1 A REVIEW OF LA VENTA, TABASCO AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THE OLMEC PROELEM William R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath, Jr. University of Pennsylvania Introduction A detailed review of the reports on excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico, has been prompted by various considerations. This remarkable site is obviously crucial to the whole question of "Olmec culture," "civilization," "expansion," and so forth. Anyone concerned with origins of "high culture' in Mesoamerica, or for that matter in Nuclear America, is bound to take into account the role which La Venta and the Olmec, or simply Olmec, played. But Olmec is a somewhat disturbing subject. Too much faith, too much mystique colors the topic. Then there is the matter of terminology. "Olmec" has been applied to a people, a complex, a culture, a style, even to an horizon, as well as to what scoffers feel to be nothing but a rather shaky construct. As regards La Venta- was this site a pure primary Olmec center, or was it at least within a Gulf Coastal Olmec "heartland?" Or -was La Venta rther merely one of a group of exotic coastal "outposts," with the true, original focus of Olmec in Guerrero or possibly in the Valley of Mexico? Was Olmec sufficiently early and pervasive or expansive to have been the "mother culture" as believed by Covarrubias and as enthusiastically elaborated on by others? May It not have been instead a late first millenium B.C: distinctive (but oddly diffuse) "culture,," the development of which paralleled in time comparable yet equally distinct developments, each leading towards its own peculiarly colored but similar complex level which we label "civilization?" Such questions come to mind and stlck there when one is engaged in analysis of data derived from what amounts to a competitive site and culture. In this case we are thinking of Tikal., ttie major central lowland Maya site. The makeup of Formative or Preclassic Tikal is intricate, sophisticated, and replete with many Classic characteristics (details are omitted here as they are not pertinent to this review). The point is that Preclassic Tikal by no means bears out the assertion on occasion encountered today that "civiliza- tion" (we see no reason not to apply this well-bruised term to Preclassic Tikal) in the New World was what amounts to an Olmec innovation. At the moment it would require semantic, interpretive juggling of the most dubious order to derive early Tilkal from what is currently known of Olmec. This is not to deny that Olmec was a far earlier feature on the Mesoamerican scene than once allowed, even a decade ago, nor is it to contradict the "inter- nationalism" of Olmec, as evidenced by the impressive distribution of objects and representations of Olmec style, derivation, or inspiration. Nevertheless, before Olmec (style, culture, etc.) is placed so high beyond the reach of the most cautious, articulate critic, it seems useful to review the meaning and placement in time of at least some of its outstanding features. There is no better place to do this than within the context of La Venta. Excavated in 1940, 1942, 1943, and 1955 (with subsequent excava- tions, evidently unpublished, by PiYa Chan; MacNeish 1960:296), this site yielded many of the frequently claimed components of Olmec culture, as well 2 as architecture, construction sequence, and radiocarbon dates. The 1955 work, as is well known, completely revised earlier conclusions by the excavators which placed La Venta and the elements of its Olmec occupation on an Early Classic time level. The radiocarbon dates bore out what Wauchope, Covarrubias and others had emphasized, namely that the site, and by extrapolation Olmec in general, was Preclassic or Formative in time. The radiocarbon results were rationalized to produce the conclusion that occupation of La Venta Complex A spanned the centuries'from approximately 800 to 400B.C. (Drucker, Heizer, and Squier 1959:264-267; hereafter cited as "DHS 1959"). Within this Middle Preclassic time-span it is understood that Olmec' culture dominated La Venta and that Olmec religion was present at the time of the beginning of the site (DHS 1959:269-270). The occupants constructed plat- forms of clay and adobe in an extremely formal ceremonial layout replete with quantities of monumental sculptures in Olmec style, as well as huge pavements in the o2.rn or stylized jaguar heads with or without associated intrusive offfertory piUes of similarly secreted stone blocks. Small offerings occurred in quantities , and these yielded on occasion beautiful examples of Olmec stone figurlne art as well as other typologically distinct items considered to-be part. of the Olmec religious complex. But as has been frequently under- scored9 La Venta. was peculiar in the lack of unequivocal stone-faced architec- ture, of h'ieroglyphic writing and calendric statements, in the marked paucity of human burials, and in the peculiar local emphasis on columnrar basalt enclo- sures or palisades. Despite the presence of many monuments of all shapes and sizes nothig.g much in the way of context was found for them. DI; this paper there is no attempt to rise to the bait so amply pro- vided, we think, In various reconstructions of early Mesoamerica in print. Our purpotse:i 'is iImited to La Venta, a main fixture in such reconstruc- tions, and t:o how the La Venta published data were derived, how substantial they and to how they have been used by the responsible excavators within their excavatoion reports and secondary stud'ies. If "Olmec" as a subject and a problem is so evidently dependent on La Venta, the certainties and uncer- tainties emerging from its excavation ought to be focused as sharply as possible. A great deal depends on this site until more like it are found and excavated. One subject for reconsideration here is the physical stratigraphy and construction sequences at La Venta "Complex A." Others include the placement of offerings, both large and small, in construction phases, the carving and erection-times of monuments, the relationship between architectural construc- tions and ceramics, and the source and meaning of the La Venta radiocarbon dates. Construction Phases The control of relative time and sequences of building activity at Complex A are entirely dependent on the control of the plaza-court floors ly- ing within this major La Venta area. To the south this ceremonial group ter- minates at Pyramid C-l, the huge, dominant feature of the site; to the north the group is bounded by the large Mound A-2. The floor sequence in this group is as follows, from earliest to latest: 3 " "Water-sorted." This term applies to a group of directly superimposed floors, believed to have been formally laid. They are described as "Buff and brown sandy floors, apparently partly water-sorted" (DHS 1959:113). "These floors mark a series of early sandy clay surfacing layers of the Court- which were subjected to sheet washing of rainwater. . . ." (DHS 1959:20). These floors ultimately overlie sterile base drift sands of the island but may also at times rest on either specially prepared pre-"Water-sorted" sand and/or clay fills or on occupation fills. "Wh ite sandyj' This "floor series" variably caps a fill laid on the "Water-sorted" series; in some instances "White-sandy" was laid directly on the surface of the prior floor series, The "White sandy" series is-made up of "white sandy material separated by tan and buff sandy layers.. .. It recurs in various parts of the Complex and because of similarities in color, material, and in stratigraphic position is considered to be a unit" (DHS 1959:90). Its variable coloration is also indicated by the "fine banded purple, white and brown" floors equivalent to it at one excavation locus (DHS 1959 :66)4. 'Old-rose." The "old-rose colored floor series" is noted as a "con- tlntous level extending over the entire Court surface" (DHS 1959:87). Never- theless, considerable variation occurs even within the Court area, let alone the area south of it (cf. DHS 1959:23, 75). In one instance the floors of this seri6es are, from earliest to latest, "rose-colored," Ityellow sandy clay," "pecl?A'arly colo.red sandy clay" (DHS 1959:87); in another, white, tan, pink or rose, aad f?nally white (DHS 1959066)o - "ReMd cIM c ?' The reports never adequately explain this "massive red clay cap,, about one foot thick, that was laid over the whole complex in- cludfr.g the extant platforms. It is probably the most perplexing of the La Venta features. The reader is left with the impression that this "cap" is the finl Vc>1rml plaza-court surfacing material which was also used to refur- bish the ext.nt platforms. Its surface is frequently noted as heavily eroded. "Surface drift sands" consistently cover the red clay cap. The published basic sequence at La Venta Complex A can be summarized as follows. Surface drift sands (latest) "Red clay cap" "Old-rose" floor series (over fill) "White sandy" floor series (usually over fill) "Water-sorted" floor series Sand fills (including cultural material) Basal drift sands (evidently sterile) Clay subsoil (sterile) Complex A has been periodized or phased almost exclusively by the use of the three floor "series" and the red clay cap. The laying of the "Water- sorted" series is the principal diagnostic of Phase I, while activities ante- dating the floor are informally categorized as Pre-Phase I. The "White sandy" floor series marks Phase II, while Phase III is marked by the "Old-rose" series. Phase IV is uniformly defined by the deposition of the "'Red clay cap," as well as by any feature concluded to belong temporally with the depo- sition of this cap-. A Post-Phase IV is allowed for the accumulation of the surface drift sands; various cultural activities have been correlated with this naturally deposited surface layer. In practice the three floor series and the "red clay cap" are employed to develop (in the form of numbered phases) almost the entire cultural record present in Complex A. The floor sequences in various courts or plazas of the complex are used to date relatively all cultural activity (offertory, archi- tectural, etc.), irrespective of the relative simplicity or complexity of mound development in relation to the plaza-court areas. No systematic provi- sion was made for expressing the superimposed architectural growth stages and components that culminated in a final structure whose erosion with time pro- vided the "mound." A mound in practice at La Venta was not treated as a "tgrowt.h unit" to be analyzed