DISSERTATIONS IN ANTHROPOLOGY In Numbers 14 and 16 of the Papers, the Society published abstracts of dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1946 through 1951. That portion of our program to make thesis titles and abstracts available to the public will continue in Number 19. In this number of the Papers we present information on the titles of theses for the Master's and Doctor's degrees in anthropology awarded during the last academic year at a number of colleges and universities. This continues the policy begun in Number 15 of the Paaers in which dissertations submitted in 1956 were listed. The information given here and in Number 15 was furnished through the cooperation of the institutions listed; more titles will be published as data are furnished. Under the name of the institution, below, will be given the name of the author of the dissertation, title, degree for which presented, month and year of award, number of pages, and when applicable, plans for publication and the following symbols: M when the thesis is available on microfilm, IL when it is available on interlibrary loan (note that availability on microfilm from the University of Qalifornia, Berkeley, maY be at the discretion of the author for a two year period after deposit with the Library). Occasional gaps in the information are the result of incomplete answers on the blanks returned to us. Catholic Univers of America Levin, Carlotte B, Some concepts underlying research and some problems of procedure in cultural anthropology, MLA. June 1957. 89 pp. IL. Stine, Jane. The role of food during the socialization period in the life of the Maori child. (Based on the library sources). M.A. June 1957. 83 pp. IL. Cornell University Brohm, John Frank, Burmese religion and the Burmese religious revival. PhOD. January 1957. M (Univer.-ity Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan). IL. Hendry, Jean Clare. Atzompa: A pottery producing village of southern Mexico, PhoDo June 1957.. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan). IL. Hughes, Charles Campbell. Sivuokakh: An Eskimo village and the modern world, Ph.Do June 1957. M (Universityr Microfilms, Inc1 T Ann Arbor, Michigan), IL. 87 Kingashill, Konrad. Ku Daeng, the red tomb: A village study in northern Thailande Ph.D. June 1957. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan).& IL. Florida State Unvrsit Arrue, Mercedes Cros. Experimentation and research of the Florida State University Museum. M.A, August 1957. 91 pp. IL. Nunez, Theron A., Jr. A comparative study of nativism. M.A August 1957. 111 pp IL. Harvard University McFeat, Tom Farrar Scott, Zuni conceptions of learning: A study in contexts. Ph.D. June 1957. ILo Indiana University Dragoo, Don I. Archaic cultures of the upper Ohio Valley (archaeology). Ph.D. June 1957. 1 (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan). May be published by the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh. Yegerlehner, John. Phonology and morphology of Hipi-Tewa. Ph.D. June 1957. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan). Possibly to be published in IJALo HIickerson, Nancy P. An acoustic analysis of ShRinee speech. Ph.D. June 1957. M (Iniversity M'icrofils, Inc,,, Ann Arbor, Michigan). Probably will be published in IJALo Pierce Joe Eugene. A statistical study of New World languages, Ph.D0 June 1957. 224 pp. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan). Published in IJAL, Ke School of Missions of the Hartford Seminarv Foundation Nyce,,Ray. The 'New Villages' of Malaya. M.AO May 1957o 146 ppo May be published by the Institute for Pacific Relations. Ohio State University Mischel, Frances. The Shango cult of Trinidad: A study of institutional function. (In advanced stage of preparation) Ph.D. FaUlg 1957. 