ouzel, water (Cinclus sp.). chin'-noo-wish'-wish M owl, burrowing (Speotyto sp.). kahl-kahl'-us, yii-kah-kahtch M owl, great horned (Bubo sp.). its-muk'-kah-ra-up-se, its-muk'-kah-ri-up-tse, 9ch-muko-kah-ri'b-shit M; 16mekerep it DLO, /'l(cmakare psir owl, screech (Megascops sp.). ho'-do-ho, ho'-ro-ro, oo'-roo-roo, oo'-doo-doo M; hurukdk DLO P paddle. /_va-kfir paddling, hets. /kWakik CW paint for face, black. /mataraxl" panting, he's. /kwehekikik FW panther (Felis hippolestes). he'se, e'-she M; i-sheh P 'lion', heesee B398 'grizzly', f~i- DLO, /".Si pants. akdiay DLO, /9akA--ay SS, /Oakdowey CW parent-in-law of child. ikiwaha G36 parent-in-law of child (following death of connecting relative). kaiyugds i G36 parsnip, wild. ah-sow'-k-kah' M paunch of a deer. /"axtir&? pay: he paid for it. /kiiwica ik FW peeling, he's. /kwfrapsuk CW pelican, white (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). tah-wah-haht M (cf. /t'awaoxfivr 'heron') peppernut. /wa-k'tr TCW peppernut tree. /wa..k'iri*& CW person. ish R 'man', /"!s CW (also translated as "Indian") pestle. /tDuLkO k s ki. usa DLO, /ksa Cil (from Chinook Jargon cosho,,. from French cochon) 37 pigeon, band-tail (Columba fasciata). sa-wa-hut C, kud-ah-rah H; kwah-tow'-wah, kwah-tah'-wah M; /kWa.ta wey9 CW pine, digger (Pinus sabiniana)o ho'-po-wheo-ho M pine, Ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa). ar-rup-ho H. us-sho-ho R. asyunax DLO; ah-soo', ah-soon'_nahch M; /iasu-(h)(& pine, sugar (Pinus lambertiana). ah-chah'-wo, at-sar'-ke-ho M; ut-sha-ne'-ho C; /"accvwiwmh SS., /qaccawou u' CWi pine cone. hah'-tis M, /xat'i?s pine nuts. at'-sow M, /" accaw pine nuts (of digger pine). ho'-po M pipe. ko-peruk R; up-sho C, ut-suich H. ahp'-soo M, /'apsu. pity him, I. otto hopee B134 places, names of: towns in Shasta Valley: ihiweah K286, ihiweoyax DM27; ikahig K286; kusta K286, /k6sta 'Yreka' towns in Scott Valley: orowichaira K286, itayah K286, /9uikWehewaka 55 ("where the valley narrows down to a canyon") towns of the Kammatwa: chitatowaki, opshiruk, okwayig, eras, harokwl, ishui, ishuapi, itiwukha, kutsastsus, kwasuk, sumai, umtahawa, ututsu, waukaiwa (all K 286) unidentified places: utc;yagig DM27, kwihin'i DM34 plant spp., unidentified. gakiwaktih Ho340; icosusur6' Ho341, /"!ccususu-rtu SS; xama Ho340, /xa.ma SS; axay DLO playing, he's. /kWirioik cw Pleiades. /9 fipit'axnir SS, /?a'-pat'axnir CW plum, wild. aht'-kah, at-kah M; /?atka- plum tree, wild (Prunus subcordata). aht-kid'-de-ha-ho, aht-kah'-he-yu, aht-kah'-rah ho-ho M points on arrows, he's putting. /9accIrey kwtkctukwasik SS poison oak (Rhus diversiloba). mut-nah'-he-ho, maht'-nah' M; muEtna H0340, /matn . poisoner. o k3ephoak/ V7 porcupine (Erethizon sp.). ahs'-chah, as'-chah, hahs'-che-wah M; as~"a" DLOpndngacr s, h/easc SS, /osci-wa / pound ing acorns,9 he ' s. /kdkw 'i k 38 poured it, he kwframa ! poured or threw it out, he. /kWattataoma CW pulled or dragged it, I, /sa'xuka9 FW push: push with your shoulder. ru kwami D488 I pushed it, /sfcmara ka' FW put it on the fire! /kappeoha SS put out the fire, he. /kWfcka~xtik FW Q quail,9 mountain (Qreortyx sp.). kah-h6'k, ho-hook M; q*uWk . DLO, /k uhuik (SS calls 'valley quail') quail, valley (Lophortyx sp.). tah-kah'-kah M, ti&kaka DLO, /t'fikaokao (SS calls 'mountain quail') quartz. /c'ak~a"(h)ana. Quartz Valley. iruai Ho301 'Scott Valley', /bir6ay SS, /virihuwey aJ; also /uawPotahu7 SS quick. /kir&iorax Cag /kiyaorax SS, /*?iya*rax SS R rabbit (Lepus texianus group). h6-wak'-hah, '0-wako-hah M; owa-xa DLO, /,uowaoxao, also /k6owaoxao SS rabbit,, cottontail (Lepus audoboni). it'-ti-now"-kwah'-hah, it-t'an&-kw MN; ftaykowhahaq DLO, /Ift'ay k'awx4.9 SS raccoon (Procyon sp.)o i-che-shio-duk) &-che-shi'-rok, itch'-e-she'-duk M; i tsigi?rea DLO, /"iccas!.rak' (literally,. "eats crawfish"*); also hatiywa DLO, /xat'aoywa SS; che'-nuk-we M; /tinfckuk SS rago /ya?kam rain. o-chee H, i-dur-ka C, da.-keh P. utsbik NH raining, itus. /kIlccik CW Ranunculus occidentalis. gitar ftu'wi Ho341, /kAitr 'f tu 'w!f. (lit., "Summer salmon's eye'") Ranunculus sp. tjas !tu'wi Ho341, /c'A s '!tu w!wf (lit, "steelhead's eye") 39 rat, kangaroo (Dipodorrs sp.). ah'-wahk M rat, wood (Neotoma sp.). hah'o-p6s, ah-po's, 6w'-p6s, ah'-poos M; /',&ppuos rattlesnake (Crotalus sp.). ho-wah'-tatah, ho-wah'-te M; kwoi-teh-te H., ho-wao-tit C, xowfitit DLO, /xuwa*tlir raven (Corvus corax). kok' M reach: he reaches for his pipe. apsi'tohokwira D487 red. eh-koh-tie H., akh-ta-kat-tih C, i-kwa'-teh P, eakhi HH, /'e.xti'?, also /?f{kWaxti-? SS 'bright red' red paint for the face. fsur Cu; i-sut, iosur DLO; /'f-sur. This paint was made from /cakatf.sur, said by CW to be a rock, but by SS to be obtained from dead white-fir trees. relative (kinsman). /taka- CW resting, he's. /rehica-i FW rib. 0 0ara*clao 7 Ribes sp. (a plant). itdayihi Ho341, /iiteoeyi-hu', SS ridge. /baora.wal? riding (horseback), he's. /re yie?ykaei CW right now. gutsdjei Ho3h2 ripe, itllso AkseO#'ik Ii r rise: he rises on his elbow. ku'kwarats D487 the creek has riseno /aowawc 'eyi kvwie'parik SS river, it-chah R (cf. 'water'), kwan-e-eh'-how H., at-ta-ti-wa C, ashurahfina HH; atitaywi DLO, /qatitfigywi SS, /Iatitiywil CY robin (Merula sp.). chV'-kwah''kVah M, ?kwfkwe DLO, /ct kWakkwa rock. it-su H, jet-sha C, it-shah R., it-oah P., itsa H, f!sa DLO, /o cc al rolling, he's. /re.tutaokai CuW, FW rolling down the hill, helso. /retutfiiakak CW root. /iarioviii 40 root of Ponderosa pine. mut' -ta-koo'-ma M, /uittikummar SS., /'f!ttikunmar SS root of pine (for baskets). /9ummaoy root sp., medicinal. cudda-wayhoo B398, katsvihi6 EC rose berries. /c'{otao rose bush, wild (Rosa sp.). che'-tah ye-ho' M, /c'{.ta*(h)i.(h)uI rotten. /kIkkWat& i- CW round. /ik'ank'an round, anything. tintin Ho342 (also 'short, fat person') round, Just beginning to be. da tin tin Ho343 run, to. ki-di-chum-mo C, le-heh-tah-kah H, ti-he'-teh P run'. /keheti i CW running, he's. /reohetaeka CW, FW S sack. /puo(las (cf. Karok puo-vis, Yurok puewig) sage herb (Artemisia ludoviciana). ah-sah'-pe-yu M; wah-shaho, wash-shah' M; wasa Ho341 'Artemisiavulgaris var. discolor', /wassfi 5S salamander, large (Amnblystoma sp.)o pook'-pook M, /pidkpuek SS salamander spo ("water dog"). /cuorehexta SS salmon. keet-tich H, kito-tut-i C, kito DLO 'fish'; ke-tar', ki-tahr, ketero'rva, kit-terr ' M; /kiattar'. See also "tdog salmon.* salt, ar-ter H, a-ta C, /9a.tax sand, /t'a6occu sawing wood, he's. /kWfccutiok CW, FW scorpion. e'-che-meto.ti, e?