory of Cultural Change, 26:75 1964 Ethnography and Ethnology in the Sixteenth Century, 30:1 Rowe, John H., transator and editor 1952 The Tapaj6, by Curt Nimuendaju, 6:1 Rowe, John H., with George M. Foster 1951 Suggestions for Field Recording of Information on the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Remedies, 5:1 Royce, Anya Peterson, with Jack Glazier, et. al, editors 1984 Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson, 63/64 Sahlins, Marshall D. 1976 The Apotheosis of Captain Cook, 53/54:1 1964 African Nemesis: An Off Broadway Review, 30:83 Salisbury, Richard F. 1958 An "Indigenous" New Guinea Cult, 18:67 Sanarin, William J. 1950 A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi, 2:89 1951 A Tentative Analysis of the Pluralizaiton of Kisi Nouns, 5:48 Sanjek, Roger 1976 Who are "the Folk" in the Folk Taxonomies?: Cognitive Diversity and the State, 53/54:32 Schaefer, Paul D. 1969 Prehistoric Trade in the Southwest and the Distribution of Pueblo IV Hopi Jeddito Black on Yellow, 41:54 Scheper-Hughes, Nancy 1976 Disarming the Irish-Reflections on Irish Body Image, 53/54:58 1989 Three Propositions for a Critically Applied Medical Anthropology, 69/70:62 Schevill, Margot Blum 1986 Lila Morris O'Neale, 65/66:129 Schoenemann, P. Thomas 1990 Is Sociobiology Methodologically Flawed?, 71/72:49 Schreiber, A. Michael 1969 Anthropology and the Motion Picture: An Introduction to the Art, 41:87 Schull, Natasha with Mike Panasitti 1994 Re-articulating the Moral Economy of Gambling, 77:65 Schwartz, B. K. 1958 A Study of the Material Aspects of Northeastern Maidu Basketry, 19:67 Scudder, Mary Elizabeth 1971 Structural Changes in Family Gatherings, 44:55 Shields, Karena 1959 Influence of Agrarian Colonization on the Indigenous Tzeltal Community at Octen, Chiapas, 21:25 Shweder, Richard A. 1989 Ghost Busters in Anthropology, 69/70:100 Simic, Andrei 1967 The Blood Feud in Montenegro, SPI:83 Singleton, John 1979 The Schooling Rituals of Anthropologists, 59/60:238 Sjaardema, Henryk 1960 The Individuated Society: A Frisian Model, 23:54 Smith, Clarence E., Jr. 1957 Dissertation Abstract: Disease Concepts and Plant Medicines in Native South America, 16:82 Smith, J. E. and A. B. Elsasser 1962 The Excavation of Cave Rock, Nevada, 27:45 Smith, Tillie 1963 The Main Themes of the "Olmec" Art Tradition, 28:121 Smith, William C. 1961 Some Misconceptions of Multilinear Evolution, 24:49 Spencer, Lee, with Colin I. Busby, et. al. 1974 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada, 51/52:19 Spencer, Robert F. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Japanese Buddhism in the United States, 1940- 1946: A Study in Acculturation, 14:94 Spindler, George and Louise Spindler 1989 The Self and Instrumental Model in the Study of Culture Change and Modernization, 69/70:109 1950-1994 29 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Spindler, Louise with George Spindler 1989 The Self and Instrumental Model in the Study of Culture Change and Modernization, 69/70:109 Squier, Robert J. 1955 The Problem of Race in the Mesolithic of Europe, 13:55 Stanford, Craig B. 1990 Colobine Socioecology and Female- bonded Models of Primate Social Structure, 71/72:21 Stanner, W. E. H. 1955 A. R. Radcliffe-Browne, 13:116 Starr, June 1984 Scholars and Controversy: Elizabeth Colson's Work Against Sex Discrimination in Academia, 63/64:27 Steager, Peter W. 1965 The Yahgan and Alacaluf: An Ecological Description, 32:69 Steelman, Lucille 1957 Report on the First Annual Anthropological Meetings Sponsored by the Kroeber Anthropological Society, 16:93 Stevens, Stan 1988 Tourism and Development in Nepal, 67/68:67 Stewart, Kenneth 1956 Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Affiliations of the Gila and Colorado River Yumans, 14:93 Stewart, Omer C. 1961 Kroeber and the Indian Claims Commission Cases, 25:181 Stiles, Daniel 1976 Paleolithic Artifacts in Siwalik and Post Siwalik Deposits of Northern Pakistan, 53/54:129 Stross, Brian 1967 The Mexican Cantina as a Setting for Interaction, 37:58 Stuckenrath, Robert, Jr., with William R. Coe 1964 A Review of La Venta, Tabasco and Its Relevance to the Olmec Problem, 31:1 Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo M. 1982 Freud Encounters Fin de Si'ecle Anthropology: The Case of Totem and Taboo, 61/62:129 Sumida, Janelle 1977 Portrait of One Japanese American Family, 49:37 Sung, Alice 1977 The Attitudes of Undergraduate Women toward Marriage, 49:23 Swezey, Sean, with Colin I. Busby, et. al. 1974 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt River: Two Site Reports from Central Nevada, 51/52:19 Tanabe, Giichi 1958 On the Calcium and Phosphorus Content of Human Bone from the Stone Age Shellmound of Homi, 19:35 Tatsumoto, M. and H. Hamaguchi 1958 Fluorine Content of Human Bones, 19:41 Taussig, Michael 1989 The Nervous System Part 1: Homesickness & Dada, 69/70:32 Tax, Sol 1950 Animistic and Rational Thought, 2:1 Taylor, Clark L., Jr. 1976 How Mexicans Define Male Homosexuality: Labeling and the Buga View, 53/54:106 Teas, Jane 1988 "I'm Studying Monkeys; What Do You Do?"-Youth Travelers in Nepal, 67/68:35 Thomas, Norman D. 1962 Mayordomia: Continuity and Change, 27:55 1977 The Mesoamerican Barrio: A Reciprocity Model for Community Organization, 55/56:45 Thompkins, Randall J. 1974 Early Hominid Postcrania and Locomotor Adaptations, 50:85 Thompson, Sheilagh 1957 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparison of the Criteria of Age Determination of Human Skeletons by Cranial and Pelvic Morphology, 16:89 Thurner, Majda 1956 A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm Buildings, 14:19 Toffelmier, Gertrude 1966 Edwin Meyer Loeb, 1894-1966, a Memorial and Bibliography, 35:54 Tomasi, Lydio F. 1986 Some Issues in Research Approaches to Global Migration in the United States, 65/66:4 Tournal, M. 1959 General Considerations on the Phenomenon of Bone Caverns. A. B. Elsasser, translator, 21:6 30 No. 78 Author Index3 Treganza, Adan E. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Sonoma Mission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle, 14:1 1957 The Topanga Culture and Southern California Prehistory, 16:83 Tsuchiyama, Tamie 1956 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparison of the Folklore of the Northern, Southern and Pacific Athabaskans: A Study in Stability of Folklore within a Linguistic Stock, 14:100 Underwood, Kelsey Clark 1982 The Bounds of Intimacy: Interactions Among Women in Madras, India, 61/62:69 1986 Image and Identity: Tamil Migration to the United States, 65/66:65 Valory, Dale 1966 The Focus of Indian Shaker Healing, 35:67 1968 Ruth Kellett Roberts, 1885-1967, 38:1 Valory, Dale with A. L. Kroeber 1967 Ethnological Manuscripts in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, 37:1 Vandevert, David E. 1979 Crisis in Training and Employment: Reflections on a Fieldwork Experience, 59/60:133 Voegelin, C. F. 1961 Culture Area: Parallel with Typological Homogeneity and Heterogeneity to North American Language Families, 25:163 Wagner, Richard Vernon 1977 Achievement Orientation and the Image of Limited Good in the French Alps, 55/56:119 Wallace, William J. 1956 Dissertation Abstract: Hupa Education: A Study in Primitive Socialization and Personality Development, 14:95 Wallis, Ruth D., with Wilson D. Wallis 1953 Culture Loss and Culture Change among the Mocmac of the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1912-1950, 8/9:100 Wallis, Wilson D. and Ruth D. Wallis 1953 Culture Loss and Culture Change among the Mocmac of the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1912-1950, 8/9:100 Washburn, Sherwood L. 1974 Postscript: Physical Anthropology at Berkeley, 50:121 Watanabe, Naotsune 1958 Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Chemistry: The Preservation of Bony Substances in the Soil of Prehistoric Sites, 19:23 Watson-Gegeo, Karen Ann, with David Welchman Gegeo 1978 Courtship Among the Kurafi of Malaita: An Ethnography of Speaking Approach, 57/58:98 Wells, Robin F. 1961 Plains Indian Political Structure, 24:1 Wendorf, Michael 1986 Excavations at the Dune Site, Santa Rosa Island California, 65/66:148 Wharton, Robert W. with David W. Peri 1965 Samuel Alfred Barrett: 1879-1956, 33:3 1965 The Works of Samuel Alfred Barrett, 33:29 Wharton, Robert W. with David W. Peri, editors 1965 Tributes to Samuel Alfred Barrett, 33:1 Whiteford, Michael B. 1977 Going After the Dream: Peasants in a Provincial City, 55/56:91 Willey, Gordon R. 1957 Harvard Middle American Archaeological Seminar, 1955-1956: An Introduction, 17:1 Williams, Glyn 1968 Incidence and Nature of Acculturation within the Welsh Colony of Chubut: A Historical Perspective, 39:72 Williams, Jeffrey P. 1982 The Problem of Reconstructing a Prototype for H?IK'AL, 61/62:41 Williams, Tracy 1977 An Analysis of Life Histories of the Elderly in a Retirement Home, 49:65 Wilson, Andrew P. 1964 Blood Proteins and Primate Phylogenesis: Immunochemical and Electrophoretic Techniques Applied to Systematic Sereology, 31:69 Wilson, Thomas H. 1973 Developing the Chronology of the Northem Maya Lowlands, 47/48:71 Winer, Margot and James Deetz 1992 The Transformation of British Culture in the Eastern Cape, 1820-1860, 73/74:41 Wolfe, Elizabeth F. 1982 Contributions of Karl Hermann Berendt to Central American Archaeology, 61/62:1 1950-1994 3 1 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Wood, Sandra J. 1979 Anthropology for Whose Public Interest?, 59/60:145 Wood, Sandra J. and Terry L. Haynes 1979 So You Think You Want to do Fieldwork: The Changing Face of Anthropological Research, 59/60:68 Wright, Will 1967 Communications and the Law of Extended Application, 36:80 Wulsin, Frederick R. 1953 Hot Climates and Hight Civilizations, 8/9:130 Zarrugh, Laura 1977 From "Limited Good" to Expanding Opportunity, 55/56:99 Ziegler, Alan C. 1968 Quasi Agriculture in North Central California and Its Effect on Aboriginal Social Structure, 38:52 Zumwalt, Rosemary 1976 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 1793-1864: His Collection and Analysis of the Oral Narratives of American Indians, 53/54:44 No. 78 32 Subject Index A AIDS education, controlling processes, 77:12 Australopithecus boisei, 50:37 Abortion, psychological affects, 47/48:86 Abstinence, Ireland, 53/54:58 Abstracts, anthropological dissertations, 14:93; 16:77; 19:102 Academic women and status, 63/64:27 Acculturation, 41:8; 73/74:41; 75/76:28; see also culture change, adaptation, change African nationalism and, 23:1 California awl forms, 8/9:61 European kinship terms, 28:1 folk medicine, 55/56:75 Indonesia, 44:1 Jewish immigrants, 42:88 landmanshaften, 42:88 linguistic, 32:11 Massachusetts Christian Indians, 34:63 Micmac, 8/9:100 Navaho women, 29:53 Nepal, music, 53/54:88 Patagonian Welsh, 39:72 voluntary associations, 42:88 Achievement orientation and image of limited good, 55/56:119 Acheulean industries, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Achondroplasia, humeral morphology, 71/72:41 Acosta, Jose de, history of ethnology, 30:16; 30:8 Activism, refugee communities, 65/66:35 political, 29:15 styles, 65/66:35 Adaptation, 61/62:88; 69/70:109; see also culture change, acculturation, change Belgium immigrants, 65/66:15 Bosnian family development, SPI :35 economic, SPI:35 halfway house, 49:51 Iu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 landmanshaften, 42:88 traditional institutions, 42:88 voluntary associations, 42:88 Adolescence as performance, 77:133 controlling processes, 77:133 female, 77:133 humor, 57/58:40 Adversary model of justice, 77:32 Advertising and folk art, 47/48:44 Aesthetics, 63/64:135 Peruvian textiles, 25:122 Africa archaeology of Kenya, 37:41 Barotse jurisprudence, 36:94 contact languages, 28:49 early hominid sites, 50:37 early hominids, 50:37 Africa, continued fossils, 50:21 Gola society, 21:43 nationalism, 23:1 silent trade, 36:69 Islam, power and change, 63/64:59 African Genesis, book review, 30:83 African-American, 67/68:7; 75/76:1 education, 63/64:104 Age determination dental wear, 50:21 fluorine method, 19:17 Aggression, nudist camps, 19:7 Agriculture north-central California Indian, 38:52 on reclaimed land, 3:1 rice, 63/64:33 Thakali pastoralism, 29:46 Tzeltal agrarian colonization, 21:25 Ainu, physical types among, 13:105 Alacaluf, ecological description of, 32:69 Alameda County, California, suicide prevention, 59/60:59 Alaska, ethnohistory, 6:26 Pacific coast archaeology, 11:60 Russian missionaries in, 6:26 shamanism, 5:6; 25:207 sorcery, 25:207; 5:6 Tlingit Indians, 5:6 Albania, houses and farm buildings of, 14:19 Algonkian Indians, Massachusetts praying towns, 34:63 Alliance, complex, Tikopia, 30:39 Alphabets, phonetic, 43:42 Amazon basin, Tapaj6 Indians, 6:2 America; see also specific state, country, region Cuban refugees, 61/62:88 Cuban-Americans, 61/62:88 human sacrifice, 1:81 nepenthe in aboriginal, 1:81 American Indians, see also specific state, country, region, or culture/tribe name, linguistic studies, 43:42 American Sign Language, 49:45 American archaeology, crisis, SP3 American culture, 43:1 American family, 44:55; 44:59; 44:63; 44:68; 44:73 