KAS Publications List: Numbers 1 - 66 Issues marked with an asterisk are available for $10 a copy. KAS does not duplicate nor sell copies of individual articles. No. 1, May 1950 Pre-Columbian Trade Between North and Kutsavi, A Great Basin Indian Food South America Robert F. Heizer Chester S. Chard Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in Observations on Early Man in California the Light of Ceremonial Kinship Robert F. Heizer Charles J. Erasmus The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco The Indian Tribes of North America Coast David G. Mandelbaum John Howland Rowe A Journey up the Sambu River to Visit the A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Choc6 Indians Culture from Contemporary Sources Arne Arbin Mary W. Herman A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi Black Market in Prerogatives Among the William J. Samarin Northern Kwakiutl Ronald L. Olson No. 3, December 1950 Nepenthe in Aboriginal America Lost Lake: A Study of an Agricultural Franklin Fenenga Community Established on Reclaimed Land Alan R. Beals and Thomas McCorkle Acknowledgments No. 4, November 1951 No. 2, November 1950 Olivia Oatman's Return Animistic and Rational Thought AL. Kroeber Sol Tax A Glance at Statistical Procedure Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance Thomas W. McKern John H. Rowe Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization Southern Dieguefio Use and Knowledge of David G. Nichols Lithic Materials WD. Hohenthal, Jr. Piro Myths Esther Matteson The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia John F. Goins 154 Publications list KAS Papers No. 5, Fall 1951 Walter Buchanan Cline: Personal Suggestions for Field Recording of Reminiscences Information on the Hippocratic Ralph Altman Classification of Diseases and Remedies George Foster and John H. Rowe Walter Buchanan Cline: Bibliography Nancy Laubach Freed Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for the Sorcery at Sitka in 1829 Population Control and the Family in Ivan Petrov, translator; Feudal and Post-Restoration Japan Dorothy Menzel, Gordon T. Bowles ethnographic comments The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch New Light on the Racial Composition of Chester S. Chard Northeastem Siberia Chester S. Chard Clans and the Joking-Relationship Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia A Tentative Analysis of the Pluralization of Elizabeth Colson Kisi Nouns William J. Samarin Acculturation and California Awl Forms Clement W. Meighan No. 6, Spring 1952 The Relation Between Slit-Gongs and The Tapaj6 Renown in Solomon Islands Culture Curt Nimuendaja; Douglas L. Oliver John H. Rowe, translator Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult in Japan A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Ronald L. Olson Juvenal, one of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska Eleven Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual Ivan Petrov, translator John H. Rowe The History of the Guayqueri, and Approach Culture Loss and Culture Gain Among the to the Anthropology of Northeastern Mocmac of the Canadian Maritime Venezuela Provinces, 1912-1950 Thomas McCorkle Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis No. 7, Fall 1952 Hot Climates and High Civilizations The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640 FredrickR. Wulsin Kenneth S. Lane A Dualism in Pomo Cosmology Shellfish Foods of the California Indians A.M. Halpern Robert E. Greengo No. 10, Spring 1954 Nos. 8 and 9, 1953 Racial Types in Northeastem Asia Walter B. Cline Memorial Volwne Chester S. Chard Walter Buchanan Cline: A Memoir The Selection of Recording Equipment for Carleton S. Coon Field Use Alan P. Merriam Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 155 Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin Carroll L. Riley Region Chester S. Chard The Piro of the Urubamba Esther Matteson A.R. Radcliffe-Brown W.E.H. Stanner No. 11, Fall 1954 The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Myth No. 14, Spring 1956 William Bright Sonoma Mission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Piro Phonemes and Morphology Francisco de Solano Quadrangle Esther Matteson AdanE. Treganza Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm the Pacific Coast of Alaska Buildings Francis A. Riddell Majda Thurner Abstracts of Ph.D Dissertations, University No. 12, Spring 1955 of Califomia, 1946-1949 Aspects of Andean Native Life Oscar Nunfez del Prado No. 15, Fall 1956 Analyzed Piro Text A Body and a Jaguar A Survey of Italian Godparenthood Esther Matteson GallatinAnderson Executions by Stoning Among the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiute No. 16, 1957 Spring Robert F. Heizer In Honor of Ronald L. Olson Time Perspectives in Ethnography Ronald Leroy Olson John H. Rowe AL. Kroeber Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore: A The Closed Community and Its Friends Research Lead Julian A. Pitt-Rivers Edward Norbeck Some Aspects of Peasant Society in Middle Relationships of Prehistoric Cultures of America and India Coastal Monterey County, California Pedro Carrasco Arnold R. Pilling Archaeology in Soviet Asia, 1950-1951 Chester S. Chard No. 13, Fall 1955 Primitive Man as an Ecological Factor Serbo-Croatian Kinship Terminology Robert F. Heizer Eugene A. Hammel The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University Finland of California, 1950-1951 Pertti J. Pelto Report on the First Annual Anthropological The Problem of Race in the Mesolithic of Meeting sponsored by the Kroeber Europe Anthropological Society Robert J. Squier Lucille Steelman 156 Publications List KAS Papers No. 17, Fall 1957 Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Harvard Middle American Archaeological Chemistry: On the Calcium and Phosphorus Seminar, 1955-1956: An Introduction Content of Human Bone From the Stone Gordon R. Willey Age Shellmound of Homi Giichi Tanabe Pre-Classic Cultures in Mesoamerica: A Comparative Survey Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Michael D. Coe Chemistry: Fluorine Content of Humane Bones The Classic Stage in Mesoamerica H. Hamaguchi and M. Tatswnoto Donald W. Lathrap Tachi Yokuts Music The Postclassic Stage in Mesoamerica James Hatch Jane Holden A Study of the Material Aspects of Mortheastem Maidu Basketry No. 18, Spring 1958 BX. Swartz The Area Co-tradition for Mesoamerica Morton H. Levine The Timing Mechanisms in Cultural Lag Reduction: Changing Kinship in a Danish A Survey of Ethnohistoric Sources Community James H. Gunnerson Robert T. Anderson and Gallatin Anderson An "Indigenous" New Guinea Cult Richard F. Salisbury Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1952-1953. The Romantic Role of Older Women in a Culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast Melville Jacobs No. 20, Spring 1959 A Shasta Vocabulary Dissertations in Anthropology DL. Olmsted Tongan Authority Structure: Concepts for No. 19, Fall 1958 Comparative Analysis The Personality of Anthropology Allan D. Coult AL. Kroeber Archaeology on the China Mainland Since Aggression Channeling and Conflict 1949 Function in a Nudist Camp John C. Jamieson James F. Downs Classification and Treatment of Venereal The Current Status of the Fluorine Method Diseases by a Brazilian Indian Tribe of Age Determination William D. Hohenthal H.C. Ezra, S.F. Cook, andH.A. Leon Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Chemistry: The Preservation of the Bony Substances in the Soil of Prehistoric Sites Naotsune Watanabe Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 157 No. 21, Fall 1959 No. 23, Fall 1960 The British Tradition in Social