and periodized initially in its own terms but rather as a source for data to fatten Complex A phases, whose number diagnos- tics coincided with the floor series and red clay cap in the plaza-court areas, Rather than use the latter features to correlate independently periodized data for each mound or excavation locus, the basic four-fold se- quence was imposed in situations where the local developmental sequence need not and in fact did not always mesh or match. Figure 1 was devised to illustrate in a simple, schematic way, first, the fout court-plama horizontal features (floor series and cap) and how they relate Tio and interrelate the growth of structures or platforms (and court wAs) at m,-st of the excavation locz in Complex A. This composite cross- section: ased upon the pub'lshed (Drucker 1952, DHS 1959) sections, de- scripticns and phase assignments. Scaie, both' vertical and horzorntal, has been dis;regarded 'in Flgure 1 and forms have been schematicized as were the exact reato@ : $; \* t h te floor series oL rom a%i.7lty significantly earlier + 4. --J I. eithecas, wa C; ". o contro on the age sYthe w. s~. Y&tt2SA *AS that -a s th1is tht: 1, pzA'-d*d "le charcoal) at the tvn.e AX 4, Nor do we havwNe cci I on how g :orAq a substance like woo. r j_ E A *If:-'- ' be i :g burned. - c:l ILatere deposited.D .7-?4' .ter\** ;ret& t Y2r4t- 8 O tO :a&~coar;x)2 r t seemq to be O.ne t.het r. ;a + si kth P-e-F-hse I Pr Phase I La Vet .ccupator?. Si-Xe Tce prss:LilXtexists that the sa,.1p. ti, Ga-hered. unselec1i, vely from two or three sequent "'Water-sorted" levels, there is a good chance the result is an average of many uncontrollable factors. As in all Carborn-l1 results, the product must be handled in terms of the fact that there are two out of three chances that the true age of the sample lies within the gi'ven I-sigma age spread. But in a particular case, such as this, longer odds might actu- ally be more realistic. SAMPLE M-529. "Charcoal from Phase I stage at midpoint of Northeast Platform in vicinity of Offering No, 15. Date may or may not refer to time of offering, but was col-lected to indicate age of Phase I platform fill," 904 + 300 B.C. (1204 - 604 B.C.) The evialuation of this sample, just quoted, is peculiar and becomes increasingly baffling as the reader tries to discover where the sample comes from and what it is that was supposed to be dated. Offering No, 15, referred to above, is listed as a bowl "'associated" with a "considerable amount of charcoal"l; also "it is considered possible that the vessel may have contained, or iTay have been inverted over, charred remnants of some burned organic offering" (DHS 1959,I90). This is the only reference throughout the text to what might be M-529 beyond that given in the initial quotation in this section. The rea-der is left to assume that the 9 charcoal, in or under the vessel, was in fact that which supplied the M-529 sample. Matters become worse when one reads that Offering No. 15 pertains to a "Phase I(?)." Moreover, why does the resulting Cl4 date more likely Itindicate age of Phase I platform fill" rather than the time of making the offering? Following the Offering No. 15 clue, the only one at hand, one discovers (DHS 19590189) that the offering came from "directly under Offering 6." Turning to the-plan of the offerings found in the Northeast Platform (DHS 1959:Fig. 18), Offering No. 6 is shown about one foot east of Offering No. 15. The section (DHS 1959:Fig. 18) shows Offering No. 15 above and to the side of Offering No. 6, not directly under Offering No. 6, as stated. Superimposition of offerings could not have occurred if the plan and section are correct. One reads on and discovers that Offering No. 6 has been assigned to Phase III because it occurred within a pit cut down into the first platform at this locus (cf. our Figs. 1, 2, N.E. Plats Unit A) in the course of laying fill for the Phase III platform here (N.E. Plat+: Uinit C). Turning again to the excavators' Figure 18, we find that Offerlng No. 15 ("Phase I[']") is also shown at the bottom of this same pit. Nothing i'n text or caption states that Offering No. 15 was not, as depicted in section, within the limits of the pit, purportedly Phase IIIo For purposes of trying to clarify matters, we momentarily assume that M-1529 -was proximate to the Offering No. 15 bowl, One cannot take it for granted that the charcoal and bowl were simultaneous, ceremonially related deposits, or a slnge offering. The excavators' evaluation of the sample makes the point that. tthe date pertains to the construction date of the "Phase I" platform rather than to the offering. Slnce the noted pit penetrates this platform fill from a Phase III feature above, it seems likely that the authors were trying to inti- mate t hat dhe cha-coal was temporally urassociated with the offering bowl, that t2 ChaA'ov)l rom beneath thie bowl but below the lowest limits of the pit. The facmIt. that the text and diagrams are confused on the relationships of Offer- ings No. 5 and No, 69 as well as on wh*ether the charcoal was in the bowl (No. 15) or under it, allows a number of possibillties for the deposition of the chsxrc,al. If t:.ne sample was run wilth the intention of dating Phase I, the sam- ple must have been deposited outside the pit. As indicated in our section on small offerings, the bowl comprising Offering No. 15 cannot have occurred in this same pit if its dubious date of "Phase I(?)"l is to have any validity. Whether or not such reasoning physically and temporally associates the deposi- tion of both bowl and charcoal is too much to contend with here. As regards derivation of the sample, we have no way of knowing from where in space and time it came. If found in direct association with the Offer- ing No. 15 bowl, the sample could derive from recently killed and burned short- lived substance(s). If charcoal so derived truly occurred within Phase I fill, it would be hard to imagine a better sample to submit. But we can be sure of nothing, not even the form or layout of the charcoal providing M-529. With nothing published to the contrary, one could visualize the charcoal as a concen- trated but incidental element within Phase I fill. It could derive from Pre- Phase I activities. But, as emphasized, nothing occurs in print to assure one that charcoal and/or offering bowl, above or below Offering No. 6, did not occur within the pit. Finally, in discussing Offering No, 6 (Burials and Small Dedi- catory Offerings) below, the point is made that the pit could have originated early in Phase IV, rather than the published Phase III. 10 Sample M-529 is problematic as to its ultimate provenience, deposi- tion dating,, and original source or derivation. The published recor d is so contradictory as to suggest considering that the C14 result has no reliable meaning. However., the excavators have emphasized on a number of occasirons that the date is meaningful, that it "'indicates the age of Phase I platform fill." (Incidentally one might question that this platform , i.e. N.E. Plat: Unit A in Figs. 1, 2 is Phase I; while surely used during Phase I, it a as built prior to the laying of the "Water-sorted" floor series; the time inter- val however is moot.) We have emphasized that this can only be so if the charcoal is of essentially the same age as the act of filling, that is of constructing the Phase I Northeast Platform. To be so, the substance ulti- mately providing M-529 must have died at or close to the time of construction. The charcoal must be directly associated with the fill. It is the phasable act of "filling," not "platform fill" that is being allegedly dated here. To repeat, if the excavators were correct in their assessment of what was being datILed eyn3* 4 .he charcoal itself), the sample by necesslty occurred below or beyond X--he L2 sive pit , regardless of what their text and figures elsewhere show or i?mpAv Fo:", bltter or for worse, our interprztation of M-529 is that the 3=,;r , 5 tPs Phase I, or subsequen3 t activities of no later date than the leyo? 3 the "-ed clay cap," i.e. Phase IV. It is this cap that pro- vides the only sure seal for the pit in which the sample may have been found. If in --TIhe -o t and i;f from currently killed material, it follows that the e;harcoc. &>dos 1r1 fa%t date the act of its dlepcsit3on and th1us the digging of kne: ps':.iS i^; !w.;.>ijs case, since the pit pe.z trated a Phase I construction, the Me1-ing : te Ls an upper limit one beyond which Phase I could not have per- s sei. Tie :esul t aso serves as aL lower limit date for the deposition of the Phias;. : IV "fred clay cap.ft shNg.P>E ;?Y$. iv'Charcoal from depth cLof 120 inches below center of Noc..bn.4'-4 1 ?l ',-_.:trm. This sample is 'ro 1 fll layer underlying and contempora- -eoi:. 5I ot;-Jer spot to "e spread In the MoundA-2' locus as fill. The fCL1ll f? 1 tat e -nauAt.-a n of Ithis Sample (ab:(vW) notes thcat the fill layer ()li-S S >tC ~bt'mtale or part of Sample M- 532, jasit dlscussed. he conclusion vaz t3v- W' 3' ;latormo mcold bN e on-cidere-d Pre-P?hase Ill rather than Since Sample M-531 appears to be Pre-Phase I in terms of both deposi- tion and derivation, it follows that tne Cl4 result refers to Pre-Phase I unspecifiable activity. The sample also supplies a lower limit date for all constructional and ceremonial activity occurring in connection with Mound A-2, the central north structure of the La Venta Complex A. SAMPLE M-530. One sample, said to pertain to Phase II, was submitted. M-530 was provided with the following specifics: "Charcoal from bottom of Phase II pit 68 inches below surface of Northwest Platform." 804 + 300 B.C. (1104 - 504 B.C.). The bottom of this pit ("No. 39," in DHS 1959:Fig. 21) con- sisted of a lens of charcoal. Just above and within the pit were two adja- cent vessels, Offerings Nos. 18 and 19. Judging from the section it seems likely that the charcoal and pottery vessels comprised a single intrusive offering. "There is no question but that [the vessels] were deliberately placed in the pit before it was entirely filled. . (DHS 1959l190-191). If the pit is Phase II, it is peculiar to find that thie pit-associated vessels are assigned to "Phase II (?)" (DHS 1959l190-191). This is only one discrepancy to be contended with in attemptina to assess what M-530 means. 