DISSERTATIONS IN ANTHROPOLOGY In Number 14 of the P the Society published abstracts of the dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the doctor's degree at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1946 to 1949. That portion of our program to make thesis titles and abstracts available to the public will continue in Number 16 with the publication of other abstracts from this university. In response to several requests we will, in Number 16, publish additional data on the abstracts previously presented, as well as expanding the information given for those abstracts appearing for the first time. In this number of the Papers we present information on the titles of theses for the Master's and Doctor's degrees in anthropology awarded during the last academic year. The information given here was furnished through the cooperation of the institutions listed; more titles will be published as data are furnished. Under the name of the institution, below, will be given the name of the author of the dissertation, title, degree for which presented, month and year of award, number of pages, and when applicable, plans for publication and the following symbols: M when the thesis is available on microfilm, IL when it is available on interlibrary loan. (Note that availability on microfilm from the University of California, Berkeley, m be at the discretion of the author for a two year period after deposit with the Library). Occasional gaps in the information are the result of incomplete answers on the blanks returned to us. Cornell University Patch, Richard Wilbur. Social implications of the Bolivian agrarian reform. Ph.D. June, 1956. 292 pp. M (University Microfilms, Irc., Ann Arbor, Mich.). IL. Planalp, Jack Milan. Religious life and values in a north Indian village. Ph.D. February, 1956. ca. 982 pp. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.) IL. Being considered for publication by Cornell University Press. Webb, John Crawford, Jr. The farmer and sugar cane: an anthropologi- cal study of cash crop production in the north Indian village of Rankhandi. M.A. June, 1956. M (University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.). IL. Harvard University (Social Relations) Romney, Antone Kimball. A structural analysis of preferential cross- cousin marriage. Ph.D. March, 1956. IL. On publication con- sult Dr. Romney at University of Chicago. Geertz, James Clifford, Jr. Religion in Modjokuto. Ph.D. June, 1956. IL. On publication consult Dr. Geertz, 2 Bow St., Cambridge, Mass. 111 Landy, David. Child rearing in rural Puerto Rico. Ph.D. June, 1956. IL. On publication consult Dr. Landy, 28 Hudson Rd., Lexington, Mass. von Mering, Otto Oswald, Jr. The patterning of individual and cultural valuations. Ph.D. June, 1956. IL. On publication consult Dr. von Mering, 5331 Beeler St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Indiana University Blasingham, Emily J. The Illinois Indians, 1634-1800, a study in depopulation. Ph.D. June, 1956. 148 pp. M (University of Michigan). IL. For future publication in Ethnohistory. Newbern, Francis R. The south China boat people. M.A. June, 1956. 113 pp. IL. To be published by the Mission School in Hongkong. Pierce, Joe E. A statistical study of New World languages. 