C) INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers publish articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theo- retical interest, the Papers will welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record, as well as bibliographies, linguistic texts, vocabularies, and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including bibliography and notes, on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes (the Papers do not employ foot- notes) and bibliography should be placed on separate sheets. The style to be followed is that used by the American Anthropologist. Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. Additional reprints may be ordered at the price of one cent per page. A small extra charge willbe made if illustrations mustbe reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their manuscripts, authors will be asked how many additional reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, California 94720 Acknowledgment We also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance given us by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Their generous grant has made possible the continuing success of our publication. fall 1 965 THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Peter W. Steager, President Carl W. Clewlow, Vice-President Jeanne Steager, Secretary Melody Trott, Treasurer Philip G. Grant, Chairman: Annual Meeting William G. Lockwood, Editor Vincent M. Sarich, Eric J. Crystal Assistant Editors Address all correspondence to: The Kroeber Anthropological Society c /o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, California 94720 NO. 33 I 0 0 M U Lo 0 v, U U 0o U) 0 hfi 0 -o 0 0 hio I T H E KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOC-IETY P A P E R S Number 33 SAMUEL A. BARRETT: A MEMORIAL The Kroeber Anthropological Society Berkeley, Califomia Fall, 1965 , q i - - 9 -  Y ; O" I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Tributes to Samuel Alfred Barrett, compiled and edited by David W. Peri and Robert W. Wharton * . . a . . v v Samuel Alfred Barrett: 1879 - 1965, by David W. Peri and Robert W. Wharton. . . . I . l e l . . . . v v v The Works of Samuel Alfred Barrett, compiled by David W. Pern and Robert W. Wharton. . . . .. . . Commentar on W. R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of Excavations at La 'Venta, Tabasco, 1955, by Philip Drucker and Robert F. Heizer. . . . . . . . . A Transformational Analysis of the Kapauku Kinship System, by Keith T. Kernan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Linguistic Status Markers in Korean, by Richard W. Howell. . . . . e . a . . Genital Superiority in Oakland Negro Folklore: A Theme, by Neil A. Eddington. . . v . . . 0 Cover Design "The Hawks and the Doves," North American Indian designs drawn by Octavio Ignacio Romano V. 1 3 29 37 71 91 99 0 00 00 a 00 00