13 Pit No. 3 is shown ln section (DHS 1959 Fig. 21) as cut down into an earlier pit, Pit No. 2. The latter had penetrated the "Water-sorted" floor series underlying the mound platform series. Both pits are thus necessarily later in time than "Water-sorted" which is the primary marker of Phase I. The section shows a -level feature, simply labeled "floors,." about two feet above the "Water-sortedl" level. If these "floors" were not origina lly pene- trated by the older Pit No. 2, they were certainly cut by the later Pit No. 3 containing M-530 and the offerings. To what do these "floors" pertain? Since the section (DHS 1959:Fig. 21) illustrates conditions close to the mound center, it is possible that the "floors" are the successive top sur- faces of a platform construction. The presence of "Water-sorted" here is expectable inasmuch as this series often ran-under and sustained the first platforms built at various loci (our Fig. 1). By comparing the differently scaled sections in the excavators' Figures 20 and 21, one arrives at the possibility that these "floors" correspond in essential level with the sur- face of tne early platform bullt on the Phase I "'Water-sorted" series (DHS 1959:cf. FIg. 20, 19 equivalent to N.W. Plat. Unit B in our Figs. 1, 2). However, floor thickness and fill descriptions do not match in the roughly in-line but discontinuous sections (DHS 1959:Figs. 20, 21). If these dis- crepancies are arbitrarily disregarded, the conclusion is reached that the crucial Pit No. 3 penetrated a platform built on and over nothing but the "Water-sorted"t floor series. This platform was examined at lengith in our discussion of Construc- tion Phases (above). Although built on the Phase I floor series it was assigned to Phase II, the excavators having concluded that immediately follow- ing its construction the first of the Phase II te sandy" floor series was laid up to it and over the "Water-sorted" series. Our conclusion was that the record was not sufficiently clear on this point to preclude a Phase I date for N.W. Plat: Unit B, though the platform in this case surely contin- ued in use during the laying of the entire Phase II floor series. A Phase I rather than Phase II assignment for this the original Unit B platform might be supported by the following: (1) The Northwest Platform appears to have been sufficiently trenched to have disclosed some sign of any earlier plat- form built on "Water-sorted" and thus unambiguously Phase I (DHS 1959:Fig. 19); (2) Since no such platform appeared, it seems unlikely that the North- west Platform locus would have been featureless during the entire span of Phase I, keeping in- mind that a platform did exist at the Northeast Platform locus during this span (cf. our Fig. 2); (3) It follows that the only con- struction that could have filled at least a part of this Phase I interval in the Northwest Platform locus was the Unit B platform; (4) This platform necessarily would have been built during Phase I some time after its incep- tion. thile this argument seems logical it very likely is specious. For one, we cannot be sure that the Unit B platform is the one into which Pit No. 3 vas intruded. If it was truly Unit B, we only make the point that considera- tion of all possibilities and published data does permit limited openness in the mtter of phasing. It seems likely that some platform, probably Unit B, of either Phase I or Phase II construction date was disturbed by an intrusive pit, the origin of which was well above the platform surface. If the plat- form was built in Phase II times, it follows that the pit and the deposition of its contents belong to Post-Phase II times. This conclusion then is in disagreement with the "official" Phase II attribution of the pit (DHS 19590 264; 1957:72; Crane and Griffin 1958:7) 14 Sample M-530, deposited unquestionably later than the Phase I "Water- sorted" floors, could not have been placed later than the laying of the Phase IV "Red clay cap'" (DHS 1959:Fig. 21, b). These are the outside depositional limits for this most important sample. As regards derivation of the sample, the excavators speculate that the charcoal may represent evidence of burned offerings (such as copal, feathers, or the like) in the bottom of the pit" (DHS 1959.68). Could it not be determined whether the "charcoal" was of wood? Do feathers, copal and the like yield charcoal in the common sense of the word? Whatever it was that was burned, was it burned within the pit? Such considerations are critical when trying to establish whether a time in- terval occurred between the death of the substance (the feature being truly dated) and its burning, as well as between burning and ultimate deposition in the intrusive Pit No. 3. Sample M-530 was inherently the best sample found in Phase I to Phase ; r. -xt. It was intentionally deposited where found. It cannot have been -depr;slted earlier than Phase I nor later than Phase IV. Unfortunately the recoz'd dcoes not support the published statement (or implication) that the C14 result'C. applies to Phase II alone. While we can be fairly specific as to +the 1?phase &ate spread" of deposition of the charcoal (i.e. Phase I-Phase IV), i. ns tmpocsblee to gauge the time interval between substance death and deposi- t^ X: . i Assuming that this interval was insignificant, the Cl14 result cran be said to apply to unspecifiable human activity somewhere in time bet,ween Phase I (probably late Phase I as the charcoal was set later than the hIild,-rig at 1.y platform) and Phase IV (early in Phase IV, that is just 7 m~~~ cloie "Red c lay cap") ;> 1V of Complex A is allegedly controlled in time by two samples c.;~cc:Ieco-;erecd from what are believed to be Post-Phase IV contexts.. .M?l:t;E M-533. "CharcoaL from burned area lying on disturbed Phase IV *t3^i *6!-; '.'' 8zj-st west of limestone slab paving near Northwest Entryway. Pbas~ Ly >?~?ers to early Post-Complex A activity of people following abandon- ment of site by builders9' (DHS 1959:265, 78). 174 + 300 B.C. (474 B.C. - A.D. 126). While the text (DHS 1959:267) states that the sample was "depos- ited shortly after the drift sand began to accumulate without interruption," the fact is that the section showing the location of M-533 (DHS 1959:Fig. 24) shows a "heavy bed of charcoal of undetermined extent to underlie the drift sand." The "red clay cap" surface had been "burned to a brick orange from the action of the open fire" (DHS 1959-77). In short, nothing in the section nor In the excavation portion of the text supports the observation elsewhere that the "drift sands"' had already begun to accumulate by the time of the fire. This point is important if one is concerned with when in local se- quence the fire occurred. The laying of the enigmatic "Red clay cap" over the Complex is the primary marker of Phase IV. Ceremonial activities that are believed to have immediately preceded the laying of the "cap" are also attributed to Phase IV. If preliminary offertory activity and construction are subsumed by Phase IV, surely occupation of the architectural features composed of red clay must be allowed for. If construction and use are not to be distinguished by sequent phases, it follows that a La Venta construc- tion phase must comprehend occupation even though no structural renovation can be shown to have occurred within the phase, as is the case in Phase IV, Although admittedly a fine point, the possibility exists that the charcoal bed, of undetermined extent, was the result of late or terminal Phase IV activity. A more significant inquiry is one that questions the source of the charcoal. We assume that the charcoal derives from wood. May not late La Venta occupants have availed themselves of structural wooden members of Phase IV or earlier use and installation dates? We hesitate.here to intro- duce relevant but unpublished data. Nevertheless, there is at least one in- stance at Tikal of a Post-Classic hearth having been made on vault debris within a room of an (Early) Classic temple; the radiocarbon result makes sense only if the submitted charcoal from the hearth derived from by then ancient lintel or vault beams that someone took advantage of for ready fuel (Coe, Shook and Satterthwalte 1961.30, for examples of 19th Century burning of Classic wooden beams). It is not inconceivable that a similar incident was responsible for the charcoal yielding La Venta Sample M-533. In this not impossible case (assuming that wood was used in La Venta construction), the C14 date would apply to the cutting of the beam or beams, the burning of which provided the charcoal (again assuming this was wood charcoal and not feathers or copal; cf. Sample 530). All reasonable possibilities should en- ter into the evaluation of the La Venta C14 results. SAMPLE M-528. "Charcoal from tower margin of Post-Phase IV wind- blown sands in vicinity of Northeast Entryway. This is definitely of Post- Complex A date marking a time immediately following abandomnent of the site by the Phase IV occupants." 444 + 250 B.C. (694 - 194 B.C.). In the midst of this quoted description the reader is referred to Figure 24 (DHS 1959)o Figure 24-shows a charcoal layer. On page 77, footnote, one discovers that this is not the source of M-528, butvf of M-533 (j ust discussed). The quoted text is the only clue as to the source of M-528 (one doubts that M-528 and M-533 would have been collected from the same charcoal deposit without the text advising so). Inferentially, there were two superficlally located char- coal deposits in the area of the Northeast Entryway. In discussing M-533 the point was made that the relationship of its location to the drift sands was by no means clear from the texto Was M-528 at a higher level than M-533 and truly within the "lower margin" of the drift sand? Evidently it was, accord- ing to the "official" statement as to provenience, although the advertised section (in Fig. 24) does nothing to support the published provenience of the sample. The excavators estimate (DHS 1959:267) that both samples were not deposited until about a century after the end of Phase IV. Granting that the M-528 charcoal was deposited at a time when the first sands were being blown over the abandoned site, there is still the question of what it was that was being burned (we are not told that this was a hearth or an in situ burning). Again, it might be allowed that the "depre- dators" of Post-Phase IV took advantage of still available structural wood of Phase IV or earlier cutting and installation dates. Both Samples M-528 and M-533 might be interpreted as follows: if they derive from short-lived material killed or cut and burned close in time to the times of their deposition, they provide upper limit dates later than 16 which Phase IV "classic" occupation probably did not extend. If depositions of the samples are certain in terms of sequence of events, but sources of the samples are problematical, the C14 dates provide a lower limit earlier than which terminal Phase IV and/or Post-Phase IV activities probably could not have occurred. Here, "probably" refers to the two-out-of-three chance factor operating in usual C14 results (at 1-sigma). When chance and numerous basi- cally uncontrollable "ifs" combine as they do here, what do these two C14 dates mean? Perhaps what the excavators believe them to mean. Perhaps noth- ing identifiable. SAMPLE M-536. The last of the La Venta radiocarbon series comes "from bottom of trench cut into the North Platform of the Great Pyramid. Charcoal-bearing level consisted of white sands mixed with La Venta Coarse Paste Buff Ware and Coarse Paste Brown Ware sherds. Phase attribution of this layer is urinown since we were unable to correlate the Pyramid construc- tion layers w'lth those in the Ceremonial Court" (DHS 1959:265). 