224 pp. (Thesis accepted for Ph.D. but degree not granted until can- didate returns to U.S. to defend it). Future publication in whole or part in International Journal of American Linguistics. Kennedy School of Missions of the Hartford Semina Foundation DeBlois, Albert Donald. On foreign language teaching- a structural- comparative approach. M.A. May, 1956. 64 pp. IL. Horner, Norman A. Protestant and Roman Catholic missions among the Bantu of Cameroon: a comparative study. Ph.D. May, 1956. 415 pp. IL. Kent State University Laing, James Thomas. The drain of talent out of the Virginias. M.A. June, 1956. 110 pp. Will be submitted for publication. IL. Louisiana State University Dunbar, Gary. Cultural geography of the North Carolina outer banks. Ph.D. June, 1956. 300 pp. M (LSU). Knipmeyer, William. Cultural succession in the settlement of south- eastern Louisiana. Ph.D. Aug., 1956. 350 pp. M (ISU). Taylor, James. Cultural geography of southwest Louisiana. Ph.D. June, 1956. 200 pp. M (LSU). Wright, Martin. Settlement succession in hill Louisiana. Ph.D. Aug. 1956. 200 pp. 1M (LSU). Northwestern UniverstT Crowley, J. Daniel. Tradition and individual creativity in Bahamian folk tales. Ph.D. June, 1956. M. 112 Spann, Patricia Ann. An analy;sis and comparison of four East African age-systems. (Structural and functional analysis of the age- systems of the Masai, Nandi , Turkana, and Pokot.) M.A. June, 1956. 144 pp. May be submitted for publication. IL. The Ohio State University Krause, Gretchen. An analysis of glacial kame crania from the Williams site. M.A. June, 1956. 110 pp. IL. Radcliffe College Geertz, Mrs. Hildred Storey. Javanese values and family relationships. Ph.D. June, 1956. IL. On publication, consult Mrs. Geertz, 2 Bow St., Cambridge, Mass. Stanford University Cooper, Kenneth. Individuality in the United States and English cultures. M.A. January, 1956. ca. 120 pp. IL. Goldstein, Bernice. Stability and change in family patterns: a case study of a rural Japanese hamlet. M.A. June, 1956. ca. 160 pp. IL. Hamilton, James. An analysis of the concept, "Basic Value," with selected case material. M.A. January, 1956. ca. 140 pp. Shepardson, Mary. Leadership and culture change: a case study of the Navaho Indians. M.A. April, 1956. 190 pp. IL. Syracuse Un ies' Nicholson, Roy S., Jr. Cultural resistance to Christian patterns. (A study in applied anthropology: outlines of Japanese and Hindu cultural patterns with references to points in conflict with Christianity). M.A. June, 1956. (Will be circulated privately to board members of missionary society of Wesleyan Methodist Church.) Yale U Davenport, William H. Acceptance and Rejection of an Innovation in Two Jamaican Fishing Villages. Ph.D. June, 1956. 449 pp. IL. Koentjaraningrat, R. M. A Preliminary Description of the Javanese Kinship System. M.A. June, 1956. 192 pp. Pospisil, Leopold. Law in a Papuan Community of Central New Guinea. Ph.D. June, 1956. 514 pp. IL. University of California, Berkeley Anderson, Robert Thomas. Changing kinship in Europe. Ph.D. June, 1956. 153 pp. M. -113 Erasmus, Charles John. Reciprocal labor: a study of its occurrence and disappearance among farming peoples in Latin America. Ph.D. September, 1955. 283 pp. Mo. Freed, J. Arthur. The. historical development of Malay nationalism: an analysis and appraisal. M.A. June, 1956. 