-che-mah te, M Scott Bar. /'asuopaok CW, Scott River. /kuwac'axa'? Scott Valley. /'uwatuhu' SS 41 A SHASTA VOCABULARY William Bright and D. L. Olmsted Introduction Linguists who do comparative work on the non-literary languages of the world are often heard to complain against their colleagues who have done descriptive work on the same languages: "If he would only publish his vocabularies~t? The authors of the present work have been both the complainers and the complained against in this situation, and this pub- lication is intended to remove one source of irritation. The Hokan gen- etic grouping of Dixon, Kroeber, and Sapir,1 to which Shasta has been assigned, is currently the subject of renewed study,2 stimulated by the availability of new descriptive materials.3 Previous publication on Shasta has been quite scant,,4 and there is a need to bring the language more fully into the comparative picture. It is hoped that this publica- tion will contribute toward that end. The aboriginal territory of the Shasta in northern California included Scott Valley, Shasta Valley, and a stretch of the Klamath River upriver from Karok territory; a part of the Rogue River Valley in Oregon was also occupied. Shasta culture has been described by Dixon, 1907, and by Holt, 1946. The number of speakers is now reduced to about half a dozen, but still includes Sargent Sambo, the principal informant of both Dixon and Holto The Shasta words in this vocabulary come from both printed and manuscript sources. The printed sources we identif ied by the following abbreviations: HH Hale, 1846 ] P Powers I R Ross i in Powers, 1877 C Crook ] H Hazen ] B Burns, 1901 D Dixon, 1907 DM Dixon, 1910 F Farrand and Frachtenberg, 1915 G Gifford, 1922 Cu Curtis, 1924 K Kroeber, 1925 V Voegelin, 1942 Ho Holt, 1946 A number of words have been copied from manuscript materials of CO Hart Merriam, which are now in the possession of the Anthropology Department of- the University of California, Berkeley. These are mostly 1 names of plants and animals, and are identified by the letter M. The scientific names given by Merriam are also included in this work. The original notations of all the above sources have been preserved. For an explanation of Merriam's system, see Merriam, 1955, pp. xv-xvti. Finally, recordings made by the authors are given. Those of Olmsted, marked DLO, are in a non-phonemic notation. His principal informant was Sargent Sambo; some forms were also obtained from Mrs. Winnie Nelson. Those of Bright, marked by a single preceding diagonal, are in a tentative phonemic writing. Bright's informants are indicated after his recordings, as follows: SS = Sargent Sambo, CW a Clara Wicks, FW - Fred Wicks. When no initials appear, it should be understood that the ward was pronounced in the same form by SS and CW, the two principal informants. Parentheses around parts of a word indicate that these sounds were pronounred by SS, who speaks a more conservative dialect, but not by CW. The authors owe thanks for support of their work on Shasta to the following sources: for Bright's field work, the Administration of the University of Califomia; for Olmsted's field work, the Social Science Research Council, the University of California, and the Institute of Human Relations, Yale University. Notes on Shasta Phonemics The following observations derive from Bright's field work on Shasta, and serve to explain the notation of his recordings. The following phonemes are tentatively recognized: Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Labiovelar Glottal Voiceless stops and affricates: Non-glottalized p t c k kw Glottalized p' t' c' k' k'w Voiceless spirants s x h Sonorants: Nasal m n Non-nasal w r y Vowels: Front Non-front High ii, u u. Low e eo a a* High pitch accent: : 2 The non-glottalized stops are unaspirated before vowels. Aspirated stops occurring as first members of clusters are also considered allophones of this series: an example is the aspirated /k of /9 kwi" 'boat'. The palatal affricates /c c' and spirant /s are articulated with retro- flexed tongue-tip; the palatal sonorant /y, however, is articulated with the surface of the tongue. The spirant /x is labialized after /u uo w; an example is /kuxehe-hav 'chief'. The trill /r is voiceless before silence, whether or not followed by /v; examples are /iakkir 'bow' and /kittfri 'salmon'. The high vowels are tense when long, but lax and somewhat lower when short, The short vowel /a, however, is higher then long /ao, and phoneti- cally approaches [.1, Before /u u. w, /a a* both become backed and rounded, approximately to the quality of [o]. Examples are /*,w 'mouth' and /bissa&ur CW 'chair'0 The vowels /e eo vary in quality between [1] and [m]. Initial clusters in the data recorded include /s followed by a stop, and the exceptional combinations in the words /9w1. 'eye' and /c'w&Vig 'California Jay'. The only final clusters noted are /rI, as in /kittfin 'salmon', and combinations of /w y with stops, as in /xiwkwI 'acorn sp.' The dialect of SS is more conservative than that of CW and FW in two principal respects: 1) Medial /h of SS is often omitted by CW and FWN, as a result of which vowels are brought into contact and sometimes contract. 2) The sequence /ay of SS is usually replaced by /ey in the other informants' speech. Verb forms in Bright's data were, generally speaking, checked less thor- oughly than the noun forms. They are therefore likely to contain more mistakes, especially in vowel quality. 3 NOTES 1. The Shastan grouping, including Shasta Konoaihu, New River Shasta, Okwanuchu, Achumawi and AtsUgvwi was set up by Dixon in 1905. This was amplified and brought into Hokan by Dixon and Kroeber, 1913. The 2. validity of the Shastan grouping as a separate sub-group within Hokan has been recently brought in question in a.series qf articles by Olmsted (1956, 1957, mso) who has supplied evidence to irxnicate that Achumewi and Atsugewi form a. sub-group (called by him, in a retun to the nomenclature of earlier.writers, Palaihnihan). Shasta is not a member of this sub-group. The evidence for the other three languages is scanty, but in his two forthcoming papers Olmsted argues that the fragmntary Konomihu evidence indicates that it is not to be sub- grouped with either Palaihnihan or Shasta but probably has independent (and inotably conservative) status within Northern liokan. It is as yet unclear whether Konomihu is even a member of the group called, by Bright, Kahi languages (equals Sapir's Northern Hokan a). What does seem abundantly clear is that Shasta and Palaihnihqn are independent within .the Kahi group. Other work on the Hokan languages is listed in Bright 1955. 2. Recent publications are Bright, 1954; Olmsted, 1956 and 1957; and Jacobsen, 1958. 3. Recently published are Bright, 1957, and Olmsted, 1958o. Work so far largely unpublished is that of Olmsted on Achumawi and Tequistlatec, of William Jacobsen on Washo and Salinan, of Madison Beeler on Barbarefio Chumash, of Robert Oswalt on Pomo, and of Shirley Silver on Shasta itself. 4o Data are limited to short vocabularies in Hale, 1846, Powers, 1877, and Curtis, 1924, and scattered words elsewhere. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bright, William 1954 Some Northern Hokan relationships. University of California Publications in Linguistics 10:63-67. 1955 A bibliography of the Hokan-Coahuiltecan languages. Inter- national Journal of American Linguistics 21:276-285. 1958 The Karok language. University of California Publications in Linguistics 13. Burns, L. M. 1901 Digger Indian legendso Land of Sunshine 14:130-134, 223- 226, 310-314, 397-402. Los Angeles. Curtis, E. S. 1924 The North American Indian 130105-126, 201-206, 230-234, 253- 262. Norwood, Mass. Dixon, R. B. 1905 The Shasta-Achomawi, a new linguistic stock. American Anthropologist 7:213-217. 1907 The Shasta. American Museum of Natural History, Bulletin 17: 381-498. 1910 Shasta mythso Journal of American Folklore 23:8-37, 364-370. Dixon, R. B., and A. L. Kroeber 1913 New linguistic families in California, American Anthropolo- gist 15:647-6550 Farrand, L., and L. J. Frachtenberg 1915 Shasta and Athapascan myths from Oregono Journal of American Folklore 28:207-223. Gifford, E, W. 1922 Californian kinship terminologieso University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 18:35-37. Hale, Horatio 1846 Ethnography and philology. Vol. 6 of Charles Wilkes, United States exploring expedition during the years 1838, 18399 1840, 1841, 1842. Philadelphia. 