Nationalism in Africa: An Attempt at Anthropology Prediction Donald G. MacRae George M. Foster General Considerations on the Phenomenon The Phylogenetic Tree: An Analysis of Its of Bone Cavems Development in Studies of Human M. Tournal, of Narbonne; Evolution AB. Elsasser, translator Kenneth A.R. Kennedy Sex, Class, and Status in Racial The Individuated Society: A Frisian Model Relations-Northeast Brazil HenrykSjaardema WD. Hohenthal A Model of Language Extinction and Influence of Agrarian Colonalization on the Formation Indigenous Tzeltal Community of Octen, RichardRoark Chiapas Karen Shields Thoughts on Cavalry, Guerilla Warfare and the Fall of Empires The Role of the Staff Conference in a State James F. Downs Mental Hospital Pertti J. Pelto Evolution of the Human Hand and the Great Hand-Axe Tradition Distinctions Between the Skulls of Coyotes Grover S. Krantz and Dogs Grover S. Krantz No. 24, Spring 1961 The Setting of Gola Society and Culture: Plains Indian Political Structure Some Theoretical Implications of Variation Robin F. Wells in Time and Space Warren L. d'Azevedo The Mathematics of American Cousinship Richard Roark No. 22, Spring 1960 Chresmology: A Comparative Study Suggestions for the Recording of Data on Ann J. Gibson Spinning and Weaving and the Collecting of Material Archaelogical Evidence of Shamanism in JuniusB. Bird California and Nevada AB. Elsasser The Social Factors of Donship in a Mexican-American Community Some Misconceptions of Multilinear Octavio Ignacio Romano V. Evolution William C. Smith Domestication: An Examination of the Changing Social Relationships Between Deviancy and Social Control I: What Makes Man and Animals Biboi Run James F. Downs Robert F. Murphy The Place of Anthropology in the American Public School Curriculum John H. Chilcott 158 Publications List KAS Papers No. 25, Fall 1961 No. 26, Spring 1962 Issue Honoring AL. Kroeber The Rock Engravings at Port Hedland, Northwestern Austalia Shropshire Revisited FredrickD. McCarthy Theodora and AL. Kroeber A Social Theory of Cultural Change On Being Critical John Howland Rowe Alex D. Krieger On Studying the History of Anthropology The Innovative Process Dell H. Hymes H.G. Barnett Inferences on the Nature of Olmec Society No. 27, Fall 1962 Based upon Data from La Venta Site Ecological Factors in the Rise of Robert F. Heizer Civilization Bruce Drewitt The La Venta Olmec Support Area Philip Drucker The External Relations of an Open Corporate Village The Ecumene as a Civilizational Multiplier PaulFriedrich System Gordon W. Hewes Test Excavation of Cave Rock, Nevada J.E. Smith and A.B. Elsasser The Cultural Significance of Peruvian Textiles: Production, Function, Aesthetics Deviance and Social Control II: Coleta AR. Gayton Robert F. Murphy Kinship Terminology and Social Structure Mayordomia: Continuity and Change Ralph L. Beals Norman D. Thomas Museums and Ethnological Research, 1961 Donald Collier *No. 28, Spring 1963 Changing Kinship in Europe American Indian Films Robert T. Anderson SA. Barrett Contact Languages in Africa Culture Area: Parallel with Typological Bonnie B. Keller Homogeneity and Heterogeneity to North American Language Families The Jump Dance at Hupa, 1962 CF. Voegelin SA. Barrett Kroeber and the Indian Claims Commission Tahitian Bonito Fishing Cases Eugene Anderson Omer C. Stewart The Main Themes of the "Olmec" Art Mexican Spiritalism Tradition Isabel Kelly Tillie Smith Tlingit Shamanism and Sorcery Ronald L. Olson Animals, Climate and Paleolithic Man T.D. McCowm Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 159 *No. 29, Fall 1963 Aspects of Ceremonial Life Among the Malinowski: Epistemology and Oedipus Indian Shakers of Smith River, California John Ingham Richard Gould and Theodore P. Furukawa Franz Boas as Political Activist Harvey A. Levenstein Blood Proteins and