134 pp. M. Landauer, Ernest. Aspects of culture and society in modern south central Turkey. M.A. June, 1956. 116 pp. M. Roney, James Givens. A study of skeletal maturation in central Iran. Ph.D. September, 1955. 53 pp. M. University o California,Los Angeles: Bittle, William E. The position of the Kiowa-Apache in the Apachean group. Ph.D. June, 1956. 182 pp. Will probably be sub- mitted to IJAL. IL. Dixon, Keith A. The archaeological significance of certain unusual pottery shapes of the prehistoric Southwest. Ph.D. June, 1956. 173 pp. Will probably be published as a series of articles or short papers. No IL. University of Colorado Falls, Allyn W. Ignacio youth study. (Study of recreation in Ignacio, Colorado.) M.A. June, 1956. 508 pp. IL. University of Denver Wenger, Gilbert R. An archaeological survey of southern Blue Moun- tain and Douglas Creek in northwestern Colorado. M.A. June, 1956. 145 pp. IL. Will possibly be submitted for publication. University of Illinois Beidelman, Thomas Owen. A comparative analysis of the Jajmani system. M.A. June, 1956. 160 pp. IL. No plans for publication. Univers of Kentuc Bass, William M., III.- Indian crania from Moundville, Alabama. M.S. June, 1956. d9 pp. Will be submitted to the Alabama Geological Survey. IL. Universit of Michigan Guthe, Alfred K. The late prehistoric occupation in southwestern New York: an interpretive analysis. Ph.D. June, 1956. Plans for publication undetermined. M (Library of Congress). Stephenson, Robert L. Accokeek: a middle Atlantic seaboard culture sequence. Ph.D. June, 1956. Plans for publication undetermined. 114 White, Marian E. Iroquois culture history in the Niagara frontier area of New York state. Ph.D. June, 1956. Plans for publication undetermined. M (Library of Congress). University of Minnesota Woolworth, Alan R. A historical study of the Oto with some reference to other Chiwere Siouan tribes. M.A. July, 1956. 129 pp. No plans for publication. IL. University of New Mexico Kurtz, Ronald. An Approach to the Study of Cultural Integration. M.A. June, 1956. 105 pp. IL. Maclay, Howard. Language and non-linguistic behavior: an experimental investigation. Ph.D. June, 1956. 96 pp. IL. Roosa, William. The significance of fluted points in North American archeology. M.A. June, 1956. 118 pp. IL. Sloane, Morton. The interrelationship of economics, class *and leader- ship on the Northwest Coast. Ph.D. June, 1956. 267 pp. IL. Thomas, Norman. A Revision of the Distribution of Armor in Native North America. M.A. June, 1956. 218 pp. IL. Wilmeth, Roscoe. Cuyamungue Pueblo. M.A. June, 1956. 277 pp. IL. University of Oklahoma Proctor, Charles Clyde. The Sam Site, Lf-28, of LeFlore County, Oklahoma. A description and analysis of one of the Fourche Maline sites of Eastern Oklahoma. M.A. August, 1956. 150 pp. IL. Will be published in Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropolog- ical Society. University of Pennsylvania Cole, John Tafel. A Critique of the Concept of Kinship as used in Cultural Anthropology. M.A. June, 1956. 76 pp. IL. Platt, Richard A. The Skeletal Maturation of Negro School Children. M.A. June, 1956. 34 pp. IL. Unversi of Utah Smithson, Carma Lee. The Havasupai Woman. M.A. June, 1956. 