5 Holt, Catharine 1946 Shasta ethnography, University of California Anthropological Records 3:299-3500 Jacobsen, William Ho, Jr. 1958 Washo and Karok: an approach to comparative Hokan. Inter- national Journal of American Linguistics 24:195-212, Kroeber, A. L. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 68, 279-304. Merriam, C. Hart 1955 Studies of California Indians. University of California - Press . Berkeley. Olmsted, D. Lo 1956 Palaihnihan and Shasta I: labial stops. Language 32:73-77. 1957 Palaihnihan and Shasta II: apical stops. Language 33:136-138. 1958 Atsugevi phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics 24:215-220. Mss. Palaihnihan and Shasta III: dorsal stops, and IV: apical sonorantso To appear in Language. Powers, Stephen 1877 Tribes of California. Contributions to North American Ethnology 3. Government Printing Office. Washington. Sap ir, Edward 1917 The position of Yana in the Hokan stock. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 13:1-34. 1925 The Hokan affinity of Subtiaba in Nicaragua. American Anthropologist 27:402-435, 491-527, Voegelin, E. W. 1942 Northeast California. University of California Anthropologi- cal Records 7047-251, 6 A Achillea millefolium, var. lanulosa. e'- dah-hah'-cha-kah M, Irahitraga Ho3OWt, /9 iraxaocaka. SS acorn (general). cuekwIr DLO, /ctu .kir (same as 'acorn soup') acorn, black oak. ah-cho-ah'-nah, ahtcho-ah'-nah, hatch-an'-nah, ha-chan'*-nah M; /Ia'*c'anna SS, h4&c'anma ('tan oak acorn') (W acorn, ripe. /xfwktw ('black oak acorn') C' acorn, white oak. choo'-kwid-di'k-nuk, choo-kah-dik-nuk M; /ctu-kWiriknak (literally 'big acorn') acorn flour. /-4lpta acorn soup. /clu-kir (same as 'acorn') affection. un-ne-ne H afraid, he's. /klaxivisni.k FW again. 'ch-imi Ho341 (also means 'more') alder (Alnus sp.) ta-chi'-ro, tah-che'-roo 1; /ta-c'ir&i SS alive.. kai-em-moo H, ma-did'-ka C all. hwu-wo-ho C, wee-wah-a-hoo H., /Ai-wawaw CW ankle. /wahh& SS., /wanxxw CW ant. cheep'-shi-te, cheep'-seet' M; /c' i psi-t ant, wood. /'aorawakka antelope (Antilocapra sp.) e'-yi-wit, e'-yu-hit, e'-yEi-whit, e'-yu-hith M; /I" yu.(h)ir apple(s). /9a.pues apple, thorn (Crastaegus rivulatis). ip-sits-ah-ve-ho, ip-sits'-av'-ve-ho M arm, a'chut C, hurt-ser H. um-chah'tr R, &cor DLO, /-4-car armor, elkhide. it~fta Ho133, I" itaorx SS arrow. a'-chet P, a-kuil C, ah-kith R., och-kil H, /A akkir 7 arrowhead. atsirai HU -Oknife/, accfrey arrowood (berries). ipsyana DLO ash (Fraxinus oregona). hok-we-he' M ashes. See 'dust'. aunt, deceased. gegazbaxi G37 (father's sister), gegenoti G37 (father's sister). aunt, maternal. anidi G35, 36; anit Ho343, /' nnit SS, vocative /'annit4; /mAnni SS 'my au-nt', voc. /aannrdna. SS. The form /hannitionae was cited by SS as being used by the Shasta below Hamburg . aunt, paternal. ambaki G35, 36; ampa Ho343; /9'mpax, voc. /9ampaxa na SS. autumn. See 'fall'. away. A uwfi SS axe. aniakidi HH, hun-hi-it C, kah-in-irruk R, on-nich-it H, /9aniFir B baby. ye-a-hoo-ai-yat H 'infant'; o-ma' C 'infant', one G35, umi Ho343, eum-kaik B397, /bume,.'; plural /4umeoxepr, also /iume.ya.r CW baby-board. i?ttl pay DLO 'baby basket', /9 iccopayr back (of body). ti6xu DLO, /totixu back, small of the. /Dikwipxxaraniok ('hip' CM) bad. kud-eh-kwoit-soo H, kot-ti-kwich-i C, /k'arikwjccig, SS., /kIarukwicciq CW badger (Taxidea sp.) tar'-rah-ki-het' M badger's sound. til-tfil-ttl DM9 barberry (Berberis sp.) an -ne-hahs'-to-dah M bark, cedar. /kVisl- SS bark, fir. /c teo eorar SS, /cIte*rar CM bark, pine. un-nuch H 'bark', /"anmnr bark, white oak. hekh-hi C 'bark', /ha*hFq SS, /qa-hUq CW 8 basket, burden. xaono DLO, /xxa?naw basket, clothes, /tui-rus basket, cooking, /cussuru6niE) basket, eating. /qihin&)ima- SS, /? i ne imao CW basket, large flat0 /taxrfori" CW basket, hopper (for pounding acorns). /9 ikmw basket, plateo gittit DLO 'colander basket', /sittir basket, soup. yappuk DLO 'regular basket', /yappukw bat. te'-de-it' skik, tid-ditch-kik, te-rech-kik M; /tiri'ckik CW., /unutirf-ckik SS (said to be Rogue River dialect) bathing, he's. /kWiopuk CW be: is going to be. strutsdjei Ho342 where is he? /kuraoxaw keora, FW he's over here. /"mimixaw keera" WV he's over there. /'lnnaxaw ke'r& FW hets not here. / 'atturw! ? am FW he's not over there. /mia.inaxa t&, FW beads, dentalium. /kta-kwitik beads, disk. /k'apakni CW beads, diamond-shaped. kiratwqik DLO 'Indian money', /kiracakkik -SS beads, glass-like. /xaont&' SS beads, long red. aottr' DLO, /si?rak 9a *tuk ivi* SS (lit. 'crawfish-eye') bear (Ursus americanus). '-hah, Eh-hah, a'-hah M; hankidui N, e Ba DLO, /,>Soxao beardO o-ho-cho-chuk H, oh-cho-choh R, au-hwi-chu-chuk C beat: he beat him. /k'umari k CW beautiful cut-a-sook B312 (cf. /k'arisgp 'good') beaver (Castor sp.) tah-wi, tah-wa' M, sah-pow'-wus M, sa-ni C, tah-vu-ry H., taiwe DLO, /ta?wiy'? bed. A,4icmaselhur SS, /'5icmas~ouruk CJ 9 belly0 /A icnit belt0 /Aatakfcnir bend: he bent it. /sa'purik FW berdache. gituk'uwahi Ho317, /kituk'uwa-xio) SS berry (general).. /nuoctexi (also means 'blackberry') berry sp. /"u*xxihiohu"5 SS, /'i*xxiotur CW. Probably the name of the plant, rather than the fruit, since the element /-hi~hu' 'bush, tree' is present. The plant is said to be similar to the poison oak. big. See 'large'. 'big house'0 uk'kwamma V181, okwaulmma Ho306, /iukW'atmmna SS. Information on this structure is given by Holt, loc. cit. bighorn sheep0 wah-he'-rah, wah-he-ro M bird. chop-ha C, chit'-chah S, L i&?ax DLO, /c'l c'aox bird, a long-legged species of A /tuoruk SS birds, species of. kale'tsa DM23, kGi'kwax D471, tsl'di DM 32 bite: he bit it. /kIxaw i*k FN he bit me. /kAivik'a" (; black. as-ho C, epxor DLO, /eepx& (also translated 'dark'); ep-ho-kwe-ret-tie H., ap-o-tel-lu'-chi P, ekkhotirukhe HH, /h e o pxu taraxi' blackberry. /nu-ctexi (also a general term for 'berry') blackberry vine (Rubus vitifolius). n6't-sti-a-hi-ho M, /nuoctxihIohu-hu SS, /nu~ctexieu' CV blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus). tah'-kwi-chats M; tah'-ke, tuk'-ke M, /cfik' i9 blackbird, red-winged (Agelaius sp.). taruk DM30 'a bird's name', tararfikh Hi 'bird', /taraxfirao (derived from /taraxxa 'woodpecker scalp') blackcaps (a kind of berry). /nuotimi SS, /nuidtuxni CV Black Mountain. mah6?rik DLO blanket. /cuppaxio 10 blood. ok -ta H, akh-ta C. ine HH, /" 5xta blowing, he's. /kWipxuXlma FW blue, light. ich-iu-putch-ie H, jetch-o-lu-di-was-so C bluebird (Sialia sp.). kom'*-kwah-tV'-kit M bluejay. chahs-koi, chahs-kwi M; Ea.ski4 DLO, /ctaeskWOy., bluejay (California Jay, Aphelocoma spo). chi 'ne, choi'-ne, chwi ' XM; /cw&weI ji board. /cumrnIur boat. ik-wi C 'canoe', ik-kui R 'canoe', ich-why H 'canoe', /4kwi'i bobcat (Lynx fasciatus). itcho-wi, its'o-wi M; icwe DLO, /.,'cwey boil: (water) is boiling. /kwltte-purpururuk he's boiling it. /kwite.ypurpurayruk NW body, itsh-rit R., ar-rot'-sah H., hish C (cf. /Ais 'person') bone. o-to-duk C, oek H, /'a&k bow. kow H, howh R, chau P., hon-o C, /xMiw SS, /xat? C boy. na-hon-a-he'-a R, lu-quoi'h-ya H. chu'ka P, su'kwa Ho343, /su'kw' a boy, little. sui'kwahia Ho343, /s kw'axi*x CW boys. ,/eowarfior bread. /sapiri (from Chinook Jargon sapolil) break: it broke. /kwtanukitimpao. CW he broke it. /kwa&tuinpa, NW breakfast. /keom& ir CW breakfast, come eatl /ke-mf iruk ke-mf ir N breast, woman's. /^imp' breathing, he's. /kWeosurik FW bride (until first visit home). wapsahbs Ho343 bring itl /kattiruk SS 11 brother. apo G35 (also male parallel cousin), ep-put-u-ee H; kal'-li-wa P, kadiwa G35 'man's brothert', kariwa Ho343, /ktariw & , voc. /k'ariwaona. SS brother, elder. ahuhi Ho343, /ba(h)u-(h)!, vocative /hahudna- SS brother, elder, dead. kwakiweti G37 brother, woman's. kwako G35, ko-wgk-ki-o C 'brother', kwoku Ho343, 'man's sister' /kWak'yu SS, /kwaoku CX brother, younger. See 'sibling, younger' brother, younger, dead. kwakiwethaiya G37 brother-in-law. kusewahatu G36 'woman's sister's husband, husband's brother's wife'; iyaki G36 'man's brother-in-law'; giraik Ho3h3 'wife's brother, sister's husband', /ktrawik SS brush (bushes). /c'Irurur brushy place. /c'ururaoki SS buck. ah-rok-nuk, W-rok-nuk M (cf. /h arav? 