- : " p- ----- - - U)> U, 0 0 a. 0 h. C U hi .0 U) 0 hi I n THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Numbers 45 - 46 Published by the Kroeber Anthropological Society Editors: Mario Davila David Serber Catherine Julien Staff: Colleen Beck William Jouris Michael Stephens Berkeley, California Fall, 1972 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers publish art i c I es in the genera I fie Id of anthropo I ogy. The Papers welcome articles of theoretical interest, descrip- tive studies putting factual information on record, and b i b I i ograph i es and h i stori ca I documents of anth ropo l og i ca interest. The Society welcomes papers of high qua I i ty from all persons with a professional interest in anthro- pology. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues for details of manuscript style. The Ppers wi I be issued twice yearly, or as often as funds and manuscripts allow. Subscription to the Papers is by membersh ip in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Yearly dues are $5.00 for students, $7.00 for non-students, and $9.00 for institutions. Back issues of the Papers 1-27 can be obtained from: Johnson Reprint Corporation, III Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003, U.S.A. Those who wish to receive subse- quent numbers or subscribe should notify the editor. Communications regarding subscription or editorial matters should be addressed to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o Department of Anthropology University of Cal i fornia Berkeley, Cal i fornia 94720 U.S.A. ? 1974 by the Kroeber Anthropological Society COVER PHOTOGRAPH Passengers on a bus in Cuzco, Peru. The photograph was taken in August,1973, by Michael P. Miller. TABLE OF CONTENTS page Anthropologists and the Study of Urbanization: An Example from Mexico Robert V. Kemper o . . . . ...... . . . . . . . e . .... 1 The Use of Analogy for Interpretation of Maya Prehis tory Ernestene Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Some of the Other Reasons Why People Migrate Jorge A. Flores Ochoa 0 0 0 la * . e . . . 0 . * * .. 0 0 0 40 The Gift of the Bride: A Critical Note on Maurice Freedman's Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Marriage John McCreery. . .. . 0 . * * * * * . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 56