A STUDY OF T THE MATERIAL ASPECTS OF NORTHEASTERN MAIDU BASKETRY1 B. K. Swartz,, Jr. The excellence of California Indian basketry has long been recognized. The Climax area for this basketry, represented by the Pomo, has been intensively studied by Barrett (1908). Another highly developed center is that of the Maidu. Pomo basketry is an elaboration of existing basketry traditions, while that of the Northeastern Maidu was probably brought about by the fusion of various- traditions. Northeastern Maidu basketry is equal to that of the Pomo in craftmanship and perhaps in diversity of types,, but it is not as ornate--although it is certainly pleasing esthetically. The purpose of this paper is to make a brief survey, to be used in con- junction with Dixon's work on designs (Dixon, 1900), of Northeastern Maidu basketry. This paper, for supplementary purposes, will deal with material aspects, emphasizing such topics as basket use, techniques of manufacture, motor habits, and use of the environment. Field Work Field work for this paper was conducted from January 19th to February lst, 1957. Interviews were held with eight Maidu Indians. Six of these were North- eastern Maidu. The accounts of three in this group were used in the preparation of this paper. Marie Potts of Sacramento, California, was my chief informant. Information received from the other informants was primarily for corroboration. Mrs. Potts is highly sophisticated and is- acquainted with some anthropological literature on the Maidu. Due to the sparsity of literature on Maidu basketry I doubt if appreciable bias was caused by reinterpretation of written ethnographic accounts. However, some effect was noted, e.g., her account of the procedure of splitting willow coincides closely with that of Dixon (1905). Due to her sophi- stication leading questions could occasionally be asked with profit, as. a time saving device. Interview time was paid for. Information was volunteered with enthusiasm and she was anxious to have data-on the Maidu recorded. She did exten- sive,work on coiled baskets in my presence,9 allowing direct observation of this technique. Although she also demonstrated twining procedures, direct observation of this technique was of a cursory nature. Her skill in twining is limited. MaJor discrepancies in information were limited to recent introductions. In this paper I weighed the accounts of my informants against published accounts and available museum specimens. Types A basic need of all societies is the use of containers. Important uses of containers are the preparation and serving of food, storage, and transport. In central California nets and rigid-textiled receptacles--or baskets, are used as 67 containers. Particular container needs are fulfilled by using specific types of baskets. By correlating basket use, form, and pertinent linguistic data, these specific basket types can be isolated for the Northeastern Maidu (Plate 1, Table 1)2 An unfinished basket is a h63ja; a finished basket a lol6. A large coiled basket with flaring sides is used for stone-boiling (Plate la). The flaring sides provide a large orifice, facilitating the addition of heated stones. The stones are lifted into the basket by a looped stick or wooden tongs. Stirring with a wooden paddle prevents the basket from being burned by the heated stones. Smaller coiled baskets are used as dippers, and as eating and drinking bowls (Plate lb). Globose baskets (Plate ld) may be coiled or twined, and are used for storage. Large storage balskets-are coarsely twined. These are common in areas where the acorn granary is not used. Closely twined baskets with constricted necks, and covered with pitch for-waterproofing, are water bottles. Ornamental baskets are decorative and may store luxury items. Circular plaques and coarsely woven baskets are 2at6t Circular plaques are usually coiled (Plate le), though coarsely twined ones (Plate lg) also occur. A large circular plaque used as a plate is a wai6. A smaller circular plaque, used for sifting and parching, is a bftky. Sifting is accomplished by tilting the basket at a sharp angle and vibrating it by tapping the edge with a stone. This causes the coarser meal to shift d-ownward toward the lower edge of tbe basket. It is then shoved out and reground. Parching is accomplished by shaking a plaque con- taining live coals or a heated stone together with the material to be parched. Meal