Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 71-72, 1990 Humeral Morphology of Achondroplasia Rina Malonzo and Jeannine Ross Unique humeral morphologicalfeatures of two prehistoric achondroplastic adult individuals are des- cribed. These features are compared to the humerus of a prehistoric non-achondroplastic dwarf and to the humeri of a normal human population sample. A set of unique, derived achondroplastic characteris- tics is presented. The non-achondroplastic individual is diagnosed as such based on guidelines created by the authors. These guidelines will be useful as an aid in diagnosing achondroplastic individuals from the archaeological record. INTRODUCTION For several decades dwarfism has been a prominent topic within the study of paleopathol- ogy. It has been represented directly by skeletal evidence and indirectly by artistic representation in the archaeological record (Hoffman and Brunker 1976). Several prehistoric Egyptian and Native American dwarfed skeletons have been recorded, indicating that this pathology is not linked solely with modem society (Brothwell and Sandison 1967; Hoffman and Brunker 1976; Niswander et al. 1975; Snow 1943). Artifacts such as paintings, tomb illustrations and statues of dwarfed individuals have been discovered in various parts of the world. However, interpreta- tions of such artifacts are speculative, for it is necessary to allow artistic license for individualis- tic expression and interpretation. Paintings and sculptures may represent children, for instance. Thus, dwarfism in the prehistoric archaeological record can only be definitively diagnosed through the study of skeletal remains. Among the several forms of dwarfism, achondroplasia is the most common, both in present and prehistoric times (Brothwell and San- dison 1967; Roberts 1988). Achondroplasia is a specific type of dwarfism classified as rhizome- lic micromelia (proximal limb segments are more effected than distal segments). Although all of the limbs are shortened, the humerus and femur are more effected than the distal limb segments. This is due to the fact that in normal individuals the distal limbs grow to a lesser degree and, therefore, appear to be less involved (Rubin 1964). The mechanical effects of normal body mass on shortened limbs leads to a distinct hu- meral morphology. The tern achondroplasia has often been mis- used as a general diagnosis for dwarfism (Hall 1986). Some dwarfed specimens have temporar- ily been diagnosed as achondroplastic, such as in the Hrdlicka Paleopathology Collection in the San Diego Museum of Man (specimens 1915-2-382 and 1915-2-463) (Merbs 1980). The following paper describes a set of humeral morphological characteristics which can be used as a guide to identifying achondroplastic individuals from the archaeological record. MATERIALS AND METHODS A comparative population sample, housed by the Lowie Museum of Anthropology (LMA) at the University of California at Berkeley, was derived from a random sample forming a total of sixty adult individuals (thirty males and thirty females) from six different prehistoric ar- chaeological sites within California. Two achondroplastic adult individuals from similar contexts, specimen number 6670 (spc. 6670) and specimen number 9199 (spc. 9199), were ana- lyzed. Spc. 6670 is a complete female skeleton from the Augustine site in Sacramento, California (CA-Sac-127). Spc. 9199 is a left humerus recovered from the Tank site (also called the To- panga or Topanga Canyon site) in Los Angeles, California (CA-LAn-1). A non-achondroplastic dwarf, specimen number 3854 (spc. 3854), was included for comparison in the analysisl (Figure 1). Spc. 3854 is from the Mosher Mound site in Sacramento, California (CA-Sac-?). All the indi- viduals are housed by LMA. Measurements were taken in millimeters using a digital caliper and an osteometic board. Sexing of the individuals was determined by analysis of the pelvis and/or the cranium follow- ing the methods outlined by Phenice (1969) and Bass (1987). DESCRIPTION The two achondroplastic specimens share several unique features. They both exhibit shor- tening in the proximal and distal limbs, and both humeral heads exhibit wasting under the inferior sulting in distinct mushroom shaped ieir humeral lengths range within 155- and their deltoid tuberosities are large gular in shape. A tubercle is present on r border of the crest of the lesser tuber- the insertion of teres major muscle . This tubercle is only faintly present -achondroplastic specimen and is ab- normal hunmerus (Figure 2). )th achondroplastic specimens the id lesser tuberosities are prominent by a broad, shallow intertubercular he shafts are bowed, presenting a me- ivty in anterior view. The epicondylar If the hurni fall within the nonmal )le 1). A groove is present in the mid- troFhlea, located postero-inferiorly. inon fossa is deep and well-developed it is blocked by the