Errata, KASP No. 6 Page iii, line 23: research not reasearoh Page 2, line 45: read twenty-four Page 3, line 47: thousand (&) nmt thousand (:) Page 8, line 38: mentioned not metnioned Page 14, line 23: Vila Franca xiot Villa Franca Page 38, line 34: me than the not me that the Page 42, line 12: approached n.t appreached Page 44, line 2: read proceeded Page 44, line 32: until not unitl Page 45, line 45: noise notEmoise Page 64, line 30: to asslgn not toassign Page 65, line 15: soon not soom Page 71, line 32: (1741 on the map) not (1745 on the map) Page 74, line 20: read meil Page 75, line 18: I?9, on the map, not 1799 Page 84, line 28: (first published in T741) rit (written in 1745) Page 86, line 10: enero-marzo not enero-marge