Primate Phylogenesis: Immunochemical and Electrophoretic Preliminary Report on the Association Techniques Applied to Systematic Serology Redefinition of Castes in Hyderabad- Andrew P. Wilson Secundembad Robert T. Anderson Culture as an Information System Eugene A. Hammel The Cowboy and the Lady: Models as a Determinant of the Rate of Acculturation Skin Color: An Example of Human Among the Piffon Navajo Adaptation James F. Down Wade C. Pendleton Culture Change Theory Implicit in the *No. 30, Spring 1963 Writing of A.L. Kroeber Ethnography and Ethnology in the Sixteenth R. Clyde McCone Century John HowlandRowe Values Relevant to Family and Social Relationships Among the Navahos, with a Culture and Civilization: In Man and Out Special Reference to Marriage There E. Ojo Arewa R aymond D. Gastil Civil Rights in California in the 1850's-A An Appropriate Methodology for the Social Case History Sciences Robert F. Heizer Milton L. Anderson Evidence for Complex Alliance in Tikopia *No. 32, Spring 1965 Daid B. Eyde Some Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Analysis of Technologies Los Golondrinos Anthony Leeds Charlene Miller Some Aspects of Linguistic Acculturation Folk Concepts of Etiology and Illness in a in Northem Ungava Eskimo North Indian Village Nelson HR. Graburn Khwaja A. Hasan The Market Place as a Social Mechanism in African Nemesis: An Off-Broadway Review Peasant Society Marshall D. Sahlins William G. Lockwood The Yahgan and Alacaluf: An Ecological No. 31, Fall 1964 Description A Review of La Venta, Tabasco and Its Peter W. Stenger Relevance to the Olmec Problem Robert Stuckenrath, Jr. Obiamry: John Finley Freeman Mrs. J. F. Freeman Some Interim Remarks on the Coe- Stuckenrath Review Robert F. Heizer 160 Publications List KAS Papers University Anthropology: Early Depart- The Focus of Indian Shaker Healing ments in the United States Dale Valory John F. Freeman *No. 36, 1967 No. 33, Fall 1965 The Siberian Peoples: Annotated Tributes to Samuel Alfred Barrett Bibliography of English Language Sources Edited and Compiled by David Sylvia H. Forman W. Pen and Robert W. Wharton The Expression of Male Interest in the Samuel Alfred Barrett 1879-1965 Infant in Five Species of Macaque David W. Pen and Robert W. Wharton Diane P. Gifford The Works of Samuel Alfred Barrett Notes on Hunting, Butchenrng, and Sharing Compiled by David W. Peri of Game Among the Ngatatjara and their and Robert W. Wharton Neighbors in the West Australian Desert Richard A. Gould Commentary on W.R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of Excavations at La Conditions in the Development of Silent Venta, Tabasco, 1955 Trade Philip Drucker and Robert F. Heizer John A. Price A Transformational Analysis of the Communications and the Law of Extended Kapauku Kinship System Application Keith T. Kernan Will Wright Linguistic Status Markers in Korean Gluckman's The Ideas in Barotse Richard W. Howell Jriprudene Paul Bohannan Genital Superiority in Oakland Negro Foildore: A Theme Neil A. Eddington *No. 37, Fall 1967 Ethnological Manuscripts in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology *No. 35, Fall 1966 AL. Kroeber and Dale Valory The Season of Birth in Man: The Northern New World Sexual Symbolism in Flatware Ursula M. Cowgill EA. Hammel Plank Canoes of South and North America Towards the Interpretation of Occupation Robert F. Heizer Debris: Some Experiments and Observations Glynn LJ. Isaac Scattering Flowers, a Poem by George Hitchcock The Mexican Cantina as a Setting for George Hitchcock Interaction Brian Stross Humanity, What Is It? An Interview with Claude Levi-Strauss Prejudice and Ethnic Stereotypes in Rural Hong Kong Edwin Meyer Loeb, 1894-1966, a E. N. Anderson, Jr. Memorial and Bibliography Gertrude Toffielmier Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 161 No. 38, Spring 