INCREMENITAL GROWTH ZONES IN MANMALS AND THEIR ARCHAEOIOGICAL VALUE Richard W. Casteel Abstract. A brief discussion regarding the occurrence of incremental growth structures in the teeth and bones of mammals, both terrestrial and ma- rine, is presented, and the use of such structures to indicate age and season of death of the individual is suggested. A table is presented listing a number of mammals by species along with the structures known to yield incremental growth patterns to serve as a quick reference for the archaeologist. A bibliography of current literature is included. Incremental growth zones. The occurrence of incremental growth zones in the various skeletal elements of animals has been well documented among poikilotherms (Senning, 1940; BryLuzgin, 1939; Peabody, 1958; Barker, 1970; Rhoads and Pannella, 1970; Pannella and MacClintock, 1968; Nikolskii, 1963; Chugunova, 1959; Warren, 1963). There is also evidence indicating the appearance of an- nual and sub-annual growth increments in the teeth and bones of mammals, both terrestrial and marine. Evidence regarding the presence of these incremental growth structures in mammals has been steadily accumulating since the latter part of the l9th century. The development of incremental growth lines in mammals is apparently caused by variations in calcification due to variations in the rate of tissue growth (Klevezal' and Kleinenberg, 1969, p. 28). The value of these incremental growth zones in the skeletal parts of mammals is that 1 they allow the archaeologist to make two very important observations: 1) the age of the individual mamml; and 2) the approximate season of its death. All other methods of assessing the age of the individual mammal from bone remains, such as degree of tooth wear, root develop- ment, width of dental canal, external structure and measurements of the skull, surface characters of the limb bones, ossification of epi- physes, and others, share a set of shortcomings. First, the criteria are subject to individual and geographic variations. Second, though they allow the breaking down of a series into age groups, they do not allow precise determination of the ages of adult and old individuals. Third, most of these methods are applicable only to a quite limited group of species (Klevezal' and Kleinenberg, 1969, p. 3). Chaplin has stated that incremental structures "offer the only means of determining an absolute age for the animals" (1971, p. 84). The method developed by Novakowski for the study of bison seems to have some considerable value to the archaeologist involved in study- ing the domestication of the Bovidae, especially where age structure of the faunal assemblage is concerned (see Ducos, 1969), since as Novakowski has noted, prior to this time, "no precise technique of age determination in the Bovidae has yet been developed in spite of the fact that cattle (Bos sp.) have been domesticated by man for some time" (1965, p. 173). The use of annular or incremental growth structures to indicate not only age, but season of death is an idea with considerable utility for the archaeologist. Klevezal' and Kleinenberg noted . . .in all of the species studied the transparent bands of 2 an annual layer or line of adhesion is formed between December and February and the non-transparent band of dentine and cementum and the layer of bone tissue--during the remaining part of the year (1969, pp. 30-31). Figure 1 shows the time of band formation in the mammals studied by Klevezal' and Kleinenberg. With increasing attention being paid to detailed analyses of faunal materials by archaeologists, questions of a more exacting nature are being required of faunal studies. Since a number of studies have stressed the need to know the age structure of the animal species constituting mants prey populations, both domestic (Ewbank, Phillipson, Whitehouse, and Higgs, 1964; Higgs and White, 1963; B8k8nyi, 1972) and wild (Nimmo, 1971), and since some major difficulties can be encountered in the appli- cation of standard aging techniques, the use of incremental growth struc- tures seems to offer the archaeologist and economic prehistorian a valu- able tool (Chaplin, 1971; Gustafson, 