PART SIX: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ELIZABETH FLORENCE COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ELIZABETH FLORENCE COLSON Dorothy A. Koenig and Lenore D. Ralston The compilers of this bibliography have worked to make it as definitive as possible. We wish to thank Chet Lancaster for sharing his collected citations with us at the start of the project; Patricia Davison of the General Reference Service in the General Library at Berkeley for checking standard citation indexes; and Grace Buzaljko for her editorial assistance. We are aware that we have not identified numerous book reviews written by Elizabeth Colson. We would be grateful to receive citations of these and any other items that we have not listed. All items except those marked with an asterisk have been visually verified by us as cited. 194? Primitive Science .... 7 vols. Vols. 2-7 by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis, with the assistance of Elizabeth Colson and Allan Holmberg. Typewritten carbon copy deposited in the Harvard-Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology by the Work Projects Administration. 1942 New Customs at Neah Bay: The White Man's Ways Come to the Makah Indians. Radcliffe Quarterly 26(4):18-21. 1945 The Makah: A Study of Assimilation. Ph.D. dissertation, Radcliffe College, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1948a Comment on the Tonga Report. In Landholding and Land Usage Among the Plateau Tonga of Mazabuka District: A Reconnaissance Survey, 1945. By W. Allan, Max Gluck- man, D.U. Peters, and C.G. Trapnell, with additional sections by J.H.M. McNaughton and D.W. Conroy. Rhodes-Livingstone Paper, No. 14. pp. 185-192. Published for the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute by Geoffrey Cumberlege. London: Oxford University Press. 1948b Modern Political Organization of the Plateau Tonga. African Studies 7:85-98. [Reprint- ed in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 207-232, 1962c.] 1948c Rain-Shrines of the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Africa 18(4):272-283. [Re- printed in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 84-101, 1962c.] 1948d Review of Santa Eulalia: The Religion of a Cuchumatan Indian Town, by Oliver LaFarge. Man 48 (65) :57-58. 1949a The Assimilation of an American Indian Group. Human Problems in British Central Africa 8:1-13. [Reprinted in Beyond the Frontier: Social Process and Cultural Change. Paul Bohannan and Fred Plog, eds. pp. 209-226. New York: Natural History Press, 1967.1 1949b Life Among the Cattle-Owning Plateau Tonga: The Material Culture of a Northern Rhodesia Native Tribe. Occasional Papers of the Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, n.s., No. 6. Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia. KOENIG & RALSTON 1949c Review of The Dynamics of Clanship Among the Tallensi, by Meyer Fortes. African Studies 9:203-206. 1950a Director's Report to the Trustees of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute on the Work of the Years 1947-48-49. Human Problems in British Central Africa 10:75-93. *1950b A Note on Tonga and Ndebele. Northern Rhodesia Journal 2:35-41. 1950c Possible Repercussions of the Right to Make Wills upon the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Journal of African Administration 2(1):24-34. 1950d Review of The Nuba: An Anthropological Study of the Hill Tribes in Kordofan, by S.F. Nadel. Human Problems in British Central Africa 10:100-102. 1950e Review of Umbundu Kinship and Character, by Gladwyn Murray Childs. Human Prob- lems in British Central Africa 10:94-99. 1951a Residence and Village Stability Among the Plateau Tonga. Human Problems in British Central Africa 12:41-67. 1951b The Role of Cattle Among Plateau Tonga of Mazabuka District. Human Problems in British Central Africa 11:10-46. [Reprinted in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 122-171, 1962c.] 1951c Seven Tribes of British Central Africa (ed. with Max Gluckman). Published on behalf of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute. London: Oxford University Press. [Reprinted with minor corrections and new preface. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 1959.1 1951d Review of Ethnographic Survey of Africa: Bemba and Related Peoples of Northern Rhodesia, by Wilfred Whiteley; Peoples of the Lower Luapula Valley, by J. Slaski. Man 51(212, 213):125-126. 195le Review of Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region, by Mary Tew; Bemba and Related Peo- ples of Northern Rhodesia, by Wilfred Whiteley; The Southern Lunda and Related Peo- ples, by Merran McCulloch; Akan and Ga-Adangme Peoples of the Gold Coast, by Made- line Manoukian. Human Problems of British Central Africa 12:68-70. 1952a Seven Tribes in Central Africa (with Max Gluckman). Africa 22(3):271-274. 1952b Review of The Basuto, by Hugh Ashton. Africa 12 (3):284-285. 1952c Review of Good Company, by Monica Wilson. Man 52(127):92-93. *1952d Review of Notes and Queries in Anthropology. Revised and rewritten by a Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1952e Review of Personality and Conflict in Jamaica, by Madeline Kerr. Manchester Guardi- an, July 25, p. 4. 1953a Cattle Keeping Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Journal of the Man- chester Geographical Society 61:42-57. 154 KAS Papers COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY 1953b Clans and the Joking-Relationship Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 8/9. pp. 45-60. [Reprinted in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 66-83, 1962c.] 1953c The Makah Indians: A Study of an Indian Tribe in Modern American Society. Min- neapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1953d Social Control and Vengeance in Plateau Tonga Society. Africa 23(3):199-212. [Re- printed in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 102-121, 1962c. Reprinted in Peoples and Cultures of Africa: An Anthropological Reader. Elliot P. Skinner, ed. pp. 397-415. Published on behalf of the American Museum of Natural Histo- ry. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1973.] 1954a Ancestral Spirits and Social Structure Among the Plateau Tonga. International Ar- chives of Ethnography 47(1):21-68. [Reprinted in abridged form in Reader in Comparative Religion: An Anthropological Approach. William A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt, eds. 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions, 1958, 1965, and 1975. New York: Harper and Row. Reprinted in abridged form in Cultures and Societies of Africa. Simon and Phoebe Ottenberg, eds. pp. 372-387. New York: Random House, 1960. Reprinted in entirety in The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Elizabeth Colson. pp. 1-65, 1962c.] 1954b The Intensive Study of Small Sample Communities. In Method and Perspective in An- thropology: Papers in Honor of Wilson D. Wallis. Robert A. Spencer, ed. pp. 43-59. Min- neapolis: University of Minnesota Press. [Reprinted in The Craft of Social Anthropology. Arnold L. Epstein, ed. pp. 3-15. London: Tavistock, 1967. Reprinted, Delhi: Hindustani Publications, 1978. Reprinted, New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.1 *1954c The Plateau Tonga. Prepared for Seminar for the Study of Matrilineal Kinship Sys- tems, sponsored by the Social Science Research Council. Jointly authored by David F. Aberle, Harry Basehart, Elizabeth Colson, George Fathauer, E. Kathleen Gough, Marshall Sahlins, and David M. Schneider. 2 vols., mimeographed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1954d The Tonga and the Shortages of Implements. Human Problems in British Central Africa 14:37-38. 1954e Review of The Comanches, Lords of the Southern Plains, by Ernest Wallace and E. Adamson Hoebel. Man 54(8):13-14. 1955a The Anthropologist and Fieldwork. Goucher Alumnae Quarterly, Winter, pp. 8-10. 1955b Native Cultural and Social Patterns in Contemporary Africa. In Africa Today. C. Grove Haines, ed. pp. 69-84. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1955c Review of The Bantu Tribes of South Africa: Vol. III, The Nguni: Section V, Baca, Hlubi, Xesibe, by A.A. Duggan-Cronin and W.D. Hammond-Tooke. American Anthro- pologist 57(5):1074-1075. *1955d Review af Return to Laughter, by Elenore Smith Bowen. Baltimore Sun. 1955e Review of Zur Gesellschaft und Religion der Nueer, by J.P. Crazzolara. American An- thropologist 57(5):1073-1074. Nos. 63-64 155 KOENIG & RALSTON 1956a Autobiographies of Three Pomo Women. Primary Records in Culture and Personality, Vol. 1. Microcard publication. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. [Reprinted by the Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley, 1974.] 1956b Review of Colour and Culture in South Africa, by Sheila Patterson. Journal of Negro Education 25:139-140. 1956c Review of Culture and Human Fertility, ed. by Frank Lorimer. Population Studies 9(3) :281-284. 1956d Review of The Dark Child, by Camara Laye. American Anthropologist 58(2) :386. 1956e Review of The Disappearing Bushmen of Lake Chrissie: A Preliminary Survey, by E.F. Potgieter and D. Ziervogel. American Anthropologist 58(5):933-934. *1957a Educated African Women (with Dan McCall.) Report prepared for UNESCO. Copy filed in Boston University Library. 1957b Numbers in Northern Rhodesia. Man 57(141):112. 1957c Review of Chisungu: A Girls' Initiation Ceremony Among the Bemba of Northern Rho- desia, by Audrey I. Richards. Africa 27(3):292-293. *1958a The African Research and Studies Program. Boston University Graduate Journal 6(6):150-154. 1958b Marriage and Family Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Published on behalf of the Institute for Social Research, University of Zambia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [Reprinted with minor corrections, 1966.] 1958c The Role of Bantu Bureaucratic Norms in African Political Structures. In Systems of Political Control and Bureaucracy in Human Societies. Proceedings of the 1958 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. Verne F. Ray, ed. pp. 42-49. Seat- tle: Distributed by University of Washington Press. 1958d Review of Bantu Bureaucracy: A Study of Integration and Conflict in the Political Insti- tutions of an East African People, by Lloyd A. Fallers. Human Problems in British Central Africa 23:62-65. 1959a Plateau Tonga Diet. Human Problems in British Central Africa 24:51-67. *1959b "Yao," "Thonga," "Ila-Tonga." Articles written for Encyclopaedia Britannica. Typescripts. 1959c Review of African Farming Improvement in the Plateau Tonga Maize Areas of North- ern Rhodesia, by C.E. Johnson. Human Problems in British Central Africa 24:86-89. 1959d Review of The Indians of British Columbia, by H.B. Hawthorn, C.B. Belshaw, and S.M. Jamieson. American Sociological Review 24(1):121. 1959e Review of Method in Social Anthropology: Selected Essays by A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, ed. by M.N. Srinivas. American Sociological Review 24(3):422-423. 156 KAS Papers COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960a Migration in Africa: Trends and Possibilities. In Population in Africa. Frank Lorimer and Mark Karp, eds. pp. 60-67; discussion pp. 68-88. Boston: Boston University Press. [Reprinted in Social Change: The Colonial Situation. Immanuel Wallerstein, ed. pp. 107- 113. New York: John Wiley, 1966.] 1960b Social Organization of the Gwembe Tonga. Human Problems of Kariba, Vol. I. Pub- lished on behalf of the Institute for Social Research, University of Zambia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [Reprinted with minor corrections, 1967.] 1960c Review of Africa Today and Tomorrow: An Outline of Basic Facts and Major Problems, by John Hatch. Science 132:731. 1960d Review of Beyond the Mountains of the Moon: The Lives of Four Africans, by E. Winter. Science 131:1207. 1960e Review of Social and Economic Change Among the Northern Ojibwa, by R.W. Dun- ning. American Sociological Review 25(4):613-614. 1960f Review of Tropical Africa, Vol. 2: Society and Polity, by George Kimble. Science 132:1544-1545. 1961a Plateau Tonga. In Matrilineal Kinship. David M. Schneider and Kathleen Gough, eds. pp. 36-95. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1961b Review of Africa's Place in the Emergence of Civilization, by Raymond Dart. Ameri- can Anthropologist 63(2, Part 1):437-438. 1961c Review of The Lake Regions of Central Africa, by Sir Richard Burton. Science 134:277. 1962a Baselines of Change in Africa. Training Brief No. 2. pp. 2-48. African Studies Pro- gram, Development Research Center. Prepared under contract for U.S. Agency for Interna- tional Development. 1962b Family Change in Contemporary Africa. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- ences 96(2):641-652, January 20. 