American society, 44:48 American south Freejack, 51/52:66 ethnicity, 51/52:66 American subcultures, 44:48 Ameslan, 49:45 Amur-Sakhalin region, physical types, 13:105 Analogy, direct historical approach, 45/46:18 use of, 45/46:18; Pleistocene, 59/60:1 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Analysis, Piro text, 12:22 mathematics of American cousinship, 24:17 transformational, Kapauku kinship system, 33:71 Anarchism, 51/52:61 Anatomy, coyote and dog skulls, 21:40 human hand and hand-axe use, 23:114 Andean Ethnicity, 75/76:14 Andes, J. Rowe, contributions to culture history, 40:100; 40:93 native life, 12:1 Anglo-Zulu War, South Africa, 69/70:86 Anhui province, China, 71/72:1 Animal, climate, paleolithic man, and, 25:221 coyote and dog skulls, 21:40 domestication, 22:18 evolution, 30:83 husbandry, Navajo, 29:53Animism, Guatemalan Indians, 2:1 Anthropomorphism, Olmec art, 28:121 Anthropocentrism, 41:8 Anthropoid evolution, 50:75 Anthropology archaeology, see also archaeology applied, 59/60:145 of art, 47/48:44 British social, 21:1 clinical setting, 59/60:103 on the college campus, 61/62:110 complicity in warfare state, 39:88 contract research, 59/60:82 dissertations, 14:93; 15:111; 16:77; 18:87; 19:102 early; see also history of anthropology; Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 53/54:44; Darwinism and human evolution, 51/52:81 employment, 59/60:133 ethnographic fieldwork, 59/60:126 field experience, 39:1 fieldwork, issues and problems, 59/60:82; 59/60:92; 59/60:103; 59/60:108; 59/60:121; 59/60:126; 59/60:133; 59/60:92 fieldwork training, 59/60:76; 59/60:68; 59/60:92; 59/60:108; 59/60:133; 59/60:238 history of, 51/52:49; 51/52:81; 13:116; 13:32; 16:1; 21:1; 21:6; 23:7; 25:149; 25:181; 25:19; 26:81; 29:1; 29:15; 30:1; 30:8; 31:105; 32:77; 32:78; 33:1; 35:41; 35:55; 37:1; 38:1; 40:1; 40:8; 40:82; 40:95; 51/52:61; 8/9:ix; 43:10; 59/60:19; see also nineteenth century, sixteenth century, history of anthropology, early anthropology and humanity, 35:41 linguistic, 61/62:148 medical anthropology, 59/60:103 medical setting, 59/60:92 methodology, 39:5 and motion pictures, 41:87 "personality", 19:1 physical, 50 ; see also physical anthropology Anthropology, continued politics of research, 59/60:82 and psychoanalysis, 35:42 problems of research, 59/60:82 public interest, 59/60:145 public schools, 22:68 qualitative vs. quantitative research, 59/60:126 as "religion", 35:44 ritual schooling, 59/60:238 and scientific method, 34:1 social, British, 51/52:61 socialization of students, 59/60:238 and sociology, 19:1; department, 51/52:49 student papers, 49:1; 49:3 and study of counterinsurgency, 39:88 teaching at Berkeley, 40:82 theory and method, 51/52:44; cultural materialism, 51/52:44; ethnoscience, 51/52:44; folk taxonomy, 53/54:32; idealism vs. materialism, 51/52:44; structuralism, 51/52:44 United States, 59/60:108 University of Chicago, 51/52:49 urban field research, 59/60:108 Antiquities, protection of, SP3:123 Applied anthropology, 61/62:110 public interest, 59/60:145 Archaeology; see also specific site, region, country Alaskan coast, 11:60 Acheulean and Pakistan, 53/54:129 American, SP3 animals, 25:221 Andean 34:3 1; 40:100; 40:38; 40:52; 40:93 archaeological translation, 45/46:18 Australian, 36:60 Bay Area cooperative, SP3:53 bone chemistry, 19:21 Britain, SP3:123 Califomia, 12:70; 14:1; 1:28; 65/66:148; SP3:59; SP3:66 Central America, 17:97 ceramics, 41:54 Chaco canyon, 73/74:26 Chibcha, 40:38 Chile, 40:52 China, 20:71 climate, 25:221 conservation, SP3: 113; SP3: 123 coprolites, SP2:9 creative thinking and fieldwork, 59/60:121 crisis, SP3 direct historical approach, 45/46:18 dwarf mammoth, 65/66:148 early man, 42:26 Ecuador, 34:3 1; 40:52 European Mesolithic, 13:55 faunal analysis, 47/48:1 fieldwork, issues and problems, 59/60:121 Finland, 13:32 34 No. 78 Subject Index Archaeology, continued fluorine dating, 19:17 French caverns, 21:7 goals, 73/74:115 Great Basin, 51/52:19 Guatemala, 17:51; 17:94; 18:28 hand axe tradition, 23:114 hearths, 51/52:19 historical review, Maya, 47/48:71 history of, 73/74:115 in transition, SP3:66 interpretation, 45/46:18 Japan, 19:21; 19:23; 19:35; 19:41 La Venta, 17:56; 25:43; 25:59; 31: 1; 31:45; 33:37 Latin America, SP3: 113 law, SP3:123; SP3:5 Lovelock cave, Nevada, SP2 material culture studies, 73/74 Maya, 45/46:18; chronology; 47/48:71 Mesoamerica; 17:1; 17:38; 17:7; 17:75; 34:31 Mesolithic race, 13:55 Mesopotamia, 27:8 methods, 73/74:115 Mexican identity, 73/74:92 Mexico, 17:12; 17:3817:75; 18:20; SP3:82 Mousterian and Pakistan, 53/54:129 Mt. Carmel, 25:221 National Forests, SP3:66 and Native Americans, SP3:25 Native American, 51/52:19 Nevada, 27:45; 51/52:19 "New", 73/74:115 New World, 42:26 North America, 51/52:19; 41:54 Olmec, 25:43; 25:59; 31:1; 31:45; 33:37; 7:56; art, 44:77 Pakistan, 53/54:129 paleo-ornithology, SP2:9 paleobiology, SP2 paleolithic, 53/54:129; 25:221 palynology, SP2:19 Peruvian, 34:3 1; 40:100; 40:93 and private enterprise, SP3:35 politics, SP3:72; SP3:82 possible early human site, 65/66:148 post-structuralism, 73/74:115 pueblo, 41:54 radical critique, 73/74:115 research, SP3:66 Rowe, J. contributions, 40:100; 40:93 salvage, SP3:66 and shamanism, 24:38 site destruction, SP3: 113 Soan industry, 53/54:129 socio-political critique, 73/74:115 Southwest, 41:54 Soviet Asia, 16:29 subsistence pattern, SP2: 19 Tapaj6 culture, 6:2 Archaeology, continued theory and method, 73/74:115 social development, 59/60:1; 59/60:13 United States, 51/52:19 Arctic, northern Ungava Eskimo, 32:11 Ardrey, Robert, theories, 30:83 Area co-tradition, Mesoamerica, 18:1 Peru, 18:2 Southwest, 18:5 Argentina, Welsh acculturation, Chubut valley, 39:72 Art, 73/74:1 Australian aboriginal rock engravings, 26:1 Olmec, 44:77; 28:121 and economics, 47/48:44 anthropology of, 47/48:44 folk vs. fine, 47/48:44 mundane, 63/64:135 museums and primitive, 25:151 revival, Micronesia, 57/58:147 traditional and contemporary, Micronesia, 57/58:147 Artesian, and commercialism, 47/48:192 Aryan hypothesis, physical anthropology, 47/48:165 Aryanism, 47/48:165 Asia; see also specific country, locale, or culture archaeology, 1950-1951, 16:29 Chinese archaeology, 20:71 Hong Kong, prejudice and stereotypes, 37:90 racial types in northeastern, 10:1 Siberian people, bibliography, 36:1 war, 43:1 Asian-White relations, 49:31 Assimilation; see also acculturation, culture change Japanese-Americans, 49:37 Associations, Japanese retail market, 39:20 Peruvian sports, 40:72 Athletics, Peru, 40:72 Tarascan, 27:34 Atomic Energy Commission, 44:30 Attitudes toward the aged, 49:65 Australia, Ngatatjara hunting, 36:41 aboriginal rock engravings, 26:1 Australopithecus, 50:85 Australopithecus afarensis, Laetoli and Hadar, 71/72:34; tooth morphology, 71/72:34 Australopithecus africanus, 50:37 Australopithecus robustus, 50:37 Authority structure, Tonga, 20:56 Autobiography, Native Americans, SP3: 144 Awl forms, acculturation in California basketry, 8/9:61 B Bacelonnette valley, France, 55/56:119 Bai (meeting houses), 57/58:147 Baja California, southem Dieguenio lithic materials, 2:9 1950-1994 35 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Balkans, economics and Bosnian family, SPI:35 family life in Serbia, SPI:55 fish poisoning, SPI :I Greek peasant naming customs, SPI :95 houses and farm buildings, 14:19 joint family and dwellings, SPI :63 market place in, 32:47 modernization of Yugoslav peasants, SPI :109 Montenegro blood feuds, SPI :83 settlement types, 14:19 Bantu, Kenya, 63/64:76 Baptism, and godparents in Latin America, 2:45 Barbarism, ecology and, 27:4 Bari, 75/76:62 Barotsejurisprudence, comments on, 36:94 Barrett, S. A., obituary, 33:3; publications of, 33:29; tributes to, 33:1 Barrio, 55/56:45 Bars, dice games, 51/52:1 Bashmakof, Feodor, trial for sorcery, 5:6 Basketry, Californian, acculturation, 8/9:61 Karok, 65/66:129 Yurok, 65/66:129 northeastern Maidu, 19:67 Bat, in Mayan folklore, 61/62:41 Beauty-industrial complex, breast implants, 77:103 Behavior Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Langur monkey, 50:3 Mexico, labeling deviant, 53/54:106 dysfunctional, 53/54:71 primate, 50:115; social evolution, 50:27 Belgium, adaptation, 65/66:15 guest workers, 65/66:15 immigration, 65/66:15 social structure, 65/66:15 Belize, 75/76:1 Berendt, Karl, nineteenth century anthropology, 61/62:1 Berkeley, physical anthropology, history, 50:1 California, adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 Berkeley Unified High School, AIDS education, 77:12 Bhakta Yoga, 49:57 Bibliographies Barrett, S. A., 33:29 Cline, W. B., 8/9:xvii Colson, Elizabeth, 63/64:153 Coult, Allan D., 43:51 Foster, George M., 55/56:165 Loeb, E. M., 35:55 Roark, Richard Paul, 43:58 Rowe, J. H., 40:112 Native American autobiographies and life histories, SP3:144 North American ethnohistory sources, 18:58 Olmec art, annotated, 44:77 Piro Indians, 10:96 Bibliographies, continued Siberian people, 36:1 Bigman vs. chief, Polynesia/Melanesia, 57/58:122 Bikini Island, forced relocation, 44:30 Biomechanical analysis, Neanderthal, 71/72:67 Biodiversity, 75/76:62 Biographies Coult, Allan D., 43:51 Roark, Richard Paul, 43:58 Foster, George M., 55/56:159 Jones, Jim, 59/60:36 McCown, Theodore Doney, 41:1 Native Americans, auto-, SP3:144 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 53/54:44 Starr, Frederick, 51/52:49 Biomechanics, 50:85 Biomedical Anthropology, critical, 71/72:29 Bipedalism, hominid, 50:85 Birds, vocalization, 4:27 Birth, city of York, England, 42:47 control, Ireland, 53/54:58 season of, Canada, 35:1; Mexico, 35:6; Puerto Rico, 35:5; United States, 35:2 Bite force production, Neanderthal, 71/72:67 Black carib, 75/76:1 Blacks, see African-American "Black man", Mayan linguistic prototype, 61/62:41 Blood feuds, in Montenegro, SPI :83 Blood proteins, primate evolution, 31:69 Boas, Franz, political activist, 29:15 Body image, Ireland, 53/54:58 controlling processes, 77:103 Body-mind processes, 69/70:14 Bolivar, Simon, 75/76:28 Bolivia, distribution of Indian languages, 2:17 native life, 12:1 Bone, French caverns, 21:7 Japanese shell mounds, 19:35 chemistry, 19:21; human, 19:35; 19:41 incremental growth, 47/48:1 preservation, 19:23 Bosnia, economic adaptation and family development, SPI:35 Bouganville, Siuai, 8/9:69 Boundaries, ethnic, crossing, 49:31 Braceros, Mexican migrants in United States, 30:51 Brain, primate, 50:115 Bravery, 69/70:86 Brazil, Fulinio venereal disease, 20:89 Tapaj6 Indians, 6:2 early accounts, 61/62:20 racial relations, 21:17 Breast Implants, controlling processes, 77: 1; 77:103 Bride-price, 45/46:56 Britain, antiquities, SP3: 123 archaeology, SP3:123 36 No. 78 Subject Index3 Britain, continued conservation, SP3: 123 colonialism, 73/74:41 social anthropology, 51/52:61 Buddhism, 41:8 Bulgaria, houses and farm dwellings, 14:19 joint family and dwellings, SPI :35 Bureaucracy, Sweden, 63/64:117 health care, 61/62:52 Business, cosmetic surgery, 77:103 Busman's holiday, 67/68:12 Butchering, Ngatatjara of Australia, 36:41 C California abortion, 47/48:86 adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 African-American folklore in Oakland, 35:99 AIDS education, 77:12 archaeology, SP3:59 Asian-white relations, 49:31 assimilation, 49:37 attitudes toward the aged, 49:65 bar dice games, 51/52:1 Berkeley, 47/48:192 Channel Islands, archaeology, 65/66:148 children, 49:7 cohabitation, 49:13; 49:23 college life, 49:31 convalescent hospital, 49:75 deaf education, 49:45 dialectology, 61/62:148 discrimination, 49:37 East Bay area, 67/68:7 ecology of, 25:188 education, 49:45; and development, 63/64:104 elderly, 49:65; 49:75 ethnic boundaries, 49:31 ethnic relations, 49:31 ex-offenders, 49:51 halfway house, 49:51 Hare Krishna temple, 49:57 health care, 49:75 immigration, 49:37; 65/66:35 import stores, 47/48:44 lu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 Japanese-Americans, 49:37 Karok textiles/baskets, 65/66:129 land use in, 25:187 life histories, 49:65 linguistic anthropology, 61/62:148 marriage customs, 49:13; 49:23 mental hospital staff conferences, 21:31 Mexican migrants, 55/56:99 missions, 73/74:80 nursing homes, 49:65; 49:75 re-socialization, 49:51 refugee communities, 65/66:35 religion, 49:57 retirement home, 49:65 California, continued San Francisco Bay area, 61/62:148 San Francisco Bay area, 65/66:35 Santa Rosa Island, archaeology, 65/66:148 sex roles, 49:13; 49:23; 49:7 social re-entry, 49:51 socialization, 49:37; 49:7 Stockton, 63/64:104 sub-culture, 49:45 suicide prevention, 59/60:59 Thai refugees, 65/66:83 values, 49:65 women, 49:23 yoga, 49:57 Yurok textiles/baskets, 65/66:129 California archaeology, coastal Monterey county, 12:70 early man, 1:28 central California, 12:70 San Joaquin valley, 12:77 Santa Barbara, 12:70 Sonoma Mission, 14:1 California Indians awl forms, 8/9:61 civil rights in 1850's, 31:129 executions by stoning, 12:45 Hupa jump dance, 28:73 Karok myths, 11:1 northeastern Maidu basketry, 19:67 plank canoes, 35:27 quasi-agriculture, 38:52 Shaker Church, 31:51; 35:67 shamanism, 24:83 Shasta vocabulary, 20:1 Tachi Yokuts music, 19:47 use of shellfish, 7:63 Yurok/Karok, 65/66:129 California School for