m edial supra- ridge and possesses a narrow, oval In achondroplastic spe. 6670, humeroradio ces lie within the average of the eomparative sample (Table 2). The humeroulnar mdices range from 95 to 98. The maximum length of the nght huTnerus of spe. 6670 (158 mm) is nearly equal to the naximum length of the right ulna (155 rnn). Non-achondroplastic spc 3854 shares some siilar morphological features with the achondro- plastic individuals. There is a lack of full elbow extension, and, although the proximal limbs are shorter than the distal limbs, the maximum length of the distal limbs falls within the normal range (Table 1). Since the distal limb length exceeds the humeral limb length (Table 2) the humero- radio and humeroulnar indices are greater than 00 Another similarity spc. 3854 shares with the achondroplastic individuals is that the shafts of the limbs are gracile, particularly on the posterior surface of the senilunar notch of the ulnae and the superior shaft of the radii, Furthermore, ar- thritis is present in all the limbsh Ebuhation is evident on the posterior portion of the left hu- oeral head, while the right huineral head is nearly Figure I. Achondroplastic skeletal remains, from left to right: spc 6670 right hurmeruso spe. 6670 left hurerus; spc. 9199 left htumerus. border, re F or necks. Ttn 1e60 mt and rectan the inferio osity, at (Figure 1) ill the nor sent in the era a n T greater at separated groove. IF dial conca breadths ( range (Tat The olecra however, condylar and wh: prc onf. Ac,1 44 to grow beyond the width of the anatomical neck, producing a lip over the anatomical neck and giving it the mushroom appearance. The altered humeral head morphology does not disturb nor- mal shoulder function (Bailey 1971). Another peculiarity of achondroplastic mor- phology is that the humeri have often been described as possessing large rectangular shafts. However, the diaphyses remain normal in width and thickness (Rubin 1964). What gives the achondroplastic humerus its stocky, rectangular appearance is the large, rectangular deltoid tuber- osity. When comparing the deltoid tuberosity of the achondroplastic dwarf to the non-achondro- plastic dwarf and to normal humeri, it is apparent that, in general, the shorter the limb length the greater the size of the deltoid tuberosity (Figure 2). This is expressed by the width of the deltoid tuberosity (Table 1).2 Since muscle development among achondroplasts is not effected, muscles grow to their normal size and attach to the smaller bones. The effects of muscles on bones varies proportionally with changing limb lengths. A tubercle usually develops or grows larger at points where there is a greater amount of local- ized strain. This increases surface area which, in turn, decreases the concentration of stress or strain within the localized area (Hildebrand 1988). Thus, the appearance of additional or larger tubercles on the achondroplastic humerus than on nonral humeri may be due to an increase in localized strain, resulting from a larger muscle mass acting on a smaller area of bone. Achondroplastic humeri are also distinct in that trabeculae are present throughout the shaft (Figure 3). Generally, trabeculae are located at the ends of long bones and are not present past the surgical neck in normal adult humeri; that is, trabeculae are not found within the humeral shaft. Their function is to increase the surface area for Table 1. Measurements of the comparative sample and the dwarfed specimens. Max. Length COMPARATIVE SAMPLE Total Average 322 Male Average 320 Female Average 303 Total Standard Deviation 18.8 Male Standard Deviation 18. Female Standard Deviation 153 NON-ACHONDROPLASTIC SPECIMEN #3854 Left 228 Right 212 ACHONDROPLASTIC INDIVIDUALS SPECIMEN #6670 Left 154 Right 158 SPECIMEN #9199 Left 160 ULNA .. Max. Length Deltoid Tubr. Width 2 2 I 269 270 252 17.0 14.9 14.1 250 248 147 155 19 19 19 6 2 12 10 10 The epicondylar breadth measurement is the maximum distance between the medial and lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The deltoid tuberosity width measurement is the width of the midshaft subtrated from the maximum medio-lateral measure- ment of the shaft with the deltoid tuberosity (from the lateral edge of the deltoid tuberosity to the medial edge of the shaft). The maximum lengths of the radii and ulnae were measured from head to styloid process. I I 45 contact with bone marrow and vascular tissues (Marin and Burr 1989). Trabeculae may also be indicative of the amount and the direction of stress placed on the skeleton (Hildebrand 1988). Construction of excess trabeculae allows the energy or strain to be maximally absorbed in or- der to avoid skeletal fatigue or breakage of the bone (Martin and Burr 1989). Thus, the appear- ance of trabeculae throughout the shaft probably reflects the greater amount of total strain placed on the achondroplastic humerus. Achondroplastic humeri have