1962c The Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia: Social and Religious Studies. Published on behalf of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. 1962d Speaking as an Anthropologist. Radcliffe Quarterly, November, pp. 52-54. 1962e Trade and Wealth Among the Tonga. In Markets in Africa. Paul Bohannan and George Dalton, eds. pp. 601-616. Northwestern African Studies, No. 9. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. 1963a Land Rights and Land Use Among the Valley Tonga of the Rhodesian Federation: The Background to the Kariba Resettlement Programme. In African Agrarian Systems. Daniel Bieybuyck, ed. pp. 137-156. Published on behalf of the International African Institute. London: Oxford University Press. 1963b Review of The Swahili-Speaking Peoples of Zanzibar and the East African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi, and Swahili), by A.H.J. Prins. American Anthropologist 65(2):468. Nos. 63-64 157 KOENIG & RALSTON 1964a Social Change and the Gwembe Tonga. Human Problems in British Central Africa 35:1-13. 1964b Review of The Swazi: A South African Kingdom, by Hilda Kuper. Science 143:558. 1964c Review of Women of Tropical Africa, ed. by Denise Paulme. American Journal of So- ciology 70(1):116. 1965a The Little People of Rhodesia. Northern Rhodesian Journal 6(5):567-568. 1965b Marketing of Cattle Among Plateau Tonga (with Mark Chona). Human Problems in British Central Africa 37:42-50. 1965c Review of The Family Estate in Africa, ed. by R. Gray and Philip Gulliver. American Anthropologist 67(5, Part 1):1315-1317. 1965d Review of Missions to the Niger. Vol. I: The Journal of Friedrich Hornemann's Travels from Cairo to Mursuk in the Years 1797-98; The Letters of Major Alexander Gordon La- ing, 1824-26, ed. by E.W. Bovill. Science 149:532. 1965e Review of The Primitive City of Timbuctoo, by Horace Miner. Science 150:1279-1280. 1965f Review of Social and Ritual Life of the Ambo of Northern Rhodesia, by B. Stefaniszyn. American Anthropologist 67(1): 134-135. 1966a The Alien Diviner and Local Politics Among the Tonga of Zambia. In Political An- thropology. Marc J. Swartz, Victor W. Turner, and Arthur Tuden, eds. pp. 221-228. Chi- cago: Aldine. [Reprinted in Man Makes Sense: A Reader in Modern Cultural Anthropolo- gy. Eugene A. Hammel and William S. Simmons, eds. pp. 244-253. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.] 1966b Land Law and Land Holdings Among Valley Tonga of Zambia. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 22(1):1-8. *1966c Problems of Anthropological Research in Central Africa (Malawi, Rhodesia, Zambia). Prepared for the Committee on Research Problems and Ethics of the American Anthropo- logical Association. 7 pp. *1966d Prospects for Social Research Related to the City of Darwin. Communication to Pro- fessor William Stanner and Professor John Barnes. 6 pp. *1966e Recommendations on Research Possibilities in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Report submitted to the Department of Social Anthropology and the School for Pacific Stu- dies, Australian National University. 15 pp. 1966f Comment on The Iron Age in Sub-Saharan Africa. Current Anthropology 7(4):469-470. 1966g Review of The Klamath Tribe: A People and Their Reservation, by Theodore Stern. Man, n.s., 1(3):421. 1967a Competence and Incompetence in the Context of Independence. Current Anthropolo- gy 8(1/2):92-100, with reply, pp. 109-111. 158 KAS Papers COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY *1967b Monze. Biographical note for the Encyclopaedia Africana, Ghana Academy of Sci- ences. *1967-1968 Working papers prepared for the Anthropology Panel of the Behavioral Science Survey: No. 1. Urban Anthropology; No. 2. Social and Cultural Anthropology; No. 3. Ex- perience and Perception; No. 4. The Golden Stool; No. 5. Rebellion on the Copper Belt. 1968a Contemporary Tribes and the Development of Nationalism. In Essays on the Problems of Tribe. Proceedings of the 1967 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. June Helm, ed. pp. 201-206. Seattle: Distributed by the University of Washington Press. 1968b Ila-Tonga. Encyclopaedia Britannica 11:1075. 1968c Indian Reservations and the American Social System. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 5(7):7-11. [Reprinted in Spanish, 1969, Las Reservaciones Indias y el Sistema Social en Los Estados Unidos. America Indigena 29(2):361-368.1 *1968d Introduction. In The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia, by Rev. Edwin W. Smith and Capt. Andrew Murray Dale. New ed. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books. 1968e Memorandum for Possible Research Workers in the Kariba Lake Basin (with Thayer Scudder). Institute for Social Research, University of Zambia, Bulletin No. 3. pp. 70-73. *1968f The Plateau Tonga Cattle Industry and the Impact of the Kafue Hydro-Electric Dam. Prepared for the Kafue Research Committee of the Zambian Government. 1968g Political Anthropology, I. The Field. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 12:189-193. New York: Macmillan and Free Press. *1968h Political Style and the Joking Relationship: The Northern Territory Legislative Council and the Darwin City Council. Presented at the Social Science Seminar, California Institute of Technology. *1968i Some Socio-Economic Aspects of the Cattle Industry of Southern Province, Lusaka. Manuscript, 7 pp. with 14 pp. appendix. *1968j Suggestions for a Working Library in Anthropology. Prepared at the request of the Fel- lows Committee, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, Calif. 1968k Wallis, Wilson D. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 16:445-447. New York: Macmillan and Free Press. 19681 Review of The Material Culture of the Peoples of the Gwembe Valley, by Barrie Rey- nolds. American Anthropologist 70(6):1204-1205. 1968m Review of 0-kee-pa: A Religious Ceremony; and the Other Customs of the Mandans, by George Catlin. New ed. with preface and introduction by J. Ewers. Man, n.s., 3(2) :335. 1968n Review of People of the Seychelles, by Burton Benedict. American Anthropologist 70(2) :384-385. Nos. 63-64 159 KOENIG & RALSTON 1968o Review of The Tribes of Zambia, by W.V. Brelsford. Man, n.s., 3(4):676-677. 1969a African Society at the Time of the Scramble. In Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960. Vol. 1: The History and Politics of Colonialism, 1870-1914. Lewis H. Gann and Peter Duignan, eds. pp. 27-65. Published on behalf of the Hoover Institution. Cambridge: Cam- bridge University Press. 1969b Spirit Possession Among the Tonga of Zambia. In Spirit Mediumship and Society in Africa. John Middleton and John Beattie, eds. pp. 69-103. London: Kegan Paul. 1969c Review of Ojibwa Religion and the Midewiwin, by Ruth Landes. Man, n.s., 4(1):155- 156. 1970a The Assimilation of Aliens Among the Zambian Tonga. In From Tribe to Nation. Ronald Cohen and John Middleton, eds. pp. 35-54. San Francisco: Chandler. 1970b Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey Committee. Anthropology Panel (with Stephen T. Boggs, Eugene Giles, Dell H. Hymes, Douglas W. Schwartz, and Sherwood L. Wash- burn). Anthropology. Allan H. Smith and John L. Fischer, eds. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall/Spectrum. 1970c Converts and Tradition: The Impact of Christianity on Valley Tonga Religion. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 26(2):143-156. 1970d Report of the Subcommittee on the Status of Academic Women on the Berkeley Campus. (with Elizabeth Scott, co-chairman, Herbert Blumer, Susan Ervin-Tripp, and Frank Newman.) Berkeley, Calif.: Academic Senate, Berkeley Division, University of Cali- fornia. 1970e Systems of Measurement and Concepts of Time in Rural Africa. Manuscript, 23 pp. 1970f Comment on Local Group Composition Among the Australian Aborigines: A Critique of the Evidence from Fieldwork Conducted Since 1930, by Joseph B. Birdsell. Current An- thropology 11 (2) :133. 1970g Review of Cattle and Kinship Among the Gogo: A Semi-pastoral Society of Central Tanzania, by Peter Rigby. American Anthropologist 72(4):920-922. 1971a Heroism, Martyrdom, and Courage: An Essay on Tonga Ethics. In The Translation of Culture: Essays to Edward Evans-Pritchard. Thomas 0. Beidelman, ed. pp. 19-35. London: Tavistock. 1971b The Impact of the Colonial Period on the Definition of Land Rights. In Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960. Vol. III: Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule. Victor Turner, ed. pp. 193-215. Published on behalf of the Hoover Institution. Cambridge: Cam- bridge University Press. 