PHYSICAL TYPIES OF THE AMUR-SAKHALIN ]REGION Chester S. Chard In two provious papors in this series (1) tho writer presonted tho results of inportant post-war Russian field work on tho anthropometry of tho native peoplos of extrone northeastern Siberia: tho so-called "tPalaeo- Asiatics", the Eskimo, and the Lamut. Data on series of Alar Buryat and North Koreans wore also included as comparative material. Interosting con- clusions on the racial classification of the northern Mongoloids were out- lined, based on this and other new material. Other regions of Siberia have been the scone of similar work, and the results are equally worthy of our attontion. The Anur-Sakhalin region, se- lected for treatment in the prosont papor, has a probable significance for New World problems second only to northeastern Siberia. In addition it is of Interest by virtue of containing two peculiar and isolated racial types (reprosented by the Ainu and the Gilyak) which soen unrolated to the rest of tho Siberian population. Although previous anthroponetric data indicatod the racial conplexity of this area, any comparative analysis of this mterial was rendered very difficult by the differencos in nothod among the various investigators. For this reason it seems profitloss to devoto any space here to a consideration of the older sources. The 1947 field work was designed to renedy this 8situation by providing a uniforn series of neasurenents and observations on the various tribal groups. Tho task was carriod out by Debots' distin- guished colleaguo M. G. Levin, whoso prolininary report has been the najor source for the prosent paper.(2) His objective was realized to a considerable extent, although Levin admits the inadequacy of his Gold sample. In addition, I note that two outlying groups of potential significance, the Orochi and Udeho, were not coverod. Represented aro the following: Ainu of southern Sakhalin (58 males, 57 fenales); Gilyak from all three regional subdivisions, totalling 245 males and 209 fomales; Orok of Sakhalin (19 malos, 39 fonales); Negidal of the Angun River (52 males, 42 fenales); Ul'chi (125 males, 106 fenalos); and 50 nale Gold who had been transplanted to a colloctive on the new Russian territory of southorn Sakhalin. The group averagos for each sex of a series of forty measuremonts and obsorvations are given in Table 2 below, arranged so as to be comparable in overy way to Debotet data on north- eastern Siberia published proviously in this series.(3) As one would expect, the Ainu proved to diffor markedly from the sur- rounding Mongoloid population, and cloarly constituto a distinct type. They are described as being characterizod by swarthy skin color (darkest in the area), dark eyes (over 85D, very stiff hair which in 25,%Qof cases is wavy, great development of board and body hair, and a rather surprising incidence of opicanthus (35-40/)malthough their wider, straighter eye opening results in a general non-Mongoloid appearance. Although the face is flat, the malars are less prominent than among their flat-faced noighbors, and the facial 105 dimensions aro lower and narrower. Tho Ainu nose is especially notable. Its average width oxceeds that of any other people of Siberia or tho Far East; its bridge is considerably higher than that of the Siberian Mongoloids; the spine is straight, there is rather narkod projection of the alae, and trans- verse position of the nostrils is often observed. The average lip thickness in nalos Is tho highest recorded for Siberia and the Far East. The Ainu are tho only dolichocephalic group in the aroa, and also stand out by their greater absolute head longth. This is a sonewhat peculiar conbination of traits. As Lovin points out, such features as tho opicanthus, stiff hair and flat face belong with the Mongoloid sphere; while the wavy hair, thick lips and wide nose with its transverse nostrils suggest the Australoid types. Still other features (high nasal bridge, hirsutoness and facial