150 pp. Onle article from thesis already published; another in p3ress, 88 Radelif College Ayoub, Millicent Robinson. Endogamous Marriage in a Middle Eastern Village. Ph.D. June 1957. IL. Stanford University Favilie, Donald. Forced change in communist China. (Ananalysis of the concept of "Forced Change" using selected case materials fro* the Contemporary Chinese Std4ies.) M.A. June 1957. ca. 120 pp. IL. No plans for publication. Spindler, Mary L. Women and culture change: A case study of the Meno- mini Indians. Ph.D. June 1957. 330 pp. IL. No plans for publication at present. University of Arizona Christensen, Ross T. An archaeological study of the Illescas-Jubones coast of Northern Peru and Southern Ecuador. Ph.D. May 1956. 416 pp. (14 tables, 40 figs.). M (from the University of Michigan). Ezell, Paul. The Hispanic acculturation of the Gila River Pimas, Ph.D. May 1956. 436 pp. (5 maps, 4 tables). M (from the University of Michigan). Gallager, Art, Jr. A restudy of Plainville, U.S.A. (With emphasis on culture change that has accompanied technological innovations in agriculture). Ph.D. May 1956. M (from the University of Michigan). Breternitz, David A. The Archaeology of Nantack Ridge, Point of Pines, Arizona. M.A. May 1956. 166 pp. (6 tables, 1 map, 1 chart, 40 plates, 19 figs.). IL. Dobyns, Henry F. Prehistoric Indian occupation within the Eastern area of the Yuman complex: A study in applied archaeology. M.A May 1956. 817 pp. (Prepared for Indian claims case) IL. Emanuel, Irvin. A statistical comparison of anthroposcopic dysplasia with a standard score method of measuring individual morpho- logical variability. M.A. May 1956. 73 pp. (5 tables, 31 figs.) nLo Olson, Philip. Agricultural Laborers: A study of a minority group in a small Arizona community, MlA. May 1956. 79 pp. (3 tables, 11 fSigs.). IL. 89 Peck, Fred. An archieological Reconnaissance of the East Fork, Verde River Arizona. M.A. May 1956. 109 pp. (1 table, 20 figso, 1 map5. IL. Williams, Thomas R. A s'urvey of changes in Papago ccltre as the resilt of contacts with Western European cultures, 1539-1954. M.A. May 1956. 163 pp. IL. Univ of California, Berkfle Clark, Mary Margaret. Sickness and Health in Sal si Puedes: Mexican- Americans in a California community. Ph.D. January 1957. 483 pp. M. Freed, Stanley Arthur. Changing Washo Kinship. Ph.D. September 1957. 170 pp. M. Orenatein, Henry. Caste, leadership, and social change in a Bombay village. Ph.D. June 1957. 214 pp. M. Wallace, Dwight Tousch. The Tiahuanaco horizon in the Peruvian and Bolivian highlands. Ph.D. June 1957. 286 pp. M. Salisbury, Winfield Wyman, III. A study of the social and psychological functions of sorcery. M.A. June 1956. University of California, Los Angeles Rozaire, Charles E. Twined weaving and western North American prehistory. Ph.D. June 1957. 113 pp. and 96 pp. plates and captions. IL. Thurston, Richard G. Urbanization and sociocultural change in a Mexican- American enclave. Ph.D. January 1957. 244 pp. IL. University of Chicago Metzger, Duane G. The social organization of a Tzeltal town. lM.A June 1957. Cates, David C. The Navaho image of time. M.A. June 1957. 65 pp. Paluskas, Stella. A comparison of two Phillipine groups with emphasis on religion and folklore. l.A. March 1957. 59 pp* Becker, Herbert. The Hadzapi of Eyasi. l.A. June 1957. 54 ppo ^elly, Gaill . The descriptionof northwest coast social stratification M.oA. June 1957. 54 pp. 90 Bluhm, Elaine A. Patterns of settlement in the southwestern United States A.D. 500-12500 'Ph.D. June 1957. IL. Uoiver f _ Illinois Engle, Nancy. Prehistoric figurines of the Eastern United States and their significance. M.A, June 1957. 150 ppO ILo No plans for publication. Universits of Michian Carneiro, Robert L. An ecological social structure: An ecological study of the Kuikuru Indians. PhoDo February 1957. 339 pp. M (Uni-' versity of Michigan Library).'IL. Several'chapters to be revised and published as articles, Buettner-Janusch, John. The ABO blood groups and natural selection - a review. Ph.D. June 1957. 