KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS N!umber 2 BERKELEY, 1950 KROBERPR ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number a Burkeley, Cal If ojrnia November, 1950 coNrJ2NS Johrr H. Rewc W.D. Hohenthal, Jr. John F. Goine Robert F. Heizer Charles J. Erasmus David G. knrdelbaum Arne Arbin William J. Samrin Animi sic and Rational Thvught Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance Southern Dieguefio Use and Knowledge of Lithlc Materials The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia Kutsavi, A Great Basin Indian Food Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in the Light of Ceremonial Kinship The Indian Trlbes of North America A Journey up the Sambd River to Visit the Choco Indians A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi 6 1L7 35 42 51 79 )1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The following people aided ime asurably in the production of this number of the Papers and we here wish to express our great appreciation to them. Alan Beals William Burd Patricia Cody Nancy Crenshaw Charmian Crittenden Charlot Davis Leroy Fischer Arthur Freed Mary Frances Gray Gvrdon Grosscup Shirley Gudmundson Mary Hall Michael Harner Alta Mae Harris William Hohenthal Jean Howard Donald Lathrap Susanne Leppman Dorothy Libby Adra Long Burton Lowrimore Shirley Marsh Clement Meighan Marie Page Lauretta Rhoda Francis Riddell Eugene Ogan John Rowe Laetitia Mohr Ruth Shelley Pearl Silverman Ray Smith Robert Squier Clara Stern Sheilagh Thompson Adan Treganza Mary Anne Whipple Nona Willoughby Burdett Zellmer William S. Evans, Publications Director, for the Executive Committee Richard Bachenheimer, Editor INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers publishes articles in the general field of anthropology, including those which it is difficult, for various reasons, to publish elsewhere. In addition to articles of theoret- ical interest, the Papers will welcome descriptive studies puttlng factual information on record, bibliographies, linguistic texts and vocabularies, and historical documents of ethnological interest. The Society is particularly anxious to publish student research papers of high quality. Papers will be accepted from non-members although priority will be given to those by authors who are members of the society. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced on &i x 11 inch paper, and on one side of the sheet only. Footnotes and the bibliography should be placed on separate sheets, also typed double spaced and on one side of the sheet only. The bibliography mut follow a standard form, as shown in the examples below. Author's name, the title of the book or article, and serial titles should be written out In full as they appear on the title page of the work cited. For serial publications the place of publication, and for books and pamphlets the place of publication and publisher, should be included in the bibliographic citation. For series: Skinner, Alanson 1909 "Lenape Indians of Staten Island. " Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural His vol. 3, PP. 36. New York. For books: Lowie, Robert H. 1948 Primitive Religion* Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York. (Revised edition; first published 1924.) Authors will receive three copies of the iseue of the Papers In which their contribution appears. Reprints may be ordered at a price of one cent per page. A small extra charge wlll be made if illuetrations must be re- produced by photolithography. Upon notification of acceptance of the man- uscript, authors will be queried on the number of reprints they desire. Address manuscripts to: William S. Evans (Publications Director) Kroeber Anthropological Society c/o Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4., California Subscription to the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is by membership only, at three dollars per year. Additional copies my be ordered at the following prices: Members: Non-members: No. 1 $ .65 $1.00 No. 2 1.00 1.50