347 pp. IL. To be published in University of Utah Anthropological Papers. University of Washington Allred, Grover. A Study of the Warfare of the Cahita Seri, Papago, Cocopa, Yuma Maricopa, Pima, Mohave. M.A. June, 1956. 86 pp. IL. 115 Caldwell, Warren Claude. The Archaeology of Wakemap Mound: A Stratified Site near The Dalles of the Columbia. Ph.D. June, 1956. 312 pp. IL. Copeland, Margaret. An Analysis of Modoc Basketry. M.A. December, 1955. 62 pp. IL. Steelman, Lucille Audrey. An Anthropometric Study of a Local- Population: :La Paz, Baha California. M.A. December,, 1955. 117 pp. IL. The following institutions report that they granted no advanced degrees in the year ending June, 1956. Brigham Young University Bryn Mawr College Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary Florida State University Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College University of North Dakota University of Southern California The following institutions report that at present they do not grant advanced degrees in anthropology. Fisk University Fresno State College Howard University Los Angeles State College Stetson University 116 INDIVIDUAL MrEMIEIESHIP IN ICROEBEIL ANTIIROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY (105o. For Institutional Mlembers, See #14, 1950, IAS Papers) (Omtissioni of State name indi'cates California) TIonorary members: 3JARIMETT, S. A., Men's Faculty Club, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley GIFF?ORD, Edward W.., 310 Arballo Dr., San Francisco KlNOElDER, A. L., 1325 Arch St., 3erkeley 0 LOWIE, Robert IH., Dept. of Antlhro., Uniiv. of Calif., Berkeley l1tO1'1E, John II. 1415 California St. , Berkceley 3 Subscribers: AGRTINIE-, Pierre, 2512 Regent St., Berkceley ALLEN, Elizaboetl K., 25G Stanford Ave., Berkeley 8 ANDMISON, Barbara, Inne All' 44, Dragr, Denmark ANDERSN01J, Julie R., 781 Vincente Ave., Berlkeley ANiDE MON, Robert, RnnIe All' 44, Dragar, Denmark APrEL, Iloward A., c/o C. Clhard, 1016 Grizzly PeIak Blvd., Berkeley AHR2tTRONG, Robert G., Atlanta University, Atlanta 14, GeorGia. BACMIIEMEtLS, Richiard, 1543 Spruce St., Berkceley 0 BE,U3 Alan, Dept. of Anthro., Stanford Univ., Palo Alto DE,LS, Ralph, Dept. of Antlhro., Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles BEKIUW.!, M5arie, 2310 Duranit Ave., Berkceley 4 BElQU, Hlarumi, 2334 Carleton St., Berkeley 4 B1ENDER, Eleanor, 350 Arballo Dr., Apt. 3L, San Franci ceo J3EIfTYiIOFF, James, 2625 HIaste St., Berlceley 4 DBE'SAC, Frank, 1841 Ber.keley W'ay, Berkeley 3 BLACKER, Alfred A., 2623 15tlh Ave., San Francisco DI4ICMLER, John W., 513A Scott St., San Franicisco 17 BOLT, Thoinas L., 2728 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley 5 BOYEIR, Ruth MacDonald, 171 Crestview Dr., Orinda BR^OADBENT, Sylvia, 2314 ParIker St., Berk;eley 4 BROOICS, Sheilaglh T., 802 Annibell, Modesto BRnoM, Wlilliam E., 1304 Josephine St., Apt. #4, Berkeley CARXASCO, Pedro, 1643A WIalnut St., Berkzeley CNIAMD, Clhester S., 1016 Grizzly Peak: Blvd., Berkeley 8 CLAXC, M'ary M.argaret, 5463 Claremont Ave., Oalkland 9 CLUNiE, Frank, 2440 Russell St., Berlkeley CODY, Patricia E., 7459 1No. Jordan , Portland 3, Oregon. COM-2ORlT, Richlard, 2214 Eunice St., Berkoley 9 CK'ALliN, HIarold C., Del,t. of Anthro., Columbia Univ., Newf York 27, N. Y. COOK-, Sherburne F., Dept. of P'hysiol., Univ. of Calif., Berkceley 4 