574 + 300 B.C. (874 - 274 B.C.). Elsewhere (Crane and Griffin 1958:7) is the observa- tion that this sample "Should give the date of the early (perhaps the initial) construction of the Pyramid." This contrasts with the following statement: it v . 0 it is our impression that the trench was excavated into what may be considered the outermost shell of the Pyramid, that is to say a late stage of enlargement rather than the hearting of the original structure" (DHS 1959:266- 267). Thls "i'mpression" evidently supersedes the prior one as to what it was that was being dated. Tat charcoal is said to be of wood and to have been apparently scat- tered rather than concentrated as an offering in the sand stratum. But did the charcoal enter the sand randomly? The sherds are said to have been "thrown into [the sand] deliberately, perhaps as a binder,, for the sand was far too c'cean to have come from an occupation or refuse zone" (DHS 1959:119). By the same argument, the wood charcoal also en-tered the sand as "binder.1' It seems clear that the sand stratum was laid down before the final stage of Pyramid construction, if in fact the Pyramid grew by "construction phases." If the sherd and charcoal were provable, deliberate inclusions in the pristine sand, one would have to assume that both had a common temporal origin for the C14 result to be meaningful. The associations of Pyramid, sand stratum, sherds and charcoal would have to be shown to be significant ones before the C14 date could be considered relevant to anything more than the death of wood. The radiocarbon result of course can be considered as a lower limit earlier than which the whole or some portion of the Pyramid prob- ably could not have been built. Why the sample was submitted is difficult to understand. Summay and Re-Interpretation of Dates The nine samples have been reviewed with attention to published and precise provenience, deposition in the sequence, known or possible derivation, and what it is to which each C1 date properly and most probably pertains. While this critique has at times reached the point of hair-splitting, we feel that such is warranted by the major role that the allegedly well-dated La Venta Complex A plays in current Nesoamerican reconstructions. 17 i'The following tabulation summarizes contrasting views as to what was dated by the nine samples: Sample Date M-535 1454 - 854 B.C. M-529 1204 - 604 B.C* M-534 1014 414 B.C. M-532 994 _ 394 B.C. M-531 904 - 304 BoCo M-530 1104 - 504 B.C. M-533 474 BeC. - A.D. 126 M-528 694 194 B.C. M-536 874 - 274 B.C. Original Interpretation (DHS 1959 :0264-267, Fi g. 79) Dates Phase I floor series Dates Phase I platform fill Dates Phase I floor series and underlying fill Dates Phase I construction layers Dates Phase I fill Dates Phase II pit Probably dates Post- Phase IV activity Definitely dates Post- Phase IV activity Might date a Phase III or IV activity but no proof Revised Interpretation Dates Pre-Phase I, or Phase I Dates Phase I, or dates Phase II-IV (prior to red clay cap) Dates Pre-Phase I Good chance that it dates Pre-Phase I or Phase I Dates Pre-Phase I Dates late Phase I to early Phase IV (prior to red clay cap) Could date- Post- Phase IV activity, or terminal Phase IV occupation, or Phase IV or Pre- Phase IV construc- tion Could date Post-- Phase IV activity, or Phase IV or Pre- Phase IV construc- tion Dates wood that provided sample Six of the La Venta samples comprise charcoal found in construction fills; three (M-530, M-533, M-528) consist of charcoal probably from in situ burning. Each sample has been reviewed from the standpoints of its phase assignment, associations, manner of final deposition, and original source. It would be well to reiterate the obvious, that in each case it is the organic source of the charcoal that has been primarily dated. We assume, as did the excavators, that it has been reliably dated. Each charcoal sample, as must be granted, can have multiple sources. A tree is cut; wood from it immediately or eventually provides a part or the whole of the carbonized sam- ple submitted for analysis. We do not know how many organic sources a sample 18 may have, nor the proportion of those sources represented in the sample. If entirely wood charcoal, we do not know how many trees may have provided the sample. Another unknown is the point of origin of wood within a tree; there- fore, there is no way of gauging "post-sample growth" (Satterthwaite and Ralph 1960:167), by which is meant the growth-time interval between the "deathtt of the sample source and "death" of the whole tree. Post-sample growth error, though usually unreckonable, must be taken into account in in- terpretationo The greater the life-span of the sample source (tree, etc.), the greater the potential for significant post-sample growth error. While it is possible to have wood charcoal identified as to contributing genera (or genus, if the sample is homogenous), there appears to be little reliable data on the differing life spans of tropical trees0 In an attempt to minimize post-sample growth error, one would exclude the larger pieces of charcoal in a C14 sample and submit only the smallest pieces in the hope that the smaller ones derive from the youngest growth of the tree or trees. esPt-sample growth ("PSG") errcor is not the only factor to be consid- ered0 One may not be able to control or specify the intervals between cut- tling and carbonizatlon and between carbonization and final deposition of the mat.erial comprising the charcoal sample0 Thls total interval is here termed the P1acement History ("PH") of the sample0 We ought also to recognize an "XI' tato represev.n,s the average of t-he death-dates of the original organic mater'ats comprlsing the sample; if the sample is homogenous material of a sing1e dea:hdate 9'X" representps that date. In usual. C14 interpretations . 4 re i l: c^-: of three chances t4hiat X falls within the I-sigma date- -s.pre*A ?;>id.-1iSZy^ anaLe feature ancovered d1uring the La Venta work was the presence oi huge, sqiuarish p"-s intruded Into the Court and/or associated platfo- n ype c ^;Sti>.:;^{e=;Si ons . F 'ive su ch pits were located . Three of these were de- Xr?^gLt. i,5 2'? O f:fer i.:ngs;9 "t (vr M.O . 1 ? n o4 u Fig , ) the term applyi ng in z2? casev VNzs. 1, 3) to the multilayered deposit of worked blocks of serpen- tines and In ",.^.he third (No. 2) to a single layer of the same objects. Only M.O I n - an examp`e of the La Venta se:-pentine mosaic pavements. o0 Th. r4 :eni.>nt was notc brouoht int-o tei e.(A->ablished series of numbered "Palrem-; lo Nc misalcs, Patvements Nos. 1 and 2 ("vpvmt. in Flg. I.), had beenz ?ocrfv pU s >,~ .cC.idered to b- ImAa:' t c: identical" w-ith the 1955 exam- Y ,C-z i t ;:u b l ocks of secpentin e,o Any reader of the La Venta reports is bound to be confused as to what constituted a "Massive Offering." Only the three 1955 features were so de- fined, The diagnostics of this category are indicated to be "large deep pits" containing what are interpreted as offerings consisting of a "very great quantity of stone" (DHS 1955:l28)o The authors never make clear whether the conventionalized jaguar(?) serpentine mosaics are to be considered as primary or supplementary evidence of such offerings. The same is true of a "crucIform cache" of celts, which, in four instances, occurred in the fill overlying the mosaic or layered blocks (DHS 1959:129). The following tabulation helps to illustrate the components and associations of these five remarkable features: 21 Cruciform Assigned Mosaic Underlying stone layer Celt cache Feature Phase Mask Many Single Offering M.Oo 1 II X x X(1942-B) M.O. 2 IV - x X(1942-C) M.O.-3 III - x _ X(10) Pvmte 1 II X X?- X(1943-E) Pvmt. 2 IV? X ? ? Robbed? The data in this table are to be kept in mind when evaluating various posi- tive statements and speculations regarding the role of "massive offerings" at La Venta. For instance, Heizer (1959:180) writes that "installation of a massive offering [of single or multi-layered 'pavements' of dressed rectangu- lar blocks of green serpentine] marked the beginning of each of the four con- struction phases. The strong suggestion exists that these renovations are cyclic and presumably are associated with a calendar system. Our present crude chronology, based on radiocarbon dates, would indicate a periodicity of about 100 years" (see also Heizer 1960:219-220 for more elaborate use of cycles within the purported 400 years of La Venta construction). Elsewhere (DHS 1959o299), one reads that the "known practice of the builders of the La Venta site in making a mssive offering at the beginning of each phase does suggest an element of periodicity for the mosaic masks. . Ott The authors (DHS 1959.299) suggest that further excavation would reveal two new masks to fil th.e Phase I, III, and IV gaps, assuming that Pavement No. 2, now unas- signable, could fill one of the three gaps on further investigation. They further suggest (DHS 1959:46) that serpentine blocks in two ancient trenches on the north and south sides of the Phase III M.O. 3 stem from a disturbed and subsequently redeposited (in M.O. 3) postulated Phase I Massive Offering. Reference to our Figure 1 and preceding table does not verify the quoted statements that each construction phase was initiated by the placement of "massive offerings," by which the excavators apparently mean only multi- or single layered pavements of serpentine blocks (but contrast with given components of M.O. 1, p. 128), No such offering can as yet be assigned to Phase I. Two (M.O. 1 and Pvmt. 1, the latter a mosaic mask which very likely overlies a multi-layered deposit) are assigned to Phase II on the assumption that-the Southwest Platform, the source of M.O. 1, paralleled in time and detail the development of the incompletely investigated Southeast Platform, beneath which Pvmt, 1 was found. The assumption of bisymmetry is not borne out in the case of the Northeast and Northwest Platforms (our Figs. 1, 2). A minor point: in the description of its excavation, M.O. 1 is assigned to a Phase IIa, not to II, In any case, the excavators might have emphasized, while generalizing, that on occasion a phase might have been initiated by a double or dual offering. "Massive Offering," a term devised for the La Venta data, needs redef- inition. The excavators apply it in a most inconsistent manner. It should be evident that five massive offerings have been found to date and that in each case a large, relatively deep pit had been dug to receive the material. There are varieties of offertory content, thus varieties of "massive offer- ing." Probably all mosaic masks overlie multi-layered serpentine blocks. 