:KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOC IETY PAPERS: Number- 13: BERKELEY, 1955 TTIE KROEBIER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PA.F~ERS NUNBER 13 Tho KroTbor Anthruipo1ogi cal Society Borkoloy, California Fall, 1955 TKE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Nurbeor 13 Fall, 1955 Published by tho Kroubor Anthropological Society Edward P. Lanning, Presidont; Octavio Romano, Vice President; Dwight T. Wallaco, Secrotary; Ann Norsworthy, Treasuror; Mildrod Dickorian, Editor; Portti J. Pelto, Assistant Editor; Robert J. Squior, Prograu Chairman. Address all correspondonce to: The Kroobor Anthropological Society c/o The Departnent of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Kroober Anthropological Society Papers publish articlus in thu general field of anthropology, including those which it is difficult, fur various reasons, to publish elsewhero. In addition to articles of theore- tical interest, the Papers will wolcore descriptive studios putting factual infornation on record, as well as bibliographies, linguistic toxts, vocabu- laries, and historical docurents of anthropological interost. The Socioty welcones student research papors of high quality. Manuscripts nust be typowritten, double spaced on good quality 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes (the Papers do not enploy footnotes) and bibliography should be placed on separate sheots. The bibliographic style to be followed is that used in this number of the Papers. Authors will note that the bibliographic stylo now in use is an ex- tended and nore consistont version of that enployed by the Anerican Anthro- 0ogt. The Society hopes that this revision will facilitate authors' labors, as well as its own. A style shoet containing further inforation concorning nannscripts and bibliographic stylo nay be obtained frora tho Society upon request. iii Authors will receive without charge twenty reprints of their articles. Additional reprints may be ordered at the price of ono cent per page. A sn extra charGe will be nade if illustrations must be reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their rauscripts, authors will be asked how nany additional reprints they desire. Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor Krocber Anthropological Society c/o Tho Departaent of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California INEPRMATION REGARDING STJBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK NUMBERS The Kroeber Anthropological Society offers four classes of subscrip- tions to its Papers: (1) individual nrenbership; (2) institutional sub- scription; (3) dual neubership; and (4) honorary membership. Holders of class i and 2 subscriptions pay a subscription fee of three dollars per annum. Holders of a class 3 subscription (two individuals receiving a joint copy, but casting one ballot each) pay four dollars per annum. Holders of class 1 and 4 subscriptions have one vote. Holders of a class 2 subscrip- tion have no vote. Back issues of the Papers ny be ordered at the follow- ing prices: Issue Members Non-members No. 1 $ .65 $ 1.00 No. 2 1.00 1.50 No. 3 1.00 1.50 No. 4 1.00 1.65 No. 5 1.00 1.75 No. 6 1.00 1.75 No-. 7 1.00 1.75 No. 8-9 2.50 3.25 No. 10 1.00 1.75 No. 11 1.00 1.75 No. 12 1.00 1.75 No. 13 1.00 1.75 The above prices are for the purchase of single issues. Non-nembers nay purchase all issues for any given year for the sun of three dollars. For further Information see end of the issue. iv PREFACE This thirteenth issue of the Kroeber Socioty Papers opens with an article by Robert F. Heizer, of the University of California faculty, wh'W is well known to readers of this publication. In his paper, ho presents a convincing survoy of mn' s impact on his natural environment, He thus places before our readers a valuable introduction to the field of human ecology, which has only rocently begun to receive fron anthropologists tho attention it deserves. A large portion of this issue is devoted to the fiold of nesolithic Europe. In his paper on the Finnish Mesolithic, Pertti J. Pelto nakes available to Enrglish readers for the first tine some of tho results of decades of Finnish archaoology, until now available only in the, original Finnish sources. Of larger scope is the analysis by Robert J. Squior of the available evidenco on the racial composition of nesolithic Europe. His critical presentation of the data, and of the major interpretations to which these data have beon subjected, is a rare unified troatment of an important period for which materials are widely scattered and specula- tions too often based on too little concrote evidence. The authors of both of our papers on the Mesolithic are graduato students at the Univer- sity of California, Berkeley. Chester S. Chard is failiar to readors of the Kroeber Society Papors for his series on northeast Asian racial types. In this issue, he again makes available inaccessible Russian naterial,Ahis tine on the races of the Amur-Sakhalin area. W. E. H. Stanner, of the faculty of the Australian National University, at Canberra, presented to the Departnental Seminar at Berkeley the menorial locture on A. R. Radcliffe-Brown which concludes this issue. We feel it gives a valuable personal content to our knowledge of an outstanding British anthropologist, as well as presenting to our Anorican audience an Australian' s assessment of his contributions. The Kroeber Society takes this opportunity to announce to its readers a new venture in publication, to begin in a forthcoming issue. It is gen- orally recognized that the field of anthropology has advanced to the point where nuch of the valuable research now being done fails to cone to the attention of those who would find it of most valuc. The nost salient ox- ample of this situation is the inability of anthropologists to obtain infor- uation readily on unpublished thosos in their fields of interest. In an attempt to alleviato this situation, the Kroober Society has decided to Publish titlos of theses in anthropology writton for the M. A. and Ph. D. d.egrees in the United States, begimirne with the next issue. The Society bs already begun contacting Departnents of Ainthropology for this purpose. Our list will include abstracts of theses writton at the University of alifornia, Berkeley. Our decision to include abstracts for our own Uni- versity alone is not partisan; rathor we feel that the limitations of our V small organization prevent the ideal solution, in which abstracts of all theses would bo published. We wish, thoreforo, to encourage other anthro- pological journals to consider the publication of abstracts of thoses fra other institutions, and we do this by setting a procedont which we sincoro- ly hope will bo followed by others. Mildred Dickenan Octavio Romano Editor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to expross our sincore thanks to all thoso whose generous assistance, through all phases of proparation and publication, nado pos- sible this issue of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. Special thanks go to John H. Rowo, who as faculty advisor to our Socioty has been of constant assistance and support. We again gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance given us by the Wenner-Grren Foundation for Anthropological Rosearch. Their geonerous grant for publishing equipnent has mde possible the continuing success of our publication. Edward P. Lanning Mildred Dickenan vi CONTENTS Preface, by Mildred. Dickenan v Primaitive Man as an Ecologic Factor, by Robert F. Heizor 1 The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Finland, by Pertti J. Pulto 32 The Problern of Race in tho Mesolithic of Europo, by Robort J. Squier 55 Physical Types of the Amur-Sakhalin Rogion, by Chester S. Chard 105 A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, by W. E. H. Stanmor 116 Contents of Past Nunbers of KAS Papers at end ILLUSTRATIONS Explanation of Platos I-VI 53 Plate I. Chart of Post-Glacial Developrients in Finland f. 54 Plate II. Map of Finland Showing Major MNosolithic Sites f. 54 Plato III. Map Showing Distribution of Clay Figures in Northern Europe; Inset Showing Conbware Qulture Area f. 54 Plates IV-VI. Finnish Mesolithic Artifacts f. 54 Plate VII. Sono Mesolithic Cultures of Europo opp. 58 Plate VIII. Map of Mesolithic Skeletal Finds in Europe Dpp. 66 Table 1. Measurenents of Mesolithic Skelotal Ronains 89 Tablo 2. Measurenonts of Anur-Sakhalin Physical Typos 108