'deer', /-knak 'targe') buckeye (Hippocastanum californicum). ho'-ro' M buckskin. /tlukkuruoiniP SS, /fit'ukkundiniq CW buffalo. hwo C, kwun-neh'-ne-ho H. bumblebee. /makm&, C( burn: is burning. /kimpik CW, FW (house) burned down. /kw'&oxicik k burnt (as a modifier). /kecca Ca burr: heburied it. -/t'ytwJ-ik C! butterfly. too-ho-roo'-ro, too-ho-roo '-rah, toch-ho-roo'-ro, toch-ho-roo'-rah M; /tuxxurdiru buy: he bought it. /t'uiwaoyik C), /k6owa.yk NW buzzard (Cathartes sp.). hi'-nah-koo'-nah, hen'-ne-koo'-nah,; in'-nah-kooo-nah M; anakuna D454 'hawk sp.', fnatkuna DLO, /'inakusna., with variants /ilnukuonao SS, /;lnikuona. CW 12 C call, hunter's (as he runs after a deer). p69 Ho310 Callahan (a place name). wikwikwaiaga Ho3Ol 'upper end of Scott Valley', /wikWikWaya.ka ' SS Callahan, people of. /wik~ik~ayake&cw SS calls, various. aa-ree, a-i-reel B401; tsdl tsel tsel B225; quee-um-ty B311; yea soo B310; kee-ocki B225; ztl B313; an-~an-?an DM27; wu-wu-wu DM13. can. mah P cannot. a-met mah P cap, basket. /hi.c'ik captive. capsutai Ho313, /keopsti' aoqik SS captive, he takes (a boy or girl). /kWeepstr a.o ik carry: he's carrying. /ricuka.? CW I carried, I'm carrying (water). /straktv F I'm packing it on my back. /sfikakav FN cascara (Rhamnus purshiana). ah'-tse-to'-rA-ho, at-shet'-to-ro-ho M cat. kitipiisi DLO, /kiripussi, also /kirupussi CW catfish. o-te'-o'k-mutp M cattle. kwaykaxti DLO (literally, "bawling"). See also 'cow'. cedar (Librocedrus decurrens). nah-ho' M, /nahthb SS; in'-nah-hah'-ho M, !nehaht DLO, /vinaxa~xwr, also /7 lnaxaoxw SS celery, wild (Leptotaenia dissecta). 'ik'-nish M, iknish Ho34O, ikn D? DL0v /-)/'knios ceremony in which novice became a shaman. kikapaznma Cu chair. /qissfi*(h)ur, also /' iss&iuruk CW cherry. /uor cherry tree (Cerasus demissa). o'-ro-ho, oo0-do-ho, oo'-roo-hoo M; /o ubrud(h). w chest (of body),. /9 1cwat 13 chewing, he's. /kaww ik CW chickadee, mountain (Parus gambeli). chik'-kah-de'-de M chief. ko-wa-ha-he C, ko-ko-heh-rtich H, /kuxehehWh SS., /keux&a7 CW child. omnaxia Ho343 (cf. /oumeo 'baby', /-xiox 'small') child following death of one of speaker's children. acobnpsi G36 child, dead. gastam bix G37 children. ye-ha-het C 'boy', yaxaxe G35 'child', yuhar Ho343 'child'; yAihuhiad Ho343, /yaxaxeer children, two. /xkikkWa xe'r SS Chinese woman. /cani9a'rapxa? SS chipmunk (Eutamias sp.). koo'-pish, ko'-pis M; /kliopis choked, he got. /kW0ltiokaik CW chopped it, he. /kWanniti k CG, FN Chrysothamnus occidentalis. mah-hah'-me M civet, ring-tailed (Bassariscus sp.) tV'-we-te-kik'-nr, ki'-w&-te-kik'-nI, t9-we-tik'-ke-ken, kwI-ri-vah M Clematis lasiantha. gwatagatupukiras Ho340, /k'Wa.tak ' tu pu.kirac SS (literally, "coyote's rope") climbing (a mountain), he'so /re.yavwa.ka Ci climbing (a tree or ladder), he's. /r~ctikwaya,9 CW close: close the doorl /k'6wk a?? Ci( he closed the dooro /kI 'Pwkv a-`.ik . FW clubbed it, he. /kWinnipusuk FW co-parent-in-law. ikiwaba G36 'child's parent-in-law' co-wife. kusewahtu G36 co-wife, earlier. amakwai G36 co-wife, later. wusewaiki G36 coal (ember). /xdkw (also means 'charcoal') 14 cold (adj.).>is-sik H, isikito HH, ish-ik-ki'-da C, /'7issik' cold (respiratory infection). /marit'uos colt. /clrik (also means 'calf') come, too kut-tuk H, ka-tuk C he's coming. /ratakak CW (you-all) come again! lc'f.mioka ne."ak Ce come around again' /c'iomi7ka st'atekkee CW, /c't.mi? stratekkir SS come hrel /katak "aid CW (a man) came here. /klwiyika. FN he's coming down the mountain. /rattevekak CW he came over here. /iamixW~kWakeika NW the sun's coming up. /c'Uiwar k(dccicik FW he came up(hill). o'i -/reoya owaoka NW condor, California (Gymnogyps sp.). he'-sahch, hap'-pup-pah M cook, a. /kiruockwe Cb covking, be's. /kOirucckweyk CW, FW cormorant (Phalacrocorax Sp.). ah'-kaht-klts'-ko, kah-kah M Cottage Grove (a place in Karok territory). /hiruwas CW (Karok 'iruhas) cottonwood tree (Populus trichocarpa). ah'-roo', ah'-ro M; ari' Ho341, Aa6r SS, ,ar6v' CW coughing, he's. /k lrutummuk Ca, F counted them, I. /saomukWayk FW cousin. apo G35 'male parallel cousin' (also 'brother'), atcu G35 'older female parallel cousin' (aiso 'older sister'), atcugwi G35 'younger female parallel cousin (also 'younger sister'); ustci G35 'male cross-cousin, man's female cross- cousin'; aswi G35 'womam's female cross-cousin' cousin, dead, gegeustci G37 'dead father's sister's son', gegeaswi 037 'dead father's sister's daughter' cow. musmus DLO, /miosmuos (from Chinook Jargon moosmoos) coyote. kwah'-tuk, kwah'-tahk M; kwa'-tuk P 'wolf', quatuk B130, kwfi&tek DLO, /ktwa.tak coyote, cry of the. was-a-hoo B132. coyote, home of (in north). ites B132 crane. See Theron'. crawling, he's. /re.yakar CW crayf ish. se '-duk se' -ruk M; s i raq DLO, /s f rak' creek. a-wat-chi C 'valley', /laowac'ay('7) creek, toward a. /buc'axa CW creek, up the. O a-wakc'aybkaohtr SS cricket, ihow' M cross: he's crossing in a boat. /rak'ekaw CW he crossed the creek. /kWakeeOama 9aLwac'acy crow (Corvus americanus). ah'-hah, ah'-ah-ah, ah'ch-ah, ahrheloch-ah M; ah-hah-kah H 'bird, axaxa DLO, /9&(ha x~ I - crying, hels. /kW ayi-k FW currant (Ribes sanguinea). mah'-kah-roo'-roo M; ti'okurdru Ho34o, /mik ' uru. ro currant, red. /matkir!.ri9 SS cut: he cut himself accidentally. /kWtOrasewiaekWaoyk CW D dance, to. kos-ta-hem'bik C, toos-teh-heh H he's dancing. /kd?steompik CW dance, circle. k'aphek V206, kse'pxig D1460 'type of dance' dance, white deerskin. kuwarik V174 dance, types of. kulstirima D460, kfrukdh1i1ruk 'dance ceremony' Cu ("go sidewise back and forward'"), kust4hmpik-uqaknmatuk Cu ("dance-sudatory-at") dark. See 'black'. dark of the moon. cho-who-ruk H 'darkness', it s'chop-ho-duk C 'darkness', djapurtk Ho343, /c'aepxrak daughter. up-pa-yurk H, aiyaki G35, yu-po ai-ya-ke C (cf. /yapu? 