22 Non-mosaic offerings consisted of etZher a single layer of blocks or nany layers. Probably all varieties were directly associated with "supplementary" offerings of celts arranged in a cruciform pattern. That varieties of mas- sive offerings marked, singly or doubly, the beginnings of new phases of con- struct-ion in Complex A remains to be determined. As has been indicated, the published phasing of Complex A appears to contain a number of non sequiturs. These, plus patently vague application of "Massive Offering," together with questions as to the meanirng of the Complex A C14 dates, jointly impair the usefulness of statements that emphasize the cyclical, dedicatory featuares of such offerings. They could be all that the excavators conclude them to have been but the proof has yet to be presented. The Itdedicatoryi" aspect of cached offerings and tomb-type burials in the context of Mesoamerican ceremo- nial construction is an important subject. The La Venta massive offerings very likely fall within the scope of this subject. For this reason alone, a cautious assessmentE of their role or Loles at La Venta is needed. The problem remains of ver-fy li-g the mosaic pavements as Olmec prod- ucts0 There is no question that M.O I as set just prior to laying the Phase II 1%h1ite sandy" floor series. As indicated, this is the only surely phased mosaic pavenent found at La Venta, As regards stylistic al?finity, the polint has been made (DHS 1i95993) that this "very, highaly conventior-alized mask of the jaguar 0 0 . incorporated most of thne distinctive features repeated in other Omec representations of this deity.t' The only distinctive elements clted are tW2he `p'J?>=ed eyebrows of t.he tfiypical Olmec Jaguar representation" (DHS 19`9,--99). It strlkes us that it equires considezable gition to see plime eyebIrows twlthin the geomk{ri'c Layout of this or any other La Venta mosaic pavement mask. More important, 'waIs t!. z 7,ruly Olmec about these three ma sk.s'? ThA.4A th.t22 .'n Wi..>s ; Yn .o-e as r;he other e6ght. The pattern (briefly indicated by DHS 19594 ea6>.-i6`4') consists of the depositi on, in a formal arrangenent, of stone beads, ear^sp-cls, pendants, and occaslonally flgurines or 'maskettes." These are aAsaSMged .s.a.A1 :o replicate the layouat of material worn by the deceased. NOWf,t>-A^?>09 2,. *^ 'f D2E A tde ,-< *X t9hin a marrked layer of -nnbarb pture or admixed by clay. One mA-,:(e.i co '., r;c the r:e of clnmabar was Offering 1942-B, within the famed siorie ccfC-: (I'Monuraent 6"1) another was Offering 1942-D, an apparently scat- te-^ed tf"erT,3 Contexts differ. One, as just noted, was in a lidded monu- naFiS 93& %r^ ;a>g w;a s placed thrcugh the latest ?Old-rose"! floor and then sea.ed L.- `-,1h "Red c.Lay cap11 (Phase IV). This was the excavators' I'first hr), -i -Q? DHS 9 5' 9591 5h) 4 It may have been the correct one. FPiiall.'y a thlird sect?nl (DRi: 19.59Fi9g. 16) shows Offering 4 as com- pletely w/ithin the level white sand stratum, with no "inspection hole." There are thus very real reasons for doubting that the published dating of Offering h is as certain as claimed. In summary, jade and serpentine figurines were a marked feature of Phase IV La Venta offerings. We have discussed the two published exceptions in the matter of dating, Offerings 3 and4h. In the first case, one almost has to take it on faith that the offering pertains to Phase II while, in the second case, one is faced by a choice between two very real possibilities, each leading to a different conclusion as to dating (i.e. Phase III, or Phase IV). Celt ype Offerings exclusively made up of jade and/or serpentine celts were as follows: Offerings 2 (Phase III), 2a (Phase III), 8 (Phase III), 10 (Phase III), 13 and 1943-B (Phase III), 1942-C (Phase IV), 1942-E (Phase II), 1943-D (Phase III), and 1943-H (Phase IV). The single offering consisting of ttpseudo-celts"t only was Offering 1 (Phase III). Celts occur with other ob- jects in offerings of the "celt and mirror type" (above) as well as in "surro- gate burials," and "offerings featuring stone figurines.11 29 The earliest "delt type" offering Is indicated to be 1942-E (Phase II). Consisting of six plain serpentine exmLples, It was located within the Southeast Platform In fill overlying the mosaic Pavement No. 1. For reasons already given In a number of contexts, phase assignments of features associ- ated with this Platform are based on untested assumptions. At the very least, this offering should be, we think, assigned to a tPhase II(?)." Offering 2 with a Phase III datlng (DHS 1959l135), contained five decorated celts. 6ne of these showed a notched head profile face in "abso- lutely classic conventional Olmec style" (DHS 1959ol42, Fig. 35,!). The description of the offering does not Indicate any possibility of doubt as to phase-dating. Nevertheless, the excavation portion of the report almost explicitly allows for uncertainty. The offering occurred Immediately in front of Mound A-2 In an area of heavy offertory actlvity and disturbance. The "fOld-rose"l floor series (apparently only three floors here) occurs south of the offering (DH5 1959tFig. 10). As the floor series moves north, contin- uity Is broken by the Monument 13 pit. Directly north of this pit, a short section of floors appears, three tlmes thicker and triple In number the "Old- rose" floors south of the pit. Thls unusually thick series Is shown overly- ing Offering 2. The text (DM3 1959t4l) assumes that south and north of the Monument 13 pit the same floor serles Is present. No evidence Is given that the lowest three floors of the thick, north section are typologically identi- cal to the three to the south, nor, If traced about the Intervening pit, that the three surfaces were physically llnked and thus the same. The offering was nevertheless said to be intruded through the "lowermost" floors of the north thick series (DM5 1959:41). Yet, t,he excavators coment that "It was not possible for us to determine . . . whether the offering was Intruded through the entixre floor series or only part of them. The problem Is a minor one, however, since we can be certain that Offering 2 dates from the period of the old-rose floors" (DHMS 195294l). The problem Is not minor. Their con- clusion leads to an unequlvocal Phase III dating for a cache possessing a superb Olmec feature. First of all, the north series of floors camot be convincingly shown to be the same as the "Old-rose" series to the south. Implausible as It may sound, the north ones might represent a "laminated patch" for an offertory pit (No. 2) Intruded durlng or at the moment of abandonment of the "Old-rose" level of Complex A. If put through all the north "floors," the cache would pertain to Phase IV, Inasmuch as 6iie IV is marked by the deposition of the "Red clay cap" over all features of later date than the laying of the latest "Old-rose" floor. In summarizing the Phase III sequence of the general context of this offering, the excavators make the point that the laying of the "Old-rose" series and the contemporary construction and renovation of platforms "bring the phase [l.e. III] to a close"' (DHS 1959L45). If the cache was Intruded Into this floor series dur- ing the use of the latest of the serles, the offertory act must then post- date Phase III# The excavation portion of the report reveals the problematic stratig- raphy of Offoring 2, We ftol the situation to be even more uncontrolled than allowed there. It Is unfortunate that the excavators' doubts were not pqa- phrased in the section 4evoted to of ferngs (always more palatable and thus Influential to readers than dry oxccAvation data), All In all1, a good cae oovld b~e made for Offering 2 havng been immediately made prior to the deposi- tion Qf the '"Red clay cap and thus an early feature of Phase IV (if we cor- ??tly underetand the approach to phasing at La Venta). 30 To save space, we do not review the dating or phasing of the remaining "celt offerings.1t These have been indicated as belonging within Phases III and IV. The important fact is that none of these remaining caches contain items fully or partially in "Olmec style." Pottery vessel offeri . Seventeen offerings were encountered at La Venta that consisted of pottery vessels. Ten of these were assigned to Post-Phase IV as they were found within the surface drift sands (Offerings 1943-A, 20 through 27, and 19)43-0, the latter within the sands but possibly of Phase IV). The surface sand deposits contained vessels, spottily identified with such tags as "Crude Reddish-buff ware,t' and "'Red-slipped Buff ware." One Post-Phase IV offering, No. 25, contained a bowl that "conforms to a striking degree with the La Venta Fine Paste Gray ware" previously defined by Drucker (DHe 1959:223-22)4). The excavators suggest that this specimen was deposited very shortly after the abandonrent following on Phase IV, or possibly the ware ca+tL>ued to be made in Post-Pnase IV times. In short, Offering No. 25 raises an important question as to the time-span of a particular ware of the La Venta ceramic "complex." Thurnfiog to pottery offerings in arch,itectural contexts, seven were recoveredL: Offerings 14 (Phase III(?)), 15 (Phase I(?)), 16 (Indeterminate, Phase I(?)), 17 (Indeterminate, Phase I(?)), 18 (Phase II(?)), 19 (Phase II(?)), and 1943-C (III)* A-e Offerings 1)4, 15, and 16 as early as even the questioned Phase I assignntens iply? Th-e three come from the Northwest Platform. Offering 14, made -up of slx vessels (Fine Paste Buff ware, Fine Paste Black ware, Fine Paste Orance warze) was found within the hearting of the earliest platform (Figs. 1, ?.E. Plas: Unit A). If this platform is a valid component of Phase I (Se.