the Deaf, 49:45 California, University of, Lowie Museum, ethnological manuscripts, 37:1 history of anthropology, 32:84 teaching anthropology at Berkeley, 40:82 Cambodia, 43:1 Canada Bay St. Lawrence, 65/66:139 Cape Breton Island, 65/66:139 ecology, 65/66:139 economic development, 65/66:139 fishing, 65/66:139 industrialization, 65/66:139 maritime community, 65/66:139 Micmac culture, 8/9:100 Montagnais Indians, 7:1 northern Ungava Eskimo, 32:11 Nova Scotia, 65/66:139 Ontario, James Bay, 63/64:95 season of birth in, 35:1 Cannibalism, Montaigne, Michael de, 61/62:20 Canoes, Bay Islands, 1:5 California, 35:27 1950-1994 37 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Canoes, continued Chile, 35:23 Peruvian coast, 1:10 South and North America, 35:22 Taino, 1:3 Mexico, 37:58 Cape Breton Island, Canada, 65/66:139 Capitalism, indigenous drugs, 69/70:23 Captivity, Mohave, 4:1 Cargo cult, New Guinea, 18:67 Caribbean, peasants and revolutionaries, 38:26 Caribbean-United States, migration, 65/66:25 Carpathian area, fish poisoning, SPI: 1 Casino, gambling, 77:65 Caste and class, Germany, 61/62:78 Castes, Indian voluntary associations, 29:25 Cavalry, ancient warfare, 23:105 Caverns, French, bones, 21:7 Celibacy, Ireland, 53/54:58 Central American anthropology, Berendt, Karl, 61/62:1 Ceramics, distribution, 41:54 Southwestern United States, 41:54 typology, 41:54 Ceremonies, Indian Shaker Church, 31:51; 35:67 northern Kwakiutl, 1:78 Chaco canyon, 73/74:26 Chaco regional system, 73/74:26 Change, see also culture change, adaptation, acculturation, Islands, California, archaeology, 65/66:148 resources and responses, 65/66:83 social values, Japan, 63/64:84 traditional institutions, 42:88 voluntary associations, 42:88 Chaoxian County, Anhui province, China, 71/72:1 Chemistry, Japanese study of bone, 19:21 fluorine method of age determination, 19:17 Chesowanja, early hominid site, 50:37 Chiapas, Mexico, community, 55/56:45 Tzeltal and Tzotzilt speakers, 61/62:41 Chiapas, Tila, 61/62:41 Chibcha, archaeology, 40:38 Chief vs. bigman, Polynesia, Melanesia, 57/58:122 Children, sex roles, 49:7 socialization, 49:7 Chile, plank canoes, 35:23 projectile points of, 40:52 China, archeological research, 20:71 diet, 47/48:148 diet and health, 47/48:116 family, 44:73 Guangtong province, 67/68:55 Hexian and Chaoxian Counties, Anhui province, 71/72:1 Hong Kong, ethnicity and prejudice, 37:90 jiang-wei, 67/68:55 marriage, 45/46:56 China, continued peasant society, 67/68:55 physical anthropology, 71/72:1 pregnancy, 47/48:148 tourism, 67/68:55 hominids, 50:63 Chinese-Americans, 44:48 family, 44:63; 44:73 Chipped stone artifacts, 51/52:19 Choco, Idabaez Indians, 1:34 journey to visit Indians, 2:79 Chresmology, comparative study, 24:19 Christianity, emerging community, 57/58:20 Indonesia, 44:1 Chronology, Alaskan coast, 11:66 Columbia (Chibcha), 40:38 European Mesolithic, 13:55 LaVenta, 31:1; 31:45; 33:37 Mesoamerican classic stage, 17:41; post- classic stage, 17:75; pre-classic stage, 17:10 Mesopotamia, 27:8 paleolithic, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Spain, 27:55 temporal perspectives, 12:55 Chuckchi, racial characteristics, 5:26 Chumash, plank canoes, 35:27 Church, Indian Shaker, focus of healing, 35:67; ritual, 31:51 Civil Rights, California 1850's, 31:129 Civil-religious barrio, 55/56:45 Civilization, and climate, 8/9:130 and culture, 30:21 ecology and rise of, 27:1 ecumene concept and, 25:73 and types of warfare, 23:105 Clans, and Joking relationships, 8/9:46 Plateau Tonga, 8/9:46 Class, Brazil race relations, 21:17 formation, Bantu, Kenya, 63/64:76 upward mobility, 47/48:28 Classic stage, Mesoamerica, 17:38 Classification, 53/54:32 color, 57/58:65 ethnicity, 47/48:180 Client-counselor role perfornance, 59/60:59 Climate, Alaskan coast, 11:88 and civilizations, 8/9:130 animals and paleolithic man, 25:221 Cline, W. B., bibliography, 8/9:xvii; memoir, 8/9:ix; reminiscences, 8/9:xiii Closed community, and open society, 16:5 Clothing, and heat responses, 8/9:138 Co-tradition, Mesoamerica, 18:1 concepts and problems of, 18:34 Coe-Stuckenrath, 31:45; 33:37 nature of Olmec society, 25:43; 25:59 relevance to Olmec problem, 31: 1; 17:56 Coercion, cosmetic surgery, 77:103 Cognitive anthropology, 53/54:32 Cognitive categories, folk taxonomies, 47/48:180 No. 78 38 Subject Index3 Cognitive diversity, 53/54:32 Cognitive processes, 69/70:109 Cohabitation, United States, 49:13 Cohabitation, college student, 49:13; 49:23; reasons, 49:13 College, cohabitation, 49:13; 49:23 early anthropology departments, 51/52:49 ethnic relations, 49:31 Colobine monkey, socioecology, 71/72:21 Colonialism, 73/74:41; 75/76:62 Cuba, 38:26 Indonesia, 44:1 Micronesia, 57/58:160 independence movements, 63/64:59 Colonization, Welsh of Patagonia, 39:72 agrarian, Tzeltal of Chiapas, 21:25 Color classification, 57/58:65 Colson, Elizabeth, 63/64; 63/64:21; 63/64:27; bibliography, 63/64:153 Columbia, Chibcha archaeology, 40:38 Combware culture, Finland, 13:32 Commerce, Frisian society, 23:65 Commercialism, 47/48:192 Commercialization, folk art, 47/48:44 traditional and contemporary art, 57/58:147 Communication, oral, by the deaf, 49:45 telephone, 59/60:59 visual, 49:45 birds, 4:27 law of extended application, 36:80 Community, emerging, 57/58:20 development, Peru, cooperative labor, 39:63; United States, urban poverty, 34:9 organization, Mesoamerican, 55/56:45 health issues, resettlement, 55/56:81 Compadrazgo, see also family, marriage, social organization incest prohibition, 2:43 Italy, 15:1 Mexico, 55/56:25 Tzintzuntzan weddings, 39:30 Comparison, cross-cultural, 36:94 Concept of limited good, see image of, Confidentiality, suicide prevention hot lines, 59/60:59 Conflict, American Jewish families, 38:11 Montenegro blood feuds, SPI :83 Conflict, continued nudist camp, 19:7 Confucianism, 41:8 Conquest, Mexico, 73/74:92 Conservation, archaeology, SP3:1 13 archaeology, SP3:123; SP3:82 history, Britain, SP3: 123 Latin America, SP3: 113 Mexico, SP3:82 Consumer patterns, Ontario, Canada, 63/64:95 Consumerism, 73/74:62 Consumption, 73/74:62 Contact, see also culture change, acculturation culture and law, 41:8 languages, Africa, 28:49 Contract social anthropological research, issues, 59/60:82 Control, cultural, 69/70:100 Controlling processes, 77:1 Breast implants, 77:103 adolescence, 77:133 education, 77:12 gambling, 77:65 morality, 77:65 worker's compensation, 77:32 Convalescent hospital, 49:75 Cook, Captain, 53/54:1 Cooperative labor, Peruvian economic development, 39:63 Coprolites, palynological analysis, SP2:19 human, SP2:1 Corridos, Zapata and Mexican Revolution, 38:68 Cosmetic surgery, controlling processes, 77:103 Cosmology, Pomo dualism, 8/9:151 folk belief systems, 55/56:59 linguistics, 61/62:41 Cost Plus, 47/48:44 Coult, Allan D., 43:51 Counter-insurgency, 43:1 and anthropology, 39:88 Courtship, see also marriage customs Polynesia, 57/58:98 Solomon Islands, 57/58:98 Cousinship, mathematics of American, 24:17 Cowboy, Navajo acculturation, 29:53 Coyote, Karok myth, 1: 11 skulls, 21:40 Craftsmen, and commercialism, 47/48:192 and production for sale, 47/48:192 Cranial contours, 50:13 Craniofacial anatomy, 71/72:1 Creative thinking, fieldwork, 59/60:121 Creole, 51/52:66 folklore, 51/52:66 languages, Portuguese, 28:63 languages, Sierra Leone, 28:66 Criollos, Mexican, 73/4:92 Critic, Kroeber as, 25:19 Critically applied, Medical Anthropology, 69/70:62 Cuba, peasants and revolution, 38:26 refugees, America, 61/62:88 Cuban-Americans, 61/62:88 Cults, 49:57; 75/76:28 Jonestown mass suicide, 59/60:36 Japanese messianic, 8/9:78 New Guinea cargo, 18:67 Cultural Control, controlling processes, 77: 1; 77:12; directives, 69/70:100 Cultural adaptation, 73/74:26 Cultural anthropology, environment, 43:10 1950-1994 39 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Cultural critique, Montaigne, Michael de, 61/62:20 Cultural domination, 73/74:26 Cultural ecology, 43:10 Cultural evolution, 65/66:103; 42:26 Cultural identity, Mexico, 73/74:92 negotiation and translation, 65/66:65 Cultural materialism, 51/52:44 Cultural origins, 75/76:28 Cultural relativism, Montaigne, Michael de, 61/62:20 Culture concept, 30:21 and civilization, 30:21 as information system, 31:83 and language, Pleistocene, 59/60:1 mass, controlling processes, 77:133 relationship to society, 31:83 Culture area, Arctic Coast, 25:165 Indic, 29:43 North American Indian language families, 25:163 Northwest Coast, 25:167 Subarctic, 25:169 Tibetan, 29:43 Western North America, 25:178 Culture change, 44:30; 69/70:109; 73/74:4 1; see also acculturation, adaptation, assimilation, change and communications, 36:80 Denmark kinship and, 19:87 European kinship systems, 28:1 folk medicine, 55/56:75 Gola, 21:43; Indonesia, 44:1 innovative process and, 25:25 Kroeber, A. L., theories, 31:105 landmanshaften, 42:88 law of extended application and, 36:80 Mayordomia in New Spain, 27:55 Micmac Indians, 8/9:100 multilinear evolution, 24:49 museums and, 25:151 Nepal, music, 53/54:88 Ontario, Canada, 63/64:95 social theory, 26:75 Thakali religion, 29:48 time perspective, 12:55 traditional institutions, 42:88 voluntary associations, 42:88 Culture conflict, law, 41:8 Culture contact, early accounts, 53/54:1 Indonesia, 44:1 languages in Africa, 28:49 and law, 41:8 Mesoamnerica and Peru-Ecuador area, 34:31 northern Kwakiutl and whites, 1:78 Plains Indian traders, 34:53 Spaniards and Incas, 8/9:82 Culture history, ecumene, 25:73 time perspective, 12:55 Culture lag, Danish kinship terms, 19:87 Curanderismo, 55/56:75 Curing, Tlingit Indians, 5:6 Curriculum, anthropology in public schools, 22:68 teaching at Berkeley, 40:82 Cynicism, political, 65/66:35 refugee communities, 65/66:35 D Dada, 69/70:32 Dance, 63/64:135; Hupa jump dance, 28:73 Darwinism, and human evolution, 51/52:81 Daughter-in-law, Mother-in-law, 44:63 Deaf, sub-culture, 49:45 education, 49:45 Death, 69/70:86 as a mode of life, 41:8 city of York, England, 42:47 in A Shropeshire Lad, 25:1 Deconstruction, 73/74:80 Delaware Indians, culture reconstruction, 1:45 Democracy, Sweden, 63/64:117 Demography, Andean area, 2:17 Aymara, 2:17 Inca, 2:17 Tarascan, 27:28 city of York, England, 42:47 Dene (New Guinea), cargo cults, 18:68 Denmark, changing kinship, 19:87 Dental wear, age determination, 50:21 Departnents, anthropology, Berkeley, 40:82 anthropology, United States, 32:78 Dependency, health care, 63/64:126 powerlessness and health care, 63/64:126 vs. development, Micronesia, 57/58:160 Desert subsistence pattern, SP2:28 Developing countries, 42:1 Development, Micronesia, 57/58:171 Nepal, 67/68:67 vs. dependency, Micronesia, 57/58:160 Deviancy, Mundurucii social control, 24:55; 27:49 Dialectology, 61/62:148 Dice games, bars, 51/52:1 Dieguefho, southern, lithic materials, 2:9 Diet, China, 47/48:148 and health, 47/48:116 early hominids, 50:37 Diffusion studies, time perspective, 12:55 Direct historical approach, 45/46:18 Directives, cultural, 69/70: 100 Disciples of Christ, mass suicide, 59/60:36 Discrimination, Japanese-Americans, 49:37 sex, 63/64:27 Disease, 69/70:14 "hot-cold" classification, 5:1 Fulinio venereal, 20:89 40 No. 78 Subject Index Dysfunctional behavior, 53/54:71 Disk recorders, fieldwork, 10:5 Disorder, controlling processes, 77:12 folk, 55/56:75 psychological, folk medicine, 55/56:75 Dispute management, worker's compensation, 77:32 practices, controlling processes, 77:1 Dissertations, anthropology, 14:93; 15:11; 16:77; 18:87; 19:103 Divinity, Hawaii, 53/54:1 Dog skulls, 21:40 Domestication, origins, 22:10 theory 22:18 types, 22:32 Donship, Mexican-Americans, Texas, 22:10 Drug addiction, halfway house, 49:51 Drugs, indigenous, 69/70:23 Dualism, Pomo cosmology, 8/9:151 Dwarf mammoth, archaeology, 65/66:148 Dwarfism, humeral morphology, 71/72:41 Dwellings, Balkans, 14:19 Bulgarian joint families, SPI :63 E Early accounts, Brazil, 61/62:20 culture contact, Hawaii, 53/54:1 Early man, New World, 42:26 Eastern Cape, South Africa, 73/74:41 Eco-colonialism, 75/76:62 Ecology, 43:10; 44:30 Alacaluf, 32:69 Cape Breton Island, 65/66:139 kinship and, 25:131 maritime community, 65/66:139 primitive man and, 13:1 and rise of civilization, 27:1 Yahgan, 32:69 Economic development, Canada, 65/66:139 Micronesia, 57/58:160; 57/58:171 fishing, 65/66:139 industrialization, 65/66:139 Economic growth, and image of limited good, 55/56:131 Economic inequality, Kenya, 63/64:76 Economics, and folk art, 47/48:44 cosmetic surgery, 77:103 Economy, analysis of technologies, 32:1 California Indians, 38:52; 7:69 Delaware Indians, 1:50 fish marketing, 28:87 Frisian society, 23:60 Inca, 12:6 Japanese retail market associations, 39:20 Kamchadal, 8/4:22 market places, 32:47 Micmac culture, 8/9:114 Montagnais Indians, 7:6 Ngatatjara, 36:41 Panare Indians, 10:11 Economy, continued peasant, 32:47; India, 16:17; Middle America, 16:17 Piro Indians 10:35 Plains Indians, 34:53 pre-Columbian trade, 1: 1 reclaimed land use, 5:21 silent trade, 36:67 Tahitian fish marketing, 28:87 Tarascan, 27:29 Thakali, 29:46 Tongan (Polynesia), 20:57 trade, 34:53 Ecosystem, 43:10 Ecuador, native life in, 12:1 projectile points, 40:52 trade with Mesoamerica, 34:31 