INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The KroeberAnthropological SocietyPapers publish articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers will welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record, as well as bibliographies and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced throughout, and submitted as the original plus one copy. All charts, tables and illustrations must be submitted as photo-ready black-on-white drawings or glossy prints. All figures must be numbered consecutively and captioned. Endnotes (footnotes are not employed) and bibliography should be placed on separate sheets. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues of the Papers, or the American Anthropologist, for manuscript style. Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. When notified of the acceptance of their manuscripts, authors may order additional reprints at extra charge. Manuscripts should be sent to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, Ca. 94720 The Papers are published semiannually. Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Annual dues for student members are $10.00; for non-student members, $12.00; and for institutional members, $15.00. Send requests for membership to the Secretary of the Society at the above address. Copyright ? 1981 by the Kroeber Anthropological Society. All rights reserved. Printed at the West Coast Print Center, Berkeley, Ca. 94703 In' a U' 0 0 n 0 !I; me et _. 0% MP I I I I The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Numbers 57 and 58 Spring and Fall 1978 Editorial Staff Suzanne Bowler Sarah Freeman Faith Harrington Rosemary Terry Haynes Bruce Koplin Carolyn Nordstrom Zumwalt Officers of the Society Elizabeth Bacus Suzanne Bowler Carolyn Sarah Freeman Faith Harrington Nordstrom Cover Photograph by Lemont Lindstrom. Seram shelters under a banana leaf during a rainstorm at Samaria village, Tanna, Vanatu while her brother Tio stands by content to get wet. Kroeber Anthropological Society Berkeley, California (1981) CONTENTS Sex Roles and Sex Symbols in Tikopia Society Raymond Firth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Religion and its Effect on Social Cohesion in an Emerging Community Deirdre Parker Arntz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Humor in a Group of Hawaiian Adolescents Louise Bernstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Color Categorization in Nanumea, A Polynesian Atoll Society Keith S. Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Courtship among the Kurafi of Malaita; An Ethnography of Speaking Approach David Welchman Gegeo & Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo . . 98 Bigman of Chief? Knowledge and Political Process on Tanna Lamont Lindstrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 The Institutional Context of the Arts of Oceania: with Special Reference to Micronesia Karen L. Nero & Nelson H.H. Graburn . . . . . . 147 Development or Dependency: American Policy in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Larry W. Mayo .160 Demand and Incentives to Produce in a Traditional Society James G. Peoples. 171