is swept off a sifting basket with a soaproot, Chorogalum Eomeridianum ((Ker.) Kunth, brush or a pine cone petal brush. Oval and subtriangular baskets are wal6t. Closely twined ones are used as vidnnowers and parchers; open twined ones as sifters and occasionally they are filled with pine needles or leaves and serve as leaching basins. Oval, open twined baskets with handle-s have a specific term which I was unable to obtain from my informants (Plate lh). They are used as seed beaters and for whipping, seeds into burden baskets (see below). A large conical-shaped basket is used for carrying loads. It is supported by a buckskin carrying strap, haiek attached at three points about two-thirds-up from the base. This basket type is called a burden basket. An overlay twined bur- den basket is a wol6, and is used for transporting seeds, etc. (Plate li). Occa- sionally a piece of buckskin is attached to the basal point to prevent wear. An open twined burden basket is a lGku* (Plate lj). It is used for transporting firewood, acorns, etc., and for catching fish in rivers3. Other rigid textile forms include caps, ?ol6; mortar hoppers, i; fish traps, mfkki; and cradles, tt. Techniques of Manufacture Manufacturing technique often determines basket type. Baskets that hold water are coiled, overlay twined, or close twined with a covering of pitch. Bas- kets used for food preparation are coiled, coiled baskets being more durable than twined ones. 68 When a basket is to be manufactured the first step is the processing of materials that have been harvested and stored. These materials are soaked and scraped to make them smooth and even for basket weaving. The quality of a basket is judged primarily by it-s eveness. If the soaking container is small, materials may be tied into - loose overhnd knot for compactness. A piece of obsidian is used for scraping . Foundation materials are scraped differently then thread materials. Scraping foundation material is called wa?6. The scraper is held with the thumb and index finger of the right hand; the foundation material is held by the left hand near the body and passes under the scraper and between the middle and ring fingers.- Scraping is away from the body. Scraping thread materials is called q?he . The scraper is held with the thumb and index finger of the right hand. The thread is held by the left hand and away from the body., the material passing over the middle finger and along the side of the scraper. Scraping is toward the body. Buckskin may be put over the middle finger for protection. Basketmaking is called hfs. Two techniques are employed, coiling and twining. Most coiling is 3-rod foundation (Figure lb; Mason, 1904, pp. 253-4, fig. 50), although 1-rod foundation (Figure la; Weltfish, 1930, p. 434, fig. 8a; cf. "fsingle-rod", Mason, 1904, pp. 250-1, fig. 46) is used for "temporary" baskets (Plate lc). The work surface faces the basketmaker. The coil proceeds in a counter-clockwist direction of manufacture, whether the work surface is convex, flat, or concave>. On coars work, lazy squaw stitching (Notes and Queries, 1951, p. 274, fig. 3), that is the inclusion of two or more coils in a thread loop, occurs. Split-stitching (Weltfish, 1930, p. 462; cf. "furcate coiling"', Notes and Queries, 1951, p. 273, fig. la) of the non-work surface occurs in practice, though it is unintentional (Figure lc). It is caused by adding stitches as the basket expands. Borders are finished by simple wrapping. The Center Point Spiral start (Figure ld; after Balfet, 1957, fig. 4) is used in coiling. The foundation is started by wrapping maple shavings. Foundation rods are gradually inserted in staggered fashion until three are bound. To finish off the coil, the reverse procedure is followed. The butt end of the rod stalk (end toward the ground during growth) is the end inserted. Ideally threading materials are inserted by passing them between the two outer, topmost rods and the lower innermost rod. They are then threaded around the rods, the three in the coil being bound with the uppermost rod of the previous coil. To insert the thread between this rod and the remainder of the coil, an awl, hlskym ba, is used. It is made by splitting the metapodial of Rocky Mountain Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, var. hemionus, Raf. The proximal extremity is ground to a point on coarse-grained rock. Occasionally deer ulna awls are used