THEE KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS NUMBER 11 Thb Krocbur anthropol.-)4Gical Sciciety BurkclLy, California Fb:ll, 1954 THE KROEBEIR ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Nuribor 11 Docembur, 1954 Published by thu Kroebur Anthropological Society Frank B. Bessac, Presidont; Toiu 0. Miller, Jr., Vice-Prosidont; Juno K. Harner, Socretary; Jo Ann Brock, Treasurer; Edward P. Lanning, Editor; Seth Loacock, Assistant Editor; Robert J. Squier, Program Chairrlan. Address all correspondence to: The Kroober Anthropological Socioty c/o The Departnent of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Kroeuber Anthropological Soci Pp publish articles inr the general field of anthropology, including those which it is difficuLt, for various reasons, to publish elsewherc. In addition to articles of theore- tical interest, the Papers will welcone descriptivo studios puttinyg fact- ual information on record, as well as bibliographies, linguistic texts, vocabularios, and historical docunents of anthropological interest. The Society is particularly anxious to publish student research papers of high quality. Manuscripts nust be typewritten, double spaced on good quality 8 1/2 by 11 inch papor, and on one side of the page only. Endnotes (the Papors do not employ footnotes) and bibliography should likewise be typewritten, double spaced thivuglout, and on one side of tho page only. The endnotes awt hlibo .pvhy should bo placed on soparate shoets. The bibliographic iii etyle to bu followed is that of thu Society for Anerican Archauology, as uxonplified in Thu Stratigraphy and Acaolo of Ventana Cave, Arizona, by Enil W. Haury. Further inforDation concorning the proparation of rnu- scripts may be found in the "Kroeber Anthropological Society Style Manual for Authors and Editors," a copy of which is on file in the Society's offic&i. Authors will receive three copies of the issuo of tho Papers in which their contribution appears. Reprints nay be ordered at the price of onu cent per pagob A snall extra charge will be made if illustrations nust be reproduced by photolithography. When notified of the acceptance of their nanuscript, authors will >e asked how nany reprints thoy desire. Manuseripts ahould be addressed to: Editor - Kroebor Anthropological Sociuty c/o The Departnent of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California INFORMATION REGARWING( SUBSCRIPTIONS AND PACK NUMBERS The Kroeber Anthropologioal Society offors four classes of subscrip- tlons to its Papers: (1) individual nonborship; (2) institutional sub- scription; (3) dual nembership; and (4) honorary nonbership. Holders of class 1 and 2 subscriptions pay a subscription fee of three dollars per annuri. Holders of a class 3 subscription (two individuals receiving a Joint copy, but casting one ballot each) pay four dollars per annun. folders of class 1 and 4 subscriptions hava one vote. Holders of a class 2 sub- scription have, no vote. Back issues of the Papers nay be ordered at thu following prices: Issue Members Non-nenburs No. 1 $ .65 1.00 Nk,. 2 1.00 1.50 No. 3 1.00 1.50 NY-. 4 1.00 1.65 No. 5 1.00 1.75 No. 6 1.00 175 NTO. 7 1.00 1.75 yo. 8-9 2.50 33.25 o. * 10 1.00 1.75 No. fiI 11 1.00 2.. (5 Th1 cs;>.tl.kA c.f liUL.b r. 1 t 9 :)I thi J?Aire will. LK .:ui' .t th,. ,1 *t'i .f i suc N N 8-- iv -PPREFAC E It is with groat pleasuru that the Kroebur Anthropological Society offors to its ;iaerers and readers nuber 11 of the Papers. It has boon the Society' s policy to publish papers which are ofton longer than those handled by most anthropological journals; in pursuance of this policy, number 11 contains two such long papers, and the total number of papers presented is accordingly limited to three. Willian Bright' s study of a Coyote tale among the Karok results large- ly from his own field work. As well as placing on record several brief texts, and thoroughly analyzing the variants of the nyth, this paper is bound to-delight Coyote fans by its lucid and entertaining narration. Mr. Bright is currently a candidate for the degree of PhD in the linguis- tics department at the University of California. Esther Mattoson, of the Instituto Lingiifstico do Verano at Yarinaco- cha, Peru, is by now faniliar to readers of the Papers. She has already contributed a paper on Piro nyths (number 4) and an ethnographic sketch of the Piro (number 10). With this paper on Piro phonenics and morpholo- gy, she makes a significant contribution to our knowledge of South American linguistics, a field which sorely needs such descriptive work. A Spanish translation of this paper, by Dr. J. M. B. Farfn, is to appear in the Revista del Museo Nacional, Li=a. Miss Matteson's "The Piro of the Uru- banba", which appeared in nunber 10 of the Papers, is also being translat- ed into Spanish for publication at a future date. The third paper presented in this issue, by Francis Riddell, is a conprehensive survoy of evidence on the carliest possible inhabitability of the various areas of southwestern Alaska and tho Aleutian Islands. It is the only published paper of its type in the field, and is noteworthy for its oxhaustive treatment of tho subject. Mr. Riddell is a graduate student in the departient of anthropologv at.Perk^l?y, and has spent three 81w,nnvn '1o51ii,-7 1 f1 ?l twcJi'o5j or in Al.ka. Edward P. Lanning Editor v AC1NOWTLEDGEMENTS We wish to offer our sincere thanks to those whose rames appear below, for their generous assistance in the preparation of this issue of the Kroeber Aroolical Society Paers: Robert Anderson James Bennyhoff Susanne Bessac Elizabeth Bright William Bright Jo Ann Brook Sylvia Broadbent Jean Burns Charles Camp Charmian Crittenden Alice Davis Arthur Freed Borys Malkin Frank Dodge Eugene Hanmel June Harner Michael Harner Bernard Hoffman Kathryn Huggins Sutti Lanning Seth Leacock Nancy Miller William Moore Arnold Pilling Francis Riddell Marianne Truscott Dwight Wallace Ftank Bessac Tcom Miller Edward Laning vi CONTENTS Preface, by Edward P. Lanning v The Travels of Coyote: a Karok Myth, by William Bright 1 Piro Phonemes and. Morphology, by Esther Matteson 17 I. Phonemes 17 II. Morphophonemics 21 III. Morphology 22 Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, by Franci8 A. Rid-dell 60 I. Introduction 60 II. Archeological Sunm2ary 61 III. The Chronological Sequence 66 IY. Correlation of Sequences 87 V. Conclusion 101 CHARTS AND MAPS Chart of the Versions of "The Travels of Coyote" 11 Map of Alaska Showing Extent of Present And Quaternary Glaciation opp. 62 Table I: Proposed Sequences of Climatic Succession opp. 88