Ecumene, civilization multiplier system, 25:73 Education, AIDS, 77:12 anthropology, at Berkeley, 40:82; fieldwork training, 59/60:68; in public schools, 22:68; University of Chicago, 51/52:49 deaf, 49:45 and development, Gwembe Zambia, 63/64:104; Stockton, California, 63/64:104; Tonga, 63/64:104 French peasants, 55/56:119 Inca, 12:13 physical anthropology, 50:1 public schools, 77:12 sex, controlling processes, 77:1 Tarascan, 27:34 United States anthropology, 32:78 Egypt, oracles, 24:23 resettlement, 55/56:81 Elderly, attitudes toward, 49:75 health care, 49:75 Japanese, 63/64:84 life histories, 49:65 long term health care, 63/64:126 Electrophoretic techniques, and serology, 31:69 Emic typologies, New Guinea highlands, 41:78 Emigration, 65/66:101; see also immigration, migration, Caribbean-United States, 65/66:25 Mexico, 55/56:25 Mexico-United States, 55/56:99 resistance to, 55/56:119 Tamil-United States, 65/66:65 Thailand-United States, 65/66:83 Tzintzuntzan-Mexico city, 45/46:1 Emotional illness, folk medicine, 55/56:75 Emotions, masculine/feminine expression, 69/70:78 Empire, 75/76:iii warfare and fall, 23:105 Empiricism, 38:82; 30:29 Employer-employee relations, controlling processes, 77:32 Enewetak Island, forced relocation, 44:30 1950-1994 41 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Engravings, rock, Port Headland, Australia, 26:1 Environment, and Alacaluf Indians, 32:69 and Yahgan Indians, 32:69 and man, 43: 10 relationship to human physique, 4:19 Environmentalism, 75/76:62 Epistemology, Malinowski, 29: 1, phenomenology and, 38:82 Eskimo, Siberia, 36:1; 5:26 linguistic acculturation, 32:11 northern Ungava, 32:11 racial characteristics, 5:26 Ethiopia, fossils, 50:21 Ethnic community, 57/58:20 Ethnic groups, interaction, 49:31 Ethnic relations, 75/76:14 Ethnicity, 51/52:66; 75/76:1; 75/76:14; 75/6:28 boundary-crossing, 49:31 classification, 47/48:180 college environment, 49:31 folk medicine, 55/56:75 Hawaiian, 57/58:40 inter-ethnic relations, 49:31 preservation and display, 57/58:147 Tongan, 57/58:20 taxonomies, geographic, 47/48:180; linguistic, 47/48:180; morphological, 47/48:180 Ethnobotany, 75/76:62 Ethnocentricity, 43:10 Ethnographic collections, 75/76:80 Ethnographic film, 41:87 Ethnography, Algonkians, 34:63 analogy, 45/46:18 Choco, 2:79 Eskimo, 32:11 Fulnio, 20:89 Gola, 21:43 Guayqueri, 6:60 Idabaez, 1:34 Kamchadal, 8/9:20 Micmac, 8/9:100 Montagnais, 7:1 Mundurucui, 24:55; 27:49 and museums, 25:150 Navajo, 29:53; 31:117 Northern Kwakiutl, 1:78 Ngatatjara, 36:41 Panare, 10: 10 Piro, 10:25 Plains Indians, 34:53 Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 Russian, 10:1 Siuai, 8/9:69 sixteenth century, 30:1 Tapaj6, 6:2 Tarascan, 27:27 time perspective, 12:55 Tonga (Rhodesia), 8/9:45 Tonga (Polynesia), 20:57 Tzeltal, 21:25 Ethnohistory, Alaskan, 6:26 Algonkians, 34:63 Delaware, 1:45 Eskimo, 32:11 Frisian society, 23:54 Guayqueri 6:60 Idabaez, 1:34 Indian Shaker Church, 31:51 Kamchadal, 8/9:20 Micmac, 8/9:100 Montagnais, 7:1 Plains Indians, 34:53 sources, North America, 18:49 Tapaj6, 6:2 Ethnology, see also ethnography, ethnohistory and museums, 25:149 sixteenth century, 30:1 time perspective, 12:55 Ethnoscience, 53/54:3; 51/52:44 Europe, 50:105 Balkans, SPI:passim changing kinship systems, 28:1 Denmark kinship, 19:87 early anthropology, 51/52:81 Eastern, 38:11 Finland archaeology, 13:32 Frisian society, 23:54 Jewish families, 38:11 Paleolithic art, 73/4:1 race, Mesolithic, 13:55 Serbo-Croatian kinship, 16:45 Spain, mayordomia, 27:55 Evolution, 50:63; 71/72:1 animal, 30:83 blood proteins, 31:69 cultural, 65/66:103; early man, 42:26 early anthropology, 51/52:81 hand-axe tradition, 23:114 hominid postcrania, 50:85 human, 23:7; 23:114 Indo-European hypothesis, 47/48:165 Langur monkey, social behavior, 50:27 locomotor adaptation, 50:85 molecular biology, 50:75 multilinear, 24:49 Phylogenetic tree, 23:7 primate, 31:69; social behavior, 50:27 Ex-convicts, social re-entry, 49:51 Excavations, see also archaeology Cave Rock, Nevada, 27:45 Sonoma Mission, 14:1 Exchange, 43:32; see also commerce, economy, trade Plains Indians trade, 34:53 silent trade, 36:67 Execution, by stoning, 12:45 Exogamy, see also family, marriage, social organization and compadrazgo, Latin America, 23:86 Extinction, language, 23:86 42 No. 78 Subject Index4 F Factionalism, Plains Indians, 24:6 Fajardo, Francisco, and Guayqueri history, 6:60 Family, see also kinship, social organization American Jewish, 38:11; 39:54 Bosnian, SPl:l Bulgarian, SPI:63 communication, 44:59 conflict, 44:59; 44:63; 44:68; 44:73 crisis, 44:59 Delaware Indians, 1:56 Denmark, 19:87 disinheritance, 44:68 dominance, 44:63 European Jewish, 38:11 gatherings, 44:55 Inca, 12:2 incest prohibition, 2:42 India, 16:18 inheritance, 44:68 Italy, 15:1 Japan, 8/9:1 Korean, social structure, 51/52:72 Mesoamerican, 55/56:45 Mexican peasant, 39:30 Mexican-American, 34:75 Mexico, 55/56:13 Middle America, 16:18 migration, 44:73 Montagnais, 7:25 Navaho, 31:117 Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 relationships, 44:63 Serbian, SPI:55 Serbo-Croatian, 16:45 size, city of York, England, 42:47 structural change, 44:73; 44:59 Tarascan, 27:36 Farm buildings, Balkan, 14:19 Faunal analysis, aging, 47/48:1 incremental growth structures, 47/48:1 mammals, 47/48:1 Fear of death, 69/70:86 Female, controlling processes, 77:133 Female-bonded models, primate social structure, 71/72:21 Feminine/masculine, expression of emotions, 69/70:78 Femininity, controlling processes, 77:103 Feud, blood, Montenegro, SPI :83 Feudalism, Japan, 8/9:1 Fictive kinship, incest prohibition, 2:35 Italy, 15:1 Tzintzuntzan, 39:30 Fieldwork, 45/46: 1; 59/60:82 anthropological rituals, 59/60:238 archaeological, issues, 59/60:121 clinical setting, 59/60:103 creative thinking, 59/60:121 employment, 59/60:133 ethnography, 59/60:126 Fieldwork continued "hot-cold" disease classification, 5:1 issues and problems, 59/60:92; 59/60:103; 59/60:108; 59/60:126; 59/60:133 medical anthropology, 59/60:103 medical setting, 59/60:92 qualitative research, 59/60:126 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 13:116 Serbia, SPI:55 social anthropology, 39:1 student, 61/62:110 student socialization, 59/60:238 techniques, 22: 1; 5: 1 training, 59/60:68; 59/60:76; 59/60:108; 59/60:133; 59/60:238; 59/60:92 urban United States, 59/60:108 use of recorders, 10:5 weaving, 22:1 Figurines, 73/74:1 Film, 41:87 American Indian, 25:155 Barrett, S. A., 33:35 Finland, mesolithic combware culture, 13:32 Fish poisoning, Balkans, SPI :I Carpathian area, SP-:I Fishing, Canada, 65/66:139 Tahitian bonito, 28:87 markets, 28:103 Fish-hook, single-piece curved shell, 34:17 use, Tahiti, 28:87 Flatware, sexual symbolism, 37:23 Fluorine, method of age determination, 19:17 Folk, 53/54:32; definition, 34:83 Folk beliefs, 43:32 diet and health, 47/48:116; and pregnancy, 47/48:148 Huave Indians, 55/56:59 disorder, 55/56:75 Folk medicine, 30:73; 55/56:75; see also traditional medicine, Folk taxonomy, 53/54:32 color, 57/58:65 ethnic groups, 47/48:180 Mexico, 53/54:106 Folklore, American latrinalia, 34:91 creole, 51/52:66 definition of folk, 34:83 ethnicity, 51/52:66 and folkart, Mayan, 61/62:41 Freejack, 51/52:66 and medicine, 30:73 Native Americans, 53/54:44 Negro, 33:99 trans-Pacific similarities, 12:62 Folktales, see also folklore, myth Central and South America, 12:62 Luzon and Formosa, 12:62 Folsom, 42:26 1950-1994 43 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Food, see also economy, subsistence Kutsavi, 2:35 health, 47/48:116 "hot" and "cold", 47/48:116 social function, 47/48:116 sharing, 43:32 Formal analysis, American cousinship, 24:17 Kapauku kinship system, 33:71 Serbo-Croatian kinship terms, 16:45 Formation, language model, 23:86 Foster, George M, 55/56:vii; 55/56:ix; 55/56:1; 55/56:153; bibliography, 55/56:165; biography, 55/56:159 France, 55/56:119 cavern archaeology, 21:7 Societe Ethnologique, 59/60:19 Freedman, Maurice, 45/46:56 Freejack lore, 51/52:66 Freeman, J. F., obituary, 32:77 French Alps, 55/56:119 Freud, Sigmund, Totem and Taboo, 61/62:129 Frisian society, ethnohistory, 23:54 Frontier, 73/74:41 Fulni6, venereal diseases, 20:89 Functionalism, Malinowski, 29:1 Funeral customs, Chibcha, 1:81 Cueva, 1:81 Delaware, 1:67 Inca, 1:81 Kamchadal, 8/9:35 Mixtec, 1:81 Montagnais, 7:30 Natchez, 1:82 Tapaj6, 6:7 Tarascan, 1:82 G Gambling, 51/52:1 controlling processes, 77:1; 77:65 legal, 77:65 morality, 77:65 regulation, 77:65 Games, male, 51/52:1 Gandaki Zone, Nepal, 65/66:73 Garifuna, 75/76:1 Gastarbeider, guest workers, 65/66:15e Gender, and status, Zambia, 63/64:46 Tikopia, 57/58:1 and work, Indonesia, 63/64:33 Genital superiority, American Negro folklore, 33:99 Genocide, 43:1 Geography, dress, 8/9:144 history, 8/9:144 German missionaries, Indonesia, 44:1 Germany, caste and class, 61/62:78 Labor migration, 61/62:78 politics, 61/62:78 power, 61/62:78 Gift, and marriage, 45/46:56 Gilyak, physical types, 13:105 Glossing, emotions, 69/70:78 Gluckman, M., jurisprudence, 36:94 Godparenthood, Italy, 15:1 Latin America, 2:43 Mexican-Americans, 34:75 Tzintzuntzan weddings, 39:30 Gola, society and culture, 21:43 Gold, physical types among, 13:105 Golondrinos, United States migrant workers, 30:51 Graffiti, American latrinalia, 34:91 Grammar, dysfunctional social interaction, 53/54:71 Great Basin, archaeology, 51/52:19 Indians, Kutsavi, 2:35 Greater Antilles, pre-Columbian trade, 1:3 Greece, oracles, 24:20 peasant naming customs, SPI :95 Grooming behavior, primates, 50:3 Ground stone artifacts, 51/52:19 Group therapy, and power, 47/48:206 hierarchy, 47/48:206 Guambfa, costume, 12:59 Guatemala, archaeology, 17:51; 17:94; 18:28 Indians, 2:1 Olmec art, 44:77 Guayqueri, ethnohistory, 6:60 Guerrilla warfare, 23:112 Guest workers, Belgium, 65/66:15 gastarbeider, 65/66:15 Guyana, Jonestown mass suicide, 59/60:36 Gwembe, Zambia, education and development, 63/64:104 H H?IK'AL, 61/62:41 Hadar, early hominid site, 50:37 A. afarensis site, 71/72:34 Halfway house, 49:51 Hand-axe tradition, human evolution, 23:114 Hare Krishna Temple, 49:57 Harmony model ofjustice, controlling processes, 77:32 Harvard University, archaeology, 32:83 Hawaii, adolescent humor, 57/58:40 culture contact, 53/54:1 Hawaiian-Haole interaction, 57/58:40 Healing, 69/70:32; see also medicine Indian Shaker Church, 35:67 Health, folk beliefs, 47/48:116 traditional Chinese diet, 47/48:116 Health care, America, 63/64:126 community resettlement, 55/56:81 convalescent hospital, 49:75 elderly, 49:75; 63/64:126 institutions, 63/64:126 long term, 63/64:126 nursing homes, 49:75 outpatient, 61/62:52 44 No. 78 Subject Index Health care, continued patient-care giver relations, 49:75 prevention, 77:12 retirement homes, 49:65 Scotland, 63/64:126 systems, 61/62:52 traditional medicine, 55/56:59 worker's compensation, 77:32 Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 75/76:80 Heat, and civilization, 8/9:130 Hierarchy vs. democracy, Sweden, 63/64:117 Hexian County, Anhui province, China, 71/72:1 Hinduization, Nepal, 29:43 Historical anthropology, demographic studies, 42:47 Historical archaeology, 73/74:41; 73/74:62; 73/74:80 Historical consciousness, 75/76:28 Historical demography, city of York, England, 42:47 Historiography, 53/54:1 History, ecumene concept, 25:73 European kinship systems, 28:1 Japanese feudal and post-restoration, 8/9:1 History of anthropology, 26:81; 43: 10 Acosta, Jose de, 30:8 Barrett, S. A., 33:3 Boas, F., 29:15 British social anthropology, 21:1 Cline, W. B., 8/9:ix ethnological manuscripts, 37:1 Finland, 13:32 Freeman, J. F., 32:77 Kroeber Anthropological Society, 40:1 Kroeber, A. L., 25:181; 25:19; 31:105 Levi-Strauss, 35:41 Loeb, E. M., 35:55 Lowie Museum (Hearst Museum), 37:1 Malinowski, B., 29:1 Montaigne, Michael de, 61/62:20 museums and, 25:149; 37:1 Olson, R., 16:1 Phoebe Hearst Museum (Lowie Museum), 37:1 Phylogenetic Tree, 23:7 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 13:116 Roberts, R. K., 38:1 Rowe, J. H., 40:95 sixteenth century, 30:1 Tournal, M., 21:6 United States, 1865-1879, 40:8 United States University departments, 32:78 University of California, 16: 1; 32:84; 40:82 Homesickness, 69/70:32 Homesteading, "Lost Lake," California, 3:49 Hominid remains, China, 71/72:1 Hominidae, early, 50:37 Hominids, 50:63 Homo erectus, 71/72:1 South China, 50:63 Homo sapiens, archaic, 71/72: 1; see also Neanderthal Hominid postcrania, early, 50:85 Homosexuality, Mexico, 53/54:106 Hong Kong, prejudice and ethnic stereotypes, 37:90 Hopi, archaeology, 41:54 Hospitality, 43:32 Hospitals, mental, staff conferences, 21:31 Hot-cold syndrome, suggestions for field recording, 5:1 Hot line, suicide prevention, 59/60:59 Houei Chiang Laad, 65/66:83 Houei Dii Mii, 65/66:83 Household development, Mexico, 55/56:13 Household, joint, 55/56:13 nuclear, 55/56:13 social structure, 55/56:13 Houses, Balkans, 14:19; SP1:63 Kamchadal, 8/9:26 Micmac, 8/9:107 Montagnais, 7:15 Tikopia, 30:39 Housewife, Japan, 69/70:1 Hrdlicka, Ales, early man, New World, 42:26 Huave Indians, folk belief system, 55/56:59 Huaves, trade, 1:8 Human adaptation, skin color, 31:93 Human evolution, see also evolution and