for finer work. Fresh bone is superior for awls due to its toughness and pliability. Buck- skin wrapped around the finger serves as a thimble. Material to be used in the basket is kept submerged in water until used. The basket is liberally moistened during its manufacture. Loose ends on non-worked surface are twisted or rubbed off when the basket is dry. Two twining techniques are used, simple 2-strand twining (Figure le: Mohr and Sample, 1955, p. 348) and simple 2-strand twilled twining (Figure lf; after 69 "2-strand diagonal twining", Ibid., p. 348; cf. "diagonal twining", Mason, 1904, pp. 234-5, fig. 20, -and'"twilled twining", Weitfish, 1930, p. 473, fig. 10; also Wzr-zag twining", Funkhouser and Webb, 1929, pp. 94-5, fig. 55, "twined openwork", Mason, 1904, fig. 17, and "honey comb twining", Balfet, 1957, p. 9). The basket is held upright and twining proceeds in a clockwise direction. The weft is given- a-Z-twist and leans downward (Figure le, f) . The Radial Bunch Warp start (Figure lg; after Baumhoff in Balfet, 1957, fig. 3, no. 3, cf. "standard", p. 4) is used for fine twining; the Radial Bunch Warp Stratified start (Figure lh; after Ibid., fig. 3, no. 4) for coarse twining. As twining proceeds, additional warps are added. Twine work is finished off by a coiled rim. On coarse twined tapered surfaces several warps may be incorporated in one stitch. The Simple Spiral Wound Composite finish (Ibid., fig. 4) is used to complete twine work. For openwork, warp face twining (term applied to textiles by O'Neale, 1948, p. 159) is used. Warp face twining is accomplished by spacing the weft element on the warp foundation. This technique differs from true openwork twining where both weft and warp elements are spaced (see Plate"le, hi, J). Overlay twining is practiced; the overlay material is given a full twist and overlays both the inside and outside of the basket. Dixon (1905, fig. 47a) illustrates a wickerwork6 seed beater from the North- western Maidu area. However, none has been documented in the Northeastern Maidu area. Wickerwork technique is used on coarse basket ware, but is probably a recent introduction. Baskets are made when needed. They are manufactured by women (excepting fish traps, which may be manufactured by men also) when spare time is available. Assuming that one works full-time, i.e., during daylight, an average basket can be produced in 10 to 14 days. A person, on the average, will produce six baskets a year. A total of 19 baskets were counted in one Northeastern Maidu household. Materials Selected The technique employed to manufacture a basket often determines which materials are selected to be used. Certain materials are more suitable for one technique than another. Tables 2 and. 3 list the materials that are selected for basket manufacture. The most esteemed willow is Salix argyrophylla, Nutt. (Dixon, 1905, p. 145; cf. Merrill, 1923, p. 239 fn.), although other species are extensively used. Accor- ding to my chief informant the "best willow" is river willow with small pith hearts and gray foliage. Squirrel willow is no good due to its brittleness. To provide contrast for decoration, bracken fern root and sometimes redbud withe is dyed black by acorn staining and by burying in the ground. Porcupine quills are dyed yellow by boiling them with wolf moss, Evernia vulplina, himsim b&{f. Quills dyed red with berry stain are imported from the north. 70 Table 2. Materials Incorporated NE Maidu Part Material Name Used Big Leaf Maple d-p1 withe (Acer macrophyllum, Pursh.) Black Oak h6msi withe (Quercus kelloggi, Newb.) Bracken Fern (Pteridum sullala root quilina, var. lanuginosa, Bory.) Deer Brush (Ceanothus withe integerrmus 77 Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga twig taxifolia, Lamb.) Incense Cedar (Librocedrus mi"ni root decurzrens, Torr.?) Maidenhair Fern (Adientum lo-pi1i stalk pedatum, L.) Redbud (Cercus 121i withe occid-entalis, Torr.) Salt Tule (Scirpu8 bfim kupky stalk acutus, Muhl . ?) Slough Grass (Carex blade barbaree, Dew .) Squaw Grass (Xero- *{falia blade phyllum tenax, Nutt.) Western Service Berry soba withe (Amelanchier alnifolia, Nutt.) Wild Cherry (Prunus withe demissa, WalpTFj Willow (Salix app.) CUp stalk Yellow-Haired Porcupine @8nfm p6 quill (Erethizon e2ixantham, var. epixantham, Brandt ) Yellow Pine (Pinus byby root ponderosa, Dougl . ) in Baskets Use in Techniquie of Manufacture coil thread, coarse