COOI$, Jean Clennell, 454 International Hlouse, Univ. of Calif., Berkceley CANWE, William] 1K., 327 S. 13thi East, Salt Lake City 2, Utai CRlITTENDE1, Chermian, 2456 Mlilgard Ave., Berkeley 9 DEUI aSTEM, Aobin F. C., 1780 Fell St., San -Francisco DVE, IIEA, Goorge, Apt. IOE, 1230 ParkC Ave., New Yorli 23, .1T. Y. BE ;1ITT, Joan, 2529 lyihlt Way, Berkeley 4 DICKML4AIJ, i.'ildred, 2337 Clhanniing lday, Berkeley 4 DODG0, Ernest S., Peabody M'us. of Selein, B. Indlia A.Marine IHall, 101 EsseX St., Salei1, M;'ass. DOUGLAS, F. iI., Denver Art Museum, 1300 Logan St., Denver, Colo. DOWNS, Jamies, 3005 Georgia St., Oalcland 19 DUTTOIS, George, 1825 Berkeley Way, Berkeley 3 D1BLOIS, Mlarrylin, 1825 Berkeley ;vay, Berkeley 3 EALDIE, lIug,, 1301 H1. St., Sac.'amento ECJ24AN, Kay, 1611 Walnut St., Berkceley EDITUNDN, Cicely, 2719 Diigrht Way, Berkeley 4 ELASSEt, Albert B., 7387 Terrace Dr., El Cerrito 8 EN"'GLISII, Nancy, 2250 Prospect St., Berkeley 20 FAXIM-R, MIalconi, Box 402, Flagstaff, Arizona FINMEL, Plhyllis, 109 Bonita Ave., Berkeley FONT'ereIje Luyiz Fernando Raposo, 1785 Spruce St., FOSTEIR, George, 403 KIentucky, Berkeley 7 FrEED, Arthur J., 229 78tlh St., Brooklyn 9, Newy York FREED, Nancy, 229 78tlh St., Brookclyn 9, New Yorkc FEED, Stanley, 1102A lOtlh St., Berkeley 0 FROL6BERG, R. K., 2 ,63 23rd Ave., San Franicisco 21 GAITOIN, A. II., Dept. of Decorative Art, Uniiv. of Calif., Berkeley 4 GAZA;AY, Jawies P., 101 Cervantes 31vd., San Francisco 23 GIDBONS, Darlene, 2324 Blake St., Berikeley 4 GIU.MF1, Nancy, 1190 lMiiller Ave., Berkieley 8 GREGOIRE, Clierie, 2301 Oak St., Berkeley GRGSo"CU, Gordoni L., 2533 Hlillegass, Berkceley S GUDIMLJDSON1, Shirley R., 2126A Blake St., Berkeley 4 1AG013.LTY, Nancy, 2347 Prospect, Berkoley IWITML, Eugene A., 2735 l[illegass, Berkeley 5 iHAWY, Bruce A., 262GB Denvenue, Berkeley 4 IAXIDER, Mlichael J., c/o U.S. Embassy, Quito, Ecuador KAMI'ME, Edward B., c/o Dept. of Anthro., Univ. of Calif., Berkceley IHAT?CI, Jamwes, 1199 Spruce St., Bericeley, Calif. IIAVEMIT, Joseph, 245 States St., San Francisco 'EIZER, Robert F., 85 M.1enlo Place, Berkeley IERITZ HIella, 357 Scott St., San Francisco AOFFlAN, Bernard G., 3132 16th St.,N W, Washington 1C, D.C. iT.0R-ENJTHIALL, WIfilliaui D., 1240 M1ilvia St., Berkceley 9 NIEJDSON, Dorthy L., 2319 21st Ave., San Francisco IRVINIE, Robert R., 2111 Ashlby Ave., Berk,eley JACOBS, Suzanne, 2315 Hlaste St., BDerkeley 4 IJMOUNSO, Hartha, 933 iCeeler, Berk-oley S JOIRDON, Robert Tlhayer, 3009 De.akin, Berkeley G I:1IN, Sh1eldon, 2526 Piedm-lont, Berk;eley 4 11INEICI:a, Patricia, 219 Quincy St. IN, Albuquertie, NJew M.1exico 1KLUMI1611N, Clyde, 10 Dkmster St., Cambridge 38, Lass. ICRANTZ, Grover, 1850 Arch St., Berkeley 9 MI^LNTZ, Patricia, 1350 Arch St., Berk'eley 9 LNDAUBER, Ernest, 2422 klcGee, Berkeley 13 IANE, Kenneth, Co. A, 708 Ord. 13ii., Sth In?l'. Div., Ft. Carson, Colo. tANNNG, 'Edward, Casilla 330, Limia, Peru LANNING, Sutti, 2815A Teleg,raph Ave., Berk;eley 5 LATIFI.P, Donald, 841 Oxford St., Berkeley 7 LEACOCOK, Seth, Manuel De M.endi Buru 1960, San Felipe, Limua, Peru. LEXGII, MLarilyn, 2S36 Fulton, Berkeley IEViIN, Charlotte B., 1430 Rhode Is. Ave. N.V., Apt. 33, 'Jashington, D.C. 117 LIBBY, Dorothy, 3ox 1106, Washingtoni 138 D.C. LoEI3, Edwin M., 1565 La Vereda Rd., Beorkeley