THE MATHEMATICS OF AMERICAN COUSINSHIP Richard Roark Two individuals are said to be nth cousins if they are related at the (n+l)th generation level through a set of (n-I) great grandparents. (n-i) great grandparents is defined as grandparents for n - 1, and as great great great . . . (n-l) grandparents for n > 1. Thus, for n = 3, (n-l) great grandparents is read great great grandparents. Two individuals are said to be nth cousins x times removed if one is the lineal descendant, x generations removed, of an nth cousin of the other; or conversely, if one is an nth cousin of a lineal ascendant, x generations removed, of the other. Thus two nth cousins x times removed are related through a common male and a common female ancestor who constitute a set of (n-l)(great) grandparents on the (n+l)th generation level for one cousin, and a set of n-3+x)(great) grandparents on the (n+l+x)th generation level for the other cousin. To determine the relationship between the lineal descendants of two nth cousins x times removed, let A be the cousin (n+l) generations removed from the pair of common ancestors and B the other cousin. Let q be the number of generations between A and his lineal descendant C, and r the num- ber of generations between B and his lineal descendant D. Then C and D will be (n+q)th cousins if q ' (x+r); (n+x+r)th cousins if q > (x+r). In either case they will be Ix+r-qj times removed. The procedure may be re- versed to determine the relationship between the lineal ascendants of two nth cousins x times removed, subject to the restriction that n and x be positive. 17 American Cousinship =0 4= = - -lst.cousins - US~Lnc,e \ t cO5--r's~COU ind t s 2 . ~ 3rd cousins A- =60 | ~ - -3r- So us i s Onc e r emOved 1st cousins .. }st cousinso Is cosn Is 4B[ t cousnse o ~ ~~ & 11 10 Ien 5 e.|0 AOft. * D j q-1 gen. ~ O~C A 0 D0 04j29Dwe 0 IC~~C, q 5 (x + r) q > (x + r) (n + q) a 2 (n + x + r) - h jx + r - q 12 + 2- 1 3 {x + r - ql 1 - 51 = 1-31 - 3