twine warp and weft rim decorative coil thread, decorative overlay twine overlay twine weft base coarse twine warp overlay twine warp, overlay twine weft base decorative overlay twine coarse twine, coil thread (peeled), decorative coild thread (unpeeled) overlay twine warp (upper portions only) coil thread, overlay twine weft base overlay twine rim overlay twine weft base coil foundation, coarse twine decorative overlay twine overlay twine warp, overlay twine weft base 71 - Slough grass does not grow in Northeastern Maidu territory and may be traded in from the lowlands. The sparse occurrence of maidenhair fern requires that -quantities of it must be obtained from areas further north. Service berry and black oak withes are transported from lower altitudes. Certain basketry materials that grow in the Northeastern Maidu area are not utlized, although in nearby areas they are. These materials are hazel, Corlus rostrata, Ait.9 var. californica7 and squaw brush, Rhus trilobata, Nutt. (Merrill, 1923, map0 5). Hazel is lighter than willow, but willow is stronger. This factor probably affected selection0 Table 3o Extraneous Basket Materials Material Parts Used Abalone (Haliotis sppo) Acorn Woodpecker (Balanosphyra formacivora, var0 bairdi, Ridg0) Bluebird (Sialia sp?) Bullock Oriole (Icternus bullocki, Swain0) California Red-Winged Blackbird (Agelains phoe.niceus., Nel ) Clam (Saxidomus nuttallii9 Con.) Common Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L., var. picta, Dougl.) Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta, Aud.) Sierran Mountain Quail (Oreortyx picta, var. picta, Dougl. ) Western Robin (Planesticus migratorius, var. propinquus, Ridg?T shell (beads and pendants) scalp feathers scalp feathers scalp feathers wing feathers shell (beads) tail curls scalp feathers topknots scalp feathers Gathering and Preparation Maple and willow are burned to get new shoots. New shoots are collected one or two years later. Burning is accomplished by heaping leaves against the base of the tree and igniting them. New willow shoots have less "knobs" if picked at first sign of sprouting. If bunch grass is filled with trash, it is burned to get new shoots. Burning is done in the fall. Roots of certain trees are stronger than those of others and these trees are noted. Specific basketmakers have rights to the roots of certain trees. Roots are farmed, those from a certain section of a tree being collected, while those of another section are not collected until a later time. Bracken fern roots are 72 often found in dumps, rotten logs, or soft dirt. A digging stick, sewe*, is used to collect roots. Roots are severed with a knife, 86mmi, probably made of obsidian. If no knife is available, roots are severed by pounding a segment of the root with a rock. Roots taken are about 3 to 4 feet long, and 3 incbes in diameter. Maple withes are about 4 feet long and "as thick as a thumb". Roots, maidenhair fern, and deer brush are harvested after the snow disap- pears. Willow is harvested in the spring before the foliage sprouts. Wild cher- ry and bracken fern are harvested any time. Foundation materials are made up in bundles, butuo. A willow bundle is about four inches thick in basal diameter and contains around 250 stalks. Squaw grass, deer brush, and wild cherry bundles are about two inches in basal diameter. One piece of the material is used for binding and is 8oiralled in a counterclockwise direction, loops being formed at both ends for anchoring (Figure li) e Thread materials are made up in rolls, wanyni. A roll of maple is about nine inches in diameter and three inches thick. The binding is spiralled in a counterclockwise direction. It takes about two hours to gather and process materials if the location of the desired plants is known. Six to eight bundles are made in one sitting. A year's supply, consisting of about 25 bundles, is collected. Materials might not be completely processed on the spot, but may be trans- ported to shelter. If this is done, all waste materials are burned at the gathering area. Materials are transported with a buckskin carrying strap. The strap is threaded through the bundles, rolls are strung on it, and surplus ma- terials are lashed on. The shoulders support the strap during carrying unless free hands are needed. The strap is then supported on the forehead. When bundles and rolls are all made up they are stored by hanging them