* Q staceo pp. 2 et se the offering surely cannot have been ieC.> ited earlier than. Phase I. However, the "tpostioon of the ves- sels O O . suuggested that they had been placed in the bottom of a small pit" (OHS 1959:187). The pit edges could not be defined and accordingly it could not be settled whether the offering pertains to Phase II or Phase III. Offer- ing 14 is shown in Figure 18 (DHS 1959) as occurring within the limits of a broken-line pit. Is this the pit in question? This Offering 14 appears in this section associated with Offering 5 within the same pit. Yet, Offering 5, as previously discussed under "Surrogate Burials," is allegedly Phase III without a question mark. We conclude that it would be hard to find a more confusing and confused section than that in Figure 18 of the 1959 report. As previously noted, nothing in text or sections precludes the possibility that this pit had been cut through the local Phase III platform (Figs. 1, 2: N.E. Plat: Unit C) at the time of laying the Phase IV ttRed clay cap.1t The offer- ing surely postdates the ItWater-sortedtt floor series and antedates. the depo- sition of the "Red clay cap." Offering 15, Phase I(?), of a Coarse Brown ware bowl was previously discussed in connection with radiocarbon Sample M-529. The clues as to when this offering was made and to what did it relate were found to be so mislead- ing that the only reasonable "dating" for the offering is Phase I, or Phase Il-Phase IV. Offerings 16 and 17 (Indeterminate, Phase I(?)) also come from this same Northeast Platform. Each consisted of a rectangular Coarse Brown ware 31 vessel ("a distinctive Olmec type") (D1-s 19590190). The reasons for indeter- minateness of Phase-dating are not indicated in the description of the offer- ings. Their positions are shown in the section (DHS 1959:Fig. 18). They are not shown encompassed by intrusive pit or pits, but lie well within the hearting of the earliest platform (our Unit A; cf. Figs. 1, 2). The excava- tion report does not deal with these offerings beyond mentionlng that they are "doubtfully attributed to Phase I" (DHS 1959:61, 124). If, as the excava- tors indicate, this early platform belongs to Phase I, why should not the caches unequivocally belong to the same phase? What was "indeterminate" about their provenience and deposition? Offerings Nos. 18 and 19 consisted of a Coarse Brown ware bowl and a White-Rimmed Coarse Black ware bowl (possible method of manufacture of latter discussed by Foster 1960:213). They have been attributed to Phase II(?) (DHS 1959:190-191). Both were in a pit intruded into early hearting of the NA.h'3s P>'forra. Tis .ame p3i, No. 3 was the soue o radiocarbon Sample p30, prevlously dis.cussed. O^r review of the proverience and associa- tions of the sample led to the conclusion that the sample, pit, and necessar- ily t-ohese twNo caches belong to a time no later than the deposition of the 'tRed iLay cap9 that is, Phliase IV, and no earlier than the first "Water- sor+et" f'oor, the laying of which miarks Phase I. Offering 1943-C, attributed to Phase III, was found overlying Massive Offering 3, within the pit of the latter and sealed by the intact "Old-rose" flocr se.eI' wn'ch marks Phase IIIo. The cache consisted of two pottery ves- sels (D:'ucker 195S2:39; DHS l959 App. 1r) No data are given on ware On e vessel 'was rinverted over the other, but wlthout known contents. There appears to be no reason to quesstion the phase assignment of this offering . This brief revlew of offerings feathrurng pottery has been oriented to phas\e ass.sgnzMents of' the offerings and tfhe waLes represented in them. Realiz- ing Ithat the Complex A excavations yielded little ceramic material beyond cached spezimens, we feel it mandatory that at least the constructionally sequential status of each offerixng be specified as objectively as the record allows. The assumption may or may not be correct that little time intervened between the manufacture and deposition of a White-Rimmed Black ware vessel or one of Fine Paste buff ware. The control of deposition, first in terms of local "phases," and secondly through radiocarbon dating, is bound to have im- port in comparative ceramic studies. Increasingly La Venta (and Tres Zapotes) are being turned to in order to substantiate ceramic conclusions elsewhere, particularly in southern Mesoamerica. One would imagine that a well controlled series of pottery caches spanning the era of Complex A construction would do much to clarify the at present muddled picture of La Venta as well as Tres Zapotes ceramic development, based on material approximating occupation debris (Drucker 1943, 1952). While a small sample of cached vessels was, as indica- ted, recovered in Complex A constructions, we have tried here to show that various deposits are severely problematic as to phase affiliation, in some cases, probably far more so than their excavators indicated in print. It mlght be useful to add here that three "'s-urrogate burial" offerings (Nos. 5, 1943-G, 1943-L) with mixed contents did contain pottery. Offering 5 was assigned to Phase III, the other two to Phase IV. Offering 5 was reviewed, with the conclusion that there are grounds for questioning its published phase, assignment; a Phase IV dating is a possibility worth considering. The Offer- 32 ing 5 vessels, either two or three in number (Drucker 1952:164, Figs. 41i, 42, a), include Fine Paste Buff-Orange ware and Brown ware. Coarse Buff ware and Foarse Brown ware(?) (sic) occurred in the Phase IV Offering No. 1943-G (Drucker 1952:70, FigsTT8b, 19f) while the single vessel in Phase IV, Offer- ing 1943-L, could not be specifTed. Stone Monuments Forty La Venta objects were assigned to the catch-all.category of "'monuments" (DHS 1959:229, App. 2). Here we are first of all concerned with those "monuments" whose ultimate position can be correlated with La Venta con..- struction phases, particularly those monuments exhibiting specific Olmec characteri sti cs . Monument 6 is the famed lidded carved "coffer," or Tomb B, the con- tents cf wh'-h became Offering No. 1942-B. The coffer or stone box was evi- dently set follcwlwng the placing of Massive Offering No. 2 and just before the depositvon of the "tRed clay cap" over Mound A-2. The setting of this monument then can be said to be ttdedicatory" to the final major renovation of the Mound A-2 structure0 The coffer was fashioned no later than this but nothing beyond this upper 1 mit dating and stylistic considerations governs its time of manu- facture0 As will be shown, this is the only major La Venta object that can be associated wixth La Venta construction. There is nothing in Drucker's discus- sion of its :arved face that would depreciate it as an excellent example of Olmec style (Drucker 1952:178) . Monuments 7 and 24 are published (DHI; 1959:229) as other examples that were sealed by the Red clay cap and thus Phase IV. Monument 7 is the #Tomb A" basalt colrumn construction and thus principally architectural in significance. Monument 24 designates a fragmentary shaped basalt slab found in an area of "considerabLe disturbance,It but still considered to be of Phase IV deposition (DHS l9590 04), There is nothing about it to characterize it as stylistically or specifically Olmec. Monument 25 appears also to be a candidate. This stela-l ike incomplete stone, seemingly carved in good Olmec style, occurred in a line with the appar- ently intentionally upside-down oriented Monuments 26 and 27 (DES 1959:120, 208). The three monuments are concluxded to have been erected "in shallow holes with backs braced against a shelflike bank cut into the main Pyramid mass." However, tTwo limestone flakes serving as shims under Monument 25 suggest that the setting of the sculpture dates from Phase IV" (DHS 1959:206). The reason- ing here is obscure. The fact that limestone slabs seem to be fairly frequent in connection with Phase IV (D2H1; 1959:126) architectural features may have led to this suggested date. Returning to the Monument 6 "coffer," it appears to be the only iphas- ablet' major La Venta object found to date that has stylistic import. One outstanding problem in La Venta archaeology has been to rationalize superficial positions of many fine major sculptures but to control temporally the deliber- ate mutilation. With the noted exceptions of Monuments 6, 7, and 24, all other monu- ments from the Complex A area "lay entirely above the Phase IV clay surface [i.e. "Red clay cap"] or were mounted in clay but protruded for most of their length above the clay surface" (DHS 1959:229). One supposes that "mounted in clay" refers to intrusion of the monuments into the extant "*Red clay cap" (the 33 only illustrated example however seems to be Monument 13, in DHS 1959:Fig. 10). The excavators go on to infer that it was "customary" at La Venta "to raise and re'erect the stone monuments when the periodic alterations were made to the site. This practice was followed during Phase IV, leavring all the monuments fully exposed when the site was abandoned except for those that were inten- tionally buried" (DHIS 1959:229-230, 259). The destruction and mutilation of monuments is attributed to Post-Phase IV occupants. It is never quite stated as such, but the excavators evidently attribute the ultimate location of the monuments to the Phase IV occupants. In this case, were the Phase IV occu- pants also responsible for the peculiar upside-down setting-of Monuments 26 and 27 (see above)? This problem is never handled. Did the La Venta monuments work their way up through time through a process of construction, ultimately to emerge in association with the "Red clay cap"t era of occupation and ceremonialism as proposed in print? Only uThMv: 1on guides the suggestion that an odd c?y featur e, sealed by the "Water-so-:ted" floor series (DHIS 1959>65, 259, Fig. 20; also our Figs. 1, 2, N.W. Plat-e Unit A), "may have been a pedestal for a monument long since re- moved."t If evidence for the carvling and erection of monuments at La Venta during Phase III and earlier times was found, we cannot find it in print. Unless there is a style progression evident in the carved La Venta monuments, a good Case could be made out for their origins and original placement within Phase IV times. But only the carved "1coffer,'t Monument 6, can be proved to be of Phase IV times, and it is neither a stela nor an altar. Th-e 'Ilmestone shim" argument, previously noted, is a peculiar way of a RPase IV erection. date for Monument 25 where found; it and the two nassociated" upside-down monuments were sintruded into the side of the Great Pyramid. It seems more plausi*ble that they owe their alignment and locaticn to Post-Phase IV activit'-y. Stela 5 is alsc said to be associated with t imeskone iris (DHS 1959:126). Wlth rio sig n of carving, its description mere!vy su gestLs that it is a fragment of a stela (Stirling 194i3:52). Stone types, such as greenschist, common i:'L Phvase IV architectural contexts, are used to pro--r.de various monuments, including ner 5, with a suggested Phase IV date of fashioning (DHS 19592126). In summary, we ctan find no evidence for the carving and positioning of major monolithic objects, in Olmec style or not, prior to the inception of Phase IV times. There is no direct evidence through excavation that would support the published assertion that La Venta monuments, found in superficial circumstances, were carved and positioned in times earlier than Phase IV. Until stylistic considerations prove otherwise, one might argue that such monuments were exclusively Phase IV products. Supposing this to be so, it is not unreasonable to assume that they were carved and positioned in associa- tion with ItRed clay cap" platforms, whatever happened to them thereafter. D is Cussion and Conclusions During the course of writing this review, a glossy-paper advertisement arrived on our desk from a New York dealer in Pre-Columbian art. It illus- trates, presumably for sale, a superb object with the caption "Olmec jade figurine/ La Venta: ca. 800 B.C." Di;sregarding the question of whether or not the piece really comes from La Venta, the leaflet is in fine agreement with current dating and interpretaticon 34 We have tried here to be fair in our appraisal of what the excavation record really allows. In this case, fairness centers on searching for outside limits of certainty and probability. Not to allow a plus-or-minus where properly due in historical calculation must undercut the discipline that is the basic ingredient of archaeology. The La Venta "facts" had better be rea- soned and then conscientiously used with full regard to their probability or lack of it, before entering infectious recreations of what happened in history, here, of Mesoamerica. Too much depends on La Venta. Archaeological interpre- tation might profitably flag itself down for occasional inspectFion of the "truths"' that the contributing facts purport to be. For some, it is only a hop from La Venta to primal civilization in Mesoamerica. We merely suggest that the point of departure might be more accurately surveyed. The Complex A construction phases, four in number, are not easily understood. The basic ingredient in phasing was the plaza-court floor "tser- ies.tt Ir p-;ublished usage, a phase seems to have been initiated with the lay- ing of the first floor of a series. The phase persisted throughout the inter- val of adding floors to produce the total series. The phase further encom- passed the building of clay platforms on the floors as well as the resurfacing of the platform faces and tops. The (undefined) concept of Phase at La Venta must assume that renovations to court and platforms were sufficient to span the time interval between the start of one phase and the start of the subse- quient one. No allowance is made for occupation during which construction did not locally take place. It is especially difficult to handle Phase IV without providing for occupation or use of wthatever the "Red clay cap" comprised. We read of a t?Water-sortedt' floor serlies that must have taken time to accumulate. It; is on the surface of the latest of this series that some early Dlatfomrxs were built and interpreted as though the constituent surfaces of the series had never related to prior platforms through "run-under," "fus ion," and "abutment." The 1959 report never really handled systematically these three floor-structure relationships and their bearing on phasing. All in all, the constructior sequence in each structural locus was grossly simplified by con- densing it to fit the four-phase sequence governed by the plaza-court area of Complex A. Quantification of superimposed platform features was precluded by the failure to designate the constituent platforms in a systematic, tangible way. It is our impression that a great deal could have been said about La Venta architecture and detail but the reports fail to do so. The architecture has been barely rationalized in print. Knowledge of it seems largely to have been incidental to excavation for other things. A case in point is the ubiq- uitous ItRed clay cap." It is almost treated as a great red blanket pulled over the site just before the night of its oblivion. Yet this is the archi- tecture, along with basalt columns and the like, that mark the obvious heyday of La Venta, so-called Phase IV. Anyone concerned with the reality of La Venta influence on the develop- ment of early high culture in Mesoamerica might profitably attempt to assess independently the architectural growth data latent in publications on the site. It is all very well to emphasize the formal layout of Complex A, its bisymmetry in relation to a centerline, the huge Pyramid (unexcavated and assumed, prob- ably ri ghtly, to belong to "classic"t times at the site), and so forth. But such enphasis could be misleading without taking into account the architectural whole of Complex A. For instance, the well-noted formal arrangement of the Complex may have emerged at least in part from a quite assymmetric earlier development. It would be well to keep in mind the unrelated fashion in vhich the Northeast and Northwest Platforms (Fig. 2) came eventually to look alike. If we were to use Heizer's suggested century-long construction phase inter- vals, the locus of the Southwest Platform (Fig. 1) was apparently blank for a hundred years or so before construction was initiated in Phase II, The Complex A phases are crucial to the whole matter of La Venta cul- ture development. Though purportedly constructional, these phases came to subsume all physically associated features. No culture category (offerings, "tombs,t, etc.) can be reviewed without confronting these phases. The sequence of laying court "floor series" cane to control as much as possible. We doubt very much that the intricate, .unbalanced growth of Complex A can be usefully compressed into four phases. For the four phases to be fundamentally valid, it Is necessary to assume, in the absence of verifying overall sections, that "tOld rose" was truly "Old rose" in another locale, or,, even with a section, within a few feet (cf. Offering 2, ttcelt type"t of offering). But the logic of common level, or typology, in lieu of physical continuity, becomes increas- ingly speculative as the value of what the floor relates to increases (e.g. a cache of celts, some of i-hich are engraved in "classic Olmec style"). To repeat, floor-based phases are only as substantial as the control imposed on them in excavation and reporting. The subject of Olmec architecture at La Venta cannot exist unless La Venta architecture emerges three-dimensionaslly. A proper query is one that asks at what point in time (or in local phases) did Complex A become architec- turally Olmec. If one wishes to reason ciorcularly, it is possible to claim that Phase I platforms, large as they were (which was how large?) were Olmec construictions because "substantial ceremonial-public architecture" is an in- gredient of OcIvilization" and Olmec is civilization in Middle Formative times. It is difficult to see how the question can be answered without deter- mining at what point in the local sequence did Olmec art style manifest itself in Complex A. Cached offerings, "massive" and t1minor,'t have been reviewed at length with various aims in mind. As noted, each Complex A phase (how substantial these phases is the question) may have been initially ceremonialized by the installation of a "Massive Offering" but there are a number of problems to be solved before asserting this as a fact. Relatively small offerings were most plentiful in Phase IV contexts, Certain exceptions to this dating involving objects in Olmec style, were reviewed. Questions were raised as to the valid- ity of these pre-Phase IV assignments. Phasing of offerings containing items in clear Olmec style is particularly crucial. Such items cluster in Phase IV offerings. We have discussed in detail the evidence for earlier phased offer- ings containing Olmec style objects (Offerings 2 - 7). We have concluded that the published phase assignments are in all cases problematic to one degree or another. The possibility is repeatedly raised that most if not all exceptions pertain to Phase IV ceremonial activity. It has been further emphasized that human burials, in the usual sense of the term, have yet to be discovered at the site. The La Venta publications were checked without success to discover whether La Venta monuments in Olmec style could be attributed to a time earlier 36 than Phase IV. Indeed it is even difficult to assign any such monument, beyond the famed Monument 6 "Icoffer,t to Phase IV. There are grounds however for see- ing Phase IV as a time of exceptional activity in the matter of monuments. The subject of the architectural associations of ceramics is a difficult one. There can be no question that examples of Fine Paste and Coarse wares, established by Drucker in his study of occupation debris, were employed in or as offerings during Phase IV and probably earlier, though the latter still re- quires considerable proof. We realize that Drucker's sherd collections have been, or continue to be, under restudy. This study presumably will reveal the temporal relationships between the Complex A cached vessels and the La Venta midden(?) material. Our review here is not intended to suggest that the pro- duction of the already published "tclassic" La Venta wares was restricted to a time-span equal to that of the construction Phase IV. All we say is that the Complex A excavation record provides little basis for specifying the tr^ue phase-sparis oi4f the various wares that entered offerings. Since the La Venta radiocarbon dates are extensively used for various purposes In Mesoanerican reconstructions, the dates ha.ve been cautiously re- viewed. Each sample and result has been studied as to placement history, asso- oiations, orgi nal source, and interpretation. Our conclusion `s that the nine dates have very limited pert.inency when so examined. On reconsideration, these dates neit her confirm. nor nullify the generally accepted 800 - 400 B.C. span for Complex A.. The dates merey make it highly likely that this Complex A was the scene of cnnst.ruction during the first milleaniun B.C., if notrZ .^efore and after. The c.-.ru_ncton to make the most of these Cl4 dates is understandable. However, .^..s difficult to see how they car be used for anything more momen- tous if th1 zr of high probability is not to be deflected. La Vent.a was a Formativ74e ilre. The real prob'lem is at what point in time did it take on or develop vpec?ilPzed attributes that require inclusion of La Ven'ta in any com- prehensive, even casual consideration of early Mesoamerlcan cultural evolution. Phase IV gives every indication of having been a multi-faceted climax of a perlod of occupation and construction, but a period of truly indetermin- ate length. The time-span of Phase IV is moot. The location of radiocarbon Sample M-533 was ideal *for terminally dating Phase IV. The date spread (h74 B.C. - A.D. 126) resulting from its analysis would so apply, within chance limits, were it not for the uncertainty of what source or sources provided the charcoal. The inclination is to assume that short-lived organic material provided the charcoal and that no significant interval occurred between the death of the material and its deposition where found as charcoal. On the other hand, we have sugoested the possibility that Phase IV or Pre-Phase IV structural members may have been salvaged and bumed to provide the sample. This suggestion permits potentially si gnificant error that, if great enough, could place terminal Phase IV in post-A.D. 126 times. Speculation of this order would be pointless were it not for the fact that Phase IV marked a time of intensive major and minor offertory activity. It has been suggested here that the carving and positioning of monuments in Olmec style belong entirely to th'is phase. Wi'thin this same phase the great basalt column features came into being. Everything points to Phase IV La Venta having been a major Olmec center. Was La Venta Olmec prior to Phase IV? One purpose of this review has been to search for incontrovertible evidence that Phase IV was a florescence 37 of previously Olmec La Venta. Massiave Offerings, so-called "jaguar" mosaic pavements and Celt caCheS are demonstrably early in a relatilve sense at Complex A. Low rectangular clay platforms were present in Phase I and prob- ably Pre-Phase I times as well. Ceramrics and figurines occur in Pre-Phase I context (MacNeish 1960:296). However, it is only "jaguar"t mosaic pavements, going back in time to Phase II, that embody allegedly Olmec stylistic traits. Perhaps obtuseness interferes with our acceptance of the conviction that these mosaic pavemaents really are conventionalized full-face jaguar heads and that they really do incorporate "most of th e distinctive features repeated in other Olmec representatives of this deity't (DHS 1 959993). We do feel that the sub- ject matter and style of these ttmaskstt are quite speculative. Because of this, it is hard to emphasize them as unequivocal evidence of Olmec presecce in Pre-Phase IV La Venta. Potentially the best case for depositional earli- ness at La Venta of objects or features in Olmec style is the jade "maskette"t from Offering 2 (DHS 1959:Fig. 43,b); why this offering was dubiously assigned ;- t->csld be explained . If it could be proved that this offering be- 1 J .A 0 1 L ve trfe o ons tructing a Phase I platform, a strong case could be rna4ei ad Phase I La Venta was Olmec, or at least receptive to Olmec influ- Ic aR nd p-oducts. All offerings producing engraved celts and stone figurines In Gi e s tyll e that allegedly come from Pre-Phase IV deposits, are, on close >.xe<$ ;on, stratigraphically problematic to one degree or another. La ! se: " also faUed to produce evidence of large sculptures 'n Olmec style prior to the advent of Phase IV. To say that small Jade and serpentine Olmec figu- r riies w h missing parts at the time of their caching comprises evridence of A gr.z azutly ear ier manufacture is to raise the question of what isignifi- 'ark7Lv a r'ts t,, time How long after manufacture does "veneration" result t 2c& -~e_a c1zvrIne lrimbs? In short;, the excavation data on review seem to underscore to a great- et d-gren than previously that Phase IV encompasses the bulk, if not the 't>.cI;:S O^j; ' mec La Venta cuilture (or the La Venta variety of Olmec culture). :4nA; azr~s u work at the site yielded little, perhaps rno straightforward .; 9. * p *i prooi of earlier Olmec presence but the record at hand is all that we have to go on now. The La Venta radiocarbon results are most accommodating. One can argue that Phases I to IV spanned little time because offerings large and small were too patterned not to occupy a short time-span; or they were tradi- tionalized, and pattern, in order to be tradition, requires considerable time. It can be argued that the Phase I to Phase IV constructions required centuries for superpositions and renovations to have taken place. Conversely, there is nothing 'in these phases of construction that would require more than a century to achieve (after all, they are clay platforms). Finally, the crucial Phase IV, can be pinned down where one pleases or where outside evidence dictates within a period perhaps as long as a half millennium. It has not been the Durpose of this paper to review how data from sites beyond La Venta may or may not mesh and independently control La Venta. It is our impression that the La Venta data comprise a pivotal reference point in Preclassic comparisons; La Venta helps make sense of data from other sites and not the other way around. If true, then scrutiny of the La Venta facts and fancies has been especially warranted. 38 It would be very easy to conclude as follows: La Venta was a fairly short-lived maverick site that finally got on the Olmec track of civilization in a very big way in very late Formative, even Proto-Class ic, times; that Olmec, as generally thought of, was as late on the Mesoamerican scene as Com- plex A Phase IV; and that this scene already contained emergent civilization In various regions. Such a conclusion, facile and irreverent sounding as it may be, is not, we think, contradicted by La Venta as now known. But neither does La Venta, as presented here, contradict the theory of Olmec as the "mother- culture" and progenitor of Mesoamerican civilization. Nor does.it by any means substantiate it. The ilhole problem comes down to the actual date of Phase IV, to where Offerings 2 and 4 sequentially belong, to mosaic pavements as truly four-eyed Olmec jaguars, and so on and so forth. We doubt that La Venta should play the interpretive role that it does until such questions have been recog- nized and independently searched, if not answered. REFERENCES COE, W. R. 1959 Piedras Negras archaeology: artifacts, caches and burials. Museum Monographs. Philadelphia, The University Museum. 1962 A sunmary of excavation and research at Tikal, Guatemala: 1956-61. American Antiquity 27:479-507. COE9 W. R.o Eo M. SHOOK, and L. SATERTHWAITE 1961 The carved wooden lintels of Tikal. Tikal Reports, No. 6. Museum Monographs. Philadelphia, The University Museum. CRANE, H. R. and J. B. GRIFFIN 1958 University of Michigan radiocarbon dates II. Science 127:1098-1105. FOSTER, G. Ml i$6O Archaeological implications of modern pottery of Acatlan, Puebla, Maeico . American Antiquity 26:0205-214. DRLJCKER, PO 1952 La Venta, Tabasco: a study of Olmec ceramics and art. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 153. DRUCKER, P., R. F. HEIZE, and R. J. SQUIER 1957 Radiocarbon dates from La Venta, Tabasco. Science 126:72-73. 1959 Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955. Bureau of American Ethnol- ogy, Bulletin 170 (cited in the text as DHS). HEIZER, R. F. 1959 Specific and generic characteristics of Olmec culture. Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas 2:178-182. 1960 Agriculture and the theocratic state in lowland soutxheastern Mexico. American Antiquity 26:215-222. MacNEISH, R. S. 1960 Review of Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955, by Drucker, Heizer and Squier. American Antiquity 26:296-297. SATTERTHWAITE, L. and E. K. RALPIH 1960 New radiocarbon dates and the Maya correlation problem. American Antiquity 26:165-184. 39 STIRLING, 1943 M. W. Stone monuments of southern Mexicoo Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 138. Certain papers bearing on the interpretation of La Venta have not been util- ized in this critique (e.g. R. F. Heizer, 1961, Inferences on the nature of Olmec society based upon data from the La Venta site, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 25:h3-57). Such omissions do not alter materially the factual basis of our critique. PIGU1E 1 Relationships of' La Venta Complex A arch- itecture and floors. This is a schematic selective cross-section, without vertical and horizontal scale. Based on Drucker, Heizer and Squier l99:Figs. 6, 9-12, l- 18, 20, 2L, 26-28, and text, and on Drucker 1952:Figs. 18, 19, 21, and text. Roman numerals are published construction phases; letters are of' architectural units used in this reriew. Abbreviations: 'Plat" * Platform hINd?t :: Mound !?Pvmt?; = Pavement ttI?.O.II = Massive Offering The Northwest and Northeast Platforms are shown in detail in Figure 2. S. CENT. PLAT. MD. A-2 N.E. ENTRY. E. WALL RED CLAY CAP OLD -ROSE WHITE SANDY - WATER-SORTED lOT I-. - ___________________ I- - I / -= K-= III M.O. 3 N.W PLAT. N. E. PLATO S. W. PLAT. S.E. PLAT. MD. A-3 %_ _ _I PVMTL2 A fla -I I. I I I I  I M.O. 1 PVMT. 1 I w % - - B A M.O. 2 PRE4 A b I A *0 IL W 'd I I r i O) 4- O 1 4. I lz 4- 4 -1i 1 | 4-) 4- 4N V O Y * U) 1 4-) OCA)_ V) IL) O4 4-) 9m v) I~OO< R C) 0 14 0 ui g <9 A O @ @ ^ t t @ @ @ tQ 2 @ mv I) 0 tt CA {t. 0 > 9 tH o | ^ v ) C\ CA) t tn n A g o 4 I =l LI 01 0 t XX* 4- a) 4 F D U @ > t Q~l, 4) | v * -4 4 - U) __ C\j %l P, Li f sW t) 4-) ; 0 CO Ci )I | a3~~~~~~~4 %4 it rq t @O@g X~~~~~~~r *,r tA 0 @ }* @* HI||(_ i w 0n (n -1- 4 ) r4vu 0 ti 4- (n 4- t @H ( L,QI J 4- UX@ S U 4- = iH @ e. O- co U) c o To w V) r,. n@@ -X=n/. 4-- IL ONo W a) 4- @ o W 4- > .. V) u) -r 4- CZ ~@ ; 9 Q (o co 4 o o W 4. 4 4 X/. . v ) 4- o .,r Qv *H r4 w v1* ) *Hrq V- ) 4-) 4-) tn 4- Q ) 0 4 t4 W * O O $v l w 9 t4 WL :S $4 0 C)MX@ O r- /.. UZ Q QsV}; U~~~) V) O v- 4-)4-) tt 4- 0 : : l J cM f#> s- I I \ ./ _~~N M ui . ... 43 CY :< _- C4 F=4