FLUORINE CONTENT OF HUMAN BONES (1) H. Hamaguchi and M. Tatsumoto Mr. Murotabe of,the Tokyo University Anthropology Department, who had bee-n endeavoring to apply chemical analyses to the studies of anthropology, reported in 1945 on the calcium and phosphorus content of human bone from the shellmound of Homii The chemical composition of the hun bone is gen- erally as follows: approximately 40% organic substances (after dehydration)), and 60% inorganic constituents, of which approximately 85% is calcium phos- phate and the remainder chiefly calcium carbonate. Taken as a whole, the past studies have revealed the following proportions of inorganic consti- tuents: SiO2 less than 1% C02 around 5% Cl around 0.1% CaO around 52% (Fed Al)203 less than 3% P205 around 42% Na2O around 1$ MgO less than 2% CaO:P205 = 10, F around 0,1% K20 around 0.1% Carnot (1891-2) pointed out that the relationship between the content of F and P can be used as an indicator to deduce the age of the fossilized bone, When the respective F:P ratios of the fossilized bones and apatite are compared, it wili be observed that the older the geological age of the fossilized bone, the greater the ratio as shown in Table I. Bemmelen (1897) expressed the opinion that the enrichment of fossilized bone with F is due either to the conversion of CaCG3 to CaF caused by the alkali fluoride in the subterranean water or to the adsorption of F on P. A matter of interest to the archaeologist is Sidersky's discovery (1934) that the ratio of F.:P in the bones of animals increases in proportion to the number of years after death (e.g., F is 0.52% of P in present-day bones but increases to 8,85% in bones from primary geological age) and that consequently this ratio may be used in estimating the age of the bones. Boyle et-al. (1939) also conducted some studies on changes in the content of organic substances, carbonate salts of alkali earth metals and F during the aging processo We were very fortunate in belng able to conduct some studies with human bones of known geologic age to see whether the facts mentioned above in connection with fossilized bone can be verified for bones about 4000 years old. The bones were given us by the Tokyo University Anthropology Department, Experimental Procedure From among the gravimetric, titration and colorimetric methods available for the determination of small amounts of F. we chose the titration by thorium nitrate using sodium alizarin sulfonate as indicator. This method requires 41 TABLE I Ratio of F/P 0 in fossilized bone to F/Pi(Carnot) - 1.07 ^ 0.9 Tertiary ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Quaternary Unfossilized bone 1.90 30.24 36.81 1025 33.24 1e83 35o20 33.83 .o205 40,28 0.0892 OoO892 : 0.0892 : 0o0892 : 0.0892 0.0892 TABLE II F Content of Human Bones (Tibiae) Loss of wt. Period Upon Heating F F * Content P205 x 100 Kokufu shell mound Todoroki " n Yatsukuri n n Yoyama n Tsukumo n n Inariyama n i Okitsu - cave Tagagun - hole Kanekoyama - hole Early Jomon n a Late Jomon if fn Final Jomon it Is Tomb Late n 1949 Period Tomb Period n nit content was determined by M. Ashikaga yet unpublished by him, P content is Nos. 7, 9, 10 are incomplete and were of the Chemistry Department and 40-44% and the value declines with based on P205 content of 44%. 42 Paleozoic = 0,70 _ .0.' 63 0 .O65 = 0,58 0035 = 0.06 Sample No. Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12985 25 71 17055 21.82 11.05 14o06 19.04 30.77 24.11 37,53 * The P is as age. 0011 0,26 0.25 0,27 0021 0.22 0024 0*21 0,22 0.07 0.27 0.62 0.62 0.65 0,52 0,52 (.o54) 0.48 (0.50) (0015) - .01 the removal of interferring substances prior to F determination. For this purpose distillation of hydrofluosilicic acid as described by Willard and Winter (1933) is suitable, The method has been widely applied and improved by many later workers, We chose the method employed by Okuno (1941) who investigated the F content of hot spring water, and by McClure (19395, who investigated the F content of bone ashes0 The following distillation apparatus is employed. Distillation flask B has a capacity of 100 ml. and is covered with asbestos to preserve heat. A thermometer is hung in the flask by a platinum wire to measure the tempera- ture of the distilling liquid. Flask A contains water with a small amount of NaOH and is used to generate the steam. The amount of steam going to B is controlled by a pinchcock D. To heat flask B, electricity rather than the burner is preferred to minimize the fluctuation in the temperature. The temperature is kept at 1351404 C so that 150 cc, of distillate comes over in 1 to lj hours, Before distillation, about 20 cc, of HNO3, a few glass beads and