S 0 M 0 oM o W an 40 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~ a. * spring 1957 to~~~~~~ekeeclfri INFORMLTION FOR AUTHORS The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers publish articles in the general field of anthropology, including those which it is difficult, for various reasons, to publish elsewhere. In addition to articles of theoret- ical interest, the Papers will welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record, as well as bibliographies, linguistic texts, vocabu- laries and historical documents of anthropological interest. The Society welcomes student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts must be typewritten, doubled spaced on good quality 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes (the Papers do not employ footnotes) and bibliography should be placed on separate sheets. The bibliographic style to be followed is that used in this number of the Papers. Authors will note that the bibliographic style is an extended version of that employed by the American Anthropologist. A style sheet containing further information concerning manuscripts and biblio- graphic style may be obtained from the Society upon request. Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. Additional reprints may be ordered at the price of one cent per'page. A small extra charge will be made if illustrations must be reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their manuscripts, authors will be asked how many additional reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California ACKNOWLENZENTS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those whose generous assistance, through all phases of preparation and publication, made possible this issue of the Papers. Special thanks go to John H. Rowe, who as faculty advisor to our Society has been of constant assistance and support. Wle also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance given us by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Their generous grant for publishing equipment has made possible the continuing success of our publication. The Executive Committee No. 7 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640, by Kenneth S. Lane. Shellfish Foods of the California Indians, by Robert S. Greengo. 113 pp ... $ 51.75 1953 Nos. 8-9 The Walter B. Cline Memorial Volme Population Control and the Family in Feudal and Post-Restoration Japan, by Gordon T. Bowles. The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch, by Chester S. Chard. Clans and the Joking-Relationship among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by E. Colson. A Dualism in Pomo Cosmology, by A. M. Halpern. Acculturation in California Awl Forms, by Clement WY. Meighan. The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Renown in a Solomon Islands Culture, by Douglas L. Oliver. Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult in Japan, by Ronald L. Olson. Elevan Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual, by John Rowland Rowe. Culture Loss and Culture Change among the Alicmas of the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1912-1950, by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis. Hot Climates and High Civilizations, by Frederick R. WIulsin. 161 pp ... $3.25 1954 No. 10 Racial Types in Northeastern Asia, by Chester S. Chard. The Selection of Recording Equipment for Field Use, by Alan P. Merriam. Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela, by Carroll L. Riley. The Piro of the Urubamba, by Esther Mlatteson. 99 pp.. $1.76 No. 11 The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Mlyth, by William Bright. Piro Phonemes and Morphology, by Esther Mlatteson. Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, by Francis A. Riddell. 121 pp ... 1 1.76 1955 No. 12 Aspects of Andean Native Life, by Oscar Ntinez del Prado. Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar, by Esther Mlatteson. Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiute, by Robert F. Heizer. Time Perspective in Ethnography, by John Howland Rove. Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore: A Research Lead, by Edward Norbeck. Relationships of Prehistoric Cultures of Coastal Monterey County, California, by Arnold R. Pilling. 94 pp ... l$1.75 No. 13 Primitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, by Robert F. Heizer. The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland, by Pertti J. Pelto. The Problem of Race in the Ilesolithic of Europe, by Robert J. Squier. Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin Region, by Chester S. Chard. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, by W. E. H. Stanner. 121 pp ... $1.75 1958 No. 14 Sonoma Mission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle, by Adan E. Treganza. A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm Buildings, by Majda Thurnher. Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1946-1949. 108 pp . $. 81.75 No. 15 A Survey of Italian Godparenthood, by Gallatin Anderson. Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of Mf.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted in the United States in the Academic Year 1955-1958. 120 pp . .