Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 71-72, 1990 Comparative Dental Metrics and the Radiation of New World Monkeys: A Preliminary Analysis Walter Carl Hartwig Very little is known about the quantitative relationships of tooth morphology within New World mon- keys as a whole. Previous studies have focused on nonmetric data or have presented basic statistics of individual tooth measurements without comparisons among genera. This study presents selected com- parisons of measurements of the upper postcanine dental battery of modern platyrrhines and demonstrates that metric indices are valuable as taxonomic markers for the New World monkey radia- tion. Callitrichines, pithecines, and atelines show diagnostic patterns and ranges of variation in a number of premolar and molar comparisons. These indices are also usefulfor interpreing the wealth of fossil teeth being recovered in South America, and should help to fill the void of comparative odonto- metrics in platyrrhine studies. INTRODUCTION Living New World monkeys comprise six- teen genera of large, medium and small-bodied arboreal primates. The behavioral ecology of some groups of extant platyrrhines, such as marmosets and tamarins, has been studied extensively (Sussman and Kinzey 1984), while that of other groups, such as uakaris, has not (Fleagle 1988). Platyrrhines have radiated into a wide variety of arboreal habitats and foraging niches which are diagnostic at the subfamily level and in some cases at the generic level. Unfortu- nately, modem habitats are difficult to recognize in the South American fossil record, which is biased against preservation of the predominant tropical forest ecosystem. Fossil platyrrhine tooth morphology is thus one of the only indicators available for evolutionary analyses. Nonetheless, comparative quantitative data on modern dentitions are conspicuously lacking. This study introduces a few selected metric indi- ces of modern platyrrhine upper teeth in order to illustrate useful diagnostic patterns and ranges of variation. A comprehensive series of dental met- nc indices will greatly facilitate the systematic study of fossil New World monkeys, as has been done for other primate groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS The dental measurements used in this study were taken on the collections at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois. The number of specimens for each genus is listed in Table 1. At the time data were collected, no spe- cimens of Brachyteles were available. All graphs and statistics were generated from standard mesio-distal (M-D) and bucco-lingual (B-L) tooth measurements taken in the occlusal plane with hand-held digital read-out calipers. Strict absolute measures of tooth magnitude cannot possibly stand alone as analytical tools, for they cannot represent the qualitative shape dif- ferences in cusps within and among genera. This study is an independent analysis of the size pat- tening in platyrrhine upper postcanine teeth, and in no way encompasses the many other analyses of intra-platyrrhine variation and relationship. Its value lies primarily as a check of hypotheses gen- erated from nonmetric studies and as a means of sconng various dental parameters and indices as taxonomic markers. As noted above, compara- tive odontometry is practically nonexistent in platyrrhine studies. Ranges of variation are known for only a few genera (Rosenberger et al. in press). RESULTS Figures 1-7 illustrate a variety of dental metric parameters and indices. In each case the data points are coded according to genus name (see Table 1 for codes). The most obvious message in these graphs is that tooth size regres- sion in platyrrhines is highly consistent, a result common in primate families as a whole but not superfamilies or suborders. The correlation coef- ficients and regression values clearly indicate that no platyrrhine genus has departed markedly from any other or away from the expected dependent varable regression. Thus, the adaptive radiation of New World monkeys, while diverse ecologi- cally, has been conservative along the postcanine dental battery. 58 Table 1. List of genera and the number of each used in this study. The abbreviations refer to the data points in Figures 1-7. Genus Number of specimens Alouatta Aotus Ateles Cacajao Callicebus Callimico Callithrix Cebuella Cebus Chiropotes Lagothrix Leontopithecus Pithecia Saguinus Saimiri 34 13 24 7 12 7 74 6 11 6 7 12 10 74 2 Figure 1 plots the summed area of P3 and P4 against the summed area of M1 and M2. M3 is excluded in order to compare callitrichines, which do not have third molars, with other platyrrhines. Figure 2 is an expanded reproduction of this comparison which excludes Alouatta in order to compare the smaller genera more clearly. This comparison cleanly separates the platyrrhine gen- era into subfamily groupings. Callitrichines, the smallest in size, naturally are grouped at the bottom of the regression. Two genera, Leonto- pithecus and Callimico, grade into the cebine and pithecine range, while the large-bodied atelines complete the top of the regression. