INFORMATION REGALRDING SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK fiUMuR The Kroeber Anthropological Society offers four classes of subscriptions to its Papers: (1) indivridual membership; (2) institutional membership; (3) dual membership; and (4l) honorary membership. Holders of class 1 subscrip- tions pay a subscription fee of $3.00 per annum. Holders of class 3 subscrip- tions (two individuals receiving a joint copy, but casting one ballot each) pay $4.00 per annum. Holders of class 1 and 4 subscriptions have one vote. Holders of class 2 subscriptions have no vote. Single numbers of the Papers are available to non-members at the listed prices. Members may purchase back numbers at $1.50 each. Holders of class 2 subscriptions pay $4.00 per annum and may purchase back numbers at listed prices. PAPERS OF THE 1BCER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1950 No. 1 Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America, by Chester S. Chard. Observations on Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, by John Howland Rowe. A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contemporary Sources, by Mary W. Herman. Black Market in Prerogative among the Northern Kwakiutl, by Ronald L. Olson. Nepenthe in Aboriginal America, by Franklin Fenenga. 86 pp...out of print No. 2 Animistic and Rational Thought, by Sol Tax. Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance, by John Howland Rowe. Southern Diegue'no Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials, by W. D. Hohenthal, Jr. The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia, by John F. Goins. Kutsavi, a Great Basin Indian Food, by Robert F. Heizer. Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship, by Charles J. Erasmus. The Indian Tribes of North America, by David G. Mandelbaum. A Journey up the Sambu River to Visit the Choco Indians, by Ame Arbin. A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi, by William J. Samarin. 102 pp ....*....$2.00 No. 3 Lost Lake: A study of an agricultural commnmity established on reclaimed land, by Alan R. Beals and Thomas McCorkle. 195 1 No. 4 Olive Oatman's Return, by A. L. Kroeber. A Glance at Statistical Procedure, by Thomas W. McKern. Linguistic El.ements in Bird Vocalization, by David Nichols. Piro Mlyths, by Esther. Matteson. 87 pp..... .. $2.00 No. 5 Suggestions for Field. Recording of Information 9ln the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Remedies, by George M. Foster and John Howland Rowe. Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1892.. Translated from the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comments by D)orothy Menzel. New Light on the Racial Composition of Northeastern Siberia, by Chester S. Chard. A Tentative Analysis of the Pluralization of Kisi Nouns, by William J. Samarin. 87 pp..... ... .$2.00 1952. No. 6 The Tapajo, by Curt Nimuendaju. Translated and edited by John Howland Rowe. A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska. Translated by Ivan Petrov. The History of the Guayqueri, an the Anthropology of Northeastern Venezuela, by Thomas McCorkle. 87 pp. . . X . . 2.00 No. 7 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640, by Kenneth S. Lane. Shellfish Foods of the California Indians, by Robert S. Greengo. 113 pp...*...*.**2.00 Nos. 8-9 The Walter B. Cline Memorial Volume Population Control and the in Feudal and Post-Restorgtion Japan, by Gordon T. Bowles. The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch, by Chester S. Chard'. Clans and the Joking-Relationship among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by E.. Colson. A Dualism in the Pomo Cosmology, by A. M. Halpern. Acculturation in California AV1 Forms, by' Clement W. Meighan. The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Renown in 'a Solomon Islands Culture, by Douglas L. Oliver. Mioshie:. A New Messianic Cult in Japan, by Ronald L* Olson. Eleven Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual, by John Howland Rowe. Culture Loss and Culture Change among the Micmac of the Canadian Maritime, 1912-1950, by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis. Hot Climates and High Civilizations, by Frederick R. Wulsin. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~161 pp 4.00....i&O 1954 No. 10 Racial Types in Northeastern Asia, by Chester S. Chard. The Selection of Recording Equipment for Field Use, by Alan P. Merriam. Notes on.the Panare Indians of Venezuela, by Carroll L. Riley. The Piro of the Urubamba, by Esther Matteson. 99 pp ........$2.00 No. 11 The Tkravels of Coyote: A Karok Myth, by William Bright. Piro Phonemes and Morphology, by Esther Matteson. Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, by Francis A. Riddell. 121 pp ....... .$2.00 1955 No. 12 Aspects of Andean Native Life, by Oscar N&iez del Prado. Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar, by Esther Matteson. Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiute, by Robert F. Heizer. Time Perspective in Ethnography, by John Howland Rowee. Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklote: A Research Lead, by Edward Norbeck. Relationships.of Prehistoric Cultures of Coastal Monterey County, California, by Arnold R. Pilling.! 94 pp. *$2.00 No. 13 Primitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, by Robert F. Heizer. The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland, by Pertti J. -Pelto. The Problem of Race In the Mesolithic of Europe, by Robert J. Squier. Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin Region, by Chester S. Chard. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, by W. E. H. Stanner.. 121 pp*..**.....$2.00 1956 No. 14- Sonoma Mission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle, by Adan E. Treganza. A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm Buildings, by Majda Thurnher. Abstracts of..Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1946-1949. 108 pp....*.42.00 No. 15 A Survey of Italian Godparenthood, by Gallatin Anderson. Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of M.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted in the United States in the Academic Year 1955-1956. 120 pp .....* ..*$2.00 1957 No. 16 Ronald Leroy Olson, Retired 1956, by A. L. Kroeber. The Closed Commuity and its Friends, by Jullian A. Pitt-Rivers. Some Aspects of Peasant Society in Middle America and Idia, by * ....Pedro Carrasco. Archaeology in Soviet Asia, 1950-1951, by Chester S. Chard. Serbo-Croation Kinship Terminology, by Eugene A. Hammel. Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1950-1951. Report on the First Annual Anthropological Meeting, sponsored by the Kroeber Anthropological Society, by Lucille Steelman. 94z ppoO******52.00O No. 17 Harvard Middle American Archaeological Seminar, 1955-56. An Introduction, by Gordon R. Willey. Pre-Classic Cultures in Mesoamerica: A Comparative Survey, by Michael D. Coe. The Classic Stage in Mesomerica, by Donald W. Lathrap. The Postclassic Stage in Mesoamerica, by Jane Holden. 108 pp .........t$2.00 1958 No. 18 An Area Co-tradition for Mesoamerica, by Morton H. Levine. A Survey of Ethnohistoric Sources, by James H. Gumnerson. An "Indigenous" New Guinea Cult, by Richard F. Salisbury. The Romantic Role of Older Women in a Culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast, by Melville Jacobs. Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of M.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted at a Number of United States Colleges and Universities in the Academic Year 1956.57. 93 pp*0...*0. $2*0Q No. 19 Personality of Anthropology, by A. L. Kroeber. Aggression Channeling and Conflict Function in a Nudist Camp, by James F. Downs. The Current Status of the Fluorine Method of :Age Determination, by H. C. Ezra, S. F. Cook, and H. A. Leon. Japanese Contributions to the Study of Bone Chemistry: The Preservation of Bony Substances in the Soil of Prehistoric Sites, by Naotsuni Watanabe. On the Calcium and Phosphorus Content of Human Bone from the Stone Age Shellmound of Homi, by GitchiTa8nabee. Fluorine Content of Human Bones, by H. Hamaguchi and M. Tatsumoto. Tachi Yokuts Music, by James Hatch. A Study of the Material Aspects of Northeastern Maidu Basketry, by B. K. Schwartz. The Timing Mechanism Culture Lag Reduction, Changing Kinship in a Danish Community, by Robert T. and Gallatin Anderson. Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1952-1953. 106 pp ......$* .2*00 1959 No. 20 A Shasta Vocabulary, by William Bright and D. L. Olmsted. Tongan Authority Structure: Concepts for Comparative Analysis, by Allan D, Coult. Archaeology on the China Mainland since 1949, by John C. Jamieson. Classification and Treatment of Venereal Diseases by a Brazilian Indian Tribe, by William D. Hohenthal. 96 pp... ....0.$2.00 No. 21 The British Tradition in Social Anthropology, by Donald G. MacRae. General Considerations on the Phenomenon of Bone Caverns, by M. Tournal, of Narbonne, translated and prefaced by A. B. Elsasser. Sex, Class, and Status in Racial Relations--Northeast Brazil, by W. D. Hohenthal. Influence of Agrarian Colonization on the Indigenous Tzeltal Community at Octen, Chiapas, by Karena Shields. The Role of the Staff Conference in a State Mental Hospital, by Pertti J. Pelto. Distinctions Between the Skulls of Coyotes and Dogs, by Grover S. Krantz. The Setting of Gola Society and Culture: Some Theoretical Implications of Variation in Time and Space, by Warren L. d'Azevedo. Report on the-Third Annual Anthropological Meetings sponsored by Kroeber Anthropological Society. 127 pp2.........42.00 No. 22 Suggestions for Recording of Data on Spinning and Weaving and the Collecting of Material, by Junius B. Bird. The Social Factors of Donship in a Mexican-American Community, by Octavio Ignacio Romano V. Domestication: An Examination of the Changing Social Relationships between Man and Animals, by James F. Downs. The Place of Anthropology i n the American Public School Curriculum, by John H. Chilcott. 70 pp ....... .. $2.00