Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Nos. 67-68, 1988 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Nos. 67-68, 1988 Anftropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley Nelson H. H. Grabum, Guest Editor Introduction Nelson H. H. Graburn .........................................................................1 Tourism and Class Symbolic Estates as Determining Factors in the Leisure Preferences of Minorities in the East Bay Area of Northern California (Or Why Blacks Do Not Use Regional Parks) Brook Assefa ............... 7 Busman's Holiday-or the Best Surprise Is No Surprise Robert Campbell ............................................. 12 Tourism and the Entertainment Industry The Show Must Go On: Tourism at Universal Studios Lisa Ritter ...................................................... 20 Like a Rolling Stone: Notions of Youth Travel and Tourism in Pop Music of the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties Alison Powell ......................................................................... 28 Extended Tourism "I'm Studying Monkeys; What Do You Do?"-Youth and Travelers in Nepal Jane Teas ........................... 35 Time Out of Time: Life Crises and Schooner Sailing in the Pacific Julie Hastings ................................. 42 Asian Tourism A Case Study of Tourism in Chinese Peasant Society Maggie Mosher .................................................. 55 The Senbetsu-Omiyage Relationship: Traditional Reciprocity among Japanese Tourists Mariko Ikkai ............................................................ 62 Tourism and Development in Nepal Stan Stevens ......................................................................... 67 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Numbers 67 and 68, 1988 Editor-in-Chief: Marcia Inhom Millar Guest Editor: Nelson H. H. Grabum Editors: Cecilia DeMello, Dorothy Holly, Molly Lee, Jane Margold, Roland Moore, Scott Morgan Officers of KAS: Cecilia DeMello, Marcia Inhom Millar, Roland Moore, Scott Morgan, Marcy Williams Typesetting by The Cooperative Type, Berkeley, CA Membership: The Papers are published annually. Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Soci- ety. Annual dues for student members are $12.00, for nonstudents $15.00, for institutions $18.00, and for all foreign subscribers $20.00 US. Send requests for membership to the Secretary of the Society at the address below. Information for Authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Guidelines for Submission of Papers: (1) Paper, excluding references, should not exceed thirty typewritten, double-spaced pages. (2) The original plus one copy of the manuscript should be submitted. (3) Tables and diagrams must be photo-ready, black-on-white drawings. Because of high costs, we are unable to print photographs. All figures must be numbered consecutively and captioned. (4) Citation style and bibliography/endnote format follows American Anthropologist. (5) A half-page abstract or summary of the paper is suggested. Papers not meeting the first two criteria will not be considered for publication. Authors of published articles will receive one copy of the journal without cost. Manuscripts should be sent to: Editors Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720