out of the way, indoors. The act of splitting stalks and removing pith centers is .jodg. Willow, maple, and tree roots are heated by holding them directly over a fire, putting them in hot ashes, or by exposing them to the sun. The fire may be located at the gathering area. Drying is complete when the skin cracks. This makes split- ting and skin scraping easier. The skin is scraped off willow stalks immediately after picking and drying. If this is not done, the skin will harden. After heating, the stalk is split. Splitting is initiated by rubbing the stalk end with the fingernail or a sharp tool. When the split is started, the end of one split is held in the teeth, and the end of the other by the right hand. Splitting is continued by pulling the ends apart. The left hand is then placed at the juncture of the split and is used as a guide to determine the thickness of the split stalks. If the left hand pushes the stalk away from the body, the split stalk anchored by the teeth will become thicker at the expense of the split stalk anchored by the right hand. If the stalk is held close to the body, the reverse occurs. 73 Only the two inner layers of the bracken fern root are used. Pith is re- moved from the willow and maple withes as they are split. Waste products are used as fire fuel. Maple withes and tree roots are split into quadrants. Parallel slices are then made, starting on one of the previously split quadrant surfaces (Figure la). Willow is split into thirds (Figure lb)o This may be due to its small diameter, or to facilitate rod fitting in coil foundations. Figure la Figure lb Maple and Tree Roots Willow Manufacturing Traditions By correlating basket type, manufacturing technique, and selection of materials, several manufacturing traditions can be isolated for the Northeastern Maidu. The most important tradition is coiling. Basket types common in this tradition are cooking baskets, dippers, circular plaque sifters, and plates. Obviously the manufacturing technique is distinctive-coiling instead of twining. Materials selected for manufacture are willow, maple, redbud, bracken fern, and slough grass. A second tradition is overlay twiningo Basket types common in this tra- dition are storage baskets and burden baskets. Mortar hoppers and caps are also overlay twined. The manufacturing technique is twining with an overlay covering. The basket bases are not overlaid. Materials selected for manufacture are pine and cedar roots, willow, squaw grass, tule, deer brush, wild cherry, slough grass, maidenhair fern, bracken fern, and porcupine quills. Oak and service berry are used for basket rims. A third tradition is close twining. Basket types common in this tradition are water bottles and subtriangular winnowers. Pitch is used to waterproof the water bottles. The manufacturing technique is twining,, often using the 2-strand twill technique. The principal manufacturing material is willowo A fourth tradition is openwork twining. Basket types common to this tradition are seed beaters, subtriangular and oval sifters, and burden baskets. Fish traps are also openwork twined. The manufacturing technique for this tradition is identical to that of the close twine tradition except that the warp face twining feature is added. Willow is the manufacturing materialo 74 A fifth tradition is coarse work twining. Basket types common to this tradition are large storage baskets, circular plaques, and various recently into- duced forms. The manufacturing technique is twining, though on a crude level with few refined conventionalizations. The wickerwork technique is also used. Materials selected for coarse twine manufacture are willow, maple, redbud, and douglas fir. Sources The Northeastern Maidu, due to their location (Map 1) , served as a melting pot for basketry traditions. Their basketry appears to have been de- rived from three sources. A basic sub-straum is central California in origin. It is represented by two manufacturing traditions, coiling and openwork twining. Central California coiling is 3-rod foundation and proceeds in a counterclockwise direction, in contrast to Yuki coiling which is often rod and welt and proceeds in a clockwise direction of manufacture. The wickerwork technique, if present in the Northeastern Maidu area, is also of probable central California origin due to its occurrence in Pomo and Northwestern Maidu territory (Kroeber, 1925, p. 415). With