Acknowledgements We wish to thank most heartily the following people for aiding in the preparation of the manuscript and the production of this number of the Papers: Patricia Cody Betty Creisler Joseph Creisler William Evans Allyn Fenenga Barbara Fenenga Franklin Fenenga Nancy Gilmer Robert Greengo Ch6rie Gr6goire Mary Hall Mary Herman Adra Long Claudia Madsen Consuelo Malamud Patricia Marks Dorothy Menzel Harold Nelson Marion Pearsall Arnold Pilling Dorothy Rainier James Robson Laetitia Sample Pearl Silverman Robert Squier Adan Treganza Nona Willoughby We also with to express our deep appreciation to Miss Charmian Crittenden, Mrs. Mary Anne Whipple, and Professor E. W. Gifford for their invaluable aid and moral support and to Professor John Howland Rowe for his ever-present helping hand and patience. Richard Bachenheimer Publications Director for the Executive Committee 86