dinonsions) align then with the Europeoid groups. Levin doos not fool that recent Mongoloid ad.nixturo can entirely account for the present Ainu appearance, and suggoets that it harks back to an ancient undifferentiated stage of racial dovolopnent in the general rogion of southeast Asia. Although an Isolated ninority in tho area, the Ainu type has exerted soue influenco on its neighbors, particularly the Gilyak. Curiously enough, Ainu features are noro pronounced. aong the nainland Gilyak than anong those of Sakhalin who live in nore direct proxinity to the Ainu. Greater beard development, sonewhat darker pigmentation, narrowor face, and a ten- dency toward dolichocephaly all suggost a considorablo Ainu admixture onong tho Gilyak on the mainland. This is also visible anong thc neighboring Ul'chi. The presonce of Ainu slavos fron Sakhalin has bcon suggosted to account for this elenent, and it is certainly a well-ostablished fact that ny hundreds wore held horo in the early l9th contury.(4) Levin, howevor, regards as still opon tho question of when and whence this Ainu elenent appeared, and does not rule out an earlier tine lovel or a different sourco. As the principal racial conponent of the arca, Levin has isolated a typo which ho labels, appropriatoly enough, "Sakhalin-Anur". This is describod as characterized by straight stiff hair, somewhat darker skin color than the Baikal type (to be discussed shortly), dark eyos and hair, and a narkod dovelop. nent of the opicanthus. There is a notable growth of beard (judgod by Mongoloid standards). The face is very wide and high. Tho bridge of the nose, though low, is not as low as in the Baikal typo; the spine is usually straight. The lips are conparatively thick. This physical type is nost strongly represented among the Gilyak, although it is also a njor conponent in tho U1' chi. Lovin bolieves it to be the indigonous type for the area, repre- senting the original Neolithic population. Unfortunately, there is a couplete lack of any prehistoric skeletal riaterial fron this region either to prove or disprove this hypothesis. It is certainly at least a possibility. Certain traits of the Sakhalin-Anur type, such as the darker pigLentation and greater lip thickness, are considored to point towards the southern Mongoloids, with the Koroeans viewed as the likely interndiaries. Apparently thcnvo rwa- 1 wl ertA(.ii (uinispnciflod) of rntutzlal gonotic influence botween 106 Korea and tho Anur area at somc previous tinLo-a situation which should hardly surprise us, and one which is suggosted by tho archaeological picture. Tho ronaining groups studied in the Amur-Sakhalin area are all Tungusic- speaking and considored to be relatively lato arrivals on the scono. It is hardly surprising that thoy reveal obvious affinities with thoir kinsmon, the Northern Tungus and tho Lauut, who are tho classic examples of what was formrly called the "Palacosiberian" type, but is now by coimon consont labelled "Baikal". The Orok satple is admittodly saml, but this is offset to sone oxtont by tho great honogoneity of the group. They roserible the Nogidal closely enoudgh so that the two can be treated as a unit, described as charactcrized by considorably lightor skin color (in conparison with the Gilyak), nuch lower percentago of dark eyos and hair, softer hair, weaker growth of board, very flat faco with jutting malars, very low-bridged nose, thinner lips and lower staturo. All these foatures aro characteristics of the Baikal type as ropresonted, for exanple, by the Lanut.(5) However, tho Orok and YLigidal differ fron the latter in their shorter, broador heads. Levin c,ncludos that they are a brachycephalic variant of the Baikal type. This would corrospond to the "Angun" type of Debots' Siborian classification bysten.