'my')., /-?a-yfikil) daughter following death of one of parents or of one of speaker's children. aiyakupsi G360 16 daughter-in-law. awawi Ho343, awawit G36 (same as 'mother-in-law'), P /1 awa eVil SS dawn. gtitauk Ho342 'just between light and dark, but beginning of light'', /k a~otayu. k SS day. uk-chai H., at-chi C, atche Ho342, /9accary daylight, about. /kasseyhfi SS dead. ki-diko P. kwid'o--kit H, na-ma-ti-di-kik C, ki-dik P 'death', /k inrk' dead tree. /',ucce?sasir deep. /h 9ppay deep hole in the ground. /4ukwaxaopsfr w deep place in the water. /9 Appaypsir CW deer (Odocoileus columbianus). ah'-row', ar'-r6-!ar'-row'; ah-dow', ah-do'5! M; ari-r~w H,-a-'dau C,-aroin6i Ho337, er~w DLO, /?araw7 deer, mule (Odocoileus hemionus group). te-he'-nah M deerhide. /9arfwwi-hi SS,, 9arr'wi. CW deerhide, dried and scraped. /9 ikWnnio deerlick. /tixwa., also /bataxwa.o C devil. iis-weh P, /qusw'eOe? die: he died. /kwlrikik CW, FW; /-?At'u.k'iok CW dig: I'm digging. /s~smanik F w he's digging. /kwlcmwik CW, k mcanik FW dinner (noon meal). /ktac*yeeruk Ci dirt. See 'earth'. dirty. /t'arakirao CW dived in, he. /kiisnipsiruk FN do: what shall I do with it? /kurao sa.keot'lu.te4, C (also translated 'how am I going to go?') doctor, herb. /kdclukw 17 doctor, suckingo /kiclukWe(h)e.rax doctor, a type of i /o riri w&w SS doctoring, he's. /kWi-nte keod SS doeo ke-showo-koo, kis-sah'-ko M dog. up-shoh R. ap-soo H, hapso HH, gs-sho C, ap'-suk P, &psyu DLO, /9 fipsu dog salmon. ibmine DLO 'salmon', /9icmuMa dogtrot. afiahyaC Cu dogwood (Cornus glabrata) o ip-se'-rah-ho-ho' M dogwood berries. ip-soo'-nah M done (of food). /k'&ik'i9 (also means tripe') door. /? ,owkWao (h) ik door of an Indian houseo baowkwahfi SS dove (Zenaidura sp.)o mah-pook'-hi, mah-p~o'-kWr, mah-po'k-ui, b-p6o' k-wi M; /map kxay downriver. wiruwhi Ho301 'down the Klamath River'; /9u--ru.tu-. downriver people. /9u-ruotui-cu' dragonflyo e-we '-we kootch-koor, hF'-wE-we-kwits-kut M dreaming, he's. /kWioyayk CW, FW dresso /hay, also /qituk'wukwa-ke. CW drink, to. kwitsch-ie H, ti-chih P, tikh-shi C, kiotsi DLO I'm drinking. /sicik CW1 are you drinking? /tichkya CY (said also to mean 'did you drink?' or 'is he drinking?') he's drinking. /k icik CW, FW we drink. /yfccwV CW you-all drinko Z/maokwo sticc&? CY they drinko /k iceek'e mi.?l CY dropped into something. gutsdJei Ho342 drowned, he. /kwicaorakiok FW drum. hanitomtomil V203, /9?anitamt&ir ir CW, 9anituntumur SS 18 drumming, he's0 /kWPnitamtanrvi-k CW duck0 kah'"sah M, kas-sah H, ik-ka-sha C, cassa DLO, /k'asa dusk. ditchuiwa Ho342 'Just before sunset, getting close to sunset' dust. /mf(h)awa. (also means 'ashes') E eagle, bald (Haliaeetus sp.)o yow'-kwah M eagle, golden (Aquila sp.). o-sep'-ho M 'immature bald eagle'; ah-choo'-pah, ah-cho'-pah M; adtipxa DLO, /'acuipxa. eagle spp. /kuwI-t'irn SS, /kawa ha SS (or may be same species) ear0 ish-ok H, ish-ahk R, ish-shok C, is'sok P, isak HH; iak DLO, /9 isaok earth. jae-duich H. sha-duk C, ta'-rak P, tarak HH, /t' arak (also means 'dirt, ground, land') east. iit'-sits P, g~tauk hituhu' Ho343 eat, to. kech-kiik C, kwitsh-kook H, tets'-kuk P, /kfcku CW Ivm eating. /ya,.awe sIckuOk' CW he's eating. /kwIckukw W, FW eatable, something. / IckukW Ci eel. koop-par, kooo-per, ko'-per M; /kidOpar egg. s'chaum-pi-tet'-it C, shum-pet-eh-tit H., /sumplt'i rir eight. huts-que-at-a hah R, s'cho-a-te'-ha C, kots-ki-kok-eh-heh-hoi H., hataikini HH, hachki wat.hat Ho341, /xackiwate-(h)a" eighteen. /ieccahe-vi tuk xackiwateohawkeheh&? SS eighty. Irahaiahis Ho341, /9iraha-yaohios SS eight hundred. hachkwatiruk 6chihis Ho341 elder berries, sah-po -wer, sah-pow'o-wer M; /saopawar elder bush (Sambucus sp.)O sah-po'-ho, sah-po' M; /saopu.(h)ii eleven. eh-cha-he-wa-cha-a-ke-a-he C. etch-e-heh-ye-cham-a H., kchah~wi tuk chta gahtha Ho341, /9eccahe'wi tuk c&.'-a? kehehc SS 19 elk (Cervus sp.), ha-tah'ohak, hah'-tah-okah, hut'-tuk-kah, ah'-tuk-kah M; ut-tuk H., he-te-ke C, a~tkke DLO, / atIakka empty. /,>a~t uwey CW enough, that's. /kas mi?ti'c CW Equisetum (a plant, the horsetail). itsuwaid Ho341, /'?I?cuxaoyr SS Eriogonum sp. (a plant). ira'tuqwa Ho341, /9 lratukkur SS evening. e-duk-a C, kus-ar-ruk-ka H, /A orak' exclamations. hi-hi-hiaia DM8, hr-hn-hnA DM21, st! DM18 expect- it has not come yet but is expected at any time. d1hiuk Ho342 eye. ooi R. o-wee H, owi C, u'-ih P. uiwi DLO, /qwI. F face0 ovi R. au-i C (cf. /vwio 'eye'); o-noo-to-tie H, un-nip'-so-kuk P fall- you might fall0 /stlawkW tta,? CW he fell down. /tawkwatiomW CW & he fell off. /kfis kuccasi-k FW fall (autumn)0 wek-kwo-ho C, wah-kwi-o"-teh-hah H., 'kwuIhai Ho342, /wakW I a(h)ay fall is here, nowo gOis wu'kwfhai gwihiftk, gtis wi'kwfihai gwlki Ho342 f ar. /EukW2x fat (adj,), /klimnnr fat (noun)o See 'greasev '. father. nutsh-yu H; at-ta'-ta C, a-ta-ta P; ata, (in reference) ati G35; ata Ho343; /w&ati9, vocative /wa-tlonao ; also l attgo SS9 voo O battionao SS father, dead. xekohama G37 father following death of a child. (reference) atipsi, (address) atadopsi (G36 father-in.law. wepsit G36, w~psld Ho3433, /we6pslr SS (also means 9son-in.law') fawno choo9-pah cho"-pah NM /cuppax 20 feather. up-pah H., up-pa' C, /'?appW feathers, decorated. makus D439 feathers of eagle's wing, longest0 /9uocdrw' SS feathering arrows, he's0 /9akkir kWt0wahawk SS fence0 /9-rastik fever bush (Garrya sp.). chah'-hoo M few. /twfimmu CW fifteeno et-chik-e-ha R, Ichahlwi 'chfmi Kcha'g".hffha Ho341, /' eccaheowi tuk ie-cap kehehet SS fifty. huik'wahis 'chtmi Ichahtwi Ho3141 fight, to0 cha-mu-su, mu-kai-su P they're fighting. /k~marimpao9 CW finch, purple (Carpodacus sp.). chi'-sah-s6, chow-rik M (also translated as 'linnet') find: he found it. /kas k~ikmiak FW finished, they're. /kw' riru?ma CW fingers. A-hA-shik C, akhusik HH fir, black. araph&? DLO, /9a-raopxt'7 fir, black, young. wats-we M 'Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga sp.t, wachw! Ho34O, watsytd. 'little fir' DLO, /wacwb' fir, white. choo-woo' M 'Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga sp.', /c'u hish6v SS, /c'uvwuotr" CW fire. im-mah R. im-ma C, immah H, im'-mah Sp, im& HH; ima", imma DLO; /9 imma Fire Spindle's name. h6o-dau-ho'dau-ho'dau DM8 fish. kwai-ti-din-ni C fisher (an animal)0 x&ijiwa DLO; /mitxiowa SS fishing with a net, I'm. /se'rac'i~k NW he's fishing with a net. /kw'racti-k CW I'm fishing with a line. /saoma~yik FW he's fishing with a lineo /kwaemaoyik CW he went f ishing. /kw'tiaytakw Of 21 fishline. /" rame9 a#ir fishnet. /"e'orac9ir fish-hawk (Pandion sp.). cho'-choo, choo'-choo M fish-spear. /"arawfccu Ss, /"uiccusur fish-spear, shaft of o /.-i osaxay five. ak-chuch H, et-cha C, et-chah R. etsha HHi, lcha' Ho341, /"eec&v five hundred. achiruik achfihis Ho341 fleao g'-ki, e'o-I, he'-ki M; /'dk'ay flicker (Colaptes spo). chok, tsook', tsoo'-koo M; 6u-q DLO, /c'(uik (usually called 9yellowhammer ) flint. /qaokWey, (also means 'bullet') float: it's floating. /reonukWao, CW it floated away. /tinnuma, CW flooding, water is. /kWepariok CW flouro /Aatappa flower. /c' lwaocni" flower, a small, white, starlike.. yii'mte D486 flower, a brilliant red. kumpi'sna D486 flowing down, water is. /'acca rannlakak fly (insect)o ip-she-wa C, up-seh-whai H; ip -shl-whah, ip-si'-ah-hwah M; I" ipseoxwao fly, to. wo'-ho P itvs flyingo /.ohuka.o C, N fogo /q ceakusuowwV CW foggy, it's gettingo /kwictukussuowaompik C followed him, he. /kas kwattuwima N foot. uk-guush R. uk-kwrus H, ak-kaush C, &kkus DLO 'feet', /4fk'us foot-log. /7arfohama CW,/ ate~hama CW,/Jarihfi forehead, wi-yak C, o-wee-yak H, oo-nahk' R 22 forest fire. /kwgxik foreshaft of an arrow. /'>it&'eyik SS forget: I forgot it. /siyaxa.tuma NW you forgot. /teoxaot'uma CW he forgot it. /kWiyaxa1tuma NFI fork. / icuttIukWiruma CW forty. huk'wahis Ho341, /xikkWahi-s SS,/xdkltWeils CW forty-one. huk'wahis 'chimi 'chla Ho341 four. it-ai-hai-uch H, id-da-hai-ya C, id-a-haya, R, irahala HH, irahala H0o341, /9ira(h)aoya fourteen. ida-haya'-ka-ha R, /Aeccaheowi tuk ' lraha-ya keheh& SS four hundred. Irahala aiirok kchfihis Ho341, /9fraha-ya 9irl9e-cihi.s SS fox, grey (Urocyon sp.). koo-nuk'-se, koo-nup'-she, ko-nup'-se M; kl*napsi DLO fox, red (Vulpes fulvus group). kwah-rV-w~ch, kwi-rV'-wah M; kwartwex DLO, /kWa re wax freezing, it's. /riy aaka FN friend. you-mee-see H; ka-di-sha C (cf. /k'arisn' 'good') Fritillaria recurva (a plant). chwahi' Ho308, /cf~wa~hwr SS frog. yu '-rat, yuo-rot M; yoi~r-t DLO, /yuorfr. M also gives yu'-rot-hi-ah; cf. /-xi.x 'small'. frog, song ofo qua-qua qua-qua! B313 full. /k6Lpakna CW full moon: now is going to be a full moon. gas da dtindtin Ho342 now is full moon. guis gwidtindtin Ho342 gall. /"&ixxir gambling, he's. /kwehettapik CW game, men's gambling. kiotapig D441, kAhttapik Cu 'hand-game' game, women's guessing. kI'ig D443, ku ik Cu 'women's hand-game' 23 ghost. /k'aya(h)unfk girl. ki-ye-he C, ke-ah-ho-i-ee-ya H. kwi'-chekh P, giaxa Ho343, /kiyax& girl, adolescent0 waphi K299, wa'pxi D460, wapxe Ho343. Cf. also wapaxo Ho343 la girl from 8 or 9 till puberty' girl, little. giaxa'hla Ho343 (cf. /-xi.x 'little') girl, unmarried. gimpisu6'kwa Ho343 ('from about 15 until marriage') girls. /yaccapxa? SS, /haccapxa. C give: I give. /kWawfo SS w he gave (something large) away. /k icu-ti-k CW he gave it to me. ' 1/kAi;wika. FW give birth: she gave birth. JkWiya sitima N1 go, to. dut-ti-ma C, mak-as-ko-he-ak H going. ruyaga Ho342 you goS /katt' SS I'm going. 