often been described as possessing flared metaphyses. However, the epicondylar breadths fall within the normal range (Table 1). Due to the shortened maximum limb length, the metaphyses appear to be flared when in fact their maximum epicondylar breadths fall within the normal range. Further- more, the medial supracondylar ridge is postero- inferiorly constricted which accentuates the flared appearance of the metaphyses. The downward constriction of the medial supracondylar ridge blocks the opening of the olecranon fossa. This prevents the olecranon process of the ulna from fully entering the olecranon fossa, thus causing the disruption of full elbow extension. In addi- ton, a groove is present in the midline of the tochlea. The trochlear notch of the ulna is divi- ded by a median wedge-like projection which arficulates with and rides on the trochlear groove of the humerus. Spc. 3854 is not classified as an achon- droplastic dwarf for several reasons, the primary reason being its distal limb length. Spc. 3854's humerus is shorter than its distal limbs and ap- pears to be the only foreshortened limb, while its ulna and radius fall within the average range of maximum distal limb length (Table 1) and are not shortened. In other words, spc. 3854 does not exhibit rhizomelic micromelia and this is one rea- son for not classifying it as achondroplastic. Another reason for not classifying spc. 3854 as achondroplastic is that arthritis is present in most of its metaphyses. The left humeral head is eburnated and the right humeral head is nearly obliterated by arthritis, disrupting normal shoul- der function. In contrast, shoulder function in achondroplastics, generally, is uneffected, al- though the chance of arthritic disruption increases with age (Hall 1986). The dysfunction of the shoulder in spc. 3854 led to atrophy of the shoul- der (deltoid) muscle. This is reflected by the small deltoid tuberosity on the right humerus. A final reason for classifying spc. 3854 as non-achondroplastic is that the superior shaft of the radii is gracile. As stated earlier, the width and cortical thickness of achondroplastic limbs are uneffected. In sum, the overall morphology of spc. 3854 and the occurrence of arthritis in both the left and right limbs indicate that spc. 3854 is not achon- droplastic and that its arthritis is not due to Table 2. Humeroradio and humeroulnar indices. Humemradin Tndex # SAMPLE POPULATION AVERAGE SPECIMEN #3854 Left Right SPECIMEN #6670 Left Right |Humeroulnar Index# m~~~8 , ' '11 :::::10 95 101 The average of the sample population's humeroradio indices and humeroulnar indices is calculated. In addition, the indivi- diual indices of spc. 3854 and spc. 6670 are listed. Hurneroradio index is the product of radius maximum length times one hundred, divided by humerus maximum length. Humeroulnar index is the product of ulna maximum length times one hun- dred, divided by humerus maximum length. The humeroradio index reflects the proportional relationship between the maximum length of the radius and the maximum length of the humerus. The greater the number, the longer the distal limb in comparison to the humerus, where a score of one hundred means that the limbs are of equal length. I ske guar deti Vo his 11 rg ) rmrrea m kula s,t of the lesser seum iinverse rela- skeleta CKNOWI liketo g Sulsan Ai tlience an Clark Hc fac ulty allom iteri iogr prod !EDGMENTS ve special thanks to G Iton for their ispirati I invaluable comKer hell of the Anthropok of California at 13erke bship, to the Lowie A an do LJr, P. ient, t tTently withL this p; 47 Malonzo. 2 It is important to note that the deltoid tuberosity width measurement is extremely variable. This is due to the positive correlation between the mid- shaft width and the deltoid tuberosity width: the wider the midshaft, the larger the deltoid tuberos- ity. Hence, the deltoid tuberosity width is cor- related with two variables (midshaft width and maximum limb length), which results in its high variability. REFERENCES CITED Bailey, Joseph A. (1971) Elbow and other upper limb deformities in achondroplasia. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 80:75-78. Bass, William (1987) Human Osteology, A Laboratory and Field Manual, 3rd edition. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Archaeological Society. Brothwell, Don and A.T Sandison (1967) Dis- eases in Antiquity. Illinois: Bannerstone House. Hall, J.G. (1986) Human achondroplasia: A multidisciplinary approach. Basic Life Scien- ces 48:4. Hildebrand, Milton (1988) Analysis of Verte- brate Structure, 3rd edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoffman, J. Michael and Lynda Brunker (1976) An achondroplastic dwarf from the Augustine site (CA-Sac-127). Contributions of the Uni- versity of California Archaeological Research Facility, Studies in California Paleopathology 30:67-76. 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