(6) This typo shows up also among the Ul'chi as a ninor conponent, the Sakhalin-Amur typo being predoninant. Tho Gold havo ovidont affinities with the general Baikal type, but Levin does not fool that ho has an adequate sample to classify then properly. The group is scatterod over a large area, and reports indicato considerable variations in typo. (Debots favors setting up tho Gold as one of the four sub-types of the Baikal group). Based on the data presonted, we can sts4rie the probable racial history of tho Amur-Sakhalin area as follows. The original population (insofar as it is reflected in the presont native inhabitants) was of Sakhalin-Amur type, which has at least some southern links and now survivos bost among the Gilyak. In rolatively recent tines, Tungusic peoples ontered the area from tho north- west bringing tho variety of tho Baikal type which is characteristic of then today. Mixture with the older population produced the Ul'chi, The Ainu of southern S.khalin arc doubtless imrigrants from their honeland in Hokkaido in the not too distant past. Enslavenent of many of then in the early l9th century may account for the Ainu admixture visible axiong the nainland Gilyak. 107 TABLE 2 MEASUREMENTS FOR MALES BY AGE GROUPS-0/o GROUPS MEASURED 1. AINU GILYAK 2. Auur 3. Gulf 4. Sakhalin 5. 6. 7. OROK NEGIDAL UL' CHI 8. GOLD M U-E MEASUBMENNTS FOR FEMALES 1. AINU GILYAK 2. Amur 5* 6. 7. 3. c 4.' OROK NEGIDAL TUL' CHI ,Ulf Sakhalin m 4 or ;C\M 58 79 75 91 19 52 125 15.5 20.3 14.6 13.2 21. 17.3 19.2 w c'J cY) I C\U 32.8 35.4 42.7 41.8 21. 26.9 42.4 p 0 r C 51.7 44.3 42.7 45. 58. 55.8 38.4 0 z H 1601 1606 1603 1614 1544 1561 1604 197.6 190.9 189.1 186.9 186.1 186.7 190.3 153.6 154.6 154.8 159.1 159.3 156. 156.2 77.7 81.2 82.1 85.2 85.5 83.4 82.2 144.0 147.7 146.2 148.9 147.7 146.1 147.4 112.6 115.4 115.2 114.7 117. 116.4 115.5 50 8. 52. 40. 1597 188. 153. 81.5 145.6 113.9 57 54 65 90 39 42 106 19.3 27.8 24.6 22.2 43.6 23.8 21.7 28.1 50.0 50.8 46.7 28.2 35.7 49.1 52.6 22.2 24.6 31.1 28.2 40.5 29.2 1474 1508 1482 1497 1461 1473 1497 188.3 183.3 179.6 179.4 178.6 180.4 182.9 148.5 149.4 149.4 153.1 150.5 152.1 150.8 78.9 81.5 83.2 85.4 84.1 84.1 82.6 136.8 138.8 138.7 140.8 138.9 141.1 139.7 104.7 107. 107.4 107.6 108.3 109.6 108.4 108 i 0 i~~~~~~z :E A O 0K m H1 H O 60.6 63.0 63.6 64.2 63.9 64.1 62.8 66.0 59.3 59.2 58.8 60.5 61.5 61.0 58.6 51.9 52.5 52.9 52.4 50.6 52.9 52.1 53.5 48.4 46.7 46.4 47.7 47.9 47.5 46.9 40.0 37.0 36.4 38.6 38.1 36.8 37.0 38.1 35.6 33.4 32.8 35.1 34.5 33.6 34.1 PL4 CO c 0 0 0 ~ ~ E~ 66.1 59.2 57.4 60.4 60.1 57.7 59.4 57.7 6c. 9 56.6 56.o 58.4 56.8 55.2 58.2 77.5 71.2 69.0 73.8 75.9 69.5 71.1 71.1 74.6 71.9 70.6 74.1 72.2 70.9 72.7 19.7 18.6 18.9 19.9 19.2 18.7 18.7 20.1 18.2 17.2 17.1 18.6 18.1 17.7 16.6 58.2 51.5 51.3 53.6 54.3 51.1 51.1 54.2 53.6 45.5 46.7 49.5 48.5 47.3 47.2 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~01 __ H ~ ~ ~ ghr~ 9 C ao O ~C.) I n 4 co 8 r= o Ix H H H n 0 9 20.1 17.5 18.5 20.5 15.2 15.9 17.0. 18.1 20.2 19.2 18.4 19.1 15.1 16.4 16.8 132.6 137.7 137.2 137.1 133.5 136.9 135.1 137.4 127.3 130.3 128.5 129.7 128.4 130.2 128.1 1.90 1.24 1.23 1.22 1.05 1.19 1.14 1.12 1.44 1i. LA 1.03 1.00 1.08 1.10 1.06 2.02 1.75 1.96 1.84 1.68 1.69 1.65 1.76 1.74 1.20 1.48 1.42 1.49 1.21 1.22 1l9 C) 0 MA:LE 1. 2. 3.- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -I FEMALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. i NASAL SPINE _ EYE FOLD (13) 0 | 0 B U x0 0~~~~ H N E40~ ~ ~~~H 8 8~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~ MALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ______________________________I 7.0 21.5 6.8 7.9 26.3 9.6 27.2 12.0 71.9 56.8 63.5 70.8 52.6 65.4 6o.8 58.o 17.6 12.7 20.3 15.7 21.1 17.3 8.8 16.0 3.5 1.59 8*9 1.52 9.4 1.47 5.6 1.42 __ 1.74 7.7 1.58 3.2 1.62 14.0 1.78 1.79 1.97 1.97 1.89 1.42 1.81 1.90 1.78 1.74 1.95 1.50 1.62 1.59 1.85 2.24 2.28 1.68 1.92 2.29 2.49 1.61 1.93 2.53 2.56 2.00 2.37 2.47 2.79 1.81 1.85 2.48 2.44 1.50 1.74 2.36 2.39 1.92 1.92 1.98 2.14 FEMALE 1. 57*9 38.6 2. 59.3 38.9 3. 44.6 50.8 4. 34.8 6o.7 5. 28.2 71.8 6. 38.1 54.8 7. 