000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0 or No 0;?28>080 8 Ad 0737 Z % %lN SS,_ A0 &X9S~~~~~~~~~~~~~b{~0-0 al de_ 4,a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J t WKns fi t?:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l -Jo INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Kroeber Anthropological Soci Papers publish articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles of theoretical interest, the Papers will welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record, as well as bibliographies, linguistic texts, vocabularies and historical documents of anthro- pological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced throughout, including bibliography and notes, on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes (the Papers do not employ footnotes) and bibliography should be placed on separate sheets. The style to be followed is that used by the American Anthropolo- g ist.* Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. Additional reprints nay be ordered at the price of one cent per page. A small extra charge will be made if illus- trations must be reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their manuscripts, authors will be asked how many additional reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley h, California Acknowledgments We also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance given us by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Re- search. Their generous grant has made possible the continuing success of our publication. spring 1964 NO. 30 THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Penny Addisso * * *** * * * ** * * 0 President U Neil Eddington * * * * * * * * * * * Vice-President Linda Salter * - -- - -* - - * ' - o @ Secretary Chet Lancaster- * * * * * * * * * * -Treasurer Christie Kiefer' - - * Chairman: Annual Meeting Michael Kearney, Penny Addiss * e - - Editors Address all correspondence to: 0 The Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology 0 University of California Berkeley, California 94720 0. 0 Lo C Cover Design U)@ Bird motifs selected from among the many created 0 O by the indigenous cultures of Mexico and reproduced by our member-artist, Octavio Romano V.* * L~ ~ ~~ C ON T ENT S Ethnography and Ethnology in the Sixteenth Century by John Howland Rowel .. .. . . . . .l . ...le Culture and Civilization: In Man and Out There by Raymond D. Gastil. . . - . . . . . . . . 21 An Appropriate Methodology for the Social Sciences by Milton L. Andersen . . . . . . . . . . 29 Evidence for Complex Alliance in Tikopia by David B. EydeO . . . . . . . . . ......... .... . 39 Los Golondrinos by Charlene Miller. . . la . . . . . * . . 51 Folk Concepts of Etiology and Illness in a North Indian Village by Khwaja A. Hasan. . . . 0 . . . .. . . . . . . 73 African Nemesis: An Off-Broadway Review by Marshall D. Sahlins, . . . . . . . . . . 0 83