I N FO R MA T I O N F O R A U T HO R S The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers publish articles in the general field of anthropology. The Papers welcome articles of theoretical interest, descriptive studies putting factual information on record, and bibliographies and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes papers of high quality from faculty and graduate or undergraduate students. Manuscripts must be typewritten and double-spaced throughout, including bibliography and notes, on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper on only one side of the page. The Pa ers do not employ footnotes. Endnotes and bibliography should be p aced on pages separate from the text and from each other. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues of the Papers or American Anthropologist for manuscript style. Contributions to the Papers will be copyrighted for the author by the Society. Per- mission to reproduce contents must be secured from both the Editor and the author. Authors will receive without charge thirty-five reprints of their articles. Additional reprints may be ordered at the charge of 1-1/2 cents per page. An extra charge will be made if illustrations must be reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their manuscripts, authors will be asked how many reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, California 94720 U. S. A. AC KNOWL EDGEMENT We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and from Elizabeth Colson and Irving Zaretsky. Their generous gifts have made possible the continuing success of our publication BACK ISSUES Back issues of the Papers 1-27 can be obtained from: Johnson Reprint Corporation 111 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10003 U. S. A. Subsequent issues can be obtained from the Secretary of the Society. ? Kroeber Anthropological Society 1968 a) 0 > in U U 0 0 0o 00 -a U) Lo COVER PHOTOGRAPH Circus Budapest 1920 by Andre Kertesz Courtesy of the photographer and the Museum of Modem Art, New York. THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number 38 Janet Tallman, Editor Dale Valory, Consulting Editor Robert V. Kemper, Assistant Editor Francoise Kendall, Assistant Editor Peter W. Steager, Graphics Editor Published by the Kroeber Anthropological Society Reza Fazel, President Richard Canter, Vice President Sylvia Forman, Secretary and Membership Chairman Rosalind Ribnick, Treasurer Alan Almquist, Program Chairman Berkeley, Cal ifornia Spring, 1968 IN APPRECIATION This issue of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is dedicated to Theodore D. McCown, Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology, Curator of Physical Anthropology in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, and Coordinator of the Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley. We are fortunate to have in Professor McCown an anthro- pologist who is interested in all areas of the field. Students of anthropology find in him a teacher and adviser who is always help- ful and understanding. These students are grateful and indebted for countless hours of attention and consideration. We are aware that these hours are generously given by Professor McCown above and beyond his fulfillment of his official duties. Our feelings of gratitude and admiration are shared by many others, both within and without the University community, who experience intellectual and personal rewards of association with Professor McCown's mind and personality. In this context we express our sincere appreciation. Sylvia Forman Marianne Y. Winton on behalf of the officers and members of the Kroeber Anthropological Society THEODORE D. McCOWN CONTENTS In Appreciation Ruth Kellett Roberts, 1885 - 1967, by Dale Valory.1 First and Second Generation American Jewish Families: Sources of Conflicts and Tensions, by Leonard Plotnicov.11 Cuba: Peasants and Revolutionaries, by Randy Rappaport .26 Quasi-Agriculture in North-Central California and Its Effect on Aboriginal Social Structure, by Alan C. Ziegler .52 Historicity Study of Mexican Corridos about Zapata, by Linda J. Hubbell . . a . . a . . . . 68 Some Contributions of Phenomenology to Social Science, by Ben Blount .82