Darwinism, 51/52:81 phylogenetic tree, 23:7 Human hand, hand-axe use, 23:114 Human origins, 71/72:1; see also evolution Humanity, anthropology and, 35:41 Humboldt River, Little, archaeology, 51/52:19 Humor, Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Hunting, Delaware, 1:50 Kamnchadal, 8/9:24 Montagnais, 7:7: Ngatatjara, 36:41 Hupa, jump dance, 28:73 Husbandry, Navaho sheep herding, 29:53 Hyderabad-Secunderabad, 29:25 Hygiene, primates, 50:3 I Idabaez, 1:34 Idealism vs. materialism, 51/52:44 Identity, 75/76:iii formation, controlling processes, 77:133 and image, 65/66:65 Mexico, 73/74:92 material, 73/74:62 Ideology, 43:10; 73/74:80; 75/76:28 controlling processes, 77:1 Ignorance, knowledge and, 2:6 primitive man, 2:4 Illness, 69/70:1; see also healing, medicine, disorder, disease controlling processes, 77:12 1950-1994 45 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Illness, continued folk belief systems, 55/56:59 folk concepts, 30:73 folk medicine, 55/56:75 paranoia, 53/54:71 Uttar Pradesh, 30:73 Image, controlling processes, 77:103 and identity, 65/66:65 Image of limited good, 55/56:vii; 55/56:1; 55/56:91; 55/56:99 France, 55/56:119 and economic growth, 55/56:131 Immigration, 65/66:101; see also emigration, migration American Jewish families, 38:11 Belgium, 65/66:15 California, 65/66:83 Caribbean-United States, 65/66:25 Eastern Europe-United States, 42:88 Egypt, 55/56:81 emerging community, United States, 57/58:20 Iu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 Japanese-Americans, 49:37 Jewish-United states, 42:88 Latin American cities, 42:1 Latin America, 55/56:91 Mexican migrant laborers, 30:51 Mexico, 55/56:25 Mexico-United States, 55/56:99 Oakland, California, 65/66:83 Peru, 47/48:28 policy, United States, 65/66:11; 65/66:25; 65/66:49 Tamil-United States, 65/66:65 Thailand-United States, 65/66:83 Tongan-United States, 57/58:20 Tzintzuntzan-Mexico city, 45/46:1 United States history of, 65/66:25 voluntary associations, 42:88 Immunochemical techniques, and serology, 31:69 Inca, language, 2:17 life, 12:1 oracles, 24:25 prayers, 8/9:82 trade, 1:1 Incest prohibition, Latin America, 2:43 theories, 2:42 Independence movements, Morocco, 63/64:59 North Africa, 63/64:59 Tunisia, 63/64:59 India, castes, 29:25 compared to Middle America, 16:17 illness concepts, 30:73 Langur monkey, 50:27; 50:3 Madras, 61/62:69 Nepalese migration to, 65/66:73 voluntary associations, 29:25 Indian Claims Commission cases, A. L. Kroeber, 25:181 Indian Shaker Church, ceremonies, 31:51; 35:67 Indians; see also specific tribes and location Mexican, 73/74:92 Indigenous phannaceuticals, 69/70:23 Individual, 69/70:109 Individualism, Plains Indian, 24:4 Frisian society, 23:54 Indo-European hypothesis, physical anthropology, 47/48:165 Indonesia, acculturation, 44:1 German missionaries, 44:1 Lombok village, 63/64:33 Nias, 44:1 Sasak village, 63/64:33 rice cultivation, 63/64:33 Industrial archaeology, 73/74:62 Industrialism, 73/74:62 Industrialization, maritime community, 65/66:139 Canada, 65/66:139 Industry, United States, 55/56:131 Infant mortality, Langur monkey, 50:27 Information system, culture as, 31:83 Inheritance, disinheritance, 44:68 Ireland, 53/54:58 Polynesia, 57/58:122 Injured workers, controlling processes, 77:32 Innovation, see also culture change process of, 25:25 Institutions, art, Micronesia, 57/58:147 Instrumental activities inventory, 69/70:109 Intellectual history, 43:10 Inter-ethnic interaction, Hawaiian-Haole, 57/58:40 relations, 51/52:66 Interaction, dysfunctional, 53/54:71 ethnic, Hawaiian-Haole, 57/58:40 framework, 65/66:83 Mexican cantina, 37:58 phenomenology and, 38:82 Intermediaries, see also culture change innovative process, 25:25 Latin America, 34:75 Mexican-American, 34:75 International Society of Krishna Consciousness, 49:57 Interpretation, analogical, archaeological, 45/46:18 Invasion, 75/76:62 Ireland, body image, 53/54:58 Irish-Americans, 44:48; family, 44:68 Islam, independence movements, 63/64:59 North Africa, 63/64:59 Italy, godparenthood, 15:1 Ixtepeji, Mexico, 43:32 J Japan, archaeology, 19:23; 19:35; 19:41 bone chemistry study, 19:21 changing values, 63/64:84 elderly, 63/64:84 feudal and post-restoration, 8/9:1 46 No. 78 Subject Index Japan, continued folk beliefs and religion, 42:99 medical anthropology, 69/70:1 medical care, 63/64:84 messianic cults, post-war, 8/9:78 national identity, 69/70:1 new religions, 42:99 population control, 8/9:1 religion, 42:99 respect, 63/64:84 retail market associations, 39:20 Japanese tourists, 67/68:62 Japanese-Americans, assimilation, 49:37 Jews, America, 38:11; 39:54 Europe, 38:11 Jian Shi molars, 50:63 Joking relationships, clans, 8/9:45 Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Navaho, 31:120 Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 Jones, Jim, biography, 59/60:36 Jonestown, mass suicide, 59/60:36 Jump dance, Hupa, 28:73 Karok, 28:73 Jurisprudence, Barotse, 36:94 Justice, controlling processes, 77:32 harmony model, 77:32 Justice, continued and peace, 41:8 K Kamchadal, sketch of, 8/9:20 Kanapoi, early hominid site, 50:37 Kapauku, kinship system, 33:71 Kariera, rock engravings, 26:1 Karok, jump dance, 28:73 myths, 1:11 textiles/baskets, 65/66:129 Katmandu, Nepal, 53/54:88; 65/66:73 Kenya, archaeology, Suswa caves, 37:41 Bantu, 63/64:76 economic inequality, 63/64:76 land tenure change, 63/64:76 Mbeere, 63/64:76 Khumbu, 67/68:67 Kinship, 44:48; 44:55; 59/60:13 Albanian, 16:69 Cahita, 25:134 compadrazgo and, 2:46 cousinship in American, 24:17 Danish, 19:87 European, 28:1 functionalism and, 25:129 incest prohibition and ceremonial, 2:42 Italian ritual, 15:1 Kamchadal, 8/9:31 Kapauku, 33:71 Mexican ritual, 39:30 Montagnais, 7:27 Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 Kinship, continued northwest Mexico, 25:134 Serbo-Croatian, 16:45 social structure and, 25:129 Tarascan, 27:36 Kisi, language, 5:48; phonemic analysis, 2:89 Kiva, 73/74:26 Knowledge, Guatemalan Indians, 2:3 objectivity in anthropology, 2:6 phenomenology and concepts of, 38:82 primitives, 2:3 Korea, language, 33:91 law, 41:8 religion, 41:8 Seoul, 51/52:72 Shoeshine team, 51/52:72 Korean family, social structure, 51/52:72 Koryok, racial characteristics, 5:26 Krishna, religion, 49:57 Kroeber Anthropological Society, annual meeting report, 16:93; 21:126 establishment, 1:iii history, 40:1 Kroeber, A. L., activities, 16:1; 25:19; 25:81; 40:ii; theories, 25:129; 31:105; 35:41; 25:73 Kroptkin, 51/52:61 Kuarafi of Malaita, Polynesia, 57/58:98 Kusaie, Carolines, Micronesia, 57/58:171 Kutsavi, Great Basin Indians, 2:35 Kwakiutl, older women, 18:79 prerogatives, 1:78 L La Flesche, Francis, 75/76:80 La Venta, archaeology, 31:1; 33:37 Labeling, Mexico, homosexuality, 53/54:106 Labor, cooperative, 39:63 Peru, 39:63 migration, 65/66:101; Germany, 61/62:78 union, Sweden, 63/64:117 Lacustrine subsistence pattern, SP2:28 Laetoli site, A. afarensis, 71/72:34 early hominid site, 50:37 Lake Turkana, east, early hominid site, 50:37 Land tenure, individualization of rights, 63/64:76 Ireland, 53/54:58 Kenya, 63/64:76 Land use, California Indians, 25:187; 38:52 Yahgan and Alacaluf, 32:69 reclamation, 3:1 Landmanshaften, traditional institutions, 42:88 voluntary associations, 42:88 Language, Africa, 28:57 Ameslan, 49:45 Aymara, 2:20 Cayapa, 1:40 Chiriguana, 2:21 Colorado, 1:40 contact, Africa, 28:49 Creole, 28:63; 28:66 1950-1994 47 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Language, continued Cueva, 1:40 and culture, Pleistocene, 59/60:1 distribution, Bolivia, 2:17 Esmeraldas, 1:40 extinction and formation, 23:86 iconic, 49:45 ideographic, 49:45 Inca, 2:20; 8/9:82 Kamchadal, 8/9:22 Kisi, 2:89; 5:48 Korean, 33:91 lingua franca, 28:57 N. American culture areas, 25:163; families, 25:163 northern Ungava Eskimo, 32:11 phonemic analysis, 2:89 Piro, 11:17; 12:22 Puquina, 2:21 and race, 47/48:165 Rowe, J. H., 40:94 SEE (signing exact English), 49:45 Shasta, 20:1 sign, 49:45 Singlish, 49:45 southern Dieguefio, 2:9 Swahili, 28:51 Tapaj6, 6:6 and technology, Pleistocene, 59/60:1 Uru, 2:21 visual, 49:45 Yuracari 2:21 Langur monkey, grooming behavior, 50:3 infant mortality, 50:27 social behavior, 50:27 Las Vagas, gambling, 77:65 Latin America, 75/76:14; 75/76:iii acculturation, 75/76:28 Andean native life, 12:1 archaeology, SP3:113 Bari, 75/76:62 Belize, 75/76:1 black Carib, 75/76:1 cantina, 37:58 co-operative labor, 39:63 colonialism, 75/76:62 community, 55/56:45; development, 39:63 compadrazgo, 55/56:25; system, 2:43; 34:75; 39:30 counterinsurgency and anthropology, 39:88 cults, 75/76:28 cultural origins, 75/76:28 donship, 22:10 environmentalism, 75/76:62 ethnic relations, 75/76:14 ethnicity, 75/76:1; 75/76:14; 75/76:28 fieldwork, 39:1 Garifuna, 75/76:1 godparenthood, 2:43; 39:30 "hot-cold" syndrome, 5:1 Latin America, continued household, 55/56:13 ideology, 75/76:28 incest prohibition, 2:43 intermnediaries, 34:75 invasion, 75/76:62 mayordomia, 27:55 Mexico, 73/74:92; 75/76:28 migration, 55/56:91 nationalism, 75/76:28 oral tradition, 75/76:28 Patagonia, 39:72 Peru, 75/76:14 possession cult, 75/76:28 racial identity, 75/76:1; relations, 21:17 revolution, 28:68; 38:26 rural-urban migration, 55/56:25 spiritualism, 25:191 sports, 40:72 trade, 75/76:14 Tzeltal agrarian colonization, 21:25 Venezuela, 75/76:28; 75/76:62 weddings, 39:30 Welsh acculturation, 39:72 Law, and archaeology, SP3:5 Barotse jurisprudence, 36:94 controlling processes, 77:32 harmony model, 77:32 justice, 41:8 punishment, 41:8 and religion, Korea, 41:8 Law of Extended Application, communications, 36:80 Leadership, Polynesia, 57/58:122 Legitimacy, gambling, 77:65 Leisure, 67/68:12; 67/68:7 gambling, 77:65 Levi-Strauss, C., interview with, 35:41 theories, 37:23 Lexicon, 41:78 Liberia, Gola society, 21:43 Kisi language, 2:89; 5:48 Life crisis, 67/68:42 abortion, 47/48:86 Life histories, elderly, 49:65 Limited good, see also image of, Cuba, 38:39 Linguistic anthropology, 61/62:148 Linguistic change, Ontario, Canada, 63/64:95 Linguistics, 43:42 Mayan, 61/62:41 Mixe-Zoquean, 61/62:41 New Guinea highlands, 41:78 reconstruction, 61/62:41 Lionza, Maria, 75/76:28 Literate vs. non-literate societies, 53/54:32 Lithics, 51/52:19 Little Humboldt River, archaeology, 51/52:19 Locomotor adaptation, hominid, 50:85 No. 78 48 Subject Index Loeb, E. M., bibliography, 35:58; obituary of, 35:55 Lombok Village, Indonesia, 63/64:33 Lothagan, early hominid site, 50:37 Louisiana, Freejack ethnicity, 51/52:66 Lovelock cave, Nevada, archaeology, SP2 Lower Pleistocene, 50:63 Lowie Museum, see also Hearst Museum ethnological manuscripts, 37:1 Lowie, R. H., I :i; I :iii Lukeino, early hominid site, 50:37 M Macaque male, interest in infants, 36:32 Macromolecules, 50:75 Mae Bong, 65/66:83 Magic, see also shamanism, sorcery, religion Mexico, 55/56:59 Tlingit, 25:216 Maidu, basketry, 19:67 Male, games, 51/52:1 Male dominant institutions, Zambia, 63/64:46 Malinowski, B., theories of, 29:1 and Radcliffe-Brown, 13:21 Mammoth, 65/66:148 Mammuthus exilis, 65/66:148 Man, animal domestication, 22:18 ecological factor, 13:1 and nature, 43: 10 Man-environment relationship, 43:10 Manang District, Nepal, 65/66:73 Manufacturing, Delaware culture, 1:53 Montagnais, 7:17 Manuscripts, Lowie Museum (Hearst Museum), 37:1 Margarita, Island, 6:60 Mariana, Northern, Micronesia, 57/58:160 Mariel boat lift, 61/62:88 Maritime community, Canada, 65/66:139 Markets, see also economy Japan, 39:20 peasant society, 32:47 Tahiti, 28:103 Yugoslavia, 32:47 Marriage customs, 44:63; see also family, kinship, social organization American Jewish, 39:54 attitudes, 49:23 Chinese, 45/46:56 and children, York, England, 42:47 city of York, England, 42:47 cohabitation, 49:13 college women, 49:23 and decent, Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 Delaware Indians, 1:57 incest prohibition, 2:42 intermediaries, 34:75 Ireland, 53/54:58 Kuarafi of Malaita, 57/58:98 Latin America, 34:75 Marriage customs, continued Mexican-Americans, 34:75 Navaho values, 31:117 Polynesia, 57/58:98 Solomon Islands, 57/58:98 Tapaj6, 6:7 Tzintzuntzan, 39:30 United States, 49:23 women, attitudes, 49:23 Marshall Islands, Micronesia, 57/58:160 forced relocation, 44:30 Masculine/feminine, expression of emotions, 69/70:78 Masculinity, Mexico, 53/54:106 Mass culture, adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 Massachusetts, Christian Indians, 34:63 Material culture, see also economy, subsistence Maidu Indians, 19:67 Panare Indians, 10: 10 Material culture studies, 73/74 Material identity, 73/74:62 Materialism, traditional society, 57/58:171 Mathematics, American cousinship, 24:17 Matriarchy-patriarchy shift, Pleistocene, 59/60:13 Maya, archaeology, 17:1; 17:7; 17:38; 17:75; 18:20; historical review, 47/48:71 folklore and folkart, bat, 61/62:41 linguistics, 61/62:41 prehistory, 45/46:18 trade among, 1:7 Mayordomia, continuity and change, 27:55 Mbeere, Kenya, 63/64:76 McCown, Theodore Doney, appreciation, 38:i; biography, 41:1 Measurement, human cranium, 50:13 Medical anthropology, 69/70; 65/66:103 critically applied, 69/0:62 Dada, 69/70:32 healing, 69/70:32 homesickness, 69/70:32 indigenous drugs, 69/70:23 Japan, 69/70:1 menopause, 