LOUNSBURY, Floyd G., Dept. of Anthro., Yale Univ., Newy Hlaven, Conn. LOU IEIRO-NETTO, Cid, 2119 IHearst, Berkeley McCLELLAN, Catlierine, c/o Antliro. Dept., Columbia Univ. , New York 27, N. Y. M.tcCOKLE, Hlomer T., Dept. of Anthro., Santa Barbara College, Goleta MoeCO7N, Theodore D., 1114 Oxford Ave., Berkeley McGEEIN, Douglas J., 961 Collier Dr., San Leandro MiADDOX, Darryl I., 1945 Fairviei2 No., Seattle 2, IWash. MADEN9, Willinaw, Dept. of Anthro., Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas MAUELBAVUM1, David G., 911 Mlendocino Ave., Berlceley 7 MANGIN, William, Dept. of Soc. & Anthro., Syracuse Univ., Syracuse 10, N. Y. MARLIN, Joe, 1211-1/2 WY. Packard Ave., Ft. Wayne 6, Ine.iana MARTIN, Sally, 150 Arlington Ave., Berkceley 7 M:ARTOCCIIIA, Gloria, 2719 Dwight Way, Berkeley IaLIGIIAN, Clement W., Dept. of ATitlro., Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles 1'MILLER, Tom Jr., 2336 Government W'lay, Coour d'Alene, Ida1ho IL10N1JTGO2411Y, Robert, 1231 Pearl St., Alarueda EI:LLEII, WillioAn C., 560 Joaquin Ave. San Leandro MNR MIOE, Robert, 2736 Derby St., Berkeley 5 UIMDOCIC, George P., Dept. of Anthro., Yale Univ., lNew IHaven, Conn. .I'MU3Y, Robert F., 7310 Citting Blvd., El Cerrito SAYLOI, Fay,,1240 Lombard St, San Francisco 9 SCHINEIDER, David, Dept. of Aitlhro. Univ. of Calif., Berlceley, Calif. SCTIVlERIN, Carl H., 2140 Oxford, Berkeley 4 SEXTON, Diana, 6437 Claremont, Riclunond SlIEVEL, Cyntlhia, 3240 Adeline St., Berkeley 3 51HUN, George, Apt. 404, 2517 K St., NW, Washinggton 7 9 D. C. SIMM2.IONS, Donald, 39 Hillerest Ave., Stamford, Conn, SIlNTONI, Joan, 204 Dwight Way, Berkeley StUIER, Robert J., 1271 Spruce St., Berkeley 8 STIRLING, Gene M1., Rt. 2, Box 867, Los Altos, STURTEVANT, WVilliam C., BAE, Snmithsonian Inst., Washington 25, D.C. SW1ENSON1, Caroline, 2572 LeConte, Berkeley 9 THOR?E, Maner L., 1313 Grove St., Berkeley TIIEGANZA, Adan E., 2318 Glen Ave., Berkeley 8 VEIL.IA, Behari Lal, 2539 Etnoa St., IBrkeley VINOCUR, Samnuel M., 2520 Etna St., B3erkeley WYALLACE, Carol, 1421A AMcGee St., Berkeley 3 WYALLACE, Dwight, 1421A M'cGee St., Berkeley 3 WYALLACE, William J., Dept. of Anthro., Univ. of Southern Calif., Los Angeles 7 'VALPOLE, Mary, 1680 LaLoma, Berkeley 9 'iELUS, Rolin F., 1726 Bryant, San Francisco 10 W'H;IPPIE, Mary Anne, 660 Woodmont Ave., Berkeley 8 WHITESIDE, Douglas, Interniational Ilouse, Univ. of Calif., Ber'keley NOflJ3ECK, Eidward, 7831 Claremnont Ave. , Berkeley 5 NORSJ.'-ORTIIY, Ann, 2230 Parker St., Berkceley 4 OLSON, Ronald L., 3330 Las Iluertas Rd., Lafayette OLUtISTED, David, Dept. of Soc., Univ. of Calif., Davis GIRENSTEIN, IHenry, 647A 51st St. , Oakland OSBOIIE, Douglas H1., Dept. of Anthro., Univ. of W'Jash. , Seattle 5 'lWash. PATO, Hilda, 2505 Virginia, Berlceley-9 PAULSEN, Nan, 170 Forest VieW Dr., San Francisco 4 PEARSALL, 1I.rion, 10 Thomas Circle, Tuscaloosa, Alabama PE:ER, Georgie, 6320 Roanoke Rd., Oakland 18 1LLELTIE'R, Joseph R., 874 Nielson St., Boerloley 7 PELTO, M1farigay, 2535-1/2 llillegass, Berkeley 4 IELTO, Pertti J., 2535-1/2 Ilillegass, Berkeley 4 PENDERGAST, David, 2317 Iloarst, Berkeley PETTIT, George, 1429 Euclid, Berkeley 8 PILLING, Arnold, 2138 M.ScKinley, BerIheloy 2 PITT-RIVE-S, Julian A., 19 Lansdowrne lYalk, London, IV. 11, England