7 5 Anthropoid Evolution: The Molecular Evidence John E. Cronin It has become apparent, in recent years, that mac- romolecules can provide phylogenetic information elucidating the branching order of lineages (cladis- tics), the amount of evolution occurring along lineages (patristics), and the approximate times of divergence of these lineages (chronistics). Within the primates, particularly with respect to the Anthropoidea, a number of different cladograms have been con- structed using macromolecular comparisons includ- ing DNA (Kohne et al. 1972; Hoyer et al. 1972), hemoglobin (Wilson and Sarich 1969; Goodman and Moore 1973), fibrinopeptides (Doolittle et al. 1971; Wooding et al. 1972), myoglobin (Romero-Herrera et al. 1973), mixed immunology (Goodman and Moore 1971), albumin (Sarich and Wilson 1967; Wilson and Sarich 1969; Sarich 1970; Cronin and Sarich 1975; Sarich and Cronin 1977), transferrin (Cronin and Sarich 1975; Sarich and Cronin 1977). The serum protein albumin has been studied in a number of vertebrate groups, other than primates, including carnivores (Sarich 1969a, 1969b, 1973), ranid frogs (Wallace, King and Wilson 1973) and hylid frogs (Maxson and Wilson 1975). In this paper we construct two independent phylogenies of the Anthropoidea using the two serum proteins, albumin and transferrin. The groups examined consist taxonomically of three super- families, Hominoidea, Cercopithecoidea and Ceboidea (Napier and Napier 1967). We find that the two molecular cladograms are in excellent agreement with each other and furthermore, that both are in accord with other molecular data and macromolecular cladograms. Finally, the total macromolecular evi- dence supports the use of "molecular clocks." Experimental Procedures Serum albumin and serum transferrin were purified for immunological comparisons from those species listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3. In every case except that of Tupaia the proteins were purified from a single individual. Transferrin purification Transferrin was purified by a modification of the Stratil and Spooner (1971) procedure (Sarich 1974; Cronin and Sarich 1975). To a given serum was added FeCl3 (0.1 mg/ml of serum). Rivanol (2-ethoxy 6-9 diaminoacridine lactate; 1 mg/ml serum) was dissolved in 0.25 M tris (pH 8.8; 0.25 mg/ml of serum) and then diluted 4 to 5 fold with distilled water. The serum was then added to the rivanol solution and cooled to 5C. The solution was centrifuged (12,000g) and (NH4)2 S04 was added to 40% saturations, then sub- sequently to 70% saturation. The final solution was centrifuged at 12,000g and the precipitate, usually a salmon pink, redissolved into a minimal volume of isotris buffer dialyzed against isotris containing citric acid and ferrous ammonium sulfate to promote sat- uration. The solution was then subjected to polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis (Wallace 1971; Maxson and Wilson 1975), alternatively. An 8% cyanogun (95% acrylamide, 5% bis) solution was used in the gel mix- ture with a tris-glycine buffer (0.1 M tris, 0.05M glycine pH 8.8) as both well and gel buffer. In this case, equilibration was prolonged to 1 hour at 5 ma/tube (Palmour and Sutton, 1971). Albumin purification Albumin was usually purified from serum by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis (Wallace and Wilson 1972). In the single case of Cacajao, albumin was purified by the heat caprylate method of Hoch and Chanutin (Sarich 1967). Antisera Production Antisera were prepared in rabbits according to the method of Sarich (1967). Individual antisera were pooled in inverse proportion to their microcomple- ment fixation (MC'F). Titres and all reported results are from pooled antisera (Prager and Wilson 1971a and b). Purity tests were conducted according to pub- lished techniques (Wallace, King and Wilson 1971). In some cases, minor components were observed in the gels, indicating that antibodies had been induced to proteins other than albumin or transferrin. However, these minor components do not interfere with mic- rocomplement fixation experiment results as identical results are obtained whether one uses the purified protein or unmodified primate serum as the antigen source (Sarich 1966; Cronin 1975). Microcomplement Fixation Quantitative microcomplement fixation experi- ments as devised by Wasserman and Levine (1961) were modified by Sarich and Wilson (1966) and exten- sively detailed by Champion et al. (1974). Immunolog- ical distance (y) is generally related to the percent difference in amino