a small amount of AgNO3 (enough to catch all chlorides in the sample) are added to flask B and blank distillation is carried outo The volatile impurities in HN03 which emerge as a result of the initial abrupt rise of temperature are discarded and then 150 cc. of distillate is collected, Then, a good portion of the HN03 is taken up with a pipette and the weighted amount of the sample powder is addedo The HN03 in the pipette is used to wash down the powder, Distillation is continued until 150 cc. is collected0 This step is followed by the distillation of a known amount of purified NaF until 150 cc, has been collected. The receiver C contains 20 cc. of distilled water alkalized to phenolphthalein with NaOH, The slightly alkali distillates are placed in a platinum evaporating dish and heated to dryness on a steam bath. The residue is dissolved in 10 ml. of 50% alcohol, after which H10 (1:50) is added dropwise to remove the red phenolphthalein color, 0.1 cce of 0,05% solution of sodium alizarin solfonate is then added; if this indicator turns orange more H01 is added until a yellow color appears, 1 cc. of mono ClHO -NaOH buffer (pH 305) is added and the solution titrated with a standard thorium nitrate until the color changes from yellow to pale pink, Incidentally, the titration of the blank is carried out beforehand to correct the amount of thorium nitrate consumed, The blank also serves as a standard for the end point, The correction for the recovery is made from the data on distillation of the known amount of Fo The procedure may be elucidated by the actual experimental data, The distillate on 0,5813 gm. of sample was dried and taken up with 10 cc. 50% alcohol. It required 1.62 cc. of thorium nitrate for titration0 The blank took 0.03 cc. (1 drop)0 Therefore the actual amount required is 1.59 cc, The distillate from 1 cc. of standard NaF (F 1,82 mg.) required 4.45 cc, The standard thorium nitrate solution has a concentration of 2,9024 gmn Th(N03)4 4H20 per 1 and requires 2,51 cc, to titrate against 1 mg, of F. Therefore, the recovery of F is 97% and the F content in the sample is 0,11%. 43 A drop of thorium N03 is 0.03 cc. which is equivalent to 0.01 mg. of F. When the sample is 0.1 g. accuracy of more than 0.01% is not attainable. Ruaisusi The results of F analysis are shown in Table II. The values we obtained for the F content are within the range of F. J. McClure's (1939) of about 0.01-0.5% for bone ash, and of Carnot's (1891-2) 0.17-0.3% for fresh bones (human, sea-cow, cow, elephant). The samples are all tibiae and the list is in chronological order, with the oldest being at the top. Table II indicates that the F content is lowest in recent bones and higher in all others, with the exception of the oldest Kokufu-shellmound bones, the proportion of F in the other 8 samples varying from 0.21 to 0.27%. If one were to push the data a little, one might say that there is a tendency for Nos, 2, 3, 4 to be somewhat higher in F content than those after No, 5. This difference is more clearly brought out in the last column where the ratio of F content to P content is shown,. The variation in F:P ratio may in part be accounted for by the tendency for the P content of older bones to be proportionally lower0 Although at first glance it seems that the findings of Carnot (1891-2), Bemmelen (1897) and Sidersky (1934) can be verified with the samples dealt with here, but definite conclusions cannot be drawn since the number of samples was too small. The opinion of the authors is that the determination of the age of bones by measuring the F content is not practical when the differences in age are as small as those involved in our experiment, We are deeply indebted to the Anthropology Department for the bone samples, to Dr. Hasebe as mediator, and to Mr. Uchiyama and Mr. Tanabe for their helpful suggestions. A part of the research fund was donated by the Department of Education, 44 NOTZi (1) This article originally appeared in Zinr'iugaku Zassi (Journal of the Anthropological Society of Japan), Vol. 61:1-4 (1950). BIBLIOGRA Bayle, E., L. Amy, M. Rondeau du Noyer 1939 1939 Bull, soco chime, 6, p. 1011. Chem, Abst., 33, p. 6757. Bemmelen, J. Mi. van 1897 Z. anorg. allgem. Chem., 15, p. 90. Carnot, Ado 1891-2 Comt, rend., 114 p. 1189; 115, p. 243, p. 337. Hisateru Okuno 1941 Journ. Chem. Soc, Japan, 62, p. 234. McClure, F. J. 1939 Id. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. U,1 p. 171. Sidersky, D. 1934 Bull. assoc, chim. sucr, dist., 51, p. 514. 1935 Chem. Abat., 29, p. 1366. Giichi Tanabe 1944 J. Anthrop. Soco. Japan. 1945 J. Anthrop. 59, p. 1. Willard, H. Ho, 0. B. Winter 1933 Ind, Eng. Chemo,, Anal. Ed. 5, po 7. 45