Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Nos. 65-66, 1986 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Nos. 65-66, 1986 Special Section: Migration and Resettlement Preface Scott Morg'- Introduction James N. Anderson ......................... ...................................... 1 Some Issues in Research Approaches to Global Migration in the United States Lydio Tomasi ............................................................... 4 Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation in the United States Dennis Gallagher ........... 11 Immigrants in Belgium: The Sociocultural Structure Eugeen Roosens ............ .......... 15 The Immigration of Caribbean People to the United States: Some Comments R.S. Bryce-Laporte .................. .............................................. 25 Styles of Activism Within Refugee Communities: The Case of Soviet Jews and Vietnamese Steven J. Gold .................. ............................................. 35 Policy Influences on Refugee Settlement Patterns Jacqueline Desbarats ........... ....... 49 Image and Identity: Tamil Migration to the United States Kelsey Clark Underwood .......................... ..................................... 65 Outposts of Trade: Migration Patterns of the Nisyang Traders of Nepal M.T. Cooke ............................................................... 73 Five Villages: Culture and Resources Among Lao Iu Mien Jonathan Habarad ........... 83 Comments: The Uprooted Elizabeth Colson ............................................................... 101 General Section The Anthropology of Josiah Clark Nott Paul A. Erickson ...................... ................... 103 Natchez Sans Paradoxe David F. Lonergan ............................................................... 121 Lila Morris O'Neale Margot Blum Schevill ................................................................ 129 Ecology, Delocalization, and Relocalization in a Canadian Maritime Community Paul M. Gahlinger ................. .............................................. 139 Excavations at the Dune Site, Santa Rosa Island, California Michael Wendorf ............ 148 Publications List, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers ..................... ...................... 153 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Numbers 65 and 66, 1984 Editor-in-Chief: Scott Morgan Editors: Joseph Alter, Marcia Inhom, Roland Moore, Michael Nunley, Linda-Anne Rebhun, and Marcy Williams Officers of KAS: Joseph Alter, Marcia Inhom, Scott Morgan, and Marcy Williams Special thanks to Grace Buzaljko for expert editorial consultation Printed by GRT Printing, Oakland, Calif. Membership: The Papers are published annually. Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthro- pological Society. Annual dues for student members are $12.00; for non-students $15.00, for institutions $18.00, and for all foreign subscribers $20.00 US. Send requests for membership to the Secretary of the Society at the address below. Information for Authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropol- ogy. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers welcomes descriptive studies putting factual infonnation on record and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Guidelines for Submission of Papers: (1) Paper excluding references should not exceed 30 typewritten, double-spaced pages. (2) The original plus one copy of the manuscript should by submitted. (3) Tables and diagrams must be photo-ready black-on-white drawings. Because of high costs we are unable to print photographs. All figures must be numbered consecu- tively and captioned. (4) Citation style and bibliography/endnote format follows American Anthropologist. (5) A half-page abstract or summary of the paper is suggested. Papers not meeting the first two criteria will not be considered for publication. Authors of published articles will receive one copy of the journal without cost. Manuscripts should be sent to: Editors Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, Ca. 94720 Preface On March 24, 1984, the plenary session and three consecutive regular sessions of the Kroeber Anthropological Society annual meetings were devoted to the topics of migration and resettlement. The plenary session ppers are published here almost exactly as presented on that day, as are the papers by Gold and Colson. The essays by Desbarats, Underwood, Cooke, and Habarad have been revised from their original fonn. James Anderson of UC Berkeley's department of anthropology moderated the three regular sessons and provides the introduction here. In 1983, a group of graduate students in the social sciences, led by Jonahan Habarad and Marcelo Suarez-Orozco in anthropology, organized Migrtion and Resettlement Studies (MARS). From 1983 to 1984, a well- attended seminar was led by Elizabeth Colson and George De Vos. Detailed case prentations of different migrant groups and discussions of migration and resettlement theory were the topics of the seminar. MARS was intended to become an ongoing research center with arhives and possibly a group research project comparing immigrant and refugee groups in Califomia. For many reasons, these dreams were not meant to be, and today MARS is more accurately considered a network of scholars interested in migration and resettlement. This group of papers is companion to another set of research reports puNished as a book with the title People in Upheaval, which is edited by myself and Elizabeth Colson and published by the Center for Migration Studies (Staten Island, New York, 1987). There are related articles there by Gold and Habarad, and revised versions of papers given at the KAS meetings by Wei-Yang Chao, Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, and myself. Scott Morgan