53.8 44.3 i 3.5 1.33 2.11 1.58 1.72 1.33 1.35 1.35 1.8 -- 1.31 1.94 1.57 1.65 2.52 2.48 2.48 4.6 -- 1.34 1.97 1.72 2.18 2.36 2.43 2.43 3.4 1.1 1.35 1.97 1.48 1.90 2.40 2.44 2.44 -- -- 1.49 1.77 1.62 1.82 2.55 2.66 2.66 7.1 -- 1.40 1.83 1.88' 1.48 2.50 2.45 2.45 1.9 -- 1.42 1.80 1.60 1.73 2.48 2.50 2.50 110 5 DI 0 J. -- - 1.60 2.27 2.48 2.56 2.79 2.40 2.39 2.12 C\ H VP4 C\ H 0 j 0 0 Q ,. C\} , j C_ H co~ PA m- EE ? Sg co M On 1.74 1.49 1.53 1.57 1.26 1.71 1.82 1.38 2.35 2.60 2.55 2.42 2.42 2.54 2.66 2.54 36.2 49.4 53.3 57.2 31.6 52.0 64.8 44.0 2.64 2.44 2.28 2.34 2.22 2.00 2.50 2.66 1.66 1.44 1.52 1.59 1.37 1.48 1.29 1.42 1*02 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.00 1.02 1.02 11.00 1.70 1.58 1.69 1.71 1.42 1.44 1.54 1.34 1.82 1.53 1.28 1.41 1.42 1.27 1.72 1.44 1.14 1.014 1.10 1.014 1.16 1.06 1.06 1.02 2.28 1.42 1.61 1.51 1.74 1.63 1.61 2.04 63.2 35.8 24.1 44.1 45.5 8.9 40.9 32.4 1.74 1.68 1.78 1.54 1.26 1.62 2.43 2.68 2.63 2.49 2.42 2.70 39.3 83.4 73.9 73.0 60.6 73.8 1.79 2.52 75.2 2.98 2.85 2.86 2.79 2.56 2.81 1.00 1.00 1.09 1*02 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.26 1.26 1.35 1.35 1.38 1.14 1.75 1.25 1.46 1.53 1.87 1.43 1.22 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.16 1.00 2.26 1.27 1.24 1.37 1.74 74.o 73.6 52.5 41.7 41.2 7.3 2.92 1.00 1.00 1.14 1.74 1.01 1.71 46.7 111 I C, 0 WM-ALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5a 6. 7. - - i - - i 0 0 0 0~~~~~ 3. 92 2.1 2.1 71. 880O. 6. 11. 1.2 i.6 1. 59. 2.3 MALE 1. 26.3 4.33 2.81 7569 86.5 81.8 2. 20.9 2.11 1.99 44.6 86.0 33.3 3. 9.2 210 2.11 71.2 88.0 45.9 4 3.4 1.86 2.08 62.4 8090 48.5 5 9.0 1.60 1.63 26.4 44.4 36.4 6. 11.1 1.28 1.60 16.7 59.6 2.3 7. 6.1 1.76 1.90 33.8 74.4 18.5 8. 10.8 1.26 1.67 36.8 52.2 63.9 FEMAIE 1. 6.0 -- 2.25 69.6 96.5 79.6 2. -3.8 -- 1.50 71.9 96.3 44.2 3. 4.9 --1.49 81.4 80.0 31.2 4. ~1.2 --1.50 86.4 96.6 34.1 50 2.9 --1.31 45.2 86.1 22.8 6. 7.3 -- 1.24 25.0 76.2 7.5 7. 7.6 -- 1.82 26.9 94.1 17.7 112 NOTES (1) Chard, 1951; 1954 (2) Levin, 1949; additional discussion in Levin, 1950. (3) I have converted Levin' s figures to tho nearest one-tonth rnillineter (wholo nilliraoter in the case of stature) in order to bring his nrtrical data into ccnformonoo with those of Debets. (4) See Harrison, 1954. (5) For ccaaparative data on the Lanut, soe Chard, 1951 (tables). (6) Debets divides the Baikal typo into four local varieties. Ono, differontiatod by its brachycophaly (and geographic location) is ropresented by the Orok and Nogidal. The nano "tAgun" is derived fror the river along which the Negidal live. For an outline of Debets' classification, soe Chard, 1954. (1E,Graded 1-3. (8) Graded 1-3. (9) Gradod 1-3; 1 . raisod. (10) Graded 1-3; 1 * transverse. (11) Gradod 1-3; 1 weak. (12) Graded 1-3; 1 = woak. (13) Graded 0-3. (14) Gradod 1-3; 1 * narrow. (15) Graded 1-3; 3 * outer corner highur. (16) Graded 1-3; 1 x vory sloping. (17) Graded 1-4.. (18) Graded 1-3. (19) Graded 1-3; 1 3 vory proninent. (20) Graded 0-3; 0 * negative to plano of lower jaw. 113 (21) Gradod 1-3; 1 - prokheiliia. (22) Graded 1-3; 1 a attached (or grown togethor). (23) On nales over 25 years of age; graded 1-5. (24) Graded 1-3. (25) Inner surface of arm, No. 10 and darker. 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY Chard, Chester S. 1951 Now light on the racial corposition of northoastern Siberia. Kroeber Anthropological Socioty Papers, No. 5:26-477. Berkeley. 1954 Racial typos in northeastern Asia. logical Society Papers, No. 10:1-4. Kroober Anthropo- Borkoloy. Harrison, John A. 1954 The Saghalion trade: a contribution to Ainu studios. Southwostern Journal of Anthropology 10:278-293. Levin, M. G. 1949 Antropologicheakio issledovaniia na Anure i Sakhalino (Anthropological researches on tho Amur and Sakhalin). Kratkio Soobshchoniia, Institut Etnografii, Adadoniia Nauk SSSR, No. 5:25-31. Moscow and Leningrad. 1950 Antropologichoskio tipy Sibiri i Dal'nogo Vostoka (Anthropological Types of Siberia and the Far East). Sovotskaia Etnografiia, 1950, No, 2:53-64. Moscow and Loningrad. 115