JOHN HOWLAND ROWE; BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1940-1967 Compiled by Robert E. Pfeiffer Librarian, Anthropology Library, University of California, Berkeley INTRODUCTION The existence of the Anthropology Library as a branch of the General Library at Berkeley is attributable largely to the persuasive talents of John Rowe. He was primarily responsible for setting up a de- partmental reading room in May, 1953, and he later harried appropriate administrators until the separate branch was established on July 1, 1956. It is obvious that I owe a great deal to him, which explains in part why I accepted the proposal to compile a bibliography of his publications. Since he has a well-deserved reputation for precision and accuracy in his bibliographic citations, I entertained no illusions about measuring up to his standards. As the work progressed, I was able to continue only on the justification that a faulty tribute would be better than tone. Because this special issue was intended to be a surprise, I was unable to resolve difficulties by consulting him. The years 1940 through 1954 were available in slightly different format in his earlier bibliography published in the Boletln Bibliogra'fica de Antropologia Americana, vol. XVII, parte segunda, 1954, pp. 265-273. Some more re- cent lists compiled by him for other purposes were made available to me without his knowledge. But any errors, omissions and eccentricities of arrangement are mine, not his. John Rowe is well known for sharing with others his ideas and hypotheses and through the years has made available in a variety of ways other than formal publication his first formulations and tentative treat- ments of wide-ranging aspects of anthropology and archaeology, along with charts and diagrams to clear up confusion on specific technical matters 112 encountered in his research. Many preliminary but significant working papers were mimeographed at the request of others. Also, in his grant applications and reports, intra-departmental circulars, communications to University administrators, letters to the editor, interviews, course descriptions, and seminar outlines and notes, is hidden much material which cannot be ignored in any total assessment of his contributions. Time and secrecy have not permitted the luxury of listing more than a very few influential items of this nature, and the mention of even these few may not meet with his approval. Generally, therefore, I have been guided by whatever evidence there was available to judge whether he would have listed a publication himself as part of his professional output. I am grateful to Dorothy Menzel, Dorothy Koenig, and Harold Fisher for their aid in locating and checking some of the more elusive itens, and to Robert Van Kemper and Sylvia Forman for advice and en- couragement. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1940 Excavations in the Waterside Shell Heap, Frenchman's Bay, Maine. Papers of the Excavators' Club, vol. 1, no. 3, Cambridge, Mass. 37 pp. 1941 Archaeology and history in Eastern Maine. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 7-13. Cambridge, Mass. Excavations in the Blue Hill River Workshop, M-35-1. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 20-25. Cambridge, Mass. 1942 A new pottery style from the Department of Piura, Peru. Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology [vol. 1] no. 8, pp. 30-34. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Division of Historical Research, Cambridge, Mass. Los peores enemigos de los Incas. Cuzco, revista mensual, anio II, no. 4, octubre/noviembre, pp. 6-7. Cuzco. 113 La Seccion Arqueologica de la Universidad del Cuzco. Revista del Instituto Arqueologico, ano VI, nos. 10/11, pp. i-ii. Cuzco. Sitios historicos en la region de Pucara, Puno. Revista del Instituto Arqueologico, a"no VI, nos. 10/11, pp. 66-75. Cuzco. 1943 Chanapata; la cultura pre-incaica del Cuzco. Tupac Amaru, ano II, vol. II, nos. 2/3, mayo, pp. 41-43. Cuzco. (with Gabriel Escobar Moscoso) Los sonidos quechuas de Cuzco y Chanca. Waman Puma, aino III, vol. III, No. 15, primer semestre, pp. 21-35. Cuzco. 1944 An introduction to the archaeology of Cuzco. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. XXVII, no. 2, Cambridge, Mass. 70 pp., 18 pls. Memorandum by John H. Rowe on excavations at the site of Sayac Marka. In Archeological explorations in the Cordillera Vilcabamba, southeastern Peru, by Paul Fejos. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, no. 3, pp. 63-65. New York. Metodos y fines del estudio folklorico. Waman Puma, anio IV, vol. III, no. 16, julio, pp. 21-28. Cuzco. 1945 Absolute chronology in the Andean area. American Antiquity, vol. X, no. 3, January, pp. 265-284. Menasha. Review of: Archeological explorations in the Cordillera Vilcabamba, Southeastern Peru, by Paul Fejos. (New York, Viking Fund Publi- cations in Anthropology, no. 3, 1944). American Antiquity, vol. X, no. 3, January, pp. 312-314. Menasha. 1946 Inca culture at the time of the Spanish conquest. In Handbook of South American Indians, vol. 2. Edited by Julian H. Steward. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 143, vol. 2, pp. 183-330, pls. 77-84. Washington, D. C. 1947 The distribution of Indians and Indian languages in Peru. The Geogra- phical Review, vol. XXXVII, no. 2, April, pp. 202-215. New York. 114 Un etnografo norteamericano en Colombia. Boletfn de Arqueologia, vol. 2, no. 3, 1946, pp. 297-300. Bogota. Julio C. Tello. Boletln de Arqueolog?a, vol. 2, no. 3, 1946, pp. 291- 292. Bogota. La organizacion de bibliotecas antropologicas. Boletln Bibliografico [de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos] a-no XX, vol. XVII, nos. 3/4, diciembre, pp. 158-178. Lima. 1948 La comision de Logan Museum. Bolet?n de Arqueologia, vol. 2, no. 4, octubre/diciembre, 1946, pp. 397-398. Bogota. The kingdom of Chimor. Acta Americana, vol. VI, nos. 1/2, January/June, pp. 26-59. Mexico. On absolute dating and North Coast history. In A reappraisal of Peruvian archaeology, assembled by Wendell C. Bennett. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology, no. 4, pp. 51-52. Menasha. On basic highland culture. In A reappraisal of Peruvian archaeology, assembled by Wendell C. Bennett. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology, no. 4, p. 20. Menasha. Review of: Highland communities of Central Peru: a regional survey. By Harry Tschopik, Jr. (Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication no. 5, 1947). The Geographical Review, vol. XXXVIII, no. 3, July, pp. 514-515. New York. 1949 The Indian and the census of 1950. In Indians of the United States; contributions by members of the delegation, and by advisers to the Policy Board of the National Indian Institute, for the Second Inter-American Conference on Indian Life convened at Cuzco, Peru, June 24-July 4, 1949, pp. 75-79. Washington, D.C. Indian tribes of South America [map]. Compiled by John Howland Rowe, 1947-1948. Provisional edition, drawn by John H. Rowe and J. F. Goins. Berkeley. (Blueprint edition) The potter's art of Atacames. Archaeology, vol. 2, no. 1, March, pp. 31-34. Cambridge, Mass. Victor Navarro del Aguila, 1910-1948. Revista del Museo Nacional, vol. XVII, 1948, pp. 191-193. Lima. Victor Navarro del Aguila (1910-1948). Revista de Folklore, no. 4, pp. 77-80. Bogota. 115 (Translation, with Gregorio Hernandez de Alba) Declaraciones sobre derechos humanos. Opinion presentada a la Comision de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas por el Consejo Ejecutivo de la Asociacion Antropologica Americana. Revista del Museo Nacional, vol. XVII, 1948, pp. 168-173. Lima. Review of: Andean culture history. By Wendell C. Bennett and Junius B. Bird. (New York, American Museum of Natural History, Handbook Series no. 15, 1949). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 4, November, pp. 598-600. Durham. Review of: Compendiosa relacion de la cristiandad de Quito. By Bernardo Recio. Edicion, pro-logo, notas y apendices por el P. Carlos Garcla Goldaraz, S. J. (Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientlficas, Instituto Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Biblioteca "Missionalia Hispanica", serie B, vol. 2, 1947). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 2, May, pp. 254-255. Durham. Review of: Elogio de Vaca de Castro. By Juan Cristobal Calvete de Estrella. Estudio y traduccion por Jose Lopez de Toro. (Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientlficas, Instituto Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, 1947). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 4, November, p. 621. Durham. Review of: Fray Calixto Tupak Inka. Las doce dudas. Bibliografia particular del indlgena. Coordinacion, acotaciones, comentarios y notas breves por Francisco A. Loayza. (Lima, Los peque-nos grandes libros de historia americana, serie I, tomo XV, 1948). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 3, August, pp. 421-423. Durham. Review of: Historia del Colegio y Universidad de San Ignacio de Loyola de la Ciudad del Cuzco. Introduccion y notas de Ruben Vargas Ugarte. (Lima, Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas de la Universidad Catolica del Peru, Biblioteca Historica Peruana, tomo VI, 1948). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 4, November, pp. 600-602. Durham. Review of: The Inca concept of sovereignty and the Spanish administra- tion in Peru. By Charles Gibson. (Austin, University of Texas, Institute of Latin-American Studies, Latin American Studies, IV, 1948). American Historical Review, vol. LIV, no. 2, January, pp. 455-456. Richmond, Va. Review of: Lost city of the Incas; the story of Machu Picchu and its builders. By Hiram Bingham. (New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1948). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXIX, no. 2, May, p. 276. Durham. 116 Review of: Prehistoric ceramic styles of lowland South America, their distribution and history, by George D. Howard. Northwest Argentine archeology, by Wendell C. Bennett, Everett F. Bleiler, and Frank H. Sommer. Lowland Argentine archeology, by George D. Howard and Gordon R. Willey. (New Haven, Yale University Publications in An- thropology, nos. 37-39, 1947-1948). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 51, no. 4, October/December, pp. 642-644. Menasha. 1950 Una carta del Dr. John H. Rowe: carta al senor director de la revista "Tradicion" sobre problemas de la escritura inca. Tradicion, ano I, vol. II, nos. 3/6, mayo/diciembre, pp. 4-5. Cuzco. La colonia en la historia inca. Tradicion, anio I, vol. II, nos. 3/6, mayo/diciembre, pp. 63-66. Cuzco. The Idabaez: unknown Indians of the Choco coast. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 1, May, pp. 34-44. Berkeley. Influencia incaica en la alfarerfa diaguita-chilena. Carta del Professor John H. Rowe. Publicaciones de la Sociedad Arqueologica de La Serena, Boletfn no. 5, diciembre, pp. 28-29. La Serena. (with Donald Stanley Marshall) A journey up the Sambu River to visit the Choco Indians, by Arne Arbin. Edited with an introduction by Donald S. Marshall and John H. Rowe. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 2, November, pp. 79-88. Berkeley. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 2, October, pp. 190-191. Salt Lake City. (with Donald Collier and Gordon R. Willey) Reconnaissance notes on the site of Huari, near Ayacucho, Peru. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 2, October, pp. 120-137. Salt Lake City. Sound patterns in three Inca dialects. International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 16, no. 3, July, pp. 137-148. Baltimore. Thoughts on knowledge and ignorance. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 2, November, pp. 6-8. Berkeley. Review of: Andean culture history. Wendell C. Bennett and Junius B. Bird. (New York, American Museum of Natural History, Handbook Series no. 15, 1949). American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 2, October, pp. 170-172. Salt Lake City. Review of: Auto representado na festa de Sao Lourenso, by Jose de Anchieta. Pe9a trilinguie do sec. XVI, transcrita, comentada e traduzida, na parte Tupi, por M. de L. de Paula Martins. (Sao Paulo, Museu Paulista, Boletim 1, Documenta;ao Lingufstica, 1948). International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 16, no. 3, July, pp. 151-152. Baltimore. 117 Review of: Revista do Museu Paulista, nova serie, vol. 2. (Sao Paulo, 1948). International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 16, no. 3, July, pp. 150-151. Baltimore. 1951 Actividades americanistas del Departamento de Antropologia de la Uni- versidad de California (Berkeley), en 1950. B.B.A.A., Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologia Americana, vol. XIII, 1950, parte I, pp. 99-103. Mexico. Andean culture history: an apology and clarification. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 4, April, p. 356. Salt Lake City. Colonial portraits of Inca nobles. In The civilizations of ancient America. Edited by Sol Tax. Selected papers of the XXIXth Inter- national Congress of Americanists [New York, September 5-12, 1949, vol. 1] pp. 258-268. Chicago. Indian tribes of South America [map]. Compiled and drawn by John Howland Rowe. Completely revised, 1951. 1:800,000. Berkeley Blue Print Co., Berkeley. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 3, January, pp. 291-292. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 4, April, pp. 366-368. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVII, no. 2, October, pp. 182-183. Salt Lake City. Some recent publications: Western South America, Eastern South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVI, no. 4, April, pp. 376-378. Salt Lake City. South America: archaeology. In Handbook of Latin American Studies, no. 14, 1948, pp. 28-38. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Review of: B.B.A.A. Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologla Americana, vol. XII, 1949. (Mexico City, Grafica Panamericana, 1950). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXI, no. 2, May, pp. 328-330. Durham. Review of: Handbook of South American Indians, vol. VI. Edited by Julian H. Steward. (Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 143, vol. 6, 1950). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXI, no. 3, August, pp. 480-483. Durham. 118 Review of: Prehistoria de America. Salvador Canals Frau. (Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 1950). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 53, no. 2, April/June, pp. 265-266. Menasha. Review of: Studies in Ecuadorian geography. Edwin N. Ferdon, Jr. (Santa Fe, New Mexico, School of American Research, Monographs, no. 15, 1950). American Journal of Archaeology, vol. LV, no. 3, July, pp. 286-287. Richmond. 1952 Archaeology: South America (except Brazil and Venezuela). In Handbook of Latin American Studies, no. 15, 1949, pp. 22-31. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Dr. William D. Hohenthal's researches in Brazil. B.B.A.A., Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologla Americana, vol. XIV, 1951, parte primera, pp. 46-48. Mexico. Los estudios antropologicos latino-americanos en la Universidad de California (Berkeley) en 1951. B.B.A.A., Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologla Americana, vol. XIV, 1951, parte primera, pp. 104-107. Mexico. (with Alex D. Krieger) Notes and news: International Symposium on the Status of Anthropology. American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 2, October, pp. 193-194. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVII, no. 3, January, pp. 291-292. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 2, October, pp. 192-193. Salt Lake City. Some recent publications: Western South America, Eastern South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVII, no. 4, April, pp. 403-406. Salt Lake City. (with George M. Foster) Suggestions for field recording of information on the Hippocratic classification of diseases and remedies. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 5, Fall 1951, pp. 1-5. Berkeley. The Tapajo, by Curt Nimuendajiul. Translated and edited by John Howland Rowe. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 6, Spring, pp. 1-25. Berkeley. Technical aids in anthropology: a historical survey. Inventory paper no. 50 for Wenner-Gren Foundation International Symposium on Anthro- pology. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., New York. 65 pp. 119 Review of: Acculturation in the Americas; selected papers of the XXIXth International Congress of Americanists [vol. 2] edited by Sol Tax. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXII, no. 4, November, pp. 568-571. Durham. Review of: B.B.A.A. Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologla Americana, vol. XIII, 1950. (Mexico City, Grafica Panamericana, 1951). His- panic American Historical Review, vol. XXXII, no. 3, August, pp. 435-436. Durham. Review of: The civilizations of ancient America; selected papers of the XXIXth International Congress of Americanists [vol. 1] edited by Sol Tax. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXII, no. 3, August, pp. 386-389. Durham. Review of: Investigaciones arqueologicas en el departamento del Magda- lena, Colombia, 1946-1950, partes I-II. Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and Alicia Dussan de Reichel-Dolmatoff. (Boletfn de Arqueologfa, vol. 3, nos. 1/6. Bogota, 1951). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 54, no. 2, April/June, pp. 250-252. Menasha. Review of: El Peruil prehispanico. Intento de un manual, tomo I. Hans Horkheimer. (Lima, Editorial Cultura Antartica, S.A., 1950). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 54, no. 3, July/September, p. 418. Menasha. 1953 Archaeology: Western and Southern South America. In Handbook of Latin American Studies, no. 16, 1950, pp. 28-34. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. [Commentaries on anthropological subjects] In An appraisal of Anthropology today, edited by Sol Tax [and others] pp. 51-52, 53-54, 55, 78, 124, 170, 190, 195-197, 198, 210-211, 238, 243, 252-253, 281, 353. Uni- versity of Chicago Press, Chicago. Eleven Inca prayers from the Zithuwa ritual. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, nos. 8/9, pp. 82-99. Berkeley. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 3, January, p. 302. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 4, April, p. 406. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XIX, no. 1, July, pp. 106-107. Salt Lake City. 120 Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XIX, no. 2, October, pp. 204-205. Salt Lake City. Some recent publications: West Indies; Western South America; Eastern South America. American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 4, April, pp. 418-419. Salt Lake City. Technical aids in anthropology: a historical survey. In Anthropology today, an encyclopedic inventory prepared under the chairmanship of A. L. Kroeber, pp. 895-940. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Review of: The Indian caste of Peru, 1795-1940: a population study based upon tax records and census reports. By George Kubler. (Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication no. 14, 1952). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIII, no. 1, February, pp. 92-97. Durham. Review of: Indians of the Andes: Aymaras and Quechuas. Harold Osborne. (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.; Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1952). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 55, no. 2, April/June, p.. 272. Menasha. Review of: Outline of South American cultures. George P. Murdock. (New Haven, Human Relations Area Files, Inc., Behavior Science Out- lines, vol. II, 1951). American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, no. 3, January, pp. 279-280. Salt Lake City. 1954 Archaeology as a career. Archaeology, vol. 7, no. 4, Winter, pp. 229- 236. Cambridge, Mass. Archaeology: Western and Southern South America. In Handbook of Latin American Studies, no. 17, 1951, pp. 18-23. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Linguistic classification problems in South America. In Papers from the Symposium on American Indian Linguistics held at Berkeley, July 7, 1951. University of California Publications in Linguistics, vol. 10, pp. 13-26. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Max Uhle, 1856-1944; a memoir of the father of Peruvian archaeology. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 46, no. 1. Berkeley and Los Angeles. x, 134 pp. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XIX, no. 3, January, pp. 311-313. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. .LX,, no. 4, April, p. 423. Salt Lake City. 121 Notes and news: South America. American Antiquity, vol. XX, no. 1, July, pp. 97-99. Salt Lake City. Some recent publications: West Indies, Western South America, Eastern South America. American Antiquity, vol. XIX, no. 4, April, pp. 434-436. Salt Lake City. Review of: Ancient arts of the Andes. By Wendell C. Bennett. Intro- duction by Rene d'Harnoncourt. (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1954). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIV, no. 4, November, pp. 539-540. Durham. Review of: Bibliografla sistematica de antropologia; a systematic bib- liography of anthropology, I. By W. A. Ruysch and Carlos G. Maier. ("Archivos Ethnos", serie D, no. 1. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Keiron, 1953). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 56, no. 5, October, p. 901. Menasha. Review of: Calendar of the Manuel E. Gondra Manuscript Collection. Edited by Carlos Eduardo Castaineda and Jack Autrey Dabbs. (Mexico, Editorial Jus, 1952). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 56, no. 2, April, pp. 314-315. Menasha. Review of: Las dimensiones de la cultura; historia de la etnologla en los Estados Unidos entre 1900 y 1950. Charles Erasmus. (Bogota, Editorial Iqueima, 1953). Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia, Inter-American Review of Bibliography, vol. IV, nos. 1/2, January/ June, pp. 84-85. Washington, D.C. Review of: Los mitos comunistas, socialistas y colectivistas del Peru prehispano. By Juan Benayas. (Lima, Talleres Graficos de la Editorial Lumen, S.A., 1951). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIV, no. 1, February, pp. 65-66. Durham. Review of: Los Muiscas antes de la conquista. By Jose Perez de Barradas. 2 vols. (Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient{ficas, Instituto Bernardino de Sahagun, 1950-1951). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIV, no. 3, August, pp. 339-341. Durham. Review of: Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui. By Marla Rostworowski Tovar de Diez Canseco. (Lima, Imprenta Torres Aguirre, 1953). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIV, no. 4, November, pp. 543- 546. Durham. 1955 Archaeology as a career. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Newsletter, vol. IV, no. 2, May, pp. 2-9. Norman. (reprint of the 1954 article) 122 Archaeology: Western and Southern South America. In Handbook of Latin Anierican Studies, no. 18, 1952, pp. 15-20. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Aspects of Andean native life, by Oscar Nuinez del Prado [translated and abridged by John H. Rowe]. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 12, Spring, pp. 1-21. Berkeley. Bibliograffas - bibliographies: John Howland Rowe. B.B.A.A., Boletin Bibliogra"fico de Antropologfa Americana, vol. XVII, 1954, parte segunda, pp. 265-273. Mexico. Botocudo. The Encyclopedia Americana, 1955 edition, vol. IV, p. 314. New York. Caraja. The Encyclopedia Americana, 1955 edition, vol. V, p. 583. New York. Chibchas. The Encyclopedia Americana, 1955 edition, Vol. VI, pp. 436- 437. New York. La Cuarta Expedici6n Arqueologica al Peru de la Universidad de Califor- nia (Berkeley). B.B.A.A., Boletin Bibliografico de Antropologia Americana, vol. XVII, 1954, parte primera, pp. 189-194. Mexico. Cuestionario para la comparacion y clasificacion de las lenguas indigenas de Sudamerica. Cuestionarios Linguilsticos, III. Republica de Venezuela, Ministerio de Justicia, Comision Indigenista. Caracas. 28 pp. (with Jimmy Guadagno) Forged Tiahuanaco-style keros. American Antiquity, vol. XX, no. 4, April, pp. 392-393. Salt Lake City. (with Jerome A. Lackner) Morphological similarity as a criterion of genetic relationship between languages. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 57, no. l, February, pp. 126-129. Menasha. El movimiento nacional inca del siglo XVIII. Revista Universitaria, ano XLIII, no. 107, 20 semestre de 1954, pp. 17-47. Cuzco. El movimiento nacional inca del siglo XVIII. Imprenta "Garcilaso", Cuzco. 33 pp. (same article as the preceding) Time perspective in ethnography. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 12, Spring, pp. 55-61. Berkeley. Review of: The conquest and colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550. Robert S. Chamberlain. (Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 598, 1953). American Antiquity, vol. XX, no. 3, January, p. 301. Salt Lake City. 123 Review of: Cultos afrobrasileiros do Recife: um estudo de ajustamento social. By Rene Ribeiro. (Recife, Instituto Joaquim Nabuco, Boletim, numero especial, 1952). Western Folklore, vol. XIV, no. 4, October, p. 300. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Review of: Cuzco: reconstruction of the town and restoration of its monuments. Report of the UNESCO mission of 1951. George Kubler. (Paris, UNESCO, Museums and Monuments, 3, 1952). American Antiquity, vol. XXI, no. 1, July, p. 92. Salt Lake City. Review of: Revista Colombiana de Antropologia, segunda epoca [vol. 1-2, 1953-1954]. (Bogota, Instituto Colombiano de Antropologfa). Ameri- can Antiquity, vol. XX, no. 3, January, pp. 300-301. Salt Lake City. 1956 Actividades de la Universidad de California (Berkeley) en el campo de la arqueologia peruana en 1955. B.B.A.A., Boletfn Bibliografico de Antropologia Americana, vol. XVIII, 1955, parte primera, pp. 111- 114. .Mexico. (with Gordon R. Willey, Charles C. DiPeso, William A. Ritchie, Irving Rouse, and Donald W. Lathrap) An archaeological classification of culture contact situations. In Seminars in archaeology: 1955, organized and edited by Robert Wauchope. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology, no. 11, pp. 1-30. Salt Lake City. Archaeological explorations in Southern Peru, 1954-1955; preliminary report of the Fourth University of California Archaeological Ex- pedition to Peru. American Antiquity, vol. XXII, no. 2, October, pp. 135-151. Salt Lake City. An ethnographic sketch of Guambia, Colombia. Tribus, Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie und ihre Nachbarwissenschaften vom Linden-Museum Stuttgart, n.F., Band 4/5, 1954/1955, pp. 139-156. Stuttgart. Problems in the history of archaeology. [Paper read at 55th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Santa Monica, December 28, 1956]. Berkeley. 