1971c The Social Consequences of Resettlement: The Impact of the Kariba Resettlement upon the Gwembe Tonga. Kariba Studies, No. 4. Published on behalf of the Institute for African Studies, University of Zambia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. 1971d Wilson D. Wallace, 1886-1970. (with Robert Spencer, senior author.) American An- thropologist 73(1):257-266. 160 KAS Papers COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY 1972a The Kariba Dam Project: Resettlement and Local Initiative (with Thayer Scudder, senior author). In Technology and Social Change. H. Russell Bernard and Pertti J. Pelto, eds. pp. 39-69. New York: Macmillan. [Reprinted in Spanish by Editores Asociados, Mex- ico City, 1974.1 *1972b Land Tenure in Independent Africa. Revised version of paper read at the Seminar on African Development, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 21. 26 pp. 1973 Tranquility for the Decision-Maker. In Cultural Illness and Health: Essays in Human Adaptation. Laura Nader and Thomas W. Maretzki, eds. Anthropological Studies, No. 9. pp. 89-96. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. 1974a Foreword. In The Next Generation: An Ethnography of Education in an Urban Neigh- borhood, by John U. Ogbu. pp. xi-xiii. New York: Academic Press. 1974b Tradition and Contract: The Problem of Order. The 1973 Lewis Henry Morgan Lec- tures presented at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Chicago: Aldine. 1975a Changing Anthropology in Africa. In African Dimensions: Essays in Honor of William 0. Brown. Mark Karp, ed. pp. 15-27. Boston University, African Studies Center. 1975b Max Gluckman: An Obituary. Royal Anthropological Institute News, No. 9. pp. 8-9. 1975c New Economic Relationships Between the Gwembe Valley and the Line of Rail. In Town and Country in Central and Eastern Africa. David Parkin, ed. pp. 190-210. Studies presented and discussed at the 12th International African Seminar, Lusaka, September, 1972. London: International African Institute, Oxford University Press. 1975d Review of Class Differences and Sex Roles in American Kinship and Family Structure, by David M. Schneider. Man 10(3):498. 1975e Review: Identity and Change. Review of Tradition and Identity in Changing Africa, by Mark A. Tessler, William M. O'Barr, and David H. Spain. Reviews in Anthropology 2(1):115-118. 1976a Culture and Progress. Distinguished Lecture, 74th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 1975. American Anthropologist 78(2):261- 271. 1976b From Chiefs Court to Local Court. In Freedom and Constraint: A Memorial Tribute to Max Gluckman. Myron J. Aronoff, ed. pp. 15-29. Assen/Amsterdam, The Nether- lands: Van Gorcum. 1976c Long-Term Field Research in Social Anthropology (with George Foster, Thayer Scudder, and Robert V. Kemper). Current Anthropology 17(3):494-496. 1977a A Continuing Dialogue: Prophets and Local Shrines Among the Tonga of Zambia. In Regional Cults. R. Werbner, ed. A.S.A. Monograph 16. pp. 119-139. New York: Academic Press. 1977b Foreword. In The Tonga People on the Southern Shore of Lake Kariba. A.K.H. Weinrich, ed. Mambo Occasional Papers, Socio-Economic Series, No. 8. pp. 7-9. Gwelo, Rhodesia: Mambo Press. Nos. 63-64 161 KOENIG & RALSTON 1977c From Livingstone to Lusaka, 1948-51. African Social Research 24:297-307. 1977d The Institute Under Max Gluckman 1942-47. African Social Research 24:285-295. December. 1977e The Least Common Denominator. In Secular Ritual. Sally Falk Moore and Barbara G. Meyerhoff, eds. pp. 189-198. Assen/Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. 1977f A Makah Epic Journey: Oral History and Documentary Sources (with Eric Blinman and Robert Heizer). Pacific Northwest Quarterly 68(4):153-163. 1977g Power at Large: Meditation on "The Symposium on Power." In The Anthropology of Power: Ethnographic Studies from Asia, Oceania, and the New World. Raymond D. Fogel- son and Richard N. Adams, eds. pp. 375-386. New York: Academic Press. 1978a Long-Term Field Research in Gwembe Valley, Zambia (with Thayer Scudder, senior author). In Long-Term Field Research in Social Anthropology. George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, Elizabeth Colson, and Robert V. Kemper, eds. pp. 227-254. New York: Academ- ic Press. 