1968 Anthropology and Counterinsurgency: Ruth Kellett Roberts, 1885-1967 Social Scientific Complicity in the Warfare Dale Valory State Scott S. Robinson First and Second Generation American Jewish Families: Sources of Conflicts and Tension No. 40, Spring 1969 LeonardPlotnicov Dedicatory Introduction Cuba: Peasants and Revolutionaries Dedicatory Letters to the Editor Randy Rappaport The Kroeber Anthropological Society, Quasi-Agriculture in North-Central 1949-1969 California and Its Effect on Aboriginal Clement W. Meighan Social Structure Alan C. Ziegler Anthropological Activity in the United States, 1865-1879 Historicity Study of Mexican Corridos Patricia J. Lyon About Zapata Linda J. Hubbell Prehistoric Chronology in the Sabana de Bogota Some Contributions of Phenomenology to Sylvia M. Broadbent Social Science Ben Blount A Comparison of South Chilean and Ecuadorian "Fishtail" Projectile Points JuniusB. Bird *No. 39, Fall 1968 The Social Anthropological Field The Role of Sports in the Penetration of Experience Urban Culture to the Rural Areas of Peru George M. Foster Gabriel EscobarM. Retail Market Associations in Japan Teaching Anthropology at Berkeley John A. Price Theodore D. McCown Tzintzuntzan Wedding: A Study in Cultural Peck's Archaelogist Complexity EA. Hammel Stanley H. Brandes Some of Rowe's Contributions in the Field An American-Jewish Vacation Pattern: The of Andean Culture History Accommodation of Conjugal Tensions Dorothy Menzel Leonard Plotnicov John Howland Rowe; Bibliography, 1940- Cooperative Labor and Community 1967 Development in Southern Peru Compiled by Robert E. Pfeiffer Patricia J. Lyon Incidence and Nature of Acculturation No. 41, Fall 1969 Within the Welsh Colony of Chubut: A Theodore Downing McCown: June 18, Historical Perspective 1908-August 17, 1969 Glyn Williams EA. Hammel Religion and Law in Korea Pyong Chloon Hahm 162 Publications Ust KAS Papers Prehistoric Trade in the Southwest and the Dr. Allan D. Coult (1931-1970): A Distribution of Pueblo IV Hopi Jeddito Personal Memoir Blak-on-Yellow Richard Milner Paul D. Schaefer Richard Paul Roark (1936-1970) Sweet Potato Notes and Lexical Queries Dorthy Menzel Karl G. Heider Index to the Kroeber Anthropological Anthropology and the Motion Picture: An Society Papers: 1950-1969, Numbers 1- Introduction to the Art 40. A. Michael Schreiber Robert V. Kemper *No. 42, Spring 1970 *No. 44, Spring 1971 The Anthropological Study of Migration to Acculturation in Tan6 Niha (the Island of Latin American Cities Nias) Robert V. Kemper JamesDanandaja Some Thoughts on the Background of Early A Study of the Relocation of Two Man, Hrdlicka and Folsom Marshallese Atoll Communities C. William Clewlow, Jr. Anne Chambers Marriage and Its Progeny in the City of Processual Analysis of American Kinship: York, 1538 - 1751 Introduction Ursula M. Cowgill Daniel Maltz The Adaptability of Traditional Institutions Structural Changes in Family Gatherings as a Factor in the Formation of Immigrant Mary Elizabeth Scu r Voluntary Associations: The Example of Landsmanshaften Response to Family Crisis Mark P. Curchack PatriciaLovelock Japan's New Religions: A Search for Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law Conflict in a Uniformities Chinese American Family Thomas W. Johnson Richard Lit Disinheritance in an Irish American Family *No. 43, Fall 1970 CarolePage Racism and the War at the University Gerald D. Berreman Family in Transition Susan Jang Cultural Anthropology and the Man- Environment Relationship: An Historical Annotated Bibliography for Olmec Art Discussion Paicia Garbe Joan M. W. Abbott Introduction and Addendum to Annotated The Social Meaning of Food Sharing in Bibliography for Olmec Art Mexico C. William Clewlow, Jr. Michael Kearney Concordance of Phonetic Alphabets Robert C. Hollow, Jr. Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 163 *Nos. 45-46, Fall 1972 The Effects of Commercialism on the Anthropologists and the Study of Telegraph Avenue Arisan Urbanization: An Example from Mexico Claudia L. Levin Robert V. Kemper Hierarchy in Innovative Psychology The Use of Analogy for Interpretation of Louise Bernstein Maya Prehistory Ernstene Green *No. 49, 1977 Some of the Other Reasons Why People Forward Migrate JackPotter Jorge A. Flores Ochoa Introduction The Gift of the Bride: A Critical Note on LindaDraper and Larry Michalak Maurice Freedman's Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Marriage Nursery School Sex-Role Play Among John McCreery Four- and Five-Year Olds Amy Goldfarb *Nos. 47-48, Spding and Fall 1973 Cohabitation in a Student Community Incremental Growth Zones in Mammals and Sue Lyon Their Archaeological Value Richard W. Casteel The Attitudes of Undergraduate Women Toward Marriage Immigration and Social Mobility in Peru: Alice Sung The Case of Juan Perez Jorge P. Osterling Ethnic Groups and Boundary Crossers: A Study of Asian-White Relations in a The World in a Paper Bag College Dorm Nilou(fer Hirschwnann Candy Reynolds Developing the Chronology of the Northern Portrait of One Japanese-American Family Maya Lowlands Janelle Swnida Thomas M. Wilson The Education of the Deaf: A Sub- Abortion as a Life Crisis Community in the Making CaroleBrowner BarbaraLeMaster Traditional Chinese Diet and Its The Re-Entry of Ex-Offenders: A Study of a Relationship to Health Half-Way House Linda C. Koo Linda Sue Miller The Chinese Diet and Pregnancy Life in a Hare Krishna Temple Sue Chan JamesNail The Indo-European Hypothesis in 19th- An Analysis of Life Histories of the Elderly Century Physical Anthropology in a Retirement Home Paul A. Erickson Tracy Williams An Altemative Taxonomic Classification for A Study of the Staff of a Convalescent Ethnic Groups Hospital Thomas W. Johnson and Hal Nelson Maria Protti 164 Publications List KAS Papers *No. 50, 1977 The North Fork of the Little Humboldt Farward River: Two Site Reports from North Central Noel T. Boaz and John E. Cronin Nevada Colin I. Busby, James Bard, Thomas Patterns and Function of Grooming Among Clark, Lee Spencer and Sean Swezey the Common Indian Langur (presbytis entellus) Ethnoscience vs. Cultural Materialism: A James J. McKenna Study in False Oppositions Katherine Newman Metric Description and the Analysis of Cranial Contours Anthropology and Institutionalization: Yoel Z. Rak Fredrick Starr and the University of Chicago, 1892- 1923. Molar Wear Stages of Theoropithecus gelada R. Berkeley Miller W.E. Meikle Radcliffe-Brown and Kropotkin: the Heritage Langur Social Behavior and Infant Mortality of Anarchism in British Social Richard A. Curtain Anthropology Richard J. Perry Paleoecology of Early Hominidae in Africa Noel T. Boaz Freejack Lore and Anomaly: A Study of the Fifth Ward Settlement of Southeastern Hominids from the Lower Pleistocene of Louisiana South China Darrell A. Posey Geoffery G. Pope The Korean Shoeshine Team: An Anthropoid Evolution: The Molecular Organizational Analysis Evidence Gay Elizabeth Kang John E. Cronin Continental Anthropologists' Initial Early Hominid Postcrania and Locomotor Opposition to Darwinism and the Prospect Adaptations of Human Evolution Randall J. Thompkins Stephen R. Holtzman Early Research on Pleistocene Races in Europe: Putting Neandertal Man's Head *Nos. 53-54, Spning and Fall 1976 Together The Apotheosis of Captain Cook Stephen R. Holtzman Marshall Sahlins Neural Correlates of Primate Social Who Are "the Folk" in the Folk Behavior Taxonomies?: Cognitive Diversity and the Michael J. Raleigh State Roger Sanjek Postscript: Physical Anthropology at Berkeley Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 1793-1864: His Sherwood L. Washburn Collection and Analysis of the