KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number 3 This report was made possible through the cooperation of the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the University of California BERKELEY, 1950: Errata, KASP No. 3 Page 4, lines 17-18: Congregational Christian Churches not Congressional Chris- tian Churches Page 27, line 19: purchased not purchase Page 49, line 16: an additional not as additional Page 50, line 32: insert parenthesis after "machinist" Page 54, line 2: might have been not might be Page 55, line 34: read Other Necessities. .;age 57, line 19: preceding not preceeding Page 60, line 21: told not old Table 1: title should read 1948 not ,, 1938 A?2"-ble 7: Utilities (fuel, power, telephone) not Utilities (fuel) power, telephone Total of column 1 should read 101 not 102. Tabl.e tJ3: Total of column 1 should read 37 not 36; average number of man-days, 36.9 not 37.9. Total of columnn 3 should read 27 not 28; average number of man-days, 24.8 not 23.9. Not all ty)ographical errors hav- been >& ;ed The editors will be happy to receive notice oi otlher errors whiciih maU` ze meaning or reference unclear.