The KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS The Kroeberw Anthrboxological Society wishles to call attentiori to the pub licatiorn of Number s 2 a-nd 3 of its Papers arnd to prov:ide a resume of the contents of the first three issiies4 i4umoer 1 ^Jumber 3 Dedicated to Robert H. Lowie LOST LIAKE Professor of IAnthropology, Emeritus University of California i Study of an Agricultural Community Established on Reclaimed Land Chester S. Chard Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South A.merica by Robert F. Heizer Observations on Ea.rly Man in California Jlan R. Beals and Thomas McCorkle John Howland Rowe The Idabaoz: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast Mary W.'. Herman A Reconstruction of A`boriginal Contents Delaware Culture from Con- temporary Sources Introduction Ronald L. Olson Black Market Prerogatives I History among the Northern Kwakiutl II Making a Living Franklin Fenenga Nepenthe in Aboriginal .merica III Social Structure: Family and Class IV Social Structure: Informal and Formal 86 pages, 1 plate, 2 maps Gioups V The New Homesteaders Number 2 VI Social .djustment VII General Conclusions Sol Tax AInimistic and Rational Thought John H. Rowe Thoughts on Kmowledge and Ig- 92 pages, 1 plate, 4 maps, 25 tables norance ----- - - - - -~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - D. Hohenthal, Jr. Southern Diegueno Use and Know- ledge of Lithic Materials Subscription to the Kroeber Anthropological John F. Goins The Present Distribution of Society Papers is by membershiD in the society Indian Languages in Highlr.nd (annual dues, three dollars) A'dditional copies Bolivia of the Papers may be obtained at the following Robert F. Heizer Kutsavi, Ai Great Basin Indian prices: Food MIembers Non-Members Charles J, Erasmus Current Theories on Incest Number 1: $ .65 $1,00 Prohibition in the Light of Number 2: 1.00 1.50 Ceremonial Kinship Nurber 3: 1,00 1.50 David G. Mandelbaum The Indian Tribes of North Aimerica A;ddress communications to: A'rne 1,rbin I. Journey up the Sambu River to Visit the Choco Indians Kroeber Anthropological Society Tilliamn JO Samarin As Provisional Phonemic Anal- c/o Department of A`nthropology ysis of Kisi UJniversity of California Berkeley 4, California 102 pages, 1 map plate