PLOTNICOV, Leonard, 1431 Channing Way, Berkeley POTHIIER, Patrioia, International House, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley RANDOLPH, Richard R., 2639 Channing Wfay, Berkeley 4 RAVAGLIOLI, Etra, 2703 San Bxruno Ave., San Francisco 11ECEIL-DO0W1ATO7, Gerardo, Apartado Aereo 146, Cartagena, Colombia, South America. ROBIXNSONJ, Sarah Anne, 837 San Luis Rd., Berkeley ROGEIIS, Ellen, 2634 11ill6gass Ave., Berkeley n?kiMAO, Octavio, 670 Creston rId., Derkeley 8 ROONEY, James F., 1630 W'Jalnut, BerkIeley 9 1ROUST, Norman L., 789 61st St., Oalklanid 9 AIMD, Thomas 'V., 601 38th Ave., San Francisco 21 118 INFOPUATION REGARDING SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK NUMRS The ICroeber Anthropological Society offers four classes of subscriptions to its Papers: (1) individual member,ship; (2) institutional memberslhip; (3) dual meimbership; and (4) honorary membership. hIolders of class 1 and 2 subscriptions pay a subscriptioni fee of three dollars per annum. Ilolders of class 3 subscriptions (two individuals receiving a joint copy, but casting one ballot each) pay four dollars per annum. I-Iolders of class 1 and 4 subscriL)tions liave onie vote. IHolders of class 2 subscrip- tions have no vote. Single numbers of the aapers aro available to non-members at the listed prices. Milembers may purchlase back nwubers at $1.50 eaclh. PAPERS OF TIIE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1950 No. 1 Pre-Coltumbian Trade betwreeni Nortlh and South Ainerica, by Chiester S. Clhard. Observationis on Early Mlan in California, by Robert F. Ileizer. The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, by John lHowland lowre. A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture frozm Contemporary Sources, by Mary W11. IIornmian. Bl'ackc Market in Prerogatives maiilon, tlhe Northierni Kwakciutl, by Ronald L. Olson. Nepenthe in Aboriginal Amuerica, by Franktlin Fenenga. 86 pp...out of print NJo. 2 Animiistic and lRational Thoug,ht by Sol Tax. Thoughts on Icnoirledge and Ignorance, by Johln Hlowland Rowe. Southiern Diegmeno Use and IKnowrledge of Lithic MIaterials, by 1Y. D. Hlolhenthal, Jr. The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia, by John F. Goins. KIutsavi, a Great Basin Indianl Food, by Robert F. hleizer. 0 Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship, by Charles J. Erasmus. The Indian Tribes of WJorth Anerica, by David G. M,andelbatu. A Journey up thje Samibu River to Visit thle Choco Indians, by Arne Arb)in. A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of ICisi, by .?illiani J. Sanarin. 102 p1)*oo.o*olo.50 No. 3 Lost Lakte: A study of an agricultural coimmunity establislhed on reclaimed land, by Alan R. Beals and Thlomas McCorlile. 91 p . l1.50 1951 No. 4 Olive Oatman's Return, by A. L. Eroeber. A Glance at Statistical Procedure, by Thomas l'. 1IcKern. Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization, by David NicIiols. Piro MPyths, by Esther MIatteson. 87 pp.. . out of print No. 5 Suggestions for Field Recording of Infornmationi on the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Remuedies, by George .I. Foster and Jolhn H1. Rowe. Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Baslmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1892. Translated from the Rus3ian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Com=ents by Dorothy Mienzel. Newt Light on the Racial Composition of Northeastern Siberia, by Clhester S. Chard. A Tentativo Analysis of the Pluralization of Kisi Nouns, by Jillioa J. Smarin. 87 ppo...o$1.75 1952 No. 6 The Tapajo, by Curt Niimuendaju. Translated and edited by John hlowland Rowe. A Daily JTournial Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska. Translated by Ivan Petrov. The History of t,1e Guayqueri, an Approach to the Anthropology of Northeastern Venezuela, by Thomias L'CCorkf1le. 87 pp . $ '0l1.75 No. 7 The H1ontagnais Indians, 1600-1640, by Kennet'h S. Lane. Shellfish Foods of t7he California Indians, by rLobert S. Greengo. 113 pp . $ .$1.75 119 1953 Nos. 8-9 The Walter B. Cline Memorial Volume Population Control and the Family in Feudal and Post-Restoration Japatfi by Gordon T. Bowles. The ICamochadals A Synthetic Sketchy. ty Chester S. Chard. Clans and tlhe Joking-Relationship among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by E. Colson. A Dualism in Pomo Cosmology, by A. Ml. Hlalpern. Acculturation in California Ail Forms, by Clement W. MIeighan. The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Renown in a Solomon Islands Culture, by Douglas L. Oliver. M1ioshier A New Iessianic Cult in Japan, by Ronald L. Olson. Eleven Incp Prayers from the Zithuwa Ritual, by John Ilowland Rowe. Culture Loss and Culture Change among the lficmas of the Canadian Mlaritime 1?rovincest 1912-1950, by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis. 'et Climates and Highl Civilizations, by Frederick R. lWulsin. 161 pp..*.....603.25 1954 No. 10 Racial Types in Northeastern Asia, by Chester S. Chard. The Selection of Recording Equipmcnt for Field Use, by Alan P. lierriam. Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela, by Carroll L. Riley. The Piro of the Urubambat by Esther AMatteson. 99 PP . . 6. ..X.$1.75 No. 11 The Travels of Coyotes A Iarok Myth, by 'ilillian Bright. riro Phonemes and MIorplhology, by Esther MIatteson. Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, by Francis A. Riddell. 121 pp.....$1.76 1955 No. 12 Aspects of Andean Native Life, by Oscar NWiiez del Prado. Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaeuar, by Esther Matteson. Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Mliwok and Northern Paiute, by Robert F. Heizer. Time Perspective in Ethnography, by John lowland Rowe. Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore:" A Research Lead, by Edward Norbeck. Relationships of Prehistoric Cultures of Coastal Mionterey County, California, by Arnold R. Pilling. 94 pp ... $1.75 No. 13 Primitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, by Robert F. Hleizer. The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland, by Pertti J. Polto. The Problem of Rlace in the Mesolithic of Europe, by Robert J. Squier. Physical Types of the Amxir-Sakhalin Region, by Clester S. Chard. A.' R. Radcliffe-Browm, by T. E. 1I. Stanner. 121 pp . 1$.75 1056 No. 14 Sonoma M.ission: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle, by Adan E. Treganza. A Survey of Balkan hlouses and Farm Buildings, by Majda Thurnher. Abstracts of Ph.D. Dissertations, University of California, 1946-1949. 108 pp... . 4$l.76 120