121 pp. M (University of Michigan Library). IL. Plans for publication: American Anthropologist and American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Univer of Minnesota Barney, George L. Christianity and innovation in Meo culture: A case study in missionization. M.A. June 1957. 100 pp. No plans for publication. Stortroen, Charles E, The Bryan site: A prehistoric village in southern Minnesota. LA. June 1957. 102 ppo (8 plates). To be pub- lished in several articles. UniverAitz of New Mexico Carpenter, Helen, Echo-reactions in arctic hysteria and latah, MA. May 1957. 163 pp. IL, Fox, Nancy. Photographs as a source for the study of cultures, M.A. May 1957, 224 ppo IL. Oppenheimer, Alan. An ethnological study of Tortugas, New Mexico. M.A. May 1957. 136 pp. IL, University of North Carolina Brim, Hugh, The Christian missionary and the concept of soul in selected African cultures: A study in applied anthropology, , lA. June 1957. 91 Davis, Heater. Social interaction and kinship in the Big Cove community, Cherokee Reservation, North Carolina. M.A. June 1957. University o Okloma Williams, Bobby Joe. The social structure of a mountain community. (Community study of a small, southeastern Oklahoma town.) M.A. Migust 1957 ca. 110 pp. Wll probably be published in abbreviated form. University of Texas Troike, Rudolph Charles. Tonkawa prehistory: A study in method and theory. M.A. June 1957. 1 pp. IL. University of Toronto Teicher, Morton Irving. Windigo psychosis: A study of a relationship between belief and behavior among the Indians of northeastern Canada. Ph.D. November 1956. 400 pp. IL. Dailey, Robert Clifton. Medical practices among the Plains Indians: A study in culture pattern. Ph.D. May 1957. 350 pp. IL. University of Washington Kehoc, Thomas Francis. Stone tipi rings in north-central Montana and the adjacent portion of Alberta: Their historical, ethnologi- cal and archaeological aspects. M.A. June 1957. 94 pp. IL. Newman, Philip L. An intergroup collectivity among the Nootka, M.A. August 1957. 102 pp. IL. Moos, Felix. Introduction to some aspects of acculturation on Okinawa. (Culture change on Okinawa and the Ryukyus Islands). IL. Mohling, Virginia. Twana spirit power songs. (A musicological analy- sis). M.A. August 1957. IL. Crabtree, Robert H. Two burial sites in central Washington. M.A. August 1957. 130 pp. (32 plates, 6 figs,, and 5 tables)o IL. Snyder, Warren Arthur, A phonemic and morphological analysis of south- ern Puget Sound Salish, Ph.D. June 1957. 117 pp. IL.. 92 University of Wisconsin Freeman, Joan Elizabeth. An analysis of the Point Sauble and Beaumier Farm sites. M.S. January 1957. 41 pp. Keslin, Richard Orville. A preliminary report on the Hahn (Dg 1 and Dg 2) and Horicon (Dg 5) sites, Dodge County, Wisconsin. lMA. June 1957. 119 ppo Putzey, Deborah DeBaun. The Zapotec numerical and calendrical system; its relation to systems of contiguous peoples. M.A. June 1957. Tefft, Stanton Knight. The role of nativistic movements in culture change: a test of concepts. M,S, January 1957. Doerflinger, Jon Arno, Social class and peer group status among school children in a small community. M.S. June 1957. Yale University Friedrich, Paul W. Cacique: The political history of a Tarascan vil- lage. Ph.D. June 1957, Not available on microfilm or on inter-library loan. Hoffman, Hans. An examination into operations used by anthropologists to define basic personality processes* Ph.D. June 1957. IL. (With written permission of the author.) Maretzki, Thomas, Child rearing in an Okinawan community. Ph.D. June 1957. IL. (With written permission of the author.) Pirie, Margaret C. Patterns of mobility and assimilation: A study of the Toronto Jewish community, Ph.D. June 1957. IL. (With written permission of the author.) Starr, Kenneth M. Chou dynasty pottery and itw relationship with pottery of preceding periods. Ph.D. June 1957. IL. (With written permission of the author.) 93