Oral Narratives of American Indians Rosemary Zumwalt *Nos. 51-52, Spring and Fall 1975 Bar Dice in the San Franciso Bay Area Disarming the e ish-Reflections on Irsh Alan Dundes and Carl R. Pagter Body Image Nancy Scheper-Hughes Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 165 Illness and Interaction: A Case of Paranoia From the "Limited Good" to Expanding Atwood D. Gaines Opportunity LaurZarrugh Music Acculturation in Nepal Robert Anderson and Edna Mitchell Achievement Orientation and the Image of Limited Good in the French Alps How Mexicans Define Male Homosexuality: Richard Vernon Wagner Labeling and the Buga View ClarkL. Tylor, Jr. An Application of the Model, The Image of Limited Good, in Industial Society Paleolithic Artifacts in Siwalik and Post- Fredrick G. Ganst Siwalik Deposits of Northern Pakistan Daniel Stiles Letters to the Field: Reflections on Two Decades of Correspondence from George *Nos. 55-56, Sp&ing and Fall 1979 Foster From Tzintzuntzan to the "Image of Limited Cynthia Nelson Good": Essays in Honor of George M. Foster. Will the Real George Foster Please Stand Up? A Brief Intellectual History Dedicatory Letters Eugene Hamml and Laura Nader The Household Development Cycle in Tzintzuntzan *Nos. 57-58, Spnng and Fail 1978 Stley Brandes Sex Roles and Sex Symbols in Tikopia Society Compadrazgo in City and Countryside: A Raymond Firth Comparison of Tzintzuntzan Migrants and Villagers Religion and Its Effect on Social Cohesion Robert V. Kemper in an Emerging Community Deirdre ParkerArntz The Mesoamerican Barrio: A Reciprocity Model for Community Organization Humor in a Group of Hawaiian Adolescents Norman D. Thomas Louise Bernstein Religion, Magic and Medicine in Huava Color Categorization in Nanumea, a Society Polynesian Atoll Society Charles C. Cheney Keith S. Chambers Three Cases of Folk Disorder Among Courtship Among the Kurafi ofMalaita: An Mexican-Americans: Implications for the Ethnography of Speaking Approach Study of Culture Change David Welchamn Gegeo and Margaret Clark Karen Watson-Gegeo Community-Health Aspects of Nubian Bigman or Chief? Knowledge and Political Resettlement in Egypt Process on Tanna Hussein M. Fahim LamntLindstrom Going After the Dream: Peasants in a The Institutional Context of the Arts of Provincial City Oceania: With Special Reference to MichaelB. Whiteford Micronesia KarenL. Nero and Nelson H. H. Graburn 166 Publications List KAS Papers Development or Dependency: American Urban Field Research in the United States: Policy in the Trust Territory of the Pacific The Long Journey from the Exotic to the Islands Mundane Larry Mayo JoanAblon Demand and Incentives to Produce in a Creative Thinking in Archaeological Traditional Society Fieldwork James G. Peoples Kathleen Henry *Nos. 59-60, Spiing and Fail 1979 Fieldwork or Ethnography: A Case Study in Culture as Metaphor: A New Look at Qualitative Research Language and Culture in the Pleistocene Mary Anne Pitman Mary LeCron Foster Crisis in Training and Employment: Theoretical Explanations of the Change Reflections on a Fieldwork Experience from Matriarchy to Patriarchy David E. Vandevert Anne Merrill The Schooling Ritual of Anthropologists La Societe: The Ethnological Society of John Singleton Paris, 1839 Lydie Brissonnet Anthropology for Whose Public Interest? Sandra J. Wood People's Temple: A Revitalization Move- ment in Despair David Anderson *Nos. 61-62, Spiing and Fall 1982 Contributions of Karl Hennann Berendt to The Effects of the Suicide Prevention Center Central American Archaeology of Alameda County's Telephone Service on Elizabeth F. Wolfe Client and Counselor Role Performance Suzanne Bowler Michel de Montaigne's "Of Cannibals" as Cultural Relativism, Critique and So You Think You Want to Do Fieldwork: Counterproposal: An Issue in the History of The Changing Face of