Essays on Con trolling Processes Edited by Laura Nader Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 77, 1994 Essays on Controlling Processes Edited by Laura Nader Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 77, 1994 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Number 77 ? 1994 Kroeber Anthropological Society Editorial Committee: Tim Plowman Pia-Kristina Anderson Mary Ellin D'Agostino Jay Ou Jenna Johnson-Kuhn Roderick Kenji Tiemey Printed by GRT Printing, Oakland, CA Membership: Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Dues for student members are $18.00, for regular members (including institutions) are $20.00, and all foreign subscribers $24.00 in US currency. Back issues of the Papers are available for $12.00 per issue plus $2.00 shipping and handling in the United States, Mexico, and Canada; foreign orders should add $4.00 shipping and handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Information for authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the style used by the American Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copy of the manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 3'2" diskette in formatted for either Mac or DOS, text should be in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or plain (ASCII) text format. Email submissions are acceptable, but should be followed up with regular mail. All inquiries should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-3710 email: In Memory of Roger Keesing Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, No. 77, 1994 Special Edition: Essays on Controlling Processes Edited by Laura Nader Contents: Controlling Processes Laura Nader ...................................................... I The Social Practice of AIDS Education Jessica Jerome ...................................................... 12 The Privatization of Justice: An Ethnography of Control Bjorn Skorpen Claeson ................................................ 32 Re-articulating the Moral Economy of Gambling Mike Panasitti and Natasha Schull ....................................... 65 Silicone Breast Implants in America: A Choice of the "Official Breast?" Linda Coco ........................................................ 103 Skeletons in the Closet: The Staging of Female Adolescent Identity Marianne McCune ................................................... 133