69/70:1 national identity, 6970: 1 power, 69/70:32 social structure and physiology, 69/70:14 theory and method, 71/72:29 world system, 69/70:23 theory and method, 69/70:62 Medical care, elderly, 63/64:84 Japan, 63/64:84 Medicine, see also healing, illness folk, 55/56:75; concepts, 30:73 Fulino venereal diseases, 20:89 "hot-cold" syndrome, 5:1 Indian villages, 30:73 Mexico, traditional, 55/56:59 as social institution, 30:73 physical anthropology, 65/66:103 1950-1994 49 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Medicine, continued staff conferences 21:31 Meetings, KAS first annual, 16:93; third annual, 21:126 Melanesia, Bigman vs. chief, 57/58:122 Menopause, Japan, 69/70:1 Mental hospitals, staff conferences, 21:31 Mesoamnerica, 75/76:28; See also countries, Middle America, Latin America barrios, 55/56:45 chronology, 47/48:71 community, 55/56:45 Indian and peasant communities, 55/56:45 linguistic reconstruction, 61/62:41 Olmec art, 44:77 Mesoamerican archaeology, see also specific countries, Middle America. Latin America area co-tradition, 18:1; 18: 11 classic stage, 17:38 LaVenta, 17:56; 25:43; 25:59; 31:1; 31:45; 33:37 Maya, 45/46:18; 47/48:71 Olmec, 17:56; 25:43; 25:59; 31:1; 31:45; 33:37 Peru-Ecuador contact, 34:31 post-classic stage, 17:75 pre-classic stage, 17:7 Mesolithic, Europe, 13:55 Finland, 13:32 and race, 13:55 Mesopotamia, archeological sequence, 27:8 Mestizo, household, 55/56:13 Metaphor, use of, Pleistocene, 59/60:1 Methodology, 45/46:1 anthropological, 39:5 data collection on weaving, 22:1 Medical Anthropology, 69/70:62 Radcliffe-Brown, 13:116 social science, 30:29; 38:82 Mexican-Americans, donship among, 22:10 folk medicine, 55/56:75 intermediaries, 34:75 Mexico, 75/76:28 archaeology, SP3:82 braceros in the United States, 30:51 cantina and social interaction, 37:58 community, 55/56:45 compadrazgo, 2:44; 39:30; 55/56:25 conquest, 73/74:92 corridos, 38:68 criollos, 73/74:92 cultural identity, 73/74:92 external village ties, 27:27 field work experience, 39:1 folk taxonomy, 53/54:106 kinship terms, 25:132 homosexuality, 53/54:106 household development, 55/56:13 Huave Indians, 55/56:59 Iberians, 73/74:92 Mexico, continued Indians, 73/74:92 Ixtepeji, 43:32 magic, 55/56:59 Maya archaeology, 45/46:18 mayordomia, 27:58 medicine, 55/56:59 national identity, 73/74:92 Olmec art, 44:77 religion, 55/56:25; 55/56:59 ritual sponsors, 55/56:25 rural-urban migration, 55/56:25 season of birth, 35:6 spiritualism, 25:191 Tarascan, 55/56:13 Tzintzuntzan, 55/56:13; 55/56:25 Tzeltal agrarian colonization, 21:25 urbanization, 45/46:1 weddings, 30:30 Yaguro, 55/56:13 Zoque Indians, 55/56:45 Mexico City, urban migration, 45/46:1 Micmac, culture change and loss, 8/9:100 Micronesia, 44:30 Eastern and Western Caroline, 57/58:160 Marshall Islands, 57/58:160 Northern Mariana, 57/58:160 colonialism, dependence vs. development, 57/58:160 production and traditional society, 57/58:171 traditional and contemporary art, 57/58:147 Middle America, see also Mesoamerica, Mexico; Latin America archaeology, 17:1 Guatemala Indians, 2:1 peasant society, 16:17 pre-Columbian trade, 1:5 Migrant workers, Mexican-United States, 30:51 Migration, 65/66:1; 65/66:101; 65/66:11; see also immigration, emigration economic factors, 45/46:40 emerging community, United States, 57/58:20 Egypt, 55/56:81 global, 65/66:4 India, 65/66:73 internal, 65/66:73 international, 65/66:73 Japanese-Americans, 49:37 Jewish-United States, 38:11 Latin America, 55/56:91 Latin American cities, 42:1 Mexico, 55/56:25 Mexico-United States, 30:51; 55/56:99 Nepal, 65/66:73 non-economic factors, 45/46:40 Peru, 45/46:40 psychological factors, 45/46:40 research approaches, 65/66:4 rural-urban, 45/46:40 satisfaction, 55/56:91 so No. 78 Subject Index5 Migration, continued and social mobility, 47/48:28 Southeast Asia, 65/66:73 Tongan-United States, 57/58:20 and trade, 65/66:73 Tzintzuntzan-Mexico city, 45/46:1 Migration, United States, 65/66:4 United States, internal, 65/66:101 York, England, 42:47 Yugoslav peasant, SP1: 109 Mijes, trade, 1:8 Mimic, 63/64:135 Mind-body processes, 69/70:14 Minorities and parks, 67/68:7 Mission San Francisco de Solano, archaeology, 14:1 Missionaries, Alaska, 1796, 6:26 German, Indonesia, 44:1 Missions, gift shops, 73/74:80 Mississippi valley, Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 Miwok, Sierra, executions by stoning, 12:45 Mixe-Zoquean, Linguistics, 61/62:41 Mobility, American Jewish families, 38:11 Modemization, 42:1; 69/70:109; see also culture change Yugoslav peasants, SP1 :109 Mohave Indians, captivity of Olive Oatman, 4:1 Molar wear, age determination, 50:21 Molecular biology, 50:75 Molecular clock, 50:75 Molina, Crist6bal de, report on Inca religion, 8/9:82 Monkey, fossil, 50:21 Montanais Indians, culture survey, 7:1 Montaigne, Michael de, 61/62:20 Montenegro, blood feuds, SPI:83 Monterey county, archaeology, 12:71 Monuments, Olmec stone, 28:128 Moral economy, gambling, 77:65 Mkorality vs. personal choice, gambling, 77:65 Morocco, independence movements, 63/64:59 Islam, 63/64:59 Morphology, Piro language, 11:22 Mortality, city of York, England, 42:47 Mother-in-law, Daughter-in-law, 44:63 Motion picture, 41:87 Mount Cannel caves, archaeology, 25:221 Mousterian, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Movies, 67/68:20 Multilinear evolution, 24:49 Mundane, art, 63/64:135 Munduruc'u, deviance and social control, 24:55; 27:49 Museum anthropology, 75/76:80 Museums, 73/74:80 collections, 75/76:80 ethnological research, 25:149 exhibits, 75/76:80 Lowie (Hearst) manuscripts, 37:1 traditional and contemporary art, 57/58:147 Music, Mexican corridos, 38:68 Nepal, 53/54:88 Tachi Yokuts, 19:47 Tarascan, 27:41 Myth, Karok, 1: 11 Piro, 4:37 pregnancy and abortion, 47/48:86 United States, 47/48:86 N Naming customs, peasant Greece, SPI :95 Nanumea, Polynesia, color classification, 57/58:65 Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 National Forests, and archaeology, SP3:66 National identity, Japan, 69/70:1 Mexico, 73/74:92 National tourist development, Nepal, 67/68:67 Nationalism, 75/76:28 Africa, 23:1 Boas on, 29:20 Native Americans, autobiography, SP3: 144 archaeology, SP3:25; 51/52:19 bibliography, SP3:144 California, 65/66:129 folklore, 53/54:44 life histories, SP3:144 Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 Nature and man, 43:10 Nature of art, 63/64:135 Navaho, 29:53 acculturation of women, 29:53 marriage, 31:117 Mt. Carmel site, 25:221 rodeos, 29:53 sheep herding, 29:53 values, 31:117 Nazca textiles, 65/66:129 Neanderthal, 50:105 degenerative joint disease, 71/72:67 Near East, archaeology, Mt. Cannel caves, 25:221 Cline, W. B., 8/9:xiii Necromancy, Tlingit, 25:218 Necrophilia, Tlingit, 25:218 Negidal, physical types, 13:105 Nepal, 53/54:88 Ganadaki Zone, 65/66:73 Katmandu, 65/66:73 Manang District, 65/66:73 Nisyang, 65/66:73 Thakali, 29:44 Hinduization, 29:43 migration patterns, 65/66:73 tourism and development, 67/68:67 trade, 65/66:73 youth travelers, 67/68:35 Nepenthe, in aboriginal America, 1:81 Neurological foundations, primate social behavior, 50:115 1950-1994 51 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Nevada, archaeology, 51/52:19; SP2 Lovelock cave, SP2 North Fork, Little Humboldt River site, 51/52:19 Pink Point site, 51/52:19 Stolen shelter site, 51/52:19 New England, praying towns, 34:63 New Guinea, 41:78 cargo cults, 18:67 New Hebrides, Bigman vs. chief, 57/58:122 New Spain, mayordomia, 27:58 New World, season of birth, 35:1 sixteenth century ethnography, 30:1 Monkeys, dental metrics, 71/72:57; platyrrhines, 71/72:57 Newars, Nepal, 53/54:88 Ngatatjara, hunting, 36:41 Nglara, rock engravings, 26:1 Ngorora, early hominid site, 50:37 Nias, Indonesia, 44:1 Nineteenth century, anthropology, 50:105; 59/60:19; American school, 65/66:103; Berendt, Karl, 61/62:1; Societd Anthropologique de Paris, 59/60:19; Societd Ethnologique, Paris, 59/60:19; Josiah Clark Nott, 65/66:103 colonialism, 73/74:41 physical anthropology, 47/48:165; 50:105 Nisyang, Nepal, 65/66:73 Noble savage, 75/76:62 Nomadism, Frisian society, 23:54 North Africa, independence movements, 63/64:59 Islam, power, and change, 63/64:59 North American, California missions, 73/74:80 linguistic studies, 43:42 Plains, 75/76:80 North American archaeology, see also specific countries Alaskan coast, 11:60 California, 12:70; 14:1; 1:28 Chaco canyon, 73/74:26 Nevada, 27:45 North American ethnography Algonkians, 34:63 Delaware, 1:45 ethnohistoric sources, 18:49 ethnological manuscripts, 37:1 Great Basin Indians, 2:37 Indian tribes, 2:51 Karok 1:11 Klamath, 2:37, Kwakiutl, 18:79; 1:78 language families and culture areas, 25:163 Micmac, 8/9:100 Montagnais, 7:1 Navaho, 29:53; 31:117 Northwest Coast, 18:79 Plains Indians, 24:1; 34:53 plank canoes, 35:22 North American ethnography, continued Pomo, 8/9:151 season of birth, 35:1 shamanism, 24:38; 25:207 Shasta, 20:1 Tlingit, 25:207 trade with South America, 1:1 Ungava Eskimo, 32:11 North Fork, Little Humboldt River site, Nevada, archaeology, 51/52:19 Northern Rhodesia, Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 Northwest Coast, Kwakiutl, 18:79; 1:78 Tlingit, 25:207 women, 18:79 Nott, Josiah Clark, 65/66:103 Nouns, pluralization of Kisi, 5:48 Nova Scotia, Canada, 65/66:139 Nubian resettlement, Egypt, 55/56:81 Nuclear household, 55/56:13 Nudist camps, aggression and conflict, 19:7 Nursery school, sex role play, 49:7 Nursing homes, staff-patient relations, 49:75 0 O'Neale, Lila Morris, 65/66:129 Oakland, California, African-American folklore, 33:99 Oatman, Olive, captivity, 4:1 Obituary, Barrett, S. A., 33:3 Cline, W. B., 8/9:ix Freeman, J. F., 32:77 Loeb, E. M., 35:55 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 13:116 Roberts, R. K., 38:1 Objectivity, in anthropology, 2:6 phenomenology and, 38:82 Oceania, migration, 57/58:20 Siuai, 8/9:69 Tahiti, 28:87 Tonga, 20:56 traditional and contemporary art, 57/58:147 Odontometrics, New World Monkeys, 71/72:57 Olduvai, early hominid site, 50:37 Olmec, archaeology, 17:56; 25:43; 25:59; 28:121; 31:1; 31:45; 33:37; 16:1 art, annotated bibliography, 44:77 Omaha, 75/76:80 Omo, early hominid site, 50:37 Ontario, James Bay, 63/64:95 Open society, closed community, 16:5 Opportunity, 55/56:99 Oracles, comparative study, 24:19 Egyptian, 24:23 Greek, 24:20 Inca, 24:25 Roman, 24:23 Tibetan, 24:27 Oral Narratives, Native Americans, 53/54:44 Oral tradition, 75/76:28 Organizational analysis, Korea, 51/52:72 52 No. 78 Subject Index Organized crime, Korea, 51/52:72 Orok, physical types, 13:105 p Pacific Islands, colonialism, dependence vs. development, 57/58:160 Pain, 69/70:14 Paiute, executions by stoning, 12:45 food use, 2:37 Pakistan, archaeology, 53/54:129 Paleolithic art, 73/74:1 Paleo-omithology, SP2:9 Paleobiology, Lovelock cave, Nevada, SP2 Paleoecology, 50:21; 50:37 Paleolithic artifacts, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Palynology, SP2:19 Panama, Choc6 Indians, 2:79 Panare Indians, 10:10 Paranoia, 53/54:71 Parish records, city of York, England, 42:47 Participant observation, 61/62:88 Pathology, human cranium, 50:13 neural, primate, 50:115 Paz, Octavio, 75/76:28 Peabody Museum, development of anthropology, 40:16 Peasant society, concept of "folk,", 34:83 Cuban revolution, 38:26 external village relations, 27:27 fieldwork experience, 39: 1; SPI :55 Greek naming customs, SPI :95 intermediaries, 34:75 market places, 32:47 marriage, 34:75; 39:30 Mexican music, 27:41; 38:68; weddings, 39:30 Middle America and India, 16:17 modernization and Yugoslavia, SPI :109 ritual kinship, 2:44; 39:30 Serbian kinship terms, 16:45 Peasants, 55/56:99 France, 55/56:119 Peddlers, 47/48:192 Peer pressure, controlling processes, 77:133 Peninj, early hominid site, 50:37 People's Temple, Jonestown mass suicide, 59/60:36 Performance arts, 63/64:135; 67/68:20 Personality, Munduruciu 24:55; 27:49 Navaho, 31:117 Peru, 75/76:14 archaeology, 34:3 1; 40 100; 40:93 community development, 30:63 contacts with Mesoamerica, 34:31 cooperative labor, 39:63 Inca prayers, 8/9:82 Kaykay, Paucartambo province, 45/46:40 migration, 47/48:28 native life, 12:1 oracles, 24:25 Piro Indians, 10:25; 11:17; 4:37 Peru, continued Rowe, J. H., 40:100; 40:93 social mobility, 47/48:28 sports in, 40:72 textiles of, 25:111 urban culture, 40:72 Pharmaceuticals, indigenous, 69/70:23 Phenomenology, and social sciences, 38:82 Phonemic analysis, Kisi, 2:89 Phonetic alphabets, 43:42 symbols, 43:42 Phonetics, 43:42 Phylogenetic information, 50:75 Physical anthropology, 71/72; 50:1; 50:21 achondroplasia, 71/72:41 anterior dental loading hypothesis, 71/72:67 Aryan hypothesis, 47/48:165 A. afarensis, 71/72:34 African fossil Baboons, 71/72:77 Biomedical anthropology, 71/72:29 bipedalism, 50:85 bone chemistry, 14:21 bone (humerus) morphology, 71/72:41 China, 71/72:1 Colobine monkey, 71/72:21 critical theory, 71/72:29 degenerative joint disease, 71/72:67 dental metrics, 71/72:57 diet, species diversity, and distribution, 71/72:77 dwarfism, 71/72:41 early hominids, 50:37 evolution, 50:63; 50:75; 50:85 history, 50:121; 50:105; 51/52:81; 65/66:103 hominids, 50:63; 50:85 human cranium, 50:13 human evolution, 50:105; 71/72:1 