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the relative sizes of P3 and P4 against a linear scale of the summed M-D lengths of P2-M2. This scale is used in or- der to more clearly separate longer from shorter toothrows. The high correlation coefficients are logical; i.e., one would expect premolar area to be highly correlated with the M-D length of the postcanine toothrow, even if M3 is excluded. The more interesting application of these graphs is what they reveal about the relationship between p3 and P4. In all platyrrhines, P3 and P4 have maintained a constant size relationship with one another such that even in genera which show slightly higher (e.g., Chiropotes and Cacajao among the pithecines, Leontopithecus among the callitrichines) or lower (e.g., Aotus and Calli- cebus among the pithecines) premolar areas compared to the molar area regression (Figures 1- 2), it is the p3-P4 complex as a whole which has Abbreviation A 0 T J M x U B H L R p G S changed (or conversely, remained the same as the M1-M2 complex changed). The platyrrhine with the largest teeth, Alouatta, has enlarged upper molars but premolariform premolars with areas predicted by this regression. Similarly, the smallest platyrrhine genus, Cebuella, tracks con- sistendy along the regression. Its greatly reduced body size, therefore, has not affected the relative size of the postcanine dental battery in any un- usual way. Figures 5 and 6 document one of the few diagnostic indices for the dental radiation of platyrrhines as a whole. The vertical axis is an index calculated by dividing the M-D length of P2-M2 by the area of Ml plus M2 (Figure 5) or by the area of P3 plus P4 (Figure 6). The hori- zontal axis is used as a scale for increasing toothrow length. The indices reflect the range of variation in molar (Figure 5) or premolar (Figure 6) battery size across taxa, and document two trends. First, callitrichines are much more vari- able than other platynrhines im this relationship, as indicated by their more vertical distribution. While the range of variation in their postcanine toothrow length is absolutely low, relative widths of P3-M2 are not. Second, larger platyrrhines are progressively less variable in "these indices than smaller platyrrhines, which suggests a tighter al- lometric relationship betweezi increase in tooth length and are As brw legth increases, the area indices and rangepof variation decrease, especially for molrs (Figur 5). Platyrrhine up- per postcanines widen at least as much as they 59 4~~~~~~~~~~4 ?44~~~~~~~~~4 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 49 4~~~~~~~~~~9 - 44 4 4 4 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 4) s z g~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4r *6 UJ 4) 4). Cd OIL~ ~ ~ ~~~I~ ILIL 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~~~~~~~~~~~~4 *1 9 ' 1 . 9-S.~~~~~~~ IL * I a~~~~~~~ ~~~ * 0~~~~ * ,~s, P3-4 AREA (mm) I I I I I I I J S- .g. I a- ~~~~~~~~~- I5- $- a a a a *z *) n a : z z z a 00 Du0 0 a 0 gz * rD a Cb a % *a zo z * ea -U@.. 3 :& , 4) C) ._ 0 P4) C4A) Z < ulJ . (U W4 r: < C.) 4 4 uB4 - e~0 C-4 *O L Cd .XE I I I I I I I I I I I I a P3-4 AREA (mm) 60 I I I I I I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- i 1. . 61 Figure 3. The x-axis is the total of the M-D lengths of P2-M2. The high correlation (r = .989) is expec- ted because the variables are partially dependent upon one another. Deviations m this regiessin are therefore informative, such as the relatively greater premolar area of Cebus compared to other platy- rrhines of similar toothrow lengths. E E I. C nl IL a. 0 t. s. 30 AO P2-M2 LENGTH SCALE (mm) Figure 4. Same as Figure 3 but using P4 area instead of P3. The graph does not appear to be infor- mative since the area of a tooth should be closely related to the length of the toothrow (r = .986). Comparison with Figure 2 indicates, however,, that this simple regression reveals differences in molar widths between Aocus/Callicebus and PithecialChiropotes. E E w a. P2-M2 LENGTH SCALE (mm) .~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ts GA3~~~~~~ pp ~ ~ ~ A , S ^'*^^ X u~~~~~~~~~ A * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BB . B .^: . . . ~ ~~~ *# _~~~~~~~~~~~p p _ oZ~~I : w w~~~~~c9a I I J ' ' * I '. ' _ ' ' I ' ' ' '__ 1 I I I I I I I . - be .. 0 so a .* 62 Figure 5. The y-axis represents the M-D lengths of P2-M2 divided by the occlusal area of M1-M2. The logarithmic profile indicates decreased variation in this index from callitrichines through atelines, espe- ciaily Alouatta. , 1.3 a 4 o? o " LT L~ L I - . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~I A I1 --- .--.- Re P2-M3 LENGTH (mm) Figure 6. The y-axis represents the M-D lengths of P2-M2 divided by the occlusal area of P3-P4. The logarithmic profile is silar but not as uniform as in Figure 5. of P2-M3 LENGTH (mm) z H -J 411 a (3 C uJ a -j 0 r 0 . IL I- .6 ~ . r- E-I .a 0 as 3. de 1.6 i. F- ... - x Di 0 z H Di -J C C.) U) a Di -j 0 a. 0. 6 - 6u %U u a x Ax, u , x cc 6 ~~~~~ L 4 I I --- - . - i I I - I . I 1 I I 0.3 I 0 Le 30 as L- I I I I I I i I UN a u u 1 a 0 a I I ,a a % to & a t t.db.& 0 63 Figure 7. This regression combines the indices of Figures 5 and 6 and demonstrates their independence from one another by maintaining the same logarithmic profile. *.. ... x uJ 0 z H uJ -J C.) (I)