BACK ISSUES Back issues of the Papers, Numbers 1-29, may be obtained from: Johnson Reprint Corporation 111 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003 A list of available subsequent numbers may be requested directly from the Society. EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY Noel T. Boaz Randall J. Thompkins Anne Chambers Steven Wegner Cheryl Crawley Rosemary Zumwalt Teresa J. Paris OFFICERS OF THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY Teresa J. Paris Steven Wegner Kathy Phillips The Annual Meeting of the Krober Anthropological Society will be held May 7, 1977 in Berkeley, California. Co-organizers are Teresa J. Paris and N.T. Boaz. Although the articles in this volume were written for publication in 1977, this number of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is technically the issue for Fall, 1974.