7 :/tattk' SS, , './satti-ma CW where are you going? /kura. tatl.ma he's going. , .. . /tatan CW he went. /k' lttima , NW lots of us are going. /iukWarikka ye *?.ka? FW he went across (a field). 7. ;a/k'a-utereo'ama FW goes ahead (a name). usuwi Cu he went around, .jkwakiowakima FV the sun's going down. /c'uiwar kuccipsiruk NW he went down(hill). ;/kwatt~vema NW he's going downstream in ,boat. /rakxehe.waka CW he went outdoors. ' 1k icawakampi FW he went over there. /4{nnaxa kwakeeoama FW he's going upriver. /kwattikwaya.ka SS, /kwiruhi.kwa&yaka SS he's going upstream in a boato /rak'ekwayaoka CW good. ka-di-sa C, kud-is-sutch H. /k'aris& goose. kahrah-rah' N, karar'x DLO, /kararax gooseberry. ko'-kwah M, /kt6oxa. gooseberry bush (Ribes sp.). ko-whi'-e-ho MN /k6-xa.(h)i.(h)u" gopher (Thomomys sp.)o har'-rah-sah M, haragsa DLO, /xa6rassa grabbed it, I. /s1ccaOmpik N 24 grandfather, materkal. akwit wG35, akwid Ho343, IO kkWit, also /4akkwiti CM, /makk it CW; vocative /'7akkwiti-na.. Also means 'man's daughter's child' . grandfather, paternal. atsmo G35, &tsmu Ho343, /&cmu, also cmu CWM vocative /iacmai-na9 SS. Also means 'man's sonts child'. grandmother, maternal. atcidi G35, archwit Ho343, /4cwit SS, haccit CM, /accit! CW, /miccit CW; voc. /iacwitlena.. Also means 'woman's daughter's child'. grandmother, paternal. amo G35, $mu Ho343, /himmu, also mammu CM; voc. /anammu-nao. Also means 'woman's son's child'. grandfather, dead maternal. gegeakwit G37 grandfather, dead paternal. gegeatsmo G37 grandmother, dead maternal. gegeatcidi G37 grandmother, dead paternal. gegeamo G37 grape. /wanta.x SS, /manta.x CW grape, Oregon. papias Ho340, /papdii as, also /"annioxistira SS grapevine, wild (Vitis californica). wiin-dah'-hi-o, wahn-tah'-hi-ho' M (cf. /wanta&x 'grape', /-hiohtx 'tree, bush') grass. hicumpaxiF CM (also translated as 'green'), /"ericmpwaxci SS; see alsQ 'hay'. grass sp. (used to make rope). /hissaximmi SS (but once identified as a type of bush) grass sp. (used for hats). /if.war SS, /9-warhi-huw SS grass sp. (with edible seeds). ho-wah' -it M grasshopper. cho'-pe-rah'-nah, cho'-par-an'-nah M; /c'uppirasna grease. /.%I.nnv great-aunt. amaki G35 great-uncle. kuya G35 great-grandmother. tcidi G35 grebe (Colymhis or Podilymbus sp.). chah'-tah M green, light. it-chom-ba-hi C (see 'grass'), kwat-seh-kwut-ie H 25 grind: he ground it. /kW&nxuxuo. FW grinding slab. /qa-tfw SS, /hatu.9q CW grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis). aht'-shi, ahto-sa, aht'-sha-ha, aht'-cha-hi M; ut-sheh' R. ut-she C, at-soo H, at'-chep P, atsy DLO, /"accey grosbeak, black-headed (Zamelodia sp.). choo-we'-po-ah, koo'-}kwah M grouse, blue (Dendragapus sp.). 6'-kwuk, okk'-whahk, o'k'-wuk M; /i ukwak' grouse, ruffled (Bonasa sp.). pes-pe'sh, pe'sh-pesh M grow: growing. riyahu Ho342 it's growing. /rumx.ca.9 FW gulch. wasudi Ho301 gun. /'iimav akktr CW (literally, "fire-arrow") guts. I.pxay DLO, /-?i.px~ay H hail. you-uch, oo-uch H; kau-nit-shi C hair. itt-chik R; in-nauh R 'head', in-na C, e-nugh H, in'-nah P, inakh HH, i-nex DLO, /1.nnax hair sticks up straight (a name). ioraxagi'skisir D456 half. isiditc Ho341 'up to the middle, one-half', /hiss!. tic SS 'half of it' (cf. /biss- 'middle') Hamburg (a place name). /ioyka. CWJ, /9ahawey CW (said to mean 'down in the hole') hand. up-khah R., up-ka H., up-ka C, ap'kah P., apka HH, apka DLO, /9 apka handsome. kun-eh-deh-nio H hat. /wapixnukkur SS, /qaopuxrukkWir CW have, to. id'-i-su-eh P I have two children. /ya.'ao xukk a yaxxaxe~r FW does he have any children? /yaxxaxe.r 9inna?' kIea tak FW he has two babies. /xdikkwa 9ume.o ke;. FW he doesn't have any babies. /hittukw, oumeo kea FW 26 hawk, Cooper (Accipiter cooperi). ik'-kik M hawk, red-tailed (Buteo borealis). e-t~ch-tah M, etexta DLO, /9ite-xta; ar -rar-ras M, /I araharao s S, 1" a*ra*ra s CW; h anmuppax SS hawk, small species of. 6irikik'n'ox DLO, /c'irikike'"?as SS, /c' irikike? ,is Cd hawk, sparrow (Falco sparverius). ah'-che-kid'-de'-dk M hay. hut-sit H tgrass', ikh-hut-shit C 'grass', /xaclr hazel bush or twigs (Corylus californica). hahs'-soo-k MN, /xa-suklu? (h)un hazel nut. /xa'sulkWI he. hat'-sin P; kwatz C, A/kwac, (also means 'she'. See also 'that'.) head. cha-dA C, charro H, cha'-r 1 P, 6aro DLO, /cara'w head-scratcher. hisak Cu (for girls' puberty ceremony, made of deer- bone) hear: do you hear it? ./yatikwaw .E, FfW did you hear it?, /ti1yawik yao CW he heard it. /riIkyawawo W, /kwt'1Iyswik CW (said to be homophonous with 'he's making baskets') heart. hi-was-sut C, eeo-was-up H, ewas-sa B401t, iwalut DLO, I" iva.sSur' Helianthus cusickii (a plant). garawihui Ho340, /karawioh&r SS hemp, Indian (Apocynum spQ). xus-show'-wer M, /9fssaowar SS hereo gwihiuik Ho342; / aMnMa heron (Ardea herodias). tah'-wah-hahr, tah'-wah-haht' M; t'o-waxat DLO, 't9awa xar hiccoughing, he's. /kwannicnakik N hide: I hid it. /saruxi-k FW hill. See 'mountaint' his. /kwac I u Cw hit it, he. /kWfihiEik FW (with the fist); /tfini k'i k (W 27 holding it, I'm. /saO&ame- FW horn. /waopw Hornbrook (a place). uokwayik DLO (said to mean 'creek') hornet. /tiocaw horse. sa-tewa6 DLO, /sfitawac. Probably from Klamath si'tas wats 'horses of the Snake Indians" (Gatschet, The Klamath Indians, Part 2, po 291; Washington, 1890.) Horse Creek0 A itiwakxwa hot0 da-to-daO C, a-tuk-tu H; /9atittd; also /iitti SS,, tuttA u hot (of liquid)0 /97atittuppa0k SS house0 cha-mum-ma H, um-mah R, um-ma C, um'ma P., uma HH, amma V181, umma Ho305, /5 ammao house, summer campo currara amma V186 hummingbird0 d~s'-k,-mg, tas'-koo-mg M; /taskummeo hundred0 cheh-hus H., a-che-ish C, achfihis Ho341, /~o~eocihi.s hungry, he's0 /kWikkWaceyma NW hunt: Ivm huntingo /sIomaokev FW he's hunting. /kWlomaokeo CW hurt, he got0 /teocaompik Ci husband0 kit-ti-bel-bit H 'my husband'; yu-po 9-wa-tik-ng C ymy husband', yapu awatl'kwa Ho343, awatikwa G36, /'?awatlkwa.. (also means 'man') husband, deado awatitwaki G37 I yah'-a H, ya C. ya P9 iaa HH, /ya*,7a.o ice. kou-wait-sai H; hi-u-eo C, /'xii;?a? illegitimate children0 xatsid Ho322 (literally 'grass, hay', /xacfr) Indian0 ka-du-wa C, up-put-ye-wish H, I Is CW Indian womano /')iS? rapxaO C( 28 Ipos bulb (Calochortus sp.). ip'-haws, ip'-haw M; ipha Cu, ipha B397 'potato', ipxea DLO, /'ipxa,> SS iron. akh-wa C, kwoi-a-wake H island. ish-sheets H, utch-skech C J. jaw. /c'awa?k jay, crested (Cyanocitta