ROBERT HARRY LOWIE DEDICATION This first issue of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is dedicated to Robert Harry Lowie, Professor of Anthro- pology and Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley, who becomes Professor Emeritus on July 1, 1950. Coming only four years after the retirement of Professor A. L. Kroeber, Professor Lowie's retirement is a severe loss to the Department, which has- thus been deprived of its two distinguished senior members in a period of four years. It is with deep regret as well as with admiration that his colleagues and students dedicate this initial issue to Professor Lowie. Professor Lowie, during the years of service with the Uni- versity helped shape the careers of many younger anthropologists who occupy chairs and positions of distinction in institutions throughout the country. It is of interest to recall the high- lights of his academic career in Berkeley: He first served as a visiting associate professor for the year 1917-1918. In 1921 he was invited to a permanent chair in anthropology in the Universi- ty, serving as associate professor from 1921 to 1925, and as professor from 1925 until his retirement. During the spring and summer of 1944 he was acting chairman of the department and there- after chairman. Many signal honors have been bestowed on Professor Lowie in recognition of his high attainments in anthropology. One of the last of these was the appointment as Huxley Lecturer and Medal- ist in 1949. We all wish him many happy years of health, years which we know will be spent in productive research in anthropology. E. W. Gifford on behalf of students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology