NO. 26 spring berkeley, 1 962 cal-ifornia 0 (s'U 0 .-t .0/ S 0 p km I I I I INFCRMATIONI FOR AUTHORS The Nroeber Anh so 4Ly Pa publish articles in the geeralfield f nthropoloIyi those which it Is difficult, for Various re4sons, to publish elsewhere. In addition to articles qf theoretical interest, the a Wiil welcome des- criptivre ! studtes (putting hctUal information on record, as well as bibliogiraphies, lingiistic twexts, vocabularies and'historical 'docu- ments of anthopolo gic 'I interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high', qlity. ?bnuscripts must be typewritten,, double spaed,,, on good qlualit y 8-1/2 x, 11/ inch paper, and on one -side of ,the pa geonly. Endnotes (the !a!mrs do not'employ 'footnotes) and bibliorpby ,should be placedon sprte. sheets' Thte bibliographic style to be followed is that used Inths number, of t per. WAuthorIs wi note that' the bibliographic style is anan' triR version of that emp3oyed by the Amerian Antroo logist., Autilors wil11 rtceive 'Vrithout ochzigo twnty rprint-s "of their artiicles. Additiml' reprilntsmay-,be rdered at the, price,of one tcent per pge. A :_ll extra charg Will be- mde if Illustra- tions must be reproduced by p otolitho When notified of the acceptance of theirr- acripts athors W11 be asked Uow y additional reprints they des ire. ?!nuscripts should be iddressed to: Editor K'oeber Anthropologica 1' Society, cdo 'The Dep1ar tment of $nthroolo University of (lifornta .Btrk,eer- liy x Aliforn?a - ACKN(WLEDG NS' We wish 1ox ess our sincere tbanz*s 'to, all those whos e generous assistance, through all- phses of pre;ratio nand puli- tion, mdt possible this\ issue of the Papers. We also gmtefully