Anthropological Anthropology Research Norris Brock Johnson Sandra J. Wood and TerryL. Haynes The Problem of Reconstructing a Prototype Alligators in the Swamp: Field Problems for H?IK'AL and Training Issues in Contemporary Jeffrey P. Williams Anthropology TerryL. Haynes The Outpatient Department as a Social System: Structure, Ideology and Behavior Hard Contract: Issues and Problems in Carole Browner Contract Social Anthropological Research Atwood D. Gaines The Bounds of Intimacy: Interactions Among Women in Madras, India Research Problems in the Medical Setting: Kelsey Clark Underwood Science Versus Politics Carole E. Hill Caste and Class in Germany: A Study of the Power Politics of Labor Migration from Fieldwork in Medical Anthropology: The 1955-1980 Clinical Setting Uli H. Linke Nora K. Croughan Nos. 65-66 List of Publications 167 "Making it in America" A Participant Treating the Japanese Elderly: The Masking Observation Study of Cuban Refugees of a Social Problem PedroNoguera MargaretLock Student Fieldwork and Student Activities: Responses to Television in Two Swampy Applying Anthropology on the College Creek Cree Communities on the West Coast Campus of James Bay James C. Pierson Kathryn T. Molohon Freud Encounters Fin de Siecle Anthropol- Investment in Human Capital: Education ogy: The Case of Totem and Taboo and Development in Stockton, Califomia, Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco and Gwembe, Zambia John U. Ogbu Babel-Babble in Baghdad-by-the-Bay: Towards a Social Dialectology of the San Democracy at Work in the Swedish Francisco Bay Area Bacy UrsDarmiller Morris A. Fred Exchange, Power, and Compliance: A *Nos. 63-64, Spling and Fall 1984 Scottish and American Comparison in Two Opportunity, Constraint, and Change: Institutions for the Aged Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Colson Jeanie Schmit Kayser-Jones Dedicatory Letters Art, the Mundane, and the Art of the Mundane An Appreciation of Elizabeth Colson: Her Anya Peterson Royce Early Intellectual Development Penelope Hartland-Thunberg Bibliography of Elizabeth Florence Colson Dorothy A. Koenig and Scholars and Controversy: Elizabeth Lenore D. Ralston Colson's Work Against Sex Discrimination in Academia June Starr Nos. 65-66, Spiing and Fall 1986 Special Section: Migration and Resettlement Men, Women and Work in a Lombok Intoduction Village James N. Anderson Mary Judd Some Issues in Research Approaches to The Zambezi Goba in the Twentieth Global Migration in the United States Century: New Male-Dominant Institutions Lydio F. Tomasi and the Declining Status of Rural Women Chet S. Lancaster Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation in the United States Islam, Power and Change: Variation in Denis Gallaghfr North African Independence Movements M. Elaine Combs-Schilling Immigrants in Belgium: The Sociocultural Structure Economic Inequality and Land Tenure EugeenRoosens Change in Mbeere, Kenya Jack Glair The Immigration of Caribbean People to the United States: Some Comments R. S. Bryce-Laporte 168 Publications List KAS Papers Styles of Activism Within Refugee Communities: The Case of Soviet Jews and Vietnamese Steven J. Gold Policy Influences on Refugee Resettlement Patterns Jacqueline Desbarats Image and Identity: Tamil Migration to the United States Kelsey Clark Underwood Outposts of Trade: Migration Patterns of the Nisyang Traders of Nepal M. T. Cooke Five Villages: Culture and Resources Among Lao Iu Mien JonathanHabarad Comments: The Uprooted Elizabeth Colson General Section The Anthropology of Josiah Clark Nott Paul A. Erickson Natchez Sans Paradoxe David F. Lonergan Lila Morris ONeale Margot Blum Schevill Ecology, Delocalizaton, and Relocalization in a Canadian Maritime Community Paul M. Gahlinger Excavations at the Dune Site, Santa Rosa Island, California Michael Wendorf