1968; Gilbert, 1966; Saxon and Higham, 1969). The following table and appended bibliography provide a quick reference to current literature on incremental growth structures in mam- mals. Table 1 presents a list of many of the mammals known to show in- cremental growth zones. The table is based upon a table in Klevezal' and Kleinenberg (1969, Table II) with some additions. All additions have been made in accordance with the system of Anderson and Jones (1967). In addition to the studies presented in Table 1, incremental growth rings have been observed in the dentine of fur seals (Yagi, Nishiwaki, and Nakajima, 1963) and the pilot whale (Sergeant, 1962), and ridged annuli have been observed on the baleen plates of the blue whale (Nishiwaki, 3 1950) and the humpback whale (Chittleborough, 1960). The references lited in Table 1 provide good descriptions of laboratory techniques for studying incremental growth structures. These generally focus on sec- tioning, grinding, etching, and/or staining in combination with micro- scopic examination. For an excellent review of mammal aging techniques, as well as for additional references dealing with age determination by means of incremental growth structures, see Morris (1972). c -E 1z m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Fig. 1. Times of formtion of individual bands of annual layers of den- tine, cementum, and periosteal zone of bone in various species of mammals (after Kievezal' and Kleinenberg, 1969, fig. 6). 1 = the wide band of an annual layer. 2 = the narrow transparent band of dentine and cementum, the line of coherence of the bone. Reading from the bottom up, the perio- steal zone of bone is shown for the beaver, field mouse, grey rat, common hamster, common colphin, comn brown-tooth shrew, sable, and Arctic fox; the cementum is shown for the beaver, muskrat, wild ass, field mouse, grey rat, common hamster, large mouse-eared bat, spotted deer, common brown-tooth shrew, sable, and Arctic fox; and the dentine is shown for the red noctule, ribbon seal, ringed seal, large mouse-eared bat, wild ass, common brown-tooth shrew, spotted deer, common dolphin, sable, and Arctic fox. 4 I I I I I Table 1 Incremental and annual layers in dental tissues and periosteal zone of bone in mammals (modified from Klevezal' and Kleinenberg 1969: Table II). Spec ies Tissue u, 4) bOD V.4 4) 4, 4) *-1 4-) 0 . C) P4) 0 .-4 4L) H 4) Didelphidae Soricidae Order- Marsup icarn ivora "opossum" + + Order-Insect ivora Common shrew + |+ |+ Sorex araneus Order-Chiroptera Schour and Hoffman 1935a. Klevezal' 1966; Kleinen- berg and Klevezal' 1 966. Great brown bat EDtesicus fuscus Large mouse-eared bat Motis motis Red noctule Nyctalus noctula Man Homo s .L,. + 1- i Christian 1956. Klevezal' 1966. Klevezal' 1966. Order Primates + + Chaplin 1971; Anderson and JOrgensen 1960. 5 Family Author Vespert i- lionidae Hominidae I I a I 9 sim- 4) 0 1 Table I (continued) Order-Lagomorpha Ochotonidae Leporidae Long-eared pika Ochotona roylei Red pika Ochotona rutila "rabbit" +9 + .9. + Bernstein and Klevezal' 1965. Bernstein and Klevezal' 1965. Schour and Hoffman 1935 a, b. Order-Rodentia Beaver Castor fiber Small suslik Citellus pygmaeus Thin toed suslik Spermophilopsis 122odctjlus Gray marmot Marmota baibacina "ground squirrel" Field mouse Apodemus agrarius Gray rat Rattus norvegicus Tamarisk gerbil Meriones tamariscinus Common hamster Cricetus cricetus Muskrat Ondatra zibethica + .+ + .9. .9. .9. + + .9. .9 + .9. .9. .9. + .9. +9 Klevezal' and Kleinen- berg 1964; van Nostrand and Stephenson 1964; Kleinenberg and Klevezal' 1966. Meier 1957. Klevezal' 1966. Kievezal' and Kleinen- berg 1969. Schour and Hoffman 1935a, b. Klevezal' 1966. Klevezal' 1966. and Lavrova and Lavrova Klevezal' 1966. Klevezal' 1966. Klevezal' 1966. 