CONTENTS OF BACK NUMBERS OF TH-E KROEBER ANTEROPOILOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Prices for back issues of the Papers are quoted on page iv of this nunbor. Address all requests to the Kroeber Anthropological Socioty, c/o Departaont of Anthropology, University of California, Borkeley 4, California, No. 1 Pre-Colunbian Trade between North and South Arorica, by Chester S. Chard. Observations on Early Man in California, by Robe-rt F. Heizor. The Idabaoz: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, by John Howland Rowe. A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delawaro Culture fron Contenporary Sources, by Mary W. Heran. Black Market In Prerogatives the Northern Kwakiutl, by Ronald L. Olson. Nepenthe in Aboriginal America, by Franklin Fonenga. 86 pp.........$l.00 No. 2 Aninistic and Rational Thought, by Sol Tax. Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance, by John Howland Rowe. Southern Dieguenio Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials, by W. D. Hohenthal, Jr. The Presont Distribution of Indian Languagos in Highland Bolivia, by John F. Goins Kutsavi,- a Groat Basin Indian Food. by Robort F. Hoizor. Curront Theories on Incost Prohibition in the Light of Coreronial Kinship, by Charles J. Erasrus. The Indian Tribes of North Anorica, by David G. Mandolbaun. A Journoy up the Sa&biu Rivor to Visit the Choc6 Indians, by Arno Arbin. A Provisional Phonenic Analysis of Kisi, by Willian J. Sararin. 102 pp.......$l.50 No. 3 Lost Lako: A study of an agricultural cunity ostablishod on roclainied land, by Alan P. Beals and Thcmas McCorklo. 91 pp.........$l.50 No. 4 Olivo Oatrant s Return, by A. L. Kroober. A Glance at Statistical Procedure, by Thoras W. McKorne. Linguistic Eloeonts in Bird Vocalization, by David Nichols. Piro Myths, by Esther Metteson. 87 ppO.OOD400$1.65 No. 5 Suggostions for Field eRbcordirn6 of Infornation on the Hippocratic Classification of Diseases and Ronedios, by Goorge M. Foster and John H. Rowo. Papers the Trial of Foodor Bashnaakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1892. Translatod from tho Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comaonts by Dorothy Monzol. Now Light on tho Racial Ccaposition of Northoastern Siberia, by Chostor S. Chard. 87 pp.4.......$l.75 No. 6 The Tapajo6, by Curt Ninuendaj3i. Translatod and Edited by John How- land Rowo. A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earli- est Missionaries to Alaska. Translated by Ivan Petrov. The History of tho Guayquer{, an Approach to tho Anthropology of Northoastern Vonezuela, by Thoias McCorklo. 87 pp. ......$175 No.-7 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-164o, by Konnoth S. Lane. Shellfish Foods of the California Indians, by Robert S. Greengo. 113 pp.*.....*$1.75 No. 8-9 Walter B. Clino Moraorial Volunm Population Control and the Family in Foudal and Post-Restoration Japan, by Gordon T. Bowles. The Kanchadal: A Synthotic Sketch, by Chester S. Chard. Clans and the Joking-Relationship anong the Plateau Tonga of North- orn Rhodesia, by E. Colson. A Dualisri in Pono CosroloGy, by A. M. Halporn. Acculturation in California Awl Forns, by Cleont W. Meighan. Tho Relation botwoon Slit-Gongs and Renown in a Solonon Islands ..Culture, by Douglas L. Oliver. Mioshie: A Now Messianic Cult in Japan, by Ronald L. Olson. Elovon Inca Prayors fron the Zithuwa Ritual, by John Howland Rowo. Culturo Loss and Culture Change anong the Micnac of the Canadian Maritine Provinces, 1912-1950, by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis. HoQ Clinatos and High Civilizations, by Frederick R. Wulsin. 159 pp.* ..... $3.25 1954 No. 10 Racial Types in Northeastorn Asia, by Chostor S. Chard The Selection of Recording Equipent for Field Uso, by Alan P. Mer- rian. Notos on the Panare Indians of Vonezuela, by Carroll L. Riloy. The Piro of the Urubanba, by Esther Mattoson. 99 pp.......4$1*75 No. 11 The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Myth, by Willian BriGht. Piro Phonones and Morphology, by Elsther Mattoson. Clinato and tho Aboriginal Occupation of tho Pacific Coast of Alas- ka, by Francis A. Riddell. 121 pp.......e$175 No. 12 Aspocts of Andoan Nativeo Life, by Oscar D[0z d.d1 Prado. Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar, by Esther Mattoson. Executions by Stoning anong the Sierra Miwok and Northern Paiuto, by Robert F. Heizer. Tino Perspectivo in Ethnoeraphy, by John Howland Rowe. Trans-Pacific Sinilarities in Folklore: A Rosearch Load, by Edward Norbock. Rolationships of Prohistoric Cultures of Coastal Monterey County, California, by Arnold R. Pillint3. 94 pp..*....*.$l*75 No. 13 Prinitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, by Robort F. Hoizer. The Mesolithic Conbware Culture of Finland, by Pertti J. Polto. The Problon of Race in the Mesolithic of Europe, by Ro'bert J. Squier. Physical Types of the Arlur-Sakhalin Region, by Chester S. Chard. A. Ro Radcliffe-Brown, by W. E. H. Stanner. 121 I)pp.......$1.75