sp.). cho'-ko-kah-uft, cho'-ko-kah-bt M jump, to. a-chu-ku P jumpI /kaucu'ktr' CW he's Jumping, /kA cukuma FP, /raucukukw CW juniper berryo poo'-doo-he, poo'-roo-whe M; /pturu(h)P' juniper seed. /ctiklylo' juniper tree (Juniperus sp.). /pirui*u" CW K Karok, he's speaking. /kWliwappiek SS Karok country. ,4iwaopekki Karok man. /9 iwvappl Karok people above Happy Camp. watldo Ho301, /wat'~ru' SS Karok woman. /bape.rapxac kettle. hau-cha-hi-diik C, kee-kurre R, yup-pook-o'h-tos H, up'-kiis P kicked it, he. /kWakaElok FW kidney. /c'U'tukkut' SS, /c'I takku CW kill, to. kwai-di-kik C, seet-e-kik H, tska'-ha P he killed him. /kWI*ckaxawi~k CW, FW killdeer (Oxyechus vocifera)O che-wen'-ne-dit'-se, che-we -de-dik-se, tse-we'-te-tik M kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis). cho-wio-te-titch M (Also identified as black phoebe, Sayornis nigricans) 29 kingfisher (Ceryle sp.). tah'-char-rut, tseh-n~re'-rok M Klamath River. wasudigwa Ho3Ol Klamath River, along the. /" iruhlo SS knee, f ipka DLO, /"k) c'ipka knife. ihS-kari R, i-ka'-dekh C, ich-kur-ry H, /9ikary SS, /Aikar y" CW know: I don't know. /xam!; /ma' tf'weyk'a* C) I don 't know i f i t ' s s o, /xamx ke.9 i .ta SS he knows. /rioweyka- CWY. FW L lake. cha-ech C, rope-se-kwon-a-kutch-re quoi H; ip-he-ne C 'sea', ipxana Ho302, /' Ipxanao large. kim-pie H, kem'-pi C, kim-peh P.,/k'impfi; -nuk Ho342, /-knak large one (a name). kimpinuini Cu laughing, he's. /kWariki-,Eiok CW leaf. hus-kit H, ikh-hun-nut C, /xann6.r leather. /xao. itka leg. unno-wun R, ar'-ro-weh H, ha-da-wi C, arawey DLO, /harawe'r legendary animals. xaseyauwat Ho327, /xa-seoyfiwar 5; hika Ho327, /hi.kao SSH legg ings. A ic ' a karv' ir CiW /9 iC I a? kar? fimma $5 lie (rest). it's lying. /ricao' SS it's been lying for some time. /kW0ca.E SS he's lying down. /ratekwaytw C lie (tell falsehood): I'm lying. /ya. SS he sees it. /re.wa9 (X9 FW he saw it. /kwAmmiok FW Seiad (a placename). /fa *raxf CW sell: he sold it. /kdwa?tinpa.i FW service berries. ;ak.(ra DLO service berry bush (Amelanchier sp.). ah-ke'-dah-he-ho' M, /iak! *ra?hiohu" SS set, the sun has. /kwIhhampik SS set fire to it, he. /iwure",mpik N seveno ho-qua-at-a-hah R, ho-kwa-kok-eh-heh-hoi H., ho-kwa-ka-ke-uk C, hokaikinis HH, hukwa wataha' Ho341, /xdkkwawate ha> seventeen. hon-ko-et-aha R, /"eccahe*wi tuk XdklKawate-ha keheh&'- SS seventy. hfichkihis Ichfmi Achahvwi Ho341 seven hundred. huikwawatiruk ach6ihis Ho341 sewing, shevs. /k~twik FW shake: I shook it, /skckatistisi FW Shasta Indians. kavhosadi Ho301, /k'ahuisarfoi SS, also /sar*. SS5 (said to mean 'clear-spoken'); kikatsik D387, gf'kats Ho30, kikacis Cu 'a Shasta sub-tribe', /kI*kaoc' SS 'Kammatwa name for real Shasta'; shastika X280 'Shasta proper' group gn Klamath River between Karok and Shasta proper: gamiutwa Ho3019 /k'a-mftwa SS Klamath River group (as called by Scott Valley group): wiruwhikwitso Ho301, /iiruhiekwficu, ?SS same, as called by Oregon groupo wasudigwatsu Ho301, /wasu rukwfi -cu, SS same, as called by Shasta Valley group: iruafCsuhi Cu, wiruwhitsu Ho301, /"iruh!ocu" SS same (another term): wirrihikwai'irukla D388, wiruhikwairuk'a K286 Oregon group: ikiraku'tsu D451, fkaraka~suhi Cu, ikirik&'tsu Ho301 42 Shasta Valley group: ahotire'itsu D451, ahotireitsu K286, /iahutira"icu" SS; Scott Valley group: iruwaitsu Cu, iriiaitsu Ho301, /iiruiai'7cu9 SS, wrwehea'wakl1tsu Dl51, wikwahahaiwaggtsu Ho3Ol vpeople of lower end of Scott Valley'; uwatuihtsu Ho301, /ouwa-tahi'cui SS 'people of Scott Valley or Shasta Valley, as called by Klamath River group' other groups* okwanuchu K280, okwfinchu Cu, okwanutsu M; konomihu K280 Shasta territory. /k'ahuisari.e*ki SS Shasta, he speaks. /kWahugsarfiik SS Shasta Valley. /9a(h)utvire~ji shells (small, for necklaces), /'-uk asis CW shelter, brush. koupixasaiLduk D416 shining, the sun's. /c'uowar reoca.kW{yampak FW shirt. aniti-Ema DLO shoe. hut-cha C, ut-chehtsh or chahtch H. ut-shuhk R (all translated vmoccasin'), atsukh HH1 acx DLO, /9Ac'ax shoot itS /k1lcva CW he shot. /kwfsniomaO CW shorto /-5ihfkku SS, /ifokku CW shoulder. ukw.owi DLO, /,ukW 1owi SS; /'aopxmy' CW shouting, he's. /kidowacki ?k CW, FW shrike (Lanius spo). che'-de-ke-kasop chik'-ke-de-rook M sibling, younger. a-chuo-ki P, atcugwi G35, atchiki Ho343, /iaccukwi; voco /gaccukhxnao SS sibling9 younger, dead. gigetsihaiya G37 sibling-in-law. kusewahatu G36 'woman's sister's husband, husband's brother's wife' 6 atari G36 9man's sister-in-law, woman's brother-in-law', atari Ho343 /iatfirio SS sick, I'mO /sexxik CW sick, he'so /kWexxik NW sifting, he's. /kowaonik SS 43 sifter (for meal). /"uw&anir CW, (another type) /7ut'asiraayr CW; /cureoe?ma SS s inew. /Ifmmi e sing, to. kech-ni C, kraits-neeh H he's singing. /kWeocni k CW, FW we're singing. /ye ocnae CW Siskiyou Mountain. /iitiwakxaia rar.wa SS (lit., "Horse Creek Ridge") sister. ap-po C (see 'brother'), up-put-u-fur H sister, man's. kwfku Ho343 (see 'brother, woman's') sister, older. atcu, refo atci G35; achf Ho343, /la.cf; vocative achiina Ho3h3, /"a~c!ona- SS sister, older, dead. gigetsi G37 sis ter, younger: see 'sibling, younger' sister-in-law, woman's. adawasi G36o See also 'sibling-in-law' sit, to. tis-aik H, dis-shauk C sit down) k1iIayk DLO he's sitting down. /rfssaowkl CW (also means 'he's at home') he sat down. /kwissiyka. ; FW there he sits.O /kwac' kw!ssik SS he sits up, resting one hand on the ground. kwii kitcwits D487 he sits with his hands clasped over his knees. I'.`wkwiya D487 six. tahaia HH, tcho-at-a-hah R, s'cha-um-mo-ka-ka-i-huk C, cham-a-kok-ehb-heh-hoi H, chilwa taha' Ho341, /c'tuwate*(h)ai sixteen. tcho-et-a-ha R(cf. 'six'), 'achahlwi, 'chimi chiwa t5ha' Ho341, /ieccah6.wi tuk ct'uwateeha'. keheh&i SS sixty. hfichkihis Ho341, /xackihios SS six hundred. chdwatiruok achihis Ho341 skin (of person). /ifcka skinning, he's. /kw6imiki*k CW skink (Eumeces sp .) . am'-mah-cho -what, am'-mah-cho'-what; - -- too'-hook-a-si-te (all M) skunk, large (Mephitis spo). mah -nah-tsah', mon-naht-sah' M; wanao tsax DLO, /manacax 44 skunk, little spotted (Spilogale sp.). mah'-nah-tsah he-ah, te'-neetch, i tcho'-e-no -ta-ko io'-ah ( all M) s1y. wukine HH, kwa-ho-wa C, c-pah'-ko H slapped him, he. /kWecu->ik NW sleep, to: kich-miis-si C, titch-nu-che H go to sleepI /kicmasf SS he's sleeping. /rfcmasa~kal CW, FW sleepy: I'm sleepy. /sAkkarik CW he's sleepy. /kWgkkarik CW sliced off, anything. guisditaxiswa Ho343 slug. /Clfioktii small . at-tok C., uto-tu P. ut-o-kwo i H. /ifit luk; xia Ho342, /-xi x smell, to: he smelled it. /kummaik CW, NW it smells bad. /kRumatfk'ii-k it smells good. /kuImarf-?ik OW, FN smiling, he's. /rupeo*xweyaeka COW smoke. /k'uoca smoke (tobacco), to: smoke ! /kdppa" SS I'm smoking. /suppik FW he's smoking. kIrp-ik DLO, /k6ppik CW, FW he smokes. kwa'okwahir D487 smoke brush (Ceanothus cuneatus). e-too'-h6, it'-te-ho, it-too'-h MN smokehole. /kWawe wax SS smooth. /"isc'umu CW, /ficta.ntu SS snail. /ca nfkkWax SS snake. /nu(h)usu (also translated 'blue racer snake') snake, gopher or bull (Pityophis sp.). 