macaques, 36:32 medicine, 65/66:103 medical anthropology, 71/72:29 methodology, 71/72:49 Neanderthal, 71/72:67 New World Monkeys, 71/72:57 nineteenth century, 50:105 paleoecology, 50:37 peoples of Siberia, 13:105 primates, 50:27; social structure, 71/72:21; social behavior, 50:115; studies, 50:3; phylogenesis, 31:69 race, 47/48:165 skin color and human adaptation, 31:93 sociobiology, 71/72:49 statistics, 4:19 theory and method, 71/72:29 Theropithecus, 71/72:77 tooth morphology, 71/72:34; 71/72:57; Baboons, 71/72:77 Indo-European hypothesis, 47/48:165 Langur monkey, 50:27 Nineteenth century, 47/48:165 1950-1994 53 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Physical anthropology, continued Phylogenetic Tree, 23:7 University of California, Berkeley, 50:121 Physique, human, environmental factors, 4:19 Pidgin languages, Africa, 28:51 Pink Point site, Nevada, archaeology, 51/52:19 Piro Indians, culture, 10:25 language, 11:17; 12:22 myths, 4:37 Plains Indians, political structure of, 24:1 trade, 34:53 Plastic surgery, controlling processes, 77:103 Platyrrhines, odontometrics, 71/72:57 Pleasure, gambling, 77:65 Pleistocene, 50:105 culture and language, 59/60:1 hand-axe, 23:114 occupation debris, 37:31 Pliopleistocene fossils, 50:21 Pluralization, Kisi nouns, 5:48 Poetry, analysis, 25:1 anti-war, 35:40 Poisoning, fish, Carpathian area and Balkans, SPI:1 Political and economic development, Micronesia, 57/58:160 Political cynicism, 65/66:35 Political organization, Delaware Indians, 1:60 Montagnais, 7:25 Plains Indians, 24:1 Tarascan, 27:37 Tonga (Polynesia), 20:56 Politics, and archaeology, SP3:72; SP3:82 Germany, 61/62:78 of research, anthropological, 59/60:82 Pollen analysis, Alaskan archaeology, 11:73 Polynesia, adolescent humor, 57/58:40 Bigman vs. chief, 57/58:122 colonialism, dependence vs. development, 57/58:160 color classification, 57/58:65 culture contact, 53/54:1 migration, 57/58:20 marriage customs, 57/58:98 Solomon Islands, 57/58:98 Tahiti, 28:87 Tikopia gender roles, 57/58:1 Tonga, 20:56 Pomo Indians, cosmology, 8/9:151 Popayan, Columbia, 55/56:91 Popper, K., 30:29 Popular culture, music, 67/68:28 Population control, Japan, 8/9:1 Positivism, phenomenology, 38:82 social sciences, 30:29 Possession cult, 75/76:28 Post-siwalik deposits, archaeology, 53/54:129 Post-structuralism, archaeology, 73/74:115 Potato, sweet, 41:78 Potlatch, Kwakiutl, 1:78 Potters, Mexico, 55/56:13 Potwar Plateau, Northem Pakistan, archaeology, 53/54:129 Poverty, urban, 34:9 Power and change, Islam, 63/64:59 and control, controlling processes, 77:1 Germany, 61/62:78 Medical Anthropology, 69/70:32 Powerlessness, dependency and health care, 63/64:126 Prayers, Inca, 8/9:82 Pregnancy, 47/48:86 China, 47/48:148 Prehistory, see also archaeology Australian, 36:60 ecology, 13:1 hand-axe tradition, 23:114 Soviet Asia, 16:29 Prejudice, Hong Kong, 37:90 Peruvian Andes, 12:1 northeastern Brazil, 21:17 Presbytis entellus, 50:27; 50:3 Primates, blood proteins, 31:69 evolution, 31:69; 50:75 fossils, 50:21 grooming behavior, 50:3 Langur monkey, 50:3 macaques, 36:32 platyrrhines odontometrics, 71/72:57 social behavior, 50:27; neural correlates, 50:115 social structure, female-bonded models, 71/72:21 Primitive art, Australian aboriginal, 26:1 museums, 25:151 Olmec, 28:121 Private enterprise, and archaeology, SP3:35 Processual analysis, 44:48 Production, Micronesia, 57/58:171 Productive/unproductive activities, gambling, 77:65 Professionalization, American anthropology, 32:78; 40:8 Progress, 55/56:99 Projectile points, 51/52:19 Psychedelic anthropology, 43:51 Psycho-somatic illness, folk medicine, 55/56:75 Psychoanalytic theory, Malinowski, 29:1 Psychological Anthropology, 69/70 abortion, 47/48:86 cultural directives, 69/70:100 culture change, 69/70:109 emotions, 69/70:78 self sacrifice, 69/70:86 war, 69/70:86 Psychological factors, beauty and cosmetic surgery, 77:103 Psychology, hierarchy, 47/48:206 innovative psychology, 47/48:206 and power, 47/48:206 54 No. 78 Subject Index Psychology, continued pregnancy and abortion, 47/48:86 Psychosomatic processes, 69/70:14 Public interest, applied anthropology, 59/60:145 Pueblo, archaeology, 41:54 Mesoamerican, 55/56:45 trade, 41:54 Puerto Rico, season of birth, 35:5 Punishment, and law, 41:8 alitative research, vs. quantitative, 59/60:126 Quantitative research, vs. qualitative, 59/60:126 Quincentennial, 75/76:iii R Race, 50:105; 51/52:66; 65/66:103 Boas' views, 29:17 eighteenth c. creation of, 47/48:165 and language, 47/48:165 Mesolithic Europe, 13:55 northeastern Asia, 10: 1; 13:105; 5:26 physical anthropology, 47/48:165 Racial identity, 75/76:1 Racism, 43:1 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 13:116; 51/52:61 kinship and social structure, 25:129 Radical critique, archaeology, 73/74:115 Railroading, 55/56:131 Rationalism, Guatemalan Indians, 2:1 phenomenology, 38:82 Western society, 2:5; 30:29; 34:1 Rebellion, adolescent, 77:133 Reciprocity, 67/68:62 model, 55/56:45 Recording equipment, fieldwork, 10:5 Recreation, gambling, 77:65 Refugees, 65/66: 101 adaptation, 65/66:11 communities, 65/66:35 resettlement and adaptation, 65/66:11; assistance, 65/66:49; patterns, 65/66:49; resettlement and adaptation, placement, 65/66:49; United States, 65/66:49 Regional Parks, California, 67/68:7 Regulation, gambling, 77:65 Relationships, interactional analysis of, 61/62:69 Religion, 57/58:20 and community organization, 55/56:45 Buddhism, 41:8 cargo cults, 18:67 China, 41:8 Confucianism, 41:8 cults, 75/76:28 Delaware, 1:63 Hare Krishna temple, 49:57 Hawaii, 53/54:1 Inca, 8/9:82 Indian Shaker Church, 3 1:51; 35:67 Indonesia, 44:1 Religion, continued Ireland, 53/54:58 Japan, 42:99; folk beliefs, 42:99 Jonestown mass suicide, 59/60:36 Kamchadal, 8/9:35 and law, Korea, 41:8 linguistics, 61/62:41 mayordomia, 27:55 messianic cults, 8/9:78 Mexico, 55/56:59; ritual, 55/56:25 oracles, 34:19 Polynesia, 57/58:122 shamanism, 24:38; 25:207; 41:8 spirit possession/healing, 42:99 spiritualism, 25:191 Taoism, 41:8 Tapaj6, 6:7 Tarascan, 27:39 Thakali, 29:48 Tlingit, 5:6; 25:207 values, Korea, 41:8 Relocation, 44:30 Egypt, 55/56:81 Remstal study, 69/70:109 Repatriation, 75/76:80 Reproduction, Ireland, 53/54:58; myth and propaganda, 47/48:86 Research archaeology, SP3:66 Resettlement, 44:30; 65/66:1 and adaptation, 65/66:11 Egypt, 55/56:81 policy, United States, 65/66:49 Resources and responses to change, 65/66:83 Respect, Japan, 63/64:84 Retirement home, 49:65 Revitalization movement, Indonesia, 44:1 United States, 59/60:36 Revolution, Cuban peasants, 38:26 Mexican corridos, 38:68 Rhodesia, Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 Rice cultivation, 63/64:33 Rite of passage, 67/68:42 travel, 67/68:35 Ritual kinship, incest prohibition, 2:43 Italy, 15:1 Mexican-Americans, 34:75 Mexico, 39:30 Ritual sponsors, Mexico, 55/56:25 Roberts, R. K., 38:1; 38:8 Rock engravings, Australian, 26:1 Rodeos, Navaho acculturation, 29:53 Romance, older women, 18:79 Rome, oracles, 24:33 Rowe, J. H., 40:ii; 40:93; bibliography, 40:112; theories, 40:100; 40:43 Rumania, architecture, 14:19 Rural Women, 63/64:46 Rural-urban migration, 45/46:1; 45/46:40 Latin America, 55/56:91 Mexico, 55/56:25 55 1950-1994 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Russia, archaeology, 16:29 ethnography, 10:1 Kamchadal, 8/9:20 missionaries, 5:6 Tlingit Indians, 5:6 S SEE (signing exact English), 49:45 Sacrifice, human, 1:81 Salvage archaeology, SP3:66 San Francisco Bay area, Activism, 65/66:35 bar dice games, 51/52:1 California, 65/66:35 import stores, 47/48:44 Mexican migrants, 55/56:99 political cynicism, 65/66:35 refugee communities, 65/66:35 Soviet Jews, 65/66:35 Vietnamese, 65/66:35 San Joaquin Valley, California, archaeology, 12:77 San Mateo del Mar, Mexico, 55/56:59 Santa Barbara, California, archaeology, 12:71 plank canoes, 35:27 Santa Rosa Island, California, archaeology, 65/66:148 Savagery, ecology, 27:4 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, biography, 53/54:44 Schools, see also education, teaching public, 22:68 Schooner sailing, 67/68:42 Science, anthropology, 30:29; 34:1; 38:82 Tarascan, 27:38 Scotland, elderly health care, 63/64:126 Sculpture, Olmec, 28:121 Season of birth, 35:1 Sects, see also cults, religion religious, Japan, 8/9:78 Segmentary band organization, Plains Indians, 24:5 Self, 69/70:109 Self Sacrifice, 69/70:86 Semantic analysis, Serbo-Croatian kinship, 16:45 Senbetsu-Omiyage relationship, 67/68:62 Seoul, Korea, 51/52:72 Serbia, family, SPI:55 fieldwork, SP1:55 kinship, 16:45 modernization, SPI :109 Serology, evolution, 31:69 Settlement, Balkans, 14:19; SPI :63 homesteading, 3:49 Lost Lake, California, 3:49 Sex discrimination, 63/64:27 Sex education, controlling processes, 77:1; 77:12 Sex roles, Brazil, 21:17 cohabitation, 49:13 nursery school, 49:7 Northwest Coast, 18:79 play, 49:7 Sex roles, continued Tikopia, 57/58:1 women, attitudes, 49:23 Sex symbols, Tikopia, 57/58:1 Sexual repression, Ireland, 53/54:58 Shaker Church, Indian, 31:51; 35:67 Shamanism, 24:38; 25:207; 41:8 archeological evidence, 24:38 California, 24:38 Nevada, 24:38 Tlingit, 5:6; 25:207 Shasta, language, phonemics, 20:2 Shellfish, California Indians, 7:63 fishhooks, 34:17 mounds, Japanese, 19:23; 19:35; 15:41 Sherpas, 67/68:67 Shoeshine team, Korea, 51/52:72 Shropeshire Lad, A, analysis, 25:1 Siane (New Guinea), cargo cults, 18:68 Siberia, archaeology, 16:29 bibliography, 36:1 Kanchadal, 8/9:20 racial types, 10:1; 13:105; 5:26 Sign language, Ameslan, 49:45 SEE (signing exact English), 49:45 Singlish, 49:45 Signed English, 49:45 Sigua (Panama), trade, 1:7 Silent trade, 36:67 Silicone-gel breast implants, controlling processes, 77:103 Singlish, 49:45 Siuai, slit-gongs and renown-making, 8/9:69 Siwalik deposits, archaeology, 53/54:129 Skin color, human adaptation, 31:93 Skulls, comparison of coyote and dog, 21:40 human, deformed, 50:13 Slavery, 65/66:103 Slavs, southern, see also Balkans architecture, 14:19 Slit-gongs, Siuai, 8/9:69 Smith River, California, Indian Shaker Church, 31:51; 35:67 Smithsonian Institution, development of anthropology, 40:13 Soan industry, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Social anthropology, see also anthropology British, 21: 1;51/52:61 counterinsurgency, 39:88 field experience, 39:30 methodology, 39:5 scientific method, 34:1 sociology, 19:1 teaching, 40:82 Social behavior, Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Langur monkey, 50:27 Mesoamerican barrio, 55/56:45 neural correlates, 50:115 primate, 50:3; 50:27; 50:115; evolution, 50:27 56 No. 78 Subject Index5 Social change, 63/64:46 Islam, 63/64:59 Social class, work and leisure, 67/68:12 Micronesia, 57/58:171 Social cohesion, migration, 57/58:20 Social control, controlling processes, 77:12 Mundurucu, 24:55; 27:49 Social dialectology, 61/62:148 Social evolution, 51/52:44 Social hierarchy, Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Social ideals, Ireland, 53/54:58 Social inequality, and marriage, 45/46:56 Social interaction, 43:32 adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 Hawaiian adolescent, 57/58:40 Mexican cantina, 37:58 controlling processes, 77:1 dysfunctional, 53/54:71 macaques, 36:32 phenomenology, 38:82 Social living, controlling processes, 77:12 Social meaning, food sharing, 43:32 Social mobility, Peru, 47/48:28 Social organization, see also family, kinship, social structure, society Danish kinship, 19:87 Delaware, 1:56 Greek naming customs, SPI :95 Italian compadrazgo, 15:1 Kamchadals 8/9:30 Mesoamerican barrio, 55/56:45 Montagnais, 7:25 Natchez tribe, 65/66:121 Plateau Tonga, 8/9:45 Serbo-Croatian, 16:62; SPI:55 Tapaj6, 6:6 Thakali, 29:44 Tongan (Polynesia), 20:56 Social relations, and marriage, 45/46:56 health care institutions, 63/64:126 Social responsibility, folk medicine, 55/56:75 Social science, see also anthropology, social anthropology methodology, 30:29; 34:1; 39:5 phenomenology and, 38:82 Social status, Hawaii, 53/54:1 Social stratification, see also social organization, social structure culture change, 26:75 Social structure, see also family, kinship, social organization, society Belgium, 65/66:15 California Indian, 38:52 Danish kinship terms, 19:87 household, 55/56:13 Korean family, 51/52:72 Micmac, 8/9:120 Navaho, 31:118 and physiology, 69/70:14 Plains Indians trade, 34:53 Social structure, continued primate, 71/72:21 Social system, health care, 61/62:52 Social values, changing, Japan, 63/64:84 Socialization, children, 49:7 controlling processes, 77:103 ex-convicts, 49:51 Japanese-Americans, 49:37 sex roles, 49:7 through play, 49:7 Societe Anthropologique de Paris, 59/60:19 Societd Ethnologique, Paris, 59/60:19 Society, see also culture, peasant society, social organization, social structure and culture, 31:83 Socio-cultural anthropology, theory, 51/52:44 Socio-political critique, archaeology, 73/74:115 Socio-somatic processes, 69/70:14 Sociobiology, methodology, 71/72:49 Socioecology, Colobine, 71/72:21 Sociology and anthropology, department, 51/52:49 Solomon Islands, Polynesia, 57/58:98 marriage customs, 57/58:98 Siuai, 8/9:69 Songs, Mexican corridos, 38:68 Tachi Yokuts, 19:47 Sonoma Mission, archaeology, 