E- 0 0 ~ 00 a. 0p1 Lu arkly alfri INFOULTION FOIR AUMTORS The ICroober Anthropolorical Society PPers publish ar4ieles I1 the general field of anthropology, including those which it is difficult, for various reasons, to publish elsewhere. In addition to arti?les of theoret- ical interest, the Pper will welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record. as well as bibliographies, linguistic texta, vocabu- laries and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts mt 'be typewritten, doubled spaced on good #iuality 8-1/8 by 11 inch paper, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes'(the r do not employ footnotes) and bibliography should be plaeod on separato sheets. The bibliographic ntyle to be followed Is that used in this amber of the fr. Authors will note that the bibliographic style is a extended version of that employed by the American AnthroColest. A style sheet containing further information concerning mancripts and biblio- graphic style may be obtained from the Society upon request. Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. Additional reprints may be ordered at the price of one ceat per page. A mall extra charge will be made if illustrations ~ut be reprodwced by photolithography. lhen notified of the acceptance of their maonseripts, authors will be asked how may additional reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed tot Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Departaeat of Anthropology, University of Calitornia .Borkel*y 4, California ACXNOWLED(KHMES We vish to express our sincere thanks to all those whose genrous assistance, through all phases of preparation and publications, m possible this Isase of the Papers. Special thanks go to John H. Rowe, who astfaculty advisor to our Society has been of constant assistance and support. We also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistane* given us by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Rseareh. Their generous grant for publishing equipmeat has made possible the continuing suceas of our publication. The Exeeutive CMittee THE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number 18 Spring, 1958 Published by the Kroeber Anthropological Society Bruce Drewitt, President; Richard Randolph, Vice President; Madge Richardson, Secretary; Stanley Byrne, Treasurer; James Mackie, Program Chairman; Thomas S. Chambers, Chair- man of Annual Meeting; James Hatch, Bernd Lambert, Paul E. Simonds, Co-editors,, Address all correspondence to: The Kroeber Anthropological So.ciety c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California Cover design for 1958-59 by Jack E. Smith,, University of California, Berkeley. The 1958 cover design is adapted from a Northwest coast representation of a killer whale. CONTENTS An Area Co-tradition for Mesoamerica, by Morton H. Levine 1 A Survey of Ethnohistoric Sources, by James H. Gunnerson 49 An "Indigenous" New Guinea Cult, by Richard F. Salisbury 67 The Romantic Role of Older Women in a Culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast, by Melville Jacobs 79 Dissertations in Anthropology 87 iii INTRODUCTION The article by Morton H. Levine completes the series of selected papers from the Harvard Middle American Archaeological Seminar, 1955-56, which was begun in our previous issue. James H. Gunnerson is Curator of the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Utah. Richard F. Salisbury is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley0 Melville Jacobs is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington, Seattle. The editors wish to express their thanks to Mrs. Mildred Vera for proof-reading the articles, and to Allan D. Coult, who as editor in Fall, 1958, was responsible for preparing several of the manuscripts for publication. The price of single copies of back issues has been raised from $1.75 to $2.00 for non-members, but will continue to be $1.50 for members of the Society. Numbers 2 and 4, previously reported as being out of print, are now once more available.