6 Castoridae Sciurudae Muridae I Table I (continued) Water rat | Arvicola terrestris Common vole Microtus arvalis Pine vole Microtus majori "rat" "guinea pig" A' + + + + Klevezal ' 1966. Klevezal ' 1966. Kilevezal ' 1966. and Lavrova and Lavrova Schour and Steadman 1935; Schour and Hoffman 1935Sa, b. Schour and Hoffman 1935a, b. Order-Cetacea Sperm whale Phseter catodon + + Common porpoise Phocena phxo Beluga Delphinapterus leucas . _1, Pilot whale Globicephala maelaena Killer whale Orcinus orca Dolphin Lagenorhnchus acutus Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus 1' + + + 1' + + + + .9. .9. .9. .9- + Nishiwaki, Ohsumi, and Kasuya 1961; Nishiwaki, Hibiya, and Ohsumi 1958; Berzin 1961, 1964; Ohsumi, Kasuya, and Nishiwaki 1963; Bow and Purday 1966; Laws 1952, 1960b. Sergeant 1959. Sergeant 1959; Khuzin 1961, 1963; Brodie 1969. Sergeant 1959. Sergeant 1959. Sergeant 1959. Sergeant 1959. 7 Caviidae Physeteridae Phocoenidae Delphinidae Table 1 (continued) Common dolphin Delphinus delphis Blue-white dolphin Stenella caeruleoa] Balaenidae Balaenopter- idae Balaena F in whale Balaenoptera Sei whale t + Balan2tera borealii Blue whale Baanotr musculus Little piked whale I Balaenoptera acutorostrata Megaptera nodosa + + Sergeant 1959; Kleinen- berg and Klevezal' 1962; Klevezal' 1966. Nishiwaki and Yagi 1953. Yablokov and Andreyeva 1965, Klevezal' 1966; Yablakov and Andreyeva 1965; Nishiwaki 1951; Ohsumi 1964. Yablokov 1965. Yablokov 1965. Yablokov 1965. Yablokov 1965. and Andreyeva and Andreyeva and Andreyeva and Andreyeva Order-Odontoceti I I I Giant bottle-nosed whale + Berardius bairdi Order-Carnivo Brown bear Ursus arctos Black bear Ursus americanus .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thalarctos maritin ~~~~~.- Arctic fox Alope lagopus "Idog"i Canis sp. us I+ + + + + .9. 1' ra + + Omura, Fujino, and Kimura 1955. Smirnov 1960; Fuller 1964. Mundy and Rausch 1961. Laws 1953a. Klevezal' 1965, 1966. Schour and Hoffman 1935a, b. 8 Ziphiidae Ursidae Canidae Table I (continued) Sable Martes zibelina American mink Mustela vison Sea otter Enhydra lutris Hyaena sp. "cat" Felis leo .9. + + .9 I9 I ler.-Pinnipedi'a .9. Klevezal' 1965, 1966. Klevezal' 1965, 1966. Klevezal ' 1966. and Makarov Laws 1953a. Schour and Hoffman 1935a, b. Laws 1953a. Walrus Odobenus rosmarus Southern sea lion Otaria byronia St l e s a l o Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubata South African fur seal Arctocphlus Arctocephalus South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis Northern fur s8 Callorhinus ursinus .9. .9. .9. .9. .9. .9. eal + 1+ .9 .9. Chapskii 1952; Mansfield 1958a; Krylov 1965. Fiscus 1961; Spalding 1964; Laws 1962 Fiscus 1961; Spalding 1964. Rand 1956 (cited in Laws 1962). Laws 1962. Laws 1962. Chiasson 1957; Scheffer and Kraus 1964; Kenyon and Scheffer 1954; Scheffer 1950. 9 Mustelidae Hya.nidas Felidae Odoenidae Otaridae Table 1 CoTmnon seal Phoca vitulina Ringed seal Pusa hispida Caspian seal Pusa caspica Baikal seal Pusa sibirica Harp seal Pgoilus groenlandicus Ribbon seal Histriophoca fascit Bearded seal Etrigathus. barbatus Grey seal Halichoerus gryu Crabeater seal Lobodon carclhahagus Leopard seal Hydruga leptonyx Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddelli Ross seal Ommatphoca rossi Hooded seal cristata (continued) 1+ +1 .9. + + + 1" + .9. + .9. .9. .9. .9. .9. + + I + + .9. .9. + .9. + I +1 I Mansfield and Fisher 1960; Tikhomirov and Klevezal' 1964; Laws 1952. McLaren 1958; Tikhomirov and Klevezal' 1964. Chapskii 1965. Klevezal 1961. Chapskii 1952; Laws 1952; Rasmussen 1957; McLaren 1958; Yakovenko 1960, 1961. Tikhomirov and Klevezall 1964. Tikhomirov and Klevezal ' 1964. Hewer 1960, 1964. Laws,1952, 1953a, 1957. Laws 1952, 1953a, 1957. Laws 1952; Mansfield 1958b. Laws 1953a. Laws 1952, 1953a; Rasmus- sen 1957; Yakovenko 1959; Popov 1960. 10 Phocidae Table 1 (continued) seal Mirounga leonina Hawaiian monk seal Monachus schauinslandii +I + + I I I I Order-Proboscidea Elephas indicus | + Order Sirenia Dugong + | Dugo dugong Order-Perissodactyla Wild ass I + + E hemionusr i Order-Artiodactyla Sus sp. Hippopotamus amphibus Roe deer Capreolus capreolus Spotted deer Cervus nippon Red deer Cervus elephus Caribou Rangifer tarandus Elk Alces alces Mule deer Odocoileus hemionuss 1* + +1 + + + + I1 Laws 1952, 1953a, b, 1960a, b, 1962. Kenyon and Fiscus 1963. Laws 1953a. Scheffer 1970. Klevezal' 1966. Laws 1953a. Laws 1953a. Klevezal' 1966. Klevezal' 1966. Mitchell 1963, 1967. McEwan 1963. Sergeant and Pimlott 1959. 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