KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Single copies of the following issues cani be purchased by non-members of the Society at the quoted prices; members can obtain back issues at the reduced prices quoted in issues of the Papers. Membership dues for any calendar year are $3.00 and entitle the holder to the issues for that year. Address all requests to the Kroeber Anthropological Society, c/o Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. 1950 No* 1 Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America, by Chester S. Chard. Observations on Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast, by John Howland Rowe* A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contem- porary Sources, by Mary W.7 Herman. Black Market in Prerogatives among the Northern Kwakiutl, by Ronald La Olsmce Nepenthe in Aboriginal America, by Franklin Fenenga. 86 pp........$1.00O No. 2 Animistic and Rational Thought, by Sol Tax. Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance, by John Howland Rowe. Southern Dieguen'o UJse and Knowledge of Lithic IMaterials, by W. Do Hohenthal, Jr. The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in highland Bolivia, by John Fo Goins. Kutsavi, a Great Basin Indian Food, by Robert F. IIeizer. Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship, by Charles JO Erasmus.o The Indian Tribes of North America, by David Go Mandelbaumo A Journey up the Sambul River to Visit the Cho c6 Indians, by Arne Arb in. A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi, by 15filliam Jo Samarino 102 pp.oe...0,$1.50 No. 3 Lost Lake: A study of an agricultural cormunity established on reclaimed land, by Alan Ro Beals and Thomas McCorkle. 91 pp**9.0...$4l,50 1951 No. 4 Olive Oatman's Return, by A. Le Kroebere A Glance at Statistical Procedure, by Thomas We McKern. Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization, by David Nichols. Piro Myths, by Esther Matteson. 87 pp*.. o *.*.$165 Nob 5 Suggestions for Field Recording of Information on the Hippo-. cratic Classification of Diseases and Remedies, by George Me oster and John H. Rowe. Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Bashmakoff for Sorcery at Sitka in 1892. Translated from the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comments by Dorothy Menzel. New Light on the Racial Composition of Northeastern Siberia, by Chester S. Charde. 87 ppo.v.*.... ].75 1952 No. 6 The Tapajo, by Curt Nimuendajueo Translated and Edited by John Howland Rowe, A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Juvenal, One of the Earliest Missionaries to Alaska. Translated by Ivan Petrov. The History of the Guayqueri, an Approach to the Anthropology of Northeastern Venezuela, by Thomas McCorkle. 87 pp.9.#o...$1l75 No. 7 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640, by Kenneth S. Lane, Shellfish Foods of the California Indians, by Robert S. Greengo. 113 pp...4..**$1.75 1953 Not. 8-9 7 a Volumnn Population Control and the Family in Feudal and Post- Restoration Japan, by Gordon T. Bowles. The Kamchadals A Synthetic Sketch, by Chester S. Chard. Clans and the Joking-Relationship among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, by Es Colson. A Dualizm in Pomo Cbsmnlogy, by Ao I* Halpern. Aooulturation in Californian Awl Forms, .by Clement .WY. Mighan, The Relation between.alit-Gongs and Renxwn in a Solomon nlslands Culture, by Douglas L. Oliver. e . l.oshie. ;:A NOw lssiniot0u1 J Olson, Elevon' Inca Prayors from the Zithuwa Ritual, by John Howland Romwe- Culture Loss and Culture Change am6ng,the Miomao of the Canadian Maritlme ProviuoB s, 1912-1950, by Wilson D. 161llis and Rfh Sawte.ll allis*. Hot Climates nnd High Civilizations, by Frederick Ro WJulsin. 161 pp. . . .. $3*25 ACKNOWLEDGEMEN TS We wish to offer our sincere thanks to those whose names appear below for their generous assistance in the preparation of this issue of the Kroebor Anthropological Society Papers: Robert Anderson Richard Bachenheimar Cherie Bennyhoff James BennyhoCff Thomas Bolt Evelyn Bristol Richard Brooks W7illiam Burd Marjorie Cline Lawrence Dawson Frank Dodgo Valma Evans William Evans Albert Elsasser WTinifred Elsasser Shirley Gudmundson Michael Harner Bernard Hoffman David Klinecke Patricia Kleinecke Seth Loacock Thomas McCorkle Margery McCorkle Thomas MoKern Dorothy Riddell Francis Riddell John H. Rw-e Paul Simonds Mary E. Shutler Evelyn Squier Robert Squier Marian Treganza Alv n Beals