this basic sub-stratum, influences from northern California appeared. Two manufacturing traditions were introduced, overlay twining,, and coarse work twining., Overlay twining is the full-twist type of northeastern California (Welt- fish. 1930, p. 477). In apparently quite recent times influences from the Great Basin have in- truded. These influences are similar to the central California traditions, and therefore are not as obvious as those from northern California. The only new manufacturing tradition is close twining. The use of 1-rod foundation coiling for temporary baskets and the appearance of subtriangular and oval openwork sifter types occurs. Also, the Northeastern Maidu cradle form is similar to that of the Great Basin. This fusion of basketry traditions makes the Northeastern Maidu the most diversified basketmakers in California, although the Pomo show greater elabora- tion of basketmaking techniques. 75 APPENDIX I Informants Marie Potts, Sacramento, California. Born 1895 at Big Meadows. Northeastern Maidu mother; Caucasian father. Lived with her mother and maternal grandmother until their deaths in 1910. Is Publicity Chairman for the Federated Indians of California. Salina Jackson, Oak Grove, California. Born 1873 in Genesee Valley. North- eastern Maidu mother; Welsh father. Is a skilled basketmaker. Ina Jackson*., Feather Falls, California. Born 1876 in Genesee Valley. Is siter of Salina Jackson. * Married name. Both sisters married Jacksons. NOTES 1. Research for this paper was financed by a grant from the Departm4ent of Anthropology and Sociology, University of California at Los Angeles. I wish to acknowledge the assistance given to me by S. A. Barrett, William A. Lessa, Clement W. Meighan, and Francis A. Riddell for their advice and guidance; SO A. Barrett, Robert A. Littlewood (who also did -the photography), Francis A. Riddell, and Joan Seibert who aided me in the field; Marie Potts, my chief informant; and William Shipley who transcribed the Northeastern Maidu terms used in this paper. 2. All Northeastern Maidu terms are transcribed in a phonemic system based on Shipley (1956). Only restricted meanings that apply to basketry are attributed to the terms used. The author is responsible for all terms designated by an asterisk (*). 3. A lidless creel-shaped "fish basket" was also reported. This basket type may be a Maidu adaptation of the Atsugevi scoop-shaped fish basket (Garth, 1953, P. 149). However, it is probably a copy of a recent western intro- duction. 4. Fragments of glass are now substituted for obsidian. 5. Kroeber (1925, pp. 414-5) relates coil direction with outside surface. The writer believes that coil direction can be better described by relating it to the work surface. With this approach a one-to-one relationship can be made between coil direction and motor habits. 6. The term, "wickerwork",, is well established in English basket terminology (Mason, 1904, pp. 228-30). In general usage it often confuses technique of manufacture and basket appearance. A more precise term for this technique would be "woven wattlework" (Balfet, 1957, p. 10, fig. 2). 76 7. Kroeber (1925, P. 415) and Dixon (1905, p. 145) state that the northern Maidu use hazel. Barrett (1933, pp. 236-7) and Merrill (1923, p. 225, map 3) indicate that hazel is not used. I obtained negative responses from all my informants. 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY Balfet, Helene 1957 Basketry: A proposed classif-ication (Transo and Prefaced by M. A. Baumhoff), Reports of the University of California Archae- ological Survey, 37047: 1-21. Barrett, S. A. 1908 Pomo indian basketry, University of California Publications in American Archseology and EthnologY, 7:3: 133-3080 1917 The Washo Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee, 2:1: 1-52. .0o.....0OO.00and E. W. Gifford 1933 Miwok material culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee, 2:4:0 117-3760 Beals, Ralph L. 1933 Ethnology of the Nise3an, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 31:6: 335-414o Dixon, Roland Bo 1900 Basketry designs of the Maidu Indians of California, American Anthropologist (ns), 202: 266-2760 1905 The Northern Maidu, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 17:3: 119-346. Funkhouser, W. D. and W. So Webb 1929 The so-called "ash caves" in Lee County, Kentucky., Reports in Archaeology and Anthropology, 1:2: 33-112,, Lexington0 Garth, Thomas Ro 1953 Ataugewi ethnography, Anthropological Records, 14:20 129-212. Kroeber, A. L. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California, Bureau of American Ethnology, 78, Washington. 78 Mason, Otis To 1904 Aboriginal american basketry: Studies in a textile art without mchinery, Report of the United States National Museum 1901-2, 2: 171-548, Washington, Merrill, Ruth Earl 1923 Plants used in basketry by the California Indians., University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 20: 13: 213-242. Miner, Horace 1936 The importance of textiles in the archaeology of the eastern United States, American Antiquity, 1:3: 181-192. Mohr, Albert and L. L. Sample 1955 Twined water bottles in the Cuyama area, American Antiquity, 20:4:1: 345-354. Notes and queries in anthropology 1951 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (6th ed.), London. O*Neale, Lila M. 1948 Textiles of pre-columbian Chihuahua, Contributions to American Anthropology and History, 9:45: 95-161, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 574 Shipley, William 1956 The phonemes of Northeastern l4aidu, International Journal of American Linguistics, 22:4: 233-237. Voegelin, Erminie W. 1942 Culture element distributions: XX northeastern California, Anthropological Records, 7:2: 47-251. Weltfish, Gene 1930 Prehistoric North American basketry techniques and modern distri- butions, American Anthropologist, 32:3:1: 454-495. 79 Map 1 - Northern California Basketry Complexes (based on Weltfish,, 1930, fig. 2, p. 456). .- Northern Centra I California California _Y u k I - Yk i 82 Map I. Great Basin U, Dn CP .5 C1 4- o n) CP c 4- a C.s CLC *0- 0 a) 0 -4-- Co L. a) 40- 0: 0r 4- Co a) 0 4- o 4- 4- -._ a) 0 0 0 .4-- 0) . -C C.) 4- '9- .F C* a) Co) 01 C' C.) 0 aL) 01 4- '9- CP c L. a 0. o. CY c 0 C C .1 a 4 - 0 a) -a aL) a) C, -4-- a) Co cn a1) aL) Co 01) C" 4-Q 0 0~ .Co C 0 L.. 4- a) I- Co C OCS (. - Q Oo 01 3 C o- U) P C 0 a00 a) a) Con n Ie e 1 01 s Co Co Cl) Co ~~~~~E Co CoC/ Co C 001 E E E E 0EEE E E E 0 0 OE 00 0 0 CLa) ?l ro ,,LC OOO Ic Q ._ I?Io oo L o C I I\ cLN0 O I O 1? 1O1 O0LOLOu U ) LC) C) L. c ' ) C)0 a) IF~~~~~~U)L '0 '~~ 0 0 0 'a) C0 F- ~~ ~ 4-0 3: 0 > I- 0 0 CC 0 El Q _ _ 4 4 I 4 1 E 0 3O 0 0 65 D 0 0 83 aL) H 0 Pz PI Es co V V w Es V4 0 6.) 0 I 0 1 Figure 1 - Manufacturing Techniques 1-Rod Coiling 3-Rod Coiling Split-Stitching d. Center Point Spiral Start e. 2-Strand Twining fI. 2-Strand Twilled Twining Bunch Warp Bunch Warp Binding Start Stratified Start d. h Figure 1. 84 a. b. c. h. i. Rad ial Radial Bundle a. b. C. e. I. Plate 1 - Maidu Baskets (not to scale) a. Coiled Cooking Basket from Big Meadows, Plumas Co., Calif. Owned by Marie Potts. Photographed January 29, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1291. b. Coiled Dipper owned and made? by Ina Jackson, a Northeastern Maidu from Genessee Valley, Plumas Co., Calif. Photographed January 31, 19570 UCLA Neg. No. 1321. c. 1-Rod Coiled "Temporary" Basket from the northern Sierra Nevada area. Collected by E L. McLeod^1892-1905. UCMA Spec. No. 1-20881. Photo- graphed February 1, 1957. UCLA Neg. Mo. 1340. d. Coiled Storage Basket from Big Meadows, Plumas Co., Calif. Owned by Marie Potts. Photographed January 29, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1292. e. Coiled Plaque from Plumas or Tehama Co., Calif. Collected by E. L. McLeod 1892-1905. UCMA Spec. No. 1-20879. Photographed February 1, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 13390 f. Openwork Subtriangular Sifter bought from "Old Ann" in Indian Valley, Plumas Co., Calif., 1930. UCMA Spec. No. 1-53984. Photographed February 1, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1304. g. Coarse Work Twined Plaque made by Daisey Baker, a Northeastern Maidu from Genessee Valley, Plumas Co., Calif. Photographed January 31, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1314. ho Seed Beater collected by A. L. Kroeber at Quincy, Calif. June 8, 1913. UCMA Spec. No. 1-17335. Photographed February 19 1957e UCLA Neg. No. 1338. i. Overlay Twined Burden Basket made by Marie Davis, a Northeastern Maidu from Genessee Valley, Plumas Co., Calif. Photographed January 31, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1317. j. Openwork Burden Basket collected by A. L. Kroeber at Quincy, Calif. June 8, 1913. UCMA Spec. No. 1-17332. Photographed February 1, 1957. UCLA Neg. No. 1346. e. f. Plate 1. %.A