acid sequence (x) between two molecules by the equation y=5x (Prager and Wilson 1971a and b; Champion et al. 1974). Evidence suggests that one unit of immunological distance is approximately equivalent to one amino acid differ- ence between two species albumin or transferrin (Maxson and Wilson 1974; Sarich 1974). Transferrin Saturation The possibility exists that the binding of iron to transferrin alters the configuration of the molecule in such a way as to affect immunological recognition in microcomplement fixation experiments. Normally, transferrin is about one third saturated with apo trans- ferrin (Tf), monoferro, and diferro molecules present in plasma (Palmour and Sutton 1971). Presumably upon injection into the rabbit, molecules of all three types would be present. To test the effect of saturation on immunological recognition human transferrin was deprived of iron, resaturated and tested immunologically with purified human transferrin and serum as controls. Microcom- plement fixation tests were performed using anti- human transferrin (genotype CC) with apo Tf, purified Tf, serum and 80% saturated Tf. No differ- ence was detected in any of these duplicated experi- ments. In addition similar procedures were carried out on chicken ovo transferrin and identical results obtained (Prager et al. 1974). Results Construction of Phylogenetic Trees The phylogenetic trees were constructed using the method of Sarich (Sarich 1969; Cronin and Sarich 1975). The immunological distance values used were the average of the values determined by reciprocal tests. The phylogenetic trees presented have a stated percent deviation (Fitch and Margoliash 1967) as a measure of "goodness of fit" where input data is com- pared with the output data. The latter is calculated by adding up the immunological distance units separat- ing any pair of species in the cladogram. The method of tree construction is similar to that of Fitch and Margoliash (1967). The difference lies in the fact that to apportion lineage lengths between two species A and B, Fitch and Margoliash average the distances from A to every other species and from B to every other species. The method as described in Cro- nin and Sarich (1975) does not use every other species as an outside reference point but uses the next closest group to align branch lengths in the group under study. For example, anti-cercopithecoid antisera would serve as outside reference points for the Hominoidea and similarly the anti-ceboid antisera would serve as outside reference points for aligning the cercopithecoid lineages. The different methods of construction yield similar although not identical re- sults (Farris 1972; Wallace et al. 1973; Maxson and Wilson 1975). Antisera to the purified transferrins from 5 hominoid species, 5 cercopithecoid species, and 5 ceboid species were used to investigate the phyletic relationships of the suborder Anthropoidea. Using the microcomplement fixation technique each an- tiserum was tested with transferrin of every species listed in Table 1. Table 1 gives all immunological dis- tances between all 105 possible pairs of species. Thus, between every pair of species 2 immunological dis- tances were obtained. Similarly antisera to the purified albumins from 5 hominoid, 5 cercopithecoid and 10 ceboid species were used to investigate the phyletic relationships within the Anthropoidea. Table 2 gives the matrix of immunological distance units for all 45 pairs of catar- rhine species. Table 3 gives the matrix of immunolog- ical distance units for all 45 pairs of platyrrhine species. The trees constructed are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The percent standard deviation of the transferrin cladogram is 8.9%. The lowest tree for 20 eukaryotic cytochrome c sequences constructed by Fitch and Margoliash (1967) was 8.7%. No tree this large has been published previously using immunological data. For a tree of 12 hylid frog species Maxson and Wilson (1975) report 10% standard deviation. For a tree of 15 cercopithecoid species (Cronin and Sarich in prep.) a 12.5% standard deviation was obtained. The an- thropoid albumin tree has a 8.0% standard deviation. Correlation of Albumin and Transferrin Distances Albumin immunological distances are correlated with transferrin immunological distances. To illus- trate this one may consider all the pairs of catarrhine species that have been subjected to both albumin (Ta- ble 2) and transferrin (Table 1) comparison. For these 45 pairs a product moment correlation coefficient of 0.86 was observed (p <