6-hi'-sg-si-ket, 6-hi'-s'e-sek-kit, e-she-shao-kit M; ihisist kit DLO, /ri-sisekkir snake, king (black and white). qataxnit DLO, /ifittaxnir SS snake, king (with red marks) (Ophibolus boyli). no-we-tah'ch M, nuwitax DLO, /nuwi'tax snake, water (Eutaenia sp.). mah'-tah-tah-how', mah'-ti-ta--how, hoom'-mah-ten-to M; matataha' wa DLO snatie sp. /voanicmakfare6yax snow. khal NH, kau C, kh'ow H., /k'aw snowing, it's. /kAaw ku6ccik CW soaproot (Chlorogalum pomeridianum). hahr', hah' tr M son. me-tu-gut-yah H, yu-po otta C; akwi G35, /la.kwil son following death of one of parents, or one of speaker's children. akwipsi G36 son-in-law. /we'psinax SS song, Coyote's. an'ni sa'wi na DM19 song, Grizzly Bear's war-cry. anst5*weyu DM20 song, man's. kunoniu hunu DM20' song, turtle's. oxiwicnikwiki DM13 songs, war-cry. hennuhr'yo, kelehuku'nnami DM20 soot. /maseyl sorcerer. purowan V238 ('lights seen around cemetery, supposed to be ghosts'), /9a?piiruwa.n SS (from Karok iapurtvaen) sound of Coyote. atii -tii-tui DM35 sour. /'ic'uxuyweyi Cr (also translated 'bitter') sour berry (Rhus trilobata). oo'ch-o-ht', o-ho'-ho M spaniel. o6piteqteq DLO (said to refer to falling ears) sparrow spp. ahp'-se-ko-pis-tah'-kah; tse-re'-ke-ke; chah'-ne-tas'-sah, chah'-ne-tah'-sah (all M) speak,to. te-how-see H. san-han-sik C, ti'-l-sah P spear itl /kiac'us CW he's spearing. /kuc'usi k CW spider. ho-ri', hoo-ri' M; /xuor'a6y spider, large. /"ao klyaxa CW 46 spirit ("pain"). aheki K302, axe ki D470, axafki Ho326, /iaxekki spirit, water (dog-shaped). xaseyauwat Ho327 spitting, he's. /ke epxutik FW spoon (aboriginal type). /EiskWey SS spoon (modem type). /,f!rayu kWir springtime. et'-na C, eet-ee-nu6h H. it na' Ho342, /9i'tnaO SS, /vii*cnaoi CW sprouting, it's. /re .wappawa" FW squaw cabbage. 66we DLO squirrel, gray (Sciurus fossor). choot-tah, ch&o-tah, cho'-kah M; 6u-?ta DLO, /c'uitta squirrel, ground (Citellus douglasi) D ah '-chuk, ot'-tuk, ahto-chukA M; acak DLO, /laccak squirrel, pine. ko'?-nahch, koo'-nahch, koo '-nah M stand, to, tok-ok H, duk-ka-wa C hets standing. /rfk'awa." CM, FW star. kautch-chi-e-mo C, huk-weh-soot H. /xakkwgosur stays overnight, he. /kwepxummikta, SS steelhead. chash, tsahso, tahs M; cvas DLO, /c',as stepfather. arodsa G36 (also 'man's stepchild'). See "uncle." stepmother. anidi G36 (also 'woman's stepchild'). See "aunt."t step-parent's father. kuya G36 (also 'mants child's stepchild'). See "great-uncle." step-parent's mother. amaki G36 (also 'woman's child's stepchild'). See "great-aunt. If sticks for gambling game, plain. ak D441 sticks for gambling game, spindle-shaped. a'nninai D441 stinkweed, blue (Trichostoma sp.), atch-a-kah'-whahA M stop9 to. it-ska P string. /lassa 47 'striped around' (a man's name). irah6'xdkwrd D456 strong. ke-ti-ho-kum-ma C; /xfmmi SS (see also 'tough') sucked at it, he. /kWkmpaik FW sucker (fish)0 kooo=ah, koo-wah, koo'-wah M; kla DLO, /k6wa sugar. /taoca'wey (originally 'sugar pine juice') sumac berries. 6xwiS DLO summer. ot-ti-he C. atahi Ho342, /iata.(h)f@ sun0 tsoare HH, it-chi-wut C, chu'-wat P, cho'wat H, tchuar Ho342, /c 'uwar sunrise0 tchiar gtiitsits Ho342 sunset0 gitchuwaha Ho3h2 supernatural beings living in mountains. hiRiv6 EC supper. /kWaorak'ayruk CW swallow it' /k'ukaka'ii' CWJ he swallowed ito /k'ukaka'?Ioma CW,9 FW swallow, barn (Hirundo sp.). tah-bach-ah-rah'-rah M swallow, cliff (Petrochelidon sp.). chuk-kah-rum'-dah M swan (Olor buccinator). kowo-kah-tio-kit M sweating, he'so /kWkccakaoma FW sweating himself (in a sweathouse), he's. /k 6stuwik CW sweathouseq men'so wak'wa V186, wi'i'kwu Ho307, /wakkwax sweathouse, women's0 kustukhambi V187, /k'lustikhampik SS swim, to- I'm swimming. /sfpukw CW he's swimming. /kWfpukw CW; also /rdmpakao CW, FW syringa (Philadelphus spo)o ahch-nook, /?aoXnurwk' CW, /sa xnuikWt SS T tableo /"ickukniweour CW (lito., something like "what they eat on") tail0 /9i(h)fwa 48 talk, to. ka'hosa Ho301 he's talking. /kWa(h)usi*k he's talking about him behind his back. /k iyakni k SS, /kWi.k' payruk SS tanager, mountain (Piranga ludoviciana). ho'-kwah M, chahks-chah' -kah M taste, to: he tasted it. /ki6iuM.ouk:. CWA, FW it tastes bad. /kautfk'i.k CA, FN it tastes good. /kaurf-?i.k CW, FW tear: he tore it. /kWa".Eatitimpa., FW ten. etshelewi HH, tchS-he-wi R, e-cha-he-wa C, etch-e-heh-ye-heh-hai H, 6chah~wi Ho341, /ieccahe'wi" that. k6ch-chil-it-um-ma H; in-na-ka C, in-na 'they' C, in-na 'he' H, hina BH 'he', /innao 'that one' that over there. /'um*wa*tu9 CW there. tuk Ho34l, /mi ttkW SS; /linnaxa' C(W there, over. /'7u`waoxa they. /kWaok'aoi COW thigh. /xaoti *s thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus). hah-dah'-dah he-ho' M thinking, he's. /kWfya caci k C! thirsty, Itm. /sewa-kattakai FW thirteen. hut-ske-ka-ha R, /Ieccaheowi tuk xAcki kahehapi SS thirty. hoch7ka-a-cha-he-wa C, kot-ski-etch-e-heh-ye H. 'ch'ahis 'chfmi achahawi Ho341, /c'ehi-s tuk ieccahe6wi kehehfi SS this. o-pai-look H. we-ka C, /we ne*.e CW thousand. kchahawihis Ho341 thread. /'mtwir three. hatski HH, hotch-ka C, kots'-ki H, hutski R, hachki Ho341, /xicki three hundred. hachkiu achihis Ho341, /xackli "e-c6hi.s. SS throw: I threw it. /sAppi ma FW he's throwing it. /kw'ppi-ma CW 49 thunder. did-eh'-woo-ko-hoo H, ha-dop-sit C; ik-i-am'-mi P, fkhtmu DLO, /9{kyammeo tick. /cao*ca*t SS, /ca*cao*t CW tied it, I. /sfruti-k FR tired, I'm. /sfyak'a-xnaka" CW tit, tufted (a bird Baeolophus sp che-de-ow'-wut M toad. choom-pah'-he yu'-rot M toad, horned (Phrynosoma sp.). nan-nr'-wis-sik M toad, small green tree. cho-ho-net'-te M toadstool spp. /gannaot SS, /iexxa.(h)Ai CW tobacco. tcho-wahr R; o-wa' C, o-wa H; o-wah, oo'-ah M, /'Iowa tobacco, wild (Nicotiana attenuata). she'-tah-oo'-ah M today. ut-chi C, kah-o-uk-chai H, atct4i'tsu (Ho342,./k'i.u. Oaccey? CW (lit., "now day") tomorrow. ai-ok-hee H, ai-a'-hye C, /'a yaxi. toes. o-tos H. A-hush-ik C tongue. ip-huah R; a-ha-na C, ah-heh'noo H, ehena HH, Ohtna DLO, /96(h)ena tooth. itsh-on H, it-chukg R, ikh-chau C, ich'-o P., itsau HH, M~o DLO, /Ifc'aw touch, to. ich-i-ki P w he touched it. /k fruta ni k tough. itch-kuk H, /'ickak' (also translated 'strong') towhee (Pipilo maculatus). choo-wai-h.-ng'-roo M, koo-w~h'ch-e M traded, he. /kWfcu-timpa*#, FW trail. /9fcca. (also translated 'road') traveling. tach-a-ree B131 tree. cho-ko-to-kook H, su'-nakh P. ush-sho-ne C; ugaha Ho341, /a~kta, -(h)a tree, dead. utchasusi Ho341 tribe around Applegate, Oregon. /"icka*ta *we'y SS (probably Athabaskan) tribe downstream from Medford, Oregon. /kta tukIW SS (probably Takelma) tribe upstream from Medford. /'nu harawfs SS (Athabaskan?) troublesome. /ie-ruxfcii CW (also translated 'mean') trout. ah-kut, ah'-gut M; urk-ka H 'fish', a~qat DLO, /9a.k'ar tulee, big round (Scikpus lacustris). hah'-pah-ris M tule, flat (cat-tail, Typha latifolia). ook'-toor, hook'-toor M tule, small (Scirpus sp.). koo'-pah-rahch tule, three-rib (Sparganium sp?). che-rik-kik'-e-ho M turtle. cha-ha-di-ni C, cha-kah-reh-ee H (both translated 'tortoise'), 6aexarftay DLO; chaw'-hah-re-ri, chah'-hah-re'-ri, chah-hah-re'-ni, chaw'-hah'-re, chaw'*-hah'-ri M; /ca.xarfre- Cir, /ca-xari-na6i. SS twelve. hou-quah-ka-ha R, eh-cha-he-wa-ho-kwa-ke-a-he C, achahawi tuak hudk'wa gahaha Ho341, /ieccahe*wi tuk xdkkwai kehehfo SS twenty. ho-kwoit-etch-e-ye H; tche-hehsh' R, che-ish C, 'chahis Ho341, /c 'eo(h)i oS twenty-one. 'chahis 'chfmi 'chaa, or 'chzAhis tuk 'chwa g5hwaha Ho341; /c'ehi-s tuk c'ao.'ai kehehao SS twilight. dJapia Ho342 twins. /xukkwa kikkdi SS two. ho-quoi H. ho-kwa C, ho-kah R, hoka HH, hiuk'wa Ho341, /x~dkkwa-7 two hundred. huk'wait Achihis Ho341, /xuk a9.r 'eoc6ihi-s SS U ugly. kun-eh-kwoit H (cf. /klarikwkcci9 'bad') uncle, maternal. apaki G35, uvppuvk Ho343, /sappak (also means 'man's sister's child'); vocative /fappaka.naa SS uncle, maternal, dead. gegepaki G37 uncle, paternal. arodsa G35, I'ts Ho343, /