14:1 Sorcery, shamanism, 5:6; 25:207 Tarascan, 27:38 Tlingit, 5:6; 25:207 trial of Feodor Bashmakof, 5:6 South Africa, Anglo-Zulu war, 69/70:86 Eastern Cape, 73/74:41 Psychological Anthropology, 69/70:86 early hominids, 50:37 South America, archaeology, see also Latin America; 75/76:14 Andean region, 34:3 1; 40:100; 40:38; 40:52; 40:93 Chibcha, 40:38 Chile, 35:22; 40:52 Columbia, 40:38 Ecuador, 34:3 1; 40:52 Peruvian, 25:111; 34:3 1; 40:93; 40:100; Rowe's contributions, 40:93; 40: 100 Tapaj6, 6:2 plank canoes, 35:22 South America, ethnography, see also Latin America Alacaluf, 32:69 Apinaye, 2:44 Araucanian, 2:44 Fulnio, 20:89 Guayqueri, 6:60 Idabaez, 1:34 Inca, 12:1 Mundurucu', 24:55; 27:49 Panare, 10:10 Piro, 10:25 1950-1994 57 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers South America, ethnography, continued Tapaj6, 6:2 Timbira, 2:44 Yahgan, 2:44; 32:69 South America, languages, see also Latin America Aymara, 2:20 Bolivia, 2:17 Cayapa, 1:40 Chipaya, 2:21 Chiriguank, 2:20 Colorado, 1:40 Cueva, 1:40 Esmeraldas, 1:40 Inca, 2:20; 8/9:82 Piro, 11:17; 12:22 Puquina, 2:21 Rowe's work, 40:94 Tapaj6, 6:6 Uru, 2:21 Yuracari, 2:21 South China, hominids, 50:63 South India, Madras, 61/62:69 Southeast Asia, 43:1 ethnic relations, 37:90 Hong Kong, 37:90 Nepalese migration to, 65/66:73 refugees, in the United States, 65/66:49 silent trade, 36:69 Southern Africa, Baboons, 71/72:77 Soviet Asia, see also Asia archaeology, 16:29 Soviet Jews, in the United States, 65/66:35 Spain, mayordomia, 27:55 Spinning, data collection, 22:1 Spirit healing, Japan, 42:99 Spirit possession, Japan, 42:99 Spiritualism, Mexican, 25:191 Sports, Peru, 40:72 Tarascan, 27:34 St. Lawrence Bay, Canada, 65/66:139 Starr, Frederick, biography, 51/52:49 State vs. egalitarian society, 53/54:32 Statistics, 4:19 Status, Brazil race relations, 21:17 and gender, Zambia, 63/64:46 markers, Korean language, 33:91 and materialism, Micronesia, 57/58:171 Polynesia, 57/58:122 Stereotypes, Hong Kong, 37:90 Mexico, 53/54:106 Steward, J. H., multilinear evolution, 24:49 Stockton, California, education and development, 63/64:104 Stolen Shelter site, Nevada, 51/52:19 Stone age, Pakistan, 53/54:129 Stoning, execution, 12:45 Street selling, 47/48:192 Structural changes, 44:55 Structuralism, 51/52:44; 53/54:32 dysfunctional behavior, 53/54:71 Student activities, 61/62: 110 cohabitation, 49:13 fieldwork, 61/62:110 Style, industrial artifacts, 73/74:62 and meaning, 73/74:62 Sub-culture, deaf, 49:45 Subsistence, see also economy, food, hunting California Indians, 7:69; 38:52 Delaware, 1:50 French peasants, 55/56:119 Kamchadal, 8/9:24 Montagnais, 7:7 Ngatatjara, 36:41 Panare, 10:11 pattern, Nevada, SP2:28 Piro, 10:35 Suffixes, Kisi nouns, 5:48 Suicide, mass, Jonestown, 59/60:36 prevention, 59/60:59 Suicide Prevention Center of Alameda County, California, 59/60:59 Surrogates, Mexican-Americans, 34:75 Suun Chiang Kham, 65/66:83 Swahili, contact language, 28:51 Swampy Creek Cree, Canada, 63/64:95 Sweden, bureaucracy, 63/64:117 democracy, 63/64:117 Sweet potato, New Guinea, 41:78 Symbolic associations, parks and leisure, 67/68:7 Syndicate, Korea, 51/52:72 T Tabasco, Mexico, archaeology, 17:56; 25:43; 25:59; 31:1; 31:45; 33:37 Tachi Yokuts, music, 19:47 Tahiti, bonito fishing, 28:87 markets, 28:103 Taino (Cuba), pre-Columbian trade, 1:3 Talking, 43:32 Tamil emigration, United States, 65/66:65 women, 61/62:69 Tana, New Hebrides, Bigman vs. chief, 57/58:122 Taoism, 41:8 Tapaj6, culture, 6:2 Tape recorders, in fieldwork, 10:5 Taphonomy, 50:21 Tarascan, household, 55/56:13 village and society, 27:27 Tarde, G., culture theory, 26:76 Taxonomy, phylogenetic Tree, 23:7 primate evolution; 31:69 Teaching anthropology, 44:48 Berkeley, 16:1; 32:78; Berkeley, 40:82 Cline, W. B., 8/9:ix Harvard University, 32:81 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 13:116 Rowe, J. H., 40:iii Olson, R., 16:1 58 No. 78 Subject Index5 Teaching anthropology, continued public schools, 22:68 student papers, 49: 1; 49:3 United States universities, 32:78 Technology, see also economy, material culture analysis, 32:1 and language, Pleistocene, 59/60:1 museums, 25:151 Tarascan, 27:28 Teenage rebellion, controlling processes, 77:1 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, California, 47/48:192 Telephone hot lines, suicide prevention, 59/60:59 Television, consumer patterns, 63/64:95 culture change, 63/64:95 introduction of, 63/64:95 linguistic change, 63/64:95 Texas, Mexican-American life, 22:10; 34:75 Textile analysis, 65/66:129 Textiles, cultural significance, 25: 11 Karok, 65/66:129 Nasca, 65/66:129 Yurok, 65/66:129 Texts, Inca prayers, 8/9:82 Piro, 12:22; 4:37 Tachi Yokuts, 19:47 Thailand, 43:1 emigration, 65/66:83 Iu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 Thakali (Nepal), Hinduization, 29:41 Theater, 63/64:135 Theopithecus, 71/72:77 Theory, see also anthropology, culture, culture change, kinship, peasant society, physical anthropology, social anthropology, social organization, social structure; 43:10 archaeology, 59/60:1; 59/60:13 culture change, 26:75; 31:105 cultural materialism, 51/52:44 ethnoscience, 51/52:44 folk taxonomy, 53/54:32 idealism vs. materialism, 51/52:44 Medical Anthropology, 69/70:62 multilinear evolution, 24:49 social development, 59/60:1; 59/60:13 structuralism, 51/52:44 Therapy, hierarchy and power, 47/48:206 Theropithecus (Simopithecus), 50:21 Thought, animistic, 2:1 objectivity, 2:6 rational, 2:1 Western, 2:6 Tibet, culture areas, 29:43 oracles of, 24:27 Tikopia, complex alliances, 30:39 gender roles, 57/58:1 Tila, Chiapas, 61/62:41 Time perspective, ethnography, 12:55 Tlingit, shamanism, 5:6; 25:207 sorcery, 5:6; 25:207 Tonga (Polynesia), authority structure, 20:56 economy, 20:57 education, 63/64:104 population, 20:57 Tonga, Plateau (Northern Rhodesia), 8/9:45 Tongan-United States, migration, 57/58:20 Tooth morphology, anterior dental loading hypothesis, 71/72:67 Baboons, 71/72:77 Biomechanical analysis, 71/72:67 Bite force production, 71/72:67 Neanderthal, 71/72:67 New World Monkeys, 71/72:57 radiation, 71/72:57 upper 3rd molar, A. afarensis, 71/72:34 Total-culture systems, 32:1 Totem and Taboo, Sigmund Freud, 61/62:129 Tourism, 67/68:1; 67/68:12; 67/68:20; 67/68:28; 67/68:7 China, 67/68:55 group, 67/68:62 Nepal, 67/68:35; 67/68:67 typologies of tourists, 67/68:42 Tourist consciousness, 67/68:55 Trade, see also commerce, economy, markets; 75/76:14 Hopi, 41:54 languages, Africa, 28:49 Mesoamerica and Peru-Ecuador area, 34:31 migration patterns, 65/66:73 Nepal, Nisyang traders, 65/66:73 pre-Columbian North and South America, 1:1 Plains Indians, 34:53 pueblo, 41:54 silent, 36:37 Southwestern United States, 41:54 Tapaj6, 6:8 Tarascan, 27:30 Thakali, 29:46 Traditional, councils, Bantu, Kenya, 63/64:76 institutions, adaptation, 42:88 culture change, 42:88 medicine, see folk medicine, society, Micronesia, 57/58:171 Training, anthropological fieldwork, 59/60:68; 59/60:76 Trans-Pacific similarities, folklore, 12:62 Transformation of the mundane, art, 63/64:135 Transformational analysis, see also formal analysis, mathematics Kapauku kinship, 33:71 Transitional behavior, Iu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 Travel, redefining society, 67/68:35 right of passage, 67/68:35 youth, 67/68:28; 67/68:35 Travel accounts, Alaska, 6:26 Idabaez, 1:34 Sambu River, 2:79 Travel songs, 67/68:28 Trekking, 67/68:67 1950-1994 59 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Tunisia, Islamic independence movement, 63/64:59 Typologies, tourists, 67/68:42 Tzeltal, agrarian colonization, 21:25 speakers, highland Chiapas, 61/62:41 Tzintzuntzan, 55/56:vii; 55/56:1; 55/56:45 household, 55/56:13 Michoacan, urban migration, 45/46:1 migrants and villages, 55/56:25 Tzotzilt speakers, highland Chiapas, 61/62:41 U Uhle, Max, collection, 65/66:129 Ul'chi, physical types, 13:105 Underworld, Korea, 51/52:72 United States, abortion, 47/48:86 adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 agricultural communities, 3:1 AIDS education, 77:12 American Jewish families, 38:11; vacation patterns, 39:54 anthropology university departments, 32:78 archaeology, 51/52:19 Asian-white relations, 49:31 assimilation, 49:37 attitudes toward the aged, 49:65 bar dice games, 51/52:1 beauty, body image, 77:103 braceros, 30:51 California, 65/66:129 children, 49:7 cohabitation, 49:13; 49:23 college life, 49:31 colonialism, dependence vs. development, 57/58:160 controlling processes, 77:1 convalescent hospital, 49:75 cousinship, 24:17 cult, 59/60:36 cultural identity, 65/66:65 deaf education, 49:45 discrimination, 49:37 education, 49:45 elderly, 49:6549:75; health care, 63/64:126 ethnic boundaries, 49:31 ethnic relations, 49:31 ethnicity, 51/52:66 ex-offenders, 49:51 Freejack, 51/52:66 folk medicine, 55/56:75 folklore, 33:99; 34:91 halfway house, 49:51 Hare Krishna temple, 49:57 health care, 49:75; staff, 49:75 history of immigration, 65/66:25 identity and image, 65/66:65 image of limited good, 55/56:131 immigration, 49:37; 65/66:83; assistance, 65/66:49; resettlement, 65/66:49; United States, continued immigration, placement, 65/66:49; policy, 65/66:11; 65/66:25; 65/66:49 Indian Shaker Church, 3 1:51; 35:67 Indians Claims Commission, 25:181 Iu Mien refugees, 65/66:83 Japanese-Americans, 49:37 Jonestown, mass suicide, 59/60:36 life histories, 49:65 marriage customs, 49:13; 49:23 mental hospitals, 21:31 Mexican migrants, 55/56:99 Mexican-Americans, 22:10; 30:51; 34:75 migrant workers, 30, 51 migration, 57/58:20; 65/66:11; internal, 65/66:101 Native American folklore, 53/54:44 Navy, 44:30 nursing homes, 49:65; 49:75 public schools and anthropology, 22:68 Religion, 59/60:36 re-socialization, 49:51 refugee resettlement and adaptation, 65/66: 11 religion, 49:57 resettlement policy, 65/66:49 retirement home, 49:65 season of birth, 35:1 sex roles, 49:7; 49:13; 49:23 socialization, 49:37; 49:7; 49:51 Southeast Asian refugees, 65/66:49 sub-culture, 49:45 suicide prevention, 59/60:59 Tamil immigration, 65/66:65 teaching anthropology at Berkeley, 40:82 Thai refugees, 65/66:83 Trust Territory Micronesia, 57/58:160 urban poverty, 34:9 values, 49:65 women, 49:23 worker's compensation, 77:32 yoga 49:57 Universal Studios, 67/68:20 University, 43:1 of California, 43: 1; dissertations abstracts, 14:93; 16:77; 19:103; history of anthropology, 16:1; 40:82; physical anthropology, 50:1; 50:121 of Chicago, anthropology department, history, 51/52:49; Frederick Starr, 51/52:49 cohabitation, 49:13; 49:23 early anthropology departnents, 51/52:49 ethnic relations, 49:31 Uprooted, 65/66:101 Urbanization, 42:1 Urban, migration, Peru, 45/46:40 poverty, United States, 34:9 United States, 55/56:131 Urban-rural migration, Mexico, 55/56:25 Urbanization, Danish villages, 19:87 Japanese retail market associations, 39:25 60 No. 78 Subject Index Mexico, 45/46:1 Peruvian sports, 40:72 Urubamba River, Piro Indians, 10:25 Uttar Pradesh, illness, 30:73 V Values, American elderly, 49:65 Navaho, 31:117 Venereal disease, Fulnio (Brazil), 20:89 Venezuela, 75/76:28; 75/76:62 Guayqueri Indians, 6:60 Panare Indians, 10:10 Venus figurines, 73/74:1 Vietnam war, 43:1 Vietnamese, in the United States, 65/66:35 Visual imagery, 73/74:1 Vocabulary, 20:1 Kisi, 5:76 Shasta, 20:1 Vocalization, birds, 4:27 Voluntary associations, adaptation, 42:88 culture change, 42:88 India, 29:25 w War, 43:1; 69/70:86 Warfare, analysis, 23:105 cavalry versus guerrillas, 23:112 Delaware Indians, 1:61 Kamchadal, 8/9:31 Montagnais, 7:21 poem against, 35:40 Plains Indians, 24:1 State, 39:88 Tapaj6, 6:9 Weaving, data collection, 22:1 Weddings, see also marriage customs Mexican-Americans, 34:75 Tzintzuntzan, 39:30 Welsh, Patagonia, 39:72 West Africa, Gola society, 21:43 Kisi language, 2:89; 5:48 Western ideology, 43:10 Wire recorders, fieldwork, 10:5 Witchcraft, Mexico, 55/56:59 Tarascan, 27:38 Women, academic and status, 63/64:27 adolescent controlling processes, 77:133 declining status, 63/64:46 Japan, 69/70:1 Navaho acculturation, 29:53 Northwest Coast, 18:78 rural, 63/64:46 Tamil, 61/62:69 Work and Gender, Indonesia, 63/64:33 Worker's compensation, controlling processes, 77:32 World system, indigenous drugs, 69/70:23 World view, 43:32 French peasants, 55/56:119 World view, continued Mexican migrants, 55/56:99 Mexican peasant, 55/56:99 Pomo, 8/9:151 Tzintzuntzan, 39:11 village migrants, 55/56:99 y Yaguaro, household, 55/56:13 Yahgan, ecological description, 32:69 incest prohibition, 2:44 Yoga, 49:57 Yokuts, music, 19:47 York, England, 16th-17th centuries, 42:47 Youth travel, 67/68:28 escape from society, 67/68:35 Yuan mou incisors, 50:63 Yugoslavia, see also Balkans architecture, 14:19; SPI:63 kinship terminology, 16:45 modernization and peasants, SP1 :109 Yurok, Indian Shaker Church, 35:67 jump dance, 28:73; 35:42 textiles/baskets, 65/66:129 z Zadruga, see also Balkans Bulgarian dwellings, SPI :63 Zambia, education and development, 63/64:104 gender and status, 63/64:46 Goba, 63/64:46 Gwembe, 63/64:104 Zapata, E., corridos about, 38:68 Zapotec, 43:32; 55/56:59 Zithuwa ritual, Inca prayers, 8/9:82 Zoque Indians, community, 55/56:45 Zulu-Anglo War, South Africa, 69/70:86 1950-1994 61