1978b Long-Term Field Research in Social Anthropology (ed. with George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, and Robert V. Kemper). Papers presented at a symposium held in Burg Wartenstein, Vienna, Austria, May 20-September 6, 1975. New York: Academic Press. 1978c Max Gluckman and the Study of Divorce. In Cross-Examination: Essays in Memory of Max Gluckman. P. Gulliver, ed. pp. 15-28. Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill. 1978d A Redundancy of Actors. In Scale and Social Organization. Fredrik Barth, ed. pp. 150-162. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. *1979a Expected Impacts of Compulsory Relocation of Navajos with Special Emphasis on Re- location from the Former Joint Use Area Required by Public Law 33-531 (with Thayer Scudder et al.). Navajo Nation and the Institute for Development Anthropology, Inc. Binghamton, N.Y. 160 pp., with appendix. 1979b The History of Nampeyo and the Life History of Chief Chona (Chilala) (with Benja- min Shipopa and Martin Munene). Recorded by M. Munene in the Tonga language from Chief Chona's dictation. E. Colson, transl. Typescript in Anthropology Library, University of California at Berkeley. 179 leaves. 1979c In Good Years and in Bad: Food Strategies of Self-Reliant Societies. Journal of An- thropological Research 35(1):18-29. 1979d Max Gluckman. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Biographical Sup- plement, pp. 242-246. New York: Free Press. 1980a Food: Basic Policies of Survival and Development. Paper given in Symposium on the Interplay of Basic Research and Applied Projects in Anthropology. Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, January. Revised February. Typescript in Anthropology Library, University of California at Berkeley. 8 pp. 162 KAS Papers COLSON BIBLIOGRAPHY 1980b The Resilience of Matrilineality: Gwembe and Plateau Tonga Adaptations. In The Ver- satility of Kinship. Linda S. Cordell and Stephen Beckerman, eds. pp. 359-374. New York: Academic Press. 1980c Scale and Diversity: Foci of Change. Reviews in Anthropology 7(2):229-234. 1980d Secondary Education and the Formation of an Elite: The Impact of Education on Gwembe District, Zambia (with Thayer Scudder). New York: Academic Press. 1980e Valley Tonga Residential Patterns: Comment Relating to Letters of Karla Poewe and Chet S. Lancaster (with Thayer Scudder). American Anthropologist 82(1):127-128. 1980f Comment on Indigenous Anthropology in Non-Western Countries: A Further Elabora- tion, by H. Fahim and K. Helmer. Current Anthropology 21(5):650-653. 1981a Anthropology of Today and Tomorrow. Southwestern Anthropological Association Newsletter 20(3):1-5. 1981b Comment on Lancaster's Response: Gwembe Tonga Virilocality (with Thayer Scudder). American Anthropologist 83(2):375. 1981c Old Age in Gwembe District, Zambia (with Thayer Scudder). In Other Ways of Grow- ing Old; Anthropological Perspectives. Pamela T. Amoss and Stevan Harrell, eds. pp. 125- 153. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 1982a Anthropological Dilemmas in the Late Twentieth Century. In Indigenous Anthropology in Non-Western Countries. H. Fahim, ed. pp. 253-262. Papers presented at a symposium held in Burg Wartenstein, Vienna, Austria, July 15-24, 1978. Durham, N.C.: Carolina University Press. 1982b From Welfare to Development: A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Dislocat- ed People (with Thayer Scudder, senior author). In Involuntary Migration and Resettle- ment: The Problems and Responses of Dislocated People. Art Hansen and Anthony Oliver-Smith, eds. pp. 267-287. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. 1982c Planned Change: The Creation of A New Community. The 27th Bernard Moses Memorial Lecture. Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California. 1983 Voluntary Efforts in Decentralized Management: Opportunities and Constraints in Rural Development (with Lenore D. Ralston and James N. Anderson). Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California. 1984 The Reordering of Experience; Anthropological Involvement with Time. Journal of Anthropological Research 40(1):1-13. Based on the 70th Annual Faculty Research Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, April 20, 1983. Nos. 63-64 163