$1.75S INFORMATION REGARDING SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK NUMBERS The Kroeber Anthropological Society offers four classes of subscriptions to its Papers: (1) individual membership; (2) institutional membership; (3) dual membership; and (4) honorary membership. Holders of class 1 and 2 subscriptions pay a subscription fee of three dollars per annum. Holders of class 3 subscriptions (two individuals receiving a Joint copy, but casting one ballot each) pay four dollars per annum. Holders of class 1 and 4 subscriptions have one vote. Holders of class 2 subscrip- tions have no vote. Single numbers of the Papers are available to non-members at the listed prices. Members may purchase back numbers at $1.50 each. PAPERS OF TIE KROEBER ANTImOPOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1950 No. 1 Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America, by Chester S. Chard. Observations on Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. The Idabaea: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, by John Howland Rowe. A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contemporary Sources, by Mary W. Herman. Black Market in Prerogative among the Northern Kwakiutl, by Ronald L. Olson. Nepenthe in Aboriginal America, by Franklin Fenenga. 88 pp...out of print No. 2 Animistic and Rational Thought, by Sol Tax. Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance, by John Rowland Rove. Southern Diegueno Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials, by W. D. Hohenthal, Jr. The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia, by John F. Goins. Kutiawi, a Great Basin Indian Food, by Robert F. Heizer. Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship, by Charles J. Erasmus. The Indian Tribes of North America, by David G. Mandelbaum. A Journey up the Sambu River to Visit the Choco Indians, by Arne Arbin. A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi, by William J. Samarin. 102 pp...out of print No. 3 Lost Lakes A study of an agricultural community established on reclaimed land, by Alan R. Beals and Thomas McCorkle. 91 pp .. $1.50 1951 No. 4 Olive Oatman's Return, by A. L. Kroeber. A Glance at Statistical Procedure, by Thomas W. MicKern. Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization, by David Nichols. Piro Myths, by Esther Matteson. 87 pp...out of print No. 5 Suggestions for Field Recording of Information on the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Remedies, by George M. Foster and John H. Rowe. Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1892. Translated from the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Commnents by Dorothy Menzel. New Light on the Racial Composition of Northeastern Siberia, by Chester S. Chard. A Tentative Analysis of the Pluralization of Kisi Nouns, by William J. Samarin. 87 pp ... $1.75 1952 No. 6 The Tapajo, by Curt Nimuendaju. Translated and edited by John Howland Rove. A Daily Journal Kept by the Revr. Father Juvenal, Onle of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska. Translated by Ivan Petrov. The History of the Guayqueri, anl Approach to the Anthropology of Northeastern Venezuela, by Thomas MicCorkle. 87 pp.. $1.75 ( continued inside back cover) THE KROEER4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number 16 Spring, 1957 Published by the Kroeber Anthropological Society Lucille Steelman, President; Marilyn Martin, Vice President; Harumi Befu, Secretary; Grover Krantz, Treasurer; Leonard Plotnicoy, Program Chairman; Sheila Fox, Undergraduate Repre- sentative; Martin A. Baumhoff, E. A. Hammel, Katherine Huggins, Co-editors. Address all correspondence to: The Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o The Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California Cover layout and design for 1956-57 by Octavio Romano, University of California, Berkeley. The 1957 cover design is adapted from a shell ornament illustrated in Phillip Mills Jones, Archaeological Investigations on Santa Rosa Island in 1901, University of California Publications - Anthropological Records, 17:2, 1956, Plate 105c. Ronald L. 0/son Collected by R. L. 0lson The present number of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is issued in honor of Ronald L. Olson, who served as Professor of Anthropology at the Univer- sity of California from 1931 until his retirement in 1956. An appreciation of his career by A. L. Kroeber is given in the following pages. The design shown on the page facing is from a large pottery vessel collected by Professor Olson in 1930 during archaeological excavations in south Peru. The vessel is among the collections of the American Museum of Natural History (catalog number 41.0-5314). The drawing shown here is by Mr. Lawrence Dawson of the University of California Museum of Anthropology. iii CONTENTS Ronald Leroy Olson, Retired 1956, by A. L. Kroeber 1 The Closed Community and its Friends, by Julian A. Pitt-Rivers 5 Some Aspects of Peasant Society in Middle America and India, by Pedro Carrasco 17 Archaeology in Soviet Asia, 1950-1951, by Chester S. Chard 29 Serbo-Croatian Kinship Terminology, by Eugene A. Hammel 45 Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1950-1951 77 Report on the First Annual Anthropological Meeting, sponsored by the Kroeber Anthropological Society, by Lucille Steelman 93 vr