ADDENDA To pages 112-121, add the following: Anderson, E, C,, Hilde Levi and. IH. Tauber 1953 Antevs, Ernst 1931. Copenhagen Natural Radiocarbon Measurements. Science, Vol. 118, No. 3053, pp. 6-9. Washington, D. C. Late-Glacial Correlations and Ice Recession in Manitoba. Canada CGeological Survey, Memoir 168. 76pp. Flint, E. F. Glacial Geoloig and the Pleistocene Epoch. Sons. 589 pp. New York. Possible European Correlatives of Wisconsin (Abstract). Golal Society of America, . 62, p. 1438. Baltimore. John Wiley and Glacial Substages Bulletin, Vol. 1953 Probable Wisconsin StUbstages and. ate-Wisconsin Events in Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada. Geo- logical Society of America, Bulletin, Vol. 64, pp. 897-919. Baltimore. ,-rnold, J. E. and W. F. Libby 1951 Radiocarbon Dates. Science, Vol. 113, No. 2927, pp. 111- 120. Washington, D. C. Libby, W. F. 1952 Quiinby, George 1954 Chicago Radiocarbon Dates, III. Science, Vol. 116, No. 3025, pp. 673-681. Washington, D. C. I. Cultural and Natural Areas Before Kroeber. American Anti quity, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 317-331. Salt Lake City. 1947 1951 Suess, H. E. 1954 U. S. Cteological Survey Ra4iocarbon Dates I. Science, Swadesh, Morris 1952 Lexico-Statistic Dating of Prehistoric Ethnic Contacts. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Vol. 96, No. ,pp 42-463. Philadelphia. 1954 Time Depths of American Linguistic rTroupings (a symposium). American Anthropologist, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 361-377. Menasha. EPBRATA Page 27, lines 1-4: read (5) pa 'one', 'another', 'some'. Occurs with nouns and adjectives: pa gogne '.some day' < pa 'some' + gogne 'day'. (6) wa Pause word, 'the', 'that', 'and', 'because': wa jeji 'the rn' i+-ya -V>i -Vya Locative, 'right there'. Serves also to show.... Page 41, line 42: -pa 72, not -pa, Page 42, line 1: read -maka 77 +-Vkta 76; retyaktaplu or tetyapaktalu 'in order for him to see Page 48, line 11: -Vtu 26 Nominal: not -Vtu Nominal: Page 51, line 20: -ko 52 Emphatic not -ko E3mphatic Page 53, line 3: -lu/li 25 Individual not -lu/li Individual Page 54, line 13: -ne 13 Posseasive not -ne Possessive Page 101, lines 21-23: read Jifferences in the chronologies can be ascribed primarily to the difference in latitude of the regions for which the various chronologies have been obtained.