6 pp. (Dittoed) The role of the Incas in Peruvian cultural history. Grant no. 1763 (1954), $800. The American Philosophical Society, Year Book, 1955, pp. 299-302. Philadelphia. Review of: The art of ancient Peru. Heinrich Ubbelohde-Doering. Second edition. (New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1954). Amrerican Antiquity, vol. XXII, no. 2, October, pp. 209-210. Salt Lake City. 124 Review of: Cultural chronology and change as reflected in the ceramics of the Viru Valley, Peru. By Donald Collier. (Chicago, Chicago Natural History Museum, Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 43, 1955). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXVI, no. 4, November, p. 558. Durham. Review of: Paracas fabrics and Nazca needlework, 3rd century B.C. - 3rd century A.D. By Junius Bird. With technical analysis by Louisa Bellinger. (Washington, D.C., The Textile Museum, Catalogue Raisonne*, 1954). American Antiquity, vol. XXI, no. 3, January, pp. 317-318. Salt Lake City. 1957 La arqueologla del Cuzco como historia cultural. Revista del Museo e Instituto Arqueolo6gico, a-no X, nos. 16/17, diciembre, pp. 34-48. Cuzco. The Incas under Spanish colonial institutions. Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXVII, no. 2, May, pp. 155-199. Durham. Review of: Arqueologfa del Valle de Casma; culturas: Chavin, Santa o Huaylas Yunga y Sub-Chimui; informe de los trabajos de la Expedicion Arqueologica al Marano6n de 1937. By Julio C. Tello. (Lima, Editorial San Marcos, 1956). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXVII, no. 3, August, p. 392. Durham. Review of: Nordperuanische Keramik. Fig{urlich verzierte Gefasse der Fruhe-Chimu. Ceramica del Peru septentrional. Figuras ornamentales en vasijas de los chimues antiguos. Gerdt Kutscher. (Berlin, Ibero-Amerikanische Bibliothek, Monumenta Americana I, Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1954). American Antiquity, vol. XXII, no. 4, April, pp. 429- 430. Salt Lake City. Review of: La nueva cronica y buen gobierno. Primera parte: epoca prehispanica. Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. Interpretada por... Luis Bustlos Galvez. (Lima, Talleres de Imprenta "Grafica Indus- trial", 1956). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXVII, no. 1, February, pp. 113-114. Durham. Review of: Tierradentro: Archaologie und Ethnographie einer kolumbianischen Landschaft. Horst Nachtigall. (Mainzer Studien zur Kultur- und Volkerkunde, vol. 2. Zurich, Origo Verlag, 1955). American Anthro- pologist, n.s., vol. 59, no. 3, June, pp. 568-569. Menasha. 1958 The adventures of two Pucara statues. Archaeology, vol. 11, no. 4, December, pp. 255-261. Brattleboro. 125 Archaeology as a career. In A guide to archaeological field methods, edited by Robert F. Heizer, pp. 151-159. The National Press, Palo Alto. (reprint of the 1954 article) Harry Tschopik, Jr., 1915-1956. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 60, no. 1, February, pp. 132-140. Menasha. Inca religion. In Reader in comparative religion, an anthropological approach. William A. Lessa, Evon Z. Vogt [editors] pp. 540-553. Row, Peterson and Company, Evanston and White Plains. La seriacion cronologica de la ceramica de Paracas elaborada por Lawrence E. Dawson. Revista del Museo Regional de Ica, ano IX, no. 10, 20 de junio, pp. 9-21. Ica. Seriation of Cupisnique stirrup spouts. Berkeley. 5 pp. (Dittoed) Review of: Peru. By G. H. S. Bushnell. (Ancient Peoples and Places, 1. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1957). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXVIII, no. 1, February, p. 145. Durham. 1959 The age grades of the Inca census. In Miscellanea Paul Rivet octogenario dicata, II. XXXI Congreso International de Americanistas [Sao Paulo, 1954]. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Publicaciones del Instituto de Historia, primera serie, numero 50, 1958, pp. 499-522. Mexico. Archaeological dating and cultural process. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 15, no. 4, Winter, pp. 317-324. Albuquerque. Cuadro cronologico de exploraciones y descubrimientos en la arqueologia peruana, 1863-1955. Arqueologicas, 4. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Pueblo Libre, Lima. 18 pp. Tiempo, estilo y proceso cultural en la arqueolog?a peruana. Revista Universitaria, ano XLVII, no. 115, 20 semestre de 1958, pp. 79-96. Cuzco. Review of: La rebelion de Tuipac Amaru y los origenes de la emancipacion americana. By Boleslao Lewin. (Buenos Aires, Libreria Hachette, Nueva Coleccion Clio, 1957). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XXXIX, no. 2, May, pp. 278-280. Durham. 1960 Archaeology as a career. Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society, vol. 7/8, July 1957/April 1959, pp. 17-33. Iowa City. (reprint of the 1954 article) 126 Carl Hartman and his place in the history of archaeology. Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, San Jose, 20-27 julio 1958, tomo II, pp. 268-279. San Jose. Una coleccion arqueologica de Arequipa en el Museo de Antropolog4a de la Universidad de California. Etnologia y Arqueologla, publicacion del Instituto de Etnologla y Arqueologfa, Universidad Nacional Mayoi de San Marcos, ano I, no. 1, mayo, pp. 228-236. Lima. Cultural unity and diversification in Peruvian archaeology. In Men and cultures; selected papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Philadelphia, September 1-9, 1956, pp. 627-631. Philadelphia. Government regulation of archaeology in Peru. Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley. 5 pp. Notes and news: Highland South America. American Antiquity, vol. 26, no. 1, July, pp. 140-142. Salt Lake City. Notes and news: Highland South America. American Antiquity, vol. 26, no. 2, October, pp. 312-313. Salt Lake City. Nuevos datos relativos a la cronologfa del estilo Nasca. In.Antiguo Peru; espacio y tiempo. Trabajos presentados a la Semana de Arqueo- logla Peruana (9-14 de noviembre de 1959), pp. 29-45. Librerfa- Editorial Juan Mejla Baca, Lima. The origins of creator worship among the Incas. In Culture in history: essays in honor of Paul Radin, edited by Stanley Diamond, pp. 408- 429. Published for Brandeis University by Columbia University Press, New York. The scope of archaeology. Berkeley. 5 pp. (Dittoed) The spelling of "archaeology" and the unity of the discipline. Berkeley. 6 pp. (Dittoed) Tiempo, estilo y proceso cultural en la arqueologfa peruana. Segunda edicion, corregida. Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley. 16 pp. Review of: Archaologische Studien in den Kordilleren Boliviens. Hermann Trimborn. (Baessler-Archiv, neue Folge, Beiheft 2. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1959). American Antiquity, vol. 26, no. 2, October, pp. 291-292. Salt Lake City. Review of: Documentos de la Audiencia del Cusco en el A.G.I. By Daniel Valcarcel. (Lima, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Editorial San Marcos, 1957). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XL, no. 1, February, p. 151. Durham. 127 Review of: The gold of Peru. Masterpieces of goldsmith's work of pre-Incan and Incan time and the colonial period. By Miguel Mujica Gallo. (Recklinghausen, Aurel Bongers Verlag, 1959). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XL, no. 4, November, pp. 600-601. Durham. Review of: Power and property in Inca Peru. By Sally Falk Moore. (New York, Columbia University Press, 1958). Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. XL, no. 1, February, pp. 126-127. Durham. Review of: Wesen und Or-nung der altperuanischen Kulturen. Max Uhle. Edited by Gerdt Kutscher. (Berlin, Ibero-Amerikanische Bibliothek, Ibero- Americana, Band 1, Colloquium Verlag, 1959). American Antiquity, vol. 25, no. 4, April, p. 618. Salt Lake City. 1961 A. L. Kroeber. The Teocentli, no. 25, November, pp. 1-3. Knoxville. Archaeology as a career. Second edition, revised and rewritten. Archaeology, vol. 14, no. 1, March, pp. 45-55. Brattleboro. (with Ann Judith Gibson) A bibliography of the publications of Alfred Louis Kroeber (1876-1960), compiled by Ann Judith Gibson and John Howland Rowe. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. 51 pp. (with Ann J. Gibson) A bibliography of the publications of Alfred Louis Kroeber, compiled by Ann J. Gibson and John H. Rowe. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 63, no. 5, October, pp. 1060-1087. Menasha. The chronology of Inca wooden cups. In Essays in pre-Columbian art and archaeology, by Samuel K. Lothrop and others, pp. 317-341, 473-475, 498-500. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Stratigraphy and seriation. American Antiquity, vol. 26, no. 3, January, pp. 324-330. Salt Lake City. Review of: The archaeologist's note book. Clement W. Meighan. (San Francisco, Chandler Publishing Co., 1961). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 63, no. 6, December, pp. 1379-1380. Menasha. Review of: Nahrung und Nahrungsgewinnung im vorspanischen Peru. Hans Horkheimer. (Berlin, Ibero-Amerikanische Bibliothek, Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, Band II, Colloquium Verlag, 1960). American Antiquity, vol. 27, no. 1, July, pp. 121-122. Salt Lake City. 1962 Alfred Louis Kroeber, 1876-1960. American Antiquity, vol. 27, no. 3, January, pp. 395-415. Salt Lake City. 128 La arqueologia de Ica. Revista de la Facultad de Letras, Universidad Nacional "San Luis Gonzaga" de Ica, ano I, no. 1, primer y segundo semestres de 1961, pp. 113-131. Ica. La arqueologia de Ica. Revista del Museo Regional de Ica, ano XII, no. 13, diciembre de 1961, pp. 29-48. Ica. (same article as the preceding) Chavin art: an inquiry into its form and meaning. The Museum of Primitive Art, New York. Distributed by University Publishers, Inc., New York. 40 pp. Nuevas interpretaciones de la arqueologla peruana. [I. Antiguiedad del hombre en el Peru] La Prensa, miercoles 12 de septiembre, p. 6; II. Orlgenes de las culturas peruanas, La Prensa, viernes 14 de septiembre, p. 12; III. Ocaso de las ciudades, La Prensa, sabado 15 de septiembre, p. 10. Lima. A social theory of cultural change. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 26, Spring, pp. 75-80. Berkeley. Stages and periods in archaeological interpretation. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 18, no. 1, Spring, pp. 40-54. Albuquerque. Worsaae's Law and the use of grave lots for archaeological dating. American Antiquity, vol. 28, no. 2, October, pp. 129-137. Salt Lake City. Review of: The ancient sun kingdoms of the Americas: Aztec, Maya, Inca, by Victor Wolfgang Von Hagen. (Cleveland, World Publishing Co., 1961). Archaeology, vol. 15, no. 4, December, pp. 293-294. Brattleboro. 1963 The cross-dating of Peruvian archaeological sequences in the first Millenium B.C. Grant No. 377 - Johnson Fund (1961), $920. The American Philosophical Society. Year Book, 1962, pp. 616-619. Philadelphia. Editor's introduction: The methods of Peruvian archaeology [by] A. L. Kroeber. Sawpa Pacha, 1, p. 61. Berkeley. Library problems in the teaching of anthropology. In Resources for the teaching of anthropology, edited by David G. Mandelbaum, Gabriel W. Lasker, Ethel M. Albert. American Anthropological Association Memoir 95, pp. 69-76. [Berkeley and Los Angeles] 129 Library problems in the teaching of anthropology. In Resources for the teaching of anthropology, edited by David G. Mandelbaum, Gabriel W. Lasker, Ethel M. Albert, pp. 69-76. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. (hard cover edition; same article as the preceding) Urban settlements in ancient Peru. f4awpa Pacha, 1, pp. 1-27. Berkeley. Review of: The shape of time: remarks on the history of things. George Kubler. (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1962). Amer- ican Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 65, no. 3, June, pp. 704-705. Menasha. 1964 Ethnography and ethnology in the sixteenth century. Kroeber Anthropolog- ical Society Papers, no. 30, Spring, pp. 1-19. Berkeley. (with Dorothy Menzel and Lawrence E. Dawson) The Paracas pottery of Ica: a study in style and time. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 50. Berkeley and Los Angeles. xvi, 384 pp. Review of: Art and archaeology. James S. Ackerman and Rhys Carpenter. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963). American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 66, no. 3, June, pp. 706-707. Menasha. Review of: A preceramic settlement on the central coast of Peru: Asia, Unit 1, by Frederic Engel. (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, Transactions, n.s., vol. 53, part 3, 1963). Archaeology, vol. 17, no. 3, September, p. 220. Brattleboro. 1965 (with Duccio Bonavia) Indicaciones para la utilizacion de la clave de abreviaturas y cifras usadas en el sistema Rowe para la catalogacion de sitios arqueologicas del Peru. Museo Nacional de Antropologla y Arqueologla, Lima. 9 pp. The Renaissance foundations of anthropology. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 67, no. 1, February, pp. 1-20. Menasha. Stirrup-spout bottles from Central Africa. American Antiquity, vol. 30, no. 4, April, pp. 474-476. Salt Lake City. 1966 Diffusionism and archaeology. American Antiquity, vol. 31, no. 3, January, pp. 334-337. Salt Lake City. Further notes on the Renaissance and anthropology: a reply to Bennett. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 68, no. 1, February, pp. 220- 222. Menasha. 130 (with Duccio Bonavia) Indicaciones para la utilizacion de la clave de abreviaturas y cifras usadas en el sistema Rowe para la catalogacion de sitios arqueologicos del Peru. In Sitios arqueologicos del Peru (primera parte). Recopilacion y arreglos de Duccio Bonavia. Ar- queologicas, 9, pp. 12-15. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropo- logicas, Pueblo Libre, Lima. An interpretation of radiocarbon measurements on archaeological samples from Peru. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Radiocarbon and Tritium Dating, held at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, June 7-11, 1965, pp. 187-198. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, CONF-650652 Chemistry (TID-4500). Springfield, Va. Un memorial del gobierno de los Incas del a-no 1551. Revista Peruana de Cultura, nos. 9/10, pp. 27-39. Lima. (with Dorothy Menzel) The role of Chincha in late pre-Spanish Peru. Nawpa Pacha, 4, pp. 63-76. Berkeley. Vocabulary of archaeological German. Department of Anthropology, Univer- sity of California, Berkeley. i, 99 pp. Review of: Readings in early anthropology. Edited by James S. Slotkin. (Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, no. 40. Chicago, Aldine Publishing Co., 1965). Isis, vol. 57, part 1, no. 187, Spring, pp. 132-133. Baltimore. 1967 The adventures of two Pucara statues. In Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy Menzel, pp. 125- 131. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. (reprint of the 1958 article) Form and meaning in Chavin art. In Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy Menzel, pp. 72- 103. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. An interpretation of radiocarbon measurements on archaeological samples from Peru. In Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy Menzel, pp. 16-30. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. (reprint of the 1966 article) (with Dorothy Menzel) Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy Menzel. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. viii, 320 pp. Stages and periods in archaeological interpretation. In Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy Menzel, pp. 1-15. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. (reprint of the 1962 article) 131 Urban settlements in ancient Peru. In Peruvian archaeology; selected readings [edited by] John Howland Rowe and Dorothy M4enzel, pp. 293- 320. Peek Publications, Palo Alto. (reprint of the 